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Feb 15th, 2010
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  1. _______________________________________________________________________
  2. The following is a true story. The name of those involved have either
  3. been removed to conceal their identity, or kept as is for educational
  4. purposes.
  5. Everything below is original and unaltered.
  6. #######################################################################
  7. [GermanShephard Chatlog]==============================================
  8. [Day 1]================================================================
  9. [Time: 11:45 PM Feb 7 2010]============================================
  10. 11:45 PM - GermanShephard: -.-
  11. 11:45 PM - GermanShephard: Well
  12. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: about 6 yearsago
  13. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: me and that bastard used to actually be
  14. friends
  15. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: and i had promised i would never leave him
  16. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: for anything
  17. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: it was one of those, "guy love" type of
  18. things
  19. 11:46 PM - GermanShephard: not sexual
  20. 11:47 PM - GermanShephard: but then again, not normal either
  21. 11:47 PM - GermanShephard: and
  22. 11:47 PM - GermanShephard: lets just say that i kinda fucked up and
  23. let someone know about our secret
  24. 11:47 PM - GermanShephard: and we both became targets in the new
  25. "grid" internet
  26. 11:47 PM - GermanShephard: Luckily, we both managed to delete all the
  27. files and othe BS about us
  28. 11:48 PM - GermanShephard: but he found out i told one of my friends
  29. while i was sorta kinda effed up
  30. 11:48 PM - GermanShephard: dont ask what
  31. 11:48 PM - GermanShephard: anyways
  32. 11:49 PM - GermanShephard: he hates me because he lost almost his
  33. entire lifes work (music) because it had to be deleted
  34. 11:49 PM - GermanShephard: and for some retarded reason, he has yet
  35. to forgive me
  36. 11:49 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  37. 11:49 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: and now hes trying to deep fry your comp
  38. 11:49 PM - GermanShephard: Yes.
  39. 11:49 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: do you live together/ near each other?
  40. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: its his way of making me feel what its
  41. like to have your entire lifes work removed from existance.
  42. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: no
  43. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: he still lives in Russia
  44. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  45. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: i moved here thinking he would forget about
  46. me
  47. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: ...and i was VERY wrong
  48. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: infact
  49. 11:50 PM - GermanShephard: he just got more mad because he thought
  50. i was leaving him
  51. 11:51 PM - GermanShephard: HE left ME
  52. [Several pages of text later]==========================================
  53. [Time: 11:55 PM Feb 7 2010]============================================
  54. 11:55 PM - GermanShephard: you just gave me an amazing idea
  55. 11:55 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: hmm?
  56. 11:55 PM - GermanShephard: Fake my own online death
  57. #######################################################################
  58. [GermanShephard Chatlog part II]======================================
  59. [Day 2]================================================================
  60. [Time: 7:03 PM Feb 8 2010]=============================================
  62. Note: refer to this
  63. for reference as to what the subject saw.
  65. 7:03 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: take a look at your group history
  66. 7:03 PM - GermanShephard: ok
  67. 7:03 PM - GermanShephard: O-o
  68. 7:03 PM - GermanShephard: why?
  69. 7:03 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: blzr5
  70. 7:03 PM - GermanShephard: !!!!!
  71. 7:03 PM - GermanShephard: WTFH4X
  72. 7:04 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: is that the guy?
  73. 7:04 PM - GermanShephard: WHAT THE FUCK
  74. 7:04 PM - GermanShephard: O_o
  75. 7:04 PM - GermanShephard: that could be him...
  76. 7:04 PM - GermanShephard: depends...
  77. 7:04 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: thats like...9 pages of join / leave
  78. 7:04 PM - GermanShephard: i cant see his profile
  79. 7:05 PM - GermanShephard: yeah...
  80. 7:05 PM - GermanShephard: O_o
  81. 7:05 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: boy, you really must have pissed him off
  82. ...or he really doesn't have a life
  83. 7:05 PM - GermanShephard: ill add him to my friends list to see if i
  84. cant get a response out of him
  85. 7:05 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  86. [Several minutes later]================================================
  87. [Time: 7:09 PM Feb 8 2010]=============================================
  88. 7:09 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: hey, umm, out of curiosity... what is NS and GT?
  89. 7:09 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: you mentioned them yesterday
  90. 7:10 PM - GermanShephard: GigaTriton and NovaStrike
  91. 7:10 PM - GermanShephard: the two dead supercomputers sitting in my
  92. basment
  93. 7:10 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  94. 7:10 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: what did he do to them?
  95. 7:10 PM - GermanShephard: RAEP
  96. 7:11 PM - GermanShephard: ._.
  97. 7:12 PM - GermanShephard: he spammed the terminate command to them
  98. and killed them by forcing them to overclock to the point that they
  99. ended up in an infinite loop and fried themselves
  100. 7:12 PM - GermanShephard: .-.
  101. 7:13 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: didnt you say you had more?
  102. 7:14 PM - GermanShephard: yeah
  103. 7:14 PM - GermanShephard: its all in my profile
  104. 7:14 PM - GermanShephard: your going to LOVE the announcent i made
  105. 7:14 PM - GermanShephard: >:3
  106. 7:15 PM - GermanShephard: in the comments section
  107. 7:15 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: i dont see it...
  108. 7:16 PM - GermanShephard: dude
  109. 7:16 PM - GermanShephard: in the comments in my profile
  110. 7:16 PM - GermanShephard: announcment
  111. 7:16 PM - GermanShephard: >:3
  112. 7:16 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: oh, i thought you meant your group xD
  113. 7:16 PM - GermanShephard: lol
  115. [GermanShephards announcement]========================================
  116. ....and i thought i was desperate. I intercepted a handshake protocall
  117. from Blazar5's Murderframe and the little assmuncher was asking someone
  118. for HALP. FAIL. That means he was bluffing, and it also means i can go
  119. on with my life now. The message was as follows:
  121. "oh shit oh shit oh shit dude help help i threated some germin fur dude
  122. and my buddehs ragequit on me FFFF- HALP 0_0"
  124. All i have to say is:
  127. ░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█▀▀ ░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█
  128. ░█▀▀ ░█▀▀ ░█ ░█ ░░░░█▀▀ ░█▀█ ░█ ░█
  129. ░▀▀▀ ░▀ ░░░▀ ░▀▀▀ ░░▀ ░░░▀░▀ ░▀ ░▀▀▀
  131. Basically, his clan thought they were going against an entire team
  132. because Blazar5 lied to them and said that there were several other
  133. people helping me. Once they found out there was only just me, they
  134. GTFO'd because they knew they were going to get banned from the clan
  135. for "ganging"
  136. =======================================================================
  138. 7:17 PM - GermanShephard: this also might be another member of Bclan
  139. 7:17 PM - GermanShephard:
  140. 7:31 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: so, didnt you say you had more supercomputers?
  141. 7:35 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: hmm?
  142. 7:35 PM - GermanShephard: yes
  143. 7:36 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: aren't you afraid hes going to target them?
  144. 7:36 PM - GermanShephard: not really
  145. 7:36 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: why not?
  146. 7:38 PM - GermanShephard: they arent on my SSiD listings yet
  147. 7:38 PM - GermanShephard: they dont have a IP set up yet
  148. 7:38 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: for the grid internet?
  149. 7:38 PM - GermanShephard: yeah
  150. 7:38 PM - GermanShephard: they dont have permissions of any kind yet
  151. 7:38 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  152. 7:38 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: what do you use them for?
  153. 7:42 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: and what is the grid internet?
  154. 7:42 PM - GermanShephard: WUT
  155. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: DUDE
  156. 7:43 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: is it another way of saying 'internet'?
  157. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: its the internet as it is right now
  158. 7:43 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: oh
  159. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: there are two internets now
  160. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: the Grid, and the Net
  161. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: :/
  162. 7:43 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: whats the difference?
  163. 7:43 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: im not familiar with the grid
  164. 7:43 PM - GermanShephard: the Grid is the same exact thing as the Net,
  165. just faster
  166. 7:44 PM - GermanShephard: a FUCKLOAD faster
  167. 7:44 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: do you use both? or just one?
  168. 7:45 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: also, hows do you plan on faking your internet
  169. death?
  170. 7:46 PM - GermanShephard: laptop
  171. 7:46 PM - GermanShephard: lol
  172. 7:46 PM - GermanShephard: dont need to anymore though
  173. 7:46 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: why not?
  174. 7:48 PM - XXXXXXXXXXX: he gave up?
  175. 7:52 PM - GermanShephard: look at my profile
  177. Note: He is referring to the comments on his profile.
  178. See above for details.
  179. Problem solved. This is XXXXXXXXXXX, signing off.
  180. =======================================================================
  181. [End of Chatlog]
  182. =======================================================================
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