
Inconsheivable Nightmare (a SheZow fic)

Jan 28th, 2013
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  1. It was almost dawn. SheBang had spent the entire night climbing around on buildings and shooting indiscriminately into the streets. He had also taken the opportunity to break into a department store and steal some pillows, a mattress pad, and a comforter. In addition, he had stolen some food with a long shelf life such as crackers, in addition to some paper and pencils so that he had the option of drawing if he couldn't get to sleep. All of the stolen goods were stashed on the roof of the apartment building that he had used to escape from the police once as Morgan. After some more time had passed, the sun was rising, and SheBang knew that it was time for him to get some sleep soon. He teleported through the city until he reached the apartment building's roof, and laid down on the mattress paid and pillows. Shutting his eyes, he was forcibly transformed back into Morgan, as he had stopped causing danger. Morgan opened his eyes and reached over to the side, grabbed a box of cheese crackers, and ate quite a few of them before putting the box back and covering himself with the comforter. Closing his eyes and sighing, Morgan relaxed and soon fell asleep.
  3. Megadale's mall was quite busy; much to Morgan's surprise, not only was he SheBang, but there was nothing even remotely dangerous going on. He looked at his reflection in a store's window. "I....I'm not changing back?" SheBang teleported from one spot to the next. The other people in the mall didn't seem to be shocked by the use of that ability. SheBang took off running and giggling.
  4. "You act funny for a boy!"
  5. "...Hmm?" Morgan paused and looked around. The voice he heard sounded young, and female. He couldn't figure out who had spoken, though, so he shrugged it off and continued through the mall, thinking about what he wanted to do next. He paused suddenly upon noticing some prom dresses in a store's window. His eyes lit up as he smiled and got lost in his fantasies.
  6. "Weirdo!"
  7. SheBang teleported, re-appearing at the end of the corridor, and produced his Laser Hair Dryer. He proceeded slowly, looking back and forth. "Goodie, I haven't shot anyone all day! Where aaaaare youuuu...."
  8. "BEHIND YOU!"
  9. SheBang spun around and fired, but the person he hit was certainly not the person who had been taunting him. "P--Papa?!"
  10. Morgan's father, Nathan, was laying flat on his back with a large wound on his chest from the shot that SheBang had fired. "Morgan...why would you--"
  11. SheBang put the Laser Hair Dryer away and knelt down beside Nathan. "No, Papa! I didn't mean to!" Tears started to form in SheBang's eyes. Nathan's head leaned to the side. He wasn't moving at all. "PAPA! Not you too! DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" SheBang cried into Nathan's chest.
  12. "Did you see that? That girl just killed her own father!"
  13. "What a horrible child!"
  14. "She needs to be punished!"
  15. "No, I didn't! That was--" SheBang stood up as everyone else in the mall, from kids to store employees to the elderly were staring at him. Without any warning, the crowd charged at him. "No, no, no! Long-Haired Super She-Spin!" SheBang's pigtails drastically increased in size as SheBang started spinning rapidly. As the crowd rushed at him, every single person was sent flying by SheBang's attack. Many of them slammed into walls, kiosks, benches, or garbage cans. One of them collided with a guide dog donation container, knocking it over. SheBang finally stopped spinning once he got dizzy. Tripping over something that wasn't there before, SheBang fell forward and landed on his face as his pigtails returned to normal.
  16. "Heeheehee!!"
  17. SheBang looked up and teleported a good distance, getting back onto his feet. Strangely, all of the people who he had attacked with the She-Spin, as well as Nathan, had all vanished; SheBang was the only person left in the mall. Wiping the tears from his eyes, SheBang's expression turned from sadness to anger as he picked up a bench and threw it through a store's window. "WHERE ARE YOU?!" SheBang screamed. He was breathing heavily and his hands were shaking.
  18. "Peek-a-boo!"
  19. SheBang heard the voice once again. Looking toward the toy store, he saw a rather creepy-looking doll standing at the entrance; Baby Scarington. SheBang took a step back as Baby Scarington giggled. "What the hell are you supposed to be?!"
  20. Baby Scarington gasped, putting her hands in front of her mouth. "You said a bad word!" She paused for a moment, before looking at the dog-shaped donation container that had been knocked over. Shaking her rattle, Baby Scarington smiled. "Sic 'im, boy!" The sound of growling came from the donation container's direction; SheBang teleported onto a bench and saw that the inanimate dog had been brought to life. It was a just like a regular golden retriever, but with a slot on the top of its head for inserting coins. The dog charged at SheBang, snarling. SheBang scoffed and produced a Shuribbon, throwing it and hitting the dog square between the eyes. It yelped and stumbled, hitting the ground. "Oh, that looks sharp!" As Baby Scarington shook her rattle, the dog was enveloped in a soft glow. When the glowing stopped, the dog was back on its feet, but a few of its front teeth had been replaced by segments of the Shuribbon's blades. The dog barked viciously as it lunged at SheBang, who quickly teleported out of harm's way.
  21. "Then how about THIS?" SheBang produced his Laser Hair Dryer and pointed it at the dog, charging up a shot. Baby Scarington shook her rattle again; the Laser Hair Dryer itself began glowing orange, heating up excessively. "OW!" SheBang dropped the weapon, shocked by its sudden increase in temperature. The dog ran toward SheBang, but instead of attacking him, it grabbed the Laser Hair Dryer in its teeth.
  22. "Good doggie!" Baby Scarington told. She shook her rattle and enveloped the dog in a warm glow once more; this time, after the glow stopped, the dog's tail had gotten longer and had the Laser Hair Dryer, minus the handle, attached to the end. Aiming its tail at SheBang, the dog fired several shots, which SheBang blocked with the Heart Shield. "Hee hee! My new favorite toy!" SheBang teleported again, appearing in front of Baby Scarington. He kicked her in the face, sending her flying into a metal shelf in the toy store. The dog attempted to get up close to SheBang again to bite.
  23. "Long-Haired Super She-Spin!" SheBang spun around quickly as his pigtails increased in size, striking the dog and sending it tumbling across the corridor. This time, SheBang stopped quickly to avoid getting dizzy. His pigtails returned to normal. Baby Scarington laughed, not having been affected much at all by SheBang's strike. SheBang's eye twitched a little.
  24. "How could a shrimp like you shrug off one of my attacks?!" SheBang's right eye glowed orange as he fired off the Heat Vision Wink. Baby Scarington swung her rattle to the right; SheBang's beam curved off in that direction as well, hitting a wall. Stopping his attack, SheBang stepped back. At this point, the dog had gotten in between Baby Scarington and SheBang and jumped, tackling SheBang to the ground. SheBang looked up at the dog, who tried to bite him, but was stopped as SheBang grabbed the sides of its head and held it back. "Even if you can curve the beam, at point blank range it won't matter!" SheBang fired the Heat Vision Wink once more, focusing it on the dog's face. It yelped; SheBang used the chance to throw the dog off of him. Staying close, SheBang kept the beam going until the dog's entire head had melted. Melted plastic and metal from the Shuribbon were dropping onto the floor from the remaining stump of the dog's neck. The dog fell over and twitched a little. SheBang shuddered a bit from what he had just done, despite knowing that the dog was never really alive to begin with. Getting up, SheBang looked around for Baby Scarington, but she was nowhere to be found.
  25. "SURPRISE!" Baby Scarington yelled, jumping onto SheBang's back.
  26. "Get off!" SheBang demanded, trying to reach back and grab her, to no avail.
  27. "I know your weakness, MORGAN!" Baby Scarington giggled, grabbing SheBang's pigtails and pulling the ribbons off. Losing his powers, most notably the super strength, SheBang stumbled back and fell. Baby Scarington jumped off right before SheBang hit the ground. Circling around SheBang and laughing up a storm, Baby Scarington suddenly leaped onto SheBang's chest and jumped up and down. "Baby wants to play!" She then raised her rattle and started hitting SheBang repeatedly on the forehead with it.
  28. "OW! Stop it!" SheBang protested, but Baby Scarington wouldn't let up. Reaching for his Cuteility Belt, SheBang produced a Shuribbon, being one of the last options he had access to without the Laser Hair Dryer or his powers. Baby Scarington, not paying attention to SheBang's hands and focusing on SheBang's pained expression, was given no chance to react as SheBang tightly gripped the Shuribbon and slashed Baby Scarington's torso open with it, revealing her cotton stuffing. Crying out in pain, Baby Scarington stumbled and was knocked aside by SheBang's left hand before he stood up and took off running. SheBang was trying to put as much distance between himself and Baby Scarington as possible.
  30. SheBang arrived in another section of the mall, finding himself in the food court. There were still no signs of other people besides himself. He vaulted over one of the counters and put down the Shuribbon that he had cut Baby Scarington with behind it. Producing a pair of extra ribbons from his Cuteility Belt, he quickly re-tied his hair in pigtails, feeling his powers coming back. Peeking over the edge of the counter, SheBang jumped up before teleporting, landing on one of the many tables in the food court. He took a deep breath and kept his eyes open for Baby Scarington. The sound of footsteps was getting closer, but it wasn't Baby Scarington; it was the dog, still headless, and still toting the Laser Hair Dryer on its tail. As it was headless, it could not bark or growl; the only sounds it made were the sounds of footsteps and laser blasts. It pointed its tail at SheBang and fired several shots, to which SheBang responded by teleporting straight up into the air. SheBang dropped straight down from above and landed on the dog's back, grabbing its tail and ripping it off. He kept his assault up, ripping its limbs and body apart with his super strength assisted bare hands, leaving broken bits of plastic all over the floor. Aiming to ensure it wouldn't get back up, SheBang smashed the pieces into even smaller pieces with his fists, his breathing getting heavier as he did so. "SEE THAT, YOU STUPID DOLL?!" SheBang teleported away from the food court and appeared at a three-way split in the corridor, each leading to different stores. "Now come out, and let's settle this!"
  31. Baby Scarington spoke up again, without revealing her location. "YOU'RE the one who should "come out"! Hee hee hee!" SheBang looked around frantically. He picked up a trash can and threw it down a corridor to try to scare Baby Scarington out of hiding. "Got your powers back? Not for long!" Baby Scarington popped out from inside the very garbage can that SheBang threw, surprising him. She raised her rattle and shook it; SheBang was enveloped in the same type of glow that had been used to bring the guide dog donation container to life. After Baby Scarington stopped shaking the rattle, the glow had vanished, and Morgan was standing where SheBang once stood. He looked at himself.
  32. "What...WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?!" Morgan growled.
  33. "Hee hee hee! Awwww, what's wrong?" Baby Scarington mocked. Morgan had a fierce look in his eyes. Keeping his eyes locked on Baby Scarington's, he made his way over to a nearby store and kicked the window as hard as he could a few times, before breaking it. He used his foot to snap a large shard of glass off of the broken part, and grabbed it, paying no mind to the chance that he could injure himself in the process. He looked at Baby Scarington's chest, which was still damaged by the earlier attack.
  34. "You might have all the powers in the world, but you're not invincible. I'm going to catch you and rip you apart just like I did to that "toy" of yours," Morgan told. He narrowed his eyes at her.
  35. " toy? The doggie?" Baby Scarington took off running, looking around for the dog. She screamed as she saw its remains, the plastic shards scattered all over the foot court, only its tail with the Laser Hair Dryer attachment being left intact, although the weapon was unusable in its current state. Morgan approached her from behind, gripping the shard of glass in his right hand. He took note of the Laser Hair Dryer's presence as well.
  36. "CHANGE ME BACK, NOW!" Morgan grabbed Baby Scarington by the arm and swiped at her face with the shard of glass, cutting her and revealing more cotton stuffing. Baby Scarington hit the shard of glass that Morgan was holding with her rattle, the edge of the glass cutting Morgan's fingers. Morgan flinched, allowing Baby Scarington the chance to free herself and put some distance between the two of them. The glass shard was intact still, although Morgan's fingers on his right had were bleeding.
  37. "Change you back? How about this instead?" Baby Scarington giggled as she shook her rattle; Morgan was again enveloped in a warm glow. Afterward, he was still Morgan, but his hair was tied into short pigtails with red hair ties, and he was wearing the Megadale Junior High cheerleader uniform.
  38. "This is...?" Morgan looked down at himself. He dropped the glass shard, causing it to shatter on the floor. Turning toward the nearest intact window, he saw his reflection, and his face turned red as he smiled. He could even feel that he wearing panties, just as he did in SheBang form. Sighing, Morgan could feel his anger subsiding, despite still being powerless and bleeding.
  39. "HEE HEE HEE! You're so bad at being a boy!" Baby Scarington laughed. "You'd make the perfect doll! Let's play here, forever!" She then started growing in size, until she stood five times Morgan's height. Morgan's eyes widened as he watched it happen; he stepped back a bit. The giant Baby Scarington swung her giant rattle down at Morgan, who quickly dodged to the left.
  40. "...Huh? Was I always this fast when I wasn't SheBang?" Morgan thought out loud. He had little trouble dodging Baby Scarington's attacks and didn't feel fatigued at all. Keeping his eyes on Baby Scarington's weapon, Morgan ensured to keep a good amount of distance between the two. Neither of Baby Scarington's injuries had healed, despite the growth ability implying some degree of control over her own self as well as others. "Hey, brat! You want to play, let's play tag!" As Baby Scarington swung her rattle down at Morgan, Morgan sidestepped and jumped onto the rattle, then ran up Baby Scarington's right arm and onto her right shoulder. Morgan touched Baby Scarington's face with his right hand, leaving a few bloodstains behind thanks to his fingers. "You're it!" Morgan dropped down, grabbing Baby Scarington's right wrist on the way down, before dropping the rest of the distance and landing safely on the ground. He sprinted in the opposite direction that Baby Scarington was facing.
  41. "Tag! Tag!" Baby Scarington exclaimed, raising her rattle and chasing after Morgan. With a confident smile on his face, Morgan led Baby Scarington around the entire mall, sticking to the main corridors and not running into any stores to ensure that he didn't get cornered. Baby Scarington was starting to look irritated. "Hey! You're too fast! Slow down!"
  42. "That's not how tag works!" Morgan pointed out. "But if you can't catch up to me like this, how about..." Suddenly turning around, Morgan ran straight toward Baby Scarington.
  43. "Gotcha!" Baby Scarington raised her rattle, but as she was bringing it down, Morgan dropped to the ground, sliding across the tile floor on his rear and going right underneath Baby Scarington's legs. Baby Scarington lost her balance, since she was only focused on Morgan's movements, and fell over onto her face. Morgan pushed himself back up on his feet using his arms and kept running, this time in the opposite direction that they were going before. Baby Scarington looked up. "HEY! No fair!" She got back on her feet and chased after Morgan again.
  45. Arriving in the food court once more, Morgan ran to his previous hiding spot and vaulted over the counter. But the time he had done that, though, Baby Scarington had spotted his hiding place and began closing the distance, knocking tables and chairs out of the way in the process. When she got there, though, Baby Scarington discovered that she was too tall to fit through the opening between the counter and the fast food place's ceiling. Reaching through the opening with her left arm, she tried to grab Morgan, to no avail. " don't play fair at ALL!" Baby Scarington complained. She grumbled as she shrunk back down to her normal size. "Hee hee...but you're a wimp with no powers!" Jumping up onto the counter, Baby Scarington looked down at Morgan, who was curled up in a ball and trembling.
  46. "No more..." Morgan cried. "You win."
  47. "I...I win?" Baby Scarington asked. "But it's tag! It goes on FOREVER!" Morgan sniffled as Baby Scarington jumped down and approached him. "Now it'll be your turn to be it!"
  48. Right as Baby Scarington got within a foot, Morgan raised his head slightly and looked at her. A wicked smile spread across Morgan's face. "...Just kidding!" Morgan grabbed Baby Scarington's right arm with his left and pinned it to the ground. He then produced the Shuribbon that he had hid behind this same counter earlier in his right hand, and used it as a melee weapon to cut Baby Scarington's right arm off at the shoulder. She screamed in pain. Morgan burst out laughing as he grabbed her dropped rattle and used the Shuribbon to shatter the head of it, spilling its contents on the floor. He casually tossed the handle away and looked down at his opponent, who was flailing about on the floor and crying. Raising the Shuribbon, Morgan pinned Baby Scarington down with his left hand and cut off her opposite arm, at the shoulder as well.
  49. "W...WHERE DID YOU GET THAT?!" Baby Scarington yelled. "I took your powers away! I turned you back to normal!"
  50. "Hee hee...none of my gadgets can exist when I'm not transformed. They vanish. But for some reason, those rules don't apply right now, probably because I was transformed by you instead of the ring. I figured that out after I saw my Laser Hair Dryer still laying around even after I wasn't SheBang," Morgan explained. "I didn't start thinking straight until after you took my powers away. Thanks for your help!" Morgan smiled brightly. "I'm pretty sure now that this is a dream, or some kind of illusion. Except for you, maybe." Grabbing one of Baby Scarington's arms off of the floor, he held it in front of her. "You can't manipulate anything without THESE, can you? And that rattle plays a part, too. You gave me a lot of time to watch and figure out how you did things."
  51. "You...I HATE YOU!" Baby Scarington snarled. She stood back up and kicked Morgan repeatedly, but it was futile. Morgan grabbed Baby Scarington by the neck and used the Shuribbon to press a button on the fast food place's microwave, opening the door. " that!"
  52. "Yes. That," Morgan confirmed. He tilted his head to the side, staring into Baby Scarington's eyes. "Anyone who interferes with my time as SheBang, dream or not...doesn't deserve to live. That goes for you, SheZow, and everyone else in this, the WORLD!" Morgan then tossed her into the microwave and slammed the door before she could scramble out. He set the power to high and the time for ten minutes. Looking through the microwave's window, he waved to Baby Scarington before pressing the start button. The microwave started making noise as it heated up; Baby Scarington kicked on the door, but it was no use. Morgan vaulted back over the counter and put some distance in between himself and the microwave, bringing Baby Scarington's arms with him and disposing of them in a trash can. He sat down on a table and watched the microwave intently. After almost a minute had passed, smoke was starting to form in the microwave, as were a few small flames. Baby Scarington screamed for Morgan to let her out, but Morgan couldn't hear her, regardless of the futility of the request. Two more minutes passed and the microwave was completely full of smoke, with the flames being even larger. Morgan chuckled to himself as he hurled his single Shuribbon into the closest wall. "Baby go bye-bye."
  54. "AAAHHH!!" Morgan blurted out, sitting up suddenly. He was dressed in his usual outfit, sitting on the apartment building's roof. The sun was shining brightly; it was still fairly early in the morning. He looked at his right hand; there were no cuts on his fingers. He drew back the bit of glove covering his right ring finger, looking at the SheBang ring. It was still completely intact. Morgan breathed a sigh of relief. "That WAS just a dream, right? An incredibly freaky dream....don't wanna go back to bed..." Morgan groaned as he clutched his forehead in his hands. "Papa...!" Tears began to form in Morgan's eyes as he felt an unpleasantness in his stomach. He threw up on the roof. "I want to see him!" Pulling himself to his feet, Morgan stumbled a bit, having only been asleep for two hours at the most. He jumped from the roof, forcibly transforming into SheBang on the way down. He hit the ground hard and drew the attention of the people in the area, but SheBang paid them no mind as he teleported away and headed for the more residential part of town. He placed several Compact Sticky Bombs on a few lamp posts as he moved along, ensuring to only use one bomb per post.
  56. SheBang appeared in front of his house and produced the Laser Hair Dryer, pressing one button out of the ten on the back. An explosion could be heard off in the distance, along with the sound of a car crash. He teleported a few times, looking through his house's windows, and stopped when he saw Nathan sitting at the kitchen table, dialing a number on his cell phone. SheBang stayed out of his field of vision, but got close enough so that he could hear the conversation, thanks mainly to his heightened sense of hearing that came with the powers.
  57. "Any new news about Morgan, yet?" Nathan asked, holding his cell phone to his ear with one hand and a cup of coffee with the other.
  58. "No, Mr. Durant. Have no fear, we've got officers looking every day."
  59. "Nothing? Not even from the officers who spotted him that one day?" Nathan continued.
  60. "I'm sorry."
  61. "I'm sorry, too, I'm sorry that this city's police force is so useless!" Nathan shouted. "If you can't even find one missing child, it's no wonder that there's so much crime in Megadale!" He disconnected the call and shut the cell phone off. "DAMMIT!" He put the coffee and cell phone down. "I'm never going to see Ariana again....and now Morgan, too!"
  62. "Papa..." Placing his free hand on the window, tears formed in SheBang's eyes as he saw Nathan start to cry as well. SheBang pressed the second button on the back of the Laser Hair Dryer, causing another explosion and another traffic accident. As Nathan got up and began to leave the kitchen, he noticed SheBang and his eyes went wide. He wiped his eyes and looked once more.
  63. "Isn't that--" Nathan looked at the newspaper on the kitchen table, then back at SheBang. SheBang, finally realizing that he had been spotted, panicked and ran. "That's SheBang!" he commented, looking at an article in the newspaper about SheBang. SheZow had been interviewed, and the pictures that Maz had took of the two of them during their first battle were used due to their high quality. The article generally advised the public to keep their distance from SheBang. "But what would she be doing here? And she was crying, too..." SheBang pressed the third button on the back of the Laser Hair Dryer before teleporting away, causing yet another explosion and traffic accident. Nathan sighed. "I'd better get cleaned up. Have to go to work....and then look for Morgan again after. Gotta remember to eat dinner tonight, gotta remember."
  65. "I CAN'T! I CAN'T GO HOME! STUPID!" SheBang cried as she teleported multiple times, heading back toward the apartment rooftop. "He'd just be in danger if I was there..." SheBang finally got back to his makeshift bed and was forcibly transformed back into Morgan. Morgan flopped down on his pillow. "Wait...I KNOW! I'll write him a letter!" Morgan dug the paper and a pencil out from inside the pillow case of one of his pillows and got to work.
  67. Several hours had passed. Nathan's job always kept him quite busy, as he was an assistant manager at the grocery store in Megadale's mall. Whenever he wasn't handling desk work, he would always be out in the store itself, helping out employees who needed direction, and talking with them every so often. The rumors of the floating, talking brick were still circulating, which would always make Nathan roll his eyes in disbelief. Once the clock struck six, Nathan spent the next half finishing the last bit of paperwork he had to do that day, and said goodbye to the co-workers that he encountered on his way out of the store. He hurried out the rear doors and proceeded to his car. "Where should I look today?" Nathan asked himself as he opened the car's door and got in. His stomach growled, but he ignored it as he started his car up. "Maybe I'll go by that apartment building again."
  69. In downtown Megadale, a fight had broken out between SheZow and SheBang. Maz wasn't with him that day, nor was the Shehicle. SheZow noticed that SheBang had gotten much better at fighting since their first encounter; although SheZow didn't know the reason behind it, it was due to SheBang spending almost all of his waking time in this form, by any means necessary. "Is that all you've got?!" SheBang mocked, locking hands with SheZow and forcing him back. "I'm going to be too strong for you, someday! THEN WHAT?!" SheBang headbutted SheZow, sending him tumbling.
  70. "Like I'd ever lose to a coward like you!" SheZow boasted. He drew his Laser Lipstick and activated it. SheBang simply stood still and smiled. SheZow lunged.
  71. "Let me show you a new trick! Long-Haired Super She-Spin!" SheBang's pigtails grew as he spun around rapidly, the sturdy pigtails clashing with SheZow's Laser Lipstick.
  72. "Whoa!" SheZow jumped back, shocked by SheBang's new ability. "That's...your HAIR, right?" SheZow inquired, raising an eyebrow. He deactivated the Laser Lipstick and put it away. "What the heck is it MADE of?"
  73. SheBang stopped spinning. "It's made of...ADORABLE!"
  74. "Adorable? More like Adoramantium! How exactly do HAIRCUTS happen?"
  75. SheBang scoffed as his pigtails returned to their normal size. "Like I'd ever get it cut! I LOVE my hair. Don't you love yours?"
  76. SheZow stroked his bouffant with his hand. "Well...I've gotten used to it, at least."
  77. "Hey, SheZow."
  78. "What?"
  79. "CATCH!" SheBang picked up a parked car and threw it at SheZow, who used both hands to bump it up into the air, volleyball-style. SheZow then charged toward SheBang. Their battle continued on for an hour or so before SheBang teleported away, SheZow being unable to track him.
  80. SheZow was panting after the long battle. "What is WITH that kid? I really hope Sheila comes up with a more permanent solution soon."
  81. Sheila's hologram emitted from SheZow's wrist. "Permanent? You could know..."
  82. "I'm NOT killing her, Sheila. That's not what heroes do," SheZow insisted. "Besides, you KNOW she runs whenever she thinks she's losing."
  83. "You're going to have to end it, sooner or later. Do you really think a prison could contain her?" Sheila asked. "Take responsibility. You need to step up your game, otherwise more people will get hurt."
  84. "But that's the thing. Almost no one gets seriously hurt most of the time. I wish I could just figure out what it is this girl wants. There's gotta be another way," SheZow explained, crossing his arms and looking up at the night sky.
  85. Sheila sighed. "Fine, it's your show, not mine. But you're on your own in that department. I really have no idea why she's doing what she's doing, or how to convince her to stop outside of...traditional methods."
  86. "I'm not really any good at figuring out that kinda stuff. Kelly might, though." SheZow used his super speed to head back to the She-Lair.
  88. By the time ten o'clock had rolled around, Nathan could barely contain his hunger anymore, and drove home to make something easy for dinner and watch some TV to take the stress off. After pulling into the driveway and getting out of his car, he opened the mailbox and grabbed the contents before heading inside the house. He took his shoes and coat off and walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the kitchen table. "Let's see...bill...bill...HA! If God exists, prove it by BRINGING MORGAN HOME!!" Nathan angrily tore up the junk mail, leaving its bits in a pile on the kitchen table. He looked at the next piece of mail with curiosity; it was simply a folded piece of eight and a half by eleven blank paper without an envelope. There was no send address, return address, names, or stamp. Unfolding the paper, he immediately recognized Morgan's printing. The letter read:
  89. "Papa: Please don't spend all of your time looking for me. I'm still in Megadale, and I really want to see you again, but I can't come home right now until I take care of a bunch of things. It's sort of rough out here, but I'm okay. I have food and a place to sleep. Also, don't work too hard. Mama might be gone, but that doesn't make it okay to make her worry. I love you, Papa. - Morgan."
  90. Nathan blinked. "I love you? He hasn't said that since Ariana..." Nathan thought out loud, remembering his wife. He looked back at the letter. "Don't work too hard? Kiddo, you have NO idea how hard I'm gonna bust my ass looking for you now that I know you're okay." Setting the letter down on the table, Nathan leaned back in his chair and stared at the spinning ceiling fan. "I must be the worst dad in the world if he can't even trust me."
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