
Blazing Fluffies

Jun 25th, 2012
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  1. >Be an old western rail tycoon
  2. >Also, a dick
  3. >Want to expand a rail line, but have hit quicksand on the path
  4. >The new proposed path looks good
  5. >Except for the fucking TOWN in the way
  6. >You decide on a cunning plan to rid the town of any and all who live there
  7. >Kill the sheriff, and replace him with someone so incompetent that the townsfolk will HAVE to leave
  8. >Look out among your slaves, working to lay your tracks, and wonder:
  9. "Where can I find such a man...?"
  10. >"Wails heavy! Fwuffy no wike..."
  11. >*KRAK*
  12. >"Owwies! No wip fwuffy! Fwuffy sowwy!"
  13. "... Bingo."
  19. ETC.
  21. >Be a fluffy named Bart
  22. >A very hot, tired, SORE fluffy named Bart
  23. >You spend all day draging things around for humans
  24. >You work with other humans that are called "niguws"
  25. >Don't know what it means, but it sounds mean
  26. >You look around and see the big boss come over to you
  27. >"You, fluffy! Come with me."
  28. "Bawt go wif Heddy?"
  29. >"It's HEDLEY! Hedley Lamarr! Stupid fluffy piece of..."
  30. "Fwuffy be stoopid, but yoo stiww named afta giwl."
  31. >You recieve a quick boot up the rump for your smart-arsery
  32. >You conveniently land in the foreman's office
  33. >"I have a job for you, little fluffy. But first, I must give you a test."
  34. "Bawt no wike sounda dat."
  35. >"Shaddup and hold still."
  36. >Hedley bops you on the head with his pen
  37. "OWWIE! Why huwt Bawt?!"
  38. >"Now, quickly, taste this margerine!"
  39. >Hedley stuffs margerine in your mouth
  40. >Pretty tasty stuff
  41. "Nummies!"
  42. >"Now, can you tell the difference?"
  43. >... Wait, what did he say?
  44. >Uh-oh, humans hate it when you don't know things
  45. >Better say something, quick!
  46. ".... No?"
  47. >"Excellent! You can't tell the difference between a lump on the head and margerine. You're just the fluffy I'm looking for!"
  48. >... Humans are silly.
  50. "Bawt do good?"
  51. >"Yes, you did very well. In fact, I'm going to reward you."
  52. >The lady-name human sticks a velcro star on your side and gives you a tiny hat
  53. >"Congratulations, you're a sheriff!"
  54. "Yay! Bawt shewiff! Bawt shewiff!... Wat shewiff, Heddy?"
  55. >"Hedley! And a Sheriff keeps the peace in a town. He rights wrongs, punishes evil-doers, gives peace a chance, and saves the whales!"
  56. >You think about this
  57. >Not the whales part, you don't quite understand that
  58. >But the righting wrongs part
  59. "So... Bawt gif big ouchies to meanies?"
  60. >"If all else fails, yes."
  61. "Bawt wike bein shewiff."
  62. >"Of course you do. Well, off you go now, your town needs sheriffing! BOYS!"
  63. >Two big humans come in and grab you under each foreleg
  64. "Put Bawt down! No wike big hoomans! Bawt shewiff, gif big ouchies to dum hoomans!"
  65. >They put you on a cart which then speeds away
  66. >The other fluffies and the "niguws" wave goodbye to you
  67. >As you leave, they fluffies turn and speak to one another
  68. >"Dis seem wike bad Mew Bwooks pawody..."
  69. >An overseer hears this
  70. >"Bad fluffies! No breaking the forth wall!"
  71. >Fluffy beatings ensue
  73. >Still be Bart, a fluffy pony, now sheriff
  74. >Still kinda unsure as to what you'll be doing
  75. >But hey, you get to ride a cart
  76. >That's pretty sweet
  77. "Bawt go wide!"
  78. >"Shaddup back there, varmint!"
  79. "Fwuffy name no vawmin'... Fwuffy name Bawt!"
  80. >"Fluffy's name could be Kunta Kinte fur all Ah care."
  81. >The cart driver's friend is named Taggart
  82. >He's what the niguws would call a "A-grade douchebag"
  83. >Called him that once, got hit
  84. >Haven't cared to do it again
  86. >Be Taggart
  87. >Have to look after whatever the boss tells you to
  88. >For now, it's a Goddamn fluffy he's made sheriff of Rock Ridge
  89. >He could'a just had you rape, kill, and pillage everything in the town rather than go to such lengths
  90. >But hell, then we'd have no story, would we?
  91. >You finally reach Rock Ridge
  92. "Ok yah little fluffy bastard, End o' the line!"
  93. >"Bawt hewe?"
  94. >The little furball looks around while you look him over
  95. >A black fluffy with a brown mane, a tiny hat and a star velcro-ed to his side
  96. >Just what this place needed, a fluffy nigger.
  97. "That's right, now get the hell offa mah cart, yah idjit!"
  98. >Dump the fluffy unceremoniously into the dirt and ride off
  99. >Here a tiny squeaky voice call after you
  100. >"Bye bye dooshbag!"
  101. >Fucking fluffy nigger...
  103. >Be Bart again
  104. >Have a mouthful of dirt and big-horse poopies
  105. "Mouf no taste pwetty..."
  106. >You want to cry, but you don't
  107. >You're a sheriff now
  108. >Sheriff's don't cry!
  109. >... You think
  110. >Must look that up
  111. >Head over to a big place with a picture of a drink on it
  112. >Maybe they have water to wash your mouth!
  113. >As you enter, everyone turns to look at you
  114. >In unison, they all start screaming and shouting
  115. >"A fucking FLUFFY?!"
  116. >"THAT'S our new sheriff?!"
  118. >So many bad words!
  119. "Bawt no wike bad wowds! No make bad wowds!"
  120. >One man walks over to you
  121. >"Whutcha gonna do, little shit? You ain't no sheriff, yer just a fluffy nigger!"
  122. "Bawt IS shewiff! Bawt pwove it, make big owwies on meany man!"
  124. >The man just laughs at you
  125. >"Yer gonna gimme "Big Owwies"? Yeah right! Say "Hi" to mah boot, fluffy!"
  126. >He tries to step on you
  127. >Little does he know that carrying rails and doing labour has made you a speedy friend!
  128. >You bolt under him as he raises his leg, knocking him off balance
  129. >You, lacking any proper motor control to go with your speed, run into a wall, bounce off and land, unharmed, in the piano
  130. >The bad man falls onto a loose floorboard, which launches the spittoon into the air
  131. >Spittoon lands in the lap of the most heavily armed Mexican in the place
  132. >Said Mexican starts mouthing off in Spic-enese, before shooting his bang-stick at everyone he can
  133. >Everyone shoots their bang-sticks back
  134. >You climb out of the piano and start to run at the ugly man who wanted to smoosh you
  135. >Or you would have, until you feel a hand grab you and carry you out of the bar
  136. >"C'mon little fluffy, let's get you outta here..."
  137. "Wet Bawt go! Bawt giff big owwies to ugwy man!"
  138. >Your protestations go unheeded as this new human carries you away
  140. >This new human carries you to a big place with a star on it
  141. >Hey, that looks like the star that Hedy put on your side!
  142. >Small world, huh?
  143. >The human sets you down on the floor and looks at you
  144. >"What're you doin', huh? A sheriff doesn't pick fights, he keeps the peace."
  145. >Aw, you did bad?
  146. "Bawt sowwy... Bawt no good shewiff yet. No be mad at Bawt, pweese!"
  147. >"Ah ain't mad, little guy. Just settin' yah straight. This town ain't the best place for fluffies, let alone a fluffy of yer... colour."
  148. "Bawt is niguw fwuffy!"
  149. >You're happy about that
  150. >Niguws are funny, fluffies are funny, so you must be SUPER funny!
  151. >"... Yeah, sure, whatever. But don't you know? This is the town with the most cross burnings, sorry sticks, burning sorry sticks, sorry crosses and hot-cross buns in the whole Current West!"
  152. "Cuwwent West...? Dun yoo mean Owd West?"
  153. >"I know what I said."
  154. >This human is sure smart
  155. >"I know, I'm a clever guy."
  156. "How'd hooman heaw...?"
  157. >"Never mind all that, now the script calls for exposition!"
  159. >You listen as this mysterious human tells you a few tricks to survive in this fluffy-hating god-fearing town
  160. >The human the vanishes back, back into the ether from whence the plot demanded him
  161. >You don't know how you learned all those big words, but they sound smart
  162. >You waddle around your new office and look at things
  163. >You start singing a little song you learned from your friends
  164. "We biwt dis city... We biwt dis city on wock an' woww..."
  165. >"Stawship no sownd pwetty! Stoopid fwuffy sing nu song!"
  166. >You turn to see who is speaking to you...
  168. -------------
  170. >"Yeah, we're going to have to stop you RIGHT there, Mister Brooks."
  171. "Wassa Matter?"
  173. >Be Mel Brooks
  174. >Be pitching your latest genius script to some Hollywood 'Big-Shots'
  175. >They don't seem pleased
  176. >"Mel, it's not that we don't like your script... I mean, you're a genius. But... Remaking 'Blazing Saddles' with fluffy ponies just seems like pandering to this Biotoy craze."
  177. "Whaddya tawking about? Dis stuff is gold! Fluffies are cahmedy gold-mines!"
  178. >"No, they're pastel-coloured vermin with a penchant for spaghetti."
  179. >"Fwuffy haf sketties?"
  180. "Quiet, Marshall..."
  181. >"We think your new Fluffy Agent is tampering with your otherwise solid writing. I'm sorry Mr Brooks, but 'Blazing Fluffies' will NEVER be a motion picture."
  182. "Ah, ta hell wid alla yahs!"
  183. >You pick up your agent from his water dish and storm out of there
  184. >Once in your car, you and Marshall discuss what went wrong
  185. "Don' lissen to 'em, Marshall. 'Blazin' Fluffies' is pure gold."
  186. >"Dem smucks no no good fiwm if it bit dem!"
  187. "You said a mouthfull, buddy..."
  189. FIN
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