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Mar 1st, 2018
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  472. <h2 class="headline">HackerRank test-taking information</h2>
  473. <div class="sub-headline">
  474. <span class="icon2-questions"></span>
  475. <span class="grey">Tips to help you take your best test on the HackerRank test-taking platform.
  476. </span>
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  479. <h2 class="headline">CodePair Environment</h2>
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  519. <div class="js-content-tabinstruction js-content <% if (subpage != 'instructions') {%>hidden<%}%>">
  520. <h3><span class="green-title customer-title-font-color">Test Instructions</span></h3>
  521. <div class="plA mlA"> <% if (test) {%> <%= test.get('instructions')%> <% } else { %> You can add test specific instructions here <%}%></div>
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  525. <h3><span class="green-title customer-title-font-color">Test Interface</span></h3>
  526. <div>
  527. <a name="top"></a>
  528. <span class="challengeslist_challenge-title green-title customer-title-font-color">Table of Contents</span>
  529. <div class="boxholder" style="width: 60%;border: 1px solid #ddd;background-color: #eee;padding: 15px 0 15px 30px;">
  530. <ol class="mlL" style="line-height: 15px;">
  531. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#browser" name="browser">Browser/internet recommendation</a></li>
  532. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#testtaking" name="testtaking">Test-taking view</a></li>
  533. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#disconnect" name="disconnect">Disconnections/re-logins</a></li>
  534. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#pageload" name="pageload">Site/page does not load correctly</a></li>
  535. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#coding" name="coding">Coding questions</a></li>
  536. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#subjective" name="subjective">Subjective questions</a></li>
  537. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#mcq" name="mcq">Multiple choice questions</a></li>
  538. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#sectional" name="sectional">Sectional tests</a></li>
  539. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#sudorank" name="sudorank">SudoRank tests</a></li>
  540. <%if (public_url) {%>
  541. <li><a class="js-anchor" href="#sample" name="sample">Sample test</a></li>
  542. <% } %>
  543. </ol>
  544. </div>
  546. <!-- browser -->
  547. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  548. <a name="browser"></a>
  549. <h3>Browser/internet recommendation</h3>
  550. <p class="msT">For the best test-taking experience, we recommend the latest version of Google Chrome/Chromium, Mozilla Firefox, or Internet explorer (v10 or later) browsers.</p>
  551. <p class="msT">Take the test from a computer with a stable internet connection for the best experience.</p>
  554. <!-- test taking -->
  555. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  556. <a name="testtaking"></a>
  557. <h3>Test-taking view</h3>
  558. <p class="msT">Once logged-in, the view you'll see will be similar to below.</p>
  559. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('testtaking01.png') %>">
  560. <p class="msT">The important things to note are:
  561. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  562. <li><strong>TIMER: </strong>This counts down to the end of the test. Keep track of this as you progress in the test, and make sure you move at an optimal speed.</li>
  563. <li><strong>QUESTION LIST: </strong>These are the questions that make up the test. The right columns show which are answered, and which remain to be answered.</li>
  564. <li><strong>DONE BUTTON: </strong>Press this when you've answered all the questions, and would like to close the test. Once closed, you'll be taken to the feedback page.</li>
  565. </ol>
  566. </p>
  567. <p class="msT">When you open a question, you are presented with:
  568. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('testtaking02.png') %>">
  569. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  570. <li><strong>QUICK NAVIGATION: </strong>The sidebar allows you to move between questions quickly.</li>
  571. <li><strong>ANSWER AREA: </strong>This is where you provide an answer. This will vary depending on the question type.</li>
  572. </ol>
  574. <div class="alert alert-info mlT">
  575. <header>WHAT HAPPENS IF THE TIMER RUNS OUT?</header>
  576. <p>If the timer runs out while you're still attempting the test, the test will be automatically closed, and you will be taken to the feedback page.</p>
  577. </div>
  580. <!-- disconnect -->
  581. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  582. <a name="disconnect"></a>
  583. <h3>Disconnections/re-logins</h3>
  584. <p class="msT">If something goes wrong with your computer or your internet connection gets disconnected, your previously submitted answers will not be lost. They will remain safe on our servers. You can re-login on our website and continue coding from where you left.</p>
  585. <p class="msT">However, the timer will remain running. Thus, make sure that you use a computer or a browser that you know works fine.</p>
  588. <!-- pageload -->
  589. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  590. <a name="pageload"></a>
  591. <h3>Site/page does not load correctly</h3>
  592. <p class="msT">Sometimes an internal page may not load correctly, due to a network issue. Such issues can be fixed by refreshing your browser window.</p>
  595. <!-- coding -->
  596. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  597. <a name="coding"></a>
  598. <h3>Coding questions</h3>
  599. <p class="msT">Your test may contain coding questions. They come in two types:
  600. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  601. <li><strong>COMPLETE THE FUNCTION: </strong>In these type of coding questions, you only need to write the function body, and return the required value. Inputs are provided to the function as arguments.</li>
  602. <li><strong>WRITE COMPLETE CODE: </strong>These questions will require you to write complete code. Any input will be provided on STDIN, and your output has to be provided on STDOUT.</li>
  603. </ol>
  604. </p>
  605. <p class="msT">The coding area would look like this:</p>
  606. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('testtaking04.png') %>">
  607. <p class="msT">
  608. <ul class="mlL mlT">
  609. <li>You can use the <em>Compile &amp; Test</em> button to try out your current solution, and see if provided test cases pass. You will be scored on the basis of the test cases that pass. There may be hidden test cases in questions, and the output for these will not be presented to you.</li>
  610. <li>Make sure you press "Submit" after you answer the question for it to be recorded.</li>
  611. <li>Your answers are auto-saved as draft at set intervals.</li>
  612. <li>For information on the languages our platform supports, and how to handle STDIN/STDOUT, see our <a href="/environment">environment page</a>.</li>
  613. </ul>
  614. </p>
  615. <div class="text-center mjA"><embed width="500px" height="320px" src=""></div>
  616. <div class="alert alert-info mlT">
  617. <p>Some companies only allow certain languages in the test, so you will only be allowed to code in these allowed languages.</p>
  618. </div>
  622. <!-- subjective -->
  623. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  624. <a name="subjective"></a>
  625. <h3>Subjective questions</h3>
  626. <p class="msT">Subjective questions are free-form questions. You may provide your answer in the text box provided. Your answers are auto-saved as draft at set intervals.</p>
  627. <div class="alert alert-info mlT">
  628. <header>PRO TIP</header>
  629. <p>Make sure your answer is simple, clear, answers the question, and uses correct grammar.</p>
  630. </div>
  633. <!-- mcq -->
  634. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  635. <a name="mcq"></a>
  636. <h3>Multiple choice questions</h3>
  637. <p class="msT">Multiple choice questions come in two types:
  638. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  639. <li><strong>MULTIPLE CHOICE: </strong>One of the answers is correct.</li>
  640. <li><strong>MULTIPLE ANSWER: </strong>One or more answers may be correct.</li>
  641. </ol>
  642. <br/>
  643. Make sure you press "Submit" after you answer the question for it to be recorded.
  644. </p>
  647. <!-- Sections -->
  648. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  649. <a name="sectional"></a>
  650. <h3>Sectional tests</h3>
  651. <p class="msT">Some tests have sections, where you can only attempt one section at a time and proceed. Each section is provided a limited time, and any saved time from a previous section transfers to the next section.</p>
  652. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('testtaking03.png') %>">
  653. <p class="msT">The important things to note are:
  654. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  655. <li><strong>TIMER: </strong>This counts down to the end of the section (and not the test).</li>
  656. <li><strong>QUESTION LIST: </strong>Only currently active questions can be answered. Once you move past a section, you cannot go back to it.</li>
  657. </ol>
  658. </p>
  660. <!-- Sections -->
  661. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  662. <a name="sudorank"></a>
  663. <h3>SudoRank tests</h3>
  664. <p class="msT">Some tests are setup with access to SudoRank, the HackerRank task server interface. In these tests candidates can easily spawn up a server, obtain live shell access, and complete required tasks.</p>
  665. <p class="msT">The important things to note are:
  666. <ol class="mlL mlT">
  667. <li>Server access is provided on live servers, along with login credentials.</li>
  668. <li>Depending on how the test is setup, access to certain commands may be limited.</li>
  669. <li>Once started, the task server is only accessible for the time setup. After this time, access will be severed, and reports generated.</li>
  670. </ol>
  671. </p>
  674. <%if (public_url) {%>
  675. <!-- Sample -->
  676. <div class="soft-divider mlA"></div>
  677. <a name="sample"></a>
  678. <h3>Sample test</h3>
  679. <p class="msT">If you're taking a test with coding questions, you can take our publicly accessible sample test to become comfortable with the interface.</p>
  680. <p class="msT"> <a class="btn btn-green margin-large right" href="/tests/sample">Go to sample test</a></p>
  681. <% } %>
  683. </div>
  684. </div>
  686. <div class="js-content-tabenv js-content <% if (subpage != 'environment') {%>hidden<%}%>">
  687. <% if(!hide_tabs){ %>
  688. <h3><span class="green-title customer-title-font-color">Execution Environment</span></h3>
  689. <% } %>
  690. <div class="" id="languages"></div>
  691. <h3><span class="green-title customer-title-font-color mjT">SudoRank Environment</span></h3>
  692. <div>SudoRank servers are setup with following specifications:
  693. <ul class="mdL mdT">
  694. <li><strong>OS</strong>: Ubuntu Linux 14.04</li>
  695. <li><strong>Access</strong>: Via web based shell, or via SSH login.</li>
  696. <li><strong>Time for task</strong>: Customized in each test.</li>
  697. </ul>
  698. </div>
  699. </div>
  701. <style> li { margin-top: 0.7em;} body{font-size:90%} p {margin-top: 0.2em;}</style>
  702. <div class="js-content-tabfaq js-content <% if (subpage != 'faq') {%>hidden<%}%>">
  703. <h3><span class="green-title customer-title-font-color">Frequently Asked Questions</span></h3>
  704. <div class="plA">
  705. <ol>
  706. <li>
  707. <strong>What browser should I use for the best experience?</strong>
  708. <p/>For the best experience you should use the latest stable versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Internet Explorer. The site will not function satisfactorily with IE9 and earlier.
  709. </li>
  711. <li>
  712. <strong>I lost internet connectivity in the middle of my test. What do I do now?</strong>
  713. <p/>The good news is all the work you have already submitted would have been saved. They will remain safe on our servers. You can re-login on our website from the same computer or from another computer and continue coding from where you left. However the test timer will not stop ticking while you are offline. You can contact the HR who sent you the invite and tell them about your situation if you could not complete your test because of this reason. As a general guideline, you should test the computer you want to use prior to taking the test on it.
  714. </li>
  716. <li>
  717. <strong>Can I take the Sample Test more than once?</strong>
  718. <p/>Yes. You can attempt the sample test as many times as you want. You need to use different email addresses each time.
  719. </li>
  721. <li>
  722. <strong>A question does not load properly and I cannot see all images or widgets on the question page.</strong>
  723. <p/>If you are experiencing slow net speeds some components of the page may not load. Such issues are generally solved by refreshing your browser tab/window. Refreshing your browser tab while you are taking a test will not affect your flow. You will be brought back to exactly where you were and you can continue solving problems.
  724. </li>
  726. <li>
  727. <strong>My Java/C#/Scala code works in my local IDE, but throws compilation errors when I do Run Code in your interface.</strong>
  728. <p/>
  729. If you're using Java/C#/Scala, you have to call your main class as Solution. This is essential to get your code to run. Please do NOT use any package names in your code.</p>
  730. </li>
  732. <li>
  733. <strong>What are test cases? </strong>
  734. <p>Our platform runs your code against a certain number of testcases everytime you submit code. A test case consists of input data that is fed into your program, and the output expected from your program for that particular input. So, a test case succeeding means that your program produced correct output for that particular input, while a failure means it didn't produce the expected output (either wrong output or it took too long and was killed). A 'large' test case means a test case with a large input. </p>
  735. </li>
  737. <li>
  738. <strong>After I have submitted answer to a question can I come back and change my submission? </strong>
  739. <p>Yes. You can navigate freely across the questions, and resubmit your solution to any question that is accessible by clicking on "Submit & Continue" multiple times. Please note that some tests have timed sections, and once a section time limit is reached, you will not be able to revisit questions in that section. But there is no limit on the number of times you can submit your answer to a question that you can view / edit.</p>
  740. </li>
  742. <li>
  743. <strong>I'm forced to take the test in full screen mode. How can I escape from this?</strong>
  744. <p>Some tests have the full screen mode enabled for them in which you'll be automatically taken to a full screen as you attempt the test. You can't take these tests without the full screen. However, if you wish to navigate to another window/browser tab during the test, you can do so by pressing "Esc" or Alt+Tab. The recruiter will be aware of how many times this was done and for how long you were out of the full screen.</p>
  745. </li>
  747. <li>
  748. <strong>Does your editor have intellisense-like autocomplete?</strong>
  749. <p>Yes; we have intelligent auto-complete similar to what is found in modern editors such as Eclipse or Visual Studio. Auto-complete will automatically trigger in languages like Java and C# at specific syntax points - like after you type "." in "System.out." You can also trigger it manually at any time using the "Ctrl-Space" key combination.</p>
  750. </li>
  752. <li>
  753. <strong>How can I debug my program? </strong>
  754. <p>You can debug your program by printing debug statements to STDOUT. For questions that need you to write the full program your debug output will appear in the section called <em>'Your Output'</em>. In such cases you should remember to remove all your debug statements before submitting your solution, as the entire output will be matched with the expected output and your program likely will not pass the test cases. For questions that expect you to complete a function, all your print statements will be captured separately in an area called <em>'Debug Output'</em>, and they will be ignored while comparing your output with expected output.</p> <p> Many problems also allow you to give you an option to <em>'Test against custom input':</em> you can use this option to specify your own input values to run your test against. When you select this checkbox no other test cases will be executed. </p>
  755. </li>
  757. <li>
  758. <strong>Time Limit Exceeded? </strong>
  759. <p>We look for optimal algorithms in your solutions. Every problem has been set a timelimit with respect to its optimal solution. If your code could not produce the required output within the set time limit, you get a 'Time Limit Exceeded' error. Test cases get progressively larger, so it is not uncommon for a naive solution to pass the first few (smaller) test cases and then falter when confronted with the bigger ones.</p>
  760. </li>
  762. <li>
  763. <strong>Wrong Answer? </strong>
  764. <p>Your logic is wrong, or you have formatting issues. Make sure that the output format is exactly the same as specified in the problem statement. Check for extra/missing whitespaces/newlines/debug output statements. If a few test cases have passed, that probably means some of the later test cases have edge cases that your code is not handling. Think about every possible edge case within the problem specifications (you will never be given invalid input), and handle them. </p>
  766. <p>If you're using Java/Clojure/Scala, please ensure that you follow the appropriate class/package naming guidelines mentioned above. These are essential to get your code to run.</p>
  767. </li>
  769. <li id="stdin">
  770. <strong>STDIN and STDOUT</strong>
  771. <p>In most problems, you would read input from <code>STDIN</code> (Standard Input) and write output to <code>STDOUT</code> (Standard Output). Different languages have different methods of accessing <code>STDIN</code> and <code>STDOUT</code>. Please refer the sample codes below for the most common (possibly naive) methods.</p>
  772. </li>
  773. <li>
  774. <strong>How do I read from STDIN and write to STDOUT in various languages?</strong>
  775. <p/>This is best explained with a simple problem statement and solutions in different languages.
  776. <p/><br/>
  777. <h3>Problem Statement</h3>
  778. <p>
  779. Write a program that adds two numbers prints the sum to STDOUT. Read the input from STDIN. The first line of your input will contain an integer (N) that tells you how many more lines there are in the input. Each of the subsequent N lines contain 2 integers). You need to print the sum of each pair on a separate line of STDOUT.
  780. </p>
  781. <br/>
  782. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Sample Input</p>
  783. <pre>
  784. 3
  785. 1 5
  786. 3 10
  787. 999 -34343</pre>
  788. <p/>
  789. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Sample Output</p>
  790. <pre>
  791. 6
  792. 13
  793. -33344
  794. </pre>
  796. <br/><h3>Solution</h3><br/>
  797. <p class="fnt-wt-600">C</p>
  798. <pre><xmp>#include <stdio.h>
  799. int main () {
  800. int n, i, a, b;
  802. scanf("%d", &n);
  803. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  804. scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
  805. printf("%d\n", a+b);
  806. }
  807. }</xmp></pre>
  808. <br>
  809. <p class="fnt-wt-600">C++</p>
  810. <pre><xmp>#include <iostream>
  811. using namespace std;
  813. int main()
  814. {
  815. int n;
  816. cin >> n;
  817. for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  818. int a, b;
  819. cin >> a >> b;
  820. cout << a+b << "\n";
  821. }
  823. return 0;
  824. }</xmp></pre>
  825. <br>
  826. <p class="fnt-wt-600">C#</p>
  827. <pre><xmp>using System;
  828. using System.IO;
  830. class Solution {
  831. static void Main(String[] args) {
  832. int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
  833. for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
  834. String str = Console.ReadLine();
  835. String[] strArr = str.Split();
  836. int a = Convert.ToInt32(strArr[0]);
  837. int b = Convert.ToInt32(strArr[1]);
  838. Console.WriteLine(a+b);
  839. }
  840. }
  841. }</xmp></pre>
  842. <br>
  843. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Java</p>
  844. <pre><xmp>
  845. import*;
  846. import java.util.*;
  848. class Solution
  849. {
  850. public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
  851. {
  852. Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
  853. int n = sc.nextInt();
  854. for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
  855. int a = sc.nextInt();
  856. int b = sc.nextInt();
  857. System.out.println(a+b);
  858. }
  859. }
  860. }
  861. </xmp></pre>
  862. <br>
  863. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Objective C</p>
  864. <pre><xmp>#import<Foundation/Foundation.h>
  866. int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  867. {
  868. @autoreleasepool {
  869. NSInteger t;
  870. scanf("%lu", &t);
  872. for (NSInteger i = 0; i < t; i++) {
  873. NSInteger a, b;
  874. scanf("%lu %lu", &a, &b);
  876. /*
  877. * Do not use NSLog to print to stdout
  878. */
  879. printf("%lu\n", a + b);
  880. }
  882. return 0;
  883. }
  884. }</xmp></pre>
  885. <br>
  886. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Python</p>
  887. <pre><xmp>n = int(raw_input())
  888. for i in range(0,n):
  889. a, b = raw_input().split()
  890. print int(a) + int(b)</xmp></pre>
  891. <br>
  892. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Python 3</p>
  893. <pre><xmp>n = int(input())
  894. for i in range(n):
  895. a, b = input().strip().split(' ')
  896. print (int(a) + int(b))</xmp></pre>
  897. <br>
  898. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Ruby</p>
  899. <pre><xmp>n = gets.to_i
  900. (0...n).each do |i|
  901. lis = gets.strip.split(" ")
  902. a = lis[0].to_i
  903. b = lis[1].to_i
  904. puts a + b
  905. end</xmp></pre>
  906. <br>
  907. <p class="fnt-wt-600">PHP</p>
  908. <pre><xmp><?php
  909. $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
  910. $t = fgets($handle);
  911. for($i=0; $i<$t; $i++)
  912. {
  913. $lis = split(' ', fgets($handle));
  914. print($lis[0] + $lis[1]) . "\n";
  915. }
  916. fclose($handle);
  917. ?></xmp></pre>
  918. <br>
  919. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Javascript</p>
  920. <pre><xmp>
  921. process.stdin.resume();
  922. process.stdin.setEncoding('ascii');
  924. var __input_stdin = "";
  925. var __input_stdin_array = "";
  926. var __input_currentline = 0;
  928. process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
  929. __input_stdin += data;
  930. });
  932. process.stdin.on('end', function () {
  933. __input_stdin_array = __input_stdin.split("\n");
  934. var res;
  935. var n = parseInt(__input_stdin_array[__input_currentline].trim(), 10);
  936. __input_currentline += 1;
  937. for (var i = 0; i<n;i++) {
  938. var _line = __input_stdin_array[__input_currentline].trim();
  939. __input_currentline += 1;
  940. var line = _line.split(" ");
  941. var _a = parseInt(line[0]);
  942. var _b = parseInt(line[1]);
  943. res = _a + _b;
  944. process.stdout.write(""+res+"\n");
  945. }
  946. });</xmp></pre>
  947. <br>
  948. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Clojure</p>
  949. <pre><xmp>(use '[clojure.string :only (split triml)])
  950. (def n (Integer/parseInt (read-line)))
  952. (loop [i 0]
  953. (when (< i n)
  954. (def a (read-line))
  955. (def new (split a #"\s+"))
  956. (println ( + (Integer/parseInt (get new 0)) (Integer/parseInt (get new 1)) ))
  957. (recur (inc i))
  958. ))</xmp></pre>
  959. <br>
  960. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Perl</p>
  961. <pre><xmp>$n = <>;
  962. for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
  963. {
  964. $lis = <>;
  965. @ll = split(' ', $lis);
  966. print $ll[0] + $ll[1];
  967. print "\n";
  968. }</xmp></pre>
  969. <br>
  970. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Haskell</p>
  971. <pre><xmp>import Control.Monad
  973. main :: IO ()
  974. main = do
  975. n <- readLn :: IO Int
  976. str <- replicateM n getLine
  977. let
  978. ans = map (sum. map read. words) str
  979. mapM_ print ans</xmp></pre>
  980. <br>
  981. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Erlang</p>
  982. <pre><xmp>-module(solution).
  984. -export([main/0]).
  986. main() ->
  987. {ok, [N]} = io:fread("", "~d"),
  988. test(N).
  990. test(0) -> ok;
  991. test(N) ->
  992. {ok, [A, B]} = io:fread("", "~d ~d"),
  993. io:fwrite("~w~n", [(A + B)]),
  994. test(N-1).
  995. </xmp></pre>
  996. <br>
  997. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Go Lang</p>
  998. <pre><xmp>package main
  999. import "fmt"
  1001. func main() {
  1002. var n int
  1003. var a int
  1004. var b int
  1005. fmt.Scan(&n)
  1007. for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
  1008. var sum int
  1009. fmt.Scan(&a,&b)
  1010. sum = a+b
  1011. fmt.Println(uint(sum))
  1012. }
  1013. }</xmp></pre>
  1014. <br>
  1015. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Groovy</p>
  1016. <pre><xmp>BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
  1017. def a,b, res,line
  1018. def n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())
  1019. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  1020. line = br.readLine()
  1021. def (_a,_b) = line.split(' ')
  1022. a = Integer.parseInt(_a)
  1023. b = Integer.parseInt(_b)
  1024. res = a+b
  1025. println res
  1026. }</xmp></pre>
  1027. <br>
  1028. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Scala</p>
  1029. <pre><xmp>object Solution extends App {
  1030. val n = readInt
  1031. //recommended
  1032. (1 to n).map(i => readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt).sum).foreach(println)
  1034. /*
  1035. another way
  1036. for (i <- 1 to n) {
  1037. val Array(a, b) = readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
  1038. println(a + b)
  1039. }
  1040. */
  1041. }</xmp></pre>
  1042. <br>
  1043. <p class="fnt-wt-600">R</p>
  1044. <pre><xmp>f <- file("stdin")
  1045. open(f)
  1047. count = as.numeric(readLines(f, n = 1))
  1049. for(i in 1:count) {
  1050. lines <- readLines(f, n = 1)
  1051. num <- strsplit(lines, " ")[[1]]
  1052. sum <- as.numeric(num[1]) + as.numeric(num[2])
  1053. write(sum, stdout())
  1054. }
  1055. </xmp></pre>
  1056. <br>
  1057. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Swift</p>
  1058. <pre><xmp>import Foundation
  1060. let t = Int(readLine()!)!
  1062. for i in 1...t {
  1063. let nums = readLine()!.characters.split(" ").map{Int(String($0))!}
  1064. let a = nums[0]
  1065. let b = nums[1]
  1067. print(a + b)
  1068. }
  1069. </xmp></pre>
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  1264. <div class="associated-item">
  1265. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Sample Problem:</p> Write a program that adds two numbers prints the sum to STDOUT. Read the input from STDIN. The first line of your input will contain an integer (N) that tells you how many more lines there are in the input. Each of the subsequent N lines contain 2 integers). You need to print the sum of each pair on a separate line of STDOUT.
  1266. </div>
  1267. <div class="associated-item"><p class="fnt-wt-600">Sample Input:</p><pre>
  1268. 3
  1269. 1 5
  1270. 3 10
  1271. 999 -34343</pre>
  1272. </div>
  1273. <div class="associated-item">
  1274. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Sample Output:</p>
  1275. <pre>
  1276. 6
  1277. 13
  1278. -33344</pre>
  1279. </div>
  1280. <div class="associated-item">
  1281. <p class="fnt-wt-600">SOLUTION CODE:</p>
  1282. </div>
  1283. <div class="associated-item hidden cpp"><pre><xmp>#include <iostream>
  1284. using namespace std;
  1286. int main()
  1287. {
  1288. int n;
  1289. cin >> n;
  1290. for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  1291. int a, b;
  1292. cin >> a >> b;
  1293. cout << a+b << "\n";
  1294. }
  1296. return 0;
  1297. }</xmp></pre></div>
  1298. <div class="associated-item hidden c"><pre><xmp>#include <stdio.h>
  1299. int main () {
  1300. int n, i, a, b;
  1302. scanf("%d", &n);
  1303. for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
  1304. scanf("%d %d", &a, &b);
  1305. printf("%d\n", a+b);
  1306. }
  1307. }</xmp></pre></div>
  1308. <div class="associated-item hidden csharp"><pre><xmp>using System;
  1309. using System.IO;
  1311. class Solution {
  1312. static void Main(String[] args) {
  1313. int n = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());
  1314. for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
  1315. String str = Console.ReadLine();
  1316. String[] strArr = str.Split();
  1317. int a = Convert.ToInt32(strArr[0]);
  1318. int b = Convert.ToInt32(strArr[1]);
  1319. Console.WriteLine(a+b);
  1320. }
  1321. }
  1322. }</xmp></pre></div>
  1323. <div class="associated-item hidden java">
  1324. <pre><xmp>
  1325. import*;
  1326. import java.util.*;
  1328. class Solution
  1329. {
  1330. public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception
  1331. {
  1332. Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
  1333. int n = sc.nextInt();
  1334. for(int t = 0; t < n; t++) {
  1335. int a = sc.nextInt();
  1336. int b = sc.nextInt();
  1337. System.out.println(a+b);
  1338. }
  1339. }
  1340. }
  1341. </xmp></pre></div>
  1343. <div class="associated-item hidden objectivec">
  1344. <pre><xmp>#import<Foundation/Foundation.h>
  1346. int main(int argc, const char* argv[])
  1347. {
  1348. @autoreleasepool {
  1349. NSInteger t;
  1350. scanf("%lu", &t);
  1352. for (NSInteger i = 0; i < t; i++) {
  1353. NSInteger a, b;
  1354. scanf("%lu %lu", &a, &b);
  1356. /*
  1357. * Do not use NSLog to print to stdout
  1358. */
  1359. printf("%lu\n", a + b);
  1360. }
  1362. return 0;
  1363. }
  1364. }</xmp></pre></div>
  1366. <div class="associated-item hidden swift">
  1367. <pre><xmp>import Foundation
  1369. let t = Int(readLine()!)!
  1371. for i in 1...t {
  1372. let nums = readLine()!.components(separatedBy: " ").map{ Int($0)! }
  1373. let a = nums[0]
  1374. let b = nums[1]
  1376. print(a + b)
  1377. }
  1378. </xmp></pre></div>
  1380. <div class="associated-item hidden python">
  1381. <pre><xmp>n = int(raw_input())
  1382. for i in range(0,n):
  1383. a, b = raw_input().split()
  1384. print int(a) + int(b)</xmp></pre>
  1385. </div>
  1387. <div class="associated-item hidden python3">
  1389. <br>
  1390. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Python 3</p>
  1391. <pre><xmp>n = int(input())
  1392. for i in range(n):
  1393. a, b = input().strip().split(' ')
  1394. print (int(a) + int(b))</xmp></pre>
  1395. </div>
  1397. <div class="associated-item hidden ruby">
  1398. <br>
  1399. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Ruby</p>
  1400. <pre><xmp>n = gets.to_i
  1401. (0...n).each do |i|
  1402. lis = gets.strip.split(" ")
  1403. a = lis[0].to_i
  1404. b = lis[1].to_i
  1405. puts a + b
  1406. end</xmp></pre>
  1407. </div>
  1409. <div class="associated-item hidden php">
  1410. <pre><xmp><?php
  1411. $handle = fopen ("php://stdin","r");
  1412. $t = fgets($handle);
  1413. for($i=0; $i<$t; $i++)
  1414. {
  1415. $lis = split(' ', fgets($handle));
  1416. print($lis[0] + $lis[1]) . "\n";
  1417. }
  1418. fclose($handle);
  1419. ?></xmp></pre></div>
  1421. <div class="associated-item hidden javascript">
  1422. <pre><xmp>
  1423. process.stdin.resume();
  1424. process.stdin.setEncoding('ascii');
  1426. var __input_stdin = "";
  1427. var __input_stdin_array = "";
  1428. var __input_currentline = 0;
  1430. process.stdin.on('data', function (data) {
  1431. __input_stdin += data;
  1432. });
  1434. process.stdin.on('end', function () {
  1435. __input_stdin_array = __input_stdin.split("\n");
  1436. var res;
  1437. var n = parseInt(__input_stdin_array[__input_currentline].trim(), 10);
  1438. __input_currentline += 1;
  1439. for (var i = 0; i<n;i++) {
  1440. var _line = __input_stdin_array[__input_currentline].trim();
  1441. __input_currentline += 1;
  1442. var line = _line.split(" ");
  1443. var _a = parseInt(line[0]);
  1444. var _b = parseInt(line[1]);
  1445. res = _a + _b;
  1446. process.stdout.write(""+res+"\n");
  1447. }
  1448. });</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden clojure">
  1449. <pre><xmp>(use '[clojure.string :only (split triml)])
  1450. (def n (Integer/parseInt (read-line)))
  1452. (loop [i 0]
  1453. (when (< i n)
  1454. (def a (read-line))
  1455. (def new (split a #"\s+"))
  1456. (println ( + (Integer/parseInt (get new 0)) (Integer/parseInt (get new 1)) ))
  1457. (recur (inc i))
  1458. ))</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden perl">
  1459. <br>
  1460. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Perl</p>
  1461. <pre><xmp>$n = <>;
  1462. for($i=0; $i<$n; $i++)
  1463. {
  1464. $lis = <>;
  1465. @ll = split(' ', $lis);
  1466. print $ll[0] + $ll[1];
  1467. print "\n";
  1468. }</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden haskell">
  1469. <pre><xmp>import Control.Monad
  1471. main :: IO ()
  1472. main = do
  1473. n <- readLn :: IO Int
  1474. str <- replicateM n getLine
  1475. let
  1476. ans = map (sum. map read. words) str
  1477. mapM_ print ans</xmp></pre>
  1478. <br>
  1479. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Erlang</p>
  1480. <pre><xmp>-module(solution).
  1482. -export([main/0]).
  1484. main() ->
  1485. {ok, [N]} = io:fread("", "~d"),
  1486. test(N).
  1488. test(0) -> ok;
  1489. test(N) ->
  1490. {ok, [A, B]} = io:fread("", "~d ~d"),
  1491. io:fwrite("~w~n", [(A + B)]),
  1492. test(N-1).
  1493. </xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden go">
  1494. <br>
  1495. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Go Lang</p>
  1496. <pre><xmp>package main
  1497. import "fmt"
  1499. func main() {
  1500. var n int
  1501. var a int
  1502. var b int
  1503. fmt.Scan(&n)
  1505. for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
  1506. var sum int
  1507. fmt.Scan(&a,&b)
  1508. sum = a+b
  1509. fmt.Println(uint(sum))
  1510. }
  1511. }</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden groovy">
  1512. <br>
  1513. <p class="fnt-wt-600">Groovy</p>
  1514. <pre><xmp>BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
  1515. def a,b, res,line
  1516. def n = Integer.parseInt(br.readLine())
  1517. for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
  1518. line = br.readLine()
  1519. def (_a,_b) = line.split(' ')
  1520. a = Integer.parseInt(_a)
  1521. b = Integer.parseInt(_b)
  1522. res = a+b
  1523. println res
  1524. }</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden scala">
  1525. <pre><xmp>object Solution extends App {
  1526. val n = readInt
  1527. //recommended
  1528. (1 to n).map(i => readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt).sum).foreach(println)
  1530. /*
  1531. another way
  1532. for (i <- 1 to n) {
  1533. val Array(a, b) = readLine.split(" ").map(_.toInt)
  1534. println(a + b)
  1535. }
  1536. */
  1537. }</xmp></pre></div><div class="associated-item hidden r">
  1538. <br>
  1539. <p class="fnt-wt-600">R</p>
  1540. <pre><xmp>f <- file("stdin")
  1541. open(f)
  1543. count = as.numeric(readLines(f, n = 1))
  1545. for(i in 1:count) {
  1546. lines <- readLines(f, n = 1)
  1547. num <- strsplit(lines, " ")[[1]]
  1548. sum <- as.numeric(num[1]) + as.numeric(num[2])
  1549. write(sum, stdout())
  1550. }
  1551. </xmp></pre></div>
  1552. <div class="associated-item hidden default">Sorry, we don't have sample code yet in this language.</div>
  1553. </div>
  1554. </div>
  1555. </div>
  1556. <div class="modal modal-huge" id="faq-modal">
  1557. <div class="modal-body"></div>
  1558. </div>
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  1586. <div>
  1587. <div class="text-center">
  1588. <h2 class="headline">
  1589. <% if (test.logo) { %>
  1590. <img src="<%= test.logo %>" /><br/>
  1591. <% } %>
  1592. <span class='test-name'>
  1593. <%- %>
  1594. </span>
  1595. </h2>
  1596. <div class="sub-headline">
  1597. <%if (test['task_test']){%>
  1598. <span class="icon-monitor" style="opacity:0.5"></span><span class="grey"> SERVER TASK</span>
  1599. <span class="icon-clock"></span>
  1600. <span class="grey test-duration"><%- test.task_time %> <%- pluralize('MINUTE', test.task_time) %> </span>
  1601. <%} else {%>
  1602. <span class="icon2-questions"></span>
  1603. <span class="grey"><%- test.questions_count %> <%- pluralize('QUESTION', test.questions_count) %>
  1604. <% if (test.sectional) {%> (<%= i18next.t('login.with_sections') %>)<%}%>
  1605. </span>
  1606. <span class="icon-clock"></span>
  1607. <span class="grey test-duration"><%- test.duration %> <%- pluralize('MINUTE', test.duration) %> </span>
  1608. <%}%>
  1609. </div> <!-- .sub-headline -->
  1610. </div>
  1612. <div class="white-grid-block main-content mdT" style="padding: 30px 40px;width: 715px;text-align:left">
  1613. <h3>Launching server, Please wait.. <img src="<%= asset_path('hackerrank_spinner_64x64.gif') %>" height="24" width="24"/> </h3>
  1614. <p class="mdT">We are bringing up a new server for this test. This can take a few minutes. (Lost time will be added back to the test)</p>
  1615. </div> <!-- .white-grid-block main-content -->
  1616. </div><!-- end .row -->
  1618. </script>
  1619. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/candidate-login">
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  1621. <div class="<%- (test.logged_in && test.attempt_done) ? 'feedback-v2' : '' %>">
  1622. <div class="text-center">
  1623. <h2 class="headline">
  1624. <% if (test.logo) { %>
  1625. <img src="<%= test.logo %>" class="test-logo" /><br/>
  1626. <% } %>
  1627. <span class='test-name' onload="focus()">
  1628. <%- %>
  1629. </span>
  1630. </h2>
  1631. <div class="hidden feedback-message-done"></div>
  1632. <% if (test.logged_in && test.attempt_done) { %>
  1633. <div class="feedback-message clearfix">
  1634. <div>
  1635. <img src="<%= asset_path('candidate_assets/candidate_feedback.png') %> "/>
  1636. </div>
  1637. <h3 class="text-center mdA">
  1638. <%- %>
  1639. </h3>
  1640. <p class="bold mdT" aria-level="1">
  1641. Your test has been successfully submitted
  1642. </p>
  1643. <p class="mdT mlB text-center" aria-level="1">
  1644. <% if (test.test_finish_url && test.redirect_after_feedback != true) { %>
  1645. Thank you for taking the test. You will be redirected shortly, please do not close this window.
  1646. <% } else if (test.feedback_message) { %>
  1647. <%= test.feedback_message %>
  1648. <% } else if (!common_app_id ) { %>
  1649. <p class="span10 offset-sm-3 mlB"><%- test.company_name %> has received your test report. If you would like to contact them, please go to the invitation e-mail you received and select "Reply All".</p>
  1650. <% }%>
  1651. </p>
  1652. </div>
  1653. <% } else { %>
  1654. <div class="sub-headline js-sub-headline" aria-level="1" aria-label="Details">
  1655. <% if (test['task_test']) { %>
  1656. <span class="icon-monitor" style="opacity:0.5"></span><span class="grey" aria-level="1"> SERVER TASK</span>
  1657. <span class="ico-time"></span>
  1658. <span class="grey test-duration" aria-level="1"><%- test.task_time %> <%- pluralize('MINUTE', test.task_time) %> </span>
  1659. <% } else { %>
  1660. <span class="ico-questions"></span>
  1661. <% if(!_.isEmpty(test.questions_list)) { %>
  1662. <a href="#" class="grey js-questions-num questions-num" aria-level="1"><%- test.questions_count %> <%- pluralize('QUESTION', test.questions_count) %>
  1663. <% if (test.sectional) { %> (<%= i18next.t('login.with_sections') %>) <% } %>
  1664. </a>
  1665. <% } else { %>
  1666. <span class="grey" aria-level="1"><%- test.questions_count %> <%- pluralize('QUESTION', test.questions_count) %>
  1667. <% if (test.sectional) { %> (<%= i18next.t('login.with_sections') %>) <% } %>
  1668. </span>
  1669. <% } %>
  1670. &#9679;
  1671. <span class="ico-time" aria-hidden="true"></span>
  1672. <span class="grey test-duration" aria-level="1"><%- test.duration %> <%- pluralize('MINUTE', test.duration) %> </span>
  1673. &#9679;
  1674. <a href="info/interface" target="_blank"><span class="icon-help-circled"></span><span class="grey test-duration text-uppercase" aria-level="1"><%= i18next.t('login.platform_help') %></span></a>
  1675. <% } %>
  1676. </div> <!-- .sub-headline -->
  1677. <% if(test.instructions.indexOf('/tests/sample') >= 0) { %>
  1678. <div class="sub-headline white-grid-block sample-test-message">
  1679. <span>We recommend you take the <a href='' target="_blank">Sample Test</a> first to familiarise yourself with our environment.</span>
  1680. </div>
  1681. <% } %>
  1682. <% } %>
  1683. </div>
  1685. <div class="white-grid-block main-content" aria-level="1" style="padding: 20px 40px;width: 715px;text-align:left">
  1686. <% if (!test.logged_in) { %>
  1687. <!--<div class="clearfix">-->
  1688. <div class="js-tabview"></div>
  1690. <span class="challengeslist_challenge-title green-title customer-title-font-color msT"><%- i18next.t('login.instructions') %></span>
  1691. <div class="challenge-text hrx-version pdB">
  1692. <%= test.instructions %>
  1693. </div>
  1694. <% if (test.sectional) { %>
  1695. <div class="alert mjA" aria-level="1" aria-label="Note">
  1696. <header>Note: <%= i18next.t('login.sections_in_test') %></header>
  1697. <ul class="pjL mjL mlR js-sectionsinfo">
  1698. <li><%= i18next.t('login.sections_with_alloted_time') %></li>
  1699. </ul>
  1700. </div>
  1702. <% } %>
  1704. <% if(test.sudorank_test) { %>
  1705. <div class="alert mjA" aria-level="1" aria-label="Note">
  1706. <header>SSH command shell/terminal required</header>
  1707. <p>This test has questions that would need you to login into a remote server. Please have a terminal program available before starting the test. Example programs:</p>
  1708. <ul class="pjL plT mjL">
  1709. <li>Linux: Gnome terminal, Xterm</li>
  1710. <li>Windows: Putty</li>
  1711. <li>Mac OSX: Terminal</li>
  1712. </ul>
  1713. </div>
  1714. <% } %>
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  1720. <img src="<%= asset_path('hackerrank_spinner_64x64.gif') %>" style="height: 64px; width: 64px; display: inline-block;"/>
  1721. </div>
  1722. </div>
  1724. <% } else if (test.logged_in && !test.attempt_done) { %>
  1725. <header><%- i18next.t('login.alread_loggedin') %></header>
  1726. <p><%- i18next.t('login.alread_loggedin_to_test') %>. <a href="<%= test.unique_id + "/questions" %>" class="backbone">Go there.</a></p>
  1728. <% } else if (test.logged_in && test.attempt_done) { %>
  1729. <% if (test.test_finish_url && test.redirect_after_feedback != true) { %>
  1730. <% } else if (test.no_feedback && test.no_feedback == "True") { %>
  1731. <p class="text-center msT">
  1732. <button class="btn btn-primary test-submit-feedback">Logout</button>
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  1745. <div class="no-padding bold"><%- i18next.t('feedback.rate_hackerrank_experience') %></div>
  1746. <div class="star-group mdT">
  1747. <% for(i=0; i<5; i++) { %>
  1748. <i class="icon--single icon-star-empty cursor"></i>
  1749. <% } %>
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  1751. </div>
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  1754. <div class="feedback-detail">
  1755. <% if (test.feedback_text_question) { %>
  1756. <p class="mdB bold"><%- test.feedback_text_question %></p>
  1757. <% } else { %>
  1758. <p class="mdB bold"><%- i18next.t('feedback.how_do_you_like_questions') %></p>
  1759. <% } %>
  1760. <textarea name="candidate-comment" rows="3" style="width:100%; max-width: 100%;" class="feedback-text"></textarea>
  1762. <br>
  1763. <p class="msT text-center">
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  1765. </p>
  1766. </div>
  1767. <% } %>
  1768. <% } %>
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  1774. <a href="" target="_blank">
  1775. <img xmlns:xlink="" width="150" style="opacity: 0.5; cursor: pointer;"
  1776. xlink:href=""
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  1831. <div class="js-right-content"></div>
  1832. </div> <!-- end .right-sidebar -->
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  1834. </div> <!-- end .fullscreen-wrapper -->
  1836. </script>
  1837. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-completesentence">
  1838. <div class="span13">
  1839. </div>
  1840. <div class="clear"></div>
  1842. </script>
  1843. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/feedback-done">
  1844. <div>
  1845. <div class="text-center">
  1846. <div class="hr-branding">
  1847. <img class="mlA" src="<%= asset_path('brand/wordmark_sm.png') %>" height="50px"/>
  1848. </div>
  1849. <div style="padding: 30px 40px;width: 715px;text-align:left" class="white-grid-block main-content mdT text-center practice-at-hackerrank js-practice">
  1850. <% var message = "While you're waiting to hear back, practice by solving some code challenges on HackerRank"; %>
  1851. <% var bold_message = "Solving code challenges is one of the best ways to prepare for interviews."; %>
  1852. <% var button_text = "Solve Challenges"; %>
  1853. <p><%- message %></p>
  1854. <p class="bold"><%- bold_message %></p>
  1855. <div class="text-center mdT">
  1856. <a href="<%- attempt.get('hrc_synergy_url') %>" class="btn btn-primary practice-hackerrank">
  1857. <%- button_text %>
  1858. </a>
  1859. </div>
  1860. </div>
  1861. </div>
  1862. </div>
  1864. </script>
  1865. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/candidate-profile">
  1866. <div>
  1867. <div class="text-center">
  1868. <div class="hr-branding">
  1869. <img class="mlA" src="<%= asset_path('brand/wordmark_sm.png') %>" height="50px"/>
  1870. </div>
  1871. <p class="plB">Almost there! You are one step away from completing your job application.</p>
  1872. <div id='import-upload-profile-div' style="padding: 0 0 40px 0;width: 715px;text-align:left" class="white-grid-block main-content mdT text-center practice-at-hackerrank js-practice <% if (guess_linkedin_url) { %>hide<% } %>">
  1873. <ul class="wizard-steps clearfix">
  1874. <li class="">
  1875. <span class="head_text mlL"><span class="wizard-numb mlR">1</span>SIGN UP&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class="chevron"></span></span>
  1876. </li>
  1877. <li>
  1878. <span class="head_text mlL"><span class="wizard-numb mlR">2</span>COMPLETE TEST<span class="chevron"></span></span>
  1879. </li>
  1880. <li class="active">
  1881. <span class="head_text mlL"><span class="wizard-numb mlR">3</span>UPLOAD PROFILE</span>
  1882. </li>
  1883. </ul>
  1884. <hr style="margin-top:0">
  1886. <p>Upload your resume or simply import your Linkedin profile to complete the application.</p>
  1887. <div class="text-center mdA">
  1888. <% var resume_url = null; %>
  1889. <% if (HR.candidate.candidateAttemptModel.get("resume_url")) { %>
  1890. <% resume_url = HR.candidate.candidateAttemptModel.get("resume_url"); %>
  1891. Resume: <a href="<%= resume_url %>" target="_blank"><%= resume_url.split("/").slice(-1)[0] %></a>
  1892. <a class="btn btn-text cursor no-select msL" id="upload-resume-button"><i class="icon--single icon-upload"></i></a>
  1893. <% } else { %>
  1894. <a class="btn btn-primary cursor no-select" id="upload-resume-button"><i class="icon--single icon-upload"></i> Upload Resume</a>
  1895. <% } %>
  1896. <input class="hide" id="upload-resume-input" type="file">
  1897. <p class="no-select plL plR inline-block">or</p>
  1898. <% var linkedin_url = null; %>
  1899. <% if (HR.candidate.candidateAttemptModel.get("linkedin_url")) { %>
  1900. <% linkedin_url = HR.candidate.candidateAttemptModel.get("linkedin_url"); %>
  1901. Use Linkedin: <a href="<%= linkedin_url %>" target="_blank"><%= linkedin_url.split("//")[1] %></a>
  1902. <a class="btn btn-text cursor no-select msL" id="import-linkedin-button"><i class="icon--single icon-pencil"></i></a>
  1903. <% } else { %>
  1904. <a class="btn cursor no-select" id="import-linkedin-button"
  1905. style="border: 1px solid #0572aa;background: #1683bb;color: white;"><i class="icon--single icon-linkedin" style="margin-right: 5px;"></i> Import from LinkedIn</a>
  1906. <% } %>
  1907. </div>
  1908. <% if (resume_url != null || linkedin_url != null) { %>
  1909. <div class="m mlT">
  1910. <a class="btn btn-primary js-complete-application backbone mlT" href="<%= HR.candidate.candidateTestModel.get("unique_id") %>">Complete</a>
  1911. </div>
  1912. <% } %>
  1913. </div>
  1915. <div id='guess-linkedin-profile-div' style="padding: 30px 40px;width: 715px;text-align:left" class="white-grid-block main-content mdA text-center <% if (!guess_linkedin_url) { %>hide<% } %>">
  1916. <h4>Share LinkedIn profile</h4>
  1917. <p class='mlT'>We found a public LinkedIn profile connected to your account <i class="icon--single icon-help-circled js-tooltip cursor" data-placement="top" data-original-title="This is fetched using a service called, which indexes public LinkedIn profiles. Rest assured, this will only be shared with <%= HR.candidate.candidateTestModel.get("company_name") %>."></i></p>
  1918. <p class='msT'><strong>PROFILE</strong>: <% if (guess_linkedin_url) { %><%= guess_linkedin_url %><% } %> &nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='<% if (guess_linkedin_url) { %><%= guess_linkedin_url %><% } %>' target='_blank' class='btn btn-text'><i class="icon--single icon-link-ext"></i></a></p>
  1919. <div class='m msT'>
  1920. <button class='btn btn-primary msR confirm-and-share'>Confirm & Share</button>
  1921. <button class='btn msL thats-not-me'>That's not me</button>
  1922. </div>
  1923. </div>
  1925. <img class="mlT mlB powered-by-image" src="<%= asset_path('brand/powered_by_transparent.png') %>" height="50px"/>
  1926. </div>
  1927. </div>
  1929. </script>
  1930. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-coding">
  1931. <div class="banner mlB js-codeeditor csx-tour-banner hidden">
  1932. <div class="js-closetour csx-closetour-button"><a class="btn btn-link">&#10006;</a></div>
  1933. <div class="row csx-tour-row">
  1934. <div class="span15 mmT" style="text-align:left"> <%- i18next.t('question.code.tour_recommendation') %> &nbsp; <a class="js-starttour btn btn-small btn-primary"><%- i18next.t('question.code.start_tour') %></a></div>
  1935. </div>
  1936. </div>
  1937. <div id="input-output-help"></div>
  1938. <style>.code-body .CodeMirror-scroll{overflow-y: auto !important;}</style>
  1939. <% if(question.type == 'database'){ %>
  1940. <!-- add styles here for hiding codeshell stuff -->
  1941. <style>#show-preferences{display:none;}</style>
  1942. <%}%>
  1943. <div id="editor" class="codeshell <% if (!fullscreen){%>mlT mlB<%}%>"><%- i18next.t('question.code.loading_code_editor') %>... <em style="color: #aaa;font-size: smaller;">(<%- i18next.t('question.code.refresh_if_noeditor') %>.)</em>.</div>
  1944. <small class="mlL leadingSpaceWarn hidden">
  1945. <em class="txt-atl-grey-dark warn-message"></em>
  1946. </small>
  1947. <% if (question.has_samples) {%>
  1948. <div id="dllink clearfix" class="mdB mjT" style="clear:both"><a id="testcase-dl" aria-label="Download Test Cases" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="icon--single icon-download"> <%- i18next.t('question.code.download_sample_testcases') %></i></a><small class="mlL"><em class="txt-alt-grey-dark"><%- i18next.t('question.code.unix_line_endings') %> </em></small></div>
  1949. <% } %>
  1951. <div id="runstatus" class="clear"></div>
  1953. </script>
  1954. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/topbar">
  1955. <header aria-label="Information about test in this banner" class="nav-make-fixed min-1024 page-header <% if (test.get('logo')) { %> hr_haslogo <% } %>" id="page-header">
  1956. <div class="row-fluid">
  1957. <% if (test.get('logo')) { %>
  1958. <span class="span6 nav-logo">
  1959. <a class="HackerRankLogo backbone company-logo-candidate-site" aria-hidden="true">
  1960. <img src="<%= test.get('logo') %>" alt="Hackerrank Logo" aria-hidden="true"/>
  1961. </a>
  1962. <span style="padding-left:50px;" class="text-ellipsis txt-white customer-font-color mlA" aria-level="2" aria-atomic="true" aria-label="<%- test.get('name') %>" title="<%- test.get('name') %>">
  1963. <% if (test.get("multi_login") && test.get("multi_login").length > 0) {%>
  1964. <a class="js-othertest mlR pull-left" href="" title="View other logged in tests"><small aria-level="2">(Other)</small> <i class="icon--single icon-popup" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
  1965. <%}%>
  1966. <%- test.get('name') %>
  1967. </span>
  1968. </span>
  1969. <% } else { %>
  1970. <div class="span6">
  1971. <span class="nav-logo"><a class="HackerRankLogo backbone logo-candidate-site">
  1972. <img src="<%= asset_path('brand/h_mark_sm.png') %>" aria-hidden="true"/></a>
  1973. </span>
  1974. <span style="padding-left:50px;" class="text-ellipsis txt-white customer-font-color mlA" aria-atomic="true" aria-level="2" aria-label="<%- test.get('name') %>" title="<%- test.get('name') %>">
  1975. <% if (test.get("multi_login") && test.get("multi_login").length > 0) {%>
  1976. <a class="js-othertest mlR pull-left" aria-level="2" aria-label="Also Online:" href="" title="View other logged in tests"><small>(Other)</small> <i class="icon--single icon-popup" aria-hidden="true"></i></a>
  1977. <%}%>
  1978. <%- test.get('name') %>
  1979. </span>
  1980. </div> <!-- .span7 -->
  1981. <% } %>
  1983. <div class="span2 text-center" aria-level="2" aria-label="Time Left in Test:" >
  1984. <div class="pmT pmB mmT mmB timerspan <% if (showalert) {%>alerttimer<%}%>" aria-atomic="true" ><i aria-hidden="true" class="icon-clock txt-alt-grey"></i>&nbsp;<span aria-atomic="true" class="txt-white customer-font-color" id="countdown-timer"></span><br><span aria-hidden="true" class="timer-tag customer-font-color" id="timertag"></span></div>
  1985. </div> <!-- .span3 -->
  1986. <div class="span1" aria-hidden="true">&nbsp;</div>
  1988. <div class="span4">
  1989. <div class="mlT txt-white customer-font-color span16">
  1990. <div class="dark-theme-progress small span8 pmT" aria-hidden="true">
  1991. <div class="base">
  1992. <div class="cover progress-done"></div>
  1993. </div>
  1994. </div>
  1995. &nbsp;<span class="js-progress span8 pdL" aria-level="2" aria-label="Questions Attempted:"><span class="qdone"></span>/<span class="qcount"></span> <%= i18next.t('questions_list.attempted') %></span>
  1996. <span class="js-loader hidden span8 pdL"> <img src="<%= asset_path('hackerrank_spinner_64x64.gif') %>" height="24" width="24"/></span>
  1997. </div>
  1998. </div> <!-- .span4 -->
  2000. <div class="span3" aria-hidden="true">
  2001. <span class="text-ellipsis txt-white customer-font-color mlT"><i class="icon-user txt-alt-grey fnt-sz-mid"></i>&nbsp;<%- attempt.get('full_name') || attempt.get('email') %></span>
  2002. </div> <!-- .span2 -->
  2004. </div> <!-- .row-fluid -->
  2005. </header>
  2008. </script>
  2009. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-subjective">
  2010. <h5 class="mdB">ANSWER</h5>
  2011. <div id="editorsub"></div>
  2013. </script>
  2014. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/candidate-details">
  2015. <!--TODO: Test -->
  2017. <% if (test.facebook_login) { %>
  2018. <div class="js-loginform text-center" >
  2019. <button class="btn mdB btn-primary btn-large btn-blue fblogin"><i class="mdR icon--single icon-facebook"></i>Login using facebook..</button>
  2020. <div class="clear"></div>
  2021. <em><small class="grey">We'll build a profile using your facebook account.<br>You may then start the test.</small></em>
  2022. </div>
  2023. <% } else { %>
  2025. <% if(hrCandidateLogin && !isHRSC) { %>
  2026. <div class="login-with-hr-dropdown dropdown mlB">
  2027. <a class="dropdown-toggle btn btn-line" data-toggle="dropdown"><%= %> <i class="icon-down-open icon--right"></i></a>
  2028. <ul class="dropdown-menu">
  2029. <li><a href="#" class="change-hacker-profile">Switch account</a></li>
  2030. </ul>
  2031. </div>
  2034. <div class="clearfix"></div>
  2035. <% } %>
  2036. <% var _class = "";
  2037. if( HR && HR.params && HR.params.hide == true ) { _class="hide" } %>
  2038. <div class="clear_form">
  2039. <form id="test-login-form" class="no-margin js-loginform" aria-level="1">
  2040. <h5 class="text-center msB candidate-details-header" aria-level="2"></h5>
  2042. <!-- The following section will be auto populated when there is any error in the login page -->
  2043. <div class="alert mlB hide psT text-center error error-message" id="error-message" role="status">
  2044. <header></header>
  2045. <p></p>
  2046. </div>
  2049. <div class="form_outer_cover with_width">
  2050. <div class="clear_formgroup">
  2051. <div class="formgroup psT <%= _class %>">
  2052. <label class="support-long-text candidate-login-id-label required-param" for="email-address" aria-level="2"><%= i18next.t('login_field.email_address_login') %></label>
  2053. <div class="block">
  2054. <input type="text" class="with-help wide" id="email-address" aria-label="Enter your email address in this textbox" name="email" value="<%- (HR && HR.params && ? : ((HR && HR.params && HR.params.username) ? HR.params.username : "") %>">
  2055. </div>
  2056. </div>
  2057. </div>
  2059. <div class="clear"></div>
  2061. <% if (!test.auth_valid) { %>
  2063. <div class="clear_formgroup">
  2064. <div class="formgroup <%= _class %>" role="form">
  2065. <label class="support-long-text" for="password"><%= i18next.t('login_field.password') %></label>
  2066. <div class="block">
  2067. <input type="password" id="password" aria-level="2" class="with-help wide" aria-label="Enter your password in this textbox" name="password" value="<%- (HR && HR.params && HR.params.password)? HR.params.password : "" %>">
  2068. </div>
  2069. </div>
  2071. </div>
  2072. <% } %>
  2074. <div class="clear"></div>
  2075. <% if(isHRSC) {%>
  2076. <div class="clear_formgroup">
  2077. <div class="formgroup" role="form">
  2078. <label class="support-long-text"><%= i18next.t('login_field.full_name') %></label>
  2079. <div class="block">
  2080. <input type="text" aria-level="2" aria-label="Enter your full name in this textbox" class="with-help wide auto-fill" name="full_name">
  2081. </div>
  2082. </div>
  2083. </div>
  2084. <% } else {%>
  2086. <% _.each(test.collect_info, function(item) { %>
  2087. <div class="clear_formgroup">
  2088. <div class="formgroup" role="form">
  2089. <label class="support-long-text<% if(item['required']) { %> required-param<% } %>"><%- item.title || item.field_name %></label>
  2090. <% if(typeof(item["type"]) !== "undefined") { %>
  2091. <% if(item['type'] === 'input') { %>
  2092. <input type="text" aria-label="Enter your <%- item.title %> in this text box" id="role_text" aria-level="2" class="with-help wide" name="<%- item.field_name %>" />
  2093. <% } else if(item['type'] === 'select') { %>
  2094. <select name="<%- item.field_name %>" class="with-help wide" aria-level="1" aria-label="Select <%- item.field_name %>" role="listbox">
  2095. <option value="" selected="selected" role="option"><%- item['options_placeholder'] || 'Select' %></option>
  2096. <% _.each(item['options'], function(opt) { %>
  2097. <option value="<%- opt %>" role="option"><%- opt %></option>
  2098. <% }) %>
  2099. </select>
  2100. <% } else if(item['type'] === 'radio') { %>
  2101. <% for(var i = 0; i < item.options.length; i += item.colPerRow) {
  2102. var currentSlice = _.compact(item['options'].slice(i, i + item.colPerRow));
  2103. %>
  2104. <div class="row">
  2105. <% _.each(currentSlice, function(option) { %>
  2106. <div class="span-md-<%- Math.floor(16 / item.colPerRow ) %> zero-left-padding">
  2107. <input role="radio" class="hr-sleek-input" type="radio" id="<%- item.field_name %>-<%- option.split(' ').join('-') %>" name="<%- item.field_name %>" value="<%- option %>" aria-label="<%- option %>" />
  2108. <label class="widget fnt-wt-500" for="<%- item.field_name %>-<%- option.split(' ').join('-') %>" aria-hidden="true"><span></span> <%- option %></label>
  2109. </div>
  2110. <% }) %>
  2111. </div>
  2112. <% } %>
  2113. <% } else if(item['type'] === 'checkbox') { %>
  2114. <% for(var i = 0; i < item.options.length; i += item.colPerRow) {
  2115. var currentSlice = _.compact(item['options'].slice(i, i + item.colPerRow));
  2116. %>
  2117. <div class="row">
  2118. <% _.each(currentSlice, function(option) { %>
  2119. <div class="span-md-<%- Math.floor(16 / item.colPerRow ) %> zero-left-padding">
  2120. <input role="checkbox" class="hr-sleek-input" type="checkbox" id="<%- item.field_name %>-<%- option.split(' ').join('-') %>" name="<%- item.field_name %>" value="<%- option %>" aria-label="<%- option %>" />
  2121. <label class="widget fnt-wt-500" for="<%- item.field_name %>-<%- option.split(' ').join('-') %>" aria-hidden="true"><span></span> <%- option %></label>
  2122. </div>
  2123. <% }) %>
  2124. </div>
  2125. <% } %>
  2126. <% } else if(item['type'] === 'file') { %>
  2127. <% if(item.field_name === 'resume') { %>
  2128. <% if(hacker && hacker.resume_url) { %>
  2129. <div class="fnt-sz-small msT mdB">
  2130. <a href="<%= hacker.resume_url %>" id="hr-resume-link" class="resume-link fnt-wt-500" target="_blank"><%= "..."+hacker.resume_url.split('/').pop() %></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="#" style="color: #f65039" class="remove-resume delete" aria-label="Upload your resume">Remove</a>
  2131. <input type="hidden" name="resume" value="<%= hacker.resume_url %>">
  2132. </div>
  2133. <% } else { %>
  2134. <input type="file" aria-label="Upload your resume" class="with-help wide" name="<%- item.field_name %>">
  2135. <% } %>
  2136. <% } else { %>
  2137. <input type="file" aria-label="Upload your <%- item.title %>" class="with-help wide" name="<%- item.field_name %>">
  2138. <% } %>
  2139. <% } else if(item['type'] === 'select2') { %>
  2140. <div id="js-<%- item.field_name %>" name="<%- item.field_name %>" style="width: <% if(item['select2_width']) { %><%- item['select2_width'] %>% <% } else { %>20%<% } %>; margin-right: 5px !important;" class="msB"></div> <% if(item.field_name === 'work_experience') { %><span class="mjR msL">years</span></span><% } %>
  2141. <input type="text" aria-label="Enter your <%- item.title %> in this text box" id="role_text" aria-level="2" class="with-help wide hidden js-other-<%- item.field_name %>" name="not-compulsory-other-hrw-<%- item.field_name %>" style="margin-top: 10px;" placeholder="Enter <%- item.title %>">
  2142. <% } %>
  2143. <% } else { %>
  2144. <input type="text" aria-label="Enter your <%- item.title %> in this text box" id="role_text" aria-level="2" class="with-help wide" name="<%- item.field_name %>" />
  2145. <% } %>
  2146. <div class="clear"></div>
  2147. </div>
  2148. </div>
  2149. <% }); %>
  2151. <% } %>
  2152. <% if (show_phone_verification) { %>
  2153. <% if (!has_unverified_phone_number || showEditInterface) { %>
  2154. <div class="formgroup" role="form" style="position: relative;">
  2155. <label class="support-long-text">Mobile</label>
  2156. <input id="country-code" type="text" class="span2"
  2157. <% if (showEditInterface) { %>
  2158. value="<%= %>"
  2159. <% } else { %>
  2160. value="<%= test.country_calling_code %>"
  2161. <% } %>>
  2162. <input id="phone-number" type="text" class="msL" style="margin-left: 10px; width: 17.9em;" placeholder="Mobile number" <% if (showEditInterface) { %>value="<%= %>"<% } %>>
  2163. <i class="icon--single icon-help-circled cursor phone-number-help js-tooltip fnt-sz-small" data-placement="top" style="margin-left: -28px;"
  2164. data-original-title="You need a verified mobile number to apply. Rest assured, this will only be shared with <%= test.company_name %>."></i>
  2165. <button class="btn btn-primary msL verify-mobile" style="width: 9em;">Verify</button>
  2166. <span class="inline-throbber verify-mobile loading" style="position: absolute; right: -2.2em; top: 2.2em; display: none;">
  2167. </span>
  2168. <div class="clear"></div>
  2169. </div>
  2170. <div class="formgroup" role="form">
  2171. <p class='phone-number-success-message-wrap hide'><i class="icon--single icon2-status_correct green"></i>
  2172. <span class='phone-number-success-message'></span></p>
  2173. </div>
  2174. <% } else { %>
  2175. <div class="formgroup" role="form">
  2176. <p class='phone-number-success-message-wrap'><i class="icon--single icon2-status_correct green"></i>
  2177. <span class='phone-number-success-message'>A 4-digit code has been sent to <%= %>-<%= %></span> <a class="cursor edit-phone-number"><i class="icon--single icon-pencil"></i></a></p>
  2178. </div>
  2179. <% } %>
  2181. <div class="formgroup verification-code-section" role="form">
  2182. <label class="support-long-text">Code</label>
  2183. <input type="text" id="phone-verification-code" class="span3" autocomplete="off">
  2184. <% if (!(!has_unverified_phone_number || showEditInterface)) { %>
  2185. <div class="msT">
  2186. <a class="cursor mlL" id="resend-code">Resend code</a>
  2187. </div>
  2188. <% } %>
  2189. </div>
  2190. <div class="clearfix"></div>
  2191. <% } %>
  2192. <% if(hrCandidateLogin) { %>
  2193. <div class="linkedin-container pdB">
  2195. </div>
  2196. <% } %>
  2197. <div class="bottom-checkbox-fields">
  2198. <% if(_.contains([null, false], shareProfile) && hrCandidateLogin && !isHRSC) {%>
  2199. <div id="login-form-share-profile" role="form">
  2200. <div>
  2201. <input type="checkbox" tabindex="-1" role="checkbox" name="share-profile" title="Check or uncheck this checkbox to share your hackerrank profile" id="share-profile" class="hr-sleek-input" style="margin-top:10px;" <% if(shareProfile) { %>checked='checked'<% }%>/>
  2202. <label class="acknowledge-text fnt-wt-500" for="share-profile">
  2203. <span tabindex="0" data-for="share-profile" aria-label="Press space to agree or disagree to share your hackerrank profile"></span>Share my <a href="/<%= hacker.username %>" target="_blank">HackerRank profile</a> with <%= test.company_name %> <i class="icon-help-circled js-tooltip icon-adjust pointer-cursor fnt-sz-small" data-title="Company can see badges you've unlocked and other details in your profile"></i>
  2204. </label>
  2205. </div>
  2206. </div>
  2207. <% } %>
  2210. <!-- TODO: Set alert if submit button is pressed and alert is not presented -->
  2211. <% if (!test.enable_acknowledgement || test.enable_acknowledgement === 'True') { %>
  2212. <div id="login-form" role="form" class="mdT">
  2213. <input type="checkbox" role="checkbox" name="acknowledge" title="Check or uncheck this checkbox to agree to terms and conditions" id="acknowledge" class="hr-sleek-input" tabindex = -1/>
  2214. <label class="acknowledge-text fnt-wt-500" for="acknowledge">
  2215. <span tabindex="0" data-for="acknowledge" aria-label="Press space to agree or disagree to terms and conditions"></span>
  2216. <% if (test.custom_acknowledge_text) { %>
  2217. <%- test.custom_acknowledge_text %>
  2218. <% } else { %>
  2219. I will not consult/copy code from any source including a website, book, or friend/colleague to complete these tests, though may reference language documentation or use an IDE that has code completion features.
  2220. <% } %>
  2221. </label>
  2222. </div>
  2223. <% } %>
  2224. </div>
  2226. <div class="clear"></div>
  2228. <div class="formgroup no-margin text-center start-test-button-container">
  2229. <br/>
  2230. <div aria-level="1">
  2231. <button class="btn mdB btn-primary btn-large test-submit" <% if (show_phone_verification && !has_unverified_phone_number) { %>disabled="disabled"<% } %> role="button"><%= i18next.t('login.start_challenge') %></button>
  2232. </div>
  2233. </div>
  2234. </div>
  2235. </form>
  2236. </div>
  2237. <% } %>
  2239. </script>
  2240. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/candidatemismatch">
  2241. <div>
  2242. <center>
  2243. <h2 class="headline">Login alert!</h2>
  2244. </center>
  2245. <div class="white-grid-block main-content">
  2246. <h3 class="mlB">Logged into another test</h3>
  2247. <p>It looks like you're still not finished taking the test <code><%- %></code> and you're now trying to login to: <code><%- %></code></p>
  2248. <h4 class="mlT">What would you like to do?</h4>
  2249. <center>
  2250. <a class="btn mlA backbone" href="<%- test.unique_id %>/questions">Continue with '<%- %>'</a><br>
  2251. <a class="btn margin-10 js-gotoother" href="<%- test.other.unique_id %>/<%- test.other.auth_key %><%- otherUrlParams %>">Logout and go to '<%- %>'</a>
  2252. </center>
  2253. </div>
  2255. <center>
  2256. <div class="block">
  2257. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('brand/powered_by_transparent.png') %>" />
  2258. <% if (test.logged_in && test.attempt_done) { %>
  2259. <p class="text-center txt-alt-grey">
  2260. Love Programming challenges? </br>
  2261. Find more problems and contests at <strong><a href="" class="txt-alt-grey"></a></strong>
  2262. </p>
  2264. <% } %>
  2265. </div>
  2266. </center>
  2268. </div><!-- end .row -->
  2270. </script>
  2271. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-diagram">
  2272. <p class="font20 f-weight-600">ANSWER</p>
  2273. <p>You can drag and drop the widgets to construct your diagram. If you'd like to include any explanatory comments on your work you can do so in the editor below the drawing widget.</p>
  2274. <br />
  2275. <div id= "geEditor" class="geEditor" ></div>
  2276. <input name="draw_xml" id="draw_xml" type="hidden" ></input>
  2277. <input name="draw_svg" id="draw_svg" type="hidden" ></input>
  2278. <br />
  2279. <p class="font20 f-weight-600">Explanation</p>
  2280. <em class="fnt-sz-small grey" style="font-weight: 500;">Your answer will be periodically saved as a draft.</em>
  2281. <div id="editordiag"></div>
  2283. </script>
  2284. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/instructions">
  2285. <div class="container" style="margin-top:63px;">
  2287. <div class="test-instruction-wrapper">
  2288. <span class="challengeslist_challenge-title green-title customer-title-font-color">INSTRUCTIONS</span>
  2289. <%= instructions %>
  2290. </div>
  2292. </div>
  2294. </script>
  2295. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/fullstack-project">
  2296. <div class="alert alert-info fullstack-instructions">
  2297. <strong>Instructions</strong>
  2298. <ul class="mlL mlR msT mlB">
  2299. <li class="list">Complete the project in the editor by writing the necessary code to satisfy the given requirements and pass all tests.</li>
  2300. <li class="list">Install build dependencies by clicking <em>Project &gt; Install</em>.</li>
  2301. <li class="list">Run code by clicking <em>Project &gt; Run</em>.</li>
  2302. <li class="list">Run tests by clicking <em>Project &gt; Test</em>.</li>
  2303. <li class="list">If the project exposes a web service, view the application website by clicking <em>Project &gt; Visit App</em>.</li>
  2304. </ul>
  2305. </div>
  2307. <div id="ck-container" class="candidate">
  2308. <div id="ck" class="codekit-editor"></div>
  2309. </div>
  2311. </script>
  2312. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/sudorankinfo">
  2313. <div class="alert mjA">
  2314. <header>Server details<a class="close pull-right"></a></header>
  2315. <p>To complete the <code><%=window.istreet.cfg.hrqn.sudorank%></code> questions, you'll need to login to the server per details below:</p>
  2316. <p class="serverdetails mlT"><img src="" /> Loading server details (can take a moment). Any lost time will be added back into the test.</p>
  2317. <p class="js-admin hidden"><strong>Note: </strong> The setup and check scripts have been made available for your use in the /tmp folder.</p>
  2318. <div class="clear" />
  2319. </div>
  2320. </script>
  2321. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-servertask">
  2322. <div class="span-xs-16 span-md-4 task-sidebar pdA js-sidebar-holder">
  2323. <%if(question.solve == null){%>
  2324. <p>This is a server type task, and you will complete a set of tasks on a live Linux server.</p>
  2325. <p class="pdT">All activity will be monitored. Access to the server is being provided <em>only</em> to complete tasks, and nothing else. Remember: with power comes responsibility.</p>
  2326. <p class="pdT">Launch server when ready.</p>
  2327. <div class="clear"/>
  2328. <a class="btn btn-primary mdT js-startserver">Start server</a>
  2329. <%} else if (!user_accessible) {if (!finished) {%>
  2330. <p class="pdT">STATUS: <img src="//"/> <%=server_state%></p>
  2331. <p class="pdT"><strong>Accessing server</strong><br/><small>(can take a moment)</small></p>
  2332. <div class="clear"/>
  2333. <a class="btn mdT js-refreshserver">Refresh</a>
  2334. <p class="pdT"><small>(Will auto refresh when ready)</small></p>
  2335. <%} else { %>
  2336. <p class="pdT pdB"><strong>Task time completed.</strong><br/></p>
  2337. <p>Server is no longer accessible</p>
  2338. <a class="btn mdT backbone" href="<%- HR.candidate.candidateTestModel.get('unique_id') %>/questions">Click here to close the test</a>
  2339. <%}%>
  2340. <% } else if(user_accessible){%>
  2341. <div class="pdT pdB"><strong>Server access</strong> (choose one)</div>
  2342. <div class="btn-group">
  2343. <% if(task_attempt.username == "ubuntu") { %>
  2344. <a class="btn js-webshell <%- use_web? 'active': '' %>">Webshell</a>
  2345. <% } %>
  2346. <a class="btn js-terminal <%- !use_web? 'active': '' %>">Terminal login</a>
  2347. </div>
  2348. <div "js-timeleft"></div>
  2349. <div class="pdT"><strong>Task description</strong></div>
  2350. <div class="pdT"><%=question.question%></div>
  2351. <%if(task_attempt.task_descriptions){%>
  2352. <div class="pdT"><p>You may attempt the tasks in any order.<p></div>
  2353. <div class="pdT pdB"><strong>Tasks (<%- task_attempt.task_descriptions.length %>)</strong></div>
  2354. <%}%>
  2355. <ul>
  2356. <% task_attempt.task_descriptions && _.each(task_attempt.task_descriptions, function(t){%>
  2357. <li class="mdL"><%=t%></li>
  2358. <%})%>
  2359. </ul>
  2360. <a class="btn mdT backbone" href="<%- HR.candidate.candidateTestModel.get('unique_id') %>/questions">Click here when done</a>
  2361. <%}%>
  2362. </div>
  2363. <div class="span-xs-16 span-md-12 js-content-holder">
  2364. <%if (user_accessible) {%>
  2365. <% if (use_web) { url = task_attempt.proxy_url || "//" + task_attempt.ip_address+":81" %>
  2366. <div class="span-xs-16 span-md-8">
  2367. <strong>Username:</strong> <%- task_attempt.username %>, <strong>Password:</strong> <%- task_attempt.password %>
  2368. <br/><a class="btn-link js-webshell-help"><i class="icon-keyboard"></i> Webshell help</a>
  2369. </div>
  2370. <div class="span-xs-16 span-md-8">
  2371. If the webshell interface seems slow, <a target="_blank" href="http://<%=task_attempt.ip_address%>:81/?u=<%- task_attempt.username %>&p=<%- task_attempt.password %>" class="js-opennewtab">open in new tab</a>, or use terminal login.
  2372. </div>
  2373. <iframe src="<%=url%>?u=<%- task_attempt.username %>&p=<%- task_attempt.password %>" width="100%" height="600px"></iframe>
  2374. <%}else {%>
  2375. <div class="mdA">
  2376. <h4>Login details</h4>
  2377. <p class="pdT pdB">In your terminal or ssh app, use the following details to login</p>
  2378. <p><strong>IP address:</strong> <%- task_attempt.ip_address %></p>
  2379. <p><strong>User:</strong> <%- task_attempt.username %></p>
  2380. <p><strong>Password:</strong> <%- task_attempt.password %></p>
  2381. </div>
  2382. <%}%>
  2383. <%}%>
  2384. </div>
  2385. </script>
  2386. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-list">
  2387. <div class="container" style="margin-top:70px;">
  2388. <div class="row js-server">
  2390. </div>
  2391. <table class="candidate-sleek-table candidate-question-list fadeinContent" width="100%" cell-spacing="0" cell-padding="0" aria-level="1">
  2392. <thead>
  2393. <tr role="rowheader">
  2394. <td width="3%"></td>
  2395. <td width="5%"></td>
  2396. <% if (show_question_points) { %>
  2397. <td width="40%" class="upper-case grey"><%= i18next.t('questions_list.question_name') %></td>
  2398. <td width="6%" class="upper-case grey">POINTS</td>
  2399. <% } else { %>
  2400. <td width="46%" class="upper-case grey"><%= i18next.t('questions_list.question_name') %></td>
  2401. <% } %>
  2402. <td width="17%" class="upper-case grey"><%= i18next.t('questions_list.type') %></td>
  2403. <td width="11%" class="upper-case grey"><%= i18next.t('questions_list.status') %></td>
  2404. <td width="18%"></td>
  2405. </tr>
  2406. </thead>
  2407. </table>
  2408. <% for(i=1; i<=section_count; i++) { %>
  2409. <table aria-level="1" aria-live="polite" role="grid" class="candidate-sleek-table candidate-question-list fadeinContent section<%- i %> " width="100%" cell-spacing="0" cell-padding="0" >
  2410. </table>
  2411. <center class="section-separator">
  2412. <button aria-label="Go to next section by pressing this button" aria-level="1" class="btn section-finish-<%- i %> next-section hidden" data-section="<%- i %>"><i class="icon--single icon-down-arrow pmR"></i><%= i18next.t('questions_list.close_and_go_to_section') %> <%- i+1 %></button>
  2413. </center>
  2414. <% } %>
  2415. <div style="margin-top:60px"></div><!-- Don't remove this empty div. -->
  2416. <div class="sticktobottom text-center" style="width:100%;background:white;margin-top:60px; margin-bottom:60px;" >
  2417. <button aria-level="1" aria-label="Press this button when you are done with the test" class="btn mlA test-done" <%if(!enable_testdone){%>disabled<%}%>><i class="icon--single icon-ok pdR"></i><%= i18next.t('questions_list.im_done_with_test') %></button>
  2418. </div>
  2419. </div>
  2424. </script>
  2425. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/sidebar">
  2426. <div id="side-navigation">
  2427. <nav class="page_navigation-sidebar expand hr_slide-away-element ligter-sidebar hr-candidate-rules" id="sidebar" style="top: 70px;">
  2428. <div class="mini-dash" style="display:none">
  2429. <!--<footer class="clearfix">
  2430. <p class="pull-left rank"><i class="icon-up-dir-1 success"></i> 5572<span class="sub-label">Points</span></p>
  2431. <p class="pull-right rank"><i class="icon-up-dir-1 success"></i> 242<span class="sub-label">Rank</span></p>
  2432. -->
  2433. </div>
  2434. <div class=" sidebar_nav-list fixed-nav questions-indicator" aria-level="1" role="menubar">
  2435. </div>
  2437. <div class="sidebar-scroll-list-container" aria-label="Questions">
  2438. <div class="unstyled sidebar_nav-list psT questions-indicator questions-nav" role="menu" aria-level="2">
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  2441. </nav>
  2442. </div>
  2444. </script>
  2445. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/candidatemessage">
  2446. <div>
  2447. <center>
  2448. <h2 class="headline"><%- ( || "Unknown test") %></h2>
  2449. </center>
  2450. <div class="white-grid-block main-content">
  2451. <h3 class="msB">MESSAGE</h3>
  2452. <div class="alert info mlB" aria-live="assertive">
  2453. <p role="alert"><%=message%></p>
  2454. </div>
  2455. <br>
  2456. <%if (test.unique_id) { %>
  2457. <a href="<%- test.unique_id %>"><%- i18next.t('back_to_main_page') %>Back to main page.</a>
  2458. <% } %>
  2459. </div>
  2461. <center>
  2462. <div class="block">
  2463. <img class="mlT" src="<%= asset_path('brand/powered_by_transparent.png') %>" />
  2464. <% if (test.logged_in && test.attempt_done) { %>
  2465. <p class="text-center txt-alt-grey">
  2466. Love Programming challenges? </br>
  2467. Find more problems and contests at <strong><a href="" class="txt-alt-grey"></a></strong>
  2468. </p>
  2470. <% } %>
  2471. </div>
  2472. </center>
  2474. </div><!-- end .row -->
  2476. </script>
  2477. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-design-codeshellx">
  2478. <div id="csx-editor" class="mlT mlB"></div>
  2480. <div class="output-area-wrap hidden">
  2481. <div class="output-area padded light-wrap" id="output-area">
  2482. <p class="status">Status: <span class="status-msg">Uploading..</span></p>
  2483. </div>
  2484. </div>
  2486. <div class="span16 hidden center-block light-wrap" style="height:600px;" id="runstatus-load">
  2487. <div class='gray'> <div style='background: url(<%= asset_path('hackerrank_spinner_64x64.gif') %>); height: 64px; width: 64px; display: inline-block;'></div> </div>
  2488. </div>
  2489. <iframe class="span16 no-padding hidden light-wrap" sandbox="allow-forms allow-popups allow-scripts allow-same-origin" height="600px" name="runstatus" id="runstatus" src="">
  2490. </iframe>
  2492. </script>
  2493. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/question-project">
  2494. <div id="editor" class="codeshell mlT mlB"></div>
  2495. <div class="clear"></div>
  2496. <% if(question.type == "android" && question.project_type == "gradle") { %>
  2497. <div id="candidate-notes" class="output-progress padded light-wrap mlT mlB psT" style = "">
  2498. <strong>Instructions:</strong>
  2499. <ul class="lg-small lg-ordered lg-tight">
  2500. <li class="lg-item">Download the source code by clicking on 'Download code as Zip' link available below the code editor</li>
  2501. <li class="lg-item">Uncompress the zip file</li>
  2502. <li class="lg-item">Import the project folder named Solution in Android Studio</li>
  2503. <li class="lg-item">Complete the implementation and verify the app on an emulator or on a physical device</li>
  2504. </ul>
  2505. <br>
  2507. <strong>Upon completion follow these steps to upload the Solution:</strong>
  2508. <ul class="lg-small lg-ordered lg-tight">
  2509. <li class="lg-item">Cleanup the project build artifacts by clicking on Build -> Clean Project in Android Studio</li>
  2510. <li class="lg-item">Compress the Solution folder into a zip file</li>
  2511. <li class="lg-item">Upload the zip file by clicking on 'Upload code as Zip' link available below the code editor</li>
  2512. NOTE: Any modifications that you may have done to the build settings files (i.e. app/build.grade, etc) will be reverted back to the original settings upon upload. This step is to ensure the build settings match the platform
  2514. <li class="lg-item">Verify that the project is building successfully by clicking on 'Build' button. Build process might take upto a couple of minutes</li>
  2515. <li class="lg-item">Upon successful build, submit and continue</li>
  2516. </ul>
  2517. <br>
  2519. <strong>How is my submission evaluated?</strong>
  2520. <p class="psT mlL">The app will be evaluated against a set of automated Espresso tests. In order to get a full score make sure you have implemented every action item in the question description</p>
  2521. </div>
  2522. <% } %>
  2523. <div id="runstatus"></div>
  2524. </iframe>
  2526. </script>
  2527. <script type="text/template" id="recruit/hackerrank-login">
  2528. <div class="login-group less_wide clearfix login-with-hr-form" id="login-with-hr-form">
  2529. <div class="homepage_signup clear_form signup <% if(action == 'login') { %>hidden<% } %>" id="hr-signup">
  2530. <h5 class="text-center mlB">Create a HackerRank account to take <%- test.company_name %>'s code challenge</h5>
  2531. <div class="homepage_admin">
  2532. <div class="form_outer_cover">
  2533. <form id="legacy-signup" class="legacy-form" method="POST" autocomplete="off">
  2534. <div class="homepage_signupgroup--legacy">
  2535. <div class="text-center alert error psT hidden mlB"></div>
  2537. <div class="formgroup">
  2538. <input id="full_name" type="text" name="full_name" value="" placeholder="Full name" data-content="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" autocomplete="off"/>
  2539. <input type="text" name="not-an-full_name" value="" style="display: none" />
  2540. </div>
  2542. <div class="formgroup">
  2543. <input id="email" type="text" name="email" value="" placeholder="Email" data-content="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" autocomplete="off"/>
  2544. <input type="text" name="not-an-email" value="" style="display: none" />
  2545. </div>
  2547. <div class="formgroup">
  2548. <input id="password" type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password" data-content="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="right" />
  2549. <input type="password" name="not-a-password" value="" style="display: none" />
  2550. </div>
  2552. <% if (show_phone_verification) { %>
  2553. <div class="formgroup">
  2554. <input id="country_code" type="text" class="span2" style="margin-right: 10px; width: 5em;" value="<%= test.country_calling_code %>">
  2555. <input id="phone_number" type="text" style="width: 20em;" placeholder="Mobile number">
  2556. <i class="icon--single icon-help-circled cursor phone-number-help js-tooltip fnt-sz-small" data-placement="top"
  2557. data-original-title="You need a verified mobile number to apply. Rest assured, this will only be shared with <%= test.company_name %>."></i>
  2558. <div class="clear"></div>
  2559. </div>
  2560. <% } %>
  2562. <div class="text-center mlT">
  2563. <button class="btn btn-primary signup-button mlL mlR" name="commit" type="submit" value="request" data-analytics="SignupPassword" type="submit">Sign up</button><a href="#" class="cursor msT show-login-form">Log in</a>
  2564. </div>
  2565. </div>
  2566. </form>
  2568. <div class="clearfix"></div>
  2569. <div class="css-separator"></div>
  2571. <div class="homepage_signupgroup--social">
  2572. <div class="unstyled clearfix socialbuttons signup-social row text-center" id="social-signup">
  2573. <div class="social-btn-wrap span-xs-8">
  2574. <a class="btn btn-google btn-social btn-login-with-hr btn-signup-form" data-analytics="SignupGoogle" title="Sign up with Google"><i class="icon-gplus"></i></a>
  2575. </div>
  2576. <div class="social-btn-wrap span-xs-8">
  2577. <a class="btn btn-facebook btn-social btn-login-with-hr btn-signup-form" data-analytics="SignupFacebook" title="Sign up with Facebook"><i class="icon-facebook"></i></a>
  2578. </div>
  2579. </div>
  2581. </div>
  2582. <div>
  2583. <p style='font-size:0.85em;' class='plT gray-text'>By signing up you agree to our <a href='' target='_blank'>Terms of Service</a> and <a href='' target='_blank'>Privacy Policy</a></p>
  2584. </div>
  2585. </div>
  2588. <div class="jscs-solve-later-action-block m <% if (!solveLaterEnabled) { %>hide<% } %>">
  2589. <div class="css-separator"></div>
  2590. <div class="slide-one">
  2591. Not ready yet? <a href="#" class="solve-later-button">Solve later</a>
  2592. <i data-original-title="Get an email with a link to this code challenge. You can attempt it at your convenience."
  2593. data-placement="right" class="icon--single icon-help-circled js-tooltip cursor fnt-sz-small"></i>
  2594. </div>
  2596. <div class="slide-two hide">
  2597. <div class="formgroup">
  2598. <p class="msB">You’ll receive this challenge in your email. Solve it when you’re ready to apply.</p>
  2599. <input id="js-solve-later-email-address" type="email" name="solve-later-email-address" class="css-solve-later-email-address" placeholder="Email"/>
  2600. <button class="btn btn-primary get-challenge-link-button">Get challenge link</button>
  2601. <p class="get-challenge-link-success-message hide"><i class="icon--single icon2-status_correct green"></i> A link to this challenge has been emailed to
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  2729. <% } %>
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  2732. <p class="field-label">Score</p>
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  2776. <div class="ck_table-wrap">
  2777. <%= o %>
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  2779. <% } else { %>
  2780. <%- o %>
  2781. <%}%>
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  3005. <h3 class="title pull-left qtitle" aria-label="Question Title" tabindex="0">The Elevator Superstition</h3>
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  3011. <div aria-label="Question Content" class="challenge-text hrx-version ck_table-wrap fadeinContent" style="min-height:100px;"><p dir="ltr">You check in at a hotel — one of the tallest buildings in the world. When taking the elevator, you realize that particular hotel has a superstition: There are no floors whose number has a '4' or '13' as part of it.</p>
  3013. <p>&nbsp;</p>
  3015. <p dir="ltr">That means that hotel has no 4th floor, nor a 13th, nor a 134th, nor a 113rd – but they do have the 103rd. Therefore, first floors are numbered as 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, and so on...</p>
  3017. <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
  3019. <p dir="ltr">The hotel wants to build a second tower but they don't want to go through the hassle of numbering floors by hand. They want to have an algorithm that, given a "real" floor number, returns the "lucky" version and removes any floors that contain '4' or '13' as part of their numbers.</p>
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  3023. <p dir="ltr"><strong>Example</strong></p>
  3025. <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
  3027. <p dir="ltr">Given that the real floor number <strong>12</strong>, its “lucky” version will be <strong>15</strong>:</p>
  3029. <p dir="ltr">&nbsp;</p>
  3031. <pre><code class="language-javascript">Real: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  3032. Lucky: 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15</code></pre>
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width: 21px;">7</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"> <span class="cm-comment">*/</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">8</div><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 29px; width: 11px;"><div class="CodeMirror-foldgutter-open CodeMirror-guttermarker-subtle"></div></div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-keyword">function</span> <span class="cm-def">getLuckyFloorNumber</span>(<span class="cm-variable-2">$n</span>) {</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">9</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span cm-text="">​</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; 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width: 21px;">12</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-variable-2">$file</span> <span class="cm-operator">=</span> <span class="cm-builtin">fopen</span>(<span class="cm-builtin">getenv</span>(<span class="cm-string">"OUTPUT_PATH"</span>), <span class="cm-string">"w"</span>);</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">13</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span cm-text="">​</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">14</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-variable-2">$__fp</span> <span class="cm-operator">=</span> <span class="cm-builtin">fopen</span>(<span class="cm-string">"php://stdin"</span>, <span class="cm-string">"r"</span>);</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">15</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-builtin">fscanf</span>(<span class="cm-variable-2">$__fp</span>, <span class="cm-string">"%d"</span>, <span class="cm-variable-2">$n</span>);</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">16</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span cm-text="">​</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">17</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span cm-text="">​</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">18</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-variable-2">$res</span> <span class="cm-operator">=</span> <span class="cm-variable">getLuckyFloorNumber</span>(<span class="cm-variable-2">$n</span>);</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">19</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span class="cm-builtin">fwrite</span>(<span class="cm-variable-2">$file</span>, <span class="cm-variable-2">$res</span> . <span class="cm-string">"\n"</span> );</span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; width: 21px;">20</div></div><pre class=" CodeMirror-line " role="presentation"><span role="presentation" style="padding-right: 0.1px;"><span cm-text="">​</span></span></pre></div><div style="position: relative;"><div class="CodeMirror-gutter-wrapper" style="left: -41.9896px;"><div class="CodeMirror-linenumber CodeMirror-gutter-elt" style="left: 0px; 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