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a guest
Jul 17th, 2018
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  1. begin{frame}{Categorical to Normal}
  2. begin{itemize}
  3. item Create thresholds in standard normal based on frequencies of categorical
  4. item Sample a few (5) points for each categorical value in the threshold
  5. end{itemize}
  6. begin{tikzpicture}[node distance = 2.5cm, auto]
  7. node [whiteblock] (cat) {Categorical};
  8. node [whiteblock, right of=cat] (freq) {Frequencies};
  9. node [whiteblock, right of=freq] (thresh) {Thresholds};
  10. node [whiteblock, right of=thresh] (samp) {Sample Continuous};
  12. node [block, below of=cat] (catr) {A;A;B;C};
  13. node [block, right of=catr] (freqr) {A: 0.5, B: 0.25, C: 0.25};
  14. node[inner sep=1pt, right of=freqr](threshr)
  15. {
  16. begin{axis}[no markers, domain=-2:2, samples=100, xlabel=empty, ylabel=empty,
  17. axis lines*=left,
  18. height=3cm, width=4cm,
  19. xticklabels={A,B,C},
  20. ytick=empty,
  21. enlargelimits=false, clip=false, axis on top,
  22. grid = major]
  23. addplot [fill=cyan!20, draw=none, domain=-2:0] {gauss(0,1)} closedcycle;
  24. addplot [fill=orange!20, draw=none, domain=0:1] {gauss(0,1)} closedcycle;
  25. addplot [fill=red!20, draw=none, domain=1:2] {gauss(0,1)} closedcycle;
  26. end{axis}
  27. };
  28. node [block, right of=threshr] (sampr) {Sample Continuous};
  30. path [line] (cat) -- (freq);
  31. path [line] (freq) -- (thresh);
  32. path [line] (thresh) -- (samp);
  34. path [line] (freqr) -- (threshr);
  35. end{tikzpicture}
  36. end{frame}
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