
A beggar's plea for speedforce

Jun 8th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Key: PepperidgeFarms
  2. Character: Osum'Tia
  3. Skill(or transformation):Hiten style
  4. How well do you know the source material?(obviously not relevant if it's a transformation): Makoto did nothing wrong!
  5. Reasoning: I seek to go fast like Sonic X
  6. What is the moment: N/A due to starting yesterday, but If I can utilize hiten to find a student, and do something akin master/student relationship with it in the future, that'd be cool.
  8. Backstory Addition: Before Nyx, Osum was little more than a starry-eye, easily dazzled weeb. Of humble lineage, but a shut in. They found fascination with swords, and honor. The idea of warriors wielding blade, and having a code was exciting to him. It was what they thought a true man was. Someone that stood up for what they believed in, and did what they did, when they wanted to. All the things that he was unable to do for himself, barring a crippling anxiety dysfunction that left him hindered when interaction with anyone.
  10. Finding themselves trapped in strange lands, an eternal pawn like every other to battle endlessly has made them look towards the perfection of their hobbies, and a way to secure long-term survival and reliability, thusly- the beginning of their shaping into a (hopefully) great swordsman begins. While the need for speed is prevalent, the path of the sword is the driving force behind Osum's craving for a more refined, and robust technique such as the Hiten mitsurugi style.
  12. Done for no other but themselves, in hopes of becoming their ideal person in the realm of Nyx. They dedicate hours to repetition, and monotonous exercises; their very essence poured into the activities, as they hone not just their physique but their mind. Becoming one with their abilities, both old, and newfound. Bestowing a confidence that echoes in every action they take. Every swing of a weapon. Every breath inhaled.
  14. It culminates into feelings of tranquility that are unmatched while a sword is in hand. Attack power isn't the only goal of the demon. They find themselves seeking to be as a ghost. In-and-out, nothing more than a shadow to be chased after once their business, and deeds are done. If they want to rob someone? They would only know it after the TV, and Refrigerator are already gone.
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