

Dec 11th, 2017
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  1. 19:03 Astaroth- It was a nice and peaceful day in Neon. The sun was shinning, Birds were singing, and the Park was as green as ever! The perfect day to go outside. Of course a good chunk of Neons citizens didn't do this, and who can blame them? Even a Peaceful day can turn sour nearly instantly. And in Neon someone like that can happen at any moment. Things can be all hunky
  2. 19:04 Astaroth- dory, but then the Sky slips apart of a Universe made of Flesh slips through! Although this time the crack wasn't forming in the sky, but the ground of Neons biggest park!. Through out the morning a small crack has been moving across one side of the park to the other. And when the clock struck noon people would finally notice the Crack. Though that is because
  3. 19:04 Astaroth- the Entire park started to shake. The Crack grew wider and wider, land and trees falling into the gaping hole. And while at first it seemed the hole just lead to Emptiness, it wasn't long before something started to come up. And everyone around heard it as Rock music was blasting from out of the hole! From the deepest depths of Hell came a Stage. It was like
  4. 19:04 Astaroth- Something you'd see on TV. An area for the Contestants, the Host, and a large Screen that most likely projects questions. The biggest difference however was how it was built. Bones and something that looked like Flesh made up the material. Minus the Screen which was just a normal video screen. If how it was made and how it came to
  5. 19:04 Astaroth- the surface wasn't enough proof that this stage came from Hell, then the host would certainly fix anyone wrongly thinking. His Skin was a dark red color. Ten Golden horns going around his head forming a Crown, along with two other Horns on the side of his head that loops down, much like Ram horns. His hair was long and shaggy, beautiful despite the chance
  6. 19:04 Astaroth- that Hell doesn't have normal Showers. He wore a Slick Black Leather suit, and had a Cane the shape of a Snake in his right hand "Grrrrreatings Neon City! I am the Great Demon Duke of Hell, Astaroth! Host of Hells most popular TV show, 'ANSWER. OR. DIE'!" A crowd suddenly appeared around the stage. People from all over Neon poofing into seats in small
  7. 19:04 Astaroth- burst of Flames "Now I know what you're thinking. 'Hell has TV?' Well of Course we do! Torturing dammed Souls can get a bit boring and tiring after a few Hundred years, so The Big Guy decided to start Hell TV to keep the Demons entertained. And let me torture poor souls in New and Creative ways! And for our 1000 Episode, we had to do something Special. So we
  8. 19:04 Astaroth- came to one of the most Sinful cities in America! We tried going to Vegas but there wasn't an opening in the time slots till 2025, so here we are!" Imps were crawling all around the Stage. Getting things set up that needed to be. "For those watching at home, you probably have noticed that every channel just leads just back to Me. Well that is the point. Gotta
  9. 19:04 Astaroth- get those views however we can. But don't worry, some of you won't have to watch for long. Because We're going to summon our Contestants at Random! Everyone in this City has a Chance to star on our show! Against their free will of course. So lets stop talking and meet the Poor suckers who have to play this game"
  10. 19:13 EthanMaksimov flashed into view in a quick pucker of flame and ash against his knowledge. "What the f-" He said briefly to himself, realizing he wasn't sitting at home anymore. Instead, he was behind some small booth made of a gorey substance and bone cartilage.
  11. 19:15 Astaroth- "Our first Contestant is..." A small Imp came near Astaroth, handing him a piece of paper "Ethan Marksimov! Now is it just me or does he look like he should be working for me Down under?"
  12. 19:18 Breakdown follows suit at the adjacent podium in another gout of flame. " What the Whizbang!?" He exclaimed taking in the blasted hellscape that was network tv. Oh, and Hell, too. He had only just returned home and was already being pulled into nonsense. "Well... wouldn't be home without all Hell literally breaking loose." He commented, getting his bearings
  13. 19:21 Astaroth- "Next up is" Once more an Imp came to the Demon with some paper "Breakdown? You couldn't get the guys real name?" The imp shrugged "Fine fine I can work with this. Lets hope he wont /breakdown/ and cry!...You're fired Bobby" The imp bursts into flames, but not the teleporting kind
  14. 19:21 EthanMaksimov "It's Maksimov, and I work for nobody, especially not some halloween lookin' fuck like you." He growled and pointed angrily at the demonic host. He clearly had a bad temper and was probably giving Hell's censors a bad time. "You better explain what's going on here, I ain't got time for this."
  15. 19:22 Sinclair appeared third, and he wasn't happy about it at all. The infamous villain had his arms crossed as he looked, if it could be described as that, right at the host. "Is Satan trying to step on my turf again?! You go and tell him, he can try all he wants, he's not getting his clammy hands on this soul!"
  16. 19:26 Astaroth- "Now I don't need a note for our next guest. Sinclair! I've heard a lot about you. In fact I even brought along the list of your Sins!" He pulled a scroll from his jacket. "Lets see" The bottom of the scroll fell and rolled away, the list growing longer and longer as it went "Someone go get that. I don't want Beelzebub yelling at me again"
  17. 19:26 Astaroth- "And don't worry your pretty little face off, All Sinners go to Him in time"
  18. 19:28 ATM "-lest extent of the law..." His fist raised high in the air as if previously holding something above him, ATM quietly processed he that he had suddenly arrived in a new setting by unknown means. Lowering his arm he took in his new surroundings trying to understand what had occured. In his cold digital voice he inquired to anyone who may hear him. "Where is Guerrila Gun. His crimes will not go unpunished."
  19. 19:28 Sinclair "I'd only be so lucky to end up elbow to elbow with the moody fallen angel with daddy problems halfway in an ice lake, what a wonderful fate."
  20. 19:30 Breakdown "You?" fell out of Break's mouth in surprise after Sinclair poofed in next to him and was summarily introduced as well. Who would have thought the first familiar face Breakdown encountered would be his. When the next contestant joined them, Break squinted behind his red lensed goggles at the robot "Wishing Well? Is that you?"
  21. 19:32 Astaroth- "And our Final Contestant" A new imp came to Astaroth, clearly scared as it avoided the ash remains of its friend. "Wishing Wells!...Hmm. Something seems, off about him. Ah well doesn't matter we got our 6 Conterstants. But don't feel bad Viewer at home, I might just bring more of you in for Surprise, gotta keep the 1000 episode Fresh." He looked at Ethan
  22. 19:32 Astaroth- "And you do have time Lava boy. Our show isn't schedule to leave till 6:06 and 6 seconds PM, we'll have lots of fun in the meantime"
  23. 19:37 ATM turned to the airship entrepeneur and gave him a brief robotic stare, analyzing his appearance. "Greetings Hero Breakdown. Wishing Well is my father's alias. I am Automaton B-1. You may refer to me as ATM. I was apprehending a criminal when I wound up in this setting. Who is responsible? They are obstructing justice."
  24. 19:40 Sinclair "They couldn't get the blasted banker for me to exact revenge upon, but they could bring us one of his robots. Do you remember what he did to me, machine?"
  25. 18:47 Breakdown "Well, safe bet is on the Demon in the Doublebreasted suit over there." Break replied gesturing his thumb over to our host, as it were. " Though, I wouldn't put some theatrics like this past Revolver Ocelot over here." he continued, nodding his head to the red-headed rascal between them
  26. 18:48 Sinclair "This is all too gaudy for something of my liking!" He defended.
  27. 18:48 EthanMaksimov was visibly annoyed. "You think I'm staying for this? For fun and games? Don't you have some hole in hell you can wallow in instead? I'm getting real mad at how people like you take up my time with stupid-" He looked at his surroundings. "Apocalyptic Reality TV type bullshit like usual? Give me a break." He gawked at Astaroth.
  28. 18:49 ATM turned his attention the faceless man in garrish red and gave him the same analyzing stare. "Greetings Villain Sinclair. You are not currently within any known warrants for your arrest but know that your actions are being monitored. Your defeat at the hands of my father is well known."
  29. 18:50 Sinclair pointed his big red finger at ATM. "When this is done, you. I am going to do to you what he did to me. Just for what you said there. Rockem sockem robots, you and me buddy."
  30. 18:52 ATM "That threat has been recorded and will be submitted as evidence of any future assault on my person."
  31. 18:52 Astaroth- "ATM? Well I suppose Wells watching one of his creations no doubt lose and get destroyed shall be good enough. And as for you Ethan, you don't really have a choice in the matter. You don't want to anger the Audience. And I'm not talking about the normal humans watching." He pointed downwards "Now, to explain just what this Show is about"
  32. 18:54 Astaroth- "Answer or Die is split into three sections. First is the Question! You'll be asked stuff that shall burn your mind and rock your Soul to its very core. Each question is worth 5 points, and whoever wins at the end of the game shall gain an Advantage in the next section. Which I'm not going to spoil Just yet. Oh! And I almost forgot, the player with the Least
  33. 18:56 Astaroth- amount of Points shall have to face a PUNISHMENT! Now don't worry this won't kill you, unfortunately we aren't allowed to technically do that. That doesn't mean we can't break you down bit by bit however. Everyone understand?"
  34. 18:57 ATM "This game doesn't sound properly sanctioned."
  35. 18:57 Breakdown "Few things in this town are."
  36. 18:57 Sinclair "Will this be televised on local TV? National? International?"
  37. 18:58 Sinclair "Is this some online stream? I can see you behind your screens, you damn beasts."
  38. 18:59 Astaroth- "Right now only Neon can watch. But a special edition blu-ray will be available for purchase after the show. And don't worry you machine, Big S is approved of this show months ago"
  39. 19:00 Sinclair "Watchers at home, deny them their sales and put the stream up online for free!"
  40. 19:01 Astaroth- "Dammit, get the copyright striker Imps ready"
  41. 19:04 EthanMaksimov "What are the questions about? Trivia? Shit about Hell that absolutely nobody knows?"
  42. 19:06 Breakdown begins surreptitiously tapping the floor behind his stand amidst the activity, listening for hollow spots which could entail trap doors or some other booby trap. Any information he could glean about how this set works was good information.
  43. 19:07 Astaroth- For a few seconds it seemed like Astaroth was trying to hold back the answer "Anything I want really. But we always give our Contestants a chance to win. Even if it isn't' that big of one" He then noticed Breakdown messing with his booth "Now now, don't try to mess with your booth too much. The Punishment won't come from there. But that reminds me, I should
  44. 19:12 Astaroth- go over the Rules. Rule 1, No trying to Escape. You'd be surprised how fast our Imps are, and any attempt will receive immediate Punishment. Actually breaking any of these Rules will cause that to happen. Rule two, no Internet, This means you Robot. Rule three, no attacking the host." He looked right at Sinclair when he said that
  45. 19:14 ATM had come to the realization that this game was rather frivolous. "This is inconsequential." He left his booth and attempted to leave the stage, "I believe I have greater responsibilities than entertaining a themed television show. I apologize but I must leave."
  46. 19:15 Breakdown "ATM, don't!"
  47. 19:17 Astaroth- Suddenly something flew out of the Cavern Below. It was big, really big. Red scales covering every inch of its body, Eyes glowing with Fire and Hate. Wings span bigger then an Airplane! It was a God Dammed Dragon, literally. "Oh, forgot to mention my little Pet. You should really learn your Demon lore Robot. Now come on back here so we can Begin"
  48. 19:19 ATM stopped in his tracks and assumed a defensive posture, as baffled as machine could be. "I do not understand."
  49. 19:19 Sinclair "Ahhh, so that is why we have to stay up here."
  50. 19:20 Sinclair "Fine, I'll play your games, devil!"
  51. 19:20 Sinclair "Wouldn't be the first we've danced in the pale moonlight."
  52. 19:20 Breakdown "Honestly, I was expecting worse."
  53. 19:20 Astaroth- "I thought we made a deal to never talk about that night"
  54. 19:21 Sinclair "Gutter mind!"
  55. 19:23 ATM retreated back his booth, heeding the warnings of this others. He didn't quite believe the authenticity of the situation but felt it was in his best interest. "Demon. You've been placed under criminal suspicion."
  56. 19:25 Astaroth- "Blame my vacation to the second circle. Now Since we didn't technically begin I'll be nice and let this slide. No Punishment. But try me again and I'll break you down bit by bit, Literally" Music started to play, Glowing hellfire forms on the front of the booths. A flaming 0, the points. "Shall we? I dont think the Audience wants to wait any longer"
  57. 19:26 Astaroth- "Only a Suspect? I'll need to up my game"
  58. 19:29 EthanMaksimov "You better start with these questions. I'm starting to think this whole thing is just for shits and, or giggles."
  59. 19:45 Astaroth- "Ehem. First Question! Which Eldritch Abomination said this quote: 'CLMURTH'GLAMDO'GAL T'THOKQ'MOLOVGOTH!' For anyone watching who has bleeding ears dont worry that should vanish after a few minutes" A timer formed on the screen, giving the Contestants a minute to answer
  60. 19:46 Breakdown "Uhhhhhhhh..."
  61. 19:47 ATM "I...I've no record of a criminal under that name."
  62. 19:50 Sinclair "Eldritch abomination? What in- Uhhh, Nyarlathotep? I didn't read those pretentious books they hit far too close to home sometimes."
  63. 19:53 *** Ethan-Maksimov quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  64. 20:01 Breakdown "Any answer is better than no answer... Cthulu?"
  65. 20:04 ATM "I submit the Maze Master. His labyrinthine debauchery served for many criminal monologues, some even of foreign language."
  66. 20:25 Astaroth- "I swear seconds becomes days on this show." The timer reached 0 right after Ethans answer "Not bad answers...well maybe Satan and Mazemaster, but at least two of you gave something that can be correct. Sadly it isn't as the Correct answer is NUG! Good ol Parent of Cthulhu and makes a mad turkey stuffing. Sadly no points for anyone"
  67. 20:30 Astaroth- "Next Question! As I said I am a Great Duke of Hell, but I don't work alone...Well, Here I do but you get what I mean. Name is one Demon who, like me, is also a Grrreat Duke of Hell! Although I wouldn't be surprised if you don't know any others, I am quiet the Popular one"
  68. 20:39 Astaroth- "Oh and to make it MORE interesting you can't name the same Duke as someone else. There are plenty of them don't you worry your little mortal minds"
  69. 20:41 Ethan-Maksimov threw a slight temper tantrum in the booth. "What the fuck? Why do you expect anybody to know this?" His voice sorta strained from the stress he was so easily succumbed to. "I pick Satan. Again. Maybe next time pick more trivial shit."
  70. 20:45 Breakdown mulled over the question and his neighbor's response. "He's right, these questions are unreasonable." Breakdown thought "I'll bet if none of us win, we all lose." Still, he should at least venture to name something. Eventually something might stick "Never thought I'd regret not paying attention in Sunday School... Mephistopheles?"
  71. 20:51 Sinclair let off a scoff. "Demonology is incredibly tacky, you know. In the criminal underworld you can always tell those trying too hard by the ones that try to screw with demon things. But fine, ahhhhhhh, Barbados? I think that's one, or it's a country."
  72. 21:01 ATM took a second to take in the prior answers, running them through his mind for any use but falling short. "I'll make use of your criminal insight. As far as my own limited knowledge goes..." ATM briefly stood quietly, subtle whirring noises of his inner mechanics coming from his person. "I was told by my father of one by the name of Azazel. He vigilantly monitors his activity very often as well other demonic entities from
  73. 21:01 ATM Japan. I submit him."
  74. 21:11 Astaroth- "It figures that He'll get the first points, but the Correct one of you is, Sinclair!" The 0 on Sinclairs booth shrunk down to a small ball of Fire, before reforming into a 5 "Rest of you should really try harder. I never mentioned that if someone ties for last place, Both contestants must face a Punishment Did I? Well you know now~"
  75. 21:13 Sinclair "So, why is the country called that anyway? It seems in very poor taste to name a country after a demon. It is the Caribbean though, so..."
  76. 21:19 Astaroth- "Now this next question is something we down below get blamed for all the time, And don't take me wrong its a compliment to say we made something so Torturous and Despised, But hehe, This is all You Humanity. Some of you might have realized what I'm talking about. Thats right, the Next Questions is..."
  77. 21:20 Astaroth- Solve 4log³ x = log³ 6,561
  78. 21:20 Astaroth- "MATH!"
  79. 21:20 Ethan-Maksimov "... Shit."
  80. 21:31 Breakdown "Finally, something I can wrap my head around." Break replied excitedly. With a quick motion, he drew his goggles up off his eyes and he studied the equation. A series of mutterings left his mouth softly and drawing his finger across his podium as he worked it out. "nnnnnn... Nine." he answered, having come up with something
  81. 21:34 Ethan-Maksimov looked at Breakdown. Then did a quick turn at Astaroth. "What goggles said." He grinned with fair certainty.
  82. 21:35 ATM didn't take any more than a second to respond with "Nine".
  83. 21:36 Sinclair "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, three."
  84. 21:43 Astaroth- "The Machine and Breakdown are correct! And Since I'm a nice Duke, I'm going to give Ethan that 'answer'. Mostly so I can watch you all Squirm as you try to win, and everyone being equal makes that happen sooner" Ethans, Breakdown and ATM's 0s all turned into 5s "For a guy who is ancient you'd think he'd be good at Math by now"
  85. 21:46 Sinclair "When the calculator was invented I basically stopped trying, really."
  86. 21:49 ATM "And in time you will be obsolete."
  87. 21:50 Sinclair "Holy moly, a talking ATM machine!"
  88. 21:53 Astaroth- "Question number 4!...Well this doesn't seem that fun! Ah well."
  89. 21:53 Astaroth- "What is the most Evil, Vile, Disgusting thing you have ever witnessed?...What? You thought I meant no fun for me? No No, I meant not that much fun for You four. Hopefully some of you have PTSD so we can get even better ratings!"
  90. 21:53 Astaroth- "And this question is more a matter of Answering Truthfully, Or not at all. Just don't blame me when you end up punished."
  91. 21:55 Astaroth- The massive Dragon landed behind them "And just a little precaution so we get the full truth~"
  92. 22:03 Ethan-Maksimov tapped his chin and leaned over on the booth. "Most disturbing, disgusting thing, huh? When I was a kid, My pap showed me a showreel of all the nasty things the Soviets done, including this one real close-up of a soviet tank driving over some guy who was shot. Stuck with me." He leaned back.
  93. 22:12 Breakdown "I've seen alot." Break said flatly. "Part of the territory when you wander around aimlessly looking for highs, you get alot of lows... I watched my Grandpa die, I saw a Corporation eat my future, I've seen men rob a circus, I've been to war..." He stopped there a moment, drawing his goggles back down. "I was working at a medical aid station out in Scania...
  94. 22:15 Breakdown A kid came in, couldn't have been 12, broken all to hell. Name was Daoud. We spent hours putting the kid back together best as we could, and he made it. He had a lengthy recovery, and over that time I got to know him. He laughed and smiled just like the rest of us. Real good kid, just taught all the stuff you'd expect to hear...
  95. 22:17 Breakdown I talked with him alot and he seemed I seemed to get through. He hugged me on the day that he was to be released. And as he walked out, I noticed he was counting steps... I think the rest explains itself.
  96. 22:18 Astaroth- "Yes but if you don't say so I won't award points~"
  97. 22:18 Breakdown I don't care.
  98. 22:19 Astaroth- "...Fair enough"
  99. 22:19 Sinclair mused on this, sitting on top of his own podium with one leg swung over the other. "Sorry ducky, but my memory is not really all that there. I'm sure I've done and seen plenty of terrible things but that's no good for public television, is it? Let's settle with your gangly face and call it a day, Mister Roth."
  100. 22:20 Sinclair "That has to be a compliment where you're from, right? You really are an evil mess."
  101. 22:20 Sinclair "I can't vomit it'd end up inside of my mask, but know, I'm putting a lot of willpower into not doing it right now."
  102. 22:21 Astaroth- "Very Original Sinclair. I'm the answer to the question, Haven't heard that one a Thousand times before."
  103. 22:21 Sinclair "Repeated results leads to scientific proof, dear."
  104. 22:22 Sinclair "But I really cannot recall these things, if I must be honest."
  105. 22:22 Sinclair "I've a very short term memory."
  106. 22:22 Sinclair "Age can... do that, at times."
  107. 22:22 Ethan-Maksimov "Wait, do we get points if we insult the host? Is he being serious about that answer to the question thing?"
  108. 22:23 Sinclair "If it's been done a thousand times before it must be a correct answer, logically speaking."
  109. 22:24 Astaroth- "Technically he spoke the Truth and gave an Answer. As did Breakdown even if he didn't go into the juicy Details. So I can't technically give them no points. Don't have to give them the full points either but lets hear what the Machine has to say before all that, ATM?"
  110. 22:25 ATM was wracked in his own thought, reaching a dead end in his pursuit of fear. "I believe..
  111. 22:26 ATM "I believe I do not know fear. I don't believe I can answer this correctly." He seemed rather confused.
  112. 22:29 Astaroth- "This isn't about Fear my BoyBot. I'm sure you have a recording device in there, how about you show us what you believe is the Highest Crimial act you've seen, I'm sure THAT is worth some points. Just Don't expect help like this again, Its only cause you're an emotionless Robot and I wanna keep this Pain Train going"
  113. 22:29 Ethan-Maksimov shouts at Astaroth. "OI! You're an ugly, awkward long nosed looking fuck with weird greasy looking hair and you probably don't get enough wet on your dick! You look like a frog that grew wings, you look like my grandmother! FATOKU LEPKEVAADAAAS!" The last few words he screamed in strain and fell into a hysteria of laughter.
  114. 22:30 Astaroth- "So your Grandmother is extremely Ugly? I can see the family resemblance"
  115. 22:35 Ethan-Maksimov stopped laughing and was quite personally hurt, visibly angered by his remark. "Oi, shut up, demon. Get out with the questions." He waved him off.
  116. 22:36 Astaroth- "After the Machine decides if he wants points or not"
  117. 22:39 Ethan-Maksimov "I still better get those points for all that." He grumbled.
  118. 22:40 ATM "The most heinous crime I've witnessed thus far have been of that of the incarcerated 'Armed and Dangerous.' He strangled several civilians in a fit of rage after being cornered in a local diner establisment. He had committed a prior robbery and was given chase."
  119. 22:40 ATM "He had a strange fixation with strangling."
  120. 22:41 ATM "I've yet to study more severe criminal recordings."
  121. 22:47 Astaroth- "...Good enough. In fact besides Ethan and Breakdown all the answers were 'good enough'. So Sin and ATM shall get 2 points, Break 3 for not going all the way, and Ethan gets 4 because I'm the host and you should never insult who controls the points"
  122. 22:47 Astaroth- Ethan now had 9, Breakdown 8, and Sinclair and ATM both at 7
  123. 22:47 Astaroth- "The big dumb Lavaman is in the lead, Always the unexpected on this show"
  124. 22:52 Breakdown "Wait... they got less points for a good answer?" Breakdown asked, brow furrowed. "Ohhhh, slag."
  125. 22:53 Ethan-Maksimov chuckles like Mark Hardy. "Dumb? I'm too smart for this, that's what. It's not my fault these incompetents can't keep up." Only adding fuel to the fire that is his ego.
  126. 23:01 Astaroth- "We'll be right back Folks. And remember this Episode of ANSWER, OR, DIE is brought to you by EA....Ahahah, no no just kiddi-" A small imp handed him a note "Whats this?...Well, seems we actually are sponsored by EA now! Go buy 'Space Wars FightAdvance 2' while we run our commercials"
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