
- huntress.

Aug 20th, 2014
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  226. <div id="no" oncontextmenu="return false;">
  228. <div id="symbol">▶</div>
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  234. <a class="nav" href="#they"></a>
  235. <a class="nav" href="#will"></a>
  236. <a class="nav" href="#fear"></a>
  237. <a class="nav" href="#the"></a>
  238. <a class="nav" href="#wild"></a>
  239. </div>
  241. <div id="they" class="box">
  242. <font style=float:left><b>Name</b></font> <font style=float:right>Nidalee</font><br>
  243. <font style=float:left><b>Moniker(s)</b></font> <font style=float:right>The Bestial Huntress</font><br>
  244. <font style=float:left><b>Gender</b></font> <font style=float:right>Female</font><br>
  245. <font style=float:left><b>Age</b></font> <font style=float:right>Adult</font><br>
  246. <font style=float:left><b>Race</b></font> <font style=float:right>Human, Half-Feline</font><br>
  247. <font style=float:left><b>Birthplace</b></font> <font style=float:right>Unknown</font><br>
  248. <font style=float:left><b>Residence</b></font> <font style=float:right>Kumungu Jungle</font><br>
  249. <font style=float:left><b>Hair Colour</b></font> <font style=float:right>Brown</font><br>
  250. <font style=float:left><b>Eye Hue</b></font> <font style=float:right>Dark Green</font><br>
  251. <font style=float:left><b>Occupation</b></font> <font style=float:right>League of Legends Champion</font><br>
  252. <font style=float:left><b>Summoner</b></font> <font style=float:right>None</font><br>
  253. <font style=float:left><b>Marital Status</b></font> <font style=float:right>Single.</font><br>
  254. <font style=float:left><b>Sexual Orientation</b></font> <font style=float:right>Heterosexual</font><br>
  255. </div>
  257. <div id="will" class="box">
  258. <p> There are few dwellers, let alone champions, residing in the blasted and dangerous lands that lie south of the Great Barrier. Much of that world still bears the scars of past Rune Wars, especially the mysterious Kumungu Jungle. There are long-forgotten treasures in these strange places which many risk life and limb to acquire. The champion known as Nidalee was only a young girl traveling with her treasure-seeking parents when they lost their way in the dense, rainy jungles. The jungle was unforgiving, and she watched her parents suffer agonizing final days as they fell victim to a mysterious and vicious disease. </p>
  260. <p>As improbable as it was for a child to survive in the inhospitable jungle by herself, she did just that. Her youthful innocence and a fortunate naivete caused her to appeal to the beasts of that place and she was taken in by a family of cougars and raised as one of their own. She grew and somehow absorbed the raw magic of the dense wilds, evolving beyond both her human physiology and her feline affectation. On one pivotal day in her life, standing over the torn remnants of a Noxian squad of woodcutters, Nidalee chose to rejoin the so-called civilized world, to fight in the League of Legends so as to protect the vast woods from both Demacia and Noxus.</p>
  262. <i>Nidalee was taught to fight by her feline family, battling viciously with tooth and nail. Something in her feline ways may draw you to her, but remember that she is no pussycat.</i>
  263. </div>
  265. <div id="fear" class="box">
  266. <center>
  267. <img src="" class="roar">
  268. <small>-</small>
  269. <img src="" class="roar">
  270. <img src="" class="roar">
  271. <img src="" class="roar">
  272. <img src="" class="roar">
  273. <small>-</small>
  274. <img src="" class="roar">
  275. <img src="" class="roar">
  276. <img src="" class="roar">
  277. <img src="" class="roar"> </center><br>
  279. <big>Prowl</big>; <br>
  280. { Prowl } Moving through brush increases Nidalee's movement speed by 10% for 2 seconds, which increases to 30% if she is moving toward a visible enemy champion within 5500-range. <br>
  281. { Hunt } Hitting enemy champions with Javelin Toss & Bushwhack will mark them as Hunted for 4 seconds, revealing them. While moving toward Hunted, Nidalee gains Prowl's bonus movement speed and ignores unit collision. Additionally, Nidalee's first use of each of her Aspect of the Cougar abilities against Hunted will have an empowered effect.<br><br>
  283. <big>Javelin Toss</big>; <br>
  284. { Active } Nidalee hurls her javelin forward in a line, dealing magic damage to the first enemy it hits. After having traveled 525 units, the javelin's damage will be increase by 2% per 7.75 units traveled, capping at 200% bonus damage (300% total damage) after traveling 1300 units.<br><br>
  286. <big>Bushwack</big>; <br>
  287. { Active } Nidalee lays a trap at a target location that arms after a very brief delay. When sprung by an enemy unit, they will take magic damage plus a percentage of their current health over 4 seconds (max. damage 150 vs. monsters). Traps last for 2 minutes.<br><br>
  289. <big>Primal Surge</big>; <br>
  290. { Active } Nidalee evokes the spirit of the cougar, healing a target allied champion or herself and granting them bonus attack speed for 7 seconds.<br><br>
  292. <big>Aspect of the Cougar</big>; <br>
  293. { Active } Nidalee transforms herself into a cougar, gaining a new set of abilities and melee attacks (125 range). Triggering Hunt resets Aspect of the Cougar's cooldown if Nidalee is in Human Form.<br><br>
  294. <hr><hr>
  296. <big>Takedown</big>; <br>
  297. { Active } Nidalee's next attack gains 75-range (200 total range) and is modified to deal magic damage. The damage is increased by 1.5% for every 1% of the target's missing health, for a maximum of 150% bonus damage (250% total damage).  HUNT BONUS: If the target is marked as Hunted, Takedown deals 33% increased damage.<br><br>
  299. <big>Pounce</big>; <br>
  300. { Active } Nidalee lunges a fixed 375 units in the direction of the cursor, dealing magic damage to enemies within a 75-radius area around her landing point. Killing a unit will reduce Pounce's current cooldown to 1 second if it's currently higher. <br>
  301. - Bonus - If the cursor is near an enemy marked as Hunted within 750-range, Pounce becomes a unit-targeted dash.<br><br>
  303. <big>Swipe</big>; <br>
  304. { Active } Nidalee claws at enemies in a 180-degree cone in the direction of the cursor, dealing magic damage to all enemies hit. <br>
  305. - Bonus - If Swipe hits an enemy marked as Hunted, Pounce's current cooldown is reduced to 1 second if it's currently higher. <br><br>
  307. <big>Aspect of the Cougar</big>; <br>
  308. { Active } Nidalee transforms back into her human form. Nidalee begins the game with one rank in Aspect of the Cougar and can increase it at levels 6, 11, and 16.<br><br>
  309. </div>
  311. <div id="the" class="box">
  312. <a href="profile.php?user=Ahri" target="_blank" title="The Nine-Tailed Fox"><img src="" class="will"></a>
  313. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank" title="Description Here!"><img src="" class="will"></a>
  314. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank" title="Description Here!"><img src="" class="will"></a>
  315. <a href="profile.php?user=" target="_blank" title="Description Here!"><img src="" class="will"></a>
  316. </div>
  318. <div id="wild" class="box">
  319. <small>♔</small>; Ahri made this profile for Nidalee only! <br>
  320. <small>♔</small>; More ooc shenanigans here. <br>
  321. </div>
  323. <div id="credit"><A TARGET="_blank" HREF="Http://" title="{ Copyright }; Yeah, you see this right here? Pretty isn't? It ain't yours so don't steal."><img src=""></A></div>
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