
More Lyra and BonBon super happy fun times

Aug 27th, 2012
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  1. More Lyra and BonBon shenanigans, thanks to Anon. Apparently it's unfinished, but here's hoping.
  2. >Lyra wakes up earlier than normal
  3. >BonBon still alseep
  4. >Stretches, feels tired despite getting good rest
  5. >Her hooves land on the floor, it creaks in protest
  6. >She walks to the washroom, for the first time noticing it takes a lot longer for her to get there
  7. >Reaches the basin and begins washing her face
  8. >"Did...a bee bite me?" She asks herself, her hoof tracing under her neck
  9. > Definitely a little more chin than she ever could remember
  10. >Slightly scared, walks back to her room, stands in front of her large vanity
  11. >""
  12. >What looks back is her, but not what she remembers.
  13. >Tummy is rounder, hanging lower
  14. >Thighs wider
  15. >Despite dreading what she'd see, she turns around to look at her rear
  16. >"Oh my god...."
  17. >It's still wiggling, even after she stopped staring at its plumpness
  19. >" did I let it get so bad?"
  20. >Lyra is still torturing herself by posing in front of the mirror.
  21. >Her body keeps moving even when she stops
  22. >Even her horn seems thicker, though that's probably her imagination
  23. >Hopefully....
  24. >Here eyes begin to water and she plops down on her thick rump
  25. > The floor groans loudly
  26. >That did it...
  27. >Bon Bon wakes to the sound of her roommate bawling in front of her mirror
  29. >Despite wanting to comfort Lyra, BonBon takes a quick moment to admire her friend
  30. >Her rear looks amazing, even smooshed on the floor
  31. >The rest of her just has curves she could get her hooves around all...
  32. >No...not now, she's upset
  33. >"Lyra? What's wrong, honey?"
  34. >Lyra looks to the doorway at BonBon, eyes red with tears
  35. >"Look at me....I'm HUGE!"
  36. >BonBon walks over and puts her foreleg around her friend
  37. >Her heart flutters when she can't reach all the way around
  38. >'Focus...' She scolds herself
  39. >"It's ok, Lyra, it's really not that bad"
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