
OT Special: Frankenshades+Ghost Fedora night out.

Oct 26th, 2014
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  1. LightTimeJet was happy. He was happier than the time when his OT crush gave him a virtual kiss.
  2. He finally had a fedora.
  3. Sure, it was a transparent fedora, but it was still a fedora. Every person, at some point or another, wants a fedora, and here LightTimeJet was, with his brand new fedora. Better yet, he had also a perfect pair of shades to go along with the fedora.
  4. Excited, and to show off, he went to his neighbor's house to brag.
  5. He rang the doorbell, and out came NotAshley, with a pair of Frankenshades and Ghost Fedora. The exact items that LightTimeJet wanted to brag about.
  6. "Hi, what do you want?" NotAshley asked.
  7. LightTimeJet didn't know what to say. He just wanted to brag... or at least have someone comment on his amazing fedora and shades combo. So to prompt that comment, he said, "Hi, nice fedora by the way."
  8. NotAshley replied, "Thanks, yours too."
  9. LightTimeJet, obviously excited with that comment, said "YA THANKS!" and ran off.
  10. NotAshley, looking at this, commented, "What a weirdo." and shut the door.
  11. LightTimeJet then saw the house next to NotAshley, and decided to ring that door.
  12. *Ding dong*
  13. "Hi," the door opened and wazap walked out.
  14. "Like my new fedora and shades?" LightTimeJet asked right on the spot.
  15. "Oh you have those too? Hold on, let me get mine too," said wazap, and walked back in the house. Not even 10 seconds passed before wazap came back out with her fedora and shades.
  16. "Cool right? Pretty much everyone on this street has one," wazap said.
  17. LightTimeJet was clearly disappointed. He quickly went to the house next door, and the next, and the next, and the next.
  18. Sure enough, dannytroll2, Greenhouses, DominoDrawings, and fitemenub all had on a Ghost Fedora, and Frankenshades.
  19. LightTimeJet, though upset that other people had it, was then inspired by a new idea.
  20. I know! There should be a campnight at the bases of Mt. Robloxia with all the people with Frankenshades and Ghost Fedora!
  21. With that idea, he knocked on NotAshley, wazap, dannytroll2, Greenhouses, DominoDrawings and fitemenub's house.
  22. When he shared his idea with them, they all loved it. In fact, dannytroll2 and fitemenub actually said they knew more people with Ghost Fedora and Frankenshades, and asked whether they could invite them as well.
  23. LightTimeJet loved the idea of having a lot of the Fedoras in one place, so he said yes.
  24. Upon hearing this, dannytroll2 immediately called up SMS1337, evilishnessII and FrigidusIncendium.
  25. evilishnessII asked whether there was tea, and when danny said yes, he immediately said yes.
  26. SMS took a bit more convincing.
  27. "I don't know," SMS said, "Not really feeling it."
  28. dannytroll2 said, "NotAshley and wazap are c-"
  29. "I'M COMING THERE IS A SPOT FOR ME RIGHT!?" SMS practically shouted.
  30. Frigidus was not sure as well, but after hearing how many people have decided to go already, he was in.
  31. fitemenub, knowing a few more, called ClaraTheDragonborn, Spikexplosion and CarlTheDragonborn.
  32. Clara, having lost all of her white knights, decided that she missed company and joined in.
  33. Spike, wondering if he would find friends, thought he would tag along.
  34. Carl didn't want to go.
  35. "But Cla-", said fitemenub
  36. "I'm coming." said Carl.
  38. And thus came the day of the Ghost Fedora camp night. The location, after learning that Mt. Robloxia has been shut down due to some eruptions, had been moved to the woods in Southern Canada. At this time of the year, the leaves are just turning red, the nights starting to be a little chilly, but still acceptably warm for a campfire.
  39. SkittleWizard, who hasn't been invited, but heard about the camp, arrived to find no one there.
  40. "Did I misinterpret the time and date? Or the place? I swear there was a camp night for ghost fedoras and frankenshades."
  41. But still she waited a few minutes. And finally, she saw 2 people coming out of the woods with tents and firewood.
  42. She recognized them.
  43. "Hi SMS, Hi Carl!" she called out. "Let's get the fire started, I'm getting cold!"
  44. Carl unpacked his backpack, and got out the lighter, tent, a sleeping bag and...
  45. "Hey let me out of here already!"
  46. Inside the backpack was Eyioe. Carl just stared at him.
  47. "How did you... ah never mind," Carl just answered his own question. No wonder the backpack was so heavy. He had been talking about the campout for the few days, and Eyioe must have snuck into his backpack.The question was, how did he not notice an entire person in his backpack?
  48. But that was beyond the point.
  49. "And the man who started this all has arrived!" LightTimeJet said with enthusiasm. He had brought a cooking pot and a totem pole alongside a knife and tent and sleeping bag.
  50. SkittleWizard was curious. "Why the totem pole?"
  51. spicynatetheman then came out of hiding. He had been hiding on a tree for the past 15 minutes, not sure if he was allowed to come in or not, but upon seeing the uninvited visitors be welcomed (at least, not kicked out), he decided that it was safe to join in the party. In fact, he had also brought something; some sort of an ancient artifact. It looked like a necklace with an eye on it.
  52. Avoiding all the curious stares, spicynatetheman looked outwards.
  53. "Oh, here more of them arrive"
  54. And so they came in, one by one.
  55. dannytroll2, NotAshley, wazap, Frigidus, Spikexplosion, Clara, DominoDrawings. Greenhouses and evilishnessII came a few minutes past the time, and only after 15 minutes later did fitemenub come along.
  56. "I'm late," said fitemenub, "but I have something."
  57. And out he brought builderman, tied up and sleeping.
  58. Everyone just froze.
  59. "What. The. Fuck." "HOW DID YOU." "WHY!?"
  60. "Enough questions, you'll find it of use later." fitemenub replied.
  61. So they started cooking the food above the campfire, and eating. There was talking everywhere.
  62. Eyioe and LightTimeJet were talking about a recent controversial stream on Twitch, Clara and Carl were playing cards, evilishness and danny were swordfighting, and NotAshley and wazap were discussing programming matters.
  63. SMS then got up and turned on the music, a lively one.
  64. To which everyone slowly, but surely joined in on a dance around the campfire
  65. Everyone was in a great mood. The dancing, with SMS trying to hit on wazap and failing, Frigidus trying to capture NotAshley's attention, and fitemenub secretly whispering to himself, "Its time, its time." Only spicynatetheman heard this, but he didn't question it.
  66. Eventually, they all felt so good. What was the source of all of this happiness? And then they saw the totem pole. It was from here that this radiant feeling of glory was coming from. DominoDrawings started worshipping the totem pole, and then everyone else joined in. They were now protected by God. The ring with the eye started glowing brighter and brighter.
  67. They felt as if they were all protected by god. They felt invincible. Suddenly, fitemenub started kissing wazap. wazap, oddly, couldn't find the power to resist, in fact, she seemed to enjoy it as well. Seeing this, evilishness started stripping Clara, LightTime started making out with NotAshley, and Spike and Skittle were lying on the ground, completely naked and entangled so tightly that no one could tell which body part belonged to who. Everyone was enjoying it.
  68. Clara started licking evilishness's dick, LightTime was fondling NotAshley's boobs, and wazap was already riding fitemenub, moaning as she moved up and down his 6-incher.
  69. Others started joining in as well. Eyioe swapped with LightTime on NotAshley, and they started fucking on the spot. He just kept slamming it in her, faster than anything. His blood was racing, and NotAshley was feeling the pleasure, it striking the spot and the warm juice just filling the inside of her.
  70. Skittle now was with spicy, Domino swapped on to wazap, Clara was blowing Frigidus while SMS banged her.
  71. They were no longer an individual. They were all meant to be together, all of them belonged to all of them. They were more closer sexually with one another than any group of individuals had been with one another.
  72. Their hearts racing, faces near red, they started to dance naked. One of them saw builderman and tied him onto a stick, and placed him over the fire. All the guys then started a circlejerk around the fire, seeing who could force someone else to cum on builderman first, and the girls starting eating each other out behind them.
  73. They were the ghost clan, the ghost family. It didn't matter where they originally were from, how old they were, what religion they belonged to, none of that matter. LightTime won the circlejerk contest, the prize being 6 people blowing him at once and selecting someone to have sex with for the next hour (which he chose NotAshley to do, he really liked her huge boobs. He was kissing it or touching it the entire time he felt his dick rub against her soft wet goodness)
  74. All that mattered now was that they all possessed one another.
  75. They could call each other to talk about anything without any discomfort. What would you possibly want to hide from someone you had sex with, at one night, around a fire? The totem pole was still there, guarding all of the ghost clan, wasnt it?
  76. All remained confidential within the ghost clan.
  77. As for builderman, well, he was cut apart into 16 pieces and eaten up by the ghost clan.
  79. Later, the ghost clan changed names and hid underneath the organization called ROBLOX, persuaded them to reserve a spot on their website just for them. To which ROBLOX obliged, and now this place is known as OT.
  80. The original OTers obviously had no idea what contraceptives were, so the number of children they had were unreal. Most of them, though, joined the family known as OT, and to this day their population increases.
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