

Sep 11th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. [Half-Dragon] Human [Dual-Cursed] Oracle/Unchained Monk [Scaled Fist] 18
  3. +8 Strength 24 + 2 belt
  4. +3 Dexterity 15 + 2 belt
  5. +6 Constitution 20 + 2 belt
  6. +2 Intelligence 15
  7. +3 Wisdom 13 + 4 headband
  8. +10 Charisma 27 + 4 headband
  10. BAB +18/+13/+8/+3
  11. AC 10 + 10 charisma + 2 dexterity + 8 natural + 4 monk + 2 deflection + 3 armor = 39 [32 touch]
  12. HP 124 + 108 constitution + 18 favored = 250
  13. +17/+14/+14
  15. Single Attack [Power Attack]
  16. [+23] [2d10+26]
  17. Flurry of Blows
  18. +27/+22/+17/+12/+27/+27/+27 [2d10+14]
  19. Power Attack
  20. +23/+18/+13/+8 [+23/+23/+23] [2d10+22]
  22. Buffs
  23. Bull's Strength [net] [+1 hit, +1 damage]
  24. Bear's Endurance [+2 hp per hit die]
  25. Eagle's Splendor [+2 to ac, many save dcs]
  26. Weapon of Awe [+2 damage, shaken on crit]
  27. Wrathful Mantle [+3 resistance bonus to saves]
  28. Shield of Faith [net] [+3 deflection to AC]
  29. Entropic Shield [20% to nullify a ranged attack]
  30. Prayer [+1 luck to many things]
  31. Divine Power [+5 luck to hit and damage, additional attack on full attack]
  32. Blessing of Fervor [Cool Bonuses]
  34. Polymorphs
  35. Righteous Might [+2 damage, +2 hit, +2 hp per hit die, large 2d12 melee damage]
  36. FOTD 1 [+2 damage, +2 hit, +1 hp per hit die, natural attacks]
  37. FOTD 2 [+3 damage, +3 hit, +2 hp per hit die, natural attacks, large, DR 5/magic]
  38. FOTD 3 [+5 damage, +5 hit, +4 hp per hit die, natural attacks, large, DR 10/magic, frightful Presence [DC 24], unlimited breath attacks]
  40. Half-Dragon Features
  41. +4 Natural Armor
  42. Immunity to Sleep, Paralysis
  43. Immunity to Ice
  44. Wings (Fly 160 feet, average)
  45. Two Claws, Bite
  46. Breath Weapon [16d6, cone 30 ft, ice damage, DC 23]
  48. Oracle Features
  49. Mystery [Dragon]
  50. > Revelation [Misfortune]
  51. > Revelation [Presence of Dragons] [4/day, inflict shaken, DC 28]
  52. > Revelation [Draconic Resistances] [Resist 20 Ice, +4 natural armor]
  53. > Revelation [Dragon Senses] [Extended Darkvision 120, Blindsense]
  54. > Revelation [Form of the Dragon] [I for 15 hours/day, II for 150 minutes/day,
  55. > Revelation [Fortune] [3/day]
  56. > Revelation [Dragon Magic] (Contingency, Permanency)
  57. Progressing - OC: [Reclusive]
  58. > Spells Auto-Extended on Self, +1 CL
  59. > Immune to Charms and Charm Spell Likes
  60. > Spell Resistance 27
  61. Not Progressing - OC: [Covetous]
  62. >+4 appraise, umd
  63. Orisons
  65. Unchained Monk Features
  66. Draconic Might
  67. AC Bonus [+8+4]
  68. [1st] Bonus Feat [Dragon Style]
  69. [2nd] Bonus Feat [Dazzling Display]
  70. [3rd] Bonus Feat [Shatter Defenses]
  71. [4th] Bonus Feat [Disheartening Display]
  72. [5th] Bonus Feat [Intimidating Prowess]
  73. Flurry of Blows (2x bonus attack)
  74. Stunning Fist
  75. Unarmed Strike [2d10]
  76. Evasion
  77. Fast Movement [+50 feet]
  78. Ki Pool [18]
  79. Ki Strike [Magic, Cold Iron/Silver, Lawful, Adamantine]
  80. Draconic Mettle
  81. Ki Power (Elemental Fury)
  82. Ki Power (Sudden Speed)
  83. Ki Power (Insightful Wisdom)
  84. Ki Power (Ki Hurricane)
  85. Ki Power (Draconic Breath)
  86. Ki Power (Empty Body)
  87. Ki Power (Quivering Palm)
  88. Purity of Body
  89. Style Strike (2/round) (Flying Kick, Headbutt, Shattering Punch, Elbow Smash)
  90. Tongue of the Sun and Moon
  91. Timeless Body
  93. Feats
  94. [1st] Weapon Focus [Claw]
  95. [Human] Feral Combat Training
  96. [Monk] Improved Unarmed Strike
  97. [Monk] Stunning Fist 10 + 2/day
  98. [Monk] Dragon Style
  99. [Monk] Dazzling Display
  100. [3rd] Craft Wondrous Item
  101. [5th] Inscribe Magical Tattoo
  102. [Monk] Dragon Ferocity
  103. [7th] Recruits
  104. [9th] Elemental Fist
  105. [Monk] Shatter Defenses
  106. [11th] Dragon Roar
  107. [13th] Improved Critical (unarmed strike)
  108. [Monk] Disheartening Display
  109. [15th] Accursed Critical
  110. [17th] Touch of Serenity
  111. [Monk] Intimidating Prowess
  113. Traits
  114. [Campaign] Blood of Giants
  115. [Combat] Martial Manuscript
  117. Skills: 4 + 2 intelligence + 1 human x 17
  118. Acrobatics
  119. Diplomacy
  120. Sense Motive
  121. Spellcraft
  122. Perception
  123. Use Magic Device
  124. Fly
  126. DC 20/21/22/23/24/25/26/27/28
  127. Spells [-/6+3/6+3/6+2/6+2/6+2/6+2/6+1/5+1/3+1]
  128. Spells Known: 9/5+1/5+1/4+1/4+1/4+2/3+1/3/2+1/1+1
  129. 0th: Detect Poison, Guidance, Mending, Resistance, Virtue, Light, Read Magic, Detect Magic, Create Water
  130. 1st: Endure Elements, Abundant Ammunition, Ill Omen, Shield of Faith, Protection from Evil, Entropic Shield
  131. 2nd: Oracle's Burden, Augury, Eagle's Splendor, Weapon of Awe, Bear's Endurance, Bull's Strength
  132. 3rd: Bestow Curse, Prayer, Dispel Magic, Wrathful Mantle, Invisibility Purge
  133. 4th: Fear, Divination, Divine Power, Freedom of Movement, Blessing of Fervor
  134. 5th: Spell Resistance, True Seeing, Breath of Life, Righteous Might, Plane Shift, Break Enchantment
  135. 6th: Antimagic Field, Word of Recall, Banishment, Undeath to Death
  136. 7th: Greater Restoration, Resurrection, Awaken Construct
  137. 8th: Form of the Dragon III, Spell Immunity (Greater), Discern Location
  138. 9th: Overwhelming Presence, Gate
  140. Equipment
  141. [Weapon] Gloomblade
  142. [Head] Frontovik's Gas Mask
  143. [Headband] Headband of Mental Prowess [Wis, Cha]
  144. [Body] Cassock of the Black Monk
  145. [Shoulders] Rimepelt
  146. [Wrists] Bracers of Armor +3
  147. [Weapon] Fistwraps +2
  148. [Neck] Periapt of Health
  149. [Belt] Belt of Physical Perfection +2
  150. [Ring] Ring of Protection +2
  151. [Ring] Ring of Ki Mastery [2/2]
  152. [Boots] Boots of the Winter Jarl
  154. Tattoos
  155. [0.8k] Belt of Tumbling
  156. +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move through a threatened square or through an enemy’s space.
  157. [1k] Vest of Endure Elements
  158. This long sheepskin vest grants the benefits of an endure elements spell when worn.
  159. [1k] Quickrunner's Shirt
  160. Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move and then immediately end his turn, losing any unspent actions
  161. [1k] Boots of the Cat
  162. e boot’s wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each die of damage incurred by the fall) and at the end of a fall always lands on his feet.
  163. [2k] Glowing Glove
  164. The wearer of this slender white leather glove may, as a standard action, press it against any surface or object and cause a luminous handprint to appear. This print glows any color the wearer wishes, sheds light as a candle, and is easily visible from a distance of up to 60 feet. Such handprints last for 1 day before fading away. The glowing handprint matches the wearer’s hand in terms of size, position of fingers, and so on.
  165. [2k] Buffering Cap
  166. Once per day when struck by a critical hit, the wearer can spend an immediate action to convert the bonus damage of the critical hit into nonlethal damage.
  167. [6k] True Love Locket
  168. ach wearer knows the condition of the other, as a constant status spell. In addition, when either wearer uses the aid another action to assist the wearer of the linked locket, the bonus gained is increased by 1. Lastly, once per day, each wearer may use one of the known skills of the wearer of the linked locket, as borrow skill
  169. [1k] Muleback Cords
  170. The wearer treats his Strength score as 8 higher than normal when determining his carrying capacity.
  171. [0.5k] Armbands of the Brawler
  172. +1 competence bonus on grapple checks and checks to break a grapple.
  173. [-] Ring of Sustanence
  174. This ring continually provides its wearer with life-sustaining nourishment. The ring also refreshes the body and mind; its wearer only needs to sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. This allows a spellcaster that requires rest to prepare spells to do so after only 2 hours, but does not allow a spellcaster to prepare spells more than once per day.
  175. [1k] Kyton Ring
  176. On command, the ring can produce a rusty, clanky length of iron chain (hardness 10, 5 hp, break DC 26). The ring can create no more than 100 feet of chain in this way. This total length can be split among many uses, but must be spent in 10-foot increments. When the ring’s daily allotment of chain is renewed, any previously conjured chain rusts away. Once per day as a standard action, the user can shoot a chain from the ring as though it were a grappling hook, except the range increment is 50 feet.
  178. Slotless
  179. [-] Handy Haversack
  180. [-] Javelin of Lightning x2
  181. [-] Dragonbone Divination Sticks
  182. [-] Drinking Horn
  183. [-] Robe of the Monk
  184. [-] Ring of Protection +1
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