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Mar 21st, 2018
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  1. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. DarkRP custom jobs
  3. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4. This file contains your custom jobs.
  5. This file should also contain jobs from DarkRP that you edited.
  7. Note: If you want to edit a default DarkRP job, first disable it in darkrp_config/disabled_defaults.lua
  8. Once you've done that, copy and paste the job to this file and edit it.
  10. The default jobs can be found here:
  13. For examples and explanation please visit this wiki page:
  16. Add your custom jobs under the following line:
  17. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  19. TEAM_CITIZEN = DarkRP.createJob("Citoyen", {
  20. color = Color(20, 150, 20, 255),
  21. model = {"models/player/Group01/Female_01.mdl","models/player/Group01/Female_02.mdl","models/player/Group01/Female_03.mdl","models/player/Group01/Female_04.mdl","models/player/Group01/Female_06.mdl","models/player/group01/male_01.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_02.mdl","models/player/Group01/male_03.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_04.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_05.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_06.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_07.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_08.mdl","models/player/Group01/Male_09.mdl"},
  22. description = [[The Citizen is the most basic level of society you can hold besides being a hobo. You have no specific role in city life.]],
  23. weapons = {},
  24. command = "citoyen",
  25. max = 0,
  26. salary = GAMEMODE.Config.normalsalary,
  27. admin = 0,
  28. vote = false,
  29. hasLicense = false,
  30. candemote = false,
  31. category = "Citizens",
  32. })
  34. TEAM_ESCLAVE = DarkRP.createJob("Esclave", {
  35. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  36. model = {"models/jazzmcfly/jka/dv/dv.mdl"},
  37. description = [[Vous avez été désigné pour rentrer dans les arcanes du pouvoir obscur.]],
  38. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  39. command = "esclave",
  40. max = 0,
  41. salary = 2,
  42. admin = 0,
  43. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(150) ply:SetMaxHealth(150) end,
  44. category = "Empire Sith",
  45. })
  47. TEAM_ACOLYTE_SITH = DarkRP.createJob("Acolyte", {
  48. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  49. model = {"models/nate159/req/SWTFU/sith_acolyte.mdl"},
  50. description = [[Vous vous êtes démarqué des autres adepte, mais un long chemin est à parcourir avant de d’être reconnu au sein de l’ordre Sith.]],
  51. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  52. command = "acolyte",
  53. max = 0,
  54. salary = 3,
  55. admin = 0,
  56. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(300) ply:SetMaxHealth(300) end,
  57. category = "Empire Sith",
  58. })
  60. TEAM_APPRENTI_SORCIER = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Sorcier", {
  61. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  62. model = {"models/player/mkx_ermac.mdl"},
  63. description = [[Vous êtes un Apprenti Sorcier]],
  64. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  65. command = "Apprentisorcier",
  66. max = 0,
  67. salary = 4,
  68. admin = 0,
  69. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(650) ply:SetMaxHealth(650) end,
  70. category = "Empire Sith",
  71. })
  73. TEAM_APPRENTI_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Assassin", {
  74. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  75. model = {"models/grealms/characters/inquisitor/inquisitor_01.mdl"},
  76. description = [[Vous êtes un Apprenti Assassin]],
  77. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  78. command = "Apprentiassassin",
  79. max = 0,
  80. salary = 4,
  81. admin = 0,
  82. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(650) ply:SetMaxHealth(650) end,
  83. category = "Empire Sith",
  84. })
  86. TEAM_APPRENTI_RAVAGEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Ravageur", {
  87. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  88. model = {"models/player/sw/revan/revan.mdl"},
  89. description = [[Vous êtes un Apprenti Ravageur]],
  90. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  91. command = "Apprentiravageur",
  92. max = 0,
  93. salary = 4,
  94. admin = 0,
  95. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(800) ply:SetMaxHealth(800) end,
  96. category = "Empire Sith",
  97. })
  99. TEAM_APPRENTI_MARAUDEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Apprenti Maraudeur", {
  100. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  101. model = {"models/player/sw/revan/revan.mdl"},
  102. description = [[Vous êtes un Apprenti Maraudeur]],
  103. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  104. command = "Apprentimaraudeur",
  105. max = 0,
  106. salary = 4,
  107. admin = 0,
  108. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(750) ply:SetMaxHealth(750) end,
  109. category = "Empire Sith",
  110. })
  112. TEAM_SORCIER = DarkRP.createJob("Sorcier Sith", {
  113. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  114. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/tyler/zabraksith.mdl" , "models/morganicism/swtor/morganis/morganis.mdl" },
  115. description = [[Vous êtes un Sorcier Sith]],
  116. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  117. command = "Sorcier",
  118. max = 0,
  119. salary = 5,
  120. admin = 0,
  121. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1100) ply:SetMaxHealth(1100) end,
  122. category = "Empire Sith",
  123. })
  125. TEAM_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("Assassin Sith", {
  126. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  127. model = {"models/syntheticgaming/characters/sithassassin/sithassassin.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/beluga/beluga.mdl"},
  128. description = [[Vous êtes un Assassin Sith]],
  129. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  130. command = "Assassin",
  131. max = 0,
  132. salary = 5,
  133. admin = 0,
  134. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1000) ply:SetMaxHealth(1000) end,
  135. category = "Empire Sith",
  136. })
  138. TEAM_RAVAGEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Ravageur Sith", {
  139. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  140. model = {"models/vindican/vindican.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/raeus/raeus.mdl"},
  141. description = [[Vous êtes un Ravageur Sith]],
  142. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  143. command = "Ravageur",
  144. max = 0,
  145. salary = 5,
  146. admin = 0,
  147. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1300) ply:SetMaxHealth(1300) end,
  148. category = "Empire Sith",
  149. })
  151. TEAM_MARAUDEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Maraudeur Sith", {
  152. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  153. model = {"models/grealms/twins/twins_black/twins_black.mdl models/grealms/twins/twins.mdl"},
  154. description = [[Vous êtes un Maraudeur Sith]],
  155. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep"},
  156. command = "Maraudeur",
  157. max = 0,
  158. salary = 5,
  159. admin = 0,
  160. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1200) ply:SetMaxHealth(1200) end,
  161. category = "Empire Sith",
  162. })
  164. TEAM_DESTRUCTEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Destructeur Sith", {
  165. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  166. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/slactir/slactirtest2.mdl models/player/starwars/maulkiller.mdl"},
  167. description = [[Vous êtes un Destructeur Sith]],
  168. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  169. command = "Destructeur",
  170. max = 0,
  171. salary = 5,
  172. admin = 0,
  173. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2000) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) end,
  174. category = "Empire Sith",
  175. })
  177. TEAM_SAVANT = DarkRP.createJob("Savant Sith", {
  178. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  179. model = {"models/grealms/characters/darkjedi/darkjedi.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/drakzor/croc.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/java/thanaton.mdl"},
  180. description = [[Vous êtes un Destructeur Sith]],
  181. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  182. command = "Savant",
  183. max = 0,
  184. salary = 5,
  185. admin = 0,
  186. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1500) ply:SetMaxHealth(1500) end,
  187. category = "Empire Sith",
  188. })
  190. TEAM_SEIGNEUR_SORCIER = DarkRP.createJob("Seigneur Sorcier", {
  191. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  192. model = {"models/player/arsenic/shilen/shilen.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/hakkab/hakkab01.mdl"},
  193. description = [[Vous êtes un Seigneur Sorcier]],
  194. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  195. command = "Seigneursorcier",
  196. max = 0,
  197. salary = 6,
  198. admin = 0,
  199. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2000) ply:SetMaxHealth(2000) end,
  200. category = "Empire Sith",
  201. })
  203. TEAM_SEIGNEUR_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("Seigneur Assassin", {
  204. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  205. model = {"models/grealms/characters/vaylin/vaylin.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/beluga/beluga.mdl"},
  206. description = [[Vous êtes un Seigneur Assassin]],
  207. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  208. command = "Seigneurassassin",
  209. max = 0,
  210. salary = 6,
  211. admin = 0,
  212. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(1800) ply:SetMaxHealth(1800) end,
  213. category = "Empire Sith",
  214. })
  216. TEAM_SEIGNEUR_RAVAGEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Seigneur Ravageur", {
  217. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  218. model = {"models/vindican/vindican.mdl" , "models/grealms/characters/darthsion/sion.mdl"},
  219. description = [[Vous êtes un Seigneur Ravageur]],
  220. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  221. command = "Seigneurravageur",
  222. max = 0,
  223. salary = 6,
  224. admin = 0,
  225. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2300) ply:SetMaxHealth(2300) end,
  226. category = "Empire Sith",
  227. })
  229. TEAM_SEIGNEUR_MARAUDEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Seigneur Maraudeur", {
  230. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  231. model = {"models/vindican/vindican.mdl" , "models/grealms/characters/darthsion/sion.mdl"},
  232. description = [[Vous êtes un Seigneur Maraudeur]],
  233. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep"},
  234. command = "Seigneurmaraudeur",
  235. max = 0,
  236. salary = 6,
  237. admin = 0,
  238. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2250) ply:SetMaxHealth(2250) end,
  239. category = "Empire Sith",
  240. })
  242. TEAM_DARTH_SORCIER = DarkRP.createJob("Darth Sorcier", {
  243. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  244. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/miles/miles.mdl" , "models/kallig/kallig.mdl"},
  245. description = [[Vous êtes un Darth Sorcier]],
  246. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  247. command = "Darthsorcier",
  248. max = 0,
  249. salary = 7,
  250. admin = 0,
  251. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2400) ply:SetMaxHealth(2400) end,
  252. category = "Empire Sith",
  253. })
  255. TEAM_DARTH_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("Darth Assassin", {
  256. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  257. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/viatic/viatic2.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/nemesis/nemesistest.mdl"},
  258. description = [[Vous êtes un Darth Assassin]],
  259. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  260. command = "Darthassassin",
  261. max = 0,
  262. salary = 7,
  263. admin = 0,
  264. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2250) ply:SetMaxHealth(2250) end,
  265. category = "Empire Sith",
  266. })
  268. TEAM_DARTH_RAVAGEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Darth Ravageur", {
  269. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  270. model = {"models/grealms/characters/malgus/malgus.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/viatic/viatic3.mdl"},
  271. description = [[Vous êtes un Darth Ravageur]],
  272. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  273. command = "Darthravageur",
  274. max = 0,
  275. salary = 7,
  276. admin = 0,
  277. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2700) ply:SetMaxHealth(2700) end,
  278. category = "Empire Sith",
  279. })
  281. TEAM_DARTH_MARAUDEUR = DarkRP.createJob("Darth Maraudeur", {
  282. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  283. model = {".mdl models/imperius/imperiuss.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/honos/honos01.mdl"},
  284. description = [[Vous êtes un Darth Maraudeur]],
  285. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  286. command = "Darthmaraudeur",
  287. max = 0,
  288. salary = 7,
  289. admin = 0,
  290. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2500) ply:SetMaxHealth(2500) end,
  291. category = "Empire Sith",
  292. })
  294. TEAM_MDCN_SORCIER = DarkRP.createJob("MDCN Sorcier", {
  295. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  296. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/java/thanaton.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/star/gray/star.mdl"},
  297. description = [[Vous êtes un Membre du conseil noir.]],
  298. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  299. command = "MDCNsorcier",
  300. max = 0,
  301. salary = 8,
  302. admin = 0,
  303. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2800) ply:SetMaxHealth(2800) end,
  304. category = "Empire Sith",
  305. })
  307. TEAM_MDCN_ASSASSIN = DarkRP.createJob("MDCN Assassin", {
  308. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  309. model = {"models/player/aileri_darth_traya.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/drakzor/croc2.mdl"},
  310. description = [[Vous êtes un Membre du conseil noir.]],
  311. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  312. command = "MDCNassassin",
  313. max = 0,
  314. salary = 8,
  315. admin = 0,
  316. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(2700) ply:SetMaxHealth(2700) end,
  317. category = "Empire Sith",
  318. })
  320. TEAM_MDCN_RAVAGEUR = DarkRP.createJob("MDCN Ravageur", {
  321. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  322. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/bones/bones01.mdl" , "models/syntheticgaming/characters/cyberneticstarkiller/starkiller.mdl"},
  323. description = [[Vous êtes un Membre du conseil noir.]],
  324. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  325. command = "MDCNravageur",
  326. max = 0,
  327. salary = 8,
  328. admin = 0,
  329. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(3250) ply:SetMaxHealth(3250) end,
  330. category = "Empire Sith",
  331. })
  333. TEAM_MDCN_MARAUDEUR = DarkRP.createJob("MDCN Maraudeur", {
  334. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  335. model = {"models/rebuilt/arcann_rebuilt.mdl" , "models/player/swtor/arsenic/star/star.mdl"},
  336. description = [[Vous êtes un Membre du conseil noir.]],
  337. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  338. command = "MDCNmaraudeur",
  339. max = 0,
  340. salary = 8,
  341. admin = 0,
  342. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(3000) ply:SetMaxHealth(3000) end,
  343. category = "Empire Sith",
  344. })
  346. TEAM_MAIN = DarkRP.createJob("Main de l'Empereur", {
  347. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  348. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/raeus/raeus.mdl"},
  349. description = [[Vous êtes la Main de l'Empereur.]],
  350. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  351. command = "MAIN",
  352. max = 0,
  353. salary = 9,
  354. admin = 0,
  355. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(3500) ply:SetMaxHealth(3500) end,
  356. category = "Empire Sith",
  357. })
  359. TEAM_FURIE = DarkRP.createJob("Furie de l'Empereur", {
  360. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  361. model = {"models/player/swtor/arsenic/jason/jason.mdl"},
  362. description = [[Vous êtes la Furie de l'Empereur.]],
  363. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  364. command = "FURIE",
  365. max = 0,
  366. salary = 9,
  367. admin = 0,
  368. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(3500) ply:SetMaxHealth(3500) end,
  369. category = "Empire Sith",
  370. })
  372. TEAM_VOIX = DarkRP.createJob("Voix de l'Empereur", {
  373. color = Color(255, 0, 0 ),
  374. model = {"models/player/malacore/swbes_x1.mdl"},
  375. description = [[Vous êtes la Voix de l'Empereur.]],
  376. weapons = {"weapon_lightsaber_personal" , "ageoux_swep" , "repos_swep" , "forcechoke"},
  377. command = "VOIX",
  378. max = 0,
  379. salary = 9,
  380. admin = 0,
  381. PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetHealth(4000) ply:SetMaxHealth(4000) end,
  382. category = "Empire Sith",
  383. })
  388. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  389. Define which team joining players spawn into and what team you change to if demoted
  390. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  392. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  393. Define which teams belong to civil protection
  394. Civil protection can set warrants, make people wanted and do some other police related things
  395. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  396. GAMEMODE.CivilProtection = {
  397. [TEAM_STAFF] = false,
  398. [TEAM_CITOYEN] = false,
  399. }
  400. --[[---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  401. Jobs that are hitmen (enables the hitman menu)
  402. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
  403. DarkRP.addHitmanTeam(TEAM_HITMAN)
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