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a guest
Apr 17th, 2020
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text 8.77 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Preparing...
  2. Checking dependencies...
  3. Warning: avahi optionally requires libevent: libevent bindings
  4. Warning: groff optionally requires netpbm: for use together with man -H command interaction in browsers
  5. Warning: pacman optionally requires perl-locale-gettext: translation support in makepkg-template
  6. Warning: python-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python-lxml: alternative HTML parser
  7. Warning: python-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python-html5lib: alternative HTML parser
  8. Warning: python2 optionally requires python2-setuptools
  9. Warning: python2-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python2-chardet: to autodetect character encodings
  10. Warning: python2-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python2-lxml: alternative HTML parser
  11. Warning: python2-beautifulsoup4 optionally requires python2-html5lib: alternative HTML parser
  12. To remove (113):
  13. chmlib 0.40-5 extra
  14. cmake 3.17.1-2 extra
  15. extra-cmake-modules 5.69.0-1 extra
  16. glib2-docs 2.64.2-1 core
  17. gobject-introspection 1.64.1-2 extra
  18. graphviz 2.42.3-3 extra
  19. gtk-doc 1.32+37+gefc3644-1 extra
  20. gts extra
  21. help2man 1.47.13-1 extra
  22. itstool 1:2.0.6-1 extra
  23. jsoncpp 1.9.2-1 extra
  24. libevent 2.1.11-5 core
  25. libunrar 1:5.9.2-1 extra
  26. mathjax2 2.7.8-1 community
  27. meson 0.54.0-2 extra
  28. minizip 1:1.2.11-4 core
  29. netpbm 10.73.31-1 extra
  30. ninja 1.10.0-1 community
  31. optipng 0.7.7-1 community
  32. perl-locale-gettext 1.07-8 extra
  33. python-anytree 2.8.0-1 extra
  34. python-apsw 3.31.1-1 community
  35. python-babel 2.8.0-4 community
  36. python-beaker 1.11.0-3 extra
  37. python-css-parser 1.0.4-3 community
  38. python-dateutil 2.8.1-3 community
  39. python-dnspython 1.16.0-3 community
  40. python-docutils 0.14-4 community
  41. python-feedparser 5.2.1-5 extra
  42. python-html2text 2019.8.11-4 community
  43. python-html5-parser 0.4.9-2 community
  44. python-html5lib 1.0.1-7 community
  45. python-imagesize 1.2.0-1 community
  46. python-jinja 2.11.2-1 community
  47. python-lxml 4.5.0-1 extra
  48. python-mako 1.1.2-1 extra
  49. python-markdown 3.1.1-4 community
  50. python-markupsafe 1.1.1-3 extra
  51. python-mechanize 1:0.4.5-1 community
  52. python-msgpack 1.0.0-1 community
  53. python-pygments 2.6.1-2 community
  54. python-pyqtwebengine 5.14.0-3 extra
  55. python-pytz 2019.3-3 community
  56. python-regex 2020.2.20-1 community
  57. python-sgmllib 5.2.1-5 extra
  58. python-snowballstemmer 2.0.0-3 community
  59. python-sphinx 3.0.1-1 community
  60. python-sphinx-alabaster-theme 0.7.12-3 community
  61. python-sphinx_rtd_theme 0.4.3-4 community
  62. python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2-1 community
  63. python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 1.0.2-1 community
  64. python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 1.0.3-1 community
  65. python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1-4 community
  66. python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 1.0.3-1 community
  67. python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 1.1.4-1 community
  68. python-unrardll 0.1.4-2 community
  69. python-webencodings 0.5.1-4 community
  70. python2-appdirs 1.4.3-5 extra
  71. python2-apsw 3.31.1-1 community
  72. python2-babel 2.8.0-4 community
  73. python2-chardet 3.0.4-4 extra
  74. python2-css-parser 1.0.4-3 community
  75. python2-dateutil 2.8.1-3 community
  76. python2-dbus 1.2.16-1 extra
  77. python2-dnspython 1.16.0-3 community
  78. python2-docutils 0.14-4 community
  79. python2-enum34 1.1.9-1 community
  80. python2-feedparser 5.2.1-5 extra
  81. python2-html2text 2019.8.11-4 community
  82. python2-html5-parser 0.4.9-2 community
  83. python2-html5lib 1.0.1-7 community
  84. python2-idna 2.9-1 extra
  85. python2-imagesize 1.2.0-1 community
  86. python2-jinja 2.11.2-1 community
  87. python2-lxml 4.5.0-1 extra
  88. python2-markdown 3.1.1-4 community
  89. python2-markupsafe 1.1.1-3 extra
  90. python2-mechanize 1:0.4.5-1 community
  91. python2-msgpack 0.6.2-3 community
  92. python2-netifaces 0.10.9-3 community
  93. python2-ordered-set 3.1.1-1 extra
  94. python2-packaging 20.3-1 extra
  95. python2-pillow 6.2.1-1 community
  96. python2-psutil 5.7.0-1 community
  97. python2-pygments 2.5.2-2 community
  98. python2-pyparsing 2.4.7-1 extra
  99. python2-pyqt5 5.14.2-1 extra
  100. python2-pyqtwebengine 5.14.0-3 extra
  101. python2-pytz 2019.3-3 community
  102. python2-regex 2020.2.20-1 community
  103. python2-requests 2.23.0-1 extra
  104. python2-setuptools 2:44.1.0-1 extra
  105. python2-sip-pyqt5 4.19.22-1 extra
  106. python2-six 1.14.0-1 extra
  107. python2-snowballstemmer 2.0.0-3 community
  108. python2-sphinx 1.8.5-4 community
  109. python2-sphinx-alabaster-theme 0.7.12-3 community
  110. python2-sphinxcontrib-websupport 1.1.2-3 community
  111. python2-typing community
  112. python2-unrardll 0.1.4-2 community
  113. python2-urllib3 1.25.8-2 extra
  114. python2-webencodings 0.5.1-4 community
  115. qt5-location 5.14.2-1 extra
  116. qt5-webchannel 5.14.2-1 extra
  117. qt5-webengine 5.14.2-1 extra
  118. rapydscript-ng 0.7.20-1 community
  119. re2 1:20200401-1 extra
  120. rhash 1.3.9-1 extra
  121. sip 4.19.22-1 extra
  122. snappy 1.1.8-1 extra
  123. vala 0.48.3-1 extra
  124. xmlto 0.0.28-3 extra
  125. xorg-server-xvfb 1.20.8-1 extra
  127. Total removed size: 548.8 MB
  128. Apply transaction ? [y/N]
  129. Transaction cancelled.
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