
woah ff time

Nov 10th, 2016
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  1. The Trapper and the Furrier
  3. Courier Six had let out a breath as she finished injecting herself with Med-X after the somewhat long and tedious fight against Mr. House's Securitrons, and a personal meeting with the old Ghoul in the flesh (and delivering a rather well deserved beating with a golf club), then initiating Yes Man's control over House's mainframe, she had had a pretty long day, and could really go for a drink right about now.
  5. Leaving through the main entrance of the Lucky 38 Casino, Six rubs gently at her eyes with the palms of her hands and as she makes her way from the entrance towards the rest of the strip, upon approaching the bottom of the steps, she almost walks into some idiot idly standing in front of the entrance, probably another Follower of the Apocalypses trying to figure out House's former secret to eternal life.
  7. "Hey asshole, If you couldn't see with the eyes you were born with, and pray to all that's holy you weren't born with mutated eyes that don't work or shoot laser beams, I'd suggest you don't stand in my way again, or it will be the last thing you'd be doing." Six spoke, and let out a huff, that was until, she realized exactly who she had bumped into, and it was almost as if her heart was about to give out.
  9. "Mortem, you are very well aware of how degenerate such profanities are, especially being used in the presence of someone far superior than yourself, show some respect." Vulpis spoke, expressing his annoyance and bordering anger at the situation. "If I wasn't here for an alternative motive, I would punish you myself for the lack of respect and control, but I will let it slip for now." He glared at Six, and she if not already feeling a sense of uneasiness, was now feeling quite vulnerable, which wasn't something she liked or tolerated.
  11. "Before you sprout your mouth with profanities and irrelevant strings of conversation profligate, I suggest you listen closely, as I will not repeat myself." She was going to retort him, but decided against it with the matter, she knew something wasn't right, and knew it had something to do with Mr House, it had to.
  13. "We know you're working with that robot, and we know what you've been doing behind our backs. We have graced you, a Woman of all people, with the honor to work with us and freely walk, and you spit it back in our face, carefully choose your next words Courier, as they could very well be your last." He spoke with venom in his voice, which wasn't unlike him, and it wasn't as if Six didn't know the atrocities this man had committed, hell the only reason she hadn't bomb the entirety of the Legion to hell was for the sole purpose of distracting them while she conducted her own business and plans, and the last thing she needed while doing that was the legion riding up on her ass every ten minutes.
  15. "You really think it's a good idea to threaten me on the Strip, and to think I thought you were the educated one out of the bunch." she rolled her eyes, before glancing around. It took her only a moment to realize, there was barely anyone around, which was very rare for the strip, but unheard of, and she was sure Vulpis would be able to escape a few Securitrons, even with their upgrade they weren't much of a fight for a trained man.
  17. "I don't think, I know it's a good idea, and I can tell from your lack of words, you realize your mistake." He grinned, but it wasn't that of a normal person experiencing joy, it was a twisted grin, full of malice and and pure evil, and it was in this moment, Six realized who she was truly up against, she wasn't speaking to some Legion lapdog, she was speaking to the man who singlehandedly destroyed a town, burnt it to the ground along with a multitude of corpses, and crucified anyone who he deemed degenerate. He was a complete and utter monster, who would stop at nothing to get what he wanted.
  19. Really unsure of what to say, and too struck with fear (and the general strain of trying to hide it from him, as the last thing she needed was him knowing she feared him), Six simply stood there for more than a moment in silence before speaking up.
  20. "What I do is my business, and if I want to help some programmed Yes man, I very well will do it, and I would love to see you try to stop me. I am loyal to the legion, and after what i've done for them, I'd appreciate some trust." Six really didn't feel well saying any of that, as she utterly despised the Legion, but as stated before, she needed to keep them occupied while she worked in the darkness, which was getting awfully hard with the little reputation growing of her.
  22. It was obvious Vulpis didn't take that as well as Six had anticipated, as he had raised a hand and slapped her rather hard across the face, something not many people in the Mojave would even fantasize of doing. Unsure how to respond, and caught off guard, she stumbled on the ground, and simply sat there, holding her face. "Listen you profligate whore, If you weren't the pawn in this little game of chess, Caesar himself would sooner have you crucified than have to deal with you, Personally, I'd have you turned into a slave. Your ties are with the legion, and remember that before you even think of betraying us." His words were full of anger and venom, and although wearing a rather pleasant suit and hat, it was very obvious he was the complete opposite of his disguise. "If you think Legate Lanius is the Wrath, the true monster of the Legion, well then I must be the Devil himself. Remember who will be coming after you if you betray us Mortem." And with that, he spits on the Six, and swiftly walks away from her and the strip, leaving her alone to her thoughts.
  24. If Courier Six knew anything, and she did like to think she was somewhat of an intellectual, she knew nothing Vulpis had said then was a lie, and she now knew how much of a threat that man was on his own, she knew he was a monster, but this was an entirely different level. She was actually scared. However, despite her fear, she knew she would never side with the legion in the end, and she was definitely not going to help them after this. She had to work swiftly and quietly, acting from the shadows, and keep anything major she was doing on the low, at least until she knows nothing will be able to stop her plans of taking the Dam for herself, and freeing New Vegas. She had a long road ahead of her.
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