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Sep 29th, 2021
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  1. Version: 1
  2. Name: Military_Base
  3. Mods:
  4. - Id: brrainz.harmony
  5. Name: Harmony
  6. - Id: me.samboycoding.betterloading
  7. Name: BetterLoading
  8. - Id: ludeon.rimworld
  9. Name: Core
  10. - Id: unlimitedhugs.hugslib
  11. Name: HugsLib
  12. - Id: unlimitedhugs.allowtool
  13. Name: Allow Tool
  14. - Id: dylan.animalgear
  15. Name: Animal Gear
  16. - Id: fluffy.animaltab
  17. Name: Animal Tab
  18. - Id: oblitus.animalslogic
  19. Name: Animals Logic
  20. - Id: shinzy.apparello
  21. Name: Apparello 2
  22. - Id: fluffy.areaunlocker
  23. Name: Area Unlocker
  24. - Id: owlchemist.bettervanillamasking
  25. Name: Better Vanilla Masking
  26. - Id: falconne.bwm
  27. Name: Better Workbench Management
  28. - Id: fluffy.blueprints
  29. Name: Blueprints
  30. - Id: buildable.terrain
  31. Name: Buildable Terrain v1
  32. - Id: chicken305.efficienlight
  33. Name: Chickens Efficient Light
  34. - Id: fluffy.colonymanager
  35. Name: Colony Manager
  36. - Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.core
  37. Name: Vanilla Expanded Framework
  38. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwe
  39. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded
  40. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vweq
  41. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Quickdraw
  42. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwel
  43. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser
  44. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vweft
  45. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
  46. - Id: oskarpotocki.vanillafactionsexpanded.medievalmodule
  47. Name: Vanilla Factions Expanded - Medieval
  48. - Id: ceteam.combatextended
  49. Name: Combat Extended
  50. - Id: ceteam.combatextendedmelee
  51. Name: Combat Extended Melee
  52. - Id: unlimitedhugs.defensivepositions
  53. Name: Defensive Positions
  54. - Id: jecrell.jecstools
  55. Name: JecsTools (Unofficial)
  56. - Id: jecrell.doorsexpanded
  57. Name: Doors Expanded
  58. - Id: nilchei.dynamicdiplomacy
  59. Name: Dynamic Diplomacy
  60. - Id: edb.preparecarefully
  61. Name: EdB Prepare Carefully
  62. - Id: etrt.roomsize
  63. Name: 'ETRT: Room Size Tweaks'
  64. - Id: uuugggg.everybodygetsone
  65. Name: Everybody Gets One
  66. - Id: spoonshortage.fashionrimsta
  67. Name: FashionRIMsta
  68. - Id: etrt.rimworldtweaks
  69. Name: Evil Tactician's RimWorld Tweaks
  70. - Id: mlie.expandedincidents
  71. Name: Expanded Incidents (Continued)
  72. - Id: telkir.tmods.expandedcrops
  73. Name: '[T] ExpandedCrops'
  74. - Id: roolo.giddyupcore
  75. Name: Giddy-up! Core
  76. - Id: sarg.giddyupsaddles
  77. Name: 'Giddy-Up! Add-on: Animal Saddles'
  78. - Id: roolo.giddyupbattlemounts
  79. Name: Giddy-up! Battle Mounts
  80. - Id: roolo.giddyupcaravan
  81. Name: Giddy-up! Caravan
  82. - Id: roolo.giddyuprideandroll
  83. Name: Giddy-up! Ride and Roll
  84. - Id: solaris.furniturebase
  85. Name: GloomyFurniture
  86. - Id: jkluch.haultostack
  87. Name: Haul to Stack
  88. - Id: falconne.heatmap
  89. Name: Heat Map
  90. - Id: erdelf.humanoidalienraces
  91. Name: Humanoid Alien Races
  92. - Id: orion.hospitality
  93. Name: Hospitality
  94. - Id: taveron.increasedstack
  95. Name: Increased Stack
  96. - Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpvegetablegarden
  97. Name: VGP Vegetable Garden
  98. - Id: mlie.apothecary
  99. Name: Apothecary (Continued)
  100. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantse
  101. Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded
  102. - Id: frozensnowfox.indoortreefarms
  103. Name: '[FSF] Indoor Tree Farms'
  104. - Id: jaxe.bubbles
  105. Name: Interaction Bubbles
  106. - Id: unlimitedhugs.mapreroll
  107. Name: Map Reroll
  108. - Id: pyrce.mass.graves
  109. Name: Mass Graves
  110. - Id: kamikatze.materialfilter
  111. Name: Material Filter
  112. - Id: fluffy.medicaltab
  113. Name: Medical Tab
  114. - Id: notfood.mendandrecycle
  115. Name: MendAndRecycle
  116. - Id: haplo.miscellaneous.core
  117. Name: Miscellaneous 'CORE'
  118. - Id:
  119. Name: Misc. Training
  120. - Id: giantspacehamster.moody
  121. Name: Moody
  122. - Id: telkir.tmods.morefloors
  123. Name: '[T] MoreFloors'
  124. - Id: mehni.numbers
  125. Name: Numbers
  126. - Id: ogre.ogrestack
  127. Name: OgreStack
  128. - Id: haplo.miscellaneous.robots
  129. Name: Misc. Robots
  130. - Id: mlie.cannibalmeals
  131. Name: Cannibal and Insect Meals
  132. - Id:
  133. Name: '[KV] RimFridge'
  134. - Id: lwm.deepstorage
  135. Name: LWM's Deep Storage
  136. - Id: neptimus7.progressrenderer
  137. Name: Progress Renderer
  138. - Id: community.psychology.unofficialupdate
  139. Name: Psychology (unofficial) v1.1-1.3
  140. - Id: sdknm2.qualityofbuilding
  141. Name: Quality Of Building
  142. - Id: hatti.qualitybuilder
  143. Name: QualityBuilder
  144. - Id: ogliss.thewhitecrayon.quarry
  145. Name: Quarry
  146. - Id: proxyer.removablemtrockroofpatche
  147. Name: Removable Mt.Rock Roof Patche
  148. - Id: acruid.repairbench
  149. Name: Repair Workbench
  150. - Id: uuugggg.replacestuff
  151. Name: Replace Stuff
  152. - Id: brrainz.cameraplus
  153. Name: Camera+
  154. - Id: jaxe.rimhud
  155. Name: RimHUD
  156. - Id: spoonshortage.rimkea
  157. Name: RIMkea
  158. - Id: arandomkiwi.rimsaves
  159. Name: RimSaves
  160. - Id: falconne.roomsense
  161. Name: Room Sense
  162. - Id: targhetti.showdrafteesweapon
  163. Name: Show Draftees Weapon
  164. - Id: lanilor.simplerecycling
  165. Name: Simple Recycling
  166. - Id: petetimessix.simplesidearms
  167. Name: Simple sidearms
  168. - Id: sarg.smartspeed
  169. Name: Smart Speed
  170. - Id:
  171. Name: Storage Solutions
  172. - Id: gt.sam.tilledsoil
  173. Name: Tilled Soil
  174. - Id: jaxe.toggleharvest
  175. Name: Toggle Harvest
  176. - Id:
  177. Name: '[KV] Trading Spot'
  178. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vaebf
  179. Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Boreal Forest
  180. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vaecd
  181. Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Cats and Dogs
  182. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vaed
  183. Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Desert
  184. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vaeed
  185. Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Extreme Desert
  186. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vaet
  187. Name: Vanilla Animals Expanded — Tundra
  188. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfecore
  189. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded
  190. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeart
  191. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Art
  192. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepropsanddecor
  193. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Props and Decor
  194. - Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardendyes
  195. Name: VGP Garden Dyes
  196. - Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpgardengourmet
  197. Name: VGP Garden Gourmet
  198. - Id: dismarzero.vgp.vgpmoreveggies
  199. Name: VGP More Veggies
  200. - Id: tammybee.whereismyweapon
  201. Name: Where is my weapon?
  202. - Id: fluffy.worktab
  203. Name: Work Tab
  204. - Id: orion.xevarimhair
  205. Name: Xeva's Rimhair
  206. - Id: notfood.yasp
  207. Name: Yet Another Stockpile Presets
  208. - Id: lingluo.movesteamgeyser
  209. Name: '[Ling]Move Steam Geyser'
  210. - Id: bdew.cremateautostrip
  211. Name: Cremate Auto Strip
  212. - Id: ogliss.mythos.extendedhumanbodysimulation
  213. Name: Extended Human Body Simulation
  214. - Id: mlie.removeallbodyparts
  215. Name: Remove All Bodyparts (Continued)
  216. - Id: avius.locks
  217. Name: Locks
  218. - Id: mlie.simplestockpilepresets
  219. Name: Simple Stockpile Presets (Continued)
  220. - Id: alaestor.miscrobots.plusplus
  221. Name: Misc. Robots++
  222. - Id: fluffy.modmanager
  223. Name: Mod Manager
  224. - Id:
  225. Name: '[KV] Change Dresser'
  226. - Id: dubwise.dubsbadhygiene
  227. Name: Dubs Bad Hygiene
  228. - Id: avilmask.commonsense
  229. Name: Common Sense
  230. - Id: dubwise.dubsmintmenus
  231. Name: Dubs Mint Menus
  232. - Id: velcroboy333.elvasatsfurniture
  233. Name: Elvasat's Furniture(continued)
  234. - Id: crlsniper.realisticrooms
  235. Name: Realistic Rooms
  236. - Id: frozensnowfox.filthvanisheswithrainandtime
  237. Name: '[FSF] Filth Vanishes With Rain And Time'
  238. - Id: mlie.impassablefurniture
  239. Name: ImpassableFurniture (Continued)
  240. - Id:
  241. Name: Incident Person Stat
  242. - Id: ahndemi.lwmdsforgfd
  243. Name: LWM DS for Gloomy Furniture and Deco
  244. - Id: flashpoint55.rpgstylelevelupmod
  245. Name: RPG Style Level Up Mod
  246. - Id: weilbyte.snapout
  247. Name: Snap Out!
  248. - Id: mlie.tobesdiningroom
  249. Name: Tobe's Dining Room (Continued)
  250. - Id: notfood.outfitted
  251. Name: Outfitted
  252. - Id:
  253. Name: '[KV] No Max Bills'
  254. - Id: chjees.androids
  255. Name: Androids
  256. - Id: mlie.clothingsorter
  257. Name: Clothing Sorter
  258. - Id: kittahkhan.grazeup
  259. Name: '[Kit] Graze up'
  260. - Id: codeoptimist.jobsofopportunity
  261. Name: While You're Up / PUAH+
  262. - Id: krafs.levelup
  263. Name: Level Up!
  264. - Id: leion247658.miscvhcraftablehrobots
  265. Name: Misc. Craftable Robots
  266. - Id: sixdd.miscrobotshaulurgentlypatch
  267. Name: Misc. Robots - Haul Urgently Patch
  268. - Id:
  269. Name: '[KV] More Trait Slots'
  270. - Id: hatti.qualitysurgeon
  271. Name: QualitySurgeon
  272. - Id: mlie.quantumcooling
  273. Name: Quantum Cooling (Continued)
  274. - Id: woolstrand.realruins
  275. Name: Real Ruins
  276. - Id: mlie.rimquest
  277. Name: RimQuest (Continued)
  278. - Id: jangodsoul.simplestorage
  279. Name: '[JDS] Simple Storage'
  280. - Id: dhultgren.smarterconstruction
  281. Name: Smarter Construction
  282. - Id: legodude17.smartdecon
  283. Name: Smarter Deconstruction and Mining
  284. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vcef
  285. Name: Vanilla Fishing Expanded
  286. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vtexe
  287. Name: Vanilla Textures Expanded
  288. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwenl
  289. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Non-Lethal
  290. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vwetb
  291. Name: Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Tribal
  292. - Id: mlie.weaponssorter
  293. Name: Weapons Sorter
  294. - Id:
  295. Name: Jewelry
  296. - Id: mlie.morefactioninteraction
  297. Name: More Faction Interaction (Continued)
  298. - Id: mlie.musicalinstruments
  299. Name: Musical Instruments (Continued)
  300. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vappe
  301. Name: Vanilla Apparel Expanded
  302. - Id: vanillaexpanded.varme
  303. Name: Vanilla Armour Expanded
  304. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vbrewe
  305. Name: Vanilla Brewing Expanded
  306. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vcooke
  307. Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded
  308. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vcookestews
  309. Name: Vanilla Cooking Expanded - Stews
  310. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vee
  311. Name: Vanilla Events Expanded
  312. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfefarming
  313. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Farming
  314. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfeproduction
  315. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production
  316. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfepower
  317. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Power
  318. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfesecurity
  319. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
  320. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vhe
  321. Name: Vanilla Hair Expanded
  322. - Id: zodgilla.vanillameleeretexture
  323. Name: Vanilla Melee Retexture
  324. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vplantsesucculents
  325. Name: Vanilla Plants Expanded - Succulents
  326. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vanillatraitsexpanded
  327. Name: Vanilla Traits Expanded
  328. - Id: malteschulze.rimmsqol
  329. Name: RIMMSqol
  330. - Id: kirby.nomechanoidsraids
  331. Name: '[KIR]No Mechanoid Raids'
  332. - Id:
  333. Name: Windows
  334. - Id: owlchemist.ceilingutilities
  335. Name: 'Simple Utilities: Ceiling'
  336. - Id: mehni.pickupandhaul
  337. Name: Pick Up And Haul
  338. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfemedical
  339. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module
  340. - Id: vanillaexpanded.vfespacer
  341. Name: Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Spacer Module
  342. - Id: crashm.colorcodedmoodbar.11
  343. Name: CM Color Coded Mood Bar [1.1+]
  344. - Id: scherub.stonecuttingextended
  345. Name: Stonecutting Extended
  346. - Id: sandy.rpgstyleinventory.avilmask.revamped
  347. Name: RPG Style Inventory Revamped
  348. - Id: dracoix.doormat.r12a
  349. Name: Door Mat
  350. - Id: sunny.glsterilewalls
  351. Name: MoreGloomyWalls 1.3
  352. - Id: mlie.simplymorebridges
  353. Name: Simply More Bridges (Continued)
  354. - Id: jiopaba.fences
  355. Name: More Vanilla Fences
  356. - Id: drzhivago.fencesandnofloors
  357. Name: Fences And No Floors
  358. - Id: spoden.justglass
  359. Name: Just Glass
  360. - Id: mlie.uncolony
  361. Name: UN-Colony (Continued)
  362. - Id: mlie.unfurniture
  363. Name: UN-Furniture (Continued)
  364. - Id: xiaozoom.limitraid
  365. Name: Limit Raid Unofficial Update
  366. - Id: kota.inventorytab
  367. Name: InventoryTab
  368. - Id: reiquard.researchinfo
  369. Name: Research Info
  370. - Id: avilmask.researchwhatever
  371. Name: Research Whatever
  372. - Id: vinalx.researchpalforked
  373. Name: ResearchPal - Forked
  374. - Id: mlie.starshiptroopersuniforms
  375. Name: Starship Troopers - Uniforms (Continued)
  376. - Id: limetreesnake.military
  377. Name: '[LTS]Military'
  378. - Id: tittymcswaggy.royalmarinebdu
  379. Name: '[TMC] Royal Marine BDU Set'
  380. - Id: fluffy.fluffyrelations
  381. Name: Relations Tab
  382. - Id:
  383. Name: "[RH2] Uncle Boris' - Used Furniture"
  384. - Id: mlie.removespacerstuff
  385. Name: Remove Spacer Stuff (Continued)
  386. - Id: kirby.droppodsarespacertech
  387. Name: '[KIR]Drop Pod Raids are Spacer Tech'
  388. - Id: falconne.aff
  389. Name: Avoid Friendly Fire
  390. - Id: derekbickley.prisonbed
  391. Name: '[JAIL] Prison Bed'
  392. - Id: derekbickley.prisonwalls
  393. Name: '[JAIL] Prison Walls'
  394. - Id: ucp.tabletopdecorations
  395. Name: Tabletop Decorations
  396. - Id: erin.decorations
  397. Name: Erin's Decorations
  398. - Id: ucp.walldecorations
  399. Name: Wall Decorations
  400. - Id: redrusfijorn.vby333.fantasticdecor
  401. Name: Fantastic Decor (continued)
  402. - Id: dark.signs
  403. Name: Signs and Comments
  404. - Id: avius.prisonlabor
  405. Name: Prison Labor
  406. - Id: berryragepyre.prisonerrecreation
  407. Name: Prisoner Recreation
  408. - Id: usgiyi.slaveoutfits
  409. Name: Slave Outfits [1.3]
  410. - Id: mlie.stockpilestacklimit
  411. Name: Stockpile Stack Limit (Continued)
  412. - Id: lat.rimstro
  413. Name: Rimstro
  414. - Id: frozensnowfox.invisibleanimalbeds
  415. Name: '[FSF] Invisible Animal Beds'
  416. - Id: mlie.thisismine
  417. Name: This Is Mine (Continued)
  418. - Id: mlie.tabsorting
  419. Name: Tab-sorting
  420. - Id: aoba.tent
  421. Name: Camping Tent
  422. - Id: miyamiya.functionalroom.latest
  423. Name: Functional Room
  424. - Id: hauvega.equiumsseries.equiumswallsigns
  425. Name: Equiums Wall Signs
  426. - Id: horo.neon.11
  427. Name: 'Neon Rim: The Rimworld Signs Pack'
  428. - Id: roughrider.signsandflags
  429. Name: Signs & Flags
  430. - Id: heremeus.medicaldissection
  431. Name: Medical Dissection
  432. - Id: dubwise.dubsrimkit
  433. Name: Dubs Rimkit
  434. - Id: packedlunches.velcroboy333
  435. Name: '[RF] Packed Lunches [1.1](continued)'
  436. - Id: chv.diagonalwalls
  437. Name: Diagonal Walls
  438. - Id: vanya.agent.moredetailbody
  439. Name: '[L]MoreDetailBody'
  440. - Id: shovel.void
  441. Name: Shovels
  442. - Id: legodude17.htsb
  443. Name: Take It To Storage!
  444. - Id: ryder.satisfiedstorage
  445. Name: SatisfiedStorage
  446. - Id: trinity.runtimegcupdated
  447. Name: RuntimeGC [1.3]
  448. - Id: wemd.realisticdarknesslight
  449. Name: '[WD] Realistic Darkness (Light)'
  450. - Id: brrainz.zombieland
  451. Name: Zombieland
  452. - Id: rupal.rimpymodmanagerdatabase
  453. Name: RimPy Mod Manager Database
  454. - Id: mlie.dismisstrader
  455. Name: Dismiss Trader (Continued)
  456. - Id:
  457. Name: '[KV] Path Avoid'
  458. - Id: eagle0600.dresspatients
  459. Name: Dress Patients
  460. - Id: lilscoot.wheelchairs
  461. Name: Wheelchairs
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