
Luna's AutoExec

Mar 29th, 2016
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  1. clear
  2. echo Luna's Autoexec loaded
  3. fps_max 80
  4. cc_lang "clovervidiar"
  5. closecaption 1
  6. cc_subtitles 1
  7. mat_motion_blur_strength 1 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
  8. mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
  9. mat_hdr_level 0
  10. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
  11. mat_colorcorrection 0
  12. bind kp_plus "condump_on"
  13. bind MWHEELUP "invprev"
  14. bind MWHEELDOWN "invnext"
  15. bind uparrow "voicemenu 1 1"
  16. bind downarrow "voicemenu 0 0
  17. hud_combattext_batching 1
  18. cl_interp 0.015
  19. cl_interp_ratio 1
  20. cl_updaterate 66
  21. mat_phong 0
  22. //bind "mouse3" "+zoomer"
  23. alias "+zoomer" "zoomin"
  24. alias "-zoomer" "zoomout"
  25. alias "zoomin" "r_drawviewmodel 0; fov_desired 85; wait 2; fov_desired 80; wait 2; fov_desired 75"
  26. alias "zoomout" "r_drawviewmodel 1; fov_desired 80; wait 2; fov_desired 85; wait 2; fov_desired 90"
  27. cl_ragdoll_fade_time 0
  28. cl_ragdoll_forcefade 1
  29. cl_ragdoll_physics_enable 0
  30. g_ragdoll_fadespeed 0
  31. g_ragdoll_lvfadespeed 0
  32. ragdoll_sleepaftertime 0
  33. alias +showscores "+score;incrementvar net_graph -4 8 4;incrementvar cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel -1 2 1;incrementvar cl_showfps -2 5 2";
  34. alias -showscores "-score;incrementvar net_graph -4 8 -4;incrementvar cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel -1 2 -1;incrementvar cl_showfps -2 5 -2"
  35. exec Rainbow`
  36. unbind l
  37. bind w +mfwd
  38. bind s +mback
  39. bind a +mleft
  40. bind d +mright
  41. alias +mfwd "-back;+forward;alias checkfwd +forward"
  42. alias +mback "-forward;+back;alias checkback +back"
  43. alias +mleft "-moveright;+moveleft;alias checkleft +moveleft"
  44. alias +mright "-moveleft;+moveright;alias checkright +moveright"
  45. alias -mfwd "-forward;checkback;alias checkfwd none"
  46. alias -mback "-back;checkfwd;alias checkback none"
  47. alias -mleft "-moveleft;checkright;alias checkleft none"
  48. alias -mright "-moveright;checkleft;alias checkright none"
  49. alias checkfwd none
  50. alias checkback none
  51. alias checkleft none
  52. alias checkright none
  53. alias none ""
  54. cl_downloadfilter "all"
  55. alias "spin_180" "cl_yawspeed 2000; +left; wait 13.5; -left; cl_yawspeed 200"
  56. bind v "spin_180"
  57. unbind mouse3
  58. bind b "+spinbot"
  59. alias +spinbot "cl_yawspeed 2000; +left"
  60. alias -spinbot "cl_yawspeed 200; -left"
  61. bind mouse3 "+hideviewmodel"
  62. alias +hideviewmodel "r_drawviewmodel 0"
  63. alias -hideviewmodel "r_drawviewmodel 1"
  64. alias "marketjump" "+attack; wait 20; slot3; +duck; wait 20; -attack; wait 166; -duck; wait 1; -attack"
  65. // Prism Settings (for refract)
  67. mat_motion_blur_enabled 1 //afaik the only sure-fire way to keep refract masking on
  68. mat_motion_blur_strength 0 //effectively disables motion blur, personal choice + motion blur gets masked and looks bad with refract masking
  69. mat_disable_bloom 1 //disables bloom so refract masking doesn't create a dark rectangle over light materials
  70. mat_hdr_level 0
  71. mat_colcorrection_disableentities 1
  72. mat_colorcorrection 0
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