
Über Jason habits

Sep 26th, 2023
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  1. Suddenly, Cosgrove walked into the cubicle and Estep felt his own nerves become steadier in response to the man's presence.
  3. "What happened?" the chief asked.
  5. Looking up at Cosgrove, Estep opened his mouth to say, "the readings indicate she was violently dismembered with no warning," but what actually came out was: "Some psycho fuck just fucking hacked her to fucking ribbons."
  7. Cosgrove didn't bat an eye, possibly because Estep had spoken in such a calm and professional tone.
  9. "We know there's at least one machete; our regular visitor uses it on the undergrowth. You think he made her?"
  11. Estep hesitated. "If he did, there was something else going on besides Mara's cover getting blown. None of these people get violent with each other."
  13. "Right. They destroy property, not people. Drugs or illness, maybe." He seemed about to go on and then suddenly stood up a little straighter, a slight frown on his face. Estep knew he was listening to his comm link; whatever he was hearing, it wasn't good news.
  15. Abruptly, he leaned over the console and returned one of the other monitors. The display changed from a long shot of the protestors as seen from inside the console to a heavily enhanced close-up from a telephoto zoom. Even with the enhancement, however, it took a second or two before Estep realized he was looking at more than some damaged trees and a few torn up bushes, Stunned, he turned to look at Cosgrove. "Is that...?"
  17. Cosgrove responded by making a few more adjustments. A graphics program woke up and went to work quickly, erasing select portions of undergrowth. Interpolating from known data, it filled in the rest of the face that had been partly obscured behind the leaves and branches. Within a minute, Estep could see not only that it was Sawyer Orestes but also that it was only Sawyer Orestes's head, impaled on the end of a thick branch stuck in the ground like a post.
  19. "Yes," Cosgrove said matter-of-factly. "It is."
  21. Stunned, Estep turned to look at him. "You don't think it was that other girl?"
  23. Cosgrove shook his head solemnly. "No. She'll be next, though, if she isn't dead already. And I know for sure it's not one of us. Obviously, we have a surprise mystery guest who doesn't like our protestor friends, and whoever it is may not like the power station any better." He barely paused as he returned the rest of Estep's monitors. "I'm closing Mara and filing everything we've got as is. This is your new assignment."
  25. Jason X: The Experiment, chapter 4
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