Guest User


a guest
Aug 19th, 2014
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  582. GameBind Ability1 ActivateTool "0" impulse game "Q" "INVALID"
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  601. GameBind Ability7Secondary ActivateToolSecondary "7" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  602. GameBind Ability8 ActivateTool "8" impulse game "MOUSEX2" "INVALID"
  603. GameBind Ability8Secondary ActivateToolSecondary "8" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
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  605. GameBind Ability9Secondary ActivateToolSecondary "9" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
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  607. GameBind AddToSelection1 AddToSelection "1" impulse game "SHIFT+1" "INVALID"
  608. GameBind AddToSelection2 AddToSelection "2" impulse game "SHIFT+2" "INVALID"
  609. GameBind AddToSelection3 AddToSelection "3" impulse game "SHIFT+3" "INVALID"
  610. GameBind AddToSelection4 AddToSelection "4" impulse game "SHIFT+4" "INVALID"
  611. GameBind AddToSelection5 AddToSelection "5" impulse game "SHIFT+5" "INVALID"
  612. GameBind AddToSelection6 AddToSelection "6" impulse game "SHIFT+6" "INVALID"
  613. GameBind AddToSelection7 AddToSelection "7" impulse game "SHIFT+7" "INVALID"
  614. GameBind AddToSelection8 AddToSelection "8" impulse game "SHIFT+8" "INVALID"
  615. GameBind AddToSelection9 AddToSelection "9" impulse game "SHIFT+9" "INVALID"
  616. GameBind AlternateModifier AlternateModifier "" button game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  617. GameBind AltInfoAllies AltInfoAllies "" button game "[" "INVALID"
  618. GameBind AltInfoEnemies AltInfoEnemies "" button game "]" "INVALID"
  619. GameBind Backpack1 ActivateTool "48" impulse game "NUM4" "ALT+Q"
  620. GameBind Backpack2 ActivateTool "49" impulse game "NUM5" "ALT+W"
  621. GameBind Backpack3 ActivateTool "50" impulse game "NUM6" "ALT+E"
  622. GameBind Backpack4 ActivateTool "51" impulse game "NUM1" "ALT+A"
  623. GameBind Backpack5 ActivateTool "52" impulse game "NUM2" "ALT+S"
  624. GameBind Backpack6 ActivateTool "53" impulse game "NUM3" "ALT+D"
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  633. GameBind ChatTeam ChatTeam "" impulse game "ENTER" "INVALID"
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  635. GameBind CommanderModifier2 CommanderModifier2 "" button game "CTRL" "INVALID"
  636. GameBind CommanderModifier3 CommanderModifier3 "" button game "ALT" "INVALID"
  637. GameBind CommanderModifier4 CommanderModifier4 "" button game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  638. GameBind CommanderPing CommanderPing "" impulse game "ALT+MOUSEL" "INVALID"
  639. GameBind CommanderPrimary CommanderPrimary "" button game "MOUSEL" "INVALID"
  640. GameBind CommanderSecondary CommanderSecondary "" button game "MOUSER" "INVALID"
  641. GameBind FocusLastEvent FocusLastEvent "" impulse game "SPACE" "INVALID"
  642. GameBind FreeLook FreeLook "" button game "BACK_SLASH" "INVALID"
  643. GameBind FrontQueueModifier FrontQueueModifier "" button game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  644. GameBind LevelupAbility1 LevelupAbility "0" impulse game "ALT+Z" "INVALID"
  645. GameBind LevelupAbility2 LevelupAbility "1" impulse game "ALT+X" "INVALID"
  646. GameBind LevelupAbility3 LevelupAbility "2" impulse game "ALT+C" "INVALID"
  647. GameBind LevelupAbility4 LevelupAbility "3" impulse game "ALT+V" "INVALID"
  648. GameBind LevelupStats LevelupAbility "4" impulse game "ALT+O" "INVALID"
  649. GameBind LockCamera LockCamera "" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  650. GameBind MoveBack MoveBack "" button game "DOWN" "INVALID"
  651. GameBind MoveForward MoveForward "" button game "UP" "INVALID"
  652. GameBind MoveLeft MoveLeft "" button game "LEFT" "INVALID"
  653. GameBind MoveRight MoveRight "" button game "RIGHT" "INVALID"
  654. GameBind NextAttackModifier NextAttackModifier "" impulse game "PERIOD" "INVALID"
  655. GameBind NextInventoryUnit NextInventoryUnit "" impulse game "SHIFT+~" "INVALID"
  656. GameBind NextInventoryUnitCentered NextInventoryUnitCentered "" impulse game "CTRL+~" "INVALID"
  657. GameBind NextUnit NextUnit "" impulse game "TAB" "INVALID"
  658. GameBind NextUnitCentered NextUnitCentered "" impulse game "CTRL+TAB" "INVALID"
  659. GameBind options_keybind_cameralock ToggleCvar "cg_lockCameraGame" impulse game "V" "INVALID"
  660. GameBind OrderAttack OrderAttack "" impulse game "A" "INVALID"
  661. GameBind OrderCancelAndHold OrderCancelAndHold "" impulse game "H" "INVALID"
  662. GameBind OrderHold OrderHold "" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  663. GameBind OrderMove OrderMove "" impulse game "M" "INVALID"
  664. GameBind OrderPatrol OrderPatrol "" impulse game "P" "INVALID"
  665. GameBind OrderStop OrderStop "" impulse game "S" "INVALID"
  666. GameBind PrevAttackModifier PrevAttackModifier "" impulse game "COMMA" "INVALID"
  667. GameBind PrevInventoryUnit PrevInventoryUnit "" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  668. GameBind PrevInventoryUnitCentered PrevInventoryUnitCentered "" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+~" "INVALID"
  669. GameBind PrevUnit PrevUnit "" impulse game "SHIFT+TAB" "INVALID"
  670. GameBind PrevUnitCentered PrevUnitCentered "" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+TAB" "INVALID"
  671. GameBind RecallSelection0 RecallSelection "0" impulse game "0" "INVALID"
  672. GameBind RecallSelection1 RecallSelection "1" impulse game "1" "INVALID"
  673. GameBind RecallSelection2 RecallSelection "2" impulse game "2" "INVALID"
  674. GameBind RecallSelection3 RecallSelection "3" impulse game "3" "INVALID"
  675. GameBind RecallSelection4 RecallSelection "4" impulse game "4" "INVALID"
  676. GameBind RecallSelection5 RecallSelection "5" impulse game "5" "INVALID"
  677. GameBind RecallSelection6 RecallSelection "6" impulse game "6" "INVALID"
  678. GameBind RecallSelection7 RecallSelection "7" impulse game "7" "INVALID"
  679. GameBind RecallSelection8 RecallSelection "8" impulse game "8" "INVALID"
  680. GameBind RecallSelection9 RecallSelection "9" impulse game "9" "INVALID"
  681. GameBind RecipeBack RecipeBack "" impulse shop "[" "INVALID"
  682. GameBind RecipeForward RecipeForward "" impulse shop "]" "INVALID"
  683. GameBind RemoveFromSelection0 RemoveFromSelection "0" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+0" "INVALID"
  684. GameBind RemoveFromSelection1 RemoveFromSelection "1" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+1" "INVALID"
  685. GameBind RemoveFromSelection2 RemoveFromSelection "2" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+2" "INVALID"
  686. GameBind RemoveFromSelection3 RemoveFromSelection "3" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+3" "INVALID"
  687. GameBind RemoveFromSelection4 RemoveFromSelection "4" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+4" "INVALID"
  688. GameBind RemoveFromSelection5 RemoveFromSelection "5" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+5" "INVALID"
  689. GameBind RemoveFromSelection6 RemoveFromSelection "6" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+6" "INVALID"
  690. GameBind RemoveFromSelection7 RemoveFromSelection "7" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+7" "INVALID"
  691. GameBind RemoveFromSelection8 RemoveFromSelection "8" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+8" "INVALID"
  692. GameBind RemoveFromSelection9 RemoveFromSelection "9" impulse game "CTRL+SHIFT+9" "INVALID"
  693. GameBind ReplayFFStepA Cmd "ReplayFFStep" impulse replay "]" "INVALID"
  694. GameBind ReplayFFToggle TriggerToggle "ReplayFFToggle" button replay "F" "INVALID"
  695. GameBind ReplayLockToggle TriggerToggle "ReplayLockToggle" button replay "E" "INVALID"
  696. GameBind ReplayPauseA Cmd "ReplayPause" impulse replay "P" "INVALID"
  697. GameBind ReplayRWStepA Cmd "ReplayRWStep" impulse replay "[" "INVALID"
  698. GameBind ReplayToggle1 TriggerToggle "ReplayToggle1" button replay "CAPS_LOCK" "INVALID"
  699. GameBind ResetCamera ResetCamera "" impulse game "BACKSPACE" "INVALID"
  700. GameBind Ruler Ruler "" button game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  701. GameBind SaveSelection0 SaveSelection "0" impulse game "CTRL+0" "INVALID"
  702. GameBind SaveSelection1 SaveSelection "1" impulse game "CTRL+1" "INVALID"
  703. GameBind SaveSelection2 SaveSelection "2" impulse game "CTRL+2" "INVALID"
  704. GameBind SaveSelection3 SaveSelection "3" impulse game "CTRL+3" "INVALID"
  705. GameBind SaveSelection4 SaveSelection "4" impulse game "CTRL+4" "INVALID"
  706. GameBind SaveSelection5 SaveSelection "5" impulse game "CTRL+5" "INVALID"
  707. GameBind SaveSelection6 SaveSelection "6" impulse game "CTRL+6" "INVALID"
  708. GameBind SaveSelection7 SaveSelection "7" impulse game "CTRL+7" "INVALID"
  709. GameBind SaveSelection8 SaveSelection "8" impulse game "CTRL+8" "INVALID"
  710. GameBind SaveSelection9 SaveSelection "9" impulse game "CTRL+9" "INVALID"
  711. GameBind SelectHero SelectHero "" impulse game "F1" "INVALID"
  712. GameBind Shared1 ActivateTool "45" impulse game "I" "INVALID"
  713. GameBind Shop1 Shop "0" impulse shop "Q" "INVALID"
  714. GameBind Shop10 Shop "9" impulse shop "G" "INVALID"
  715. GameBind Shop11 Shop "10" impulse shop "Y" "INVALID"
  716. GameBind Shop12 Shop "11" impulse shop "U" "INVALID"
  717. GameBind Shop13 Shop "12" impulse shop "I" "INVALID"
  718. GameBind Shop14 Shop "13" impulse shop "O" "INVALID"
  719. GameBind Shop15 Shop "14" impulse shop "P" "INVALID"
  720. GameBind Shop16 Shop "15" impulse shop "H" "INVALID"
  721. GameBind Shop17 Shop "16" impulse shop "J" "INVALID"
  722. GameBind Shop18 Shop "17" impulse shop "K" "INVALID"
  723. GameBind Shop19 Shop "18" impulse shop "L" "INVALID"
  724. GameBind Shop2 Shop "1" impulse shop "W" "INVALID"
  725. GameBind Shop20 Shop "19" impulse shop "SEMI-COLON" "INVALID"
  726. GameBind Shop3 Shop "2" impulse shop "E" "INVALID"
  727. GameBind Shop4 Shop "3" impulse shop "R" "INVALID"
  728. GameBind Shop5 Shop "4" impulse shop "T" "INVALID"
  729. GameBind Shop6 Shop "5" impulse shop "A" "INVALID"
  730. GameBind Shop7 Shop "6" impulse shop "S" "INVALID"
  731. GameBind Shop8 Shop "7" impulse shop "D" "INVALID"
  732. GameBind Shop9 Shop "8" impulse shop "F" "INVALID"
  733. GameBind ShopClosePanel Shop "-1" impulse shop "BACKSPACE" "INVALID"
  734. GameBind ShowChat ShowChat "" button game "Z" "INVALID"
  735. GameBind SpecUICombat1 TriggerToggle "SpecUICombat1" button spectator "X" "INVALID"
  736. GameBind SpecUICombat2 TriggerToggle "SpecUICombat2" button spectator "C" "INVALID"
  737. GameBind SpecUICombat3 TriggerToggle "SpecUICombat3" button spectator "V" "INVALID"
  738. GameBind SpecUIHideAll TriggerToggle "SpecUISHideAll" button spectator "Q" "INVALID"
  739. GameBind SpecUIJumpIn TriggerToggle "SpecUIJumpIn" button spectator "R" "INVALID"
  740. GameBind SpecUIShowAll TriggerToggle "SpecUIShowAll" button spectator "TAB" "INVALID"
  741. GameBind SpecUITab1A Cmd "SpecUITab1" impulse spectator "1" "INVALID"
  742. GameBind SpecUITab2A Cmd "SpecUITab2" impulse spectator "2" "INVALID"
  743. GameBind SpecUITab3A Cmd "SpecUITab3" impulse spectator "3" "INVALID"
  744. GameBind SpecUITab4A Cmd "SpecUITab4" impulse spectator "4" "INVALID"
  745. GameBind SpecUITab5A Cmd "SpecUITab5" impulse spectator "5" "INVALID"
  746. GameBind SpecUITab6A Cmd "SpecUITab6" impulse spectator "6" "INVALID"
  747. GameBind SpecUITab7A Cmd "SpecUITab7" impulse spectator "7" "INVALID"
  748. GameBind SpecUITab8A Cmd "SpecUITab8" impulse spectator "8" "INVALID"
  749. GameBind SpecUIToggleAll TriggerToggle "SpecUIToggleAll" button spectator "INVALID" "INVALID"
  750. GameBind SpecUIToggleInfoA Cmd "SpecUIToggleInfo" impulse spectator "F2" "INVALID"
  751. GameBind SpecUITogglePushA Cmd "SpecUITogglePush" impulse spectator "F3" "INVALID"
  752. GameBind SpecUIToggleReplayA Cmd "SpecUIToggleReplay" impulse spectator "F4" "INVALID"
  753. GameBind SpecUIToggleUFA Cmd "SpecUIToggleUF" impulse spectator "F1" "INVALID"
  754. GameBind Stats ActivateTool "4" impulse game "O" "INVALID"
  755. GameBind SwitchScore SwitchScore "" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  756. GameBind ToggleAltInfo ToggleAltInfo "" impulse game "QUOTE" "INVALID"
  757. GameBind ToggleLevelupInterface ToggleLevelupInterface "" impulse game "L" "INVALID"
  758. GameBind ToggleMenu ToggleMenu "" impulse game "INVALID" "INVALID"
  759. GameBind ToggleMusic ToggleCvar "sound_muteMusic" impulse game "CTRL+M" "INVALID"
  760. GameBind ToggleOverlayMenuGame ToggleOverlayMenuGame "" impulse game "F6" "F10"
  761. GameBind ToggleOverlayMenuSpectator ToggleOverlayMenuSpectator "" impulse spectator "F6" "F10"
  762. GameBind ToggleOverlayMenuUI ToggleOverlayMenuUI "" impulse ui "F6" "F10"
  763. GameBind ToggleShop ToggleShop "" impulse game "B" "INVALID"
  764. GameBind ToggleSound ToggleCvar "sound_mute" impulse game "CTRL+S" "INVALID"
  765. GameBind TransmitMentorCursor TransmitMentorCursor "" button mentor "MOUSER" "INVALID"
  766. GameBind UseBestCourier UseBestCourier "" button game "~" "INVALID"
  767. GameBind VoicePushToLaneTalk VoicePushToLaneTalk "" button game "Y" "INVALID"
  768. GameBind VoicePushToMentorTalk VoicePushToMentorTalk "" button game "X" "INVALID"
  769. GameBind VoicePushToTalk VoicePushToTalk "" button game "T" "INVALID"
  770. GameBind ZoomIn ZoomIn "" impulse game "WHEELUP" "INVALID"
  771. GameBind ZoomOut ZoomOut "" impulse game "WHEELDOWN" "INVALID"
  772. Alias "DiceHotkey" "Trigger DicePrompt"
  773. Alias "ReplayFFStep" "UICall * ReplayIncPlaybackSpeed('1')"
  774. Alias "ReplayPause" "UICall * If(ReplayPaused, Cmd('ReplaySetPaused 0'), Cmd('ReplaySetPaused 1'))"
  775. Alias "ReplayRWStep" "UICall * ReplayIncPlaybackSpeed('-1')"
  776. Alias "ScriptVersion" "Trigger ScriptVersion"
  777. Alias "SpecUITab1" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(1)"
  778. Alias "SpecUITab2" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(2)"
  779. Alias "SpecUITab3" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(3)"
  780. Alias "SpecUITab4" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(4)"
  781. Alias "SpecUITab5" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(5)"
  782. Alias "SpecUITab6" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(6)"
  783. Alias "SpecUITab7" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(7)"
  784. Alias "SpecUITab8" "Script HoN_SpecUI:SetActiveTab(8)"
  785. Alias "SpecUIToggleInfo" "Script HoN_SpecUI:ToggleTabsVisible()"
  786. Alias "SpecUITogglePush" "Script HoN_SpecUI:TogglePushBarVisible()"
  787. Alias "SpecUIToggleReplay" "UICall replay_control_container ToggleWidget()"
  788. Alias "SpecUIToggleUF" "Script HoN_SpecUI:ToggleUnitFrames()"
  789. ConsoleHistoryAppend "host_drawfps 1"
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