
Today is going to be different

May 31st, 2014
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  1. >You slowly open your eyes
  2. >The passing wind and smell of the morning dew wakes you up from your slumber
  3. >With last nights storm you didn't think you'd get any sleep at all
  4. >Thankfully you did, today is going to be...different to say the least.
  5. >You look down, on the slightly damp folded cardboard you used to sleep on
  6. >'5 bits - hoofjob 10 bits - fulltime 20 bits - anything'
  7. >you can't believe you've been reduced to this
  8. >It seems like only yesterday that you had everything you could ever want, the life you always dreamed
  9. >You feel tears well up in your eyes, as you stare at the piece of cardboard.
  10. >You feel you arms grow slightly weak and you chest knots up.
  11. >But you suck it up
  12. >You place the sign up, and lay in your makeshift cardboard box staring at the ground, thinking
  13. >You sit there, staring at the newly formed puddles of the storm
  14. >Your vision fades as you become lost in thought
  15. >You think of all the things that could happen, this would be the last
  16. >You think of your old abode, the place you called home
  18. >"Wake up Anon!"
  19. >You hear that familiar voice you loved so dearly yelp
  20. >"What's the rush? I don't have to work today..." you say, stretching your limbs and writhing in your bed waking yourself up
  21. >"Come downstairs, I have a surprise for you!" Your wife yelps eagerly, as she excitedly hops over to the door, as if to lead the way
  22. >You follow, still a little stiff from waking up so fast.
  23. >You follow her downstairs into the living room.
  24. >Your eyes open wide, and you cannot believe what sits before your eyes.
  25. >"Take a good look sweetie" She she said excitedly
  26. >You are at a loss for words.
  27. >Before you lay a cradle, a filly lay in it, asleep sucking of her pacifier
  28. >"I..I... I don't now what to say!" You sputter as a huge stupid smile comes across your face
  29. >"The adoption center called this morning and said that we were cleared to adopt, and it's the same girl we wanted as well!"
  30. >I..I can see that!" you say as your smile becomes stupidly bigger.
  31. >"She's beautiful isn't she?" your wife says, laying her head on your shoulders.
  32. >"Incredibly so" You say, embracing her in your arms
  33. >You're jolted back from your daydreaming
  34. >Somepony is standing, looking at the sign.
  35. >She almost seems to ignore your existence
  36. >You move around in your spot a little bit to get a bit more comfortable, as your legs are falling asleep.
  37. >She hears you and turns around
  38. >"Do anything cheap for mares, or do you not roll that way?" She asks
  39. >"I suppose so. I could play around with you or eat you out if you would like." You say with a slightly mellow tone
  40. >"Yeah, that sounds nice, how much, 5?" She asks.
  41. >"Yeah, 5 bits will..." You stop yourself.
  42. >Your thoughts go back to your wife
  43. >You can feel the tears coming back, you try to hold them back at all costs, you need the bits.
  44. >"On second though...no" You sputter, as tears find their way down your cheeks.
  45. >"What seems to be the matter?"
  46. >"N-nothing. Just go" You spew at her
  47. >"Pfft, if you insist" She says, turning around, stomping hard in the puddle to try and splash water on you.
  48. >Good thing you crawled more into your makeshift house, otherwise you would have gotten soaked.
  49. >You lay on the ground, defeated by nobody but yourself.
  50. >You wish you had the strength to do it to help yourself but you can't.
  51. >The thought of betraying your wife, even if she isn't next to you any more, is enough to make you want to throw up.
  52. >You manage to calm your breathing, and wipe the tears from your eyes.
  53. >Your thoughts immediately go back to the life you had before.
  54. >The life you had.
  55. >You shuffle around in your bed, you hear the thudding of footsteps, and the weeping of a slightly upset baby.
  56. >"Honeyy!" You hear your wife call, "Where did you last put little Sapphire's bottle? I can;t find it!"
  57. >"On the counter, next to the knife rack!" You yell back, in your half-sleep state.
  58. >You decide you may as well wake up seeing as you most likely won't drift back asleep.
  59. >A big "Thanks!" pierces your eardrums and forces you to wake up.
  60. >You had to leave for work in about an hour, might as well get ready early and spend a little time with little Sapphire.
  61. >You shower and put on your work uniform.
  62. >The blue jacket you wore always made you fel important, even though you weren't much more than a pharmacists technician.
  63. >But you liked to feel good about yourself, as anyone does.
  64. >You walk downstairs with your uniform feeling clean from your shower.
  65. >Your wife is sitting on the couch, watching after Sapphire.
  66. >"You're early for work" She says
  67. >"Well not like i could help it" You say
  68. >"Hey I'm not the one who leaves bottle in the random spot where they don't belong"
  69. >"At least I can find then!" You playfully tease back, sitting on the couch with your wife
  70. >"Why are you up so early anyways?"
  71. >"Sapphire started crying because she was hungry, didn't you hear her? It was pretty loud"
  72. >"I'm a heavy sleeper, you know that" You say.
  73. >"This is true, If it weren't for me you would be late for work half of the time" She laughs.
  74. >"And that's why I married you!" You say, smooching her on the cheek, as she smooches you back
  75. >"Well, I might get some breakfast before work, so I'll head out now."
  76. >"Okay honey, don't work too hard now."
  77. >"No promises, I'm always a hard worker" You say with a wink.
  78. >Your wife laughs, "If you insist!"
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