

Dec 11th, 2019
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  1. Having gone to the market prior to coming to the forest and buying a ton of earth crystals, Neklous seemed prepared to finally attempt to truly manifest himself as the thorned rose flower he had been believing himself to be a reflection of.
  3. "The 5 p's.. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. "
  5. "Isn't that what you always said mother.."
  7. Neklous said reminiscing the lessons his mother had given him as a child before eventually passing away due to cancer.
  9. Neklous had never called out for his deceased mother even when he was developing his first magic on his own, but this was different. Neklous needed help. He needed hope and most of all he needed faith in himself and in the land.
  11. What Neklous was attempting to do was simply more than just attaining a new magic path. He was attempting to evolve in a way that could help him return to his Beast kin roots. This moment would change his life definitely for the good whether it was a success or failure. No matter what the outcome was, he was going to return to his true home which was the forest and the wilderness.
  13. Enduring through many events in his life, Neklous was constantly under pressure but silently enduring.
  15. There was his silent and painful childhood.
  17. There was the constant abuse he got from others which borderline implied it was because of his beastkin heritage.
  19. There was the constant attitudes and unwelcomingness he got for leaving the Thunderbirds who he considered his first 'friends' yet soon as he left, they treated him like scum.
  21. There was his inability to fit in with any factions of the city such as the First Order, the City Watch and even the Church.
  23. He was even looked down upon and discarded by his own family who he just recently found out had also a disgust for beastkin. Hell the Patriarch of the family Alythia was openingly declaring her disgust for beast kin in her political run.
  25. Can you imagine how this made Neklous feel?
  27. Neklous himself was unstable and filled to the brim with madness due to the shunning of his own family and not knowing which direction his life was going. In a society ruled by mostly humans, he felt like he was caged. Like no matter what he did they would always look down him.
  29. In times like this to he had no where to direct or release his emotions.
  31. Anyone knows though that where there is bad, there is good.
  33. Along the way of trying to figure himself and cope with his family members, Neklous went to all sources for help.
  35. He went to the church, getting help from a Priest and acolyte named Gwenael and Seven.
  37. These two were a big help in helping him in finding himself amongst all the chaos he was dealing with.
  39. Gwenael acted as a light house, guiling his boat or soul back onto the right path while Seven acted as a therapist and gave him a place to vent his frustrations.
  41. There were also people like his little cousin Rhea who was always there for him at his back and call
  43. As well as the sage Frog who had gave him pointers on how to become closure to the land.
  45. With all this having transpired, Neklous knew what he wanted to do. He wanted to return to the forest just as beast kin ancestors did and find the ruminants of the children of the woodland to join them. The city and its factions just won't meant for him. He was a misfit there but in the forest he was welcomed with love.
  47. Having figured out his path and got away from his unstable self, Neklous had achieved the first requirement to learning Nature.
  49. Stability.
  51. Nature was a subclass or branch of Earth magic and to control Earth you had to have stability.
  53. Moving on Neklous had already assembled the earth crystals into a rune shape that meant Earth. Sitting in the center of the rune, he didn't know if the shape would be helpful or not but at least he knew the earth crystals would make the area dense in earth attribute mana.
  55. Seated down in a meditated state, Neklous began to calm his mind and heart.
  57. The heart was the symbolic icon for emotions which was the easiest to connect with and cast magic from while the mind was the temple and used for engraving runes etc. etc.
  59. With his mind cleared, Neklous's consciousness was nothing but a seemly limitless white space filled with nothingness. With a simple thought though a giant thorned rose flower appeared floating within his white consciousness. This thorned rose of course is what Neklous felt he had connections with most as it reflected him.
  61. The wind blew ever so serenely as the night air circulated through the area while the moon mounted in her glory rode to the top of the sky to illuminate the world of darkness.
  63. As the wind quickly blew past the scattered trees, howling and whistling noises could be heard as if someone was playing the flute.
  65. "It times!"
  67. Neklous said as he pushed the most vivid image of the Thorned rose flower he had conjured in his consciousness out. A light flashed from his forehead as the imaginary Thorned rose flew into the sky, giving off a display of fading lights.
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