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- % 1) Loads data (time, R, concentration)
- % 2) Splits data into on/off intervals
- % 3) Fits 'on' intervals with a log function
- % 4) Fits 'off' intervals with an exponential function
- % 5) Stores results in a cell array and plots them
- %% 1. Load data
- % data.txt must contain columns: time(sec), resistance(Ohm), concentration(ppm)
- data = load('data.txt');
- t = data(:,1)./1; % time in seconds (or use t/60 if you prefer minutes)
- R = data(:,2)./1000; % resistance
- C = data(:,3); % concentration
- %% 2. Identify gas "on" vs. "off" intervals
- onThreshold = 0.1; % user-defined threshold for "gas on"
- gasOn = (C > onThreshold);
- % Find indices where we transition from on->off or off->on
- switchPoints = find(diff(gasOn) ~= 0);
- % We'll store intervals in a cell array. Each element is a struct with:
- % startIndex, endIndex, isOn
- intervals = {};
- startIdx = 1;
- currentState = gasOn(1);
- for i = 1:length(switchPoints)
- endIdx = switchPoints(i);
- intervals{end+1} = struct('startIndex', startIdx, ...
- 'endIndex', endIdx, ...
- 'isOn', currentState);
- % Next interval will begin after the switch
- startIdx = endIdx + 1;
- currentState = ~currentState;
- end
- % The last interval goes from startIdx to the end of the data
- if startIdx <= length(t)
- intervals{end+1} = struct('startIndex', startIdx, ...
- 'endIndex', length(t), ...
- 'isOn', currentState);
- end
- %% 3. Prepare a cell array to store fits
- % We'll store, for each interval k:
- % fits{k}.type = 'growth' or 'decay'
- % fits{k}.startIndex
- % fits{k}.endIndex
- % fits{k}.fitParams
- % fits{k}.fitModel = 'A + B ln(t+1)' or 'C + D exp(-k t)'
- % fits{k}.timeFit, fits{k}.RFit (for plotting)
- fits = cell(length(intervals),1);
- %% 4. Fit each interval
- figure('Name','Graphene Growth/Decay Fits','NumberTitle','off');
- hold on; grid on;
- bluef = [0 0 1 0.1];
- plot(t, R,'color',bluef, 'DisplayName','Raw data'); % raw data in background
- for kInt = 1:length(intervals)
- sIdx = intervals{kInt}.startIndex;
- eIdx = intervals{kInt}.endIndex;
- % Extract the subset of data for this interval
- subset_t = t(sIdx:eIdx);
- subset_R = R(sIdx:eIdx);
- % We'll shift time so the start of the interval is t=0
- t0 = subset_t(1);
- shifted_t = subset_t - t0; % so it goes from 0 up to (end - start)
- % We'll do a finer grid for plotting the fit
- fine_t = linspace(0, shifted_t(end), 200);
- if intervals{kInt}.isOn
- % "Growth" interval => fit a log function
- % R(t) = A + B*ln( (t - t0) + 1 ), but since shifted_t = t - t0,
- % effectively: R(t) = A + B * ln( shifted_t + 1 )
- % Use MATLAB's 'fit' with a custom fittype
- growthModel = fittype(@(A,B,x) A + B*log(x + 1), ...
- 'independent','x','coefficients',{'A','B'});
- % Initial guesses
- A0 = subset_R(1);
- % Avoid dividing by zero if the interval is very short
- if shifted_t(end) == 0
- B0 = 0;
- else
- B0 = (subset_R(end) - subset_R(1)) / log(shifted_t(end) + 1 + eps);
- end
- fitGrowth = fit(shifted_t, subset_R, growthModel, 'StartPoint',[A0, B0]);
- % Evaluate the fit for plotting
- Rfit = fitGrowth.A + fitGrowth.B * log(fine_t + 1);
- % Store in fits cell
- fits{kInt}.type = 'growth';
- fits{kInt}.startIndex = sIdx;
- fits{kInt}.endIndex = eIdx;
- fits{kInt}.fitModel = 'R(t) = A + B ln(t+1)';
- fits{kInt}.fitParams = [fitGrowth.A, fitGrowth.B];
- fits{kInt}.timeFit = t0 + fine_t; % shift back to original time scale
- fits{kInt}.RFit = Rfit;
- % Plot the fit
- plot(fits{kInt}.timeFit, fits{kInt}.RFit, '-', 'LineWidth',1.5, ...
- 'DisplayName', sprintf('Log fit (interval %d)', kInt));
- else
- % "Decay" interval => fit an exponential function
- % R(t) = C + D * exp(-k * (t - t0))
- % with shifted_t = t - t0, that becomes: R(t) = C + D * exp(-k * shifted_t)
- decayModel = fittype(@(C,D,k,x) C + D.*exp(-k.*x), ...
- 'independent','x','coefficients',{'C','D','k'});
- % Initial guesses
- C0 = subset_R(end); % final (plateau) value
- D0 = subset_R(1) - subset_R(end);
- k0 = 0.01; % guess a small positive rate
- fitDecay = fit(shifted_t, subset_R, decayModel, 'StartPoint',[C0, D0, k0]);
- % Evaluate the fit for plotting
- Rfit = fitDecay.C + fitDecay.D * exp(-fitDecay.k * fine_t);
- % Store in fits cell
- fits{kInt}.type = 'decay';
- fits{kInt}.startIndex = sIdx;
- fits{kInt}.endIndex = eIdx;
- fits{kInt}.fitModel = 'R(t) = C + D exp(-k t)';
- fits{kInt}.fitParams = [fitDecay.C, fitDecay.D, fitDecay.k];
- fits{kInt}.timeFit = t0 + fine_t;
- fits{kInt}.RFit = Rfit;
- % Plot the fit
- plot(fits{kInt}.timeFit, fits{kInt}.RFit, '-', 'LineWidth',1.5, ...
- 'DisplayName', sprintf('Exp fit (interval %d)', kInt));
- end
- end
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Resistance (k\Omega)');
- legend('Location','best');
- title('Graphene Oxide Resistance Growth/Decay Fits');
- hold off;
- %% 5. Display final results in the Command Window
- fprintf('\n======= Fit Results by Interval =======\n');
- for kInt = 1:length(intervals)
- switch fits{kInt}.type
- case 'growth'
- A_(kInt) = fits{kInt}.fitParams(1);
- B_(kInt) = fits{kInt}.fitParams(2);
- fprintf('Interval %d (Growth): A = %.4g, B = %.4g\n', kInt, A_(kInt), B_(kInt));
- case 'decay'
- C_(kInt) = fits{kInt}.fitParams(1);
- D_(kInt) = fits{kInt}.fitParams(2);
- k_(kInt) = fits{kInt}.fitParams(3);
- fprintf('Interval %d (Decay): C = %.4g, D = %.4g, k = %.4g\n', kInt, C_(kInt), D_(kInt), k_(kInt));
- end
- end
- ftype()
- %% calculating stuff for lab report
- for i = 1:length(fits)
- R0(i) = fits{i}.RFit(1);
- Rend(i) = fits{i}.RFit(end);
- delta(i) = Rend(i) - R0(i);
- R90(i) = R0(i) + delta(i).*0.9;
- if mod(i,2) == 1
- index(i) = find(fits{i}.RFit > R90(i), 1);
- else
- index(i) = find(fits{i}.RFit < R90(i), 1);
- end
- T0(i) = fits{i}.timeFit(1);
- T90(i) = fits{i}.timeFit(index(i))-T0(i);
- S(i) = abs(delta(i))./min([R0(i) Rend(i)]).*100;
- end
- T90
- S
- %%
- function ftype()
- set(gca,'FontSize',13,'fontWeight','bold')
- set(findall(gcf,'type','text'),'FontSize',13,'fontWeight','bold')
- end
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