

Jul 9th, 2018
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  1. QnDebShadow: Welcome. Please come inside, in front of me when you are loaded :)
  2. QnDebShadow: hahaha you really blend in
  3. TheBloodKnight666: hahah thank you
  4. QnDebShadow: You must have talked with King Sai?
  5. TheBloodKnight666: Only briefly when I stumbled into the recruiting room for the first time where he kindly answered some of my questions
  6. QnDebShadow: He is the best. He is also my Brother :) love him to pieces
  7. TheBloodKnight666: Oh I didn't know that, it's a real pleasure to get the chance to meet his sister -bows in respect- And yes he did make a very good first impression ^^
  8. QnDebShadow: He always does. He taught me almost everything i know here lol.
  9. QnDebShadow: So, what made you want to role play, in general?
  10. TheBloodKnight666: Then I'm sure that I can learn a lot from you both, should I survive the trial.
  11. TheBloodKnight666: Hmm, well I guess it started off with just getting the chance of doing stuff that you could never do or would never happen in real life, that combined with my lively imagination just fit really well and so I started to look for others that enjoyed roleplaying as well and started to try and write books in my free time to use this imagination off mine in the best way
  12. TheBloodKnight666: Also back when I was younger I often enjoyed role playing games and never really knew how to continue this as I grew older until I one day stumbled across role playing like this.
  13. QnDebShadow: oh, you write? That is awesome
  14. TheBloodKnight666: Oh well, I try at least ^^" I can't really say that what I have written until now too great but its in progress
  15. TheBloodKnight666: but thank you
  16. QnDebShadow: i remember when i thought role playing was dumb lmao. when i joined imvu was just to get to meet people. Guy i was seeing brought me into role playing and now here i am, 8 years later
  17. QnDebShadow: it always takes time to get something done right, so dont lose heart
  18. TheBloodKnight666: Oh? but that's fascinating isn't it? I mean hearing how others got into role playing in their own ways I always think is really fascinating and inspiring.
  19. TheBloodKnight666: Yeah you're right, i'm not willing to give up on these book sjust yet. thank you
  20. QnDebShadow: about 6 years ago i got involved with a group that was para rp, and it was fun, but rl happens and i had to stop, i ended up with no internet for a year
  21. TheBloodKnight666: oh no that sounds horrible, rl can really get in the way sometimes....but I guess being without internet also gave you chance to like "enjoy the silence"? without a phone or computer to inform you of pending messages or emails and just being able to and exist kind of...or maybe that sounds odd?
  22. QnDebShadow: What about Kaz'geroth made you interested in roleplaying here, to fill out a form and join?
  23. QnDebShadow: No at first i hated it, then got used to it but boy when we got it back i couldnt wait to get back
  24. TheBloodKnight666: Well I was quite unsure about joining since I never really dared to try and join an actual rp group before, and certainly not one as big as Kaz'geroth. But people really took their time to answer my questions and reassure or encourage me to dare and fill out that application and send it. Also I think its brilliant how you also have an OOC room where you can kind off, and you accept that fact that we're all just people. And even though I'm still nervous and really have no idea how well I'll manage im reassured by the fact that people here really seem to take care of each other and there are strict rules that are to be followed. It kind of feels like an safe environment where I wont be judged even if I'm not a genius at roleplaying or would happen to make a mistake.
  25. TheBloodKnight666: Hmm yeah I guess I get you, I mean if you had such an awesome rp group to return too the loss of internet must have really sucked...
  26. QnDebShadow: You are right, we do take care of each other. There are a lot of us willing to teach, help someone out in any way.
  27. QnDebShadow: Judging is not in our vocabulary lol
  28. TheBloodKnight666: I'm really glad to hear that, it's really reassuring for a "newby" like me that's new to most of this.
  29. QnDebShadow: there is one very strict rule...attendance. Any time you think you will be gone for more than 3 days, you will need to let someone know or put it in the away tab in Discord
  30. QnDebShadow: If you dont have discord, you are encouraged to get it, thats where all the rules, iupdates etc get announced
  31. TheBloodKnight666: Yes, I heard and read about that, and I will be installing the discord app as soon as this interview is over, unless I mess up this interview and blow my chance of course hehe
  32. QnDebShadow: I will give you the link if you pass so you can join
  33. QnDebShadow: Are you on often?
  34. QnDebShadow: imvu that is
  35. TheBloodKnight666: Thank you, I really appreciate that.
  36. TheBloodKnight666: Well I used to not go onto imvu too regularly but that was because I never really found an rp group that "had me hooked" or would be on all the time and I quickly grew tired of searching for now rp rooms every time I logged on. But now with an actually active group I will try to be online as often as I can since I now actually have a place and people to chat/rp with.
  37. QnDebShadow: imvu can be pretty boring if you dont have people to chat with
  38. TheBloodKnight666: Indeed it can
  39. QnDebShadow: I see you have chosen 3 roles. Servant/slave...which you will be taking care of everyone....Guards/Vassals/Commanders/Soldiers....which would be under any Sin you decide to serve under....and Personal Guard/Personal Butler/Personal Slave...again to serve under any Sin you choose. Out of those 3, which one would you want to choose as the main choice
  40. TheBloodKnight666: I would be the "most interested" in any sort of Guard or Slave role, if personal or not would not matter too much to me. My concern would just be that I would need a role where I am suppoused to take orders since that gives me a "guideline" as to what is expected of me and how to play my character in the best possible way...if that makes any sense
  41. QnDebShadow: it does, but so you know, slaves are not allowed to move to a higher position, once a slave, you stay a slave
  42. QnDebShadow: so servant would be a better choice if you went that route
  43. TheBloodKnight666: I could live with that....But perhaps you are right and servant would be a better choice...yet as long as my character can be of any use I'm satisfied and in the end I will be happy to take on any of these roles that I am given.
  44. QnDebShadow: you never know, once you see what all goes on, you may want to move up
  45. TheBloodKnight666: That's a very good point you're making here...
  46. QnDebShadow: We do not allow talk of politics, from any country. It tends to cause fights, drama, break up friendships and puts wedges between members. We also do not talk about health or mental issues. Most people come on to get away from that, and even had some people leave because the discussion was too depressing
  47. QnDebShadow: there are some of us that will go to a pc or chat on Discord if another has a need for someone to talk to
  48. TheBloodKnight666: wow okay that discussion must have been really bad then...but of course I understand, no talk about politics or health/mental issues.
  49. TheBloodKnight666: oh that's very nice of them, people really take care of each other here and show support...that's amazing
  50. QnDebShadow: may be a hell based rp, but we try to treat other well outside of rp, you know?
  51. TheBloodKnight666: of course, It has nothing to do with the hell based rp, I'm just positively surprised since it has become quite rare to find such comradeship in any chat or rp room, or at least honest one will say.
  52. QnDebShadow: tell me a bit about your character and his abilities
  53. TheBloodKnight666: It'd be a pleasure: His name is Redmond Crawford even though he greatly prefers to simply be called Red, which you most likely already knew. He was born with a shapeshifter as mother and demon general as father whereas he never met his mother since she died after she gave birth to him. Given the circumstances of his birth he was branded a "cursed" child already from the start which ended up with him and his father on the run where they tried to start a new life outside of their home kingdoms' borders. This ended up with his father executed in front of him which scarred him quite deeply and birthed a burning hatred for women given as his mother was the cause of their forced escape and a female soldier to be the one to "sell out" his and his fathers whereabouts which then finally led to his fathers execution. Seeing as Red did not really have a very existent childhood he occasionally tends to show some childish behaviour. Otherwise Red is a mostly quiet young man that prefers to have something to do or just use his free time to learn new things of train. He can be quite hot headed sometimes and rude or sarcastic sometimes but that is mostly when he's just annoyed or has a bad day. he prefers to take orders instead of giving them since he can't handle too much responsibility too well yet. Will have trouble taking orders from people the same rang as him though if they haven't earned his respect yet but will follow orders from people abowe him without too much hesitation. His abilities consist of: control of shadows which allow him to form himself to manipulate them as they wish to blend into them or form himself a weapon or even manipulate a persons movement to a certain degree as long as their shadow is visible. Along with that he has the ability to shape shift not only his whole body but also only certain body parts at once, enabling him to shift his arm into a dragons talon for example. His blood is also quite "unique" seeing that his shape shifting and demon blood have created a delicate mix of strong blood that boost his healing factor and grants anyone that were to drink from him a temporary "magic/energy boost".
  54. QnDebShadow: When a Sin enters a room, they are to be addressed as Lord(name) or Lady(name). Most, after the initial greeting, dont need the titles. We worked hard for the title and would like to be addressed as such. Same for when you are greeted by a Sin when you enter the room.
  55. QnDebShadow: I will provide the list once we finish if i pass you to trial
  56. TheBloodKnight666: Of course I understand.
  57. TheBloodKnight666: Yet if more than one Lord or Lady is in the room would it be okay to greet them as "Lords and Ladies" or is everyone to be addressed seperately?
  58. QnDebShadow: separately, please
  59. TheBloodKnight666: Okay I will remembar that, thank you.
  60. QnDebShadow: There are times King Sai calls meetings, all members and trialists are encouraged to attend. Sometimes battles are discussed, when wanting to take over another Sin circle. If you attended one of these meetings, and you thought you would have nothing to contribute, would you walk away from Kaz, or would you offer assistance in any way, shape or form?
  61. TheBloodKnight666: I would never walk away as long as I can provide assistance in any possible way.
  62. QnDebShadow: if you pass to trial, it will be for 2 weeks. If you want a position in the higher ranks after that 2 weeks...Vassal to a Sin or a Sin, you will be put on trial for a week in that position to see how well you do
  63. TheBloodKnight666: Understood.
  64. QnDebShadow: Do you have anything against race, color, gender, sexual orientation?
  65. TheBloodKnight666: By the spirits no of course not.
  66. QnDebShadow: Do you have any enemies we should be aware of?
  67. TheBloodKnight666: No, I do not.
  68. QnDebShadow: are you involved with any other kingdoms with Red or another character?
  69. TheBloodKnight666: No I am not.
  70. QnDebShadow: Rules are made in accordance of each mod present and finalized by the King. These rules can be changed, removed, or added AT ANY TIME. If there have been any changes to the rules, an announcement will be posted on the group page and the discord. Since you submitted the app you acknowledge that you’ve agreed to our rules and you are liable to be terminated if any of our rules are broken. You will be given one warning, then disciplinary action will be taken depending on the offense.
  71. TheBloodKnight666: Of course, I understand.
  72. QnDebShadow: Please keep in mind that we are not as strict as we appear first glance. We joke, we play, but everyone has their boundaries. If something bothers you PLEASE take the matter up with that individual (in private), unless its a group offense you can state it in room. DOCUMENT EVERYTHING (Screenshots only, i say this because copy logs can be altered.). If the behavior continues then present the evidence to the mods and it will be reviewed thoroughly and dealt with. If you do not have sufficient proof but can provide 2 witnesses who can confirm the accusations, the individual(s) will be warned. If you have no proof or no witness that can confirm then none of us can help you.
  73. TheBloodKnight666: Understood.
  74. QnDebShadow: Do you have any questions for me?
  75. TheBloodKnight666: No. Or at least not right now. If i were to suddenly be unsure about anything would it be okay to contact you or how should I deal with questions that might arise in the future?
  76. QnDebShadow: you can contact myself, another Sin or King Sai himself, whomever you wish to ask
  77. QnDebShadow: or ask it in Discord, in general chat, someone will give you an answer
  78. QnDebShadow: so, im not even going to think about it...i am passing you onto trial as a servant, now it is up to you if you want to be servant to all or to a Sin but you dont have to decide now
  79. TheBloodKnight666: Alright thank you I will remember that.
  80. TheBloodKnight666: wait the interview is really already over? so...I passed?
  81. QnDebShadow: yes, you did, this was actually the longest interview i have done, but thats ok, got to know you a bit more
  82. QnDebShadow: now you just need to get Discord
  83. TheBloodKnight666: wow...thank you so much this is amazing. and sorry about taking up so much of your time hehe...
  84. QnDebShadow: oh its no bother, i enjoy interviews
  85. TheBloodKnight666: I actually already set it up during the interview... ^^
  86. TheBloodKnight666: Phew, I'm glad to hear that
  87. QnDebShadow:
  88. QnDebShadow: i also sent you the list of the Lords and Ladies
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