
#PastebinMonday 03/04/2024 The Last Last-Minute Scramble (I Hope) Edition

Mar 4th, 2024
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  1. 'Sup, doods!
  3. I don't have as much done with the tournament broadcast at this point as I wanted to. Focus is proving difficult for me as I get more advanced in age. If I'm listening to people talk, I get distracted paying attention to them. If I'm not listening to people talk, I get bored out of my mind. I don't know if it's a simple addiction or the sign of a deeper problem. I hate how my brain works and it has motivated me to finally see a doctor about my mental issues at my first available opportunity. I need a few months to get around to this
  5. It did not stop me, however, from having a tremendous qualifying session on Saturday. It even got me a new Easy – V-Hard PB thanks to a 7:58 V-Hard. Only one other person in the field has a V-Hard under 8:30, Hard under 7:30, and a Normal under 6:30, leaving me at the 2 seed out of the 18 players signed up at the moment. We'll see how it holds up when the other heavy hitters enter the fray.
  7. The frequency with which I mentally run around in desperation to finish the tournament broadcast in time led me to create a base with which other tournament games can be more quickly adapted. With that almost done, this should be the last last-minute scramble. I hope.
  10. Today's (permanent) extra streaming goals (actual priority is in constant flux):
  12. Goal #5: make a universal LPS broadcast layout that can be quickly adapted to multiple games. I am ready to adapt it specifically to Tetris Attack, requiring a few more scenes to be added.
  13. Goal #6: script and record footage for my Puzzle League tutorial series. I have some scripts left to touch up before feeling comfortable with moving on to recording gameplay. Then I will need to record my talking points and edit it all together. This will need to wait until after the Tetris Attack tournament winds down—top 6, maybe?.
  14. Goal #7: clean up my own stream layout. Most of the framework necessary for a semi-proper stream is done now thanks to streaming the process. Next objective is to make transitions and alerts.
  15. Goal #8: release the Puzzle League tutorial series YouTube shorts once a day until they're all done. I really do think I need to time the release of the series with a ramping up of my streaming schedule so that I can take advantage of whatever there is to gain from releasing the shorts.
  17. This week's schedule:
  19. (IF THERE IS NO MATCH SCHEDULED) Friday @ 9pm-1am EST – Friday Night Salt Mines – First Tetris Attack Matches Tomorrow, Doods!
  20. Saturdays and Sundays will have matches throughout March and April for the duration of the tournament. I will be streaming to Twitch during my own matches. Go watch at!
  23. That’s my life story for the week. Until next time, everyone, be decent to each other. Later, doods!
  25. --Cards
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