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Hōrō Shōnin

a guest
Nov 20th, 2014
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  1. Hōrō Shōnin is a male troll about 180cm tall, his face is heavily scarred and wrinkled. His right eye is a vibrant Indigo, very nearly the same as that of the void symbol, the area that ought to hold his left eye has been replaced by a tarnished brassy looking metal plate with a dull red diode glowing from the darkened recess where the eye ought to be. The only aspects of his face not badly damaged either by age or combat are his luxurious mustachios, though even they are now greying. His stance is slightly hunched and twisted, hinting at the damage his bones and joints have suffered. He is dressed in a a Black silk Hanfu decorated with silver and indigo piping at the cuffs collar and hem. he walks with a pronounced limp, leaning on a polished cane of an ebon material that seems almost to drip shadow when seen from the corner of the eye.
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