
4chan Hazbin Hotel story - Hidden debts

Dec 11th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #490
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  3. Well, not so much an AU, as a few ideas for characters an episodes.
  4. The main inspiration came when re-watching a series called "TUGS", a spin-off Thomas & Friends with a more mature theme, set around a fictitious port sometime in the 1920s, with two rival tugboat companies (one heroic, the other more like a group of gangsters). Because it was also made by David Mitton, it had some seriously good explosion effects in it, particularly in the episode "Munitions", where they basically set an entire dockyard set on fire, before blowing it up with explosives.
  6. From this came the main inspiration: having an episode dedicated to Angel's family, where they're overseeing their smuggling operations in a harbor... Only for someone like Arackniss or Henroin to spot a dangerous loading operation (such as loading fuel and ammunition into the same ship as a mixed load), and complain about it... Only for that to become a real problem when the docks and the ship is set on fire.
  8. This expanded into the idea of various characters having hidden debts because of circumstances: Angel and his family knowing a thing or two about various blue collar labors, because their operations usually happened around those parts of town, and often mingled with legal work, Vaggie having a far greater, if often trivial knowledge of the work because she died in the age of the internet, or being well-versed in labor law and labor organization (as that was one of the things El Salvador went to war with itself over with), Alastor being familiar with the high society of the South and its foibles, due to rubbing elbows with them at times while he was alive, and so on...
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  10. I definitely see Alastor being a high society-type. The mid-atlantic accent was how they taught you to speak "properly" in schools, and he lived at a time when really only the well-to-do got a lot of schooling. He probably comes from old money or possibly a newly rich family that hit it big in the largely unregulated markets, Gatsby style, before the economy collapsed.
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  12. I like these.
  14. it be cool to show that Alastor dad is a rich engineer person who like to built things and when the economy collapsed. Alastor made a radio to make his dad happy, that be the reason of how he become a radio show host in the first place.
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  16. Alastor coming from a rich family with a good upbringing honestly feels more interesting than the more fan circulated common idea of him being from a poor, dysfunctional, family.
  18. A personal, born to a family of great privilege, shielded from the worst excess of humanity during the great depression, given the best education one could get for the time, only for them to devolve into a cannibalistic serial killer is the exact kind of backstory I would expect out of a powerful and feared Overlord of Hell.
  20. I would not be against humanising Alastor. But I hope its not some sappy generic story. Some people are just truly evil. But perhaps being stuck in hell for near a century could result in some true introspect on Alastor's part, especially if Charlie's positive spin rubs off on him.
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  22. this is good.
  24. but how does the voodoo stuff add in?
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  26. a lot of time for hobbies when you're well-off and educated
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  28. Any dozen of possibilities.
  30. We could range from the insane that his parents were voodoo practitioners and they experimented with Alastor.
  32. To the more mundane that Alastor dabbled with it during his life, and during his killings. The big question being did voodoo magic actually do anything on Earth, or was he/they just performing rituals for the sake of it, with no expectation of anything actually occurring?
  34. What if Alastor's dabbling in voodoo unintentionally was giving him a major power boost to his soul when he died? All the while he was unaware.
  36. Perhaps Alastor arrived in Hell earlier than we know (or he started his grand killings/radio broadcasts in hell much later and no one figured to see when exactly Alastor landed in Hell), and he somehow acquired his powers in Hell?
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  38. I can see that.
  40. we did talk about how him & rosie must know each other when they were alive, maybe she the one who show AI voodoo?.
  42. I mean... she got minions are just zombies which it remind me of this:
  44. they use that as a drug to turn people into "zombies" and use it in voodoo.
  46. so there that.
  48. also it be cool to see his mom and dad in hell as well or just one of them.
  50. and I think AI did made a deal with a demon to get so powerful before he die.
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  52. There is also the theory we've had in mind for a while now that Alastor has a "patron demon" that he is empowered by. In voodoo and related religions like palo mayombe, magic is not inherently good or evil, what happens is entirely up to the practitioner, and they have figures that are direct analogs to angels, demons, saints etc from the abrahamic faiths. Alastor may have decided to get a leg up in this life and the afterlife by summoning a powerful demon and cutting a deal. Stolas is shown to have an interest in interfering in the mortal realm (wanting IMP to assassinate political figures who stand to reduce the death rate among mortals), no reason other major demons wouldn't want the same thing. Maybe he wasn't really a serial killer in the sense of a mentally ill individual who murders to sate his own madness, maybe he was an assassin for another stolas-level demon who had a hit list he needed taken care of, and his payment was major bonus points upon arriving in Hell
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  54. that give me a idea.
  56. stolas hear about Alastor staying at the happy hotel and he remember that he made a deal with him a long time ago when he was human. so he decided to show up at the hotel and say hi to him again
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  58. Association with another, stronger, hellborn Demon would make sense for why Alastor is as powerful as he is (I refuse to accept that patron would be Lucifer, that would be far too obvious), being a serial killer would hardly be sufficient to warren being given great powers in hell, otherwise hell would be dominated by ten's of thousands of magic wielding psychopaths, and no matter how 'evil' Alastor was in life, I'm doubtful his "punishment" in hell is to give him great powers to slaughter and kill, even if the end result is him losing any enjoyment he would have for his passion.
  60. On the Stolas side, I have a pet theory that Stolas, in his own way, is rebelling against the system of hell in a minor degree. Considering the combination of sleeping with a bottom of the rung Imp (further reinforced how bad this is considering the extreme negative reaction his Wife gave upon discovering this) but that he intentionally wants more Humans to die and come to hell.
  62. Considering Hell is undergoing a overpopulation crisis, you would think they would want to reduce the intake of sinners? Causing a increase in people coming into hell would only exacerbate the situation and possibly cause a crisis with the powers that be of Hell and Heaven.
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  64. >Considering Hell is undergoing a overpopulation crisis, you would think they would want to reduce the intake of sinners?
  66. charlie is doing that through redemption with the hotel but we know it's not working so far.
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  68. A significant number of serial killers are abuse victims, which plays a significant role in their development into murderers, but psychopathic and sociopathic personality traits have been shown to be inborn in many cases as well. Alastor being fundamentally evil to some degree would be a great obstacle for Charlie. I think we've touched on this before actually.
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  70. >I think we've touched on this before actually.
  72. did we save it?
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  74. I think so but I'm phone posting rn because I'm on the can at work. I'll look for some links in a minute
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  76. alright
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  78. Okay found some stuff
  80. >Discussion of Alastor's killer urges and the idea of him being irredeemable and evil all the way to the core
  82. >Discussion of serial killers in general and how Alastor relates to real life ones
  84. >Some discussion of Alastor being an agent of another demon/how he would redeem himself. Some stuff about him basically being an unwilling pawn of a powerful demon, ie Son of Sam except the voices in his head telling him to kill are real.
  86. >Unfinished romance about Alastor's patron demon being Furfur, and him forcibly making Alastor fall in love for laughs
  88. >More discussion about Alastor as a serial killer and a short story about him summoning a demon/performing rituals to gain power
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