
The flood - OCH

May 24th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Felix was outside getting sad bags out of the back of his jeep. to put up at the top of the stairs in case the water started getting too high. He'd gotten the message on his phone and didn't hesitate to go down and get some stuff to be preparred. Once he had that stuff set up outside he went in and upstairs to get his gas heater and a few other things in case the power goes out. Thankfully there was a fireplace, so that would help too. He'd picked up some of those firewood bundles at the gas station, comletely overpriced, but worked in a pinch. Clearly he was excited and prepared for these kind of situations.
  2. Alexithymiaa: (This survivalist fuck.)
  3. Covet: [He's in his zone]
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat up on his couch bed in his room, Lady sprawled out across his bed being all comfy dog. His textbook was open in his lap as he read and studied, trying so hard to focus despite the driving rain on the roof and on his window which he found extremely distracting. // Steph pulled her car down the insanely flooded out street, unable to really get much further for fear that her car would get stuck. She pulled over and reached into the passenger side to get her crutches and the tupperware container of freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, shoving open the car door and climbing out into what felt like a shower. Instantly becoming soaked, she struggled through the rain and flooding down the sidewalk and up to the OCH, climbing up the stairs and knocking against the front door and kind of just standing there like a moron and shivering because you're a dumbass. // Jade sat on her bed in her bedroom, her sketchbook open on the bed in front of her, but her eyes were set on the big picture window that led to the outside storm. She watched the lightning and the crazy amount of water flooding the driveway, her mind lost in thought because worried.-
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley stared out the window in her room that was only lit by candles, by choice. Hera meowed. Trying to get her attention. She bit the inside of her cheek and went over to her table and began to blow her candles out. "I think we're gonna sleep ealy tonight." She whispered. // Thaddeus sat on his bed and looked through his comics. Charles and Erik cowered under his covers. "Oh come on guys. It's just rain. You should get it by now that it's just rain." He said.
  7. Covet: Felix was making a clatter in his own room, going through all his camping gear that was kind of just piled up in the wood crates he used as a dresser. "There's the heater, where did I put the little lantern tank now? " He mumbled then found it. He walked out of his room with a handful of things, and promptly dropped half of them. "Today was the wrong day to skip my meds... Shit.. is that someone knocking? Who is traveling out in this mess?!" He called out as if Steph could hear him from upstairs.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -Getting frustrated with all the rain noise and not being able to comprehend the same paragraph he'd read like six times now, he closed his textbook and slid off the couch bed, walking out of his room he made his way into the common area, raising his brows at Felix fucking dropping shit on the damn floor. "Everything okay?" He asked him as he lifted his hand to knock on Hayley's door, feeling Lady brushing her head against his legs. // Hearing the knock, Jade snapped out of her transe, slipping off her bed and making her way down the hallway into the living room. Pulling open the front door, she nearly scowled at Steph standing on the front porch. "Why are you here?" // When Jade opened the front door, Steph immediately swung inside on her crutches, juggling the container of cookies. "Because I'm an idiot. I wouldn't advise going outside if you can avoid it. Felix upstairs?" She asked, but didn't really wait for an answer as she swung forward to the staircase, taking the stairs one at a time very slowly until she reached the top. Exhausted, shivering, and soaking wet, she stopped at the top for a second to catch her breath because there's a lot of fucking stairs in the house, continuing on to see Adam and Felix standing in the common area. "Hey so... I don't know if you're aware... but it's raining."-
  9. Tsaaq: She began to pull off her shirt before she heard the knock on her door. She lowered her shirt and picked up Hera then went to open her door. She lingered in the doorway. "Yes?" She asked, glancing at Adam. She furrowed her eyebrows at Felix. "What are you doing?" She asked carefully then gasped at the sight of Steph. "Shit." She muttered. "You need a towel." Hayley declared, heading to the bathroom. // Thaddeus heard the thudding and rose his thick eyebrow. "Uh, is something happening up there?" He asked loudly, awaiting a response.
  10. Covet: "Yeah, I'm too prepared and not enough arms," He said with a strangled noise as he gathered it all back up seeing more people join them and Steph looking like a drowned rat. "Woman.. What crazy idea popped into your head to cause you to come over here, when there is a flood warning and you could be swept away at any minute?" He chastised her and set his things down on the couch. "Thank you Hayley, and NO! Everything is Fine! I'm just bringing some gear downstairs incase the power goes out. Also...on that note.. is anyone experiencing any leaking?" He said still hollaring, then snickered, because
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Adam smiled at Hayley when she opened the door. "I was trying to study, but the rain is so loud. I thought you might want to hang out." He eased back to lean against the wall outside her bedroom door, shifting out of her way as she started for the bathroom to get a towel. // Jade scoffed as Steph disappeared up the stairs, pushing the door closed and hearing Thad yell from his room and the sounds overhead and shit was going crazy in this house right now. The lights flickered just a bit and she looked around uncomfortable, turning and making her way down the hallway and stopping in front of Thad's door to knock. // Steph rolled her eyes, swinging forward and shoving the container of fresh baked cookies into his chest. "You mean other than being an idiot? I made you cookies. And they better be the best fucking cookies you've ever had otherwise having to ditch my car halfway down the block was NOT worth it. I need to sit." She swung forward past them, moving into his bedroom to drop down on sit on his bed, sticking her right ankle out and just getting his blanket wet like an asshole.-
  12. Tsaaq: "Yeah we can hang out. Just turn on my light. I was using candles. Be right back." She called out to Adam, grabbing with one of the fluffiest towels of the OCH. She came back and walked towards Felix, she frowned as the lights flickered. "Where'd she go?" She inquired then tossed the towel in his direction. "Well there's that." Hayley picked up Hera and went towards her room. // He nodded his head, being very calme about the situation in general. He stared up at his lights then looked at the lumps in his blankets that were once his dogs. He heard the knock and shot up, opening the door and seeing Jade. "Uh, yes?" he asked awkwardly.
  13. Covet: "Um. Second best cookies. Unless you think I have a death wish from my mother." Felix said as he opened up the containher to take a couple of cookies and shove them into his mouth, handing the container out for Hayley and Adam if they wanted one too, but watched as they both walked off. He shrugged and put the lid back on them. "Hey.. Hey.. What do you think you're doing. I'd like a dry bed to sleep in tonight. These are some pretty good life risking cookies, by the way." He munched then swallowed before he spoke again, "I've got to take this camping stuff downstairs at some...." he watched teh lights flicker and grinned, feeling giddy because he has a problem.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "Oh, uh..." Adam just kind of awkwardly turned into Hayley's room with Lady following behind him, walking over to sit down on the floor beside her bed. "Maybe you should light those candles in case we lose power. Seems a little likely at this point." // "Your mother isn't here so unless you have a deathwish from me, lie." She shot back at him, pulling her arms around herself to try to keep warm. "If you'd like a dry bed, then maybe you should lend me something dry to sleep in." She pulled herself up off the bed, turning around to inspect the bed and sweep her hand over it which was only mildly damp. When the lights flickered, she glanced up, the worry passing over her face. // When Thad opened the door, Jade tried to force a somewhat friendly smile which looked more painful than anything else. "Do you have like... a flashlight I can borrow? I don't want the power to go out and just be like, stuck sitting in the dark with nothing." MEANWHILE DOWNSTAIRS IN THE FUCKING FLOODED ASS BASEMENT, the breaker was finally getting wet from the increasing water level, sparking and sending the lights consistently flickering, THE FIRE BEGINS.-
  15. Covet: Felix shoved two more cookies in his mouth and nodded, "best cookie ever in the entire world" He said through a mouthful of cookie. "Don't worry Red, If the power goes, out I've got us covered, Flash lights, heater, firewood, I even have stuff to cook in the fireplace if it get's too bad."
  16. Tsaaq: ((NO SKIPPIES!))
  17. Alexithymiaa: (Just peanut butter.)
  18. Tsaaq: Hayley looked around her dark bedroom then leaned forward as she began to relight her candle with the lighter wand thing. She inhaled the lingering scent deeply and put Hera down before going to sit on her bed. // He stared down at Jade skeptically then sighed a moment. He looked back into his room then back at her. "Hang on." Thaddeus said before going over to his wall of collector's shit. He picked up one of his light up light sabers and walked back over to her. "Here. It's the green one. I don't really care for it. But still be careful." He told her, pressing the button so it could light up. He saw the lights flicker again. "Shit." Thad grumbled, taking the Darth Maul lightsaber and turning that on as well.
  19. Covet: [SORRY! I didn't mean to I looked down and saw that Sean needed to get up for work x.x]
  20. Alexithymiaa: -Adam smiled as she lit the candle, twisting to look up at her on the bed. "Have you been able to get any studying done for your finals?" He asked as he rubbed his hand over Lady's head. "I think I spent more hours at the library the last couple of days than I have in the last couple weeks." When the lights flicked, he looked around, frowning. // "Better." She spoke as she limped over to his dresser, nudging him out of the way so she could pull out one of his t-shirts because just make yourself right at home, bitch. "I feel like I should be making boy scout jokes at you right now." She peeled her wet top off and hung it over his chair before slipping on the dry t-shirt she stole from him. Shimmying out of her wet pants, she hung those over the chair too and turned to look at him. And then all the fucking lights went out because the fire was full blaze downstairs and shit was going up FAST. Because all of a sudden everything in the basement is highly flammable because I said so. The panic set in, Stephs hand reaching out to grab Felix's forearm in the dark. // Jade took the lightsaber from him, feeling a little ridiculous as she studied it in her hand. "Oh. Thanks. This is actually kind of cool..." When the lights flickered out completely, she gripped the light saber in both hands, looking around her. "Shit. I figured that would happen. How many more of these do you have?"-
  21. Tsaaq: Hayley frowned and lowered her head. "I don't know. I've been studying here mostly. Sometimes I went to the library. It's okay so far. I'm just kind of excited for the summer.." Hayley said to him then saw the lights in the hall go out. "Oh no." She frowned. // Thaddeus shrugged humbly then groaned. "No lights? Like at all?" He asked before he stepped out in the hallway. "I've got a few. Not enough for everyone here." Thad told Jade.
  22. Covet: [That part of the basement would be going up quick.. it'd spread fast going up the stairs...the farthest corner from the electrical box would probably be soaked enough to not be an issue. The stairs down to the basement and the floor in the kitchen is probably compromised right now. ] Felix scoffed, "Boy scouts got nothing on real survival. You don't get badges for real survival." He said playing up how much better than a boyscout he was. Hey, it's fine... I've got a" He said fumbling around in his nightstand pullingout a mini led mag light that was painfully bright. "The rain probably knocked the power out. They warned this would happen. I should go check downstairs though, make sure everyone's got a light."
  23. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, I'm looking forward to finals being over and Summer starting. I promised Eli I would help him with his bathroom remodel, so maybe we'll spend a little time over there hanging out?" He asked and then the lights went out. He climbed up to his feet and moved to sit on the bed beside her, slipping his arm around her shoulders. "It's okay. We've got the candles. We have just the right amount of light in here." (You dumbass, Adam.) // "No." She spoke quickly and sharply, her eyes still a little wide despite the intensely bright flashlight. "Please don't leave." She sucked in a deep breath because she felt ridiculous, but being in the dark reminded her of Shipwreck. // Jade shook her head, glancing behind her to look down the hallway. "Everything looks like it's out." She turned with the light saber gripped in both hands, wandering down the hallway a bit. "Do you smell that?" By this point, the flames were pretty intense, the basement stairs entirely on fire and creeping up toward the ceiling to ruin the stairs that led to the second floor as well. Smoke was beginning to travel from the basement and up to the first floor, clouding things and eventually setting off the smoke alarms.-
  24. Tsaaq: Hayley inhaled deeply and nodded. "Yeah that sounds fun." She nodded her head then glanced out into the darkened hall. She looked over to him and smiled. "We do?" She asked with a smile then scooted closer to him.// Thaddeus followed behind her, aimlessly swinging his lightsaber around and making the sound effects in his head. He sniffed the air as well then started to cough. "That's fucking fire. FIRE!" Thad shouted.
  25. Covet: " Guys.. c'mon we need to get downstairs and at least to the porch!" He called out reaching back to grab Steph, then stopped to load her arms up with some of the stuff, Which is something you're not supposed to do, but it was things like small propane tanks that don't mix with fire."Here, can you take these things downstairs and put them on the porch? I'll grab you a blanket so you're not cold outside." He dashed into his room to grab the blanket off his bed and picked up the other things he needed to get downstairs.
  26. Alexithymiaa: -Adam smiled and nodded to Hayley until he heard Thad shout from downstairs that there was a fire, starting to pay attention to the smokey smell coming from downstairs. He jumped up from the bed and glanced around, reaching his hand out to take Hayley's. "C'mon, we need to get downstairs." Beginning to walk out of Hayley's room, he looked around, turning to head for the staircase and stopping at the very top to look down at the very clearly crumpling stairs. "Woahhh woah." He put his foot out to stop the dog from running down the stairs ahead of him, glancing back over his shoulder. "The stairs are unusable!" He called back, his eyes darting around the room. "Maybe we can get that window open and climb out onto the roof?" // Steph frowned, taking the things Felix was handing her without question because shit was happening kind of fast. She coughed a few times with how smokey things were getting, limping out of his bedroom and into the common area to look at Adam shouting about the unusable staircase. "What? Are you nuts?" // Jade covered her mouth with her hand to try to shield from the fire stuff smoke. "Where is it coming from?" She asked a bit frantically, but honestly Jade who the fuck cares, GET OUT OF THERE! She turned with the lightsaber out in front of her to try to see through the dark and hazy smoke, making her way toward the bottom of the staircase and looking up to see shit looking not good. "What about everyone upstairs?"-
  27. Tsaaq: She heard th shout and stood up. She took his hand and looked around hurriedly in a panic. "What about my stupid cat?" Hayley asked, Hera had probably still been in the upstairs common area. She clutched Adam tight and gasped. "Yeah let's do that." Hayley nodded her head hurriedly and pushed the television out of the way as she opened up the windows. // Thaddeus coughed and ran for the door and kicked it open. "I can't get up there or anything so I don't know." He said, getting pelted by the laugh rain drops. He went to shield his face, running to grab the ladder and extended it so he could lean it against the house.
  28. Covet: "Shit.. Uh.. sheets... we need sheets.. then we can repell off the roof onto the porch." Felix said going over to the window opening it up to pop the screen out and push the pile of things out to the roof and start getting people out of the house at least. The rain was coming down hard making the roof slick. "Fire and Rain, what is this the apocolypse?" He asked with a roll of thunder in response, "Okay I'm sorry!"
  29. Alexithymiaa: -Adam darted over to the now open window, leaning down to scoop up Lady into his arms and pushing the dog out onto the roof because priorities, save the puppy. He then turned to Hayley, giving her a boost outside and waving Steph on because he wasn't going to go out there until the girls were out there because that's an Adam thing to do. // Steph stared at Felix for a moment as he yelled about sheets, feeling like she was in some sort of twilight zone. "Jeez who are you, McGyver?" She turned and accepted Adam's help to climb out onto the roof, crawling on her hands and knees across the slick roof shingles, seeing the ladder being leaned against the house and leaning back to call inside the house to Felix and Adam. "There's a ladder! C'mon." // Jade turned and followed Thad out into the driving rain, looking around and then up at the people coming out onto the roof. "Oh my god." She covered her hands over the top of her eyes so she could stare up at everyone, trying to wave them down as sirens could be heard in the distance making their way to them.-
  30. Tsaaq: She frowned, grabbing Hera and climbed outside onto the roof. Hayley couldn't hold on so she began to slide. She shouted and Hera clawed her arm. // "Guy's I'm setting up a ladder, grab the ladder if you can!" Thad called out, but the ladder looked flimsy and there was too much chaos. Before he knew it the doggies were running out of the house. Thad turned and looked down the street at the source of the sirens.
  31. Covet: "I mean, I'm flattered, but now's not the time, Red." He said helping her get out the window. "Watch your footing, I'm going to bundle this gear up and hand it down off the roof, Shit.. HAYLEY! Hayley let go of the cat, She'll be fine! She lands on her feet!" he called out.
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Adam climbed out onto the roof and pulled Lady over because he didnt want her to slip and fall. "Hayley! He's right, she'll be fine. Cats have good balance, you don't. Let her go!" // Steph instantly reached out to grab Hayley by the arms because she was the only one who didnt believe Hayley should let go of the cat. Sliding down the roof a bit herself, she was able to dig the heel of her foot into the shingles to stop them from sliding anymore, keeping a good hold on her but feeling the sharp sting where the shingles tore her skin just a bit. "Are you able to get your footing enough to get down the ladder?" // Jade stood staring up with wide eyes at the shit show on the roof, waving the light saber around like that was going to help anyone. Turning quickly when the dogs ran outside, she whistled, trying to wrangle them for Thad. // The fire trucks pulled up to the house in a flurry, ladders extending and firefighters jumping out to run around and do firefighter things. They extended the ladder out against the house where everyone was on the roof, a firefighter at the end as he reached out to Hayley since that bitch looked like she was falling and needed help first.-
  33. Tsaaq: Hayley frowned but still didn't let go of Hera. Because she was still fearing her Hera's kitty life. "Yeah!" She called out to Steph then saw the fire trucks approached. She stayed in her spot and allowed the to grab her kitty before she let them help her down. Meanwhile she was soaking wet and coughing and shit. // Thaddeus watched the firefighters approach then looked up at the roof. He turned off his light saber flash light and went over to Jade. "Nobody else should be in the house right?" He asked.
  34. Covet: Felix eventually made his way down with the help of the firemen, having all his gear safely transported out of the house too, because that shit's expensive...and useful in this situation. He looked at Steph and Thad as he asked about who was still in the house, "I think everyone's out... all pets included, unless someone's got a fish or some shit." He frowned looking at the house and how soaked everyone looked, "I guess.. we're camping int he living room tonight... If that's possible."
  35. Alexithymiaa: -Adam of course passed Lady down to the firemen so they could take her down first, climbing onto the ladder next so he could make his way down to the ground. "I don't think we're going to be able to stay here tonight. They're not going to let anyone back in for a while. Not until they can secure it as safe." // Steph reached out for the firefighter for help and made her way down, pulling her arms around herself and shivering because she was really only in a fucking t-shirt and no pants. "If you guys aren't allowed back inside tonight, you're all welcome to crash at my place. I've got plenty of room and pets are welcome. That is if we can get there..." // Jade shook her head at Thad, glancing up to make sure everyone was off the roof and that the firefighters were battling fire and storming the house to do their inspection and make sure everyone was out. Surprised at Steph's offer, she kept silent, wanting to see what everyone else wanted to do.-
  36. Tsaaq: "Where are we gonna go?" Hayley asked as she clutched Hera, looking between the other roommates. She turned to Steph and looked down at her now wet kitty. "Yes, anything to get the hell out of here." She spoke up. // Thaddeus nodded and exhaled with relief. "Okay good." He sighed. His eyebrows rose at Steph. "Uh, sure." He nodded casually.
  37. Covet: "Yeah.. you're probably right. Well I'm going to head over there for sure. I'm sure the school's going to put people up. If anyone needs a ride, I can do trips in my jeep. It's tall enough to get through this." Felix said putting his gear in the back of his jeep as he got it started up and helped Steph get inside, leaving it open to get other people who had low to the ground vehicles, out of there.
  38. Alexithymiaa: "I would really appreciate that." Adam nodded to Steph, reaching over to put his hand on the small of Hayley's back. "My truck should be able to get through this so if anyone wants to throw anything in the back there, you can." He turned and started to lead her toward the truck to get her situated inside with Hera and Lady, walking around to the drivers side to prepare to follow Felix because he didn't know where Steph lived. // Steph nodded and walked over to Felix's jeep to climb inside, immediately turning the heat on because theyre all wet and cold and shit. // "Thanks." She muttered in a small voice, following over to Felix's jeep because she needed a ride and I'm sure there's room for one extra person. She climbed inside, buckling her seatbelt and trying to crowd the vent for heat.-
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