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Oct 17th, 2009
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  1. Welcome to #OnTopicOnly | wiki: | current version: 1.03 | Community site | <asdf> i eat cocks | <Magister> Icekun's a Prest
  2. Topic set by bellreisa! on Thu Oct 15 2009 15:19:22 GMT-0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
  3. <ChanServ>: [#hisouten] Welcome to #hisouten, netplay channel for 12.3, PoFV, and IaMP. Use #seriousbusiness for nongaming chat and #poverty for other games or risk being kicked!
  4. <uuuuu>: 6B DC 6B fly high 6B 6B 6B run away
  5. <arrgggg>: aaaaarrrrrrrggggggggggggggg
  6. *** arrgggg is now known as mega
  7. <NickServ>: This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your
  8. <NickServ>: nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,
  9. <NickServ>: please choose a different nick.
  10. <bob51>: look, a wild mega
  11. <Remilia-Scarlet>: hi mega
  12. <mega>: lol
  13. <SDD>: fukken signs
  14. <uuuuu>: anyone want to play?
  15. <Giantree>: I see your book and raise you ROADSIGNS
  16. <bob51>: right giant
  17. <bob51>: what was that about okuu sucking? hurr
  18. <Giantree>: I can't even tell if I'm having fun or not
  19. <Mizuhana>: who is okuu?
  20. <Giantree>: and if you want me to reiterate, Okuu sucks
  21. <Giantree>: Should I repost the thing about the brick?
  22. <SDD>: it's really not that fun
  23. <bob51>: yeah
  24. <bob51>: wait, a brick?
  25. <SDD>: but i'm gonna be suwako
  26. <Giantree>: yeah, let's just do one more
  27. <SDD>: for retarded sake
  28. <bob51>: Well an analogy of okuu with a brick kinda works... lol
  29. <bob51>: proceed.
  30. <Giantree>: Then something else similarly wacky
  31. <Malty>: i don't like how crushes work in this game
  32. <Giantree>: scroll up
  33. <Giantree>: I know you were here for it
  35. <Malty>: and punishable
  36. <bob51>: you say... lol
  37. <SDD>: i didn't read shit
  38. <Giantree>: bob was here, anyway
  39. <SDD>: unless you talking at them
  40. <bob51>: if you're gonna attempt a crush you can't expect no risk lol
  41. <Shy>: SHY TOO POWERFUL!
  42. <Malty>: mash mash i beat your elaborate 1 button melee
  43. <bob51>: [02:20] <@Malty> mash mash
  44. <bob51>: About that
  46. <bob51>: did I wakeup mash a lot?
  47. <Malty>: yeah
  48. <bob51>: derp
  49. <Malty>: that's how you took a gensou tensei
  50. <Shy>: Malty it's easy to beat him :V
  51. <Shy>: just meaty
  52. <bob51>: meat what now?
  53. <Malty>: reimu has stubby limbs
  54. <Shy>: Cirno has no limbs D:!
  55. <nacho>: hey giantree did you fix your ggpo lag
  56. <bob51>: I did love how you did that reimu reversal kick when i was about to j.5A
  57. <bob51>: it was like... manly.
  58. <Remilia-Scarlet>: she has 4 feet, Shy
  59. <Giantree>: where r buttan
  60. <Malty>: who cares about cirno
  61. <bob51>: Beats does
  62. <Shy>: I care too
  63. <Shy>: She my Rori waifu
  64. <bob51>: no you don't
  65. <bob51>: go away shy
  66. <bob51>: keep your pearmouth patchloli
  67. <Shy>: Hey how do you expect Yukkuri came to be?
  68. <Shy>: It was all me babeh!
  69. <uuuuu>: okku sucks
  70. <bob51>: >okku
  71. <bob51>: yeah
  72. <nacho>: guess not
  73. <bob51>: anyways tree ever uploaded those magi replays? lol
  74. <Giantree>: sdjfkls
  75. <SDD>: snakeys
  76. <Giantree>: I HIT UP
  77. <Giantree>: UP TRYING TO JUMP
  78. <bob51>: >up
  79. <Mizuhana>: i still dont know who okuu is <_<
  81. <bob51>: Utsuho mizu
  82. <Mizuhana>: oh
  83. <bob51>: Nuclear Raven
  84. <bob51>: you know
  85. <Mizuhana>: 6
  86. <bob51>: soviet damage and stuff.
  87. <Giantree>: someone else post the Touhou wiki link
  88. <Giantree>: I don't wanna do it
  89. <bob51>: yeah, 6.
  90. <Giantree>: okay
  91. <SDD>: i didn't spam b
  92. <Giantree>: that was a bad idea
  93. <SDD>: but i don't care
  94. <SDD>: yeah it was
  95. <Giantree>: but mildly fun
  96. <uuuuu>: garbage tier
  97. <SDD>: BUT OH WELL
  98. <bob51>:\
  99. <bob51>:
  100. <Giantree>: not THAT one you fag
  101. <Giantree>: the one explaining her nickname
  102. <bob51>: wikia toohoo?
  103. <bob51>: kay
  104. <Giantree>: yeah, that one
  105. <SDD>: what other retarded theme
  106. <bob51>:
  107. <bob51>: # The characters for Reiuji literally mean, in succession, "soul/spirit", "crow/raven", and "path". The character for Utsuho means "sky", and can also be pronounced "kuu". Hence her nickname, Okuu.
  108. <Giantree>: There's the taking out of various buttons but you've done that already.
  109. <Giantree>: Fishdecks have been done, one-hand-only has been done, blindfolds have been done...
  110. <Giantree>: uh
  111. <Giantree>: What else is there?
  112. <SDD>: footfight
  113. <Giantree>: oh, I already did that one
  114. <SDD>: yeah i meant done
  115. <Giantree>: oh yeah
  116. <Giantree>: k
  117. <bob51>: jaiento, mah replays ;-;
  118. <Giantree>: I'd say tonguefight, but uh.
  119. <Giantree>: no
  120. <Remilia-Scarlet>: anyone up
  121. <SDD>: nah i don't want to use my keyboard like that
  122. <SDD>: there should be mouse controls
  123. <Giantree>: As much as I could probably maneuver a touhou using only my tongue, my controller would get all gross and it would be painful on the tongue.
  124. <SDD>: i'd use mouse controls
  125. <Giantree>: aw shit, that'd be fun
  126. <Mizuhana>: kb is really the best input isnt it?
  127. <uuuuu>: anyone want to play?
  128. <bob51>: [02:26] <Remilia-Scarlet> anyone up
  129. <Remilia-Scarlet>: <Remilia-Scarlet> anyone up
  130. <Remilia-Scarlet>: maybe
  131. <bob51>: hurr
  132. <SDD>: we could just do a normal fight
  133. <SDD>: that's silly
  134. <SDD>: to me
  135. <Giantree>: Ice boulder versus firepunch?
  136. <bob51>: btw sdd vs tree, spec IP fukken where?
  137. <Giantree>: I will so do that one again
  138. <Giantree>: and nowhere yet, we haven't started
  139. <SDD>: sure
  140. <Giantree>: k
  141. <uuuuu>:
  142. <bob51>: ;-;
  143. <Giantree>: bawb
  144. <uuuuu>: who is this
  145. <Giantree>: this one has iceboulders levelled
  146. <Giantree>: so goood enough
  147. <SDD>: this has no firepunch replace
  148. <SDD>: i think
  149. <Giantree>: k
  150. <SDD>: fail
  151. <Giantree>: distance is so weird on those
  152. <Mizuhana>: hey i got a directional question. is it normal to be facing the other direction after passing someone
  153. <Mizuhana>: like the wrong way
  154. <Giantree>: had to
  155. <SDD>: hahaha
  156. <Mizuhana>: i find that happens to me alot
  157. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: sometimes. lol
  158. <Giantree>: okay, that had been done so many times before
  159. <Giantree>: how about a helicopter-off?
  160. <Mizuhana>: probably analog stick lag
  161. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: well actually that's normal
  162. <Giantree>: oh there we go
  163. <Shy>: The more I play Soku the more depressed I get
  164. <SDD>: BIG STOMP
  165. <Giantree>: dohoho
  166. <Giantree>: I had to use my analog stick to hj8
  167. <Giantree>: because like, I can't with this silly controller
  168. <Giantree>: then I realized I can't 623 with the analog stick, HURRRRRRRRRRRRRR
  169. <Mizuhana>: controllers really suck for this
  170. <Mizuhana>: i say that but why do i still use one
  171. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: lol
  172. <Remilia-Scarlet>: so boring
  173. <Remilia-Scarlet>: last
  174. <Giantree>: can't mimic beatsku
  175. <Giantree>: hurrr snow
  176. <SDD>: that was awesome snow
  177. <Giantree>: yeah, the second I use that annoying ass alt 22
  178. <SDD>: killed your clocked
  179. <Giantree>: CAN'T LET YOU DO THAT TREE FOX
  180. <SDD>: clock i meant obviously
  181. <Shy>: Andbob has ordered us to take you down
  182. <Remilia-Scarlet>: anyone up
  183. <uuuuu>: ........
  184. <Shy>: Remi why :V
  185. <Remilia-Scarlet>: why what
  186. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I want to play
  187. <uuuuu>: rage quit?
  188. <Remilia-Scarlet>: 02:37] <Remilia-Scarlet> last
  189. <Shy>: nah, I think he got bored
  190. <uuuuu>: Oh'
  191. <Remilia-Scarlet>: stupid kid cant read
  192. <Remilia-Scarlet>: Shy, play
  193. <uuuuu>: Hostile and rude
  194. <uuuuu>: Don't feel bad
  195. <Shy>: Both of you :V
  196. <Remilia-Scarlet>: feel bad about what
  197. <Shy>: Stop it, or I shall put both of you in yo places yo
  198. <Remilia-Scarlet>: Shy, you playing?
  199. <Shy>: nope
  200. <uuuuu>: I'm up
  201. <uuuuu>:
  202. <Remilia-Scarlet>: well that's pretty much everyone then
  203. <Giantree>: herp
  204. <SDD>: suddenly kanako
  205. <Giantree>: more like brokenko
  206. <Remilia-Scarlet>: Tree, ip
  207. <Remilia-Scarlet>: might as well spec something
  208. <Giantree>: k
  209. <Giantree>:
  210. <uuuuu>: Play me remi
  211. <Giantree>: it's random matches though
  212. <Giantree>: not sure why you'd enjoy that
  213. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I just played you
  214. <Mizuhana>: afk phone
  215. <uuuuu>: 3 games only
  216. <Remilia-Scarlet>: because there is no one to play, tree
  217. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I'm bored
  218. <uuuuu>: Plaaaayyy meeeee
  219. <uuuuu>: wwwwwwwwww
  220. <Haze>: ... me?
  221. <uuuuu>: Sure!
  222. <Haze>: where are you from
  223. <uuuuu>: Although a bit upper tier but
  224. <uuuuu>: WC
  225. <uuuuu>: Actually I don't remember you
  226. <uuuuu>:
  227. <Haze>: One sec.
  228. <uuuuu>: I remember Kaze...
  229. <uuuuu>: Oh it's the remi one
  230. <Remilia-Scarlet>: you guys are funny
  231. <Giantree>: eh, we try
  232. <SDD>: we're tards
  233. <Giantree>: even better when we're playing blindfolded
  234. <SDD>: or i am
  235. <Remilia-Scarlet>: eh, whatever's fun
  236. <Giantree>: but my blindfold's all the way over there
  237. <Giantree>: OH RIGHT
  238. <Giantree>: I forgot you can just move the window
  239. <Giantree>: Wanna do that?
  240. <SDD>: k
  241. <SDD>: moved
  242. <Giantree>: ready
  243. <Haze>: Is something wrong?
  244. <uuuuu>: Did you desync?
  245. <Mizuhana>: this contoler thing is hopeless. i might as well say im lagging
  246. <Haze>: Not that I'm aware of.
  247. <Haze>: but
  248. <Haze>: you were doing really bad
  249. <Haze>: so maybe
  250. <uuuuu>: Oh we desynced
  251. <Mizuhana>: analog makes some moves impossible
  252. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I almost cant tell they cant see
  253. <Remilia-Scarlet>: thats amazing
  254. <Mizuhana>: i think this is all i can do
  255. <Mizuhana>: or cant do
  256. <Mizuhana>: last game
  257. <Giantree>: supreme bs skills
  258. <beats>: US west
  259. <Remilia-Scarlet>: someone spellcard
  260. <Remilia-Scarlet>: fuck I lol'd
  261. <Giantree>: Is it over?
  262. <SDD>: yeah
  263. <Remilia-Scarlet>: yes
  264. <SDD>: saved
  265. <Giantree>: k, let's see who won
  266. <SDD>: cause that sounded like an ass whooping
  267. <Giantree>: oh, THAT'S who it was
  268. <SDD>: i was doing that red air punch thing
  269. <SDD>: spamming it
  270. <Remilia-Scarlet>: the fish drop was well done
  271. <Giantree>: oh well, apparently I used a fish
  272. <Giantree>: I heard a fish-- yaaay
  273. <Remilia-Scarlet>: too bad he sc'd over it
  274. <Giantree>: herp
  275. <SDD>: aw
  276. <SDD>: what card was it
  277. <Remilia-Scarlet>: rainbow spin
  278. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: thanks for the games
  279. <Mizuhana>: np
  280. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: anyone up
  281. <Mizuhana>: ive been wondering if i should just play KB isntead
  282. <Mizuhana>: instead*
  283. <Mizuhana>: but im worried i might typo mid fight
  284. <Mizuhana>: and something bad happens D:
  285. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: kb?
  286. <Mizuhana>: keyboard
  287. <SDD>: poor suika
  288. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: lol oh
  289. <Mizuhana>: the controller thing is a pain
  290. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: I play keyboard.
  291. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: :v
  292. <Mizuhana>: yes that's obvious that you do
  293. <Remilia-Scarlet>: find your mpp
  294. <Remilia-Scarlet>: and do it
  295. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: come and join the league of keyboards.
  296. <Mizuhana>: the whole idea of kb over controller seems harder to grasp
  297. <Haze>: oh
  298. <Haze>: I remember you now
  299. <uuuuu>: DC DC DC
  300. <bob51>: look, a beats.
  301. <beats>: it's giant tree
  302. <beats>: oh wait... it's an IMPOSTER
  303. <Giantree>: u fag bob
  304. <bob51>: dun dun dun
  305. <Giantree>: that it?
  306. <SDD>: yeah
  307. <SDD>: 3 rounds
  308. <Giantree>: YEAAAH, GO OKUU
  309. <SDD>: saved again
  310. <Giantree>: I was blindmashing the crap out of default 623.
  311. <Giantree>: 'cause I knew you were helicoptering somewhere
  312. <Giantree>: just had to keep doing it until it hit
  313. <Giantree>: Okuu AGAIN?
  314. <Mizuhana>: whats so bad about 6?
  315. <Giantree>: the fact that it's random
  316. <Mizuhana>: oh
  317. <Mizuhana>: luck
  318. <Remilia-Scarlet>: oh boy, blind typhoon
  319. <bob51>: aadsasdasda
  320. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I see a fish
  321. <SDD>: GO CHINA
  322. <Giantree>: who the hell were you, Youmu?
  323. <Giantree>: oh derp
  324. <Remilia-Scarlet>: completely subtle hint
  325. <Giantree>: China's the hardest to tell
  326. <Giantree>: just by sound
  327. <SDD>: yeah
  328. <bob51>: ude
  329. <bob51>: you main iku
  330. <bob51>: you should know this
  331. <bob51>: lol
  332. <beats>: lol
  333. <beats>: I can't escape though
  334. <bob51>: well. kinda lol
  335. <beats>: not with suwako's movement
  336. <bob51>: if you started blocking it's kinda over
  337. <bob51>: hmm
  338. <bob51>: actually can you BE that?
  339. <beats>: not once I block it
  340. <SDD>: i think i'm aya
  341. <Giantree>: yeah
  342. <Super_Me>: anyone feel like killing me for a bit?
  343. <Giantree>: and Okuu THREE TIMES IN A ROW
  344. <Super_Me>:
  345. <Giantree>: Jesus fuck
  346. <Remilia-Scarlet>: you are patchouli
  347. <Remilia-Scarlet>: SDD has found his rhythm
  348. <SDD>: i found my favorite skill card
  349. <SDD>: is what i did
  350. <Giantree>: shh, don't spoil it for us
  351. <Giantree>: Half the fun of blindfighting is figuring out who the hell is who.
  352. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I didnt spoil
  353. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I lied
  354. <Giantree>: ohhhh
  355. <Giantree>: gj
  356. <Giantree>: I actually thought it WAS Patchy from the beginning
  357. <SDD>: hahaha
  358. <uuuuu>: wwwww
  359. <Remilia-Scarlet>: lol
  360. <Giantree>: blindfighting is the shit
  361. <uuuuu>: okay practice territory
  362. <Giantree>: ...
  363. <Giantree>: Did I really get Okuu four times in a row?
  364. <Mizuhana>: LOL
  365. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: ...
  366. <bob51>: ugh
  367. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: what?
  368. <bob51>: always gets me
  369. <bob51>: lol
  370. <Shy>: She <3s you
  371. <beats>: lol, black cloud is my savior
  372. <Mizuhana>: go make mutant babies with Okuu
  373. <beats>: suwako so hard D:
  374. <Shy>: As you wish Mizu
  375. <bob51>: Giant is tsundere for okuu
  376. <Super_Me>: ugh...that was some bad lag
  377. <Giantree>: oh no, I love Okuu
  378. <Shy>: Yukkuris coming up
  379. <Giantree>: but I think she's over-affectionate
  380. <SDD>: wow that was awful tenshi
  381. <Super_Me>: I should've mentioned that I was West Coast
  382. <SDD>: took me forever to figure out too
  383. <Giantree>: oh hurr, I never figured it out
  384. <SDD>: figured it out with LASERS
  385. <Giantree>: I just started doing basic Okuu shit until I heard the KO sound
  386. <bob51>: meh fuck all
  387. <Giantree>: I better not fucking get her again.
  388. <SDD>: in before you do again
  389. <Giantree>: look
  390. <Giantree>: look at that
  391. <Mizuhana>: i hope you get her again
  392. <Giantree>: You saw I pushed the RANDOM button, right?
  393. <SDD>: yeah
  394. <Giantree>: I swear, if it's okuu again
  395. <Giantree>: ...
  396. <Giantree>: GOD DAMNIT
  397. <Mizuhana>: lmao
  398. <Aqo>: use a manual random
  399. <Super_Me>: let me try again.... Coast US....Get ready, I fucking suck at this
  400. <Aqo>: hold down left with your eyes closed, leave it randomly and open your eyes
  401. <Aqo>: if you're not satisfied with the result, repeat process
  402. <uuuuu>: fall for that twice
  403. <Giantree>: how the fuck
  404. <Giantree>: really, how the fuck does this happen
  405. <bob51>: waaat
  406. <beats>: bob, are you pro iku now?
  407. <bob51>: as if
  408. <bob51>: lol
  409. <beats>: PRO IKU!
  410. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: with lightning fever?
  411. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: of course he is
  412. <bob51>: I KINDA KNOW HOW TO J.2A LOL
  413. <Mizuhana>: Giant just take her as waifu
  414. <Aqo>: any ECs up for soku with faraway?
  415. <bob51>: I still miss it actually ;-;
  416. <beats>: omg, j2a more
  417. <beats>: even on the ground
  418. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: aqo
  419. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: !
  420. <Aqo>: yo
  421. <Aqo>: *happyface gap youkai* hosting
  422. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: let's do this
  423. <SDD>: you and okuu
  424. <Giantree>: b-but what about Nitori then ;_;
  425. <Giantree>: I love Okuu, but I'm not sure if that's enough to go polygamist over
  426. <SDD>: this is okuu's revenge
  427. <Giantree>: if I get her a sixth time I'm ragequitting
  428. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: trying fagchouli
  429. <SDD>: for all that nasty stuff you said earlier
  430. <SDD>: about bricks
  431. <Aqo>: terrible character
  432. <Giantree>: ;_;
  433. <bob51>: ffffffff
  434. <Giantree>: guess I deserve it then
  435. <Super_Me>: sigh, no one here wants to fight me either? ah well.
  436. <Giantree>: lolol
  437. <Giantree>: now you have the curse
  438. <Aqo>: you just gave up 3 seconds in?
  439. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: I did?
  440. <Aqo>: you didn't seem to be blocking my bullets
  441. <Aqo>: :z
  442. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: desync and etc
  443. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: lol
  444. <Aqo>: oh?
  445. <Aqo>: lol?
  446. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: yeah...because
  447. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: I won on my screen
  448. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: LOL
  449. <Aqo>: pofv tactics
  450. <Aqo>: really
  451. <Aqo>: wanna host then?
  452. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: nah
  453. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: it's fine
  454. <Aqo>: on my screen I near perfected you twice
  455. <Aqo>: :z
  456. <bob51>: wat
  457. <SDD>: don'
  458. <bob51>: tech failure
  459. <Giantree>: k
  460. <bob51>: wat.
  461. <SDD>: t even know how to use okuu
  462. <bob51>: I reject your reality and replace it with my own
  463. <Giantree>: you have high-damage shit set up
  464. <beats>: replacing reality? unpossible
  465. <SDD>: wat
  466. <Giantree>: I can't get away with 'wako because I don't know WHERE she is
  467. <SDD>: you just use spamhands
  468. <SDD>: press c
  469. <Giantree>: so you fire off big nukes and they hit because I like, block in the other directions
  470. <SDD>: blind
  471. <beats>: she's always where you want her to be
  472. <Giantree>: derp
  473. <Giantree>: 6C is superior
  474. <Giantree>: SLAB TOSS
  475. <SDD>: OH I'M OKUU
  476. <Giantree>: told you
  477. <SDD>: i thought it was you
  478. <Giantree>: You really DO have the curse now
  479. <Giantree>: nope, I'm Chirno
  480. <SDD>: i kept pressing cirno buttons
  481. <Giantree>: lolol
  482. <Mizuhana>: cirno buttons?
  483. <Mizuhana>: 9999999999999999
  484. <Giantree>: 9/10
  485. <Giantree>: GET IT
  486. <Giantree>: DOHOHOHO
  487. <Giantree>: no not really
  488. <Giantree>: more like .9/10
  489. <Haze>: zzz
  490. <Aqo>: didn't desync now?
  491. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: nah.
  492. <Aqo>: k
  493. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: I don't think
  494. <Haze>: you are the most annoying player ever I think
  495. <bob51>: Dat corner combo
  496. <bob51>: how does i escape
  497. <beats>: dunno, mashing out seemed to get you out
  498. <beats>: also high jumping before or after the j5b
  499. <bob51>: I'll try a fake reversal with rocket next time
  500. <beats>: depends on how well I time it I guess
  501. <Giantree>: whoa
  502. <Giantree>: How the hellcrap did you pull off a blind MSK?
  503. <SDD>: a wha
  504. <Giantree>: melting shower kick
  505. <SDD>: i don't know what i was doing
  506. <Giantree>: the grab
  507. <SDD>: hahaha
  508. <SDD>: i don't know
  509. <Giantree>: that has like such shit range
  510. <Giantree>: I applaud you sir.
  511. <SDD>: i didn't recognize any card sound
  512. <SDD>: i was like OH GOD THIS ISN'T THE ONE I WANTED
  513. <Giantree>: k, that's about it for me
  514. <SDD>: one more
  515. <Giantree>: last one
  516. <Giantree>: FAINARU BATTARU
  517. <SDD>: in before okuu vs okuu
  518. <Giantree>: I wouldn't doubt it
  519. <bob51>: not workan
  520. <Giantree>: wut
  521. <bob51>: :l
  522. <SDD>: haha same shit
  523. <Giantree>: yeah I know
  524. <Giantree>: kinda raged a little
  525. <bob51>: why didn't you use that sleep card?
  526. <beats>: then try border escaping before the j5b
  527. <bob51>: I always BE back :l Can't get it right.
  528. <beats>: I thought you might hit me as I got up with one of your many meaty bullets
  529. <bob51>: >many
  530. <bob51>: >implaying that something other than 5C is significant
  531. <bob51>: last though
  532. <beats>: 6c is very meaty... you'd catch me on the way up for sure
  533. <Giantree>: YEAAAH
  534. <SDD>: i hope i broke one of those things
  535. <Giantree>: you did, I heard it
  536. <bob51>: fffffffffff
  537. <Giantree>: glorious games brah
  538. <SDD>: yeah
  539. <SDD>: gg
  540. <SDD>: gonna watch some even though i should go to bed
  541. <SDD>: i like how that's 8 okuu replays
  542. <SDD>: in a row
  543. <uuuuu>: play random last 2
  544. <Giantree>: dohohoho
  545. <Giantree>: well, that was pretty fun
  546. <Giantree>: Haven't had one of those in a while.
  547. <SDD>: my 3 directional lasers in a row doesn't look as good as i thought it did
  548. <Aqo>: ruined my perfect with chip
  549. <Aqo>: D:
  550. <Giantree>: Watching replays of blindfights isn't nearly as fun as hearing them.
  551. <SDD>: i like the parts with the supers
  552. <Giantree>: Maybe someday they'll become more popular and have bell commentaries or something.
  553. <SDD>: but that's about it
  554. <bob51>: meh
  555. <bob51>: sunshower must be pretty awful vs suwako lol
  556. <beats>: whoa, exciting... and yet boring
  557. <beats>: lol, naw, just block low
  558. <bob51>: herp
  559. <bob51>: anyways ggs
  560. <Giantree>: Not a good idea though because I bet he'll run out of material fast on those.
  561. <beats>: suwako is great at running away, yet the best way to beat her is to use even meatier bullets
  562. <SDD>: might redo my decks tomorrow to confuse me even more
  563. <Giantree>: nobody to make fun of because everything's accidental, herp
  564. <bob51>: bullets vs Trees
  565. <beats>: so in the end we have two character full screen trying to hit each other with bullets
  566. <bob51>: hurr
  567. <Shy>: Night guys
  568. <beats>: I don't think I can take much more suwako
  569. <beats>: night shy
  570. <bob51>: Really Wat'd when I tried getting you with 22C and you like.. just flew up lol
  571. <Giantree>: Reimu eats Suwako like a sandwich in that department.
  572. <Giantree>: inb4 a doujin of that
  573. <Giantree>: also 'night bro
  574. <beats>: a doujin about reimu eating a sandwich? Make it happen!
  575. <bob51>: >eats Suwako like a sandwich
  576. <beats>: but suwako doesn't fit in a sandwich
  577. <bob51>: ask suika to change the density of some bread
  578. <bob51>: and there you go
  579. <SDD>: the other fun thing about blind fight replays
  580. <bob51>: inb4kicks
  581. <SDD>: is watching one of us stand sitll
  582. <SDD>: like a retard
  583. <SDD>: or walk forward into the other
  584. <beats>: "4th time in a row getting absolutely no one when I host. Guess I'll go get destroyed over at irc." - is this mysterious anon here right now?
  585. <beats>: I didn't want to join his game because he called himself "shit tier"
  586. <Remilia-Scarlet>: me neither, sadly
  587. <Giantree>: I always try to block then I hear the hit sound and I'm like "oh fuck, other direction"
  588. <beats>: actually exact quote was "Shit Tierin' all night."
  589. <Giantree>: also that was Super_Me
  590. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: aki is in the air
  591. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: what does aki do?
  592. <Giantree>: He came here a few minutes ago, remember?
  593. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: aki scratches his air
  594. <Aqo>: not block bullets
  595. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: aki dies
  596. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I dont want to hear people complain
  597. <Aqo>: not graze them either
  598. <Giantree>: He's the only person besides myself who acts so pessimistic.
  599. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: *ear
  600. <Remilia-Scarlet>: shit tier is not even good enough for me
  601. <Aqo>: am I right? we didn't desync again right? :z
  602. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: I hope not
  603. <beats>: aww poor super_me... I don't join /jp/ games in general though... most don't like playing irc ppl
  604. <Giantree>: Well I'm not pessimistic so much as masochistic, I guess.
  605. <Giantree>: But he's the only one who insults himself THAT much.
  606. <Remilia-Scarlet>: he should quit
  607. <Giantree>: k, /r/ link to the thread
  608. <Giantree>: I'm gonna treeagraph him a pep talk.
  609. <Remilia-Scarlet>: that should get him to quit
  610. <Remilia-Scarlet>: do it
  611. <beats>:
  612. <Giantree>: kthx
  613. <Mizuhana>: treeagraph? the heck?
  614. <Giantree>: hohoho
  615. <Giantree>: You don't go to /jp/, do you?
  616. <Giantree>: Watch and learn~
  617. <SDD>: oh melting shower kick was that thing
  618. <SDD>: yeah it has no range
  619. <SDD>: but i use it
  620. <Mizuhana>: no, 4chan is for viruses
  621. <beats>: I like anonymous of australia. He provides about as much reading material
  622. <Mizuhana>: and general brain damage
  623. <Giantree>: lolol
  624. <Giantree>: 8/10
  625. <bob51>: beats
  626. <Giantree>: Yeah, I think he's pretty cool. It's Austria btw, not Australia
  627. <bob51>: isn't it Anonymous of Austria?
  628. <Aqo>: did I see correctly
  629. <bob51>: HA
  630. <Aqo>: 623 ending
  632. <Giantree>: uh
  633. <Giantree>: no you didn't
  634. <Giantree>: I typed it first fgt.
  635. <bob51>: [03:38] <bob51> isn't it Anonymous of Austria?
  636. <bob51>: [03:38] <Giantree> Yeah, I think he's pretty cool. It's Austria btw,
  637. <Giantree>: [02:38] <Giantree> Yeah, I think he's pretty cool. It's Austria btw, not Australia
  638. <Giantree>: [02:38] <bob51> isn't it Anonymous of Austria?
  639. <bob51>: lol bull
  640. <bob51>: seriously?
  641. <Giantree>: that's how it shows up on mine
  642. <SDD>: [ 02:37:57 ] [ Giantree ] Yeah, I think he's pretty cool. It's Austria btw, not Australia
  643. <SDD>: [ 02:37:57 ] [ bob51 ] isn't it Anonymous of Austria?
  644. <SDD>: server says
  645. <Giantree>: haha oh wow
  646. <bob51>: :57
  647. <Giantree>: gj bob
  648. <bob51>: lmao.
  649. <bob51>: gg tree
  650. <Giantree>: Exact same second, I'm not sure how to feel about this.
  651. <Giantree>: Is there a way to see milliseconds?
  652. <bob51>: Seriously
  653. <SDD>: austriamind
  654. <bob51>: I don't think so
  655. <bob51>: lol
  656. <bob51>: fucking irc mindgames
  657. <Giantree>: I bet I was first in milliseconds
  658. <Giantree>: god, that was beautiful
  659. <bob51>: It's like a double yukari 66C
  660. <bob51>: sucks but beautiful at the same time ;-;
  661. <Aqo>: typhoon ending
  662. <Haze>: zzz
  663. <uuuuu>: wwwww
  664. <Haze>: I get super impatient against you, after a while
  665. <bob51>: Even if we get ms
  666. <bob51>: we'd need to ping the server
  667. <uuuuu>: You don't pressure...
  668. <bob51>: and substract that shit.
  669. <Haze>: I do, but you jump out everytime.
  670. <Aqo>: bullet ending
  671. <Haze>: I do much better against other people.
  672. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: one ghost
  673. <Aqo>: right?
  674. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: stands alone
  675. <Aqo>: it was moving
  676. <Aqo>: :z
  677. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: to fight a faggot
  678. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: lol
  679. <uuuuu>: Because it's full of holes and you do the same string again and again
  680. <Haze>: you mash out, and jump out randomly
  681. <uuuuu>: I can't escape Shy's strings at all, even with BE.
  682. <Haze>: I do as Sanae, and other characters I don't use, yeah.
  683. <Haze>: plus holes exist in almost any string
  684. <Haze>: especially as Yukari
  685. <uuuuu>: Yes, but you make it unpredictable so you can't anticipate the holes
  686. <Haze>: uh-huh
  687. <Haze>: zzz
  688. <Haze>: I do just fine against people who don't just fly around all day.
  689. <uuuuu>: wwwwww
  690. <bob51>: anyways night guys
  691. <bob51>: I'll leave this here
  692. <bob51>: [19:32] <@Kaze> HEY SAZN
  693. <bob51>: [19:32] <@Kaze> GUESS WHO WON
  694. <bob51>: [19:32] * xxsaznpride ( Quit (Quit: fuck you kaze)
  695. <xxsaznpride>: wat
  696. <bob51>: that was fast.
  697. <Aqo>: three times lucky charm
  698. <uuuuu>: hey bob play me
  699. <bob51>: going to bed
  700. <bob51>: and no
  701. <bob51>: >suika
  702. <uuuuu>: Yes suika
  703. <uuuuu>: I don't even play suik
  704. <bob51>: die in a fire slowly and painful-
  705. <bob51>: doesn't matter.
  706. <uuuuu>: Come on.
  707. <xxsaznpride>: wouldnt take me suika to win
  708. <bob51>: Dohoho
  709. <bob51>: I'm the strongest!
  710. <xxsaznpride>: bitch
  711. <xxsaznpride>: you're so free
  712. <xxsaznpride>: i'll use marmalade on you
  713. <uuuuu>: Anyone want to play?
  714. <xxsaznpride>: wait fuck
  715. <xxsaznpride>: margarine
  716. *** bob51 is now known as Butter
  717. <xxsaznpride>: ^ was the joke
  718. <uuuuu>: Hey bob want to play?
  719. <uuuuu>: 2 games
  720. <SDD>: blind fights would be even better with health bars but no portraits
  721. Butter not bob
  722. <Giantree>: naw, that would ruin it
  723. <Giantree>: A big chunk of the fun of blindfights is not knowing who won.
  724. <Butter>: blind fights with no D.
  725. <Giantree>: it's like you're really Aqo
  726. <SDD>: ok then the bars can switch places every 3 seconds
  727. <uuuuu>: Hey butter want to play?
  728. <Haze>: besides, aren't you one to talk... you didn't have any pressure at all
  729. <Giantree>: oh shit
  730. <Butter>: no
  731. <Butter>: going to bed.
  732. <Giantree>: that would be fab
  733. <Sylian|AFK>: wow..
  734. <uuuuu>: while you are chatting here, we can have a few matches
  735. <SDD>: so at least one of us knows when to use a card to finish it
  736. <Butter>: I jus-
  737. <uuuuu>: for old time's sake
  738. <Butter>: whatever
  739. <Butter>: 1 match
  740. <Sylian|AFK>: what happened to #OnTopicOnly when I was AFK?
  741. <Butter>: and I'm out
  742. <Butter>: go host
  743. <uuuuu>:
  744. <Butter>: mods are sleeping
  745. <Sylian|AFK>: bell is going to be in a banning spree when he wakes up
  746. <SDD>: over what
  747. <Butter>: srsbsness
  748. <bellreisa>: i'm still awake actually
  749. <Sylian|AFK>: over butter
  750. <Sylian|AFK>: oh
  751. <Butter>: see? we're fucked no-
  752. <bellreisa>: i mean, do you really think it's funny to just try and provoke a reaction?
  753. <Remilia-Scarlet>: welcome to the internet
  754. <bellreisa>: cause i don't really care if i kick all of you, honestly
  755. <xxsaznpride>: wait what happened?
  756. <Butter>: derp, gg
  757. <uuuuu>: gg!!!!
  758. <Aqo>: aw poked out the perfect
  759. <uuuuu>: want to play again before you sleep?
  760. <Aqo>: LM
  761. <Aqo>: :<
  762. <Butter>: no
  763. <Butter>: I'm gone now
  764. <Butter>: night
  765. <uuuuu>: But we're alike
  766. <Mizuhana>: did i just see that right? suika being just evil?
  767. <bellreisa>: either you go with the rules so this chan isn't the shitheap and running joke of the server, or i'll thin the herd
  768. <Butter>: suika is broken, no discusion here.
  769. <bellreisa>: your call
  770. <Remilia-Scarlet>: when did this all start anyways
  771. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I've been away
  772. <bellreisa>: i've been mulling over it a while
  773. <xxsaznpride>: ^ and i haven't been around for any of this discussion
  774. <bellreisa>: it started yesterday
  775. <Sylian|AFK>:
  776. <Sylian|AFK>: you guys should stop
  777. <Remilia-Scarlet>: no one banned yet?
  778. <Remilia-Scarlet>: hmph
  779. <bellreisa>: no
  780. <Mizuhana>: i dont know whats happening
  781. <uuuuu>: Anyone want to play?
  782. <Mizuhana>: i'll play you
  783. <uuuuu>: OK
  784. <uuuuu>: Where are you *at*?
  785. <Mizuhana>: a little bit is ok
  786. <uuuuu>:
  787. <Mizuhana>: EST US
  788. <uuuuu>: okay
  789. <Giantree>: Being the shitheap and running joke of the server is a GOOD thing.
  790. <uuuuu>: DC 6B
  791. <bellreisa>: no, it really isn't
  792. <Sylian|AFK>: GT stop
  793. <bellreisa>: i don't feel like catering to a bunch of morons when i'm the one footing the bill
  794. <bellreisa>: i honestly have no problems with closing this channel down
  795. <bellreisa>: the only reason i haven't is because there's still some real players left
  796. <bellreisa>: i will be more than happy to let you guys figure something out on your own if that's what it comes down to
  797. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: PPPPERFECT
  798. <xxsaznpride>: aki vs ??
  799. <Mizuhana>: ah i thought the suika was bob
  800. <Giantree>: But the point of having so many morons in one place is so that they don't leak anywhere else. I mean, all we're doing is just fucking shit up for ourselves, the IaMP players and everyone else are free to do their own thing. And it's not like we don't play SWR and soku anyway, we just have idle conversation in the time we're not playing or between matches, and there's nothing wrong with that.
  801. <uuuuu>: ?
  802. <Mizuhana>: ive got no chance!
  803. <uuuuu>: Okay I won't play suika
  804. <Mizuhana>: its cool
  805. <Remilia-Scarlet>: summon wall of text
  806. <bellreisa>: no, see, you don't get it
  807. <Mizuhana>: D: AHH
  808. <Giantree>: Just because we sound annoying as fuck from a general perspective doesn't mean we don't get our shit done.
  809. <Mizuhana>: PATCHY!
  810. <Mizuhana>: GET IT AWAAAYYYYYY
  811. <uuuuu>: play patchy once
  812. <uuuuu>: I'll play all chars
  813. <bellreisa>: i pay for the server, if i don't want you here, then i throw you the fuck out
  814. <bellreisa>: because that's my right
  815. <Giantree>: not like you don't have a point there
  816. <ZomB>: Bell's server, his rules etc
  817. <bellreisa>: what you want is sort of irrelevant
  818. <xxsaznpride>: oh zomb
  819. <ZomB>: oh azn
  820. <Remilia-Scarlet>: suddenly zomb
  821. <xxsaznpride>: did it just turn into an agreement that kai got dnked 'cause of a glitch?
  822. <ZomB>: what
  823. <xxsaznpride>: from the ba6 soku vids
  824. <Aqo>: you die nao
  825. <ZomB>: what glitch
  826. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: lol
  827. <ZomB>: he fucked up plain as that
  828. <bellreisa>: i already asked if anyone wanted to just remake the channel in rizon, of course nobody took the initiative
  829. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: man I didn't even know I got one perfect
  830. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: until like you were near death.
  831. <Aqo>: too much wrong reads
  832. <AkimotoKentadotcom>: aki v aqo
  833. <Remilia-Scarlet>: there's already touhou channels in rizon
  834. <bellreisa>: so if the chan closed, all of you go back to /jp/ and random rizon channels and life goes on
  835. <Aqo>: :<
  836. <xxsaznpride>: oh? fuck youtube then. i saw him walking backward the whole time, so yeah
  837. <bellreisa>: oh i went to #touhou and asked already
  838. <Giantree>: But controlling the internet isn't something anyone can just do, it's the woe of every webmaster that stupid people are going to pour into whatever it is they own and no matter how many they ban more keep coming. If the place gets shut down the fuckers just go somewhere else and do the exact same thing to another poor person who's paying for something they enjoy that ends up getting overrun with
  839. <Giantree>: stupid.
  840. <bellreisa>: they were idle for 6 hours, i gave up
  841. <Remilia-Scarlet>: #SWR, #hisouten
  842. <Remilia-Scarlet>: both dead
  843. <Remilia-Scarlet>: but there
  844. <mega>: tree, at one point
  845. <bellreisa>: Giantree: i don't care if they go somewhere else and fuck it up as long as it isn't here
  846. <mega>: actually nvm
  847. <Mizuhana>: peh instants
  848. <xxsaznpride>: mega up?
  849. <bellreisa>: you know it isn't difficult for me to do, right?
  850. <mega>: dfo lol
  851. <xxsaznpride>: aw
  852. <bellreisa>: i've closed down like half a dozen channels on mizu for various dead games
  853. <mega>: gimme a moment, I'll soku
  854. <xxsaznpride>: oh nah. keep grinding
  855. <Remilia-Scarlet>: mega, how far are you
  856. <Giantree>: But that's what everyone everywhere says, like I said you can't stop it from happening. Hell, most of us don't even enjoy being stupid pricks who fag shit up, but it's what we end up looking like regardless of what we do due to a few dumbshits who pop up and ruin things for everybody.
  857. <mega>: 37, lets not talk about that here :x
  858. <xxsaznpride>: im trying to figure out if all my anime that i just transferred to another hd is corrupted or not, so grindan more
  859. <bellreisa>: tree, is that really a challenge?
  860. <Giantree>: More like a fact.
  861. <bellreisa>: you really don't think i can just shut this down and set you kids scurrying off elsewhere?
  862. <Aqo>: why waste 3card
  863. <Giantree>: Never said you couldn't.
  864. <SDD>: of course you can
  865. <bellreisa>: like i said, i don't care where you go but it won't be here
  866. <Sylian|AFK>: GT please stop theres no reason to continue this
  867. <SDD>: but that just makes you a community failure
  868. <bellreisa>: who cares?
  869. <SDD>: nobody
  870. <bellreisa>: why would i support the swr community?
  871. <SDD>: i don't know
  872. <SDD>: it doesn't matter
  873. <bellreisa>: you ask me to pay for hosting for you ungrateful fucks?
  874. <SDD>: it's just another I RUN IT I CONTROL IT, MY WAY OR HIGHWAY
  875. <bellreisa>: and you call me a failure?
  876. <SDD>: sure
  877. <Sylian|AFK>: SDD look Bellreisa doesnt even play swr/soku anymore hes doing this for us
  878. <Giantree>: You had to have had a reason in mind for opening the channel in the first place, and if you close it then bam, it's gone. So it affects you in a sense.
  879. <ZomB>: #hisouten: "Hey Bell please don't just down the channel" hisouten proceeds to press Bell's buttons.
  880. <mega>: hey man
  881. <mega>: I did nothing
  882. <SDD>: you pay for things you want to
  883. <SDD>: if you don't want to pay
  884. <Sylian|AFK>: he doesnt get anything yet hes still paying for it!
  885. <SDD>: then don't pay
  886. <bellreisa>: oh, i see how it is
  887. <bellreisa>: so this is the thanks i get
  888. <ZomB>: Tree: Think of it as Bell doing hisouten fans a favor once he finished with the game (Which was like 1.03 release)
  889. <bellreisa>: ok, i'm going to delete the wikis
  890. <Giantree>: And just because we can't do anything to express it doesn't make us ungrateful, I enjoy having somewhere to go for ease of communication.
  891. <SDD>: you did this for thanks?
  892. <bellreisa>: and close this channel
  893. <nacho>: bye #hisouten
  894. <Remilia-Scarlet>: lol, you people
  895. <mega>: whoo
  896. <Sylian|AFK>: I dont get why you guys are acting like that..
  897. <mega>: they can't help it
  898. <mega>: that's what they do
  899. <xxsaznpride>: see you in #iamp, mega, for srsswamp!
  900. <SDD>: you have robots.txt set right, otherwise wiki will just be on anyway
  901. <Giantree>: He's just looking at things the wrong way.
  902. <Giantree>: There are stupid people on the internet.
  903. <mega>: lol
  904. <Giantree>: Period.
  905. <Sylian|AFK>: so what?!
  906. <Sylian|AFK>: at least try to do something
  907. <Sylian|AFK>: youre part of the community
  908. <Giantree>: Trying to decide "I don't want the stupid people to be here anymore" isn't going to make them go away, and that's all I was saying from the beginning.
  909. <Remilia-Scarlet>: dead channel walking
  910. <Sylian|AFK>: theres no reason to even say that
  911. <mega>: you guys aren't even arguing the same points lol
  912. <Sylian|AFK>: what do you gain from that?
  913. <SDD>: my view is happened before, happened again
  914. <SDD>: internet history repeats itself
  915. <Giantree>: We're not even deviating for our purpose in this specific channel, we're here to play one game and we do it. Whether we have a few lines of idle conversation is really irrelevant.
  916. <mega>: <SDD>: my view is happened before, happened again
  917. <Remilia-Scarlet>: wait just a gd minute
  918. <mega>: what
  919. <Remilia-Scarlet>: there is more pressing matter here
  920. <mega>: explain
  921. <Remilia-Scarlet>: why is there another Remilia
  922. <Giantree>: oh u
  923. <mega>: oh yeah
  924. <mega>: he showed up like a few days ago
  925. <SDD>: the internet persona 'i run it, i control it, leave if you don't like it'
  926. <Remilia-Scarlet>: yeah well he needs to explain himself
  927. <bellreisa>: ok, wiki is down
  928. <Giantree>: Seen a million of 'em. I've even been one before.
  929. <Sylian|AFK>: k
  930. <mega>: orz
  931. <Remilia-Scarlet>: goodbye, bell
  932. <SDD>: you can ban me if you want
  933. <mega>: was a good run
  934. <Sylian|AFK>: <_<
  935. <bellreisa>: why would i ban you personally
  936. <Mizuhana>: ok so i need to learn my lesson. no more controller
  937. <uuuuu>: your sakuya is better than your okku
  938. <Remilia-Scarlet>: I wish you all were banned
  939. <Remilia-Scarlet>: so I could play my damn game
  940. <Mizuhana>: but its so fun
  941. <SDD>: because my words are influencing you
  942. <bellreisa>: not really
  943. <SDD>: you got all offended
  944. <Sylian|AFK>: damn why dont you shut up SDD?
  945. <uuuuu>: okay my komati is new
  946. <Sylian|AFK>: there is no reason for you to continue
  947. <mega>: lol
  948. <Giantree>: Not like we don't all have the same opinion you do anyway.
  949. <SDD>: because internet
  950. <Sylian|AFK>: seriously
  951. <Sylian|AFK>: think before acting
  952. <SDD>: i use irc to talk, not to matchmake
  953. <mega>: SDD, you're not anon here
  954. <xxsaznpride>: "because internet"... clearly the best reason to keep pushing a person's buttons. dumbass.
  955. <SDD>: if you said this was a matchmaking server, i'd leave
  956. <Sylian|AFK>: then leave
  957. <SDD>: k
  958. <Giantree>: I use it for both.
  959. <Aqo>: oh hey the wiki is down
  960. <mega>: FUCKING
  961. <mega>: u faggots
  962. <Giantree>: Play games with people, talk to them while doing it.
  963. <Giantree>: big deal
  964. <Remilia-Scarlet>: you all need to die
  965. <mega>: u just wasted 10 minutes of my time
  966. <mega>: I could've finished another ridge run
  967. <Remilia-Scarlet>: lol mega
  968. <Giantree>: That palce has cool music.
  969. <Giantree>: place, even
  970. <mega>: hell yeah
  971. *** menofuntall was kicked by ChanServ (Requested.)
  972. *** beats was kicked by ChanServ (Requested.)
  973. *** Haze was kicked by ChanServ (Requested.)
  974. *** Chiyou was kicked by ChanServ (Requested.)
  975. *** mega was kicked by ChanServ (Requested.)
  976. !!! You have been kicked from #hisouten
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