
[Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The King and Queen of Man]

Mar 18th, 2013
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  1. [16:22] <!CYOA-sama> [Queen's Paradise: Prologue - The King and Queen of Man]
  2. [16:23] <!CYOA-sama> Settled in a valley between twin mountain ranges is a kingdom.
  3. [16:23] <!CYOA-sama> The glittering silver streets of the prosperous nations capital sparkle in the sun.
  4. [16:24] <!CYOA-sama> Flower petals dance in the breeze and young women in white twirl in the streets to the sound of music in celebration of the new Kings rise to power.
  5. [16:25] <!CYOA-sama> The young prince, beloeved by the people for his tolerance and wisdom beyond his years, has now taken the throne at the age of 14.
  6. [16:25] <!CYOA-sama> His father, the previous king, was finally slain in his crazed crusade against the monster races.
  7. [16:25] <!CYOA-sama> Now the young prince will take his place.
  8. [16:26] <!CYOA-sama> But this is no time for celebration.
  9. [16:27] <!CYOA-sama> As his people revel in the streets the boy king sits contemplatively in his throne room illuminated only by the light that shines through the stained glass window above his seat of power.
  10. [16:28] <!CYOA-sama> The young man sits atop his silver throne, his shirtless toned body muscular and rigid from an entire childhood of merciless combat trianing slouched in deep thought, awaiting the return of the messengers he sent out on the day of his fathers death.
  11. [16:29] <!CYOA-sama> The silver gauntlets and greaves of the young man reflect the light from the lone window throughout the throneroom as his beautiful magic blade rests within it's sheath at his side.
  12. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> Stoically his deep blue eyes stare vacantly into space over his interlaced fingers as his blonde bangs waft from the slide breeze as the twin doors open slowly.
  13. [16:30] <!CYOA-sama> (Shota Gil Gendo Posing.jpg)
  14. [16:31] <!CYOA-sama> A young girl, no older than the King himself steps through.
  15. [16:32] <!CYOA-sama> She brushes aside her short blonde hair and straightens her frilly white skirt as if there was some need to look proper.
  16. [16:32] <!CYOA-sama> "What on Earth are you doing woman..." The young king asks as he stares across the throneroom.
  17. [16:33] <!CYOA-sama> "A lady must look proper when adressing her king." The girl replys with a sly smile.
  18. [16:33] <!CYOA-sama> The king merely shakes his head as the girl approaches him.
  19. [16:34] <!CYOA-sama> "Is the rown as heavy as it looks?..." She says with a teasing grin that tries in vain to hide the look of deep concern in her stunning blue eyes.
  20. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "No, not as heavy as the stares of the Imperial Guard when I told them my plan."
  21. [16:35] <!CYOA-sama> "This is suicide you know..." The girl says as she sits on the young mans lap.
  22. [16:36] <!CYOA-sama> "Perhaps that is what my family deserves." The king says as he leans back in his throne.
  23. [16:36] <!CYOA-sama> The girl brushes the hair from his eyes.
  24. [16:36] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission]
  26. [17:51] <!CYOA-sama> [Intermission Out]
  27. [17:52] <!CYOA-sama> "Don't say that." The girl says sternly as she looks into the young kings eyes.
  28. [17:53] <!CYOA-sama> "The sins of the father are the sins of the son, as they say." He replys with a wistful smile.
  29. [17:53] <!CYOA-sama> The doors are opened wider.
  30. [17:54] <!CYOA-sama> As the messenger enters her freckled face turns red and she bows her head quickly at the sight of the beautiful young girl on the kings lap.
  32. [17:54] <!CYOA-sama> The girl and the king look at one another and share in a soft laugh.
  33. [17:55] <!CYOA-sama> "It's fine, you have news I take it?" The king says with a warm smile.
  34. [17:56] <!CYOA-sama> "Y-yes your majesty. The messages sent to each of the... "Queens" have all been confirmed to hae arrived safely."
  35. [17:56] <!CYOA-sama> "And their reply?"
  36. [17:57] <!CYOA-sama> "..." the freckled messenger girl digs into her oversized sachel and pulls out a scroll.
  37. [17:57] <!CYOA-sama> ".... Th-they've all accepted your invitation."
  38. [17:57] <!CYOA-sama> A silence falls over the room.
  39. [17:57] <!CYOA-sama> The air grows so still and heavy you could cut it with a knife.
  40. [17:58] <!CYOA-sama> A hearty piercing laugh rings out from the young king, a deeper more infectious laugh than a boy his age has any right to.
  41. [17:59] <!CYOA-sama> "Wonderful!" He says. "Giles! Fetch us wine to celebrate the upcoming era of peace!"
  42. [18:00] <!CYOA-sama> The butler responds with a barely audible "As you command sire." from the other room.
  43. [18:01] <!CYOA-sama> The young king places his hand around the waist of the girl on his lap which forces another blush out of the messenger.
  44. [18:01] <!CYOA-sama> "Leave us to celebrate." He says with a wide smile.
  45. [18:02] <!CYOA-sama> The messenger scurries out of the throne room.
  46. [18:02] <!CYOA-sama> The silence returns.
  47. [18:03] <!CYOA-sama> As the butler enters the room and pours the wine only the delicate sound of glasses chiming can be heard.
  48. [18:03] <!CYOA-sama> "Your wine your majesty." Giles says softly as he back out of the room.
  49. [18:04] <!CYOA-sama> ".... So that's it then." The girl says with a heavy voice.
  50. [18:04] <!CYOA-sama> "You're going to be raped to death right in front of me..."
  51. [18:05] <!CYOA-sama> "Ahahaha! I doubt that very much." The king says with an arrogant grin.
  52. [18:06] <!CYOA-sama> "If anything I'll be struggling to control my urges surrounded by beautiful women."
  53. [18:07] <!CYOA-sama> "Women, huh. Do you truly believe all of the Queens want to seek peace."
  54. [18:07] <!CYOA-sama> "You'll be manipulated and violated by them."
  55. [18:08] <!CYOA-sama> "Lucia.... if there is any man on earth that can repair the damage done by my father it's me. If I have to mate with a few monsters I don't consider that a sacrifice."
  56. [18:08] <!CYOA-sama> The girl sighs and rests her head on the kings shoulder.
  57. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> "Why did you choose me Aldeas? Of all the girls in the kingdom you could have made your queen why me?"
  58. [18:09] <!CYOA-sama> The king places his hand on the head of the girl as they sit quietly in the empty throne room.
  59. [18:11] <!CYOA-sama> "Because you're the only woman in the kingdom that will argue with me. We've been together since we were children. My so called charisma has no effect on you."
  60. [18:11] <!CYOA-sama> The girl listens silently.
  61. [18:11] <!CYOA-sama> "My father was a tyrant because he had no one to question him."
  62. [18:12] <!CYOA-sama> "As my dearest friend I need you by my side to be my anchor and provide me with perspective so I am not blinded by my own radiance."
  63. [18:12] <!CYOA-sama> "And...."
  64. [18:13] <!CYOA-sama> "And?" Lucia says after a pause in the kings words.
  65. [18:13] <!CYOA-sama> "And if there is any woman I can say that I love it would be you."
  66. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> The small blonde girl in the kings lap holds her breath as her cheeks turn rosy red.
  67. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> ".... I don't know if it's fair to say your charisma has /no/ effect on me...."
  68. [18:15] <!CYOA-sama> The two share a laugh as the king runs his fingers through his new brides golden hair.
  69. [18:16] <!CYOA-sama> "So.... when are we going to start sharing a bed?" He asks flatly.
  70. [18:16] <!CYOA-sama> The young girl springs up off his lap and storms away her face nearly steaming.
  71. [18:17] <!CYOA-sama> His booming laughter echos through the throne room.
  72. [18:18] <!CYOA-sama> In this prosperous kingdom in a valley between twin mountains.
  73. [18:18] <!CYOA-sama> A new era begins under the rule of a yougn king.
  74. [18:19] <!CYOA-sama> Is he naive? Is his reckless decision to invite the most fearsome monsters to ever live into his home foolhearty?
  75. [18:19] <!CYOA-sama> Or will he usher in the first Warless Age?
  76. [18:19] <!CYOA-sama> Well.... that's up to you isn't it?
  77. [18:20] <!CYOA-sama> [The King and Queen of Man - End]
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