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- <?php
- /*
- Plugin Name: RS Event
- Plugin URI:
- Description: Adds an "RS Event" panel to the posting sidebar, allowing for a date to be set for the post and then displayed in the blog sidebar.
- Author: Robert Sargant
- Version: 0.9.4
- Edited: Nudnik
- Author URI:
- */
- /*** INPUT CONTROLS *******************************************************/
- /*** Add the RS Event controls to the posting sidebar */
- add_action('dbx_post_sidebar', 'rs_event_sidebar_controls');
- /*** Manipulate RS Event data when modifying posts */
- add_action('edit_post', 'rs_event_save');
- add_action('save_post', 'rs_event_save');
- add_action('publish_post', 'rs_event_save');
- add_action('delete_post', 'rs_event_delete');
- /*** These defaults are used all over the place */
- $rs_event_defaults = array
- (
- "title" => "Upcoming Events",
- "timespan" => 365,
- "history" => 0,
- "date_format" => "F j",
- "time_format" => "g:i a",
- "time_separator" => "@ ", //New: This puts the characters between the date and time- trailing space recommended!
- "event_html" => "%DATE% %TIME%: <a href='%URL%'>%TITLE%</a>",
- "max_events" => 0,
- "group_by_date" => 0,
- "no_events_msg" => "No upcoming events.",
- "sort_order" => "ASC",
- "category" => 0,
- );
- /*** ADMIN CONTROLS *******************************************************/
- /*** Inserts some drop-down menus as an extra posting sidebar panel. */
- function rs_event_sidebar_controls()
- {
- /*** If there are existing post details, get values to autofill the form */
- if(isset($_REQUEST['post']))
- {
- $event_timestamp = get_post_meta($_REQUEST['post'], "rs_event");
- $event_timestamp = $event_timestamp[0];
- if($event_timestamp)
- {
- $has_time = 1; //check for trailing "n," meaning no time set
- if ($event_timestamp{strlen($event_timestamp)-1} == 'n')
- {
- $has_time = 0;
- }
- settype($event_timestamp, "integer"); //remove "n"
- list($year, $month, $day, $hour, $minute) = explode(" ", gmdate("Y n j G i", $event_timestamp));
- // Cast as int to get rid of the zero
- $hour = (int)$hour;
- $minute = (int)$minute;
- $ampm = 1;
- if ($hour = 0) { //change 24 hour clock to 12 hour standard
- $hour = 12;
- $ampm = 1;
- }
- elseif ($hour > 12) {
- $hour = ($hour - 12);
- $ampm = 2;
- }
- if ($has_time == 0) { //if no time, ensure none gets pre-selected!
- $hour = 99;
- $minute = 99;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- $year = date("Y"); //preselect current year
- }
- ?>
- <fieldset id="rs_event_dbx" class="dbx-box">
- <h3 class="dbx-handle">Event Date Info</h3>
- <div class="dbx-content">
- <!-- Print current date, for user-friendliness -->
- <span style="color:#999;font-size:.85em;">Today is <?php echo date("F j"); ?></span>
- <br />
- <?php _e('Date:') ?>
- <br />
- <select name="rs_event_month" style="width: 6em;">
- <option value=""><?php _e('Month') ?></option>
- <option value="">----</option>
- <?php foreach(array( 1 => "Jan", 2 => "Feb", 3 => "Mar", 4 => "Apr", 5 => "May", 6 => "Jun", 7 => "Jul", 8 => "Aug", 9 => "Sep", 10 => "Oct", 11 => "Nov", 12 => "Dec") as $id => $m) { ?>
- <?php if($id == $month) { ?>
- <option selected="selected" value="<?php echo $id ?>"><?php _e($m) ?></option>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $id ?>"><?php _e($m) ?></option>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </select>
- <select name="rs_event_day" style="width: 4.5em">
- <option value=""><?php _e('Day') ?></option>
- <option value="">----</option>
- <?php for($d = 1; $d <= 31; $d++) { ?>
- <?php if($d == $day) { ?>
- <option selected="selected" value="<?php echo $d ?>"><?php echo $d ?></option>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $d ?>"><?php echo $d ?></option>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </select>
- <br />
- <select name="rs_event_year" style="width: 7em;">
- <?php for($y = date("Y")-1; $y <= date("Y")+3; $y++) { ?>
- <?php if($y == $year) { ?>
- <option selected="selected" value="<?php echo $y ?>"><?php echo $y ?></option>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $y ?>"><?php echo $y ?></option>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </select>
- <br />
- <br />
- <?php _e('Time: (Optional)') ?>
- <br />
- <select name="rs_event_hour" style="width: 3.5em;">
- <option value="notime"><?php _e('Hr') ?></option>
- <option value="notime">----</option>
- <?php
- for($h = 0; $h < 12; $h++)
- {
- $h_display = ($h + 1);
- $select_me = "";
- if($h === $hour)
- {
- $select_me = "selected=\"selected\"";
- }
- ?>
- <option <?php echo $select_me ?> value="<?php echo $h ?>"><?php echo $h_display ?></option>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- :
- <select name="rs_event_minute" style="width: 4em;">
- <option value=""><?php _e('Min') ?></option>
- <option value="">----</option>
- <?php for($mi = 0; $mi <= 55; $mi = $mi + 5) { ?>
- <?php if($mi === $minute) { ?>
- <option selected="selected" value="<?php echo $mi ?>"><?php echo str_pad($mi, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ?></option>
- <?php } else { ?>
- <option value="<?php echo $mi ?>"><?php echo str_pad($mi, 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) ?></option>
- <?php } ?>
- <?php } ?>
- </select>
- <select name="rs_event_ampm" style="width: 4em">
- <?php
- $switchie = 1; //put in AM/PM values
- while ($switchie < 3)
- {
- echo "<option ";
- if ($switchie == $ampm) {
- echo "selected=\"selected\" ";
- }
- echo "value=\"{$switchie}\">";
- if ($switchie == 1) {
- echo "AM";
- } else {
- echo "PM";
- }
- echo "</option>";
- $switchie++;
- }
- ?>
- </select>
- <br />
- <br />
- <?php if($event_timestamp) {?>
- <label for="rs-event-delete" class="selectit"><input id="rs-event-delete" type="checkbox" name="rs_event_delete" value="1" /> Delete Event</label>
- <?php }
- ?>
- </div>
- </fieldset>
- <?php
- }
- function rs_event_save($id)
- {
- if(!isset($id)) { $id = $_REQUEST['post_ID']; }
- if($_REQUEST['rs_event_delete'])
- {
- delete_post_meta($id, "rs_event");
- return true;
- }
- elseif($_REQUEST['rs_event_year'] && $_REQUEST['rs_event_month'] && $_REQUEST['rs_event_day'])
- {
- if ($_REQUEST['rs_event_hour'] == "notime") {
- $pad_char = "n";
- $_REQUEST['rs_event_hour'] = 0;
- $_REQUEST['rs_event_minute'] = 0;
- }
- $hour = ($_REQUEST['rs_event_hour']) ? $_REQUEST['rs_event_hour'] : 0;
- $minute = ($_REQUEST['rs_event_hour']) ? $_REQUEST['rs_event_minute'] : 0;
- /*** gmmktime stops PHP from interfering with local timezone settings */
- $ts = gmmktime($hour, $minute, 0, $_REQUEST['rs_event_month'], $_REQUEST['rs_event_day'], $_REQUEST['rs_event_year']);
- $ts .= "$pad_char";
- delete_post_meta($id, "rs_event");
- add_post_meta($id, "rs_event", $ts);
- return true;
- }
- }
- /*** New in 0.6.2 - delete the event when the parent post is deleted */
- function rs_event_delete($id)
- {
- if(!isset($id)) { $id = $_REQUEST['post_ID']; }
- delete_post_meta($id, "rs_event");
- return true;
- }
- /*** OUTPUT DISPLAY CONTROLS **********************************************/
- function rs_event_list($args = array())
- {
- global $wpdb, $rs_event_defaults;
- /*** 0.9 - Use array_walk instead (cleaner) */
- $values = $rs_event_defaults;
- $callback = create_function('&$v, $k, $a', '$v = isset($a[$k]) ? $a[$k] : $v;');
- array_walk($values, $callback, $args);
- extract($values);
- $lower_time = time() - ($history * 24 * 60 * 60);
- $upper_time = time() + ($timespan * 24 * 60 * 60);
- //This section has been modified for 2.3
- $where_category_clause = (0 == $category) ? '' : 'AND cats.term_taxonomy_id = '.$wpdb->escape(stripslashes($category));
- /*** Modified in 0.6.3 - only select published posts ***/
- /*** 0.9 - don't show postdated posts, grab excerpt, DISTINCT modifier if no category restriction ***/
- //This section has been modified for 2.3
- $query_string = "
- meta.meta_value as `date`,
- post.post_title as `title`,
- post.post_content as `fulltext`,
- post.ID as id,
- post.post_excerpt as `excerpt`
- {$wpdb->postmeta} as meta,
- {$wpdb->posts} as post,
- {$wpdb->term_relationships} as cats
- meta.post_id = post.ID
- post.ID = cats.object_id
- meta.meta_key = 'rs_event'
- post.post_date <= '".current_time('mysql')."'
- meta.meta_value >= {$lower_time}
- meta.meta_value <= {$upper_time}
- post.post_status = 'publish'
- {$where_category_clause}
- meta.meta_value {$sort_order}";
- /*** 0.5.1 - Allow event limiting */
- if($max_events != 0) { $query_string .= " LIMIT {$max_events}"; }
- /*** Get a list of the events from our query string */
- $event_list = $wpdb->get_results($query_string);
- /*** Items for outputting will be placed here for imploding later */
- $output_array = array();
- /*** If the query has returned an array, do stuff */
- if(is_array($event_list))
- {
- /*** To store previous dates if we have $group_by_date turned on */
- $previous_date = false;
- /*** Loop through each event */
- foreach($event_list as $event)
- {
- /*** Format the date/time/HTML now */
- $show_time = 1; //check if there's a time, set variable
- if (strlen($event->date) == 11) {
- $show_time = 0;
- settype($event->date, "integer");
- }
- $output_date = gmdate_i18n($date_format, $event->date);
- $output_time = gmdate_i18n($time_format, $event->date);
- /***
- Fake an excerpt if it doesn't exist
- Nicked from WP 2.0.3 functions-formatting.php line 721 (stupid globals)
- */
- if('' == $event->excerpt)
- {
- $event->excerpt = $event->fulltext;
- $event->excerpt = apply_filters('the_content', $event->excerpt);
- $event->excerpt = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $event->excerpt);
- $event->excerpt = strip_tags($event->excerpt);
- $excerpt_length = 55;
- $words = explode(' ', $event->excerpt, $excerpt_length + 1);
- if (count($words) > $excerpt_length)
- {
- array_pop($words);
- array_push($words, '[...]');
- $event->excerpt = implode(' ', $words);
- }
- }
- /*** Tidy these up into keys/values and add filters */
- $replacements = array
- (
- '%URL%' => get_permalink($event->id),
- '%DATE%' => apply_filters('the_date', $output_date),
- '%TIME%' => apply_filters('the_time', $output_time),
- '%TITLE%' => apply_filters('the_title', $event->title),
- '%FULLTEXT%' => apply_filters('the_content', $event->fulltext),
- '%EXCERPT%' => apply_filters('the_excerpt', $event->excerpt),
- );
- $replacements['%TIME%'] = $values['time_separator'] . $replacements['%TIME%']; //prepend the time separator to the time output
- if ($show_time == 0) { //if there's no time, don't show anything
- $replacements['%TIME%'] = "";
- }
- $output_html = str_replace(array_keys($replacements), array_values($replacements), $event_html);
- /*** If we are not grouping by date, output as a list item now. */
- if($group_by_date == false) { $output_array[] = $output_html; }
- /*** If we are grouping by date */
- else
- {
- /*** If this is a new date, create a new element in the array */
- if($output_date != $previous_date)
- {
- $output_array[] = "$output_date<br />";
- $previous_date = $output_date;
- }
- /*** Append the event's HTML onto the last item in the list */
- $output_array[count($output_array)-1] .= "$output_html<br />";
- }
- }
- }
- /*** If no array returned, say nothing */
- else { $output_array[] = $no_events_msg; }
- /*** Now output the array */
- echo "<ul><li>".implode("</li><li>", $output_array)."</li></ul>";
- } // end rs_event_list
- /*** WIDGET FUNCTIONS *****************************************************/
- function widget_rs_event_init()
- {
- if (!function_exists('register_sidebar_widget')) { return; }
- function widget_rs_event($args)
- {
- global $rs_event_defaults;
- extract($args);
- $options = get_option('widget_rs_event');
- $title = $options['title'];
- echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title;
- foreach($rs_event_defaults as $key => $value)
- {
- if(!$options[$key]) { $options[$key] = $value; }
- }
- rs_event_list($options);
- echo $after_widget;
- }
- register_sidebar_widget('RS Event', 'widget_rs_event');
- function widget_rs_event_control()
- {
- global $rs_event_defaults;
- $options = get_option('widget_rs_event');
- foreach($rs_event_defaults as $key => $value)
- {
- if(!$options[$key]) { $options[$key] = $value; }
- }
- if($_POST['rs_event_submit'])
- {
- $callback = create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = stripslashes($_POST["rs_event_".$k]); if($k != "event_html" && $k != "no_events_msg"){$v = strip_tags($v);}');
- array_walk($options, $callback);
- update_option('widget_rs_event', $options);
- }
- $callback = create_function('&$v,$k', '$v = htmlspecialchars($v, ENT_QUOTES);');
- array_walk($options, $callback);
- extract($options);
- ?>
- <script type="text/javascript">
- function insert_tag(value) {rs_event_insert_at_cursor(document.getElementById("rs_event_event_html"), '%'+value+'%');}
- function rs_event_insert_at_cursor(f,v) { if(document.selection){f.focus();sel=document.selection.createRange();sel.text=v;}else if (f.selectionStart||f.selectionStart=="0"){var startPos=f.selectionStart;var endPos = f.selectionEnd;f.value = f.value.substring(0, startPos)+v+f.value.substring(endPos, f.value.length);} else {f.value+=v;}}
- </script>
- <fieldset style="float: left; width: 340px">
- <legend style="font-weight: bold">Output Options</legend>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_title">Title:</label>
- <input style="width: 200px;" id="rs_event_title" name="rs_event_title" type="text" value="<?php echo $title ?>" />
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_event_html">Output HTML:</label>
- <input style="width: 200px" id="rs_event_event_html" name="rs_event_event_html" type="text" value="<?php echo $event_html ?>" />
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <small>
- Insert:
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('URL')"><code>URL</code></a>,
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('TITLE')"><code>TITLE</code></a>,
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('DATE')"><code>DATE</code></a>,
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('TIME')"><code>TIME</code></a>,
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('FULLTEXT')"><code>FULLTEXT</code></a>,
- <a href="javascript:insert_tag('EXCERPT')"><code>EXCERPT</code></a>
- </small>
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_no_events_msg">"No events" message:</label>
- <input style="width: 150px" id="rs_event_no_events_msg" name="rs_event_no_events_msg" type="text" value="<?php echo $no_events_msg ?>" />
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right;">
- "Group by date" formatting?
- <label for="rs_event_group_by_date_true">
- <input type="radio" name="rs_event_group_by_date" id="rs_event_group_by_date_true" value="1" <?php echo ($group_by_date?'checked="checked"':'') ?> /> Yes
- </label>
- <label for="rs_event_group_by_date_false">
- <input type="radio" name="rs_event_group_by_date" id="rs_event_group_by_date_false" value="0" <?php echo (!$group_by_date?'checked="checked"':'') ?> /> No
- </label>
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_date_format">Date Formatting:</label>
- <input style="width: 70px;" id="rs_event_date_format" name="rs_event_date_format" type="text" value="<?php echo $date_format ?>" />
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_time_format">Time Formatting:</label>
- <input style="width: 70px;" id="rs_event_time_format" name="rs_event_time_format" type="text" value="<?php echo $time_format ?>" />
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <a href="">Documentation on time and date formatting</a>
- </p>
- </fieldset>
- <fieldset style="float: right; width: 340px">
- <legend style="font-weight: bold">Selection Options</legend>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_timespan">Timespan:</label>
- <input style="width: 40px; text-align: right" id="rs_event_timespan" name="rs_event_timespan" type="text" value="<?php echo $timespan ?>" /> days
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right;">
- <label for="rs_event_history">History:</label>
- <input style="width: 40px; text-align: right" id="rs_event_history" name="rs_event_history" type="text" value="<?php echo $history ?>" /> days
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- <label for="rs_event_max_events">Show up to (0 for all): </label>
- <input style="width: 40px; text-align: right" id="rs_event_max_events" name="rs_event_max_events" type="text" value="<?php echo $max_events ?>" /> events
- </p>
- <p style="text-align:right">
- Sort Order:
- <label for="rs_event_sort_order_asc">
- <input type="radio" name="rs_event_sort_order" id="rs_event_sort_order_asc" value="ASC" <?php echo ("ASC" == $sort_order) ?'checked="checked"':'' ?> /> Ascending
- </label>
- <label for="rs_event_sort_order_desc">
- <input type="radio" name="rs_event_sort_order" id="rs_event_sort_order_desc" value="DESC" <?php echo ("DESC" == $sort_order) ?'checked="checked"':'' ?> /> Descending
- </label>
- </p>
- </fieldset>
- <input type="hidden" id="rs_event_submit" name="rs_event_submit" value="1" />
- <?php
- }
- register_widget_control('RS Event', 'widget_rs_event_control', 700, 350);
- }
- add_action('plugins_loaded', 'widget_rs_event_init');
- /*** The standard date_i18n uses machine timezones - BAD! *****************/
- function gmdate_i18n($dateformatstring, $unixtimestamp)
- {
- global $month, $weekday, $month_abbrev, $weekday_abbrev;
- $i = $unixtimestamp;
- if ((!empty($month)) && (!empty($weekday)))
- {
- $datemonth = $month[date('m', $i)];
- $datemonth_abbrev = $month_abbrev[$datemonth];
- $dateweekday = $weekday[date('w', $i)];
- $dateweekday_abbrev = $weekday_abbrev[$dateweekday];
- $dateformatstring = ' '.$dateformatstring;
- $dateformatstring = preg_replace("/([^\\\])D/", "\${1}".backslashit($dateweekday_abbrev), $dateformatstring);
- $dateformatstring = preg_replace("/([^\\\])F/", "\${1}".backslashit($datemonth), $dateformatstring);
- $dateformatstring = preg_replace("/([^\\\])l/", "\${1}".backslashit($dateweekday), $dateformatstring);
- $dateformatstring = preg_replace("/([^\\\])M/", "\${1}".backslashit($datemonth_abbrev), $dateformatstring);
- $dateformatstring = substr($dateformatstring, 1, strlen($dateformatstring)-1);
- }
- $j = @gmdate($dateformatstring, $i);
- return $j;
- }
- ?>
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