
4chan Hazbin Hotel story - games

Jan 24th, 2021
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  1. from /hhg/ Hazbin Hotel general #559
  2. -----
  3. Want to play a game?
  4. -
  6. This
  7. Fucking this
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  9. okay thats a perfect representation of how Angel fucking wins!
  10. >Anon is still trying to figure out how he fucking lost
  11. >Charlie and Vaggie throw on some shades and start screaming wildly and high fiving Angel Dust
  12. >Anons world as he knows it has just been fucking annihilated
  13. >this is it, this is the day anon blows his fucking brains out
  14. >oh wait right... he's dead
  15. >Anon now has to come to terms that maybe Angel is smarter than he appears
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  17. >anons face when
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  19. Guys, it's just fucking Chess.
  20. All you have to do is keep in mind which piece can do what. Afterwards, you can logically predict what your opponents next move will be.
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  22. Anon you gotta understand the situation here. HE LOST TO FUCKING ANGEL DUST!
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  24. I'm just tired of people using chess as an arbiter of intelligence.
  25. It's not. It's literally a logical guessing game.
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  27. the point is it requires someone with a cognitive abilites to play games and its sort of implied that Angel is stupid and only thinks about drugs and fucking
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  29. I'd like to think angel is really intelligent. He just doesn't want to use it
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  31. That or he just doesn't know how to express it properly
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  33. he probably is, but if you think from a character's point of view he comes off as brash and selfish.
  34. I'd expect some sort of character development later on that shows him becoming a better person and showing how far he's come
  35. ---
  36. "Fuck it lets try another board game!"
  37. >Anon knocks over the chess board sending its pieces flying
  38. >Its Othello
  39. >Angels playing white and Anon playing black
  40. >the pieces begin to flip white to black and black to white
  41. >eventually the whole board becomes a full fledge white smiley face with black eyes
  42. >Anon loses again
  43. "A-am I having a fucking stroke right now?!"
  44. >"maybe you are" Vaggie chimes in "You are shaking quite a bit and your face is red as fuck, should we call an ambulance or a fire truck?!"
  45. >Vaggie begins laughing
  46. >"Sorry toots I haven't lost a game of Othello in years"
  47. "w-wait you PLAY THINKING GAMES!?"
  48. >"yeah, what'cha expect a guy to do when theres no t.v or guys to fuck?"
  49. >Anon proceeds to silently get up and walk away all while Angel Dust has a shit eating grin on his face
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  51. Anon would demolish angel in a game of goldeneye
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  53. >Videogames! No one can out do Anon at Videogames right?!
  54. >Anon lets Angel Dust choose the game this time fully knowing that Angels going down.
  55. >its Mario Kart64
  56. >oh man can't wait to wipe the floor with him
  57. >Chooses 150cc for actual fun
  58. >Angel selects peach because he likes her dress
  59. >Anon chooses toad for maximum WAHOOO!
  60. >Anon chooses luigi circuit since he might as give Angel a sporting chance and give him an easy map
  61. >3.. 2... 1... GO!
  62. >Angel Dust burst out without giving it a thought and is already in first place
  63. >Anon in 2nd
  64. >Angels not even drift boosting
  65. >Anons runs over a block and gets a green shell
  66. >Anon lines up his shot and...
  68. >Angel dropped a freaking fake block right in front of him not only knocking him out of 2nd but sending him straight to 6th place
  69. >Final lap and Anons in 6th
  70. >Panic is now setting in and Anon manages to crawl his way back to 2nd
  71. >Angels getting to the final stretch when a sound appears
  72. >not just any sound mind you, but a special sound. Its the sound everyone fears once they manage to get to first place
  74. >The same blue shell that just manged to whiz into fucking Anon
  75. >right before hitting Angel at the finish line
  76. >Angel 1st place!
  77. >Anon 7th place!
  78. >Anon just looks at the screen like a brain dead zombie at this point
  79. >"Gee Anon I didn't realize these Videogames you blab on about were so fun! lets start the next race!"
  80. -
  81. >after repeatedly losing in Mario Kart Anon decides to crank it up a notch
  82. >He decides to pop in his cartridge of Perfect Dark
  84. >He knows every map here and the weapon spawns
  85. >how could he lose in a game he knows in and out
  86. >they start up the match
  87. >Angel playing Jo anna
  88. >Anon playing Cassandra
  89. >Anon chooses to play on the map Skedar
  90. >easy pickings first to 50 kills wins
  91. >at first Anon manages to find and kill a few of t he ai's he added so it wouldn't take forever to get to 50
  92. >Anons kill streak so far 4
  93. >angel dust is still struggling trying to figure out how to move the camera
  94. >Anon finds Angel and fires off a few pot shots killing Angel rather quickly
  95. >"hey c'mon I was still getting used to things cheater!"
  96. "I don't think its cheating if its what we were intended to do"
  97. >"well its still stupid"
  98. >Angel finally gets a handle on things and picks up a Dragon
  99. >The entire match Angel is hounding Anon now
  100. >score board Angel: 34 Anon: 40
  101. >ten more easy kills and Anon has this in the bag
  102. >And then out of nowhere
  104. >Anon just died but no one was in sight
  105. >How?
  106. >oh! oh no! Angel has it!
  107. >Anon is surprised to notice Angel found the FarSight XR-20
  108. >And he's using it well
  109. >The score board is swiftly turning
  110. >Angels found out the secret to winning is sitting in a corner and sniping everyone with the "wall-hack gun"
  111. >Scoreboard now Angel:45 Anon:43
  112. >Oh shit this is getting tense
  113. >Anon manages to find Angel while he's still reloading and drops a laptop gun right in front of him so he can't get out
  114. >Angel panics and gets gunned down
  115. >Angel:46 Anon: 44
  116. >Angel gets busy again and guns down three more Ai's before making it Anon whose also been moving through the map in search of Angel dust.
  117. >Final stand off
  118. >Anon's low on ammo and proceeds to waste said ammo little ammo he had on Angel Dust
  119. >Only dropped is health bar about 3/4 of the way
  120. >Angel on the other hand had a full arsenal
  121. ...
  122. -
  123. >Before Angel can pull the trigger he hears the sound of a machine gun firing
  124. >its Ai#3
  125. >He's here to save the day!
  126. >not really he manages to take down Angel and drop anon as well
  127. >Oops
  128. >time runs out and its a tie between both Angel and Anon
  129. >"holy shit Anon did you see that?! that was crazy!"
  130. "Yeah Angel, I've.. never seen anything quite like that happen."
  131. >"whudda'ya say we call it even and get some pizza"
  132. "Now you're speaking my language!"
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