

Nov 5th, 2017
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  1. They seem cagey about race, willing to downplay it, and probably not aware of why race matters. Which means they wont maintain it under scrutiny or the passage of time. All which is not explicit wont stay implicit.
  3. The phrase "all institutions which are not explicitly right wing will become left wing" matters for an issue by issue basis too. Cuckservatives have only remained right wing on economics, and even then their ideas accept left wing premises on non-economic issues which colors the outcomes of their economics, namely support for mass immigration because they think people are fungible.
  6. Being assimilationists doesnt preclude white nationalism, nor does the views of a founder. On aggregate, the closest thing to what they believed is white nationalism. It wasn't just ethnic nationalism, granted it wasnt treating all whites as interchangeable BUT white nationalism has never necessarily meant that. It can and does for some, but there's no law or defined white nationalism. It's not a discreet ideology. It can be everything from the equivalent of "Asian/Latino advocacy" in its support for all white groups in their self-determination to pan-europeanism. For most it is the former.
  7. The people peddling it as being pan-europeanist are either trying to discredit it or are pan-euros themselves. It's not a majority view as the unpopularity of Spencer's pan-euro ways shows.
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