
The Fluffy Factory: Condemnation

Apr 29th, 2012
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  1. >You are Cherry.
  2. >You are a very happy fluffy pegasus pony.
  3. >You are confused, too.
  4. >A long time ago, you had more babies that didn't love you.
  5. >The purple-fluffed monster lady was angry.
  6. >You are happy because you feel the strange feel in your belly, and that means babies!
  7. >You are confused because you never made any special hugs.
  8. >At least, you don't remember doing that. You're good at remembering special hugs.
  9. >In fact, you're still in the same cage down here in the stony dark.
  10. >Not only do you feel the strange feel, your leggies aren't working well again. You're getting big!
  11. >You also feel very full of something sloshy near your back leggies.
  12. >Mister is here!
  13. >Mister will know what's happening.
  14. “Mista! Mista! Chewwy big! Chewwy gon' haf babehs 'gain?”
  15. >”Yes, Cherry. Don't wiggle so hard, you'll hurt them.”
  16. >Babies are coming! You bounce around your little cage as best you can, but stop when Mister says to.
  17. “No wan' huwt babehs! Chewwy be stiww!”
  18. >You will be the bestest, most still fluffy that ever lived.
  19. >Your new babies will love you very much.
  20. >You eat the nummies Mister gives you. They're very soft unlike the nummies you used to get, but they taste funny.
  21. “Ewwies...”
  22. >”Eat up, Cherry. Your babies need that to be healthy.”
  23. >You start ramming your mouth full of the mushy nummies with your front leggies.
  24. “Chewwy eat! Wan' babehs dat wuv Chewwy!”
  25. >Mister shakes his head, even though you didn't ask him anything.
  26. >The nummies make you feel sleepy, like always.
  27. >You make a big sleepy noise and drag yourself over to your blankie to take a nap.
  29. >Oh no!
  30. >Wake up!
  31. >Big poopies! Big poopies!
  32. “Mista! Mista! Hewp! Feew funny! Need poopies!”
  33. >Why can't you get to your litter box?
  34. >You're so very big, bigger than you think you've ever been before.
  35. >The babies! They must want out! There must be so many!
  36. “Mista! Haf so many babehs! Wan' out! Hewp babehs, pwease!”
  37. >Your back leggies feel so funny.
  38. >The things on your belly back there are full again.
  39. >You know that means babies are coming. Babies get nummies from there.
  40. >They are so very full! You must have lots of babies coming!
  41. >The big poopie feel is scaring you. It hurts a little.
  42. >Mister is coming. Mister will help you.
  43. >”Good, looks like you're ready.”
  44. >You can't even wiggle your leggies anymore, but it's okay because Mister is carrying you.
  45. >He carries you over to the shiny flat...but goes past it.
  46. >Mister made an oopsie! It's okay, you'll tell him.
  47. “Mista! Babehs comin'! Need hewp wif babehs!”
  48. >You try to point at the shiny flat, but your leggies barely move.
  49. “Wha? Weggies, why no wowk?”
  50. >Mister sets you down in the baby hole, where all the little wingie babies live!
  51. “Mista! Babehs comin'!”
  52. >You feel the big poopie feel...
  53. >Uh oh. You detect something squirting out, but it doesn't smell pretty.
  54. >You've made bad poopies. You hear little wingie babies cry because you made poopies on them.
  55. “Chewwy sowwy! Chewwy wuv babehs! No mean make poopies!”
  56. >Mister doesn't seem mad at you. You're very glad.
  57. >Oh no, Mister has a pointy thing!
  58. >Owwies are bad for the babies!
  59. “No, Mista! No gif owwies now, babehs comin'!”
  60. >You lie on your side in the corner of the baby hole.
  61. >Wingies flap a little, but leggies don't work at all. Other babies are coming to hug you.
  62. >Mister pokes you with the pointy thing.
  64. >You cry. The hurt goes away, though!
  65. “Fank you, Mista, huwt bad fo' babehs...”
  66. >Oh no! The babies in the baby hole are taking your tummy nummies!
  67. “Mista! Hewp! Dese bad babehs, takin' nummies 'way!”
  68. >Why is Mister walking away?
  69. >Why can't you feel your leggies anymore?
  70. “Whewe weggies go? Chewwy need fo' babehs!”
  71. >Why did they leave? You cry again.
  72. >The bad babies take your tummy nummies. You try to buck them, but can't.
  73. >You can't even yell at them anymore.
  74. >You feel so sleepy.
  75. >So tired.
  76. >You smell another not pretty smell.
  77. >You hear more babies cry.
  78. >You think you made poopies again, but you didn't feel that, either.
  79. >All you can do is talk.
  80. “Mista! Hewp! Chewwy feew funny! Chewwy scawed! Chewwy scawed fo' babehs!”
  81. >Mister walked away.
  82. >This is bad. Bad babies fight over your tummy nummies.
  83. >You make scared poopies again, you think. You didn't feel it, but you smelled it.
  84. >You've made so many poopies...
  85. >Why won't the big poopie feeling go away?
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