Guest User


a guest
Aug 2nd, 2018
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  1. # Servidor: --
  2. # Versão: 1.0
  3. # Dev: SrJack
  4. On Any Movement:
  5. If {congelado.%player%} is set:
  6. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê está congelado!" to player
  7. Teleport player to player
  8. Cancel event
  9. Stop
  10. Every 4 Minutes:
  11. Make console execute command "minecraft:kill @e[type=Item]"
  12. Stop
  13. On Skript Load:
  14. Delete {whitelist}
  15. Stop
  16. On Server Ping:
  17. Set motd to "&e&lCraft&6&lGod &7(1.8*)%nl%&6&lVOLTAMOS!&c&n Venha Jogar!"
  18. Set max player count to 1200
  19. Stop
  20. On First Join:
  21. Wait 2 ticks
  22. Kill the player
  23. Stop
  24. On Connect:
  25. If {whitelist} is set:
  26. If {whitelist.%player%} is not set:
  27. Kick the player due to "%nl%&c( &cServidor em Manutenção, você foi kickado! &c)%nl%"
  28. Stop
  29. If {whitelist} is not set:
  30. If {anti-bot.%player%} is not set:
  31. Set {anti-bot.%player%} to true
  32. Kick the player due to "%nl%&a( &aSua conexão foi verificada, por favor relogue-se! &a)%nl%"
  33. Wait 2 ticks
  34. Send "&5&l- &f%player% foi verificado(a)!" to console
  35. Wait 6 minutes
  36. Clear {anti-bot.%player%}
  37. Delete {anti-bot.%player%}
  38. Stop
  39. On RightClick:
  40. If player's held item is a arrow named "&cSair do modo Admin" with lore "&7Botão Direito":
  41. Delete {admin.%player%}
  42. Reveal player from all players
  43. Loop all players:
  44. If loop-player have permission "admin.use":
  45. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% saiu do modo Admin!" to loop-player
  46. Make console execute command "minecraft:gamemode 0 %player%"
  47. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% clear"
  48. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% 6 1 100 true"
  49. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% saturation 1 100 true"
  50. Make console execute command "minecraft:clear %player%"
  51. Stop
  52. On Drop Arrow:
  53. Cancel event
  54. Stop
  55. On Quit:
  56. Set quit message to ""
  57. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %player% ~ ~ ~ particle flame ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1 0.1 20 force"
  58. Stop
  59. On Join:
  60. Set join message to ""
  61. Extinguish the player
  62. Delete {congelado.%player%}
  63. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %player% ~ ~ ~ particle flame ~ ~ ~ 1 0.5 1 0.1 20 force"
  64. Wait 2 ticks
  65. Delete {admin.%player%}
  66. Set {nick.%player%} to "%player%"
  67. Set {ip.%player%} to "%IP of player%"
  68. Delete {uiid.%player%}
  69. Reveal player from all players
  70. Reveal all players from player
  71. Wait 2 ticks
  72. Loop all players:
  73. If {admin.%loop-player%} is set:
  74. If player doesn't have permission "admin.use":
  75. Hide loop-player from player
  76. If player have permission "admin.use":
  77. Reveal loop-player from player
  78. Loop 200 times:
  79. Send "" to player
  80. Wait 2 seconds
  81. Loop 200 times:
  82. Send "" to player
  83. Send " &7Bem-vindo %player% ao NomeDoServidor!" to player
  84. Send " &7Servidor de RankUP com atualmente %number of all players% online(s)!" to player
  85. Send " &7Bom jogo!" to player
  86. Send "&r " to player
  87. Make console execute command "minecraft:playsound random.levelup %player% ~ ~ ~ 100 2"
  88. Stop
  89. Command /troll [<text>] [<player>]:
  90. Permission: troll.use
  91. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &cVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  92. Usage: &7...
  93. Trigger:
  94. If arg-1 is not set:
  95. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll descongelar <jogador>" to player
  96. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll congelar <jogador>" to player
  97. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll crash <jogador>" to player
  98. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll launch <jogador>" to player
  99. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll cage <jogador>" to player
  100. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll queimar <jogador>" to player
  101. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll desqueimar <jogador>" to player
  102. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll raio <jogador>" to player
  103. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll buraco <jogador>" to player
  104. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll viciar <jogador>" to player
  105. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll inventario <jogador>" to player
  106. Stop
  107. If arg-1 is set:
  108. If arg-2 is not set:
  109. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /troll %arg-1% <jogador>" to player
  110. Stop
  111. If arg-2 is set:
  112. Arg-1 = "Descongelar":
  113. Loop all players:
  114. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  115. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% descongelou %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  116. Delete {congelado.%arg-2%}
  117. Stop
  118. Arg-1 = "Congelar":
  119. Loop all players:
  120. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  121. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% congelou %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  122. Push the arg-2 downwards with force 100
  123. Wait 1 second
  124. Set {congelado.%arg-2%} to true
  125. Stop
  126. Arg-1 = "Crash":
  127. Loop all players:
  128. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  129. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% crashou %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  130. Show 9999999999999 "smoke" particles at location of arg-2 for arg-2
  131. Stop
  132. Arg-1 = "Launch":
  133. Loop all players:
  134. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  135. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% fez %arg-2% pular alto..." to loop-player
  136. Push the arg-2 upwards with force 2
  137. Stop
  138. Arg-1 = "Cage":
  139. Loop all players:
  140. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  141. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% prendeu %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  142. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~10 ~ bedrock"
  143. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~1 ~11 ~ bedrock"
  144. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~-1 ~11 ~ bedrock"
  145. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~11 ~1 bedrock"
  146. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~11 ~-1 bedrock"
  147. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~1 ~12 ~ snow_layer"
  148. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~-1 ~12 ~ snow_layer"
  149. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~12 ~1 snow_layer"
  150. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~12 ~-1 snow_layer"
  151. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~13 ~ bedrock"
  152. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ setblock ~ ~14 ~ snow_layer"
  153. Make console execute command "minecraft:tp %arg-2% ~ ~11 ~ 0 0"
  154. Stop
  155. Arg-1 = "Queimar":
  156. Loop all players:
  157. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  158. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% botou fogo em %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  159. Ignite the arg-2
  160. Stop
  161. Arg-1 = "Desqueimar":
  162. Loop all players:
  163. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  164. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% tirou o fogo de %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  165. Extinguish the arg-2
  166. Stop
  167. Arg-1 = "Raio":
  168. Loop all players:
  169. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  170. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% soltou um raio em %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  171. Strike lightning at the arg-2
  172. Stop
  173. Arg-1 = "Buraco":
  174. Loop all players:
  175. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  176. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% fez um buraco em %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  177. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ detect ~ ~-1 ~ bedrock 0 fill ~1 ~1 ~1 ~-1 ~-5 ~-1 air 0 replace bedrock"
  178. Stop
  179. Arg-1 = "Viciar":
  180. Loop all players:
  181. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  182. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% viciou %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  183. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %arg-2% 2 10 2 true"
  184. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %arg-2% 9 10 2 true"
  185. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %arg-2% 15 10 2 true"
  186. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %arg-2% 18 10 2 true"
  187. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %arg-2% poison 10 2 true"
  188. Make console execute command "minecraft:execute %arg-2% ~ ~ ~ particle reddust ~ ~ ~ 1 2 1 0 50 force"
  189. Stop
  190. Arg-1 = "Inventario":
  191. Loop all players:
  192. If loop-player have permission "troll.use":
  193. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% está olhando o inventário de %arg-2%..." to loop-player
  194. Open inventory of arg-2 to player
  195. Stop
  196. Command /whitelist [<text>] [<offlineplayers>]:
  197. Permission: whitelist.use
  198. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  199. Usage: &7...
  200. Trigger:
  201. If arg-1 is not set:
  202. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &cUse /whitelist [off/on/remove/add] <jogador>" to player
  203. Stop
  204. If arg-1 is set:
  205. Arg-1 = "off":
  206. If arg-2 is not set:
  207. Delete {whitelist}
  208. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &cManutenção foi desativada!" to player
  209. Stop
  210. If arg-2 is set:
  211. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &cUse /whitelist off" to player
  212. Stop
  213. Arg-1 = "on":
  214. If arg-2 is not set:
  215. Set {whitelist} to true
  216. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &cManutenção foi ativada!" to player
  217. Loop all players:
  218. If {whitelist.%loop-player%} is not set:
  219. Kick the loop-player due to "%nl%&5( &cServidor em Manutenção, todos foram kickados! &5)%nl%"
  220. Stop
  221. If arg-2 is set:
  222. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /whitelist on" to player
  223. Stop
  224. Arg-1 = "remove":
  225. If arg-2 is not set:
  226. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /whitelist remove <jogador>" to player
  227. Stop
  228. If arg-2 is set:
  229. Delete {whitelist.%arg-2%}
  230. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%arg-2% foi retirado da manutenção!" to player
  231. Kick the arg-2 due to "%nl%&5( &fServidor em Manutenção, você foi kickado! &5)%nl%"
  232. Stop
  233. Arg-1 = "add":
  234. If arg-2 is not set:
  235. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /whitelist add <jogador>" to player
  236. Stop
  237. If arg-2 is set:
  238. Set {whitelist.%arg-2%} to true
  239. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%arg-2% foi adicionado na manutenção!" to player
  240. Stop
  241. Command /limparchat [<text>]:
  242. Permission: limparchat.use
  243. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &cVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  244. Usage: &7...
  245. Trigger:
  246. If arg-1 is not set:
  247. Loop 200 times:
  248. Broadcast "&r "
  249. Broadcast "&7&lNomeDoServidor &f- &7Chat limpo pelo STAFF %player%."
  250. Stop
  251. If arg-1 is set:
  252. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &cUse /limparchat" to player
  253. Stop
  254. Command /check [<offlineplayers>]:
  255. Permission: check.use
  256. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  257. Usage: &7...
  258. Trigger:
  259. If arg-1 is not set:
  260. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /check <jogador>" to player
  261. Stop
  262. If arg-1 is set:
  263. If {nick.%arg-1%} is "<none>":
  264. Send "&7[&e&lNick&7] &fNão disponível." to player
  265. Send "&7[&e&lIP&7] &fNão disponível." to player
  266. Send "&7[&e&lUUID&7] &fNão disponível." to player
  267. Stop
  268. Else:
  269. Send "&7[&e&lNick&7] &f%{nick.%arg-1%}%." to player
  270. Send "&7[&e&lIP&7] &f%{ip.%arg-1%}%." to player
  271. Send "&7[&e&lUIID&7] &fNão disponível." to player
  272. Stop
  273. Command /admin [<offlineplayers>]:
  274. Permission: admin.use
  275. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  276. Usage: &7...
  277. Trigger:
  278. If arg-1 is not set:
  279. If {admin.%player%} is not set:
  280. Set {admin.%player%} to true
  281. Loop all players:
  282. If loop-player doesn't have permission "admin.use":
  283. Hide player from loop-player
  284. If loop-player have permission "admin.use":
  285. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% entrou no modo Admin!" to loop-player
  286. Set player's gamemode to creative
  287. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% clear"
  288. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% 6 1 100 true"
  289. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% saturation 1 100 true"
  290. Make console execute command "minecraft:clear %player%"
  291. Set slot 8 of player to 1 arrow named "&cSair do modo Admin" with lore "&7Botão Direito"
  292. Stop
  293. If {admin.%player%} is set:
  294. Delete {admin.%player%}
  295. Reveal player from all players
  296. Loop all players:
  297. If loop-player have permission "admin.use":
  298. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% saiu do modo Admin!" to loop-player
  299. Set player's gamemode to survival
  300. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% clear"
  301. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% 6 1 100 true"
  302. Make console execute command "minecraft:effect %player% saturation 1 100 true"
  303. Make console execute command "minecraft:clear %player%"
  304. Stop
  305. If arg-1 is set:
  306. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /admin" to player
  307. Stop
  308. Command /afk [<text>]:
  309. Permission: afk.use
  310. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  311. Usage: &7...
  312. Trigger:
  313. If arg-1 is not set:
  314. If {afk.%player%} is not set:
  315. Set {afk.%player%} to true
  316. Broadcast "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% está atualmente AFK!"
  317. Stop
  318. If {afk.%player%} is set:
  319. Delete {afk.%player%}
  320. Broadcast "&7[&e&l!&7] &f%player% não está mais AFK!"
  321. Stop
  322. If arg-1 is set:
  323. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fUse /afk"
  324. Stop
  325. Command /v [<offlineplayers>]:
  326. Permission: vanish.use
  327. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  328. Usage: &7...
  329. Trigger:
  330. If arg-1 is not set:
  331. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  332. Stop
  333. If arg-1 is set:
  334. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  335. Stop
  336. Command /kickall [<text>]:
  337. Permission: kickall.use
  338. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  339. Usage: &7...
  340. Trigger:
  341. If arg-1 is not set:
  342. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  343. Stop
  344. If arg-1 is set:
  345. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  346. Stop
  347. Command /op [<text>]:
  348. Permission: op.use
  349. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  350. Usage: &7...
  351. Trigger:
  352. If arg-1 is not set:
  353. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  354. Stop
  355. If arg-1 is set:
  356. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  357. Stop
  358. Command /deop [<text>]:
  359. Permission: op.use
  360. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  361. Usage: &7...
  362. Trigger:
  363. If arg-1 is not set:
  364. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  365. Stop
  366. If arg-1 is set:
  367. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  368. Stop
  369. Command /nick [<text>]:
  370. Permission: nick.use
  371. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  372. Usage: &7...
  373. Trigger:
  374. If arg-1 is not set:
  375. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  376. Stop
  377. If arg-1 is set:
  378. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  379. Stop
  380. Command /nickname [<text>]:
  381. Permission: nickname.use
  382. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  383. Usage: &7...
  384. Trigger:
  385. If arg-1 is not set:
  386. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  387. Stop
  388. If arg-1 is set:
  389. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  390. Stop
  391. Command /realname [<text>]:
  392. Permission: realname.use
  393. Permission message: &7[&e&l!&7] &fVocê não tem permissão para isso!
  394. Usage: &7...
  395. Trigger:
  396. If arg-1 is not set:
  397. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  398. Stop
  399. If arg-1 is set:
  400. Send "&7[&e&l!&7] &fComando bloqueado!"
  401. Stop
  402. # Host:
  403. # User: 41484
  404. # Password: QuvYRA5LGCSCZ2Wb
  405. # Port: 21
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