
Mario Versus Pong

Sep 27th, 2015
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  1. One pong, two pong, three pong, four. How much can you go for more, more, more?
  3. "ARGH! STOP... TAUNTING ME... STUPID PONG AND ITS EVILNESS..." Mario growled as he furiously moved the analog stick on his controller, nearly breaking it in the process as the pong ball went bouncing between the two paddles on the wide-screen television set at fast speed. The Italian American, red-capped plumber became nervous as sweat came down from his head, moving closer to the TV, inch by inch.
  5. The pong ball kept hitting the pad, but it then missed the right pad, going overhead.
  7. Mario was frozen solid, barely moving as he changed to being all white. A wind breeze came into the room, making the whole place seem... chillier.
  9. "WHY MUST PONG BE SO EVIL!?" Mario cried out as he fell to his knees, looking up at the ceiling and calling out with rage, "WHYYYYYY!?"
  11. A chuckle was then heard outside of the room, causing Mario to turn to is right, to see the figure standing in the doorway.
  13. "Because you're the worst pong player ever. Simple as that."
  15. Mario growled, attempting a punch, but being smacked in the nose with a pong paddle. Falling on his rear, Mario held his nose, rubbing it as he moaned in pain, while the figure (who was Luigi) chuckled.
  17. "You'll never be able to be a professional at pong if you don't play it right," Luigi stated, shaking his head as he waggled his right index finger, "You gotta be the pong. Be the pong..." He repeated eerily as he left the room, shutting the door.
  19. Mario turned around to face the computer screen. He took in a gasp, and then closed his eyes, muttering, "Be the pong... be the pong..."
  21. Mario opened his eyes, only to see that the pong on screen came towards him, impacting him in the right eye. Mario blinked with his left eye, and after several seconds, started wreaking havoc in his room, screaming in pain as he struggled to get the pong ball out, but failed miserably.
  22. --
  23. Mario was still playing pong as he groaned, shaking his head as he was getting quite frustrated. In spite of the fact that the game was infuriating him, he was too addicted to simply stay away and not let it get the best of him.
  25. "Mamma mia, do I hate this friggin' game-a!" Mario exclaimed as he squinted his eyes, feeling rage as he gritted his teeth, feeling like the game was laughing at him. "Stupid-a pong-a! I should have never played you in the first-a place! Because now I can't-a stop-a! Argh!"
  27. Luigi sighed as he was finishing up his spaghetti, turning his head to see Toadette and Dry Bowser in the doorway.
  29. "Oh hey guys. Nothing exciting is going on with ya, huh?" Luigi commented as he folded his arms together. "That has to be the reason why you're shoehorned into yet another totally unrelated fanfic."
  31. Toadette touched her fingertips together sheepishly as she blinked. "Hey Luigi. Is Mario doing fine, or is he still bitter?" She asked, remembering the last time Mario was furious with a simple game.
  33. "Oh, you know him." Luigi commented as he finished up his spaghetti, moving his arms about. "One moment he's calm, the next moment he's tearing up the house."
  35. As soon as Luigi finished his sentence, part of their house exploded as Mario unleashed an array of red hot fireballs from his palms in anger, panting heavily as he glared at his dented television screen. Toadette gasped as she placed her hands over her mouth, with Dry Bowser scoffing as he folded his skeletal arms, smirking.
  37. "He needs to get some help," Dry Bowser commented as he chuckled, shaking his head. "All that rage isn't good for him."
  39. Mario slowly shifted his attention towards Dry Bowser, tossing the television right at his head. Luigi and Toadette watched as Dry Bowser's skeletal head was knocked onto the wooden porch as the television crashed, breaking into pieces, with Mario pushing Dry Bowser to the side as he stormed down the wooden stairs.
  41. "I'm gonna go buy a new TV," Mario stated in a disgruntled manner as he marched off, flames appearing in his foot prints as he was too pissed to even use the usual green warp pipe.
  43. Luigi, Toadette, and Dry Bowser all glanced at each other as they watched Mario leave, shocked at how angry Mario was.
  45. "Poor Mario just can't seem to get the hang of pong, can't he?" The trio stated in unison as they wondered how Mario would take this embarrassing loss.
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