
Archmage Anon (Done)

Apr 11th, 2016
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  1. The Tome of Anon the Mad.
  3. Day 1
  4. Operation: A wizard did it. Is a go.
  5. The purpose to make me, Anon of Equestria formerly of Earth, a wizard.
  6. I've decided I'm going to record this. For reference mostly, I may end up trying a lot of things before this is over.
  7. As for why I'm doing it.
  8. When I first arrived here Twilight tried more than a few spells on me, nothing dangerous, just scrying spells she said.
  9. But every last one just fizzled out on contact. As if my very presence nullified magic.
  10. Eventually it was concluded I was immune or at least highly resistant to magic.
  11. In a way it made sense, I was from a world were magic didn't exist except in fantasy. So I didn't question it.
  12. But then a month ago, I found myself foalsitting the crusaders and the bedtime story ultimately turned out to be the plot from Elder Scrolls Oblivion.
  13. Lame but it's not like they'll ever find out where I'm stealing my story ideas from.
  14. Anyway it got me thinking about the game again and how magic worked in it. Specifically resistance and absorption.
  15. What if I didn't resist Twilights spells. What if instead I absorbed it.
  16. And if I can find a way to absorb enough raw magic, I might be able to become the first wizard, the first magic kind anyway.
  18. Also no internet. Got a lot of free time.
  20. Day 3
  21. Got a shitload of books on magic from the treebrary today.
  22. Or more precisely Spike got me a shitload of books.
  23. Bribed the dragonling to sneak them out to me. He's also under orders to bullshit Twilight if she asks where they are.
  24. I don't want Twilight involved, for one I want to do this by myself. Secondly it's almost guaranteed to cause her to transform into the dreaded Twilight Spergle.
  25. i.e. creepy, obsessive, single minded and unable to comprehend boundaries.
  27. Day 4
  28. Magic is everywhere. Or at least that's what the books tell me.
  29. Every living thing has a spark of magic. Even the plants.
  30. Even inanimate objects become saturated with magic over time.
  31. If magic was radiation then Equestria is ground zero at chernobyl.
  32. And every cute little pony, changeling or yak is a walking, leaking, meltdowny nuclear reactor.
  33. I just have to find a way to irradiate myself or start my own reactor. That's the theory anyway.
  34. The books rather predictably having nothing on non-magical entities, they're not a thing that exists here.
  35. At least until I came along.
  36. I've asked Spike to bring me more books tomorrow on how unicorns prepare themselves for big spells, anything about casting magic that requires effort.
  37. I've seen how unicorns need to charge up for few seconds before attempting more impressive spells.
  38. I'm working on the idea that I can research their chargin mah lazor techniques and hopefully find something I can use to gather magical energy for myself.
  40. Day 5
  41. I've pulled all kinds of shit out of these books.
  42. Ritual circles, incantations, meditation and other crap that I don't even think there's a name for.
  43. I start tomorrow, with any luck in a few days I'll be shooting fire from my eyes and lightning bolts from my ass.
  45. Day 6
  46. Made my first attempt today and I have never felt like a bigger dickhead ever before in my life.
  47. I felt like one of those fat weeaboos who spends his saturday copying kung-fu moves from anime and posting video of it on youtube.
  48. Anyway it didn't work. I'm not surprised.
  49. My dignity may never recover.
  51. Day 13
  52. Nothing. Zero progress. And I know exactly why.
  53. I've been going about this the wrong way. The methods I've been pulling from these books are designed for ponies.
  54. And I'm about as different from a pony as you can get. I should have realized this from the start.
  55. It's so fucking obvious.
  56. I need to put a human spin on these things.
  57. I'm going to try the ritual circle again tomorrow.
  58. I'll swap out the equestrian symbols for more human ones, pentagrams, triforce, viking runes.
  59. I'd could probably throw together some incantations in latin too.
  60. Thank fuck videogames gave me an interest in dead languages.
  62. Day 15
  63. I spent 8 hours yesterday sitting in that circle chanting in latin.
  64. I didn't stop to eat, drink or rest. I didn't even stop to piss.
  65. Yeah I pissed myself.
  66. I was in a frame of mind where it was all or nothing. Not even sitting in a puddle of piss could stop me.
  67. I was like a Buddhist Monk. They don't seem like the kind of guys who stop to pee either.
  68. And when I entered the 8th hour. My mouth was dry and I was barely croaking out the latin, I felt something.
  69. Like a tingling in my veins. The moment I'd been waiting for.
  70. I stretched out my arm towards one of the many books on magic that littered the floor.
  71. I concentrated on the book and a greyish green glow surrounded it. It was a really disgusting color now that I think about it.
  72. I didn't dare get excited as the book floated into the air for fear of breaking my concentration.
  73. And then it exploded. Instant confetti bomb.
  74. Twilight's going to kill me when she finds out I was learning magic without her and more importantly destroyed one of her books.
  75. Still piss and my imminent death aside, I am now Anon the Wizard! And I
  77. *loud knocking*
  78. "Oh shit"
  79. Twilight's come to kill me. Spike you little traitor, I will haunt your shit!
  81. Pinkie?
  82. "Yeah I'll be down in minute."
  83. Clothes. Clothes? No clothes. You haven't done laundry for two weeks dumbass. Bedsheet, that'll do.
  84. Ok, open door, brace for impact, lie to the pink one, get back to wizarding. Should be easy enough.
  85. "Hey Pinkie what brings yo-Fuck"
  86. Pinkie used Tackle. It's Super Effective. Someday you'll find a way to stay on my feet when this happens.
  87. "NONNY! YOU'RE ALIVE! And smelly. Eck."
  88. "Hey, it's not that bad."
  89. "Wizards shouldn't be smelly welly at all Nonny."
  90. Spike you little bastard!
  91. "I have no idea what you're talking about Ponk."
  92. "Then why do have so many books about magic."
  93. "Curiosity."
  94. "And this stuff drawn on the floor."
  95. "I was feeling artistic."
  96. "And all the yelling you were doing in that weird language."
  97. "I was singing the song of my people."
  98. "And I got two ear twitches, a sneeze and a tingly feeling on my tongue."
  99. You what mate?
  100. "....You what?"
  101. "That's my Pinkie Sense telling me that Nonny is doing magic!"
  102. Fucking hax
  103. "Ok fine. I admit it, I figured out how to do magic. Jesus Christ"
  104. "YAY! Nonny's a wizard! Are you going to grow a beardandwearrobesandcarryastaffandtellponiestheyshallnotpass?!"
  105. "Pinkie this is something I want to keep quiet for now. I need you to promise me that you won't tell anyone, especially Twilight."
  106. "Pinkie promise!"
  107. "Ok then"
  108. An awkward silence begins and Pinkie just sits there in your lap. Conversations over. Why isn't she leaving?
  109. "Is there something else you came here for..."
  110. "Yepper-rooonie Nonny. Twilights brother is getting MARRIED!"
  111. Oh joy. There's another Spergle running around. If he's anything like Twilight it'll be to a librarian.
  112. "And?"
  113. "You're invited!"
  114. "That doesn't seem right Ponk. I didn't even know Twilight had a brother till five seconds ago."
  115. "Well they didn't invite you silly. I did. You're my plus one!"
  116. Woah hey. We're entering dodgy territory here captain.
  117. "Pinkie I don't...."
  118. "It's not like that Nonny. But you've never been to a pony wedding, it's a great way to learn more about Equestria and the different types of parties!"
  119. Ok now that's just freaky. Pinkie is fucking channeling Twilight.
  120. "Ponk, you sound like Twilight and it's damn creepy. Secondly, do I have to do anything, like weird pony customs?"
  121. "Nope! Just show up and bring a gift. See ya later Nonny!"
  122. "Bye Ponk."
  123. And there she goes, bouncing out the door like she hasn't ruined your secret wizarding and dropped a bombshell.
  124. Oh man, gifts? You hate buying presents. And they're probably going to expect some strange Crafts of My People shit too.
  125. Looking round the room it's clear the only things you've crafted are piss stained pants and exploding books.
  126. Exploding books. Explosions. There's an idea. An awful idea. A wonderful, awful idea.
  129. -----Several days later in Ponyville Park-----
  131. You came here to think. Because you may have overreached yourself.
  132. Actually no may, you have. Well, sometimes you need to be reminded you're not the protagonist of your own story.
  133. Well you are, just not the mary-sue kind of protagonist who's good at everything. That's pretty obvious now.
  134. You planned to use your new found wizardry to pull off a fireworks display.
  135. If you could explode a book, you could make explosions of light. Awesome way to debut as well.
  136. Instead you got a painful reminder that you're a level one wizard.
  137. You can fire off a few but after that you quickly run out of energy.
  138. Chanting and meditating just isn't building enough power. You thought of just having a unicorn charge you up.
  139. That's a whole heap of potential dangerous right there. Plus ponies suck at keeping secrets.
  140. But a lack of gas in the tank isn't the biggest issue, not by a long shot.
  141. Everything you try to cast a spell on explodes after a few seconds. The shredded remains of your sofa is testament to that.
  142. What good is magic if you can only rip stuff apart with it. Unintentionally too.
  143. Maybe it's time to bite the bullet and ask Twilight for help. Uugh.
  144. After the wedding, you're not ready to summon the Spergle just yet.
  146. -----11pm in Anon's bed-----
  148. You regret everything. Today you got Lyra to charge you up.
  149. She's one of like four ponies you know can keep a secret. Hell, hardly anyone has figured out she's plot pals with Bon Bon
  150. And it worked! She's blasted you with magic until she got tired, so three minutes.
  151. It felt like molten metal was running through your veins. You felt like a GOD! Power! Unlimited Power!
  152. You'd be able to give those ponies the best damn fireworks display ever and prove your wizard credentials.
  153. Big fucking mistake. That feeling of power running through your veins, didn't go away.
  154. It's like your blood is now fire ants and they're trying to escape.
  155. "I've got more ice Nonny!"
  156. "Thanks Ponk. But I don't, JESUS CHRIST, think it's helping."
  157. Pinkie looks at you, concern clear in here face.
  158. "Nonny, can't you just let the magic out?"
  159. You say nothing. You don't want to admit she's right.
  160. A hoof touches your arm.
  161. "You're really sick."
  162. Damn it she's right.
  163. "uUUuuuugh, help me get outside."
  164. Flopping out of bed, you crawl through your house and outside under Pinkie's watchful eye.
  165. Walking is not on the cards tonight.
  166. You collapse face down on the grass outside your house. Fuck this is humiliating.
  167. "Come on Nonny, you gotta let the juice loose."
  168. Raising your arm, you try to focus.
  169. Green lightning snakes up and down your arm and ugly green fire builds around your hand.
  170. With a cry of agony three huge fireballs shoot out over the houses of ponyville, followed by an explosion of light and noise that sounds like a bomb going off.
  171. "Ooooooooh, Aaaahhhhhh."
  173. You continue to swear while clutching your arm to your chest.
  174. The pain in the rest of your body has gone but it feels like you just deep fried your arm.
  175. You're aware of Pinkie trying to drag you back inside, before the pain causes you to black out like a bitch.
  177. "OH MY GOD!"
  178. You clutch your head, it feels like this is the first time you've been sober in 12 years.
  179. And now you must suffer the hangover.
  180. Merlin must have been a stone cold badass to withstand this kind of bullshit.
  181. You head downsides like a dawn of the dead extra only to find a note on your table
  182. 'Morning silly, I put you in bed because you had super duper frownies. I'll have a fix me up breakfast waiting for you at my place. Ponka!'
  183. Free breakfast. Zombie want free breakfast. Bakery. Uuuuugh!
  184. Stumbling out of your home towards the bakery, a chill breeze strikes your face, shocking the fog out of your mind.
  185. "OH MY GOD!"
  186. You clutch your head as last night comes flooding back.
  187. "Is something wrong Anon?"
  188. "TWILIGHT! FUCK! NO! YES! I MEAN! I'm fine, yes, everything's fine here. How are you?"
  189. Twilight gives you a confused look.
  190. "I'm fine Anon. Anon you're acting strange, were you drinking your human juice last night?"
  191. You mean Comrade Anon's Potato Based Vodka Substitute purplebutt.
  192. "No, no. I just didn't sleep well."
  193. Twilight laughs
  194. "I don't think anyone slept well last night."
  195. Oh shit. You haven't any lies prepared yet. Improvise.
  196. "Oh yeah the huge firework thing. I'm sure it was just some naughty foals and fillys playing with matches."
  197. "ANON! Nopony would be that irresponsible, not even foals and fillys."
  198. Good fucking job Anon. Of course ponies wouldn't have a pyromania phase during childhood. They're too fucking innocent.
  199. "Besides those weren't fireworks Anon. Nopony makes fireworks that powerful and there was alot of magical residue left by the explosion."
  200. A cold shiver runs up your spine. As your 'Oh shit-o-meter' registers a 7.0.
  201. You've got to end the conversation now, you can't be here when Sherlock Sparkle starts investigating.
  202. "Well good luck with that Twilight, I've got breakfast waiting. BYE!"
  203. You power walk away as fast as you can to sugarcube corner, feeling like you've dodged a bullet.
  204. And the sinking feeling you may have to dodge more.
  207. You're in Canterlot and your eyes hurt.
  208. You're in canterlot because you dodged Hercule "Sparkle" Poirot and her investigations.
  209. Which in hindsight was pretty easy, you just didn't do anymore magic. For the best really.
  210. You were behaving like a teenager on his first drunken bender. Too much, too soon and you woke up in a ditch with a blazing hangover.
  211. Metaphorically speaking.
  212. Your eyes hurt because Captain Kirk or whoever is in charge of the guards decided to say 'Shields up'.
  213. Why the fuck they need the purple dome of doom for a wedding is beyond you but looking at it made your eyes itch.
  214. The place is crawling with guards too, what kind of fucked up wedding is this?
  215. Either way, you'll find out soon enough. Pank went off to do bridesmaid stuff with the others, said she'd come get you when it starts.
  216. Hope she hasn't forgotten, it's been hours and pinkie can get a bit scatter brained over parties, weddings too most likely.
  217. But in the meantime you can hold a more Earthly wedding rite. Getting drunk beforehand, so the inevitable wedding reception is less cringe worthy.
  218. Watching a family unit 'party' is not something a sober man can witness, and you doubt it's any different here.
  219. You still have flashbacks about the shit your Uncle Incognito pulled at the last wedding you went to.
  220. Maybe that's what the guards are for. There's a horde of pony Uncle Incognito's waiting to run riot.
  221. "Barpony! Another!"
  222. As you set the fresh pint of golden liquid to your lips there's the sound of shattering glass and a scream in the distance.
  223. Heh. Guess Uncle Incognito has started early.
  224. But the sound of screams gets louder, and different voices are screaming.
  225. What the fucking is going on out there?
  226. Setting down your pint and walking out into the street, you see a bizarre sight.
  227. Screaming ponies running around like headless chickens and guard ponies fighting with black ponies?
  228. The fuck? They've got holes in them and they're kind of insectoid looking too. Uewgh.
  229. As you stand there feeling confused two of the black ponies crash into the ground in front of you.
  230. One fires a blast of green magic from its horn. It impacts your shoulder causing you to take a step back to maintain your balance.
  231. "What the hell?"
  232. The second, seeing you aren't injured charges up a larger blast. This one catches you square in the chest.
  233. Your back smashes into the saloon doors as your sent flying back inside.
  234. The creatures follow you inside, no doubt intending further attempt at harm.
  235. A red mist of alcohol fueled anger descends on you.
  236. You hurl a bar stool at one of the creatures, it goes down in a tangle of bar stool and legs.
  237. The second shoots another blast of magic at you, as it hits your chest you feel the familiar sensation of fire ants in your blood.
  238. The realization that you're a wizard now penetrates your drunken anger.
  239. Flinging out your arm you bellow in rage as the creature floats into the air before exploding in a shower of blood and chitin.
  240. The first insectoid pony has freed itself from the bar stool, fleeing outside before it ends up like its friend.
  241. You follow it, only to be confronted by a dozen of the creatures lined up outside.
  242. The fleeing changeling takes its place in line and they open up with their magic.
  243. Screaming in agony you collapse to one knee, it feels like your blood is on fire.
  244. The pain acts as a lightning rod for your anger.
  245. A wave of magic erupts from your body as you try to expel it unshaped by any spell, not that you know many to begin with.
  246. As it impacts the insectoids there's a series of hissing screams before they each detonate in a shower of gore.
  247. Breathing heavily, you push yourself to your feet, the pain has lessened to a dull itch.
  248. Looking skywards you see the purple dome of doom is gone, instead the sky is dark with insect ponies.
  249. "Fuck me."
  252. You are Sargent Major Thrusting Spear.
  253. And you just finished vomiting into a fountain.
  254. You thought today would be an easy day. The captain rolls out the guard for his wedding.
  255. Just a bit ceremonial showiness, no heavy duty.
  256. Then changelings attacked and even worse the shield went down.
  257. Everything has gone to poop. FUBAR. Fluffed up beyond all recognition.
  258. You tried to rally your squad but there was too many.
  259. Just you and Private Showers escaped. Luckily you heard yelling and sounds of fighting in the nearby square.
  260. You thought it must be another squad holding out.
  262. Instead you found the human, you don't know his name.
  263. But he's been yelling evil human hexes and exploding changelings with his foul human magics.
  264. Privates Showers fainted when you both got showered with changeling bits, only your experience and steely will kept you conscious.
  265. Daddy didn't raise no colt cuddling pansy. No sir-*splat*
  267. Is that an eyeball on your snout? Yes it is.
  268. *horse vomit sounds*
  271. You are Anon.
  272. And you might be going mad with power.
  273. Shit quickly escalated to say the least, you've gone from having a drink to fighting for your life.
  274. Honestly you're surprised you're not dead.
  276. But then maybe you shouldn't be. Twilight showed you the history books.
  277. Even in wars no-one gets killed, just the snot beaten out of them.
  278. Oh fuck. You might be the first mass murderer. Way to ruin it Anon.
  279. Wait. Is that a piano? Looking around it's obvious to you that no one is in any condition for a song.
  280. So why the fuck is there music? Oh no. That's why. There's a wall of purple shit heading your way.
  281. For the love of god, please don't be magi-"RAAAAWWWAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH"
  283. -----------Canterlot Hospital, 3 days later------------
  285. "Is he going to be ok Princess?"
  286. "I'm sure he'll be fine Twilight, you should go join your friends. I'm sure they'll want to return to Ponyville soon."
  287. You watch your student trot away, hoping she'll stop worrying. Because you have no idea if Anon will be fine.
  288. Nopony knows anything about humans. Except Anon and he's not in conversational frame of mind.
  289. He only woke up this morning and his first act was to vomit purple goo on a doctor.
  290. Since then he's alternated between cursing somepony called Jesus Christ and napping.
  291. You hope he'll be back to good health soon. Not only for Anon's sake but to find out what happened in that plaza.
  292. Luna went looking for him when she heard he was here, after the changelings had been defeated.
  293. She found him at the bottom of a large crater, alive but unconscious. What she told you next still sends a shiver through your wings.
  294. The plaza he was in, was filled with dead changelings that had been ripped apart with barbaric force.
  295. Two Solar Guard had been found unconscious in the plaza too. They'd recovered much quicker than Anon.
  296. You'd hoped for answers but whatever happened had traumatized your poor little ponies quite badly and they were reluctant to recount what happened.
  297. Your sister was even now diving into their dreams in the search for answers.
  298. Whatever vile creature attacked Anon and massacred those changelings needs to found and dealt with, before it can harm your little ponies.
  300. -----------Later that day----------
  302. "Sister I would have words with thee, may we enter thy room?"
  303. Luna must have finished her investigation, you guess evening cake time can wait a little longer.
  304. "You don't need permission to go into your sister's room, Luna."
  305. "We must respect thy privacy sister."
  306. She's got you there.
  307. You wait for your sister to get comfortable.
  308. "Have you found the beast that... killed those changelings"
  309. A flash of nervousness crosses Luna's face. That is not good.
  310. "We have walked the dreams of thy solar guard and spoken with the Element of Laughter."
  311. "Pinkie Pie?!"
  312. What could she have to do with this.
  313. "We know the identity of the beast. Twas Anonymous"
  314. "SPPPFFFFFFFFFFF *coughcoughcough*"
  315. Tea sprays over your cake tray
  316. "This is no time for jokes Luna."
  317. "We do not jest sister. Thy guards dreams were quite clear."
  318. Anon! That impossible. He's strong and immune to magic, true, but he couldn't defeat that many changelings.
  319. Or do such horrific things.
  320. "It- It can't be."
  321. "Tis true sister."
  322. You feel sick and it isn't from eating too many cakes.
  323. "But how....."
  324. "We too wondered that, until the Element of Laughter revealed the truth."
  325. Luna pauses before continuing, her expression growing sorrowful.
  326. "It seems that Anonymous was not immune to magic as believed. And upon discovering this took it upon himself to learn in secret."
  327. Magic. That would explain much but Anon wasn't that barbaric. He couldn't be.
  328. "But he has an odd interaction with magic. Anything he uses magic on explodes, and more he absorbs magic. When the shield swept Canterlot of changeling filth, Anonymous tried to absorb it, his illness is the result of absorbing more magic than he can contain."
  329. Anon was a threat and you didn't see it. You should have been more cautious. Discord came from another dimension too and caused no end of trouble. It seems Anon may be the same.
  330. "When the changelings attacked, Anon retaliated. Matching his magic against the changelings... Sister art thou listening?"
  331. "I had no idea Anon was so dangerous, I have to protect my little ponies"
  332. You stand up and move towards the door.
  334. The Royal Canterlot voice right in your ear brings you to screeching halt.
  335. "Luna?"
  336. "We know what thou are thinking sister. Thou judge Anonymous too harshly. We have spoken with him also. He acted as his kind would when their life is in danger. No more, no less."
  337. You can see tears beginning to form in the corner of your sisters eyes. She knew you going to exile or banish Anon.
  338. You can feel pain in your heart just thinking the word banish.
  339. Perhaps she's right, maybe you were being too hasty. Anon never liked to talk about his home dimension.
  340. You'd assumed it was because he didn't want to be homesick. Maybe it was because it wasn't a place of pleasant memories.
  341. You move across the room to hug your sister.
  342. "We'll wait till Anon has recovered, then decide what to do together Luna."
  343. "Thank you sister."
  345. It's judgement day bud. You were summoned for a private audience with the princesses the moment you were discharged.
  346. Well, you're discharged. Not by a doctor of course, cute little ponies still thought you had too many unhealed boo-boos.
  347. You called it some minor bruising and manfully strode from the hospital, unnecessary bandages flapping in the breeze, like a much younger and better looking Mumm-Ra.
  348. On any other occasion you'd assume it was just an invitation for cake and cider, so the princesses could watch you drunkenly insult nobles.
  349. But given recent events and the fact the summons was delivered by a guard pony climbing through your window at 2am adds a certain seriousness to it.
  350. You've learned that ponies suck at keeping secrets, so when the rulers of the land try to keep one it's bad news.
  351. Hopefully Anon-Ra the Everliving won't end up splattered over the mountain side.
  353. You get some questioning looks from the guards as you make your way through the castle.
  354. Probably because of your bandages than anything else, when you reach the throne room doors, the guards outside and in the hall march away.
  355. Not a good sign, clearly the princesses don't want anyone hearing this.
  356. Suddenly it dawns on you. Or maybe it's because they don't want the guards hurt.
  357. You could very well end up like Discord.
  358. You could resist, but do you really want to risk hurting the beings that control this worlds sun and moon. Even if you could hurt them.
  359. God damn it.
  360. Pushing open the throne room doors they slam into the walls with a hollow boom. A bit more dramatic than you intended.
  361. Hey, you expected them to be heavy.
  362. The princesses eyes widen briefly as you stride towards them bandages flapping, before settling back into austere neutrality.
  363. "Anonymous"
  364. You decide to remain silent, see where this is going.
  365. "You know why we have called you here?"
  366. "I think I do."
  367. "Do you wish to defend your actions?"
  368. "I did what I must."
  369. Sunbutt looks slightly saddened by that response.
  370. "I had thought to exile you or have you imprisoned in Tartarus."
  371. Five bucks say you're going to the sun instead.
  372. "But Luna reminded me that you are not a pony or Equestrian. We cannot fairly judge you by our own standards. Your world is not like ours and we cannot condemn you for acting the way that world taught you to act."
  373. WOOHOO!
  374. "That being said, we cannot let you go unpunished either. There is difference between defending your life and engaging in... in slaughter!"
  375. DOH!
  376. "You are hereby confined to palace until two conditions are met. Firstly, you must understand the unconscionable barbarity of your acts in the square."
  377. That's unlikely.
  378. "Secondly you must learn to control your magic. Luna has agreed to take you as her student."
  379. Oh fuck me. I'm evil Twilight Sparkle.
  380. "Come friend Anonymous, we shall show thee to thy quarters."
  382. You left with Luna and walked in silence for a while. This whole deal was too somber for you liking.
  383. Sad ponies man, can't be dealing with that shit.
  384. "Luna, are you alright?"
  385. "We are fine anonymous."
  386. Not very convincing moonbutt but you'll let it slide.
  387. "What about Celestia?"
  388. "She will also be fine once she has consumed her afternoon cakes."
  389. You've heard about those cake rumors. They say she-
  390. "Our sister and I must often stand as judges, though punishments such as exile and banishment hold unwelcome memories for both of us."
  391. Right, the whole Nightmare Moon thing. Explains why Luna stood up for you. Guess you owe Moonbutt.
  393. The guards came for you in the morning, sounds really sinister when you think about it that way.
  394. They only came to show you the way to Luna's 'Teaching room' which was not nearly as kinky as your imagination would have liked.
  395. You could swear the 'Teaching room' used to be dining room. In one corner was a pair of desks, complete with blackboard and a pile of books.
  396. Your chair looked like an unpainted copy of the princesses throne. Not surprising really, chairs your size are something of a rarity.
  397. Built down the length of the room is a target range, rather hastily assembled by the looks of it.
  398. And then there was Luna herself, in a huge blue robe decorated with a pattern similar to her butt mark.
  399. She insisted it was appropriate attire for a teacher, even though it was about 12 sizes to big for her, the thing was blanket.
  400. "When thou art finished mocking our robe we shall begin. Unless you would prefer detention?"
  401. Detention? You're already detained, you're a bloody prisoner.
  402. But yeah you're done mocking
  403. "Good, then we shall proceed."
  404. "There are three stages of progression to true wizard status."
  405. "The first is magic by incantation. This involves spoken words, ritual objects and so on."
  406. "The second is horn magic, spells are cast through movements of the horn and body."
  407. "The final stage, the supreme proponents of magic, are wizards of pure thought, who need no words or gestures but by their will alone pierce the heavens."
  408. What follows is an hour long lecture on the basics of magic.
  409. Not to disparage a princess but it was a bit boring. You already knew this stuff.
  410. What with the whole locking yourself in your house with a pile of books and doing your best Twilight impression.
  411. "Now Anon as thou can see we have prepared a target range. We wish you to demonstrate what you know."
  412. "Well, I only know a telekinesis spell and it doesn't really work well......"
  413. "We are aware of this, the Element of Laughter told us a great deal. Now demonstrate it."
  414. Moving over to the range you find a bucket of small rocks and a large archery target at the other end.
  415. "You may want to take cover."
  416. Luna just huffs and stands next to you.
  417. Concentrating on the rocks, you lift three into the air and hurl them downrange before the inevitable happens.
  418. Which does, just before they reach the target showering it in high velocity basalt shards.
  419. Luna has a look of intense concentration on her face.
  420. "Again."
  421. 15 minutes later, the bucket is empty, you're tired, the far end of the range has been pulverized and Luna is studying it like you've hidden the secrets of the universe in the rubble.
  422. "That will be all for today Anon, thou may join us for dinner this evening if thou wish."
  423. "Will Celestia be ok with that."
  424. "Do not worry Anon, our sister is nothing if not relentlessly optimistic."
  428. And that pretty much became the routine.
  429. Each day you'd have a magic lesson with Luna, she'd have you try certain spells.
  430. And you'd unintentionally obliterate whatever it was you were magicking on.
  431. You tried all sorts of things. Concentrating so hard you got a headache.
  432. Draining your magic reserves, holding onto a unicorns horn while casting, casting spells slowly, quickly and everything in between.
  433. Discord was called in when Luna suspected you might be accidentally channeling chaos magic.
  434. Nope. Discord said negatory, though he did thank you for the fireworks display before leaving.
  435. And then in a moment of desperation Luna had the bright idea of casting spells through your 'horn'.
  436. But despite a copious amount of nervous sweating over the possibility of exploding your dick, that turned out to be a dead end too.
  437. In the end Luna decided to call an end to the lessons. Deciding to go back to the drawing board, she'd spent the last week locked in the castle library.
  438. Which means in the meantime you're bored, what with being confined to the castle and all.
  439. Though it did give you time to invent a new sport. You call it guard tipping.
  440. It's like cow tipping, only for fancy people instead of rednecks.
  442. "Luna are you in here?"
  443. You don't like the idea of Luna hiding away like this.
  444. She can get very emotionally invested in things, to put it tactfully.
  445. "We are here sister."
  446. "Wher- Nevermind."
  447. Luna in nose deep in a dusty tome, surrounded by towers of books.
  448. It reminds you of the book forts Twilight would construct when she was a filly.
  449. "What are you reading?"
  450. "We are researching sister and we believe we have found the solution to Anon!"
  451. Solution?
  452. "Luna, what are you saying?"
  453. "The reason Anon cannot control his magic Sister."
  454. Oh thank the stars, you can put this issue to rest. The sooner the better.
  455. If Luna and Anon keep experimenting like this they'll destroy more than the spare dining hall.
  456. Seeing your relieved expression Luna continues.
  457. "He has no horn!"
  458. Is that it?
  459. "I see."
  460. "Sister, without an appendage specifically for channeling magic Anon cannot control his power."
  461. That does make some kind of sense but...
  462. "But what about Discord, he doesn't use his horns to cast spells."
  463. "Discord is chaos incarnate sister, thou should know that. The normal rules do not apply to him."
  464. Well now you feel like a silly filly.
  465. "I don't see how this will help Anon, Luna he can't just grow a horn."
  466. "Perhaps not on his own but there is a way."
  467. What way? She can't mean magic, any spells like that would be temporary at leas-
  468. No, she can't mean that.
  469. "Luna. no."
  470. "Sister-"
  471. "No Luna, how can you even consider that. It's too dangerous."
  472. "Dangerous to who?"
  473. "We don't know what it could do to him!"
  474. "Doth thou prefer things as they are?"
  475. You don't have an answer for that.
  476. Anon is a danger to himself and others right now, perhaps it might be worth the risk.
  477. "Let me think on it, please Luna, don't do anything without me."
  478. "Very well Sister."
  480. This silence is dragging out. Are we in a staring contest?
  481. "So are you two going to say something or are we just admiring the view?"
  482. In response they both scrunch up, you love it when ponies do that.
  483. "This is not a time for japes Anonymous, we have important news for thee."
  484. A parole hearing.
  485. "Luna believes she has discovered the reason for your... magical inconsistencies."
  486. Oh that's even better.
  487. "So what is it, don't keep me waiting!"
  488. You can almost feel your inner Merlin rubbing his hands together in glee.
  489. "Thou cannot cast you should because thou lack a horn."
  490. The horn thing again, jesus.
  491. "Luna we already tried that with my-"
  492. Luna holds up a hoof
  493. "Nay Anonymous we speak not of thy bending branch."
  494. "What Luna means is that you're not really built to cast spells, even though you can. Your hands aren't a good conduit for magic to flow through, it's why your spells end the way they do."
  495. "And a horn is?"
  496. God damn hornists, keeping the hornless man down.
  497. "Yes, most creatures that can use magic channel it through a horn or horns."
  498. "And Discord?"
  499. "I did say most creatures Anon."
  500. "Enough exposition Sister. Fear not Anon for we have found the means to give thee a horn."
  501. You give me the horn everytime you turn around. Internal high five!
  503. Luna and Celestia have just filled you in why you cannot into magic.
  504. Apparently they have the solution too.
  505. "Behold! The Alicorn Amulet!"
  506. Luna holds up a necklace with her magic. Kind of looks like the logo of a heavy metal band.
  507. "It holds great magical power, we intend to use it to give you your horn."
  508. "There is some risk involved however."
  509. Always a fucking catch.
  510. "What kind of risk?"
  511. "The amulet is evil, it corrupts the wearer. They begin to lust for domination and power."
  512. Something is off here.
  513. "That doesn't seem the kind of thing ponies would create. And you two are the only alicorns...."
  514. Both princesses look shocked by the accusation. Stupid big mouth.
  515. Celestia recovers first.
  516. "You are correct Anon, we did not create it and nopony is certain who did."
  517. "Indeed Sister, there are many conflicting stories. Some say it was Discord's doing, others say it was the evil King Sombra."
  518. "Some believe it was Starswirl the Bearded, created in a moment of arrogance to his eternal regret."
  519. "That's all well and good but how does it help me?"
  520. "Sister, if you would explain while I prepare."
  521. Luna leaves the room, leaving you alone with Celestia.
  522. "Anon, it takes a great deal of magic to even temporarily change somepony's form. And even more to make it permanent."
  523. Celestia looks, and sounds, alot less confident now that Luna is gone.
  524. "I'm not blind Celestia, you're holding something back."
  525. She glances around nervously, refusing to look you in the eyes.
  526. "I don't think this is a good idea Anon, the amulet is evil."
  527. "And you think it will turn me evil."
  528. "Yes. But I also worry you'll be hurt. Something like this, I don't think it's been attempted before."
  529. Just like Celestia. You could be the next Hitler but she's still worried about you getting hurt.
  530. She places a hoof on your shoulder.
  531. "Anon, you don't have to do this."
  532. Oh but you do. You've come too far to give up now and as for the risks.
  533. You've risked an exploding dick already, what kind of injury can scare you off after that.
  534. And evil, oh sweet naive ponies. You already committed the most grievous crime in history when you massacred those changelings.
  535. Placing a hand on her hoof, you look her in the eyes and smile.
  536. "I'll be fine. Let's not keep Luna waiting."
  538. The place for this horn ceremony is not that impressive.
  539. It's just a room cleared of furniture. Kind of disappointed by the lack of candles and glyphs drawn in the floor.
  540. "So how is this gonna work?"
  541. "Thou will not need to do anything Anon, simply remain still."
  542. You stand in the center of the room, while Luna takes up position opposite you the amulet floating in front of her.
  543. Celestia just stands near the door, clearly not taking part in this.
  544. She's probably just here in case something goes wrong.
  545. "Prepare thyself."
  546. Before you have a chance to respond Luna's eyes glow white and the amulet shatters.
  547. Black smoke scarred by red lightning emerges from the shards, coalescing in front of Luna into a large cloud.
  548. A cloud that's clearly some evil shit.
  549. A flick of her horn and the cloud shoots towards you.
  553. Anon is screaming, by your own Sun you knew this was a bad idea.
  554. But a look from Luna stopped you from interfering.
  555. Suddenly the sound of crackling magic and Anon's yelling ceases.
  556. You see a silhouette in the smoke as it begins to clear and-
  557. Oh. Oh my.
  559. The spell finally ends and you find yourself covered in soot and gasping for breath.
  560. Your head feels strangely heavy too. Oh yes.
  561. Tentatively you reach up to feel a ridged bony growth where your forehead should be.
  562. It worked.
  563. "Celestia. Luna. How do I look?"
  565. Celestia practically flees the room.
  566. "Did something go wrong?"
  567. Luna has a big smile on her face.
  568. "Nay Anon, my sister merely has a thing for large horns."
  569. You what?
  570. Unfortunately that is your last conscious thought before the weight of your new horns cause you to overbalance, fall over and knock yourself on out on the stone floor.
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