
Prologue A: Chasseuse

Sep 16th, 2013
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  1. [16:59] <~Radio_GM> --- Group 80, the Coltifornia Campaign ---
  2. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> --- Prologue A: Chasseuse ---
  3. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> Equestria. The land that has drawn so many ponies to its vastness draws ponies once again, long after the world has been reduced to cinders.
  4. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> You were among these many ponies drawn to the ideal of Equestrian greatness, leaving your home behind in hopes of something better. And so it was that you paid the fare to come here. Your family, friends – all of them with you, smiling with you through even through the worst of the voyage.
  5. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> But circumstances did not treat you well. Your family, your friends – all took sick and perished over the course of the journey, leaving you a stranger among the few who survived the scourge. By the time the old, wooden ship arrived on the Coltifornia shores, only a handful survived of the original passengers.
  6. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> Perhaps you felt a glimmer of hope as you saw the coast approaching. This was Coltifornia! The Golden Region! A place where a pony could make a name of herself from nothing! But as the ship pulls in to San Ponecisco port, you must be sorely disappointed as you see it is not the glittering beacon of hope you were looking for.
  7. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> But it certainly is better. A friendly dockhand at the port gave you directions to a place in the valley where travelers can find free shelter. It’s a ways off, he explains, but well worth the trip. And so you travel down the remnants of Intertrot 80, following the path that will take you to Trotters Fort.
  8. [17:00] <~Radio_GM> It is now a few hours past noon. The sloping hills of the Coastal Ranges, once covered in lush green grass, are now dull and yellow. The Intertrot stretches on, devoid of the coaches that once rattled down its length. You are alone.
  9. [17:01] <~Radio_GM> All is quiet. What happens now…is up to you.
  10. [17:08] * Chasseuse is surprisingly clean, the unicorn mare's coat is pristine white while her mane is light green. Her mane, though clean, is messy; unbrushed and long, with her bangs swept to the left of her face and covering an eye.
  11. [17:08] <Chasseuse> She wears a simple leather barding with several items strapped onto her legs; a knife strapped to her right foreleg, binoculars to her left, a canteen on one of her hind legs, and a sickle strapped to her side.
  12. [17:08] <Chasseuse> A light green glow surrounds Chasseuse's canteen, her magic pulling it out of its strap. Thirsty, she brings it to her lips, taking a drink before depositing it once again. She sighs, trudging on at a quick pace. "Wiz luck, I will make it before sunset," she mumbles to herself.
  13. [17:09] * Chasseuse knows the dangers of this land, not dissimilar to her home, and so she keeps her eyes open... scanning cautiously as she moves forward.
  14. [17:14] <~Radio_GM> Down the road, you suddenly see some movement out of the corner of your well-trained eye. You can see it plainly as day – it’s a foal. A young unicorn colt, with a grey mane and a sky-blue coat. He watches you intently, before darting away into the trees that cover one of the hillsides.
  15. [17:14] <~Radio_GM> But what strikes you most is the fact that you could plainly see /through/ this colt. The colt is there, and simultaneously not there…but there he is, running into the trees. He stops at the edge, looking at you once again, before leaping inside. You have to chase him down quickly if you want to follow.
  16. [17:19] * Chasseuse quirks her head curiously. Against her better judgement, she gallops towards the colt. Her horn glows green as she gallops, a small flash of light enveloping her body before she continues forward.
  17. [17:23] <~Radio_GM> The colt can be seen through the trees, as he looks back in your direction every so often. No doubt about it, you can see through him. The terrain gets rougher and harder to follow, as the trees grow thicker and thicker. Even though it’s broad daylight, the shade from the canopy above makes it dark and difficult to see.
  18. [17:23] <~Radio_GM> Eventually, you come to a small clearing in the forest, where you can see a large wooden cabin. It would be a stretch to call it large; the truth is that the cabin is /enormous/, not unlike the chateaus of your old home. It is simply fashioned, yet the wood seems quite new. Very new, even, far newer than it ought to be.
  19. [17:23] <~Radio_GM> There is no sign of the colt you were chasing. The only movement is that of a small lit lantern in front of the doorway. There are no lights within.
  20. [17:28] * Chasseuse blinks. Such a wonderful sight, and so far from home! Her lips curl up into a small smile as she approaches. That colt... her eyebrows furrow. Perhaps he lives here? Her smile widens as she approaches the doorway. A chat. A simple chat to distract her mind from the recent loss of those she loves would be lovely. Perhaps she will find one within the cabin? "'Ello?" she calls out, looking again for the colt.
  21. [17:30] <~Radio_GM> Only silence greets you, as a chill wind rustles through the trees.
  22. [17:33] * Chasseuse quirks her head. Surely -somepony- must live here... Her uneasiness grows as the silence persists, and her smile begins to fade. "'Ello?" She calls out again, in front of the cabin's door. She raises her hoof, knocking it against the door twice. "Is somepony 'ome?"
  23. [17:34] <~Radio_GM> The door is loose and unlocked, opening with a faint creaking noise as your hoof raps on it. Darkness spills out from inside, almost as if the blackness is a tangible substance.
  24. [17:38] * Chasseuse 's smile is gone by now, replaced with a frown. She looks behind her. Still bright outside... and yet the light doesn't illuminate the cabin? Once again, her horn lights up, brightly illuminating the area immediately surrounding her. She takes a step forward, trying to look inside the doorway.
  25. [17:41] <~Radio_GM> The light reveals a spacious room. Directly above is a large chandelier-like lamp composed of many oil lights, but these are all dead and gone. Beneath you, you can see the remains of what was once a luscious rug, now in tatters at your hooves. The room seems to stretch out to great length around you on all sides, but beyond that you can see nothing.
  26. [17:42] <~Radio_GM> As soon as you’ve stepped inside, a breeze catches the door and swings it shut. The blackness surrounds you, the only source of light coming from your horn.
  27. [17:45] * Chasseuse 's eyes widen. Instinctively, she leans her head down, pulling out her knife. She backs up to the door, keeping her eyes forward, and kicks behind her, aiming to hit the door open.
  28. [17:45] <~Radio_GM> As the door closes, you can hear it clearly. You hear a foal’s giggling in the laughter. It comes from no particular direction, seeming to reverberate within the confines of your own skull. The foal’s giggling goes on for a long time before fading.
  29. [17:45] <~Radio_GM> As the unsettling laughter fades, you can hear a voice whisper in the dark. It’s very, very quiet, but you manage to make out the words. “Suivez-moi…”
  30. [17:46] <~Radio_GM> The door does not open. It’s almost as if something is holding it from the outside..
  31. [17:46] * Chasseuse shakes her head. She will certainly not! She kicks the door behind her again, hoping for it to open... desperate to leave.
  32. [17:47] <~Radio_GM> The door still does not open.
  33. [17:47] <~Radio_GM> Again, the voice whispers, a little louder now. “Suivez-moi…”
  34. [17:50] * Chasseuse shivers. Alright... continue on. Chasseuse walks forward, looking all around her nervously. She clenches her muzzle, tightening her hold on her knife.
  35. [17:53] <~Radio_GM> The light from your horn reveals the remnants of a great opening room, covered thoroughly in dust. The rugs, the tables, and the chairs all were once great, even by Pre-War standards, but are now reduced to ghosts of what they used to be.
  36. [17:53] <~Radio_GM> Looking about the edges of the room, you discover three doorways. One leads to the left, one leads to the right, and one leads straight ahead. The first two lead to stairways that head upward. The third leans downward.
  37. [17:55] * Chasseuse decides to take the door on the left, nudging it open with her hoof and heading up.
  38. [17:58] <~Radio_GM> The door leads to the staircase that seems to lead upwards to a room above. You can see a faint light at the end…
  39. [17:59] * Chasseuse heads towards the light, looking about nervously. Where'd that voice come from... And another pony from Prance? She frowns, not remembering seeing a colt as she just did on the way to Coltifornia.
  40. [18:02] <~Radio_GM> In the room, you see…mannequins. Lots of them. Some are wearing the remnants of pre-war gear, all too tattered to be of any use to you, some are not wearing anything at all. They all are facing the object that sits in the center, though – a single light bulb. The light flickers every several seconds, the source of the power unclear. It simply sits in a squarish metal fixture on the table.
  41. [18:02] <~Radio_GM> A sudden sound fills your ears from behind, that of hooves clattering on wood.
  42. [18:04] * Chasseuse jumps forward and turns, looking for the source. Her horn continues to glow, and she hopes it will shed light on the pony behind her...
  43. [18:04] <~Radio_GM> You turn back just in time to see a figure dash down the stairs back the way you came. You could not see the color of the figure’s coat or mane, but it certainly wasn’t the size of a foal.
  44. [18:06] <~Radio_GM> The sound fades away, and silence reigns supreme once more.
  45. [18:08] * Chasseuse groans, following after the hooves. She wants out of here... now.
  46. [18:09] * Chasseuse looks to see any trace of the pony as she reaches the main room.
  47. [18:16] <Radio_GM> As you run, a new voice calls out that was not the voice taunting you to follow it. This is a new voice, and you can hear it more clearly. It’s muddled, as though you’re hearing it through thick fog far away, but you can easily tell it’s the voice of a colt. His voice is desperate, his plea clear to anypony regardless of what language they know best. “Aidez-moi! Aidez-moi!”
  48. [18:19] * Chasseuse 's eyes widen. The colt! She looks around frantically, looking to the last two doors. Which one?! She presses her ear to each, trying to hear for the colt.
  49. [18:21] <~Radio_GM> Is it the door that leads downward, or is it the one that leads upward? You cannot tell, as the voice seems to bounce off the walls.
  50. [18:21] <~Radio_GM> All is eerily silent again. For now.
  51. [18:22] * Chasseuse huffs. She'll have to try both then! She nudges open the second door, heading up.
  52. [18:28] <~Radio_GM> You trot upstairs, into what seems to be a completely empty room save for a small bed in the corner. But without warning, you hear a sudden growling noise, and from up the stairs an enormous figure enters your view. It’s one of those mannequins from the other room, face blank, the remnants of an old tattered business suit wrapped around it as it lurches towards you!
  53. [18:28] <~Radio_GM> The thing lunges at you, striking at your head with a hoof, but you deftly avoid the blow, ducking beneath. You regain your composure as the thing faces you again, preparing to strike again. It’s standing between you and the door; it’s now or never.
  54. [18:40] <~Radio_GM> The thing strikes at you and deals you a good blow to the head. It isn’t nearly enough to cause real damage, but this thing seems persistent. It roils itself up for another attack.
  55. [18:40] <~Radio_GM> As the mannequin’s punch lands, you hear that taunting laughter again…
  56. [18:45] * Chasseuse yelps at the attack, narrowing her eyes as she looks to the attacker. "En garde!" she shouts through her knife, swiping the flat blade against the forelegs of the mannequin, trying to knock it off its hooves.
  57. [18:57] <~Radio_GM> The mannequin crumples at your attack, briefly falling to its knees and giving you a brief window with which to escape down the stairs.
  58. [19:00] * Chasseuse smiles faintly before she returns her attention to the mannequin, leaping forward and onto the mannequin, trying to pin it on the ground.
  59. [19:03] <~Radio_GM> The mannequin struggles beneath you. It is not living flesh, the cloth cold and clammy, but it gives an impressive imitation of it as it thrashes fruitlessly beneath you.
  60. [19:03] <~Radio_GM> That colt’s voice suddenly rings in your head, louder and clearer than ever before. He speaks to you in nothing less than perfect Prench. “The other room! Please! Find me!”
  61. [19:04] * Chasseuse frowns. Victory is near! She will be there soon, and will save the colt! She tilts her head sideways, then attempts to drive the knife into the neck of the mannequin. Bringing her head back up, she slashes once at the creatures face.
  62. [19:05] <~Radio_GM> As you slash away at the mannequin, bits and pieces of old stuffing fly about the cold, still room. The mannequin’s struggles grow fainter until it lies beneath you, perfectly still.
  63. [19:07] <~Radio_GM> All is quiet once again.
  64. [19:10] * Chasseuse nods, hopping off of the body. She places the knife back in its strap to shout for the foal, "J'arrive! Ne t'inquiète pas!" She canters out of the room and down the stairs, taking her knife out as she reaches the main room. She shivers, looking to the final door, and nudges it open, cantering downstairs.
  65. [19:13] <~Radio_GM> As you trot down the stairs, you can hear a foal’s crying grow louder and louder in the still air. A faint blue glow awaits you near the bottom. As you enter the room, you find what you were looking for. There is the colt that you saw on Intertrot 80, huddled in a corner. His body is translucent, as it was before, giving off a that soft glow you saw.
  66. [19:14] <~Radio_GM> The colt looks up to you as you enter. There are tears, like small glowing crystals, at the corners of his eyes. He speaks to you, still in Prench. “Oh, you found me! You found me!” He stands up and tries to trot towards you, reaching out a hoof to try and touch you.
  67. [19:17] * Chasseuse reaches forward with her hoof, momentarily dropping her knife. "Vous êtes en sûr..." She smiles. "Tu t'es fait mal?"
  68. [19:21] <~Radio_GM> The colt’s shakes his head. “Non…” His hoof passes right through yours as you touch it. You feel a brief tingling warmth in your hoof, but you feel nothing else.
  69. [19:21] <~Radio_GM> The colt’s eyes droop, before he suddenly looks up. He continues, still in Prench. “There isn’t any time! You have to help me, miss! I’m fading away…” Indeed, as you look at him, you can see his outline and glow growing fainter and fainter. The colt gives a small sob, as another crystalline tear falls to the floor.
  70. [19:22] <~Radio_GM> Somewhere above, you can hear a howl of rage. It's the same voice that had beckoned you to follow inside.
  71. [19:23] * Chasseuse blinks. Her face shows nothing but confusion. "Comment?"
  72. [19:30] <Radio_GM> The colt speaks, still in perfect Prench. “I live here with my family…we moved into this cabin together…But then my b-brother found that weird light bulb in the woods…when we turned it on, we heard that creepy voice and…and everypony became like I am, like ghosts…”
  73. [19:30] <Radio_GM> Then all the mannequins my mama used to keep to make clothing came alive…and they’d keep us from leaving the house…” He begins to sob uncontrollably. “And th-th-then…one by one, they all began to disappear…they just faded…!” He buries his hooves in his face and cries. “I’m the only one left! Everypony I love is gone…!”
  74. [19:30] <Radio_GM> "I m-managed to escape...just for a little find help...and I found you, miss..."
  75. [19:34] * Chasseuse frowns. "Le lumière..." She nods. "Je ferais n'importe quoi pour toi. Nous devrions éteins le lumière?"
  76. [19:36] <~Radio_GM> The colt nods. "Either turn it off, or break it, I think....but miss...I'm scared..."
  77. [19:38] * Chasseuse smiles, leaning down to nuzzle the colt. "Tout se passera bien." She lowers herself, nodding to her back. "Obtenez le."
  78. [19:39] <~Radio_GM> The colt's ears pin back as he sniffles. "I cannot exit this room..." He wipes his tears with a hoof. "Please hurry, miss. I believe in you."
  79. [19:41] <~Radio_GM> That taunting voice calls to Chasseuse from within her skull once again, also in Prench. "Just you try it, dearie..."
  80. [19:42] * Chasseuse nods. "Je serai bref." She sighs, pulling her knife out once more, takes it in her muzzle, and heads upstairs towards the first room with the light.
  81. [19:44] <~Radio_GM> A cackling laugh echoes in Chasseuse's head as she makes her way up the stairs. "Don't think I don't know your tricks, dearie..."
  82. [19:47] * Chasseuse frowns. She has tricks up her... barding yet! She continues up towards the room, knife ready.
  83. [20:37] <~Radio_GM> The room is as before, the light bulb flickering ominously in the center of the table. The mannequins still surround the table, as if guarding the light.
  84. [20:40] <~Radio_GM> There they stand...but you notice a faint glimmer in the light of the bulb of the one furthest from you. That one, you notice, has a knife in its muzzle.
  85. [20:43] * Chasseuse frowns, leaning her head down to place her knife back into its holder, and retrieve her sickle. She approaches the bulb slowly, sickle in her mouth... readying herself to parry if necessary.
  86. [20:45] <~Radio_GM> The mannequins...don't move at all. Only that voice can be heard, taunting Chasseuse. "To stay, or to go? To stay, or to go...?"
  87. [20:47] * Chasseuse said she would help the foal! She continues to walk towards the bulb, keeping an eye on the mannequins, and raises the sickle to slash through it.
  88. [20:48] <~Radio_GM> The mannequins maintain their stature. The voice just laughs cruelly as you approach. Nothing else happens...
  89. [20:50] * Chasseuse swipes her head to the side, the sickle following as she attempts to break the bulb.
  90. [20:54] <~Radio_GM> Crash! The light is smashed to pieces with the tinkling of broken glass filling the room. The laughter suddenly stops, as if it had never been there, though it echoes in your head for a while...the mannequins are still, making no movement. All is quiet.
  91. [20:54] <~Radio_GM> And then…a series of lights begin to issue from the filament of the busted bulb. They levitate off the air and grow larger and larger, before speeding away in the air past you, down the stairs from which you came.
  92. [20:55] <~Radio_GM> You hear the sound of several thuds, and a few cries of surprise from below.
  93. [20:58] * Chasseuse frantically follows the lights and to the lower floor, looking for the foal. "Tout baigne bien?" she shouts, putting away her sickle.
  94. [20:59] <~Radio_GM> As you find your way down, you can hear voices raised in what is undeniably joy. You can hear plenty of movement in that room where you left the foal earlier. Your query goes unanswered, lost in the happy sounds of laughter and crying from the room.
  95. [21:01] * Chasseuse quirks her head, entering the room. "Allô?"
  96. [21:04] <~Radio_GM> A truly wondrous sight awaits you. You can see a couple, a mare and a stallion. The mare is a deep blue with a straight black mane, the stallion a similar shade of blue with a green mane. Both are wearing leather vests, and the stallion is wearing a large hat. Surrounding them are three foals. One is a colt of yellow coat and green mane, the other is a filly of green coat and yellow mane....
  97. [21:04] <~Radio_GM> ...The last foal is the one with whom Chasseuse spoke.
  98. [21:04] <~Radio_GM> The last foal is the one with whom Chasseuse spoke
  99. [21:05] <~Radio_GM> All are solid. None of them are glowing or translucent, and all of them are crying as they frantically embrace and nuzzle one another.
  100. [21:06] <~Radio_GM> The young colt from before notices Chasseuse trot in. His ears perk up at once, as he rushes forward with a wild cry of happiness, lunging forth and wrapping his small forelegs around Chasseuse's in a tight, affectionate hug.
  101. [21:08] * Chasseuse smiles, waving her hoof at the familiar foal, even if he doesn't take notice. "Je vois tout va bien..." She blinks as the foal lunges forward to hug her, chuckling. "Comme je te l'ai dis avant... Vous êtes sûr." She hugs back lightly.
  102. [21:10] <~Radio_GM> The colt looks up, grinning happily at Chasseuse, as he turns to his family. "Mama! Papa!" The mare and the stallion approach Chasseuse, blinking confusedly, the other two foals following close behind. They, too, speak perfect Prench. "Who are you?"
  103. [21:12] * Chasseuse smiles. "Je m'appelle Chasseuse. Enchanté!" She quirks her head. "Venez-vous de Prance?"
  104. [21:15] <~Radio_GM> The mare answers. "I'm Satin Sheet. And this here is my husband, Coal Slag." She blinks once again, looking absolutely confused at Chasseuse's question. "Prance? Us? We've lived in Equestria for as long as we can remember." She quirks her head. "I think Coal's great-grandmother came from over the seas, but she was Braytish, wasn't she, Coal?" Coal nods in affirmation. "Aye, that she was."
  105. [21:16] * Chasseuse blinks. "Braytish?" She speaks, losing her Prench for the moment. "Zen how is it zat you come to know ze language?"
  106. [21:18] <~Radio_GM> Coal Slag quirks his own head. "What language? We're all speaking Equestrian here, ain't we?" He chuckles. "Goddesses, miss, but your voice sure got funny just now."
  107. [21:19] <~Radio_GM> From below Chasseuse, the foal from before giggles, still hugging her leg, as the other two foals come and take a look at the new mare, though they say nothing, hiding behind their parents shyly.
  108. [21:21] <Chasseuse> It is now Chasseuse's turn to look absolutely confused. "But... you all were just speaking Prench, as was I, were you not?"
  109. [21:22] <~Radio_GM> They all shake their heads. "Nope," they all answer in unison, even the two shy foals.
  110. [21:23] <~Radio_GM> Coal shrugs. "Don't matter much, I don't think. No matter what language you're speaking, the point is that you came and saved us."
  111. [21:23] <~Radio_GM> The foal hugging Chasseuse giggles. "And she's really nice!"
  112. [21:24] <~Radio_GM> Satin nods. "Dear, you're not going out after all that, are you? You're welcome to spend the night with us."
  113. [21:25] * Chasseuse is still a very confused pony! She chuckles, smiling down at the foal. "Well... I am not too sure. I was zinking zat I would try and make it to ze 'Trotters Fort' by nightfall. Do you zink I can, at zis time?"
  114. [21:26] <~Radio_GM> Coal holds up a hoof and heads briefly to a window, before starting back. "It is getting dark now. Please, stay with us."
  115. [21:27] <~Radio_GM> The foal looks up to Chasseuse, eyes wide. "Please?"
  116. [21:27] * Chasseuse smiles lightly, nodding. "If you insist... Zank you, very much."
  117. [21:29] <~Radio_GM> They all beam at Chasseuse, as Satin brushes at the ground with her hoof. "Goodness, but this house has become a mess since we were trapped! It's time perhaps to do a little cleaning before dinner, don't you agree?" The foals and Coal all give various answers of agreement, as they set about to cleaning the house for their new guest. In no time, the oil lamps are lit and the dust cleared...
  118. [21:29] <~Radio_GM> ...away. The cabin is no longer a dank place of darkness, but a warm, comfortable home.
  119. [21:31] * Chasseuse smiles, looking about the house. "Quite a wonderful 'ome... reminds me of some of ze old homes in Prance, actually, zough worn out." She taking in a deep breath, sighing contentedly.
  120. [21:32] <~Radio_GM> Satin smiles at Chasseuse as she cleans the dust around the stove and sets to starting a fire. "Isn't it? Apparently parts of the bay area weren't too badly hit when the war broke out. This cabin used to be a rest spot for students at UC Buckley during their camping retreats."
  121. [21:33] * Chasseuse nods. "I see. 'Ow long 'as it been, for you? Were you... trapped for long?"
  122. [21:34] <~Radio_GM> Satin bites her lip. "Many, many days..." She swallows hard. "I'm sorry, dear. It's best if I don't talk about what I saw."
  123. [21:35] * Chasseuse nods, smiling sympathetically. "Of course. I am sorry for bringing up bad memories..."
  124. [21:36] <~Radio_GM> Satin smiles. "Pray, don't mention it, dear. And what about you? A pretty mare like yourself must have a nice family, no?"
  125. [21:38] * Chasseuse recoils, scuffing her hoof on the ground and looking down. "No, I do not..."
  126. [21:38] <~Radio_GM> Satin sighs sympathetically. "Oh, my dear..." She trots forth and gives Chasseuse a hug. "I'm so sorry."
  127. [21:39] * Chasseuse leans into the hug, eyes distant. "Zank you... I... recently, it 'appened. And I would prefer to not talk about it."
  128. [21:40] <~Radio_GM> Satin nods. "Of course." At that, Coal steps in and speaks to the two. "Sorry to break this up, girls, but dinner's ready if you'll mosey on over to the table."
  129. [21:42] * Chasseuse wiggles out of the hug and shakes her head, putting her smile back on. "Of course. And zank you again! A meal would be wonderful."
  130. [21:46] <~Radio_GM> At the table, Coal treats the family to a hearty dinner. There is much rejoicing and happiness, as Chasseuse learns the names of the foals in conversation. The first one she met is Skyliner, the filly is named Breezy Brook, and the older colt is Mile Marker. Each one in turn thanks Chasseuse for saving them all.
  131. [21:47] * Chasseuse was happy to help! She sits mostly in silence, but keeps smiling, trying to hide her sad mood after her mind strayed to her family.
  132. [21:47] <~Radio_GM> Chasseuse is shown to a bed and allowed to stay the night there. Upon morning, she is shown back to Intertrot 80 onto the safest path to Trotters Fort, which Coal explains would take her not much more than four hours of good trotting. Satin gives Chasseuse a small bag filled with food and a bottle of purified water for her journey.
  133. [21:47] <~Radio_GM> The farewell is an emotional one, as Coal and Satin wish you well, inviting you to come again if you should ever go by. Skyliner is most unwilling to let you go, and cries softly into his hoof as you trot down the road.
  134. [21:49] * Chasseuse smiles, walking forward. Hopefully, with a new home, she would find new opportunities, and families just as kind as this one. She waves as she departs, picking up to a trot for her new life.
  135. [21:52] <~Radio_GM> Not very long after you trot, you suddenly hear the most curious of noises from behind you, faint but clear. It starts like a cyclic, metallic, grating noise, like a bit coin dragged along a taught guitar string. The sound repeats again, and again, as a fast breeze seems to rustle the trees, before fading into a series of strange ethereal chiming noises. Then, that too fades, and silence...
  136. [21:52] <~Radio_GM> ...sets in once again.
  137. [21:52] <~Radio_GM> The sound does not repeat, the breeze the only sound left. What could it have been?
  138. [21:53] * Chasseuse has no idea! She turns, looking for any sign of what might have made the noise.
  139. [21:53] <~Radio_GM> There is nothing.
  140. [21:57] * Chasseuse shrugs. Odd. She turns back to the road, trotting. Might as well make good time.
  141. [21:57] <~Radio_GM> Perhaps it was nothing, perhaps it was everything…but whatever it is, you find your way down the road. It is just past noon when you finally reach the edge of the hill, where you can see Trotters Fort below, beckoning to you.
  142. [21:59] * Chasseuse grins. Almost there! She starts off down the hill.
  143. [22:02] <~Radio_GM> And so your journey begins, into your new home and a new world.
  144. [22:02] <~Radio_GM> ---End Prologue A---
  145. [22:02] <~Radio_GM> ---Chasseuse has completed the quest “La Lumière et L'Obscurité”.---
  146. [22:03] <~Radio_GM> ---Chasseuse has now reached Level 3!---
  147. [22:03] <~Radio_GM> ---Chasseuse has received the Quest Trait “Crouching Hunter, Open Heart”. In the face of terrifying and perhaps mortal danger, you have a steadfast soul and a steady heart, attributable to your upbringing as a huntress and to your own compassionate nature. You certainly play the stakes high, especially whenever those you care about are involved – and one can be sure that you’ll come swooping in with a sharp blade to settle things to your liking!
  148. [22:13] <~Radio_GM> Your critical success for Melee attacks increases by 3% during combat. Moreover, all penalties to Perception checks in the darkness are negated.
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