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Sep 9th, 2017
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  1. command /set [<text>] [<text>]:
  2. permission: server.set
  3. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  4. executable by: players
  5. trigger:
  6. if argument 1 isn't set:
  7. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  8. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/set <location> [coords]"
  10. if argument 1 is set:
  11. if argument 2 is set:
  12. if argument 1 is "spawn":
  13. set {location.spawn} to argument 2
  14. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Location &lSPAWN &7has been successfully updated to location: &l%{location.spawn}%"
  15. else:
  16. set {location.spawn} to location of player
  17. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Location &lSPAWN &7has been successfully updated to location: &l%{location.spawn}%"
  19. command /spawn [<player>]:
  20. trigger:
  21. if argument 1 isn't set:
  22. teleport player to {location.spawn}
  23. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully transported you to spawn!"
  25. else:
  26. if player has permission "server.teleport.other":
  27. if arg-1 is a player:
  28. set {_user} to argument 1
  29. teleport argument 1 to {location.spawn}
  30. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully transported %{_user}% to spawn!" to player
  31. message "&7[&b&l*&7] You've been forcefully teleported to spawn by &l%player%" to argument 1
  32. delete {_user}
  33. else:
  34. make player execute "spawn"
  36. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
  37. permission: server.gamemode
  38. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  39. aliases: /gm
  40. executable by: players
  41. trigger:
  42. if argument 1 isn't set:
  43. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  44. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/gamemode <gamemode> [player]"
  46. if argument 1 is set:
  47. if argument 2 is set:
  48. if argument 1 is "Creative", "C" or "1":
  49. if player has permission "server.gamemode.other":
  50. set {_user} to argument 2
  51. set gamemode of {_user} to creative
  52. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set the gamemode of %{_user}% &7to creative." to player
  53. message "&7[&b&l*&7] You're gamemode has been change to creative by &l%player%" to argument 2
  54. delete {_user}
  55. else:
  56. message "&cYou don't have permissions to set other players gamemodes."
  58. if argument 1 is "Survival", "S" or "0":
  59. if player has permission "server.gamemode.other":
  60. set {_user} to argument 2
  61. set gamemode of {_user} to survival
  62. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set the gamemode of %{_user}% &7to survival." to player
  63. message "&7[&b&l*&7] You're gamemode has been change to survival by &l%player%" to argument 2
  64. delete {_user}
  65. else:
  66. message "&cYou don't have permissions to set other players gamemodes."
  68. if argument 1 is "Adventure", "A" or "2":
  69. if player has permission "server.gamemode.other":
  70. set {_user} to argument 2
  71. set gamemode of {_user} to adventure
  72. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set the gamemode of %{_user}% &7to adventure." to player
  73. message "&7[&b&l*&7] You're gamemode has been change to adventure by &l%player%" to argument 2
  74. delete {_user}
  75. else:
  76. message "&cYou don't have permissions to set other players gamemodes."
  78. if argument 2 isn't set:
  79. if argument 1 is "Creative", "C" or "1":
  80. set {_user} to player
  81. set gamemode of {_user} to creative
  82. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set your gamemode &7to creative." to player
  83. delete {_user}
  85. if argument 1 is "Survival", "S" or "0":
  86. set {_user} to player
  87. set gamemode of {_user} to survival
  88. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set your gamemode &7to survival." to player
  89. delete {_user}
  91. if argument 1 is "Adventure", "A" or "2":
  92. set {_user} to player
  93. set gamemode of {_user} to adventure
  94. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set your gamemode &7to adventure." to player
  95. delete {_user}
  97. on command "/gm":
  98. cancel event
  99. make player execute "/gamemode"
  101. on command "/bal" or "/money":
  102. cancel event
  103. make player execute "/balance"
  105. command /balance [<player>]:
  106. aliases: /bal, /money
  107. trigger:
  108. if argument 1 isn't set:
  109. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Balance: %{balance.%player's uuid%}%"
  110. if argument 1 is set:
  111. if player has permission "server.balance.other":
  112. set {_user} to argument 1
  113. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Balance of %{_user}%: %{balance.%arg-1's uuid%}%"
  114. delete {_user}
  115. else:
  116. message "&cYou don't have permissions to view other players balance."
  117. message "&c"
  118. message "&cPurchase a donation rank with &l/buy &cto gain access to donation perks, commands and more."
  120. command /reset-user [<offline player>]:
  121. permission: server.reset.user
  122. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  123. aliases: /r-user
  124. executable by: players
  125. trigger:
  126. if argument 1 isn't set:
  127. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  128. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/reset-user <player>"
  130. else:
  131. set {prisonrank.%arg-1's uuid%} to "A"
  132. set {balance.%arg-1's uuid%} to "0"
  133. make console execute "¶rank %arg-1% user"
  134. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully reset the statistics of %argument 1%" to player
  135. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Your statstics have been reset by %player%" to argument 1
  137. command /stats [<text>] [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  138. permission: server.stats
  139. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  140. trigger:
  141. if argument 1 isn't set:
  142. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  143. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/stats <set|add> <statistic> [player] <amount>"
  144. if argument 1 is "set":
  145. if argument 2 is "balance", "money" or "currency":
  146. if argument 3 is set:
  147. if argument 4 is set:
  148. set {balance.%arg-3's uuid%} to argument 4
  149. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set %arg-3%'s balance to %arg-4%" to player
  150. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Your balance has been set to %arg-4% by %player%" to argument 3
  152. command /rankup:
  153. trigger:
  154. if {prisonrank.%player's uuid%} is "A":
  155. if {balance.%player's uuid%} < 4999:
  156. remove 5000 from {balance.%player's uuid%}
  157. set {prisonrank.%player's uuid%} to "B"
  158. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully purchased prison rank &lB &7congratulations!"
  159. broadcast "&7[&bRank-Up&7] User &l%player% &7has purchased prison rank &lB"
  160. else:
  161. message "&cYou don't have a sufficent balance to purchase a rankup."
  162. message "&c"
  163. message "&cCurrent Balance: $%{balance.%player's uuid%}%"
  164. message "&cRequired Balance: &l$5000"
  166. command /setup-warden [<text>]:
  167. permission: server.setup.warden
  168. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  169. aliases: /s-warden
  170. executable by: players
  171. trigger:
  172. if argument 1 is set:
  173. if argument 1 is "helmet":
  174. set {warden.helmet} to player's tool
  175. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set &lWARDEN HELMET &7to %player's tool%"
  176. if argument 1 is "chestplate":
  177. set {warden.chestplate} to player's tool
  178. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set &lWARDEN CHESTPLATE &7to %player's tool%"
  179. if argument 1 is "leggings":
  180. set {warden.leggings} to player's tool
  181. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set &lWARDEN LEGGINGS &7to %player's tool%"
  182. if argument 1 is "boots":
  183. set {} to player's tool
  184. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully set &lWARDEN BOOTS &7to %player's tool%"
  185. else:
  186. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  187. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/setup-warden <armor piece>"
  189. on death:
  190. if {warden.%attacker%} is true:
  191. clear drops
  193. on drop:
  194. if {warden.%player%} is true:
  195. cancel event
  197. on pick up:
  198. if {warden.%player%} is true:
  199. cancel event
  201. command /wardenmode:
  202. permission: server.warden
  203. permission message: &cYou aren't a &lWarden&c, To become a warden complete the prison or purchase the warden rank on our store.
  204. aliases: /warden
  205. executable by: players
  206. trigger:
  207. if {warden.%player%} is set:
  208. clear player's inventory
  209. set gamemode of player to survival
  210. teleport player to {location.spawn}
  211. delete {warden.%player%}
  212. broadcast "&7[&bWarden&7] User &l%player% &7has left warden mode, learn more about warden mode with &l/information"
  213. message "&3&lWARDEN MODE DISABLED"
  214. message ""
  215. message "&3Abuse of the warden mode can result in a removal of the rank and/or permissions."
  217. else:
  218. if {warden.sure.%player%} is not set:
  219. message "&3Once your enter the warden mode your inventory will be cleared, If your ready to enter warden mode type /wardenmode once more."
  220. set {warden.sure.%player%} to true
  221. else:
  222. clear player's inventory
  223. set gamemode of player to survival
  224. teleport player to {location.spawn}
  225. delete {warden.sure.%player%}
  226. set {warden.%player%} to true
  227. broadcast "&7[&bWarden&7] User &l%player% &7has entered warden mode, learn more about warden mode with &l/information"
  228. message "&3&lWARDEN MODE ENABLED"
  229. message ""
  230. message "&3Abuse of the warden mode can result in a removal of the rank and/or permissions."
  232. set player's helmet to {warden.helmet} named "&bWarden's Helmet"
  233. set player's chestplate to {warden.chestplate} named "&bWarden's Chestplate"
  234. set player's leggings to {warden.leggings} named "&bWarden's Leggings"
  235. set player's boots to {} named "&bWarden's Boots"
  237. set slot 0 of player to stick of knockback 3 named "&bBatton"
  238. set slot 1 of player to bow of power 2 and unbreaking 3 and infinity 1 named "&bSniper Rifle"
  239. set slot 2 of player to golden sword of sharpness 3 and unbreaking 4 named "&bShiny Sword"
  240. set slot 28 of player to arrow named "&bBullet"
  242. command /information [<text>]:
  243. trigger:
  244. if argument 1 isn't set:
  245. message "&cIncorrect Usage Format: <Required> [Opinional]"
  246. message "&cIncorrect usage, &n/information <warden|store>"
  247. if argument 1 is "warden":
  248. message "&r"
  249. message "&7[&3Warden&7] Rank"
  250. message "&rThe warden rank is a donation rank, purchased on our store(/information store)."
  251. message "&r"
  252. message "It is also found in drop parties and can be redeemed with a Warden Pass. The rank includes a custom gamemode called Warden Mode, you can access warden mode with the command /warden or /wardenmode. Abuse of this command will result in the removal of the rank and/or permissions."
  253. message "&r"
  254. message "The rank has all previous exclusive perks and permissions from other donation rank and more!"
  255. message "&r"
  257. command /warden-pass:
  258. permission: server.warden.pass
  259. permission message: &rUnknown command. Type "/help" for help.
  260. aliases: /givewarden
  261. executable by: players
  262. trigger:
  263. give player empty map named "&3&lWARDEN PASS" with lore "&7Warden Pass||||&bOnce clicked, the clicked user will||&brecieve the &3&lWarden &brank, title||&band permissions.||||&7Found in drop parties or purchased||&7on our store."
  264. message "&7[&b&l*&7] Successfully given yourself a Warden Pass"
  266. on click:
  267. if player's tool is a empty map named "&3&lWARDEN PASS" with lore "&7Warden Pass||||&bOnce clicked, the clicked user will||&brecieve the &3&lWarden &brank, title||&band permissions.||||&7Found in drop parties or purchased||&7on our store.":
  268. if {staffuser.%player's uuid%} is true:
  269. cancel event
  270. message "&cYou cannot redeem a Warden Pass if you are a staff rank."
  271. else if {rank.%player's uuid%} is "&7[&3Warden&7] &3":
  272. cancel event
  273. message "&cYou cannot redeem a Warden Pass if you already are the warden rank."
  274. else if {rank.%player's uuid%} isn't "&7[&3Warden&7] &3":
  275. remove 1 empty map named "&3&lWARDEN PASS" with lore "&7Warden Pass||||&bOnce clicked, the clicked user will||&brecieve the &3&lWarden &brank, title||&band permissions.||||&7Found in drop parties or purchased||&7on our store." from player
  276. make console execute "¶rank %player% warden"
  277. broadcast "&7[&3Rank-Up&7] User &l%player% &7has redeemed a &3&lWarden Rank &7from a Warden Pass, learn more about the warden rank with &l/information"
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