
Hoof/Sugar Summer 2014

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. 6[18:55] * GreenHoof trots up to his house with Sugarcoat, chatting about stuff and things along the way. Unlocking it, he opens the door for Sugarcoat, scratching at his neck, really wishing he could take this cloak off. "Make yourself comfortable." He says, gesturing for her to go first.
  2. 06[19:05] * Sugarcoat gives him a nudge as they walk in, momentarily distracted from their idle chatter as he lets her in, heading to the kitchen after his earlier comment about needing a beer. "Will do~" She says cheerfully as she waits for him inside, giving him a look up and down. "Y'know you can probably take that off, I saw you without it in the clinic before, if it's just the two of us.
  3. 06[19:05] * Sugarcoat Must be sweltering, hehe."
  4. 03[19:06] * Ikea_ReConnect is now known as Ikea
  5. 06[19:09] * GreenHoof walks in, closing and locking the door behind them. Turning around, he nods and rushes to take off the cloak, sighing in relief. "Thank god... Didn't know if you'd care or not, but holy shit this thing's uncomfortable in the heat." He says as he tangles around in the cloak, trying to get it off. "Eh... Can you help me? This is hard to get off, heh..."
  6. 06[19:15] * Sugarcoat snrks as her muzzle crinkles in amusement, "Me? Nah, I don't care about things like that, don't be silly. I can only imagine how much it'd suck to have to wear it." Stepping closer, she chuckles quietly at his plight, " 'Least you're safe from sunburn, right? That'd be the icing on the cake." Not wanting to keep the short stallion waiting too long on her, she takes a corner
  7. 06[19:15] * Sugarcoat of the hem and rolls the fabric upward, to reveal more of his nude flesh underneath, and shirks the rest of the heavy drapery off of his body. At least there seemed to be some greenish fuzz growing back, but in the light of the room, it still had the pinkish hue that was somewhat offputting to stare at. "The-re we go, all good, heh."
  8. 06[19:20] * GreenHoof takes a deep breath in relief, nodding to Sugar. "Thank you, Sugar..." He says, noticing her stare. He blushes, realizing that he was pretty naked now without his natural coat, and he looks down at his chest and cranes his neck down to look between his forelegs. "Jesus... I look like shit..." He mumbles loud enough for Sugar to hear. Sighing, he walks right past Sugar and heads into the kitchen, immediately going ot the corner of his room where he keeps the beers, taking one out of the 'cooler' (that was really just a well insulated box), popping the top, and taking a long sip, savoring the malty liquid as it runs down his throat. Looking at Sugar, he blinks, knowing how rediculous he looks. His pink, fuzzy skin and head of full hair and mane made him look like some sort of bobble-head, and he wasn't able to cover himself as well. "Uh... You want one?"
  9. 06[19:27] * Sugarcoat folds up the cloak and puts it on the edge of his usual seat, before following him, idly realizing his blush was probably because she had been less than discrete while she had been undressing him. She clears her throat softly, "N.. no problem, Hoof, and heyyy! You're fine as you are, and you're not so prissy that a bit of hair loss bothers you that  much, right~?" Hoping
  10. 06[19:27] * Sugarcoat a joke would help lighten his mood, her ears twitch against her mane to rest half-cocked, and settles her weight against the kitchen table. Unable to avoid looking at her friend, her eyes skitter across his body to rest on his face with a guilty sense that she was looking at something that really shouldn't be looked at. "I.. Um.." She blinks, stirred from her thoughts, "Sure...
  11. 06[19:27] * Sugarcoat I hope I'm not taking advantage of you though, hehe, don't wantcha thinking I visit just for that. I wanted to talk to you some more."
  12. 06[19:33] * GreenHoof cocks a brow and takes out another beer, going over and placing it on the table before taking a chug from his own again. "Pfffft, I don't care. Just can't have ponies thinkin' I'm unmodest or somethin', heh... And no I know that. You don't strike me as the type to be a booze hound anyway." He grimaces, realizing that he could never use the words 'booze hound' without thinking of a certain wannabe-mercenary in the Inn. Despite the fact that all his... stuff... is visible, he doesn't even act like he notices, taking a seat in a chair at the kitchen table and letting out a relaxed sigh as he slumps. "So..." he says, raspy voice not as refined as it was around the mares in the library, "The library... That was, interesting..."
  13. 06[19:40] * Sugarcoat gives a proper laugh at that, sinking into a chair close to her friend as she pops the top off the bottle (reminding her she'd need to ask him about those some time too; though the need wasn't as urgent as it once was). "I don't think anyone'd assume that, because no one'd willingly  shave themselves. Probably. There are some weird ponies around town though. And I'm
  14. 06[19:40] * Sugarcoat not~! Really," she promises, even as she takes a sip of the pleasant brew. Thankfully (or maybe not), her experiences at the spa could keep her from blushing from all but teasing directed at her, and she smirks as she looks up at him. "It wasn't what I was expecting, but those mares seemed pretty, nice? Just a shame that it's not a proper library," she sighs.
  15. 06[19:43] * GreenHoof nods, watching the mare as she takes a drink of his beer. It made him feel good to watch people enjoy what he brewed. He thought back to Earth, of a man who said he made vodka to for people to drink together and foster comraderie. Maybe Hoof could atone for some of his sins by fostering merriment and goodwill in Four Cannon with his beer. He snickers at her need to say once again that she's not just after his beer, unable to pass up the chance to tease the mare. "Aww, you know you only like me for my booze~. I've seen how you drink, my dear, you can do it like a fish, heheh~"
  16. 06[19:49] * Sugarcoat gves him a playful shove, tiny hoof bouncing harmlessly against his bared skin with a weird feeling of the keratin brushing against not-fur after how long she'd been used to touching fur. Sticking her tongue out as he laughs, she shakes her head and settles back into her seat, "Oiiiii, no need to bully. I, hrmm.." She takes another healthy sip of beer, hoping to avoid the
  17. 06[19:49] * Sugarcoat blush caused by memories of how she'd been the last time she'd been drinking. "We-ell, I used to have quite the... Tolerance... But, getting drunk, 's something to do only on occaision. I get... Odd."
  18. 6[19:52] * GreenHoof laughs as he gets the reaction he wanted, taking a sip of his own drink, before tilting his head and raising an eyebrow. "You get odd? How? You seemed pretty normal to me last time we were drinkin' together in the pub." He says, gulping down the rest of his beer and going to get another, soon returned to his seat with a fresh brew. "And I know what you mean about tolerance, heh... Back on Earth I used ot have a reputation for chugging more alcohol than anyone else. Was never into frat parties, but apparently even some guys at those wanted to see me do it. Never did, though..." he says, trailing off before gaining his attention again, taking a sip of his new beer.
  19. 03[19:54] * Dreamcatcher ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  20. 06[19:58] * Sugarcoat scrunches up again, his laugh confirming to her that he was just pushing her buttons. Ah, well, she didn't mind too well, since he was a close friend -- but she wouldn't be so forgiving to just about anyone else, since it was her  job to be the one teased, if at all. She did have a reputation to maintain, after all, for being a no-fun allowed horse. "Please~ You thought
  21. 06[19:58] * Sugarcoat that was normal? I'm not nearly so, ahh... Well, geeze," she blushes and goes to sip again. "I don't much want to explain, but I'm not exactly happy about how I acted. Happened to me the safe on Earth too, which is why I stopped drinking for a good while."
  22. [20:00] <13Sugarcoat> "Chugging, hee, yeah. Been there and done that, heh. I guess it's something to do around here, but seems like a waste of good alcohol. Maybe."
  23. 06[20:03] * GreenHoof quiets down, sensing that there was something she was ashamed of. Did it have to do with Tide? He thought that the two were some sort of item, or at least friends with benefits or something, and that no one had bothered to tell him. Why would she regret that? Ah well. He waves it off, not wanting to push into something his friend was uncomfortable talking about. He shrugs. "Eh, maybe. All we had was this rancid stuff called Pruno that me and my buddy Sleeves used to make. Thankfully, we don't have to mess with that stuff anymore. Surprised we never suffered from dysentry. Although I have thought of making wine with blackberries and strawberries and stuff. I dunno. Looks like I've cornered the beer market for now, maybe I'll go for wine next." He takes another sip and tilts his head, lowering his voice. "Hey... that reminds me though... Wasn't there something you've been wanting to talk to me about...?" the stallion asks quizitively.
  24. [20:04] <13Sugarcoat> [tfw put in a word I didn't mean to, nix 'the safe' that I said... ahh im distracted]
  25. 06[20:09] * Sugarcoat half-smiles as he drops the topic, "Yep, I remember you telling me about pruno, but hey! When you were telling me about it before, you said it wasn't that bad as all that. But yeah, I'm glad that you moved on to greener  pastures now. I think it'd be nice to get some proper wine, but it's a shame that we couldn't use real grapes... Might be better off trying mead, or
  26. 06[20:09] * Sugarcoat something? I might know a little about wine though, used to look into the spicing of it.. Heh."
  27. 06[20:10] * GreenHoof snrks at greener pastures
  28. 06[20:10] * Sugarcoat sips at her beer again as she quiets down, mulling over her thoughts for a few minutes before continuing in a softer voice. "Well.. Yeah, there's been a lot on my mind lately, I dunno. Besides the stuff with me and Dream, I mean -- and Liven too. I've uh. Well."
  29. [20:11] <13Sugarcoat> "Well, well... I think you can guess at what I'm going to say, with how things have been... You were there yourself, for, something," she says imploringly, as she avoids his gaze. "Kinda related to what we were already, talking about."
  30. 06[20:15] * GreenHoof nods knowingly, feeling a bit guilty that he felt slightly satisfied that someone was finally going to tell him what had been going on with his two close friends. "Ah... Yeah. You and... Tide?" He shifts in his seat, gulping. He steeled his mind for whatever news she was about to give him, not that he hadn't thought about the possibilities. He assumed that they were an item of some sort, and he was okay with that, despite maybe just a bit of jealousy. He never let himself take that particular thought process further, uncomfortable with the implications of why he'd be jealous.
  31. 06[20:20] * Sugarcoat nods slowly, shifting uncomfortably as her tail flicks against her hindlegs, "U-m. Well, yeah," she says in affirmation, "It's... Complex, to say the least, and you know him best, right..?" She sighs quietly as she rubs at her muzzle, tipping the bottle against the table to and fro as she avoids looking at Hoof's face. "I just... I dunno. Want a friend's opinion on things."
  32. 06[20:24] * GreenHoof leans back in his seat, exhaling through his nose. The expression on his face appears calm and ready to listen, and the stallion clears his mind, ready to hear out his friend. "Well... tell me about it. What would you like my opinion on? I'm here to listen."
  33. 06[20:30] * Sugarcoat chews at the edge of her tongue inside her mouth, hesitant as always to share much of her private affairs, even if she could trust the pony before her. She didn't want to lose the stallion as a friend, no matter what she said, and he did say he would understand; but even so, there was a potential she'd been ignoring, that maybe, well, the path she had started down wasn't
  34. 06[20:30] * Sugarcoat the only one. But whether she should consider that or not, was a question she'd have to ask herself on her own time. "I mean... You already know what happened. Don't you? But... Me, I don't think I could, get into that scene again; and uh. Well. No idea what he's thinking of it, either, but you're friends and all, so maybe... You could, guess? At his thoughts."
  35. 06[20:39] * GreenHoof rolls his shoulders, taking another sip of his beer. He felt bad for the little mare before him. He was pretty sure they at least... well... but he wasn't sure of much else. He didn't consider himself the easiest person to talk to, seeing as he mostly listened and didn't give a reaction, and talking about something so intimate with a male, even if he was her best friend, probably didn't make it easier. He gives her a faint, soft smile. "Well, I can't read your thoughts Sug, but I can promise you I won't judge. I know you two have gotten... close... lately, but he's never said a word to me about it. You're gonna have to tell me a little bit..."
  36. 6[20:45] * Sugarcoat fidgets a little more, ears twitching under the scrutiny of her friend, though his smile acted as only a little reassurance. She didn't mind the laidback demeanor of the other pony, in a way, it could almost remind her of her other closest friend; and his quiet while she spoke didn't seem to be as damning as it would be from other ponies, either. Even if she could acknowledge
  37. 06[20:45] * Sugarcoat that, it didn't give her much strength in being able to talk, however. "He hasn't, huh.." She trails off for a few seconds, wondering if that was a good thing or not; if they did remain as purely friends, the situation would be considerably less complex, at least. "I know you wouldn't judge, it's just... I don't know, it's hard to, ah, talk about. Getting, involved," she mumbles,
  38. 06[20:45] * Sugarcoat "With someone who's already a dad and all, though, it's.. Ehh... I've always been so horrible with -- other guys."
  39. 03[20:46] * Hazel ( has left #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  40. 06[20:47] * GreenHoof nods. "It's okay, Sugar. I assumed y'all were in a relationship or somethin'. Is that the case?"
  41. 06[20:49] * Sugarcoat frowns and shakes her head, "No, no, I mean... No. I don't know if it makes that better or worse, but we're not, uh. Dating."
  42. 06[20:55] * GreenHoof nods, yawning a bit and taking another sip of his beer. "So y'all... Did intimate stuff... but not dating." He smirks, "Aw... Sugar, that's nothin' I'd judge you about. Come on. You can tell me." He sighs and sets his beer down, speaking a bit lower, in a business-like tone. "Look... I've told you everything bad I've done. And you... I don't know if you've judged me, but you still call me a friend. The least I could do is hear you out and still call you a friend. I know you're not perfect. No one is. But you're my friend, and I'll always accept you as one. What makes a true friend is when you accept them for who they are, faults and all."
  43. 06[21:02] * Sugarcoat shrugs her shoulders, it was unavoidable that Hoof would've had to say it so blatantly, even if she'd been trying to skirt it. Her hooves flicker nervously against the edge of the table, and after taking a breath, raises her head just the tiniest bit to meet his gaze. "We-ell, I know, I thought you'd say something like this after, that talk with Mercury... Getting caught
  44. 06[21:02] * Sugarcoat up in something like this, though, I dunno. It doesn't sit right with me either, and I don't know what to do, now. I'm, ah, glad you can understand, at least," she says with a quiet sigh, shuffling her hooves together again. "Hehe... I'm glad to have a friend like you, Hoof. Don't wanna echo you or anything, but -- yeah. The feeling is mutual."
  45. 03[21:10] * Guest90009 ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  46. 06[21:10] * GreenHoof nods, softly smiling at the mare. He studies his pink friend, wishing he could take all her discomfort about the subject away so she could talk about it freely. Or maybe that was it? He wasn't sure, but didn't want to push. He was here to listen first, and if he were asked for advice, he'd give his thoughts. He suppresses any jealousy, though he couldn't deny it was there if for no other reason than primal ones. However, he didn't dwell on that, more concerned for his friend than his own lonliness. "It's natural. Maybe even more in this world, with estrus and all... Th-there's no more to it? Like, you're just confused about how you feel about him? Or...?"
  47. 03[21:10] * Guest90009 is now known as Starfire_
  48. 02[21:10] * Starfire ( Quit (Ping timeout: 189 seconds)
  49. 03[21:11] * Starfire_ is now known as Starfire
  50. 06[21:18] * Sugarcoat gives him a timid look, nodding shyly before straightening herself up from her seat, hoping to abate the uneasiness that the topic of conversation had brought; at least maybe, the worst of it could be over, though she wasn't exactly doing the stallion a favor by shifting the conversation to ~feelings~ as opposed to anything else. "Yeah... That had something to do with it;
  51. 06[21:18] * Sugarcoat it's just, well. I don't  like being close for ah.. One night stands, that kind of deal, but it already. Happened, yeah. Tide is, well..."
  52. 06[21:20] * Sugarcoat breathes in heavily, "I don't dislike him, and maybe -- no, we are friends, but. Eehh... He has his own thing going on; and I did  get to asking him about the stuff he did in Equestria. And there's Coral, too. It's just -- confusing."
  53. 02[21:22] * Dreamcatcher ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  54. 06[21:23] * GreenHoof :/ faces, shifting in his seat. "I see... yeah, I bet that is confusing. Have you talked to him about this? Told him how you feel and find out how he feels?"
  55. 03[21:23] * Dreamcatcher (~Dreamcatc@ has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  56. 02[21:26] * Nova_Flux ( Quit
  57. 06[21:28] * Sugarcoat meekly turns to stare at the table, seeing the change in his expression. "Not very fair of me to talk to him about something I'm unsure of myself. I guess, I should go talk to him, but... Well, that's the thing Hoof, I don't see this going anywhere, even if, I'd.. I dunno. Try to make things work, retrospectively. I feel real, guilty, about all this and it's just... It's
  58. 06[21:28] * Sugarcoat something I shouldn't have got myself wrapped up in," she says in a slightly more firm tone. "But I did, and this is what happened. Such a mess."
  59. 01[21:31] <14GreenHoof> "It... doesn't have to be a mess, you know. Maybe talking with him would clear things up a bit. You might find out exactly where he stands and you could tell him how you feel and where you stand. If you don't want a relationship, make that clear. Heh, this sounds like the exact conversation we had with Mercury. But... for real, I wouldn't worry yourself over it. If you find it uncomfortable to keep things going with Tide, can't you just be friends with him?"
  60. [21:31] <12Mercury> [This conversation reeks of the friendzone :3]
  61. 03[21:32] * Nova_Flux ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  62. [21:32] <12Mercury> 1,1["I wish more guys were like you Hoof"]
  63. 06[21:35] * Sugarcoat nips at the corner of her lips, worrying it before letting it go, and leans to better rest her weight against the chair. "Well, on my end, it's like a mess of my -- feelings, you could say. Because I don't know exactly where I stand, yet, because of how much there is to consider. Mercury's case seemed pretty cut and dried, but... Nnm. The problem is, I don't know what I
  64. 06[21:35] * Sugarcoat want. I'd hope he wouldn't stop being a friend after, but.. Oh boy, that's another conversation we had..."
  65. 01[21:36] <14GreenHoof> [pfffffffffffft Merc pls]
  66. 06[21:36] * Sugarcoat sighs, "Nearly made him run out on me after something I said a while back, though I guess that's patched up now.. See, I just don't know, when it comes to others, how they feel, what they mean. I can only speak for myself, which is why... Well, why you're such a good friend too. 'Cause you're honest and all."
  67. 06[21:36] * GreenHoof takes another few gulps of his beer before addressing Sugar. "Well, would you like to tell me about that one?"
  68. 06[21:37] * Sugarcoat shifts, "Well, that was when I asked him to tell me about his whole, piracy, thing... Maybe he was expecting me to take it better than I did?.. But yeah. Ended that night on a sour note."
  69. 06[21:40] * GreenHoof shifts his weight in his seat, leaning on the table. "Have you talked to him since? Or are y'all still on a bad note?"
  70. [21:45] <13Sugarcoat> "Ahh... No, we did talk since, when I got, erm. Drunk. If that counts... So now you see, uhm, why that night was a bit, much, for me. And another time since." Fiddling with the ends of her mane, she blinks as she realizes how awkward she must be looking with all her little movements, and she stills her hooves. "Maybe not so much a bad note now, but it still happened, and it's not
  71. [21:45] <13Sugarcoat> something I can forget so easily, either. Really, I.. I dunno even what I wanted to come to you for, heh, I can hardly get all of this straightened out in my mind too. I think, trying to seek him out myself, might give a wrong impression; or maybe it wouldn't?"
  72. 03[21:46] * Rain ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  73. 06[21:47] * Sugarcoat clicks her tongue, "Sorry Hoof, here I am with all my maretalk again after, hee, I had been talking your ear off about it before. I don't know what's gone into me, getting tangled up in all -- this. I guess the only person who really should know what to do next is just me."
  74. 03[21:50] * Rain is now known as Hearth_Fire[NPC]
  75. [21:50] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> [:D]
  76. 06[21:53] * GreenHoof nods, giving a small smile, especially at all her little awkward movements. "That's what I was gonna say. Only you have the answers. But... I'm always here to listen and give you what little help I can when you ask. Even though you're confused now, and I don't have the answer, sometimes just talkin' about it helps. Airs it out and gets it in the open. Don't beat yourself up over it. Hell, we're all still young, like you said the other day. We're still learnin' about life and what we're comfortable with. Nothin' to regret and feel bad about, just somethin' to learn from."
  77. 01[21:53] <14GreenHoof> [Wh-what're you doing Rain]
  78. 06[21:55] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] trots from the bedroom where Sunny is resting after a happy day outside playing in the feilds of fourcannon. Hearing Hoof talk the mare slows her approach just outside the door listening in to the conversation for a bit. A slight creak is all that gives Hearth away.
  79. 03[21:58] * Alten_Stahl (~Alten_Sta@ has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  80. 06[21:59] * Sugarcoat gives him a thoughtful nod in return, not quite smiling, but looking considerably less weighted than she had in the real midst of the conversation. "I do appreciate it, Hoof, and heh.. Believe it or not I do have things to talk to you about that aren't just about love, too..! Y'know. I'll try not to be so hard on myself if. If you say so, that is." Leaning up she gets out
  81. 06[21:59] * Sugarcoat of the chair to hug against the side of the pony, her soft pink fur brushing against his barren patches, but like usual she retreats before giving him a chance to hug her properly. "It's, yeah, a habit of mine to take things pretty seriously, I sup'pose. Well, I'm sure you must have guessed," she adds with a soft laugh.
  82. 06[22:02] * GreenHoof spreads his hooves and Christian-Side-Hugs Sugarcoat back, smirking to her. "Aw, there's no reason to take life too seriously. It's all just a crazy roller coaster ride. No point makin' too much out of it." He nods. "And heh, we talk about plenty of stuff besides relationship drama and such. I'm just glad you trust me enough to talk to me about it." He smiles, looking into her golden eyes. "You're a good mare, Sugarcoat. Don't ever forget that."
  83. 03[22:04] * Liven ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  84. 06[22:05] * Liven happily makes his way across the river and down the path towards the farm of GreenHoof. He walks up to the door and gives it a few good knocks. "Hello, Hearth Fire?"
  85. 01[22:06] <14GreenHoof> [um...]
  86. [22:07] <14Liven> [Wat?]
  87. 06[22:08] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] hears what sounds like Liven calling her name from inside the room she is hidding in and opens the door. "I'll get it!" The firey mare makes her way past Greenhoof and Sugar before pausing "Should..should I have waited a bit I don't want to interupt, if your doing something that is...?"
  88. 3[22:08] * Sugarcoat chuckles quietly and meets his own green eyes with her own, blinking as a faint blush reddens her already pink cheeks. At least on her fur, it wasn't very visible, or so she hoped; she never seemed to be in view of a mirror when she was embarassed. "It just kind of, um, happens with me, I guess. You think I should lighten up some?.. A personality is a hard thing to change,
  89. 06[22:08] * Sugarcoat though. And of course I trust you, heh... Thanks."
  90. 06[22:09] * Sugarcoat eeps quietly as she notices the voice of another mare from just behind her, the fur of her tail bristling though she knew the pony intended no harm; and then, there was the voice of another stallion; one she wasn't on friendly terms with. "Oh, um.. I guess, I could go if there's visitors.. Y-you have a back way out of here, Hoof?"
  91. 06[22:10] * GreenHoof opens his mouth to respond to Sugar, stopping as Hurf walks by. "Eh? Oh, nah, go ahead and see who it is I guess. Probably Honey dropping off this week's pay for the beer or something." he says, wiggling his eyebrows at Hearth, and then looking to Sugar. "Huh? What's wrong? It's probably nothin' important..."
  92. [22:10] <14Dreamcatcher> * Peachy goos on Liven's back loudly. You know, baby and all.
  93. [22:11] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "Okay!" Hearth says going to answer the door to see Liven and "Is that a foal? Liven you didn't tell me you were a father!"
  94. 06[22:11] * Liven patiently waits by the door, noticing severla voices from within. "Huh, Hoof must have company, maybe Hony or somepony..."
  95. [22:11] <14Dreamcatcher> * Peachy reaches over to boop Hurf. Hard.
  96. [22:11] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> [fuck i screwed the order again sorry]
  97. 06[22:12] * GreenHoof gulps the rest of his beer down and stands up, offering a hoof to Sugar. "Urm... I don't have a back way out." He looks to the window. "Eh... There's a window, but I don't know if..."
  98. 01[22:12] <14GreenHoof> "You could go in my bedroom if you want and close the door. I'm sure it's nothin'."
  99. 06[22:13] * Sugarcoat shifts as she gets to her hooves, "S-sixth sense, you might say," she says as her voice drops to a quiet hush as she sidles behind the wall of the kitchen, tucking herself out of view. That voice and the stuff with -- ah. So it was Liven. Looking to Hoof with her gentle eyes, she hopes he gets the point after their lengthy conversations about the zebra, and she just nods,
  100. 06[22:13] * Sugarcoat empathetically.
  101. 06[22:15] * GreenHoof 's ears perk up, hearing the familiar voice of the zebra. Suddenly it clicks. He tilts his head to Sugar, looking sympathetic knowing how the two don't get along at all. He quickly scurries over to his bedroom door and opens it for Sugar, speaking quietly to her. "You're free to hide in here if you want."
  102. 06[22:15] * Liven smiles as he sees the firey widdow and nods. "Yeah, I'm a daddy," he says full of pride. "It's great to see you, Hearth," he happily says. His gaze moves up to his baby, not even noticing the little, evil mare inside the house. "And this little girl on my back is Peach Tree!" he exclaims. "Peachy, this is daddy's good friend, Hearth Fire!"
  103. [22:16] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "Oh she's just adorable!" Hearth says leaning down to eye level with the filly. "How do you do missy?" Hearth extends a hoof to shake the fillies own hoof.
  104. [22:16] <14Dreamcatcher> * Peachy stares at Hurf a long while with big old orange eyes. She then starts to nom on Hurf's hoof.
  105. 06[22:16] * Sugarcoat slips in the proferred while hiding behind Hoof's body; maybe being tiny added to her stealth. Or her habits of sneaking up on ponies might help as well. Not wanting to raise her voice and attract any attention, she gives him a shaky smile, and nudges him lightly with her muzzle to go out in the other room.
  106. 06[22:18] * GreenHoof :/ faces to Sugar after successully escorting her into his room. "I better go check things out." He says before closing the door and going into the main room, standing behind Hurf. "Hey, y'all!" He says with a smile, looking down at the babby. "Well well well, who do we have here?~"
  107. 06[22:20] * Liven laughs at Peach Tree on Hurf's hoof. "Sorry about that, you know how babies are," he says, takting the little foal into his hooves. "Speaking of which, is Sunny around, I'd like to intro- Hoofie!" the zebra exclaims. "Hey man, good to see you, come meet my daughter!"
  108. [22:21] <14Dreamcatcher> * The little fun-sized stripey butt looks up at Hoof. She goos loudly.
  109. 06[22:21] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] giggles at the foals antics far to used to caring for Sunny when he was this age letting the filly munch on her hoof since >no teeth the mare asks, "How long ago was she born she's just the cutest thing!" Hearing Greenhoof the mare turns her head to smile "Peach Tree, she's Liven's daughter look at her eye's their gorgeous."
  110. 03[22:21] * Hazel ( has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  111. 06[22:21] * GreenHoof smirks and looks to Liven. "So she's finally here, eh? Congratulations, dad!"
  112. 06[22:23] * Liven nods. "Just a little more than a week," he says in repsonse to Hearth's question. "And thanks bud," he adds to Hoof. "Um, did you have company? I can come back if you'd prefer."
  113. [22:23] <14Dreamcatcher> * Peachy fusses around in Liven's hooves.
  114. [22:24] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "So big, what have you been feeding her?" Hearth asks before seeing the foal squirm "Oh do you want me to hold her?"
  115. 06[22:26] * GreenHoof opens his mouth to respond, but closes it when Hearth speaks again, preferring just to listen and watch the little babby squirm
  116. 06[22:27] * Liven chuckles and holds the little one out. "If you out, go ahead!" he says, knowing the expierenced mother knows how to properly hold a foal.
  117. 6[22:31] * GreenHoof chuckles. "Come on now, you already got one to momma. This one's Liven's and Dream's, heh."
  118. 06[22:33] * Liven nods. "Mind if I come in? No point in staying out here, ya know?"
  119. 06[22:34] * GreenHoof 's eyes widen, and he bonks his forehead with a hoof. "Oh, of course, of course! Heh, where're my manners? Come on in!" He says, stepping aside and holding the door open for Liven and babby to come in.
  120. 06[22:35] * Liven smiles and waits for Hearth to head in first, as she has his foal.
  121. [22:36] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "Yes well can't have Sunny growing up all alone after all can we?" Hearth says with a bit of teasing in her tone. "Be just awful if he were to be the only foal in town after all." Hearth gently rubs the filly's back to sooth any upset stomach problems "Shh, shh that's a good girl." Hearth says getting up and heading into the building to sit on the couch.
  122. 06[22:38] * Liven walks alongside Hearth, suddenly a bit worried that she's gonna take his baby and try raising her! But that's a silly thought. "Yeah, I'm really hoping that Sunny and Peachy here get to be good friends," he says, lookign around for the gusts he could of sworn he heard earlier.
  123. 06[22:40] * GreenHoof closes the door behind everyone, going over and sitting in his chair and gesturing to the couch. "Have a seat! I just wanna lookit Lil Peachy, heh."
  124. 06[22:44] * Liven looks over to Hoof. "Hey, um, did you have company over?"
  125. 03[22:46] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "Well do you want to hold her?" Hearth offers to the stallion of green as overmind starts to feel a bit sleepy.
  126. 06[22:48] * GreenHoof looks to Liven. "Hm? Oh yeah. But they're in my room, too tired to walk home so she went to lay down. No big deal." He looks to Hurf. "Nah, I just wanna look at her, heh. Really. She's beautiful, Liven. You're a lucky dad."
  127. 06[22:49] * Liven nods, and Peach Tree giggles as she gets all this attention. "Well suit yourself," he says. "Hearth, maybe you can come by my place with Sunny sometime and the two of them can play together?"
  128. 03[22:50] * Sugarcoat is now known as Sugar-Halfhere
  129. 02[22:52] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] ( Quit (Ping timeout: 201 seconds)
  130. 01[22:52] <14GreenHoof> [welp...]
  131. 03[22:52] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] (Hearth_Fir@ has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  132. 06[22:52] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] gasps at the thought as she breifly squeezes Peach to her chest before relaxing her grip "You mean like a play date? That would be wonderful Liven oh we can bring their toys over, let them take naps together and even have lunch plans set up!"
  133. 06[22:54] * Liven laughs and nods. "Hearth, that sounds like a great time, and I KNOW Dreamcatcher will be onboard! Should be a great time, and these kids deserve to play with one another; gotta get them to be friend soon if we're going to hear wedding bells in the future~!"
  134. 06[22:56] * GreenHoof laughs. "Aw shucks, they're just babbies right now, heh. But yeah, a playdate would be pretty cool, huh? I bet they'd get along great."
  135. 06[22:56] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] gives an impish giggle "Well now that's just going a bit to far now wouldn't you say Liven? After all do you think your Peachy will measure up to be the best of the best for my little sunshine?"
  136. 06[22:57] * GreenHoof facehoofs and chuckles. "Oh Hurf, pls!"
  137. [22:58] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "What? I just want what's best for my little boy after all!"
  138. 06[22:58] * Liven chuckles and takes his little girl back, sitting her on his knee. "Well, she is my daughter. And besides, I think they'll wind up making a cute couple," he jokes. "And Sunny being Bob's child- gods rest his sould- the JD to my Turk... it's written int he stars, don't you think?"
  139. 06[23:00] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] lowers her ears at hearing Bob's name as her mane seems to lose a bit of its inner glow as if someone had banked a fire to low, "...Yeah, maybe..."
  140. 06[23:01] * GreenHoof reaches over and pats Hearth on the back, giving her a slight nuzzle.
  141. 06[23:02] * Liven was hoping that she could at least hear his name without becoming a sad sap. I mean, he's honoring his memory, and it's been like... more than 8 months. Still, he takes his free Hoof and puts it on her shoulder. "He'd be proud of you and your little boy," he says with a smile.
  142. 06[23:04] * Hearth_Fire[NPC] 's mane seems to brighten at the companionship she is shown as she nods at first weakly then with conviction, "Yeah, yeah you're right! He'd be darn proud of me and his boy, I'll make sure of it!" Hearth says as her eyes light up with the fires of determination! Odd their unusually bright to be honest...
  143. 06[23:06] * Liven gulps a bit, having not seen any fire come from her sicne she gave birth, and that time, she LITTERALLY BREATHED FUCKING FIRE. The zebra smiles and pats her shoulder. "Damn right you will," he says. Peach Tree yawns a bit and sniffles. "Bah, I should get going," he says with a frown. "She seems tired and proabbly wants her mommy..."
  144. 01[23:07] <14GreenHoof> [/me needs to go to bed too, really tired. Sorry for the half-ass RP :<]
  145. [23:07] <14Hearth_Fire[NPC]> "Okay then, glad to have you visit Liven," Hearth leans down and gently nuzzles Peach "And you too miss Peach!"
  146. 06[23:09] * GreenHoof does the goodbye thing and passes out IRL
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