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Apr 26th, 2017
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  2. Install NGE Client:
  3. Download "SWG NGE Client by Erusman v2.0.rar" from link above. Go into your “NGE client” folder and run "SwgClientSetup_r.exe" to edit your screen resolutions, sound etc. for your NGE client. Save and exit. An "options.cfg" file will be created with all your setup information for your hardware, (monitor resolution, sound etc.).
  4. You can also tweak the "user.cfg" file under the options [SwgClient] by enabling or disabling "#" options such as Flora distances etc.
  5. Be sure you change your "login.cfg" file under [ClientGame]
  6. loginServerAddress0= "IP of your win32 Machine" can be local default.
  8. Setting up and Starting the NGE server:
  9. Open File explorer and copy “c:/support/Start NGEserver.bat” file to your desktop.
  11. Navigate to “c:\swg\bin\win32” directory in windows explorer. Right click and hit “compatibility” tab and check “Run this program as administrator” for (CentralServer_r.exe, ChatServer_r.exe, CommoditiesServer_r.exe, ConnectionServer_r.exe, LoginServer_r.exe, LogServer_r.exe, PlanetServer_r.exe, ServerConsole_r.exe, SwgDatabaseServer_r,exe, SwgGameServer_r.exe, and TaskManager_r.exe. This is VERY IMPORTANT! Because the server will not load if your system is picky about security.
  13. Right click “Start NGEserver.bat” file on your desktop and “run as administrator” (you may get a bunch of firewall popups when you first start the server. ALLOW access to everything! This is also Very important! Or your server will not load because it will be blocked by your windows firewall. If you have some other firewall utility besides windows default. Be sure to unblock all the .exe files in “c:\swg\bin\win32”. You can also use the option to turn off the windows firewall. By simply going to control panel and disabling it. On very first run after you have allowed access thru your firewall on these .exe files. Close both command prompt windows and then right click and restart your "Start NGEserver" bat file.
  15. You will get two command prompt windows that will open on your desktop. One windows is the login server running the other command prompt window is your taskmanager.bat running. You will begin to see a lot of scripts running and it will begin to load. Keep both the windows open. Do not close. You can minimize them. But do not close. These two command prompt windows is your NGE server running. Give the server a little while to load. The more planets you have enabled in your localoptions.cfg the more time it will take to load. Right now only the planet tatooine is enabled by default. (you can go into your localoptions.cfg file later to change what zones you want to load). You will see some java errors and unknown location lines, as well as warning etc. But, just ignore them. Everything is running just fine.
  17. Eventually after a few minutesall your scripts etc, run you will see in your "login command prompt window a message saying that the Cluster is ready and safe to login. Your zones are done loading so minimize your command prompt window and login to your server.
  19. I recommend on the first run of your server. (after it finishes loading scripts) You close both command prompt windows and Reboot your computer. On the first run you will wont be able to login, this is because it is adding various info to the database. After your reboot, return and start the server again... Start your "Start NGEserver.bat" file. (right click run as administrator each time you run).
  21. Generally after I start the .bat file and see that the scripts are beginning to load.. I start my NGE client Swgclient_r.exe. Login, and sit there at the character screen. You will see "loading.." in far right side of server... After couple minutes that will turn to "online" And you can login to start playing. OR just wait for the Cluster is ready for players msg in the login cmd prompt window.
  24. Backup and Restoration of your Oracle 11G R2 Express database:
  25. The source requires an installation of Oracle database software. Personally I prefer Oracle 11G XE (Express) edition. For me its just easier to setup and maintain.
  27. I recommend creating a fresh backup of your database after your first login and character creation. Generally, I go thru and set my character up, giving god admin rights, profession, have the qatool load on him, etc. All the time consuming things you don't want to always have to repeat if you want to start over fresh again. Then create that first db backup to a folder on your desktop and save for future use
  29. Backup
  30. One simple method to backup is just to copy two folders in your default c:\oraclexe directory.
  31. c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\fast_recovery_area
  32. and
  33. c:\oraclexe\app\oracle\oradata
  35. But, before you can copy all the data in these folders for a backup you need to of course end the oracle kernel process.
  36. Simply hit "ctrl alt del" enter your task manager and end task "Oracle RDBM Kernel Executable" and "Oracle TNSLSNR Executable".
  38. After you have end those tasks you can copy over those two folders to a folder on your desktop or wherever and name and data it with the backup of your servers database.
  39. Then of course reboot.
  41. Restore
  42. To restore just follow the steps in reverse and copy back over your backup data.
  44. Fixing database corruption and underlining causes
  45. Fixing a corrupted database is easy. Just restore one of your previous backups.
  47. Typically I backup the DB just right after I import the database from src import script.
  48. That way I can always restore that fresh import incase I run into problems later.
  49. And I wont have to uninstall and install oracle 11G XE to do that.
  51. How do you Update your Oracle DB passwords if expired?
  52. I've got several PM's from people using older VMware or Vbox VM's of VMware 1.6 and even on v2.0
  53. That even if they are using default IP or if they change the IP they are getting errors on ./ of
  56. The problem is the password for 'SYSTEM' and 'swg' have expired in Oracle 11g. Typically after 180 days.
  57. That is why I included SQL Developer on all the new VM's. All you will need to do is start up SQL Developer on desktop or on toolbar of VM.
  59. Double click 'swg' database
  60. Login: SYSTEM
  61. pass: swg
  62. and you will get a message box saying password will expire in 7 days etc.
  63. Just navigate to tab called "Worksheet" from there you can run SQL commands.
  64. Type the following in there. And hit the green play button with txt to "run script" to execute it.
  66. alter user SYSTEM identified by swg;
  67. alter user swg identified by swg;
  68. alter profile default limit password_life_time unlimited;
  70. You will get Script outputs on bottom that user "SYSTEM" and "swg" have been altered.
  71. and Profile DEFAULT altered.
  73. Reboot the VM. And you will be able to successfully start the server.
  75. DO this if you are using any version of my Debian VM. OR if you are using a custom Win32 server you
  76. built.
  79. Congratulations you have done it you have a working SWG NGE server!
  80. Start SwgClient_r.exe in NGE Client folder on your desktop you copied over earlier to play Star Wars Galaxies NGE!
  81. (Note: When you login to your "swg" galaxy be sure you do not use numbers in your name. Example userid: 1 pass: 1. only letters.)
  82. (Use letters only example userid: swg pass: swg.)
  83. Create your character.
  85. How do I configure the NGE server cfg’s?
  88. In directory “c:/swg/bin/win32/cfg” all the server configuration files are located. I am not going to go into detail on what each file does. But there should be other guides on that. Right now it is defaulted to run on your local machine with IP: It will connect to Oracle database locally and run the startup planet of tatooine.
  90. Turning on / off zones...
  91. If you want to run other zones, such as space or planets. Open file explorer and edit “c:\swg\bin\win32\cfg\localOptions.cfg” file and enable them. (look for "zones" section. remove "#" in front of zone to enable that zone. OR add a "#" to disable.) Only tatooine is enabled as default. For full zones I recommend at least 20gigs of free ram. Ideal system would have 32gigs of ram installed. As far as CPU the i7 5820k 3.3Ghz runs it wonderfully. Full zones and server up in 1:59 (2mins). However i have ran it on a 8120k AMD 4.0Ghz. Takes little longer to load but works fine.
  94. Enabling/Disabling god mode...
  95. I have enabled god mode requirements in your NGE Client config already. So all you need to do after you login and create your character is type in “/setgod 99” to give your character developer tool access. turn god mode on ”/setgod on“ or to turn god mode off "setgod off"
  98. Attaching qatool script to your toon...
  99. /script attach test.qatool xxxxxx (xxxx being the network ID of your character, numbers next to his/her name)
  101. /qatool (to run the qatool, then spawn frogs into your inventory with the window choices)
  104. Creating items in your inventory...
  105. You can also start creating items. By using the “/createstaticitem” command. Example type “/createstaticitem item_tcg_loot_reward_series1_sith_speeder” in game and it will create a sith speeder for you.
  108. Shutting down the server...
  109. To shutdown the server “/server shutdown 1 1 1 1” then /logout. You will see a msg in your login cmd prompt window saying the cluster is safe to shutdown. Close both the login cmd prompt and taskmanager cmd prompt windows. After shutdown you can restart it within same windows session. However, you get better results if you reboot as well. Unlike the Linux version you will not get a prompt that it is shutdown. You will just notice the scripts will no longer be slowly updating...
  112. Final notes:
  113. I ran this guide on a fresh install of Windows 10 and everything worked perfect. If you have problems post them here or pm me. I will be glad to give you a hand if there is something you need or I missed. I have learned alot by spending hundreds of hours on forums, and talking to a lot of other people. This guide makes it simple for you to get the server up and running. But, the next step is up to you to go back in and see how everything works.
  115. I played SWG since day one, and I loved every moment of it. And I am still convinced this was the best MMO ever created. A sandbox where you could create the ultimate swg experience.. "your own". I started during precu and still prefer it to NGE. I was one of a hand full that unlocked Jedi in the old days on “flurry” server with my toon Damage INC and later with Ithorian Elvis. I spend thousands of hours in the game and made many friends.
  117. Today I am glad to help anyone who wants to experience SWG for themselves. However, I also encourage you to support the SWGemu project. The SWGemu project is doing it the right way by rebuilding an emulator of the game from the ground up. And even though this is the source it has tons of things that still need to be fixed to work properly, or even come close to LIVE. That is because this leak was missing a lot of data/dsrc content. However, with continued efforts from the community of developers working on this leak, we will eventually be able to restore a lot of this missing content. And relive the SWG experience's we once had.
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