

Dec 12th, 2018
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  1. FOR AXON:
  2. lua_getfield - 'tostring' xref the FIRST one look a few lines under it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  3. lua_setfield - 'noise' / 'clamp' / 'sign' look a few lines under it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  4. lua_tolstring - '%s %d' look a few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  5. lua_settop - 'hour' / 'day' / 'month' / 'year' / 'isdst' xref the FIRST one look few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  6. lua_toboolean - 'Breakpoint %d condition runtime error: %s' look a few lines (17 lines, one code down) under it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  7. lua_pushvalue - '__mode' xref the SECOND one pseudocode sub_XXXXXX(a1, -1)
  8. lua_pushnumber - 'huge' look few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  9. lua_pushstring - '__mode' xref the SECOND one pseudocode sub_XXXXXX(a1, "v")
  10. lua_pushnil - 'Unable to make room on stack to bridge value' pseudocode sub_XXXXXX(a1)
  11. lua_next - 'Unable to make room on stack to bridge value' pseudocode while(sub_XXXXXX(a1, -2))
  12. lua_pushboolean - 'Unable to query property %s. It is not scriptable' pseudocode return sub_XXXXXX(a4, v14)
  13. lua_pushcclosure - 'noise' / 'clamp' / 'sign' look few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  14. lua_createtable - '__mode' xref the SECOND one pseudocode sub_XXXXXX(a1, 0, 0)
  15. lua_newuserdata - BROKEN BROKEN BROKEN 'newproxy only supports the arguments nil and true' pseudocode v1 = sub_XXXXXX(a1, 0)
  16. lua_getmetatable - '__type' xref the SECOND one pseudocode if ((v3 == 8 || v3 == 1) && sub_XXXXXX(a1, a2))
  17. lua_setmetatable
  18. lua_settable - '__mode' xref the SECOND one look a few lines (9 lines) under it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  19. lua_type - 'Unable to make room on stack to bridge value' pseudocode v20 = sub_XXXXXX(a1, -2) -2
  20. lua_newthread - 'Unable to make room on caller stack' the above sub(function)'s first call sub_XXXXXX
  21. luaL_ref
  22. rawgeti
  23. lua_gettop - 'tostring' xref the FIRST one look few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  24. lua_touserdata - 'attempt to multiply a Vector2 with an incompatible value type or nil' xref the FIRST one pseudocode 10 line up v2 = sub_XXXXXX(a1, 2) or 15 line up v1 = sub_XXXXXX(a1, 1)
  25. lua_pushlightuserdata -
  27. NON-AXON:
  28. lua_pcall -
  29. lua_tonumber -
  30. lua_checkstack - 'Unable to make room on stack to bridge value' look a few lines above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
  31. lua_objlen - 'Unable to make room on stack to bridge value' look a few more lines than lua_checkstack above it (call sub_XXXXXX)
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