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Nov 1st, 2008
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  1. [13:46] <pizzaboy192> just remove anyone with less than 20 posts
  2. 01[13:47] <J-Byrne> No, some people with less than 20 still deserve to be there...
  3. [13:47] <pizzaboy192> or anyone who isnt advanced yet, and posts those dumb ones
  4. [13:47] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> people like you, you mean
  5. [13:47] <pizzaboy192> lol
  6. 01[13:47] <J-Byrne> There the thing, how do you decide...
  7. [13:47] <pizzaboy192> i really dont mind either way, i would just delete those posts...
  8. [13:47] <pizzaboy192> or have a minimum word limit
  9. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> "all posts must be atleast 10 words long"
  10. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> something like that
  11. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> thats stupid
  12. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> why?
  13. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> what if you need to post a single word reply
  14. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> what would it be? "fake" "die" "lol"?
  15. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no
  16. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> 'Who here thinks windows is amazing'
  17. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> not me
  18. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no
  19. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yes
  20. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> maybe
  21. [13:48] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> sorta
  22. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> well
  23. [13:48] <pizzaboy192> 5+ words then
  24. [13:49] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and the amount of code and mods ud have to do
  25. [13:49] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> it wudnt be worth it
  26. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> true...
  27. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> i speak, then i think...
  28. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> sorry
  29. [13:49] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> well swap them around
  30. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> praise the lord for the delete key
  31. [13:49] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> the lord doesnt exist
  32. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> really?
  33. [13:49] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yes
  34. [13:49] <pizzaboy192> why do you say that?
  35. [13:50] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> well strictly speaking i shouldnt, i should say that i infact, dont believe there is a god
  36. [13:50] <pizzaboy192> oh
  37. [13:50] <pizzaboy192> so your an athiest?
  38. [13:50] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yes
  39. [13:50] <pizzaboy192> kewl
  40. [13:50] <pizzaboy192> never met one
  41. [13:51] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> because i dont like the idea that im gonna go to hell and burn for enternity just because of my beliefs or preferences
  42. [13:51] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> if jesus died for all our sins, why cant we sin?
  43. [13:52] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and if we sin we go to hell and burn for eternity, and yet god loves us?
  44. [13:53] <pizzaboy192> we can sin
  45. [13:53] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yeah i spose, but we'll burn in hell for it
  46. [13:53] <pizzaboy192> we can sin, and we are forgiven for it
  47. [13:53] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no we're not
  48. [13:53] <pizzaboy192> the only way you will burn is if you say that jesus wont
  49. [13:54] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> err, you need to read the bible my friend, the only mentioning of forgiveness is when jesus died for our sins
  50. [13:54] <pizzaboy192> thats all the forgiveness we need
  51. [13:54] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> that confession shit that catholics made up is to make up for this void
  52. [13:54] <pizzaboy192> <german lutheran
  53. [13:54] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> so hang on
  54. [13:54] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no what
  55. [13:54] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> that doesnt make sense
  56. [13:55] <pizzaboy192> the only person you need to confess a sin to is yourself
  57. [13:55] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> wrong, the bible doesnt say that
  58. [13:55] <pizzaboy192> when you acknowledge that you sinned, then you can ask for forgiveness
  59. [13:55] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but the bible doesnt say anyware you can ask for forgiveness
  60. [13:55] <pizzaboy192> it does
  61. [13:55] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no it doesnt
  62. [13:55] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i sir, have read the bible, in my boredness
  63. [13:55] <pizzaboy192> what part of the bible?
  64. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> beginning, middle or end?
  65. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> new testement
  66. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> ok
  67. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no point reading the old
  68. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> now, when you read it, did you read where jesus says "your sins are forgiven" multiple times
  69. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> jesus says in the new testement to disregard everything that happened before him
  70. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> ?
  71. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> where?
  72. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> cant remember
  73. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but its in there
  74. [13:56] <pizzaboy192> ok
  75. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> thats why even though the old testement says that christians cant eat shell fish
  76. [13:56] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> they do anyway
  77. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> because its ruled out
  78. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and yes
  79. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> that is in the bible
  80. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> the only reason God told them to do that, is because they did not have a proper way to cook the shell fish
  81. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> God has the good of the people in his mind
  82. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but if you eat shellfish and hate homosexuals because its in the bible then ur a hipocrite
  83. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> he does not want you to burn in hell
  84. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> because thats in the old testement too
  85. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yes he does
  86. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> true
  87. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> being gay is not bad
  88. [13:57] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> why would there be a hell if he didnt want u to burn in it
  89. [13:57] <pizzaboy192> having wild gay sex is
  90. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no it isnt
  91. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> personal preferance
  92. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and why would god go
  93. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> 'damn they cant cook shellfish, ill make it a sin to eat them'
  94. [13:58] <pizzaboy192> there is a hell for the people who choose to go against god
  95. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> exactly
  96. [13:58] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but he loves us
  97. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and doesnt want us to burn in hell
  98. [13:59] <pizzaboy192> yes, would god want you to die because of some sickness?
  99. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yeah
  100. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> or he wudnt have created sickness
  101. [13:59] <pizzaboy192> he loves us, but if we dont love him, he wont reach out to help
  102. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> as he created everything
  103. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> thats a poor excuse to bridge the gap
  104. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you're making crap up now
  105. [13:59] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> it doesnt say that in the bible
  106. [13:59] <pizzaboy192> he did not create sickness, Adam and EVE created sickness when they used free will to eat the forbidden fruit
  107. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> wrong
  108. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> he created sickness
  109. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> they just released it
  110. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and because of what is written in the bible
  111. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> began 10,000 years of women being looked down on
  112. [14:00] <pizzaboy192> true
  113. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and apparently the bible is gods word
  114. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but he loves us?
  115. [14:00] <pizzaboy192> but that was because someone had free will
  116. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> so because of him
  117. [14:00] <pizzaboy192> god loves us
  118. [14:00] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> billions of women
  119. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> have been beaten to death
  120. [14:01] <pizzaboy192> he does not want us to die, he wants to save us, but we have to do our part
  121. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> as a indirect result of what he has put in the bible
  122. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but hang on, he created the universe, why stop?
  123. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> he created everything
  124. [14:01] <happydude> SEX
  125. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and loves us
  126. [14:01] <pizzaboy192> he put what he put in the bible, and people twisted what he said
  127. 03[14:01] * happydude ( has left #betas
  128. 06[14:01] * @Andy is going to bed, bai
  129. [14:01] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> Indeed.
  130. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> this conversation is over
  131. [14:02] <@Andy> lol didn't even realise it was 3am
  132. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> neither did i
  133. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> lol
  134. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i shud go
  135. [14:02] <@Andy> =D
  136. [14:02] <@Andy> bai
  137. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> bai
  138. 03[14:02] * @Andy ( has left #betas
  139. [14:02] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> pizzaboy192: watch this:
  140. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and this:
  141. [14:03] <pizzaboy192> well...
  142. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi>
  143. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and come back and tell me religeon isnt a load of fat bollocks
  144. [14:03] <pizzaboy192> i must say: if god wanted us to die, why did he just kill adam and eve instead of letting them live?
  145. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> easy
  146. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> *why didnt he just kill them?
  147. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> why should he?
  148. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> plus, he didnt even create them, because he doesnt exist
  149. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> he didnt kill them, because he wanted them to be saved
  150. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> the bible is nothing more than a book
  151. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> why
  152. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> dude
  153. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> think of it like this
  154. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> its like a person who is falling, they can only be saved if they do their part
  155. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you know lego?
  156. [14:03] <pizzaboy192> yes
  157. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> right
  158. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you make something awesome
  159. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yeah
  160. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but you dont wanna break it
  161. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> right?
  162. [14:03] <pizzaboy192> right, you want to fix it when it gets Fukked up
  163. [14:03] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> think of that as god with adam and eve
  164. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but imagine
  165. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> if you made trillions of them
  166. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you wouldnt give a shit if one broke
  167. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> well...
  168. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> if we're in the image of god
  169. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> think of it this way
  170. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and we're like god
  171. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> why wouldnt he think that
  172. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> instead of trillions that are the same, you make trillions that are each differant
  173. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yeah
  174. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> like trillions that each have a personality
  175. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> each have a purpose
  176. [14:04] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no
  177. [14:04] <pizzaboy192> that another doeosnt
  178. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no
  179. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> nobody in this world
  180. [14:05] <pizzaboy192> you are saying that you arent differant than any other person out ther?
  181. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> has a purpose
  182. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yeha pretty much
  183. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> im the same as billions of other people
  184. [14:05] <pizzaboy192> well... i can prove that one wrong
  185. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> can you now
  186. [14:05] <pizzaboy192> you are basically saying that you are like hitler, like fidel castero...
  187. 03[14:05] * happydude ( has joined #betas
  188. [14:05] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yep
  189. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i am
  190. [14:06] <pizzaboy192> but at the same time you are saying that you are like bill gates, and steve jobs.
  191. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yep
  192. [14:06] <pizzaboy192> and still you are like the worlds worst killers.
  193. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yep
  194. [14:06] <pizzaboy192> and the people in PETA.
  195. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i dont act like them though
  196. [14:06] <pizzaboy192> but how?
  197. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> err well
  198. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> im human
  199. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> im only human, i just didnt take the same path in life
  200. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> as any of those people
  201. [14:06] <pizzaboy192> so basically, you wouldnt mind if someone came and killed your family, because we have no purpose in life?
  202. 03[14:06] * happydude ( has left #betas
  203. [14:06] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no, i would hate that
  204. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> right
  205. 03[14:07] * happydude ( has joined #betas
  206. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but imaging if you killed a family of lego people
  207. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> would you give a damn?
  208. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no
  209. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> u wouldnt
  210. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> but we arent legos
  211. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> we are people
  212. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> no its a metaphor
  213. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> we are not the same as everyone else, we are all differant
  214. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> its comparing god to you, and us to lego
  215. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> we are like bricks for legos
  216. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> okay even then
  217. [14:07] <pizzaboy192> we each have a job
  218. [14:07] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> if all ur lego people were different
  219. [14:08] <pizzaboy192> if you were one lego, and i am another, i cant do your job
  220. [14:08] <Andrew> Quoted: <pizzaboy192> we are not the same as everyone else, we are all differant
  221. [14:08] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> and let me ask you a question
  222. 01[14:08] <J-Byrne> God this is boring to read...
  223. [14:08] <Andrew> Indeed.
  224. [14:08] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> so?
  225. [14:08] <pizzaboy192> im a german lutheran, i am bred to help those in need
  226. [14:08] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> but you're different
  227. [14:08] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> being bred makes you the same
  228. 01[14:08] <J-Byrne> I am Australian, bred t not give a shit...
  229. [14:08] <@BA_Bot> J-Byrne: Stop swearing! You have been warned 3 times out of 3
  230. [14:09] <pizzaboy192> well...
  231. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i am english, born to drink tea and que up just to have a bloody good moan afterwards
  232. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> dude
  233. [14:09] <pizzaboy192> if we were all the same, we wouldnt even be having this converstion
  234. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> yes we would
  235. [14:09] <pizzaboy192> why?
  236. 01[14:09] <J-Byrne> Don't forget invade other countries, and kill natives :P
  237. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you just said we were all different
  238. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> ahh
  239. [14:09] <pizzaboy192> we would be all the same
  240. [14:09] <pizzaboy192> you said we are all the same
  241. [14:09] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> the true american spirit
  242. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> and we arent, obviously
  243. [14:10] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you said we were different
  244. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> we are differant
  245. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> but you said we are all the same
  246. [14:10] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> dude i really cant be shitted with this anymore
  247. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> ok
  248. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> 1 more metaphore
  249. [14:10] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> how about i tell you a story
  250. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> lets say we were all the same
  251. [14:10] <pizzaboy192> and someone killed the person next to you
  252. [14:11] <pizzaboy192> you wouldnt care, but the person who worked hard to make that person would
  253. [14:11] <Andrew> Here's a methaphor: "pizzaboy192 aka [Billy]"
  254. [14:11] <pizzaboy192> how is that?
  255. [14:11] <pizzaboy192> im a german lutheran
  256. [14:11] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> my uncle worked in a charity shop as well as doing his full time job, for 20 years, he got cancer and died. Hitler didnt.
  257. [14:11] <pizzaboy192> [Billy] is an ass
  258. [14:11] <Andrew> Indeed.
  259. [14:11] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> dude i cant be fucked
  260. [14:11] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> i know i won coz ur arguments were mostly made up
  261. [14:12] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> you havnt even read what you believe in
  262. [14:12] <pizzaboy192> ki-chi-mi: he did what he needed to do, god called him home, and he is in peace
  263. 03[14:12] * Andrew ( has left #betas
  264. [14:12] <@Ki-Chi-Mi> so god
  265. [14:12] <pizzaboy192> doing good works has nothing to do with being saved
  266. 02[14:12] * Disconnected
  267. Session Close: Sat Nov 01 14:12:20 2008
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