
Amily Swimming With The Fishies

Apr 11th, 2019
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  1. CREDIT: Quiet Browser
  3. PC has Amily in camp:
  4. Requires 2+ Daughters:
  5. (1 time only: You and Izma reach the creche and can't help but smile at the sight of your (#of) daughters holding a bewildered-looking Amily by the hands and tugging her insistently towards the stream.
  7. "Come on, aunty Amy! We'll show you how to swim!" They say happily, trying to pull her along without actually hurting her.
  9. "I already know how to swim... Please, I just came to make sure you girls were alright." The baffled mouse tells them. She spots the two of you and her expression lights up with relief. "Oh, there you are! Please, tell these little monsters of yours to let me go." She pleads.
  11. Izma gives her a smirk, showing off her predator's teeth in the process. "Darlings, I think it's time you and 'aunty Amy' played together properly. Pitch her into the water." She calls.
  13. "I'll get you for this!" Amily cries out defiantly, then squeaks in shock as the (#of) sharks promptly push and pull her into the water, sending her splashing into the wet in a flurry of gestures. She surfaces and spits out some water she accidentally swallowed, thumping the side of her head to clear more water out of her oversized ears with a sour look on her face. She squeaks again as the sharks promptly jump into the water like cannonballs, sending water splashing all over her. "But first I'll get you little horrors!" She says - despite her words, there's a goofy great grin on her face, even as she splashes the first shark to surface square in the face, to her laugh of glee.
  15. You smile at the sight, and turn to talk to your tigershark girlfriend, but she's gone. You look back at the water just in time to see her cannonball right into the water beside the protesting mouse, and can't resist laughing at the look on Amily's face.
  17. You take up a comfortable position on some rocks and watch as the mouse and the sharks splash and laugh and cry and generally make a racous fuss. Finally, you grow tired of this (and of being splashed yourself) and so you help Amily out and lead her back to camp to dry off.)
  19. (Otherwise: Your girls are already in the water, laughing and splashing around happily, and Izma can't wait to dive straight in with them. Once she's surfaced, though, her daughters pointedly swim away from her, laughing. Her confusion doesn't last long, though...
  21. "Cannonball!" Comes a high-pitched voice, seconds before Amily crashes into the water from off a high rock and totally taking Izma by surprise. The mouse surfaces, spits water, and grins at the tigershark. "Got you good, didn't I?" She laughs, then squeaks in glee with Izma playfully splashes her, which starts an impromptu water fight. It soon turns into a free for all, which you watch from the shore with amusement, until you grow bored and leave them to it. Who knew Amily liked the water so much?)
  23. Amily is floating happily in the water, while around her you can see (#ofsharkgirls + #oftigersharks) fins circling her ominously. The mouse doesn't seem the slightest concerned; in fact she's got her eyes closed and is lazily drifting. Doesn't stop her from stirring and declaring, "First one of you that bites my tail is going to need to regrow her teeth." Your daughter(s) evidently take her words quite seriously; she/they continue circling, but never once do they approach. Izma settles onto a sandbank to watch, seemingly quite admiring of Amily's way with your offspring.
  26. Amily is sitting on a rock, stubbornly fishing in the water with a simple branch and line arrangement, when you get there. Your daughter(s) is/are watching her in puzzlement. "Why you doing that, aunty?" She/they ask.
  28. "We can't all swim the way you can, deary/dearies." The mouse replies patiently.
  30. The (daughters) watch(es) her for a while, then, curiously, they start taking some of her line and some branches and trying to make rods of their own. The murine survivor gently guides her/them through the process, and soon they are sitting together, quietly fishing in the stream.
  32. You give Izma a knowing smile and lead her away; let them have their bonding time.
  35. When you arrive, though, Amily is already there, telling your daughter(s) some of her "adventures" before she met you and you became mates. You and Izma quietly take up seats and listen to her as she talks about avoiding roving monsters, silently stalking and picking off demonic stragglers, bartering with goblins and giant bees, and a lot of other things besides. You're almost as disappointed as they are when Amily says that's enough for the day. Maybe she'll share some more another time, though.
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