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Nov 14th, 2019
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  1. nos quedamos (we) stay, (we) are staying, (we) stayed
  2. salieron go, (they) left, (?) did they leave
  3. pedir prestado (to) borrow, borrowed, borrow
  4. empezar (to) start, (to) begin, start
  5. descansos breaks
  6. papel paper, role
  7. derrotar (to) defeat, beat, (to) pull to one side
  8. tomé (I) took, (I) had, take
  9. caminé (I) walked, walk
  10. televisor television, TV, television set
  11. nos levantamos (we) got up, (?) are we getting up, (we) get up
  12. llegamos (we) arrived, (we) arrive, (?) do we arrive
  13. ahorrar save, saving, (to) save
  14. cartera wallet, purse, bag
  15. nublado cloudy
  16. abiertos open
  17. verde green, unripe
  18. comunidad community
  19. metros meters, subways, rulers
  20. tú pones
  21. champán champagne
  22. vegetarianos vegetarian, vegetarians
  23. usando wearing, (?) are you using, using
  24. me encuentro (I) meet up
  25. sitio site, place, stand
  26. llene
  27. tenían (?) did you use to have, (they) had, (they) used to have
  28. lechuga lettuce, head of lettuce
  29. ayudar help, (to) help
  30. marrón brown
  31. dinosaurio dinosaur
  32. sabemos dónde
  33. buenas noches good evening, good night
  34. novia girlfriend
  35. le him, her, his
  36. bola ball
  37. dibujar (to) draw, drawing, draw
  38. coche car, automobile
  39. conversación conversation
  40. patinar skating, skate, to skate
  41. introducción introduction, insertion
  42. interesan interest, (we) are interested
  43. alcoholes alcohols
  44. probé try, (I) tried
  45. postre dessert
  46. llorar (to) cry, crying
  47. músicas scored
  48. gris gray, grey
  49. sé cuándo
  50. demasiada too, too much
  51. cara face, expensive, faces
  52. qué te parece What do you think, (?) How does it sound
  53. lleva puesto he's wearing, (he) is wearing, (?) is he wearing
  54. toalla towel, toweling
  55. sombra shadow, blemish, cooler
  56. obtener (to) get, (to) win, (to) achieve
  57. vienen come, (?) do they come, (they) are coming
  58. nos interesa (we) are interested in
  59. necesitamos (we) need, (?) do we need
  60. llamamos (we) called, (we) call
  61. dicho told, said
  62. bajo under, low, short
  63. organizar (to) arrange, (to) cause, (to) organize
  64. nacer born, (to) be born, (to) hatch
  65. lavamos (we) washed, (we) are washing, (we) wash
  66. agosto August
  67. símbolo symbol
  68. te encanta (?) do you love
  69. noche night, evening
  70. te gustan (?) do you like
  71. además besides, in addition, also
  72. ruidoso noisy, loud, much talked-about
  73. pista clue, course, court
  74. yogur yogurt
  75. bastante pretty, quite, quite a lot
  76. inmediatamente immediately
  77. nos vemos see you
  78. democrático democratic
  79. baños bathrooms, restrooms
  80. bello beautiful, pretty
  81. limpiamos (we) are cleaning, (we) clean, (we) cleaned
  82. escoger (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  83. necesitabais (you) needed, (?) did you need
  84. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  85. conociste (you) met, (you) knew, (?) did you meet
  86. cajón drawer, box, case
  87. invitado invited, guest
  88. oeste west
  89. mayoría majority, most
  90. abandonar (to) abandon, (to) withdraw, (to) retire
  91. van (?) are you going, (?) are you leaving, (?) do you go
  92. secadora dryer
  93. cenar dinner, (to) eat dinner, (to) have dinner
  94. formar (to) form, (to) develop, (to) make
  95. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  96. humanidad humanity, mankind
  97. abrir open, (to) open, opened
  98. consultar (to) look up, (to) provide, (to) consult
  99. leo (I) read, (I) am reading
  100. era (?) did he use to be, (I) was, (he) was
  101. copa drink, glass, cup
  102. ventilador ventilator, air vent, fan
  103. buscas (you) search, (?) are you looking for
  104. preferir (to) prefer, prefer, preferring
  105. electoral electoral, election
  106. lo siento sorry, I'm sorry, I am sorry
  107. queridos dear
  108. largo long
  109. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  110. movimiento movement, activity, change
  111. eliminar (to) eliminate, (to) remove, (to) delete
  112. periodista journalist, reporter
  113. simpático nice
  114. abuelos grandparents, grandfathers
  115. aumentar (to) increase, (to) rise, (to) raise
  116. ningún no, any
  117. literatura literature
  118. pintaron (they) painted
  119. cálido hot, warm, hotter
  120. en oferta
  121. bebes (you) drink, (?) do you drink
  122. corro (I) run
  123. gasolina gas
  124. entiendo (I) understand, (I) can understand
  125. tu your
  126. relojes clocks, watches
  127. nadan swim, (they) are swimming
  128. camisetas t-shirts
  129. dueño owner, landlord, proprietor
  130. fecha date
  131. voláis fly, (you) fly, (?) do you fly
  132. enviar (to) send, getting, send
  133. parrilla grill
  134. salchicha sausage
  135. político political, politician, diplomatic
  136. radio radio
  137. supimos (we) knew, knew, told
  138. diste (?) did you give, (you) gave, give
  139. rival rival
  140. sombrero hat
  141. galería gallery, balcony, cornice
  142. anduvieron walked, walk
  143. bajos short, low
  144. señor man, Mr., gentleman
  145. trayendo bringing, getting
  146. estupendo great, marvelous, wonderful
  147. cubano Cuban
  148. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  149. rubios blond
  150. usas (you) use, (you) wear, (?) are you using
  151. todos all, all of, every
  152. dulces sweets, candy, candies
  153. reacción reaction, right wing
  154. pon (you) put
  155. corte (I/he/she/it/you) cut off, cut oneself!, chop down!
  156. comprar buy, (to) buy, (to) get
  157. excepto except
  158. nieto grandson, grandchild
  159. contenido content, contained, contained oneself
  160. me duché (I) showered, (I) took a shower
  161. servimos (we) function, (we) served, (?) should we serve
  162. pregunto (I) ask, (I) wonder
  163. negro black
  164. te interesa (?) does it interest you, (?) are you interested in
  165. bolígrafo pen
  166. alguno one, any, some (people)
  167. cartera wallet, purse, bag
  168. hamburguesa burger, hamburger
  169. bota boot
  170. calles streets, (you) be quiet
  171. recepcionista receptionist
  172. grande big, large
  173. ruido noise, noisy
  174. mantenemos run, (we) maintain, support
  175. anoche last night
  176. autobús bus
  177. bebiendo drinking, he's having
  178. medida measure, measurement, As
  179. pasta pasta
  180. ponerme put, (to) put on, (to) wear
  181. cargo position, (I) charge, (I) carry
  182. niña girl, child, daughter
  183. pared wall
  184. estudiantes students
  185. navidad Christmas
  186. estrella star
  187. esperanza hope
  188. lees (you) read, (?) do you read, (you) are reading
  189. sortija ring
  190. lavarnos wash, (to) wash
  191. sándwich sandwich, sandwiches
  192. bicicletas bicycles, bikes, bicycle
  193. abrir open, (to) open, opened
  194. planear (to) plan, designed
  195. totalmente totally, completely, quite
  196. anuncios ads, advertisement, advertisements
  197. clásico classic, classical, standard
  198. le gusta (she) likes, (he) likes, (?) does he like
  199. navegar surf, sail, sailing
  200. sustancia (you-formal) back up, substance, (you-formal) substantiate
  201. redondo round, round-trip, round (of beef)
  202. mezclar mixing, mix, (to) mix
  203. reprobar fail, failed
  204. puerta door, gate
  205. bebieron drink, (?) did you drink, (they) drank
  206. comeréis
  207. disfruto (I) enjoy, (I) am enjoying
  208. nos reímos (we) laughed, (we) laugh
  209. miedo fear, afraid, scared
  210. incluir takes, includes, write
  211. pareja couple, partner
  212. nervioso nervous
  213. recuperar (to) recover, (to) recover from something, (to) undelete
  214. vivo (I) live, bright
  215. materia matter, subject
  216. hablamos (we) speak, (we) spoke, (we) talk
  217. causa cause!, (you-formal) cause, (you-formal) arouse
  218. almuerzan (?) do they eat lunch, (they) eat lunch, (you) have lunch
  219. púrpura purple
  220. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  221. muchos many, a lot of, much
  222. qué divertido
  223. regresar return, (to) return, (to) come back
  224. este this, east
  225. salas living rooms
  226. debes
  227. debes
  228. debes
  229. debe
  230. debe
  231. debe
  232. debía
  233. debía
  234. debía
  235. debía
  236. debía
  237. debía
  238. debió
  239. debió
  240. debió
  241. debería
  242. debería
  243. debería
  244. debería
  245. deberá
  246. deberá
  247. deberá
  248. debería
  249. debería
  250. debería
  251. debería
  252. debería
  253. deberías
  254. deberías
  255. deberías
  256. deberías
  257. deberías
  258. deber
  259. deber
  260. deber
  261. deber
  262. deber
  263. deber
  264. deber
  265. deber
  266. deber
  267. deber
  268. deber
  269. deber
  270. deber
  271. deber
  272. deber
  273. deber
  274. deber
  275. deber
  276. deber
  277. deber
  278. deber
  279. deber
  280. deber
  281. deber
  282. deber
  283. deber duty, assignment, (to) owe
  284. boletos tickets
  285. dulce sweet, candy
  286. inglés English
  287. almuerzo lunch, (I) eat lunch
  288. cierras (you) are closing, (?) do you close, (?) can you close
  289. escriba (you) write
  290. tener have, (to) have, get
  291. elegir (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  292. necesitar need, (to) need, needed
  293. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  294. turista tourist
  295. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  296. oscuros dark
  297. cuerpo body
  298. arriba upstairs, up
  299. sentirnos feel, (to) feel
  300. leer (to) read, reading
  301. pesar Despite, (to) weigh, (to) weigh out
  302. sitio site, place, stand
  303. suponer assume, (to) mean, (to) suppose
  304. saber know, (to) know, hear
  305. al salir (I) left
  306. olvidar (to) forget, forget, forgot
  307. lograr (to) achieve, (to) be able to, (to) attain
  308. cepillo de dientes toothbrush, toothbrushes
  309. vivo (I) live, bright
  310. silla chair
  311. trabajo (I) work, job, jobs
  312. entrevista interview!, (you-formal) interview, begun to see
  313. escuche (you) listen up, (you) listen
  314. cuidar (to) look after, (to) take care, (to) take care of
  315. cerrar close, (to) close, (to) shut
  316. fantásticos fantastic
  317. botella bottle
  318. queda remains, (she) gets together, is
  319. plaza square, plaza, park
  320. cuál what, which, which one
  321. cadena chain, chain letter, grand chain
  322. dices (you) say, (?) can you tell, (?)do you say
  323. disponibles available
  324. dulces sweets, candy, candies
  325. tener have, (to) have, get
  326. funcionar (to) work, go, going
  327. llamo (I) call
  328. familia family
  329. casa house, home
  330. encontraste (?) did you find, (you) found
  331. jugáis (?) do you play
  332. trabajos jobs
  333. lago lake
  334. jugábamos (we) played, (we) were playing, (we) used to play
  335. vivir live, (to) live, living
  336. hace ago, (?) are you making, (?) does he do
  337. pelo hair
  338. pone (?) do you put, (he) is putting, (he) puts
  339. emparedado sandwich
  340. largas long, start
  341. lógico logical, logician (m.), natural
  342. me subo
  343. invitación invitation, invite
  344. visitaba (she) used to visit, (he) used to visit
  345. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  346. miré (I) looked, (I) saw, (I) watched
  347. especialmente especially
  348. saber know, (to) know, hear
  349. grado grade, degree
  350. tarjeta de crédito credit card, credit
  351. quedarme (to) stay
  352. profesor professor, teacher
  353. visitar visit, (to) visit, visiting
  354. caliente hot, warm
  355. caer fall, (to) fall down
  356. creer believe, (to) believe, (to) think
  357. caminar (to) walk, walking, (to) go for a walk
  358. aprender (to) learn, learning, learn
  359. sartén pan, frying pan, fry pan
  360. suceder (to) happen, (to) follow, (to) succeed
  361. hablar talk, (to) talk, (to) speak
  362. el más the most
  363. mejorar (to) improve, (to) get better
  364. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  365. estupendas wonderful
  366. emocionados excited
  367. concierto concert
  368. cogí got, get, made
  369. maestro teacher
  370. legislación legislation, laws, lawmaking
  371. vuelvo (I) return, (I) go back
  372. por qué why
  373. vendrá (he) will be coming, (he) will come, (she) will be coming
  374. uso (I) use, (I) wear, (I) am wearing
  375. cogiste (?) did you take, get, (you) took
  376. canta (he) sings, (she) sings
  377. crimen crime, serious crime
  378. versión version, covers, model
  379. increíble amazing, awesome, incredible
  380. hospital hospital, hospitals
  381. creo que debería
  382. nada nothing, anything, (he) swims
  383. abrigo coat
  384. primeros first
  385. clase class, classroom, classes
  386. estadio stadium
  387. creo que
  388. campaña campaign, drive, drove
  389. tuve (I) had, have
  390. paquete package
  391. escuchando listening, listening to, hearing
  392. explicación explanation
  393. se acuerda
  394. evitar (to) avoid, (to) prevent, (to) save
  395. tomaste take, (?) did you drink, (you) ate
  396. concentración concentration, mass meeting, pre-game / pre-match preparation
  397. comprendí (I) understood, understand
  398. control control, check-up, checkpoint
  399. veía (I) saw, (I) used to see, (he) used to see
  400. comenzó (?) did it begin, (he) started, (it) started
  401. normalmente normally
  402. vaso glass
  403. veían (they) used to see, (they) watched
  404. puesto put, (I) have on, (she) has on
  405. decidir (to) decide, decide
  406. de niño as a child
  407. narices noses
  408. amable kind
  409. favorito favorite
  410. reserve reserve
  411. acabar (to) finish, finish
  412. rápidamente quickly, rapidly, fast
  413. visitaron (?) did you visit, visit, (they) visited
  414. botella bottle
  415. mesero waiter
  416. extranjero foreign
  417. ocupadas busy
  418. gerente manager
  419. impuesto tax
  420. núcleo nucleus, core, center
  421. cansadas tired
  422. invita (she) invites, ask, (she) is inviting
  423. sartén pan, frying pan, fry pan
  424. ayude (you) help
  425. objetivo objective, aim, (I) objectify
  426. lavarse wash, (to) wash, (to) wash itself
  427. continente continent
  428. hace mucho tiempo a long time ago
  429. escribes (you) write, (?) are you writing, (?) do you write
  430. cangrejo crab, crayfish
  431. autobús bus
  432. dibujé (I) drew
  433. caras expensive
  434. preocuparse (to) worry (oneself), worry, worried
  435. vuelo flight, (I) fly
  436. traes (?) can you bring, (you) bring
  437. sofá sofa, couch
  438. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  439. amables nice, kind
  440. hermoso beautiful, beautifully, lovely
  441. partidos matches, games
  442. tumbarme (to) lie down
  443. ingreso admission, income, (I) admit
  444. rojo red
  445. chilena Chilean
  446. escribes (you) write, (?) are you writing, (?) do you write
  447. madre mother, mom
  448. pocos few
  449. destrucción destruction
  450. valer
  451. centímetro centimeter
  452. sucio dirty
  453. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  454. simpática nice
  455. montó (he) rode
  456. marrón brown
  457. sal salt
  458. producir (to) produce, (to) give rise to, (to) yield
  459. entrar (to) enter, (to) come in, (to) go into
  460. volver (to) return, (to) come back, (to) go back
  461. cuándo when
  462. practicó (he) played, practiced, (you) played
  463. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  464. escribieron write, (?) did they write, (they) wrote
  465. doble twice, double!, (I/he/she/it/you) double
  466. Francia France
  467. necesita escribir
  468. matar kill, (to) kill, (to) kill oneself
  469. precios prices
  470. ofrecer (to) offer, (to) offer up, (to) present
  471. general general
  472. público public, open, crowd
  473. enemigo enemy
  474. película movie, film
  475. altos tall
  476. se usa (you) use, (he/she/it) uses, used
  477. corriente trend, common, current
  478. la amarilla the yellow one
  479. cantamos (we) sang, (we) sing
  480. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  481. se quedaban con
  482. me cepillo (I) brush
  483. jazz jazz
  484. puesto put, (I) have on, (she) has on
  485. éste this, this one, these
  486. mensajes messages, texts
  487. menor younger, little, youngest
  488. comemos (we) eat, (?) do you eat, (?) should we eat
  489. corrió (she) ran, (you) ran, run
  490. plano flat, level
  491. patata potato
  492. cerrar close, (to) close, (to) shut
  493. tener have, (to) have, get
  494. enorme huge, enormous
  495. usar (to) use, wear, (to) wear
  496. ensaladas salads
  497. impacto impact, (I) have a profound impact on, (I) hit
  498. la the, her, his
  499. giro (I) turn, (?) do I turn
  500. o or, and
  501. latino
  502. confortable comfortable
  503. quiero aprender
  504. leíste read, (you) read, (?) did you read
  505. nochebuena Christmas Eve
  506. cómo está el tiempo how's the weather
  507. portátil laptop
  508. carne meat
  509. interesar interested
  510. darle (to) give him, give
  511. espejo mirror
  512. nos acostamos
  513. dinero money
  514. ir+se
  515. infantil childish, children's
  516. mensaje message, text
  517. camiseta T-shirts, t-shirt
  518. navegar surf, sail, sailing
  519. gastar (to) spend, spend
  520. bébelos (you) drink them
  521. hicieron (?) did they do, (?) did you make, (they) asked
  522. enseñé taught, (I) taught
  523. llenas full, (you) fill, (you) fill out
  524. me enseña (he) is teaching me, (she) is teaching me, (he) teaches me
  525. colega colleague
  526. descubrir (to) discover, (to) find, (to) uncover
  527. recibido received, got
  528. aeropuerto airport
  529. oído heard, ear
  530. trajimos (we) brought
  531. cámaras cameras
  532. pareces
  533. pareces
  534. parece
  535. parece
  536. parece
  537. parece
  538. parece
  539. parece
  540. parece
  541. parece
  542. parece
  543. parece
  544. parece
  545. parece
  546. parece
  547. parece
  548. parece
  549. parece
  550. parece
  551. parecen
  552. parecen
  553. parecen
  554. parecen
  555. parecen
  556. parecía
  557. parecía
  558. parecía
  559. parecía
  560. parecía
  561. parecía
  562. parecía
  563. parecía
  564. parecía
  565. parecía
  566. parecían
  567. parecían
  568. parecían
  569. parecían
  570. parecer
  571. parecer
  572. parecer
  573. parecer
  574. parecer
  575. parecer
  576. parecer
  577. parecer
  578. parecer
  579. parecer
  580. parecer
  581. parecer
  582. parecer
  583. parecer
  584. parecer
  585. parecer
  586. parecer
  587. parecer
  588. parecer
  589. parecer
  590. parecer
  591. parecer
  592. parecer
  593. parecer
  594. parecer
  595. parecer
  596. parecer
  597. parecer
  598. parecer
  599. parecer
  600. parecer
  601. parecer look, (to) look like, (to) seem
  602. torneo tournament, (I) throw, (I) turn
  603. aburridísimo really boring
  604. parar (to) stop
  605. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  606. cómoda comfortable, dresser
  607. al ver
  608. velero sailboat, sail
  609. democracia democracy
  610. fotos photos, pictures
  611. darte give you
  612. me preocupé
  613. incluir takes, includes, write
  614. pantalla screen
  615. determinar
  616. pongan put!, put in!, (they/you-plural) put in
  617. jefe boss
  618. elefante elephant
  619. secretario secretary
  620. nacionalidad nationality
  621. cajero cashier
  622. definir (to) define, (to) make … sharp
  623. permitir allow, (to) allow, (to) permit
  624. nuestra our, ours
  625. enero January
  626. realizar (to) carry out, (to) be realized, (to) realize
  627. barba beard, beards
  628. pedís (?) are you asking for, (you) ask for
  629. China China, chinese
  630. encontrar (to) find
  631. refrigerador fridge, refrigerator, refrigerators
  632. kilo kilo, kilogram
  633. buscando looking for, getting
  634. dinero money
  635. el baloncesto
  636. queríais (you) loved, (you) wanted
  637. preguntan (they) are asking, (they) ask
  638. dímelo say it to me
  639. imágenes images, pictures
  640. anduvimos walked
  641. montaron (?) did you ride, start, ride
  642. tranquilo calm, quiet
  643. hasta luego I'll see you later, see you later
  644. México Mexico
  645. preocupación worry, concern, worried
  646. mirada look, gaze, careful with money
  647. a mí
  648. gravemente gravely, seriously, badly
  649. proceso (I) process, (I) word-process, (I) prosecute
  650. daño damages
  651. cigarrillo cigarette, smoke
  652. entendemos (we) understand
  653. aparecer (to) appear, (to) make … appear, (to) seem
  654. iniciar start, (to) initiate, (to) begin
  655. leo (I) read, (I) am reading
  656. cantar singing, (to) sing, sing
  657. aguacate avocados, avocado
  658. rompecabezas puzzle, puzzles
  659. dígamelo (you) say it to me
  660. mil thousand, 1000, a thousand
  661. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  662. tuvimos prisa
  663. estuvimos (we) were
  664. me lavo (I) wash
  665. animal animal
  666. probar (to) try, touch, try
  667. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  668. mango mango
  669. estudió (she) studied, study, studied
  670. ay ouch, oh
  671. jardín garden, yard
  672. grandísimos really big
  673. Cuba Cuba
  674. cuidar (to) look after, (to) take care, (to) take care of
  675. responde (he) answers, (he) is answering, (you) answer
  676. algo más
  677. estabais (you) were, were
  678. química chemistry, chemical
  679. bien well, good, fine
  680. cuenta check, bill, account
  681. nosotros leemos
  682. rico rich, delicious, tasty
  683. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  684. cómoda comfortable, dresser
  685. más more, most, above
  686. azúcar sugar
  687. rápido fast, quickly, quick
  688. ataque attack!, (I/he/she/it/you) attack, (I/he/she/it/you) tackle
  689. explicáis
  690. millón million
  691. estudió study, studied, (he) studied
  692. nada nothing, anything, (he) swims
  693. frase phrase, sentence
  694. dormitorio bedroom, dormitory, room
  695. bicicleta bicycle, bike
  696. ciencias science, sciences
  697. regresáis return, (?) do you return
  698. chino Chinese
  699. necesito comprar
  700. ocupación occupation
  701. ser be, (to) be, being
  702. giramos (we) turn, (?) do we turn, turned
  703. nevera fridge, refrigerator
  704. conciertos concerts
  705. cincuenta fifty, 50
  706. terminar (to) finish, (to) end, finish
  707. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  708. gentes
  709. estómago stomach
  710. practicamos (we) played, (we) practice, (we) practiced
  711. peso weight, by weight, (I) weigh
  712. importar matter, import
  713. pasando happening, going on, having
  714. aprobar (to) pass, get, pass
  715. le gusta (she) likes, (he) likes, (?) does he like
  716. vivís live, lived, (?) do you live
  717. tomó (?) did it take, (he) took, (it) took
  718. cursos courses
  719. corredor runner, hall
  720. vecino neighbor
  721. bebe (?) do you drink, (?) does he drink, (he) drinks
  722. violín violin
  723. negocio business
  724. enviar (to) send, getting, send
  725. camino (I) walk, road, way
  726. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  727. pensamos (we) think, (we) thought, (we) are thinking
  728. esperáis (?) do you wait, (you) wait
  729. manejar (to) drive, driving
  730. alcalde mayor
  731. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  732. emocionadas excited
  733. cartas letters, cards
  734. madrugada dawn, daybreak
  735. desarrollar (to) develop, (to) expound, (to) explain
  736. senador senator
  737. negar
  738. trabajamos (we) work, (we) worked
  739. trabajar en
  740. ellas escriben
  741. geografía geography
  742. adulto adult
  743. luego then, later, after
  744. musical musical, music
  745. servicios services, bathroom, bathrooms
  746. extra extra
  747. infancia childhood, infancy, children
  748. reducir (to) reduce, (to) cut, (to) exhume
  749. ponerte put, (to) put on, putting on
  750. algo something, anything, any
  751. ocho 8, eight, eighth
  752. salir (to) go out, (to) leave, going out
  753. invitan ask, (they) are inviting, (they) invite
  754. progreso (I) progress, (I) make progress
  755. piel skin, fur, leather
  756. perder+se
  757. almuerza (he) eats lunch, (she) eats lunch, (you) eat lunch
  758. deporte sport, sports
  759. viajes travels, trips, (you) travel
  760. noches nights, at night
  761. estudiaron study, (?) did you study, (they) studied
  762. libros books, textbooks
  763. les they, you, hers
  764. latinos Latin
  765. negra black
  766. chino Chinese
  767. crisis crisis, crises (pl.)
  768. duermen (?) do you sleep, (they) sleep
  769. emocionante exciting, moving
  770. parque park, parks
  771. cerca de nearest
  772. tuvo (?) did she have, (?) did you have, (he) had
  773. duro hard
  774. apenas barely, just, almost
  775. fiestas parties, holidays
  776. dirigir produced, produces
  777. pasados old-fashioned, overcooked, overripe
  778. firmar sign, signed
  779. carnes meats
  780. pequeñito small, really small
  781. ibais go, (you) were going to, (you) used to go
  782. nos acordamos (we) remembered, remember, (we) remember
  783. república republic
  784. empezamos start, (we) started, (we) start
  785. piso floor, ground
  786. cara face, expensive, faces
  787. pasto grass, lawn, pasture
  788. encantaría would love
  789. compran (?) do you buy, (they) are buying, (they) buy
  790. falda skirt
  791. inmediato immediately, immediate
  792. servir (to) serve, (to) be useful, serve
  793. web web
  794. campeonato championship
  795. descubrir (to) discover, (to) find, (to) uncover
  796. historia history, story
  797. ropa clothes, clothing
  798. incluir takes, includes, write
  799. hablar con
  800. cuerpos bodies, to have something to drink, corpses
  801. cuatrocientos four hundred, 400
  802. dibujamos (we) drew, (we) draw
  803. modelo designed, model
  804. intentar (to) try, try
  805. abuelito grandpa
  806. transporte transportation, means of transport, (I/he/she/it/you) transmit
  807. mensaje message, text
  808. gobierno government, (I) rule, (I) steer
  809. necesita (?) do you need, (?) does he need, (?) does she need
  810. secar dry, (to) dry, drying
  811. comercio trade, business, (I) trade
  812. menos less, minus, fewer
  813. sobre about, on, on top of
  814. debes
  815. debes
  816. debes
  817. debes
  818. debes
  819. debes
  820. debes
  821. debes
  822. debe
  823. debe
  824. debe
  825. debe
  826. debe
  827. debe
  828. debía
  829. debía
  830. debía
  831. debió
  832. debió
  833. debió
  834. debería
  835. debería
  836. deberá
  837. deberá
  838. deberá
  839. debería
  840. debería
  841. debería
  842. debería
  843. debería
  844. deberías
  845. deberías
  846. deberías
  847. deberías
  848. deberías
  849. deber
  850. deber
  851. deber
  852. deber
  853. deber
  854. deber
  855. deber
  856. deber
  857. deber
  858. deber
  859. deber
  860. deber
  861. deber
  862. deber
  863. deber
  864. deber
  865. deber
  866. deber
  867. deber
  868. deber
  869. deber
  870. deber
  871. deber
  872. deber
  873. deber
  874. deber duty, assignment, (to) owe
  875. maestra teacher
  876. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  877. llover (to) rain, raining
  878. sopa soup
  879. les encanta (they) love, (?) do they love
  880. fuiste were, (you) were, (you) went
  881. parada stop, stops
  882. dormiste (?) did you sleep, (you) slept
  883. animales animals
  884. pagan (?) do they pay, (they) pay for, (you) are paying
  885. cantar singing, (to) sing, sing
  886. perfectamente perfectly
  887. el peor the worst one
  888. duele hurt, (?) does it hurt, (it) hurts
  889. sufrir (to) suffer, (to) undergo, (to) bear
  890. prueban (they) are trying, (they) try, touch
  891. restaurante restaurant, restaurants
  892. retraso delay
  893. apaga (she) turns off, (you) turn off
  894. histórico historical, historic
  895. inteligente smart, intelligent
  896. ayer yesterday
  897. comprado bought, got, purchased
  898. conocíais knew, (you) used to know, (?) did you know
  899. sobre about, on, on top of
  900. disponible available
  901. alcanzar catch, (to) catch, (to) catch up with
  902. viajamos (we) travel, (we) traveled, we're traveling
  903. cuidar (to) look after, (to) take care, (to) take care of
  904. dulces sweets, candy, candies
  905. estuche case, box, pencil case
  906. ellos they, them
  907. perezosas lazy
  908. puede traer (?) can you bring
  909. pudiste (you) were able to
  910. aviso notice, (I) call, ad
  911. perspectiva perspective, prospect, view
  912. a lo mejor maybe
  913. cuarenta forty, 40
  914. revolucionario revolutionary
  915. liga league, give … the eye!, (he/she/it) gives … the eye
  916. ver (to) see, (to) look, (to) watch
  917. dibujaron draw, (?) did you draw, (you) drew
  918. numeroso heavy, large, larger
  919. globo balloon, world
  920. vive (?) do you live, (?) does he live, (?) does she live
  921. listo ready, smart
  922. cepillos brushes
  923. me escucha (he) listens to me, (you) listen to me, (she) listens to me
  924. ingeniero engineer, an engineer
  925. probablemente probably
  926. levantar (to) pick up, pick
  927. saludable healthy
  928. agradable nice, pleasant
  929. quiere (?) do you want, (?) does he want, (?) does she want
  930. duermo sleep, (I) sleep, (I) fall asleep
  931. pendiente pending, incline, hanging
  932. pasión passion, love
  933. espíritu spirit, mind, nature
  934. pude (I) could, (I) was able
  935. porcentaje percentage
  936. asado roast, grilled, baked
  937. revisión inspection, revision, check
  938. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  939. asunto matter, issue, business
  940. los maestros
  941. red network, net, internet
  942. volver (to) return, (to) come back, (to) go back
  943. araña spider, (he/she/it) scrapes, (he/she/it) scratches
  944. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  945. sándwich sandwich, sandwiches
  946. vieja old, older
  947. fórmula formula, prescription, recipe
  948. otoño fall, autumn
  949. publicar carried, getting, get
  950. bajar+se
  951. descripción description
  952. orquesta orchestra
  953. colores colors, color
  954. expresión expression, term
  955. kilómetro kilometer
  956. nota note, grade
  957. jugaban (they) used to play, (?) did you use to play, (they) were playing
  958. por supuesto of course, sure
  959. pienso que deberías
  960. comían (?) did you use to eat, (they) used to eat, (they) were eating
  961. despertarte (to) wake up
  962. refresco soda, pop
  963. enferma ill, sick
  964. hijas daughters, children, girls
  965. vivir live, (to) live, living
  966. pierna leg
  967. común common, average, mutual
  968. morenos brown, brunette, dark-skinned
  969. añadir add, (to) add, write
  970. pasajero passenger
  971. difícil difficult, hard
  972. bailamos (we) dance, (we) danced
  973. estoy (I) am, I'm
  974. vaso glass
  975. carro car
  976. limpiador cleaner
  977. mucho a lot, a lot of, much
  978. ver (to) see, (to) look, (to) watch
  979. desde from, since, as
  980. en in, at, on
  981. elige (it) chooses
  982. ocurrido occurred, happened
  983. atractivo attractive
  984. mundo world
  985. intensidad intensity, strength
  986. lugar place
  987. conocer meet, (to) meet, (to) get to know
  988. vecino neighbor
  989. embajador ambassador
  990. descargar download, (to) download, run
  991. laboratorio laboratory, lab
  992. particular particular, peculiar, (private) individual
  993. necesitáis (?) do you need, (you) need
  994. riqueza wealth, richness
  995. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  996. apagados off
  997. relativamente relatively
  998. segundo second, 2
  999. llegan (they) arrive
  1000. circunstancia circumstances
  1001. otro another, other, another one
  1002. nariz nose
  1003. venir come, (to) come, coming
  1004. generalmente generally, usually
  1005. naranja orange
  1006. alguno one, any, some (people)
  1007. documento paper, document
  1008. servir (to) serve, (to) be useful, serve
  1009. cosa thing
  1010. favorita favorite
  1011. comprendo understand
  1012. aviones planes, airplanes
  1013. sirvo (?) should I serve
  1014. llamaste (?) did you call, (you) called
  1015. a to, at, in
  1016. mover (to) move
  1017. entonces then, so
  1018. beberéis
  1019. barato cheap
  1020. haces (you) do, (you) make, (?) are you doing
  1021. centavos cents
  1022. oso bear
  1023. ritmo rhythm, beat, pace
  1024. paga pay, (?) are you paying, (he) pays
  1025. institución institution, establishment
  1026. técnico trainer, coach, technical
  1027. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  1028. hablar español
  1029. corazón heart
  1030. iniciar start, (to) initiate, (to) begin
  1031. conducta behavior, conduct
  1032. sale (?) does it leave, (he) is leaving, (he) leaves
  1033. tenemos (we) have, (?) do we have, (we) are
  1034. armario closet
  1035. frito fried
  1036. similar similar, like
  1037. simpáticos nice
  1038. salud health
  1039. maestras teachers
  1040. perezoso lazy
  1041. alto tall, high, loud
  1042. tambor drum
  1043. subir+se
  1044. vuelvo (I) return, (I) go back
  1045. nueve 9, nine, ninth
  1046. lagos lakes
  1047. volar (to) fly, fly, flying
  1048. vendaje bandage, dressing
  1049. nadar swim, (to) swim, swimming
  1050. pesar Despite, (to) weigh, (to) weigh out
  1051. descanse
  1052. gramática grammar
  1053. plata silver
  1054. pásamelas pass them to me
  1055. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1056. bosque forest, woods, wood
  1057. premio prize
  1058. otros others, other
  1059. tratar (to) try, (to) treat, try
  1060. derecho right, straight
  1061. hombro shoulder
  1062. horas hours
  1063. autor author, perpetrator, writer
  1064. yo fui
  1065. cogimos got, get, made
  1066. arroz rice
  1067. cafés brown, cafés, coffees
  1068. caballos horses
  1069. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  1070. disciplina discipline!, (you-formal) discipline, (he/she/it) disciplines
  1071. incluimos (we) are including
  1072. periódicos newspapers
  1073. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  1074. teniendo having, taking
  1075. tarjeta card
  1076. vestido dress, dressed
  1077. pedazo piece, bit, to be shattered
  1078. disculpe, señor
  1079. asignatura subject
  1080. se encuentran (they) meet up
  1081. doble twice, double!, (I/he/she/it/you) double
  1082. ocurrir (to) happen, (to) occur, come
  1083. odiar (to) hate, (to) pester, (to) hassle
  1084. acostar+prpers
  1085. estacione park
  1086. algo de some
  1087. cultura culture, arts
  1088. respuestas answers, answer
  1089. invitar (to) invite, (to) ask, invite
  1090. sentarse sit, (to) sit, (to) sit down
  1091. segura safe, sure
  1092. bufanda scarf
  1093. divertido fun, funny
  1094. suyo yours, his, theirs
  1095. tema subject, issue, theme
  1096. publicidad advertising, advertisement, advertisements
  1097. principiante beginner
  1098. tal vez perhaps, maybe
  1099. rojas red
  1100. acampar camping, camp
  1101. instalación installation, facility, installations
  1102. taxis taxis
  1103. caja box
  1104. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  1105. iniciar start, (to) initiate, (to) begin
  1106. éramos were, (we) were, (we) were being
  1107. pueblos towns
  1108. pintura paint, painting
  1109. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  1110. vivieron (they) lived
  1111. gracioso funny
  1112. dormir sleep, (to) sleep, sleeping
  1113. prepararse (to) have a, (to) get ready
  1114. menú menu
  1115. monté (I) rode
  1116. editorial editorial, leader, leading article
  1117. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  1118. brillante brilliant, bright, diamond
  1119. tortilla omelet, tortilla, unleavened bread
  1120. gorra cap
  1121. respetar looking, respects, looks
  1122. encender (to) turn on
  1123. realidad reality
  1124. azules blue
  1125. gratis free, for free
  1126. ese that, the
  1127. territorio territory, country, region
  1128. qué tal how about, how, (?) how are you
  1129. error mistake, error, mistakes
  1130. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  1131. durmieron (?) did they sleep, sleep, (they) slept
  1132. hay is, there is, there's
  1133. privado private, been in, been fashionable
  1134. opinión opinion, mind, view
  1135. entrar (to) enter, (to) come in, (to) go into
  1136. volvemos (we) return, (we) go, (we) are going back
  1137. robado stolen
  1138. serpiente snake, serpent
  1139. negocios business, businesses
  1140. compró (?) did she buy, (he) bought, (she) bought
  1141. carteras purses
  1142. quisieron (they) wanted
  1143. labio
  1144. tiene have, (?) are you, (?) do you have
  1145. deletrear spelling, (to) spell
  1146. antes before, previously, by
  1147. escribo (I) write, (I) am writing
  1148. sopas soups
  1149. actor actor
  1150. canciones songs
  1151. entender (to) understand, made, understand
  1152. momento moment, time
  1153. guía guidebook, guide, guide book
  1154. bonitos nice, beautiful, pretty
  1155. llegada arrival, arrived, been enough
  1156. estaciones stations
  1157. tú hablas
  1158. nuestro our, ours
  1159. es verde
  1160. sin embargo however, although, yet
  1161. chico boy, guy, kid
  1162. nos gusta (we) like
  1163. diploma diploma, degree, certificate
  1164. cómo quiere pagar
  1165. andar going, (to) walk, ride
  1166. cabeza head
  1167. gente people
  1168. agricultor farmer
  1169. difícil difficult, hard
  1170. enfermos sick, patients, sick people
  1171. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  1172. estabilidad stability
  1173. pesos pesos
  1174. aburridísimas really boring
  1175. estar de acuerdo agreed, agree
  1176. independencia independence
  1177. confusión confusion, embarrassment
  1178. reprobar fail, failed
  1179. virus virus, viruses
  1180. comprender (to) understand, understand
  1181. publicación publication
  1182. pálido pale
  1183. biología biology
  1184. llevarse bien
  1185. cantas (?) do you sing
  1186. escribir (to) write, writing
  1187. mujeres women
  1188. curar season, weather
  1189. rey king
  1190. marzo March
  1191. qué tal si
  1192. ve (he) watches, (she) sees, (you) go
  1193. conocimos (we) met, (we) knew, knew
  1194. espalda back
  1195. setenta 70, seventy
  1196. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  1197. tal como
  1198. planeta planet
  1199. carretera road, highway
  1200. obrero worker
  1201. escuela school, schools
  1202. países countries
  1203. sonrisa smile
  1204. tuyo yours
  1205. te preocupas (you) worry
  1206. pie foot
  1207. soles
  1208. prever (to) forecast, (to) envisage, (to) anticipate
  1209. ayuda help, (he) helps, (he) is helping
  1210. bebimos (we) drank
  1211. saldremos go, we will leave
  1212. caminando walking
  1213. aprende (?) is she learning, (he) is learning, (he) learns
  1214. extra extra
  1215. perezoso lazy
  1216. diagnóstico diagnosis, diagnostic
  1217. amar love, (to) love
  1218. vestir (to) wear, wears, (to) decorate
  1219. alguien someone, somebody, anyone
  1220. idea idea
  1221. librería bookstore, bookshop, library
  1222. aire air, draft, draught
  1223. amar love, (to) love
  1224. hablaste (you) talked, (?) did you speak, (you) spoke
  1225. cansado tired
  1226. me río
  1227. periódico newspaper, daily newspaper
  1228. límite limit, boundary
  1229. nos ponemos (we) put on
  1230. cepillo brush, hair
  1231. fueron unos
  1232. dificilísimo really difficult
  1233. muriendo dying
  1234. moto motorcycle, motor scooter, motorbike
  1235. buen good, nice
  1236. amarilla yellow
  1237. supiste know, (you) knew, did you find out
  1238. perfecto perfect
  1239. fantásticas fantastic
  1240. acabar (to) finish, finish
  1241. desayunar (to) eat breakfast, (to) have breakfast
  1242. imperio empire, empire-style, rule
  1243. estamos (we) are, (?) are we, we're
  1244. sequé dry, (I) dried
  1245. playa beach, beaches
  1246. corredor runner, hall
  1247. tomo (I) take, (I) am taking
  1248. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1249. subir up, (to) get on, (to) get in
  1250. exactamente exactly
  1251. horrible horrible, awful, ugly
  1252. entender (to) understand, made, understand
  1253. solamente only
  1254. barrio neighborhood
  1255. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  1256. bueno good, well, nice
  1257. regrese (you) come back
  1258. granjero farmer
  1259. vivir en
  1260. poeta poet
  1261. aprendes (?) are you learning, (you) learn
  1262. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  1263. maneras ways, manner, manners
  1264. pienso (I) think, (I) am thinking, plan
  1265. dígaselo (you) say it to them
  1266. solo only, alone, just
  1267. parar (to) stop
  1268. comes (you) eat, (?) do you eat, (you) are eating
  1269. piernas legs
  1270. nuevamente again, once again
  1271. museo museum
  1272. método method, course book, handbook
  1273. nerviosas nervous
  1274. foto photo, picture, photos
  1275. boleto ticket
  1276. ventanas windows
  1277. duele hurt, (?) does it hurt, (it) hurts
  1278. estudiante student
  1279. cubrir (to) cover, (to) take cover, (to) cover oneself
  1280. cambiar change, (to) change, (to) exchange
  1281. uno one, 1, first
  1282. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  1283. hiciste (you) did, (you) made, (?) did you do
  1284. adivinar guess
  1285. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  1286. encontramos (we) find, (we) found
  1287. probáis (you) try, (?) are you trying
  1288. vuelva (you) come back, (you) return
  1289. horno oven, furnace
  1290. fue un
  1291. cualquier any, anything
  1292. oímos (we) hear, (we) heard
  1293. programa program, show, software
  1294. siglo century
  1295. me tumbo
  1296. cuáles which, what
  1297. veíamos (we) used to watch, (we) used to see, (we) used to hear
  1298. saber know, (to) know, hear
  1299. aconsejar guided, advise, guide
  1300. vegetariano vegetarian
  1301. historias stories
  1302. isla island
  1303. todas all, every, everybody
  1304. otra vez again
  1305. saber know, (to) know, hear
  1306. gastáis (you) spend, spend
  1307. anuncio ad, advertisement, announcement
  1308. vinos wines
  1309. afuera outside, out
  1310. agradecer (to) thank
  1311. cómoda comfortable, dresser
  1312. caballo horse, horses
  1313. un poco somewhat
  1314. hip-hop hip-hop
  1315. refrigerador fridge, refrigerator, refrigerators
  1316. primera first
  1317. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  1318. empresa company, firm, business
  1319. mucha a lot of, much, many
  1320. hospital hospital, hospitals
  1321. emocionar move, moves
  1322. hogar home, hearth
  1323. pescados fish, fish (plural), fishing
  1324. bicicleta bicycle, bike
  1325. en forma
  1326. país country
  1327. tren train
  1328. encendemos (we) turn on
  1329. sentirse feel, (to) feel, be
  1330. tamaño size
  1331. patada kick, jolt, shock
  1332. pasas (you) spend, (?) are you spending, (?) can you pass
  1333. hagan do, do!, (they/you-plural) do
  1334. población population, city, colony
  1335. otro another, other, another one
  1336. nosotros fuimos
  1337. te visitan (they) visit you
  1338. perdona pardon me
  1339. huevo egg, eggs, ball
  1340. estos these, this
  1341. rubias blonde, blond
  1342. maleta suitcase, bag, bags
  1343. vocabulario vocabulary
  1344. sures
  1345. le him, her, his
  1346. con with, to, about
  1347. destruimos (we) destroyed, (we) destroy
  1348. desear wants, desire, want
  1349. hay algún
  1350. aburridas boring, bored
  1351. verano summer
  1352. ducharte shower, (to) shower
  1353. qué le traigo
  1354. verano summer
  1355. pared wall
  1356. gustar like, (to) like
  1357. gol goal
  1358. enseñar teaching, (to) teach, taught
  1359. césped lawn, grass
  1360. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  1361. prepara (he) makes, (it) prepares, (you) prepare
  1362. tomando taking, drinking, eating
  1363. incluyendo including, even
  1364. vóleibol volleyball
  1365. pan bread
  1366. conejo rabbit
  1367. reloj clock, watch
  1368. diálogo dialog, conversation, debate
  1369. leías (?) did you use to read, read, (you) were reading
  1370. libro book, books, textbook
  1371. software software
  1372. muy very, too, really
  1373. ayudas (you) help, (?) do you help
  1374. haga (he) makes, (you) ask, (you) do
  1375. persona person
  1376. conoces (you) know, (?) are you familiar with, (?) do you know
  1377. conoció meet, (?) did they meet, (he) knew
  1378. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  1379. jueves Thursday, Thursdays
  1380. nieto grandson, grandchild
  1381. modernos modern
  1382. estufas stoves
  1383. comandante commander, captain, commanding officer
  1384. estudias (you) study, (?) do you study, (you) are studying
  1385. ortografía spelling
  1386. vio (?) did you see, (he) watched, (she) saw
  1387. público public, open, crowd
  1388. practiqué play, (I) played, (I) practiced
  1389. prima cousin
  1390. cómo how, what, how's
  1391. gorra cap, hat
  1392. cruz cross, burden
  1393. usa (?) are you using, (?) does he wear, (he) is using
  1394. página page
  1395. ofrecer (to) offer, (to) offer up, (to) present
  1396. despiertas (you) wake up, (?) do you wake up
  1397. planes plans
  1398. nos llamamos our names are
  1399. riesgo risk
  1400. débil weak, feeble
  1401. hemos (we) have, we've
  1402. comprendes (?) do you understand
  1403. correr run, (to) run, running
  1404. bananas bananas
  1405. pizza pizza
  1406. mascota pet, pets
  1407. verdadero real, positive, true
  1408. médico doctor, doctors
  1409. dr. Dr.
  1410. a ustedes
  1411. centro downtown, center
  1412. hay alguna
  1413. sucios dirty
  1414. déficit deficit, deficits, shortfall
  1415. menos less, minus, fewer
  1416. llegas (you) arrive, (?) do you arrive
  1417. aeropuertos airports
  1418. comprar buy, (to) buy, (to) get
  1419. lento slow, slowly
  1420. use (you) use
  1421. ejecutivo executive
  1422. crucé (I) crossed, cross
  1423. emocionados excited
  1424. primavera spring
  1425. grande big, large
  1426. pez fish
  1427. probador fitting room
  1428. presidente president
  1429. domingos Sundays, Sunday
  1430. ya already, now, anymore
  1431. volamos (we) flew, (we) fly
  1432. ese that, the
  1433. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  1434. vivió (?) did he live, (he) lived, (she) lived
  1435. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  1436. qué tiempo hace what's the weather like
  1437. artista artist, actor, actress
  1438. fines de semana weekends, weekend
  1439. individual mat, singles, isolated
  1440. añadir add, (to) add, write
  1441. me preocupo I'm worried, (I) worry
  1442. debajo under
  1443. patio de juego playground
  1444. oficina office
  1445. talla size
  1446. mamá mom, mother
  1447. limpiando cleaning
  1448. mente mind
  1449. abuelito grandpa
  1450. capital capital, capital city
  1451. los comen
  1452. espera (she) hopes, (she) is waiting for, (you) wait
  1453. piso floor, ground
  1454. pc pc
  1455. tranquilo calm, quiet
  1456. superar (to) surpass, (to) overcome, (to) beat
  1457. tranquila quiet, calm
  1458. monte woodland, scrubland, assemble
  1459. poco little, some, little bit
  1460. pruebe (you) try
  1461. interesantes interesting
  1462. necesitar+prpers
  1463. vino wine, (?) did he come, (he) came
  1464. tenis tennis
  1465. vestido dress, dressed
  1466. quedamos are we getting together
  1467. ángel angel, charm
  1468. europea European
  1469. dirección address, direction
  1470. le encanta (?) do you love, (he) loves, (she) loves
  1471. pintan (they) are painting
  1472. tamales tamales, tamale
  1473. tranquilos quiet, calm
  1474. vivía (I) used to live, (he) used to live, (she) lived
  1475. camarero waiter
  1476. amiga friend
  1477. miro (I) look at, (I) am watching, (I) watch
  1478. camiseta T-shirts, t-shirt
  1479. usted pone
  1480. mala bad, wrong
  1481. te llamamos (we) call you
  1482. capacidad capacity, ability, able
  1483. crema cream
  1484. ventaja advantage, start
  1485. mayo May
  1486. va going, (?) am I going, (?) are you going to
  1487. sentarnos (to) sit, sit
  1488. fin end, order
  1489. aprendió learn, (he) learned
  1490. legal legal, fair, far out
  1491. ella she, her
  1492. meseros waiters
  1493. patria homeland, home country, mother country
  1494. bolígrafos pens
  1495. menores younger
  1496. mirando looking at, watching
  1497. responsables responsible
  1498. reparar (to) repair, repaired
  1499. extras options, extra
  1500. aparecer (to) appear, (to) make … appear, (to) seem
  1501. comunicación communication, communications, connection
  1502. esperar (to) wait, (to) hope, wait
  1503. escúter scooter
  1504. cuánta how many, how much
  1505. toma (?) does it take, (he) drinks, (he) takes
  1506. íbamos (we) went out, (we) used to go, (we) were going
  1507. fueron were, (?) did they go, (they) left
  1508. graduado graduate
  1509. valor value, any value, cheek
  1510. absolutamente absolutely, totally
  1511. pensar (to) think, think
  1512. enfermero nurse
  1513. depresión depression, depressions
  1514. cambiar change, (to) change, (to) exchange
  1515. abriendo opening
  1516. administración administration, management, administrative / admin department
  1517. gabinete cabinet
  1518. semanal weekly
  1519. compré (I) bought, (I) got, buy
  1520. te sientas (?) are you sitting, (you) suit, (you) sit
  1521. lavar+prpers
  1522. detrás behind, after
  1523. aburridísima really boring
  1524. chocolates chocolates
  1525. el ciclismo
  1526. corre (she) runs
  1527. partido game, match, departed
  1528. baño bathroom, restroom, toilet
  1529. botellas bottles
  1530. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  1531. terminar (to) finish, (to) end, finish
  1532. americano American
  1533. amigo friend
  1534. cuántos años how old
  1535. puerta door, gate
  1536. discusión discussion, argument
  1537. deseo wish, (I) wish, (I) want
  1538. mañana tomorrow, morning
  1539. primaveras
  1540. católico Catholic
  1541. tierra earth, soil, land
  1542. taxi taxi
  1543. en realidad actually
  1544. pera pear
  1545. evidencia evidence, proof, show!
  1546. sed thirsty, thirst
  1547. diario newspaper, daily, diary
  1548. cómodas comfortable, dressers
  1549. perdemos (we) lose, (we) miss
  1550. cocina kitchen, (he) is cooking, (she) cooks
  1551. estuvieron were, (they) were, (you) were
  1552. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  1553. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  1554. canción song
  1555. las necesita
  1556. padre father, dad
  1557. sótano basement, cellar
  1558. cercano close, closed, nearby
  1559. objeto object, (I) object
  1560. a mí me
  1561. cita appointment, date
  1562. final final, end
  1563. acordarte remember
  1564. duelen (?) do they hurt, (they) hurt
  1565. puro pure, chaste, cigar
  1566. pizarrón blackboard, chalkboard, whiteboard
  1567. metro subway, meter, meters
  1568. mostrar (to) show, show
  1569. cafetera coffee maker
  1570. novio boyfriend
  1571. famoso famous
  1572. estudias (you) study, (?) do you study, (you) are studying
  1573. abrir open, (to) open, opened
  1574. tengo que (I) need to, (I) have to
  1575. carros cars
  1576. ducharse shower, (to) take a shower, (to) shower
  1577. qué elegante
  1578. mano hand
  1579. digital digital
  1580. computadora computer
  1581. sonido sound
  1582. primer first
  1583. abogado (a) lawyer, (a) solicitor, (an) attorney
  1584. año year, year ago
  1585. últimas last, lasts, last ones
  1586. cerró (?) did he shut, (he) closed, (she) shut
  1587. divertido fun, funny
  1588. me lo llevo
  1589. tú vuelves
  1590. congreso congress, Parliament (/ Congress etc) building, Parliament
  1591. trabajo (I) work, job, jobs
  1592. amistad friendship, friends
  1593. famoso famous
  1594. cara face, expensive, faces
  1595. rápido fast, quickly, quick
  1596. gran great, big, large
  1597. qué what, how, so
  1598. alumno student
  1599. aula classroom
  1600. grupos groups
  1601. empezó (?) did it start, (he) began, (he) started
  1602. principal main, capital, principal
  1603. mío mine
  1604. precio price
  1605. esposa wife
  1606. título title, degree
  1607. tengo (I) have, (?) do I, (I) am
  1608. flores flowers, Flores, flower
  1609. divertidos fun, funny
  1610. mano hand
  1611. después after, later, next
  1612. ensalada salad
  1613. tres 3, third, three
  1614. mono monkey
  1615. pertenecer (to) belong, belong, belonging
  1616. detener stop, (to) stop, (to) detain
  1617. escaso limited, short, slim
  1618. me llamo my name is
  1619. su his, her, their
  1620. poner put, (to) put, (to) set
  1621. cuchara spoon
  1622. horno oven, furnace
  1623. chef chef
  1624. hasta mañana see you tomorrow
  1625. apagado off
  1626. enojado angry, mad
  1627. mapa map
  1628. dígame say to oneself (me)!, say (me)!, say to each other (me)!
  1629. hasta until, to, even
  1630. felicitaciones congratulations
  1631. devolver returning, (to) give back, (to) return
  1632. sigue (you) continue, (you) follow, (you) go
  1633. me iba
  1634. los lunes
  1635. divertida fun, funny
  1636. usar (to) use, wear, (to) wear
  1637. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1638. principio beginning, principle, (I) begin
  1639. nacionalidad nationality
  1640. fácil easy
  1641. motivo reason, (I) motivate, motive
  1642. correr run, (to) run, running
  1643. se ducha (?) does she shower, (she) showers, (he) showers
  1644. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  1645. salsa sauce, salsa
  1646. sino but, but rather, if not
  1647. diecinueve nineteen, 19
  1648. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  1649. encantar (to) love, love
  1650. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  1651. continuar (to) continue, going, continue
  1652. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1653. gustó like
  1654. industria industry, diligence, ingenuity
  1655. se levantaron
  1656. hermanito little brother
  1657. cerraron close, (they) closed, closed
  1658. necesitas (you) need, (?) do you need
  1659. pintura paint, painting
  1660. simpáticas nice
  1661. real real
  1662. tocamos (we) touch, (we) are touching, (we) play
  1663. avenida avenue, boulevard, drive
  1664. rato while, time
  1665. tomé (I) took, (I) had, take
  1666. romper (to) break
  1667. me acuerdo
  1668. toman (?) do you catch, (they) are taking, (they) take
  1669. clima weather
  1670. médica doctor
  1671. me puede decir
  1672. pronto soon
  1673. conversaciones conversations
  1674. quizás maybe, perhaps, might
  1675. llover (to) rain, raining
  1676. fácilmente easily
  1677. me acosté
  1678. actuación performance, acting, action
  1679. pesado heavy
  1680. me voy I am leaving, I'm leaving
  1681. entradas entrances, gates, tickets
  1682. profesor professor, teacher
  1683. ausencia absence, lack
  1684. nieva (?) is it snowing, snow, (it) snows
  1685. mí me
  1686. reconocer (to) recognize, (to) examine, (to) admit
  1687. atún tuna
  1688. sabe know, (?) does he know, (he) knows
  1689. salga leave, leaves
  1690. caras expensive
  1691. aquel that
  1692. bebida drink
  1693. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  1694. caballo horse, horses
  1695. seca dry
  1696. momento moment, time
  1697. mejorar (to) improve, (to) get better
  1698. célula cell
  1699. populares popular
  1700. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  1701. posible possible
  1702. nivel level, floor
  1703. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1704. pagó (she) paid for, pay, (?) did you pay
  1705. seguridad safety, security, confidence
  1706. calientes hot, warm
  1707. ministro minister, government minister
  1708. tengo prisa I am in a hurry
  1709. dirigir produced, produces
  1710. lanzar (to) throw
  1711. volar (to) fly, fly, flying
  1712. prever (to) forecast, (to) envisage, (to) anticipate
  1713. barco boat, ship
  1714. tienen (?) are you, (?) do they have, (?) does he have
  1715. pintamos (we) are painting, (?) are we painting, (we) painted
  1716. escuchar (to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear
  1717. nos odiamos
  1718. añadís (you) add, add, (?) do you add
  1719. moneda coin, currency, piece
  1720. cuello neck
  1721. a la venta
  1722. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  1723. nortes
  1724. visitas visits, (?) are you visiting, (you) visit
  1725. vivir live, (to) live, living
  1726. ser be, (to) be, being
  1727. acción action, act, lawsuit
  1728. aeropuerto airport
  1729. extensión extension, extension lead, extent
  1730. jugamos (we) played, (we) play, (we) are playing
  1731. salió (he) left, (he) went out, (she) left
  1732. usar (to) use, wear, (to) wear
  1733. lectura reading
  1734. lo compro I'm buying it
  1735. azul blue
  1736. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  1737. proteína protein
  1738. estuve (I) was
  1739. me I, me, myself
  1740. me cae bien I like (him/her/it)
  1741. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  1742. cuero leather
  1743. abuelo grandfather, grandpa
  1744. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  1745. aceptar (to) accept, agreed, fall
  1746. oferta offer, sale
  1747. allí there, in there
  1748. papel paper, role
  1749. otro another, other, another one
  1750. tan so, as, that
  1751. colocar place, (to) place, (to) put
  1752. vengan (they) come, come
  1753. leímos read, (we) read
  1754. traigan bring
  1755. nube cloud, film, swarm
  1756. bailé (I) danced
  1757. conducir (to) drive, (to) ride, driving
  1758. sale (?) does it leave, (he) is leaving, (he) leaves
  1759. francesa French
  1760. esquina corner
  1761. espectáculos shows
  1762. teníamos (we) had, (we) used to have, had
  1763. bota boot
  1764. nada es
  1765. aceptar (to) accept, agreed, fall
  1766. permitir allow, (to) allow, (to) permit
  1767. escenario stage
  1768. quiero (I) want, (I) love, I'll have
  1769. quince fifteen, 15, fifteenth
  1770. permitir allow, (to) allow, (to) permit
  1771. y and, past
  1772. derecho right, straight
  1773. patín skate
  1774. habrá there will be, will be
  1775. pájaro bird
  1776. las frutas
  1777. abril April
  1778. estuviste (you) were, (you) stayed
  1779. desayunar (to) eat breakfast, (to) have breakfast
  1780. considerar consider, (to) consider, (to) consider oneself
  1781. par pair, couple
  1782. establecer (to) establish, (to) lay down, get
  1783. artículo article, entry
  1784. voy a
  1785. abajo down, downstairs, below
  1786. tal such
  1787. fantástico fantastic, great
  1788. dimensión
  1789. tirar throw, (to) throw, pull
  1790. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  1791. posición position, lie, social standing
  1792. visitaste visit, (?) did you visit, (you) visited
  1793. misma same
  1794. cambiar (to) change, (to) exchange
  1795. molesto (I) am a nuisance, (I) bother, (I) disturb
  1796. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  1797. trabajar (to) work, (?) does she work, working
  1798. a to, at, in
  1799. sector sector, area, group
  1800. esperando waiting, waiting for
  1801. hablabais (you) used to talk, (?) did you talk, talk
  1802. buenas good
  1803. sucias dirty
  1804. columna column, spine, backbone
  1805. regresar return, (to) return, (to) come back
  1806. cogen (?) are you taking, (you) take, catch
  1807. camarero waiter
  1808. me quedo (I) stay, I'm staying
  1809. esposo husband
  1810. bolsillo pocket
  1811. nochevieja
  1812. bancos banks
  1813. abiertas open
  1814. política politics, political, policy
  1815. recuerda remember, (she) remembers
  1816. entender (to) understand, made, understand
  1817. enseñas (?) are you teaching, (?) do you teach, (you) teach
  1818. entiendes (you) understand, (?) do you understand, get
  1819. paraguas umbrella, umbrellas
  1820. práctico practice, handy, pilot
  1821. creéis believe, (you) believe, (?) do you believe
  1822. mirar look, (to) look, (to) watch
  1823. edificio building
  1824. océano ocean
  1825. preguntamos (we) ask
  1826. dije (I) said, (I) told
  1827. habitaciones rooms, bedrooms
  1828. tráfico traffic
  1829. en in, at, on
  1830. cómics comics, comic books
  1831. mensaje message, text
  1832. suertes
  1833. cerré (I) closed, (I) shut, close
  1834. sesenta 60, sixty
  1835. tráemela bring it to me
  1836. se necesitan are needed
  1837. sencillo simple, change, change (money)
  1838. azúcar sugar
  1839. regalo gift, present
  1840. comienza (?) does it start, (she) begins, (she) starts
  1841. concepto concept, conceit
  1842. encuentran (they) find
  1843. muñeca doll, wrist
  1844. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  1845. sábana sheet, bedsheet
  1846. solución solution, answer
  1847. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  1848. pintado painted
  1849. tinto red
  1850. nadar swim, (to) swim, swimming
  1851. viste (you) saw, (?) did you see, (?) did you watch
  1852. contar tell, (to) count, (to) tell
  1853. baño bathroom, restroom, toilet
  1854. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  1855. soñar (to) dream, dream, dreaming
  1856. decirme (to) tell me
  1857. sin without, with no
  1858. pocas few, little
  1859. continuar (to) continue, going, continue
  1860. las nuestras
  1861. responder answer, (to) answer
  1862. doy (I) give, (I) am giving, I'm giving
  1863. piscina pool
  1864. actuar (to) act, (to) perform, act
  1865. me conoce (she) knows me, (he) knows me, (you) know me
  1866. apagas (you) turn off
  1867. escalar climbing, (to) climb, climb
  1868. cooperación cooperation
  1869. blancos white
  1870. mío mine
  1871. se aman
  1872. colina hill
  1873. detalle detail!, (I/he/she/it/you) detail, (I/he/she/it/you) go into detail
  1874. bajo under, low, short
  1875. señalar point, gave, give
  1876. sucia dirty
  1877. escena scene
  1878. pintar painting, (to) paint
  1879. reservar (to) reserve
  1880. procedimiento procedure, operation, proceedings
  1881. aquella that
  1882. enfermo sick, ill
  1883. prestar borrow, (to) borrow, (to) lend
  1884. ochenta 80, eighty
  1885. pelota ball
  1886. nosotros we, us
  1887. caluroso hot, warm
  1888. video video
  1889. masa mass, earth, batter
  1890. llegaron (?) did you arrive, (they) arrived, (they) got
  1891. museos museums
  1892. problema problem, matter, problems
  1893. siguientes following, next, followings
  1894. lugar place
  1895. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  1896. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  1897. fenómeno phenomenon, freak, genius
  1898. primero first, 1, 1st
  1899. visité (I) visited
  1900. garaje garage
  1901. delgado thin
  1902. nos conocemos (we) know each other, (we)have known each other
  1903. piedra rock, stone, flint
  1904. cielo sky, heaven
  1905. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  1906. ofrecer (to) offer, (to) offer up, (to) present
  1907. francesa French
  1908. estantería bookcase, bookshelf, shelf
  1909. caer+se
  1910. olvidaron forgot, (they) forgot
  1911. rosa pink, rosa
  1912. le gustan (?) does she like, (he) likes
  1913. dura hard
  1914. bueno good, well, nice
  1915. seguras safe, sure
  1916. ningunos neither, no one, none
  1917. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  1918. familias families
  1919. se quedan (they/you-plural) keep, (they/you-plural) stay, (they/you-plural) are
  1920. destino destiny, destination, (I) assign
  1921. cierras la
  1922. biblioteca library
  1923. mascotas pets
  1924. departamento department, apartment
  1925. poco little, some, little bit
  1926. comprendimos understand, (we) understood
  1927. encontró find, (?) did he find, (he) found
  1928. teníais (you) had, had, (?) did you have
  1929. menos less, minus, fewer
  1930. venir come, (to) come, coming
  1931. vivimos (we) live, (we) lived, (we) have lived
  1932. lado side
  1933. peor worse, worst
  1934. barata cheap
  1935. diente tooth
  1936. manta blanket
  1937. famosa famous
  1938. aprendido learned, learns, learned/learnt
  1939. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  1940. aire air, draft, draught
  1941. azul blue
  1942. me acordé (I) didn't remember, (I) remembered
  1943. corriste go running, run, (?) did you run
  1944. pintas (you) paint
  1945. comer+prpers
  1946. picante hot, spicy
  1947. mostrar (to) show, show
  1948. libro book, books, textbook
  1949. estantería bookcase, bookshelf, shelf
  1950. fechas dates, (you) date
  1951. era (?) did he use to be, (I) was, (he) was
  1952. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  1953. jugadora player
  1954. pasaportes passports
  1955. respondiste answer, (you) answered
  1956. pobreza poverty, poor quality, poorness
  1957. los padres
  1958. tiempo time, weather, long
  1959. te encuentras (?) are you meeting up
  1960. previo previous
  1961. nos ayudan (they) help us
  1962. jamás never, ever
  1963. usualmente usually, normally
  1964. durante during, for, in
  1965. se queda remains, (he/she/it) is, (he/she/it) stays
  1966. recibo receipt, (I) get, (I) receive
  1967. oreja ear
  1968. disfrutamos (we) enjoy, (we) are enjoying, (we) enjoyed
  1969. sonar (to) thump, (to) fail, goes
  1970. compro (I) buy, (I) am buying, I'm buying
  1971. verdura vegetable, verdure, green
  1972. buscar (to) look for, (to) search, (to) seek
  1973. pero but
  1974. radio radio
  1975. larga long, start, starts
  1976. vemos (we) see, (we) are seeing, (we) watch
  1977. tocando playing, touching
  1978. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  1979. tenía (?) did she have, (I) used to have, (he) had
  1980. personal personal, staff
  1981. nos besamos
  1982. comimos (we) ate, (we) had
  1983. manejas (?) do you drive, sail
  1984. es (?) is he, (?) is she, (he) is
  1985. tienes que (you) have to, (you) need, (?) do you have to
  1986. sin duda certainly, definitely, surely
  1987. odiar (to) hate, (to) pester, (to) hassle
  1988. secretaria secretary
  1989. desayuno breakfast, (I) eat breakfast
  1990. bici bike
  1991. siguiente next, following
  1992. mucho a lot, a lot of, much
  1993. hablar talk, (to) talk, (to) speak
  1994. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  1995. busca (she) is looking for, (she) searches
  1996. navidad Christmas
  1997. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  1998. tomate tomato
  1999. impedir (to) prevent, (to) hamper, (to) hinder
  2000. alta tall, high
  2001. asignaturas subjects
  2002. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  2003. cebolla onion
  2004. supuesto supposed, assumed
  2005. ninguno de
  2006. rasuradora razor
  2007. profundidad depth, the depths
  2008. uno one, 1, first
  2009. caminan (they) are walking, (they) walk
  2010. menos less, minus, fewer
  2011. siga (you) continue
  2012. dios god
  2013. mil thousand, 1000, a thousand
  2014. elemento element, crowd, elements
  2015. conflicto conflict, difficult situation
  2016. invitas (you) are inviting, ask, (you) ask
  2017. altura height, altitude, heights
  2018. edición edition, program, publication
  2019. expliqué (I) explained, (I) understood, explain
  2020. nosotros comemos
  2021. accidente accident
  2022. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  2023. caro expensive
  2024. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  2025. vi (I) saw, see, (I) watched
  2026. deportes sports
  2027. almorzar lunch, (to) have lunch, (to) eat lunch
  2028. lleno full, (I) fill
  2029. cuatro four, 4, 4th
  2030. especialmente especially
  2031. levantarse (to) get up, getting up
  2032. hija daughter, child
  2033. favoritos favorite, favorites
  2034. par pair, couple
  2035. miraste (?) did you see, (?) did you look at, (you) saw
  2036. vegetales vegetables
  2037. leche milk
  2038. uva grape
  2039. veinticinco twenty-five, 25, twenty-fifth
  2040. picante hot, spicy
  2041. picantes spicy
  2042. acompañar (to) go with
  2043. dudar
  2044. querido wanted, dear
  2045. múltiple
  2046. retrasar delay, delayed, hold
  2047. probarte (to) try on
  2048. en efectivo
  2049. franceses French
  2050. cierro close, (I) close, (?) should I close
  2051. vine (I) came, (I) arrived, come
  2052. aventura adventure
  2053. ocupados busy
  2054. mirar look, (to) look, (to) watch
  2055. bebé baby
  2056. abuela grandmother, grandma
  2057. un poco somewhat
  2058. inglés English
  2059. ven acá
  2060. bonita nice, beautiful, pretty
  2061. especial del día
  2062. mexicano Mexican
  2063. ascensor elevator
  2064. cinturón belt
  2065. nuestro our, ours
  2066. tienda store, shop, stores
  2067. nadaba (I) was swimming, (I) used to swim, use to swim
  2068. nos escuchan (they) listen to us
  2069. toro bull, torus
  2070. asa (you) grill, (you) roast
  2071. me puede traer
  2072. todo el mundo everybody, everyone
  2073. aprendiendo learning
  2074. me gusta (I) like
  2075. encuentra (he) finds
  2076. invite
  2077. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  2078. fábricas factories
  2079. nado (I) swim
  2080. divertidísimo a lot of fun, really fun
  2081. cualquier lugar
  2082. banano banana
  2083. etcétera etc, etc.
  2084. disculpe excuse me, pardon
  2085. se caen (they/you-plural) let drop / fall, (they/you-plural) hang, (they/you-plural) fall
  2086. campamento camp, camping
  2087. fregadero sink
  2088. claramente clearly
  2089. como (I) eat, as, (I) am eating
  2090. cuidado careful, care, worry
  2091. cenaron (?) did you eat dinner
  2092. salen (?) are you leaving, (?) do they leave, (they) are leaving
  2093. viene (?) does she come, (he) comes, (she) is coming
  2094. crear (to) create, create, thoughts
  2095. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  2096. miles thousands
  2097. cerveza beer
  2098. lo it, you, him
  2099. fe faith
  2100. esperabais (you) used to wait, (you) waited, waited
  2101. recuerdo (I) remember, memory
  2102. pensar (to) think, think
  2103. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  2104. cómo how, what, how's
  2105. limpian (they) wash, (they) are cleaning
  2106. borrador eraser
  2107. juego game, (I) play, games
  2108. presente introduce, introduce!, introduce oneself!
  2109. vuelves (you) come back, (you) return, (?) do you come back
  2110. límpialas (you) clean them
  2111. vehículo vehicle
  2112. factor factor, luggage clerk, quartermaster
  2113. mermelada jam, jelly
  2114. bailar dancing, (to) dance, dance
  2115. nos encontramos (we) are meeting up, meeting, (?) are we meeting up
  2116. polvo dust, powder, face powder
  2117. colonia colony, cologne, community
  2118. gustar like, (to) like
  2119. me llamaba (he/she/it/you) called (me), (he/she/it/you) used to call (me), (he/she/it/you) was/were calling (me)
  2120. apagar (to) turn off, turn
  2121. presentación presentation, performance, introduction
  2122. juego game, (I) play, games
  2123. usted habla
  2124. compañero de clase classmate
  2125. desayunar (to) eat breakfast, (to) have breakfast
  2126. agencia agency, (you-formal) pinch, (you-formal) swipe
  2127. vamos a
  2128. remedio medicine, (I) remedy, (I) repair
  2129. espera (she) hopes, (she) is waiting for, (you) wait
  2130. camas beds
  2131. dibujamos (we) drew, (we) draw
  2132. mamás moms
  2133. femenino feminine, female, ladies'
  2134. estudiosos studious
  2135. plato plate, dish
  2136. cine cinema, movies, movie theater
  2137. giro (I) turn, (?) do I turn
  2138. blusa blouse
  2139. impedir (to) prevent, (to) hamper, (to) hinder
  2140. bicicleta bicycle, bike
  2141. fáciles easy
  2142. guardia guard, police officer, policeman
  2143. lluvia rain
  2144. vez time
  2145. altas tall
  2146. diarios newspapers
  2147. elegante elegant
  2148. diferencia difference, tell the difference between!, (you-formal) tell the difference between
  2149. cambio change, (I) change, return
  2150. preguntar ask, (to) ask, (to) wonder
  2151. perdido lost, missing
  2152. juicio trial, judgment, mind
  2153. examen test, exam, examination
  2154. guerra war
  2155. cocinando cooking
  2156. sumar (to) add, add
  2157. responder answer, (to) answer
  2158. estados unidos United States, the US, us
  2159. muñecas wrists, dolls
  2160. escribiendo writing
  2161. anduve (I) worked, (I) went, (I) walked
  2162. mandé (I) sent
  2163. mirar look, (to) look, (to) watch
  2164. popular popular
  2165. físicas appearances, physique, figures
  2166. media average, half, thirty
  2167. sumar (to) add, add
  2168. te cepillas
  2169. nueva new
  2170. considerar consider, (to) consider, (to) consider oneself
  2171. perezosa lazy
  2172. italiano Italian
  2173. buena big, good, nice
  2174. abrimos open, (we) open, (we) opened
  2175. preocuparte (to) worry, worry
  2176. tardes afternoons, afternoon, evenings
  2177. famosas famous
  2178. de nada you're welcome, you are welcome
  2179. cuál quiere
  2180. extraño (I) miss, strange
  2181. probador fitting room
  2182. conveniente convenient, advisable
  2183. el rojo the red one
  2184. naturalmente naturally, of course
  2185. se van
  2186. debes
  2187. debes
  2188. debes
  2189. debe
  2190. debe
  2191. debe
  2192. debía
  2193. debía
  2194. debía
  2195. debió
  2196. debió
  2197. debió
  2198. debería
  2199. debería
  2200. deberá
  2201. deberá
  2202. deberá
  2203. debería
  2204. debería
  2205. debería
  2206. debería
  2207. debería
  2208. deberías
  2209. deberías
  2210. deberías
  2211. deberías
  2212. deberías
  2213. deber
  2214. deber
  2215. deber
  2216. deber
  2217. deber
  2218. deber
  2219. deber
  2220. deber
  2221. deber
  2222. deber
  2223. deber
  2224. deber
  2225. deber
  2226. deber
  2227. deber
  2228. deber
  2229. deber
  2230. deber
  2231. deber
  2232. deber
  2233. deber
  2234. deber
  2235. deber
  2236. deber
  2237. deber
  2238. debería (I) should, (she) should, (you) should
  2239. alguno one, any, some (people)
  2240. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  2241. brazalete bracelet
  2242. teoría theory
  2243. comportamiento behavior, performance
  2244. que to, that, than
  2245. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  2246. estuvo (he) was, (it) was, (she) was
  2247. maravilloso wonderful, marvelous
  2248. estupendos wonderful
  2249. violencia violence
  2250. tengan (they) have
  2251. tanto so, so much, as much as
  2252. necesito (I) need, (?) do I need
  2253. esponja sponge
  2254. fantástica fantastic
  2255. vete go, (I/he/she/it/you) veto, go away
  2256. qué le parece (?) what do you think
  2257. me necesita (she) needs me, (he) needs me
  2258. tú fuiste
  2259. sitios places, sites
  2260. dime (you) tell me
  2261. carretera road, highway
  2262. equipaje luggage, baggage
  2263. quizá perhaps, maybe, may
  2264. cocinero cook
  2265. pie foot
  2266. restaurantes restaurants
  2267. matemáticas math
  2268. hablando talking, speaking
  2269. diario newspaper, daily, diary
  2270. poner put, (to) put, (to) set
  2271. rock rock
  2272. carta letter
  2273. cajas boxes
  2274. cumpleaños birthday, birthdays
  2275. árboles trees
  2276. víctima victim
  2277. ser be, (to) be, being
  2278. espacio space, room, (I) space … out
  2279. jugos juices, juice
  2280. pares pairs
  2281. socialista socialist
  2282. comiendo eating, having, taking
  2283. seco dry, (I) dry
  2284. vender sell, (to) sell, selling
  2285. leemos (we) read, (we) are reading
  2286. observación observation, comment, note
  2287. me caigo (I) fall, (I) let drop / fall, (I) hang
  2288. portuguesa Portuguese
  2289. cuántas how many
  2290. dando giving, going
  2291. elegir (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  2292. salí (I) went out, (I) left
  2293. hecho made, done, fact
  2294. bolsa bag
  2295. vamos (we) are going, (?) should we go, (we) go
  2296. silencio quiet
  2297. bajo under, low, short
  2298. atender (to) serve, tend to, (to) attend to
  2299. niño boy, child
  2300. cereal cereal
  2301. vacío empty
  2302. transformación transformation, change, conversion
  2303. junio June
  2304. se las
  2305. limpiar clean, (to) clean, cleaned
  2306. quisimos want, (we) wanted, we tried
  2307. cuentas (you) count on, accounts, bills
  2308. fuerte strong, bad, hard
  2309. ambulancia ambulance
  2310. portuguesa Portuguese
  2311. conocí (I) knew, knew, know
  2312. latinas Latin
  2313. cocinó (?) did he cook, (he) cooked, (she) cooked
  2314. aparato gadget, apparatus, piece of apparatus
  2315. lavaplatos dishwasher, sink
  2316. caer fall, (to) fall down
  2317. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  2318. horario schedule
  2319. cantar singing, (to) sing, sing
  2320. prensa press!, printing press, (you-formal) press
  2321. sótano basement, cellar
  2322. máximo top, maximum
  2323. avión plane, airplane
  2324. navegué (I) sailed
  2325. explicar (to) explain, explain, explaining
  2326. lavar (to) wash
  2327. manzanas apples
  2328. salón hall
  2329. llovió (it) rained, rain
  2330. contar tell, (to) count, (to) tell
  2331. comen (?) are you eating, (?) do you eat, (they) are eating
  2332. así que so that, so
  2333. acampar camping, camp
  2334. grande big, large
  2335. bebé baby
  2336. mundo world
  2337. coleccionar collecting, collect, (to) collect
  2338. amarillas yellow
  2339. veintiún 21, twenty-one
  2340. leer read, (to) read, reading
  2341. días days, day
  2342. veintitrés twenty-third, twenty-three, 23
  2343. musical musical, music
  2344. bosques woods, woodland, forests
  2345. abierto open, made, opened
  2346. manejamos (we) are driving, (we) drive
  2347. palabra word
  2348. televisores televisions
  2349. física physics
  2350. malísima really bad
  2351. ninguno none, any, neither
  2352. secretario secretary
  2353. tranvía tram
  2354. olvidamos (we) forget, (we) forgot, forget
  2355. organiza organize, organizes
  2356. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  2357. corres (you) run, (?) are you running, (?) do you run
  2358. conocer meet, (to) meet, (to) get to know
  2359. práctica practice, teaching practice, experience
  2360. como (I) eat, as, (I) am eating
  2361. jugador player
  2362. costo cost, costs, hash
  2363. este this, east
  2364. sombreros hats, hat
  2365. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  2366. cenó (he) had dinner
  2367. información information
  2368. ofrecer (to) offer, (to) offer up, (to) present
  2369. traje de baño swimsuit, bathing suit, swimsuits
  2370. club club
  2371. quizás maybe, perhaps, might
  2372. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  2373. tomamos (we) have, (we) take, (?) are we taking
  2374. soñar (to) dream, dream, dreaming
  2375. sorpresa surprise, favor
  2376. leyeron (you) read, (?) did you read
  2377. padre father, dad
  2378. tiendas stores, shops
  2379. ayudo a
  2380. mucho a lot, a lot of, much
  2381. jalea jelly
  2382. quiero (I) want, (I) love, I'll have
  2383. tés teas
  2384. de acuerdo agreed, agree
  2385. tener have, (to) have, get
  2386. hermano brother
  2387. el mío
  2388. cheque check
  2389. han (she) has, (they) have, they've
  2390. exterior abroad, exterior, outside
  2391. pesar Despite, (to) weigh, (to) weigh out
  2392. caída fall, let drop / fall, been
  2393. controlar (to) control, (to) control oneself, (to) check
  2394. quieres (you) want, (?) do you want, (you) love
  2395. el español
  2396. clases classes, class, kind
  2397. belleza beauty, look, looking
  2398. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  2399. abrir open, (to) open, opened
  2400. necesario necessary, needed
  2401. fama reputation, fame, butcher's
  2402. por fin finally
  2403. lentamente slowly, slow
  2404. mejores best, better
  2405. velocidad speed, gear
  2406. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  2407. partes parts
  2408. buscar (to) look for, (to) search, (to) seek
  2409. sacerdote priest
  2410. vegetariano vegetarian
  2411. nieve snow
  2412. nacimiento birth
  2413. ambas both
  2414. gesto gesture
  2415. igual is, anyway, as
  2416. las the, his, my
  2417. manos hands
  2418. me llevo bien (I) get along
  2419. escribimos (we) write, (we) wrote
  2420. trabaja (?) do you work, (?) does he work, (?) does she work
  2421. enojado angry, mad
  2422. peligro danger, (I) am at risk, peril
  2423. cubano Cuban
  2424. duermo sleep, (I) sleep, (I) fall asleep
  2425. campamento camp, camping
  2426. internacional international
  2427. páginas pages
  2428. elegante elegant
  2429. gustar like, (to) like
  2430. inteligente smart, intelligent
  2431. pequeña little, small
  2432. escaleras stairs
  2433. junto along, by, next
  2434. viajar (to) travel, travel, traveling
  2435. estampilla stamp!, (he/she/it) stamps, postage stamp
  2436. paso step, (I) spend, (I) am spending
  2437. algunos some, a few
  2438. buenísimos really good
  2439. estilo style, kind, (I) drain
  2440. neumático tire, pneumatic, tyre
  2441. septiembre September
  2442. doctor doctor, doctors
  2443. año nuevo New Year's
  2444. estoy seguro
  2445. frente front, brow, facade
  2446. visto seen, (I) wear, watched
  2447. facilísimo really easy
  2448. otras other
  2449. bailarín dancer
  2450. bienvenido welcome
  2451. agregar add, (to) add, put
  2452. aumentar (to) increase, (to) rise, (to) raise
  2453. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  2454. promoción promotion, play-off
  2455. probaste try, touch, (you) tried
  2456. caminar (to) walk, walking, (to) go for a walk
  2457. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  2458. descubrimiento discovery, find
  2459. apagaste (?) did you turn off, (you) turned off
  2460. deciden (they/you-plural) settle, (they/you-plural) make up one's mind, (they/you-plural) decide
  2461. repetir (to) repeat
  2462. mes month
  2463. feliz happy, happily
  2464. estudioso studious
  2465. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  2466. ensalada salad
  2467. barco boat, ship
  2468. teléfono phone, telephone, telephone number
  2469. Nicolás Nicolás, Nicholas
  2470. sábados Saturdays, Saturday
  2471. habla (?) do you speak, (?) does he speak, (he) is speaking
  2472. mesas tables
  2473. depender
  2474. efectivo cash
  2475. chicos kids, boys, children
  2476. lees (you) read, (?) do you read, (you) are reading
  2477. cerré (I) closed, close, (I) shut
  2478. palabras words
  2479. ganas (you) win
  2480. encantarían (I) would love
  2481. catorce 14, fourteen
  2482. tener have, (to) have, get
  2483. rasuradora razor
  2484. Roma Rome
  2485. secreto secret, (I) secrete
  2486. muy very, too, really
  2487. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  2488. llaves keys
  2489. niebla fog
  2490. dicen say, (?) do they say, (they) say
  2491. dormido fallen asleep, slept, asleep
  2492. voz voice, rumor, shouting
  2493. se ponen (they) put on, (you) put on, (you) are putting on
  2494. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  2495. refrigerador fridge, refrigerator, refrigerators
  2496. felicidad happiness, Happy Birthday!, Happy New Year!
  2497. viejas old
  2498. gris gray, grey
  2499. encontrarse (to) meet up
  2500. largos long
  2501. hombres men
  2502. autobuses bus, buses
  2503. cinturón belt
  2504. despacio slowly, slow
  2505. compramos (we) buy, (we) bought, (?) are we buying
  2506. melón melon
  2507. oír (to) hear, (to) listen, hear
  2508. tijeras scissors
  2509. se habla
  2510. van a
  2511. viaje trip, journey
  2512. comíais (you) ate, ate, (?) did you eat
  2513. aunque though, even if, while
  2514. odiáis (?) do you hate, hate
  2515. último last, latest, final
  2516. carrera career, race, degree
  2517. tres 3, third, three
  2518. observar (to) observe, (to) remark, (to) abide by
  2519. normal normal, regular
  2520. venir come, (to) come, coming
  2521. primero first, 1, 1st
  2522. estudiabas (?) did you use to study, (you) used to study, (you) studied
  2523. preguntáis ask, (you) ask, (?) can you ask
  2524. defender (to) defend, (to) defend oneself, (to) uphold
  2525. neveras refrigerators
  2526. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  2527. primo cousin
  2528. cuaderno notebook
  2529. ayudo (?) should I help, (I) am helping, (?) can I help
  2530. abajo down, downstairs, below
  2531. panadero baker
  2532. computadora computer
  2533. domingo Sunday
  2534. te casas do you get married
  2535. sí yes, yeah, does
  2536. vino wine, (?) did he come, (he) came
  2537. cocino (I) cook
  2538. comprar buy, (to) buy, (to) get
  2539. bebiste drink, (you) drank, (?) did you drink
  2540. mirabais watch, (you) watched, (?) did you use to watch
  2541. río river, (I) laugh
  2542. verdad (?) are they, (?) aren't there, (?) is he
  2543. ajo garlic
  2544. yendo going, leaving
  2545. pérdida waste, loss, heavy bleeding
  2546. camisas shirts
  2547. cambiar change, (to) change, (to) exchange
  2548. quedarse con keep, stay
  2549. y medio
  2550. empieza starts, (?) does it start, (it) begins
  2551. empacar (to) pack, packing
  2552. metro subway, meter, meters
  2553. tu your
  2554. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  2555. diccionario dictionary
  2556. rueda wheel, tire, (he/she/it) turns
  2557. encontrarme (to) meet up
  2558. pastel cake
  2559. cerdos pigs
  2560. regresar return, (to) return, (to) come back
  2561. lograr (to) achieve, (to) be able to, (to) attain
  2562. bonito beautiful, pretty, nice
  2563. izquierdo left, nearest
  2564. imaginación imagination
  2565. segundo second, 2
  2566. palabra word
  2567. llévate Take, take!, go!
  2568. meseras waitresses, waitress
  2569. brazo arm
  2570. campeón champion
  2571. elección choice, election
  2572. dormir sleep, (to) sleep, sleeping
  2573. construcción construction, building, structure
  2574. federación federation
  2575. cocinero cook
  2576. cocina kitchen, (he) is cooking, (she) cooks
  2577. me ayudas (?) can you help me, (you) help me
  2578. apagadas off
  2579. peine comb
  2580. cenar dinner, (to) eat dinner, (to) have dinner
  2581. apartamento apartment
  2582. disminución decrease, decline, decreasing
  2583. grado grade, degree
  2584. esfuerzo effort
  2585. veinte 20, twentieth, twenty
  2586. lee (he) reads, (she) is reading, (she) reads
  2587. cierra (?) does it close, (it) closes, (you) close
  2588. cubana Cuban
  2589. nadar swim, (to) swim, swimming
  2590. categoría category
  2591. uniforme uniform, even
  2592. empiezas open, (you) start, (?) do you start
  2593. puede (?) can you, (?) could you, (I) may
  2594. nuestras our, ours
  2595. aprendimos (we) learned, learn
  2596. escenario stage
  2597. morir (to) die
  2598. oír (to) hear, (to) listen, hear
  2599. servir (to) serve, (to) be useful, serve
  2600. agrega (you-formal) add, (he/she/it) adds, add!
  2601. otro another, other, another one
  2602. usan (they) are wearing, (they) use, (they) wear
  2603. oros
  2604. aeropuerto airport
  2605. oración sentence, prayer
  2606. ayudar help, (to) help
  2607. mandar (to) send, send
  2608. trabajador worker
  2609. chorizo chorizo, sausage
  2610. lavan (they) wash, (they) are washing
  2611. encontrar (to) find
  2612. beneficio (I) benefit, (I) am of benefit to, (I) dress
  2613. empleado employee, bank clerk, clerk
  2614. anuncio ad, advertisement, announcement
  2615. unidad unit, unity, aircraft
  2616. ligero light
  2617. imposible impossible
  2618. zanahoria carrot
  2619. fútbol soccer, football
  2620. me volveré
  2621. eliminar (to) eliminate, (to) remove, (to) delete
  2622. saliendo going out, leaving, seeing
  2623. limpia clean, (he) washes, (she) cleans
  2624. tienes (you) have, (?) are you, (?) do you have
  2625. nacer born, (to) be born, (to) hatch
  2626. domingo Sunday
  2627. mayor older, old, oldest
  2628. miles thousands
  2629. forma fit, shape
  2630. acordarnos remember
  2631. descuento deal, discount
  2632. enviar (to) send, getting, send
  2633. rumbo course, direction
  2634. empiezan starts, (they) are starting, (they) start
  2635. lavar (to) wash
  2636. usted va
  2637. hielo ice
  2638. audiencia audience, court, hearing
  2639. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  2640. coge takes, (he) takes, catch
  2641. gastar (to) spend, spend
  2642. olvidar (to) forget, forget, forgot
  2643. pasado last, past, given
  2644. pobre poor
  2645. aprendieron (they) learned, learn, (?) did you learn
  2646. el mejor
  2647. tiene que (she) must, (she) has to, (he) needs to
  2648. vacaciones vacation, vacations
  2649. policía police, police officer, policeman
  2650. tome (you) drink, (you) take
  2651. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  2652. puedes (you) can, (?) can you, (?) could you
  2653. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  2654. resolver (to) resolve, solving, (to) solve
  2655. se llama (it) is called, (his) name is, (her) name is
  2656. se pone (she) puts on, (?) is she putting on, (he) puts on
  2657. bajito short, really short
  2658. alcanzar catch, (to) catch, (to) catch up with
  2659. costar cost, lost, (to) take
  2660. practicaste play, (you) played, (?) did you play
  2661. pudo (he) could, (she) was able to
  2662. me llaman (they) call me
  2663. charla chat
  2664. maíz corn
  2665. libro de texto text, textbook
  2666. piña pineapple, rose
  2667. pasa (he) is spending, happens
  2668. cine cinema, movies, movie theater
  2669. se hacen (they/you-plural) do, (they/you-plural) make, (they/you-plural) write out
  2670. mandar (to) send
  2671. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  2672. carpeta folder
  2673. comía (?) did she use to eat, (I) ate, (I) used to eat
  2674. de compras shopping
  2675. ha (he) has, (it) has, (she) has
  2676. enseñamos (we) are teaching, (we) taught, (we) teach
  2677. veintisiete 27, twenty-seven
  2678. luz light
  2679. guapo handsome, good-looking
  2680. buenos good, great, nice
  2681. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  2682. trescientos three hundred, 300
  2683. nadar swim, (to) swim, swimming
  2684. preguntas questions, (you) ask, question
  2685. profesor professor, teacher
  2686. baile dancing, dance
  2687. falda skirt
  2688. traje suit, (I) brought
  2689. comido eaten, had
  2690. asado roast, grilled, baked
  2691. mamá mom, mother
  2692. frecuentemente often, frequently
  2693. científico scientist, scientific
  2694. plantas plants
  2695. habitación room, bedroom
  2696. trabajar (to) work, (?) does she work, working
  2697. mía mine
  2698. Inglaterra England
  2699. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  2700. ley law, acted, assay value
  2701. usted vuelve
  2702. división division, sharing, sharing out
  2703. teclado keyboard, bank
  2704. viejos old
  2705. postal postcard
  2706. champanes champagnes
  2707. sábana sheet, bedsheet
  2708. chorizo chorizo, sausage
  2709. hotel hotel, hotels
  2710. servís (you) serve, (?) do you serve
  2711. conversar (to) talk, (to) chat, talk
  2712. bajo under, low, short
  2713. zoológico zoo
  2714. conduzco (I) drive
  2715. tenedor fork
  2716. mitad half, middle
  2717. naranja orange
  2718. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  2719. gustaría like, (?) would you like
  2720. dijiste (you) said, (?) did you say, (?) did you tell
  2721. ves (?) are you seeing, (?) do you see, (?) do you watch
  2722. calidad quality, status
  2723. identificación identification
  2724. rata rat
  2725. a ti you
  2726. poner put, (to) put, (to) set
  2727. quedarnos stay, (to) stay, staying
  2728. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  2729. pensar (to) think, think
  2730. teléfono phone, telephone, telephone number
  2731. emocionado excited
  2732. tenía (?) did she have, (I) used to have, (he) had
  2733. curso course, class, grade
  2734. vienes (you) come, (?) are you coming, (?) do you come
  2735. barba beard, beards
  2736. tipo type, guy, kind
  2737. zona zone, area, place
  2738. algún any, one, some
  2739. descansar resting, (to) rest
  2740. doce twelve, 12, noon
  2741. médicos doctors
  2742. organismo organization, organism, body
  2743. calle street, road
  2744. habéis (you-plural) is, (you-plural) have
  2745. ofrezco (I) offer, (I) am offering
  2746. preocuparme (to) worry, worrying, worry
  2747. perros dogs, dog
  2748. gatos cats
  2749. hermanas sisters
  2750. visita visit, (he) is visiting, (he) visits
  2751. izquierda left
  2752. Argentina Argentina
  2753. viniste (you) arrived, come, (you) came
  2754. pareces
  2755. pareces
  2756. pareces
  2757. parece
  2758. parece
  2759. parece
  2760. parece
  2761. parece
  2762. parece
  2763. parece
  2764. parece
  2765. parece
  2766. parece
  2767. parece
  2768. parece
  2769. parece
  2770. parece
  2771. parece
  2772. parece
  2773. parece
  2774. parece
  2775. parece
  2776. parece
  2777. parece
  2778. parece
  2779. parece
  2780. parece
  2781. parece
  2782. parece
  2783. parece
  2784. parece
  2785. parece
  2786. parece
  2787. parece
  2788. parece
  2789. parece
  2790. parece
  2791. parecen
  2792. parecen
  2793. parecen
  2794. parecen
  2795. parecen
  2796. parecen
  2797. parecen
  2798. parecen
  2799. parecen
  2800. parecen
  2801. parecía
  2802. parecía
  2803. parecía
  2804. parecía
  2805. parecía
  2806. parecían
  2807. parecían
  2808. parecer
  2809. parecer
  2810. parecer
  2811. parecer
  2812. parecer
  2813. parecer
  2814. parecer
  2815. parecer
  2816. parecer
  2817. parecer
  2818. parecer
  2819. parecer
  2820. parecer
  2821. parecer
  2822. parecer
  2823. parecer
  2824. parecer
  2825. parecer
  2826. parecer
  2827. parecer
  2828. parecer
  2829. parecer
  2830. parecer
  2831. parecer
  2832. parecer
  2833. parecer
  2834. parecer
  2835. parecer
  2836. parecer
  2837. parecer
  2838. parecer
  2839. parecer look, (to) look like, (to) seem
  2840. te ayudo
  2841. viven (?) do they live, (?) do you live, (they) live
  2842. instrumento instrument, musical instrument, (I) implement
  2843. disfrutar enjoy, (to) enjoy
  2844. consejo advice
  2845. director director, principal
  2846. carro car
  2847. malísimos really bad
  2848. decidir (to) decide, decide
  2849. reloj clock, watch
  2850. usé use, (I) used, (I) wore
  2851. ellos hablan
  2852. en todas partes everywhere
  2853. antiguo old
  2854. esquiar to ski, skiing
  2855. celebración celebration, celebrations
  2856. practicó (he) played, practiced, (you) played
  2857. iban (?) did you use to go, (they) used to go, (they) went
  2858. pintar painting, (to) paint
  2859. presión pressure, blood pressure
  2860. llegué (I) arrived, (I) came, (I) was
  2861. cereal cereal
  2862. caro expensive
  2863. una a, an, one
  2864. quién whom, who
  2865. descubrir (to) discover, (to) find, (to) uncover
  2866. maletas suitcases, bags
  2867. fecha date
  2868. cerrado closed
  2869. oro gold, golden
  2870. mañana tomorrow, morning
  2871. casi almost, nearly, most
  2872. estudiante student
  2873. crítica criticism, review, critic
  2874. pienso (I) think, (I) am thinking, plan
  2875. autobús bus
  2876. direcciones directions, addresses
  2877. excursión hike, hiking
  2878. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  2879. vivo (I) live, bright
  2880. esa that, that one, those
  2881. colección collection
  2882. cepillarse (to) brush
  2883. quedas you meet
  2884. archivo file, folder
  2885. nevó (it) snowed, snow
  2886. necesariamente necessarily
  2887. saliste (?) did you leave, (you) went out, (?) did you go out
  2888. pollo chicken
  2889. vivimos (we) live, (we) lived, (we) have lived
  2890. balonmano handball
  2891. abierta open
  2892. sí yes, yeah, does
  2893. veintiséis 26, twenty-six
  2894. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  2895. británico British, Briton, British person
  2896. recurso resource, appeal, facility
  2897. para nosotros
  2898. limpiar clean, (to) clean, cleaned
  2899. lata can
  2900. nota note, grade
  2901. amarillos yellow
  2902. el café
  2903. usted vive
  2904. espectáculo show, performance
  2905. camareros waiters
  2906. pasan (they) are spending
  2907. toqué (I) touched, (I) played, play
  2908. aquel that
  2909. bebió (?) did you drink, (he) drank, (she) drank
  2910. espero (I) hope, (I) am waiting for, (I) wait
  2911. te llamas your name is, (?) is your name
  2912. fue (he) was, (he) went, (it) was
  2913. miel honey
  2914. frío cold, cold weather
  2915. llamada call
  2916. calurosa hot, warm
  2917. Europa Europe
  2918. acaban de have just, finish
  2919. necesidad necessity, need, essential
  2920. compra (?) are you buying, (?) does she buy, (?) is he buying
  2921. mal bad, wrong, badly
  2922. bajo under, low, short
  2923. se baja
  2924. rosa pink, rosa
  2925. podemos (we) can, (?) can we
  2926. servicio service, restroom
  2927. el ajedrez
  2928. usamos (we) use, (we) used, (we) wear
  2929. definición definition
  2930. cerrar close, (to) close, (to) shut
  2931. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  2932. viene (?) does she come, (he) comes, (she) is coming
  2933. que estudiar
  2934. abuelas grandmothers
  2935. completar (to) complete, (to) finish, finish
  2936. siempre always, ever
  2937. pensaste (?) did you think, (you) thought
  2938. cuchara spoon
  2939. nombre name, named
  2940. universidades universities
  2941. años years, years old, years ago
  2942. esponja sponge
  2943. basurero dustbin, wastebasket, trash can
  2944. taza cup, mug, bowl
  2945. helicóptero helicopter
  2946. saber know, (to) know, hear
  2947. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  2948. conocer meet, (to) meet, (to) get to know
  2949. avanzado advanced
  2950. tenemos que (we) have to, (?) do we need to
  2951. me puede cambiar
  2952. olvidaste (?) did you forget
  2953. bonitas beautiful, nice, pretty
  2954. cubanos Cubans, Cuban
  2955. peor worse, worst
  2956. ambiente environment, (I/he/she/it/you) adjust, (I/he/she/it/you) adapt
  2957. próximas next, closes, nears
  2958. comida food, meal
  2959. al to, to the, on the
  2960. hospitales hospitals
  2961. maestros teachers
  2962. comer mucho
  2963. americana American
  2964. oferta offer, sale
  2965. bebíais drank, drink, (?) did you drink
  2966. malo bad, wrong
  2967. mayores older
  2968. playa beach, beaches
  2969. respuesta answer, response
  2970. viviste (?) did you live, live, lived
  2971. noticia news
  2972. visitó (she) visited, (?) did you visit, visit
  2973. presidencial presidential
  2974. conozco (I) know, (?) do I know, (I) am familiar with
  2975. moda fashion, fashions, look
  2976. pinturas paintings
  2977. compañía company
  2978. de vez en cuando once in a while, sometimes, now and then
  2979. techo ceiling, roof
  2980. contra against
  2981. encantar (to) love, love
  2982. tener have, (to) have, get
  2983. él he, him, it
  2984. síntoma indication, symptom, sign
  2985. demostrar show, (to) show, (to) demonstrate
  2986. me lavo (I) wash
  2987. ninguno none, any, neither
  2988. ojos eyes
  2989. mecánico mechanic
  2990. hablo (I) speak, (I) talk, (I) am talking
  2991. prácticamente practically, virtually
  2992. personalidad personality
  2993. supongo (I) suppose
  2994. restaurante restaurant, restaurants
  2995. meta goal, (I/he/she/it/you) do, (I/he/she/it/you) get involved
  2996. pantalones cortos shorts
  2997. alguno one, any, some (people)
  2998. había had, there was, it was
  2999. demostrar show, (to) show, (to) demonstrate
  3000. adentro inside, in
  3001. reducir (to) reduce, (to) cut, (to) exhume
  3002. tomate tomato
  3003. manejar (to) drive, driving
  3004. educación education, learning, manners
  3005. pueblo town, people
  3006. cómic comic
  3007. cortar (to) cut
  3008. me quedé (I) stayed
  3009. problemas problems, problem
  3010. cumbre summit, height, top
  3011. destruir (to) destroy
  3012. visitaban (they) used to visit, (they) were visiting, (?) did you use to visit
  3013. nos sentamos (we) sit, (?) should we sit
  3014. nos escribimos
  3015. suave soft, delicate, gentle
  3016. usa (?) are you using, (?) does he wear, (he) is using
  3017. noviembre November
  3018. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  3019. cuento (I) tell, story
  3020. manifestación protest, demonstration, manifestation
  3021. fracaso failure, fail, (I) fail
  3022. andar going, (to) walk, ride
  3023. trabaje (you) work
  3024. a nosotros us
  3025. carrera career, race, degree
  3026. si if, when, whether
  3027. indicaciones directions
  3028. cereales cereal
  3029. baloncesto basketball
  3030. lado side
  3031. cámara camera
  3032. buen provecho bon appétit
  3033. conocer meet, (to) meet, (to) get to know
  3034. turrón nougat, turrón
  3035. invitar (to) invite, (to) ask, invite
  3036. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  3037. ruta route, road
  3038. mesa table
  3039. distancia distance, away
  3040. cantó sang, (?) did he sing, (he) sang
  3041. pasaporte passport
  3042. platos plates, dishes
  3043. jefe boss
  3044. grandes big, large
  3045. o or, and
  3046. padres parents, fathers
  3047. se you, are, each other
  3048. pieza piece, bedroom, part
  3049. se vende is sold, for sale, sold
  3050. medio middle, half
  3051. pinté painted
  3052. lentes glasses
  3053. acuerdo (I) remember
  3054. revista magazine, journal
  3055. dijeron (?) did they say, (they) said, (they) told
  3056. operación operation, transaction
  3057. hacen (?) are you doing, (they) do, (they) make
  3058. ocurrir (to) happen, (to) occur, come
  3059. cómo te va how's it going
  3060. tortuga turtle, tortoise
  3061. tienen que (?) do you need to go, (they) have to, has to
  3062. jefas bosses
  3063. piano piano
  3064. me levanto (I) get up
  3065. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  3066. al regresar
  3067. dormimos (we) sleep, (we) slept
  3068. abuelo grandfather, grandpa
  3069. patio backyard, patio, yard
  3070. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  3071. nuevas new
  3072. están (?) are they, (they) are, (you) are
  3073. buenos días good morning
  3074. tú escribes
  3075. busco I'm looking for
  3076. estudié (I) studied, study
  3077. me olvido
  3078. sal salt
  3079. árbol tree
  3080. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  3081. revolución revolution
  3082. cierra (?) does it close, (it) closes, (you) close
  3083. marido husband
  3084. estación station, stations
  3085. mejor better, best, instead
  3086. ninguno none, any, neither
  3087. cocinamos (we) cook, (we) cooked
  3088. alcanzar catch, (to) catch, (to) catch up with
  3089. canal channel
  3090. contigo with you, at you
  3091. durmiendo sleeping, falling asleep
  3092. significado meaning, drawn attention to oneself, distinguished oneself
  3093. grandísimo really big
  3094. entrada entrance, ticket, gate
  3095. jugo juice
  3096. estudiaste (?) did you study, (you) studied
  3097. saludes
  3098. se encuentra he's meeting up
  3099. dibujar (to) draw, drawing, draw
  3100. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  3101. compraste buy, (?) did you buy, (?) did you get
  3102. llevamos (we) took, (we) are carrying
  3103. te despiertas
  3104. encontramos (we) find, (we) found
  3105. edad age
  3106. genial cool, great
  3107. tú you
  3108. llegue (he) arrives, (he) gets, (you) arrive
  3109. después after, later, next
  3110. llega (?) does it arrive, (he) arrives, (it) arrives
  3111. motor engine
  3112. lápiz pencil
  3113. decimos (we) say, (?) do we say, (we) tell
  3114. hacia to, towards, a
  3115. respondemos (we) answer
  3116. carta letter
  3117. ambos both
  3118. papa potato
  3119. se irá he'll be leaving
  3120. tranquilas quiet, calm
  3121. tía aunt
  3122. compromiso commitment, political commitment, agreement
  3123. acompañó (he) went with me, walk
  3124. tuvieron (?) did they have, (?) did you have, (they) had
  3125. interesante interesting
  3126. almorzar lunch, (to) have lunch, (to) eat lunch
  3127. diario newspaper, daily, diary
  3128. quieres decir (you) want to say, (you) mean
  3129. llueve (?) does it rain, (it) rains, it's raining
  3130. esposo husband
  3131. nariz nose
  3132. trabajas (you) work, (?) are you working, (?) do you work
  3133. noventa ninety, 90
  3134. demasiado too, too much, a bit too
  3135. pantalón pants, trousers
  3136. juez judge, referee
  3137. ver+se
  3138. producir (to) produce, (to) give rise to, (to) yield
  3139. siéntese (you) sit down
  3140. aparecer (to) appear, (to) make … appear, (to) seem
  3141. hermana sister
  3142. todo el tiempo
  3143. orientación direction, orientation, aspect
  3144. les they, you, hers
  3145. madera wood
  3146. despertar wake, (to) wake up
  3147. piden (they) order
  3148. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  3149. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  3150. te sientes (?) do you feel, (?) are you feeling, (you) feel
  3151. página page
  3152. acompañar (to) go with
  3153. nadamos (we) swim, (we) swam
  3154. teatro theater, movie theater, cinema
  3155. compráis (?) do you buy, buy, (?) are you buying
  3156. gracioso funny
  3157. reducir (to) reduce, (to) cut, (to) exhume
  3158. permitir allow, (to) allow, (to) permit
  3159. respuesta answer, response
  3160. enviar (to) send, getting, send
  3161. joyas jewelry
  3162. suficiente enough
  3163. habla (?) do you speak, (?) does he speak, (he) is speaking
  3164. soy (I) am, I'm
  3165. entre between, among, (he) enters
  3166. disco record, disk, (I) dial
  3167. mochila backpack
  3168. dibujar (to) draw, drawing, draw
  3169. mi my
  3170. repetir (to) repeat
  3171. describir (to) describe, (to) trace, describe
  3172. oyes (you) hear, (?) do you hear
  3173. estudiar study, (to) study, studying
  3174. abuelo grandfather, grandpa
  3175. chicas girls
  3176. sábanas sheets, bedsheets
  3177. ejemplos examples
  3178. juega (?) does he play, (he) is playing, (she) plays
  3179. testigo witness, baton, control
  3180. por favor please
  3181. ayudas (you) help, (?) do you help
  3182. que hacer
  3183. empiezo start, (I) am starting, (I) start
  3184. rodilla knee
  3185. esperar (to) wait, (to) hope, wait
  3186. contener bit, hold, bite
  3187. alfombra carpet
  3188. quiere dibujar
  3189. viejo old, old man, oldest
  3190. día day
  3191. pondré give, (I) will put in, (I) will post
  3192. elijo I'm choosing, (I) choose, (?) should I choose
  3193. lunes Monday, Mondays
  3194. sopa soup
  3195. hombre man
  3196. memoria memory, memoirs, report
  3197. lavar (to) wash
  3198. estudiáis (?) do you study, (you) study
  3199. mascota pet, pets
  3200. verde green, unripe
  3201. te vas (you) are leaving
  3202. organización organization
  3203. buenas tardes good afternoon, good evening
  3204. escrito written
  3205. caja box
  3206. universidad university, college
  3207. trenes trains
  3208. volver (to) return, (to) come back, (to) go back
  3209. comprender (to) understand, understand
  3210. aproximadamente approximately, about, around
  3211. a ella le gusta
  3212. puso (?) did she put, (he) put, (she) put
  3213. luego then, later, after
  3214. tú lees
  3215. azul blue
  3216. dimos (we) grew, (we) dealt, (we) gave
  3217. levantarte (you) get up
  3218. cuna crib, cradle
  3219. sillas chairs
  3220. pidiendo asking for, asking
  3221. bebo (I) drink, (I) am drinking
  3222. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  3223. bebí (I) drank, drink, (I) had
  3224. aceites oils
  3225. champán champagne
  3226. malo bad, wrong
  3227. ligeras light
  3228. bailó (she) danced
  3229. responder answer, (to) answer
  3230. correos electrónicos email, emails
  3231. civil civil, Civil Guard, civilian
  3232. éxito success
  3233. ido gone, been to, been
  3234. círculo circle, round
  3235. preferido favorite, preferred
  3236. manejar (to) drive, driving
  3237. negociación negotiation, deal
  3238. me lo quedo
  3239. construir (to) build
  3240. conseguir (to) get, (to) find, find
  3241. empujar (to) push
  3242. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  3243. plato plate, dish
  3244. personal personal, staff
  3245. saben (?) do you know, (?) do you know how to, (they) know
  3246. gato cat
  3247. nerviosa nervous
  3248. como (I) eat, as, (I) am eating
  3249. cuadra block
  3250. almuerzo lunch, (I) eat lunch
  3251. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  3252. patios playgrounds
  3253. manera way, manner, so that
  3254. comentario comment, call, commentary
  3255. contar tell, (to) count, (to) tell
  3256. sé (I) know, (I) know how to, (you) be
  3257. te levantas (you) get up, (?) do you get up, (you) are getting up
  3258. diciendo saying, telling
  3259. dormitorio bedroom, dormitory, room
  3260. europeo European
  3261. cifra number, (he/she/it) writes … in code, (you-formal) write … in code
  3262. verde green, unripe
  3263. importar matter, import
  3264. música music
  3265. humor mood, humor
  3266. oraciones sentences, prayers
  3267. mientras while, as, as long as
  3268. tradicional traditional
  3269. cenamos (we) ate dinner, (we) eat dinner, (we) had dinner
  3270. descansar resting, (to) rest
  3271. interesarse
  3272. grave bad, serious
  3273. reír+se
  3274. montar ride, (to) ride, riding
  3275. frío cold, cold weather
  3276. sonar (to) thump, (to) fail, goes
  3277. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  3278. actor actor
  3279. alternativa alternative, in rotation
  3280. papa potato
  3281. traemos (we) are up to, get, (we) bring
  3282. bajas short, low
  3283. izquierdas
  3284. miramos look, (we) watched, (we) are looking
  3285. me acordé (I) didn't remember, (I) remembered
  3286. trabajar mucho
  3287. el uno al otro
  3288. ayuda help, (he) helps, (he) is helping
  3289. ministerio department, ministry
  3290. pongo (I) put, (?) do I put, (I) am putting
  3291. disponible available
  3292. estas these, this
  3293. le doy
  3294. frecuencia frequency
  3295. interesante interesting
  3296. eléctrico electric, electrical
  3297. ocupada busy
  3298. mar sea
  3299. motocicleta motorcycle
  3300. coman eat, eat!, (you-plural) eat (command)
  3301. hace frío
  3302. ama de casa homemaker, housewife
  3303. regalo gift, present
  3304. invierno winter
  3305. aquellas those
  3306. ejemplo example
  3307. botas montañeras
  3308. gafas glasses
  3309. habló (he) spoke, (he) talked, speak
  3310. probamos (we) try, (we) are trying
  3311. televisiones televisions
  3312. vaso glass
  3313. pesqué (I) fished
  3314. usted prueba
  3315. abrís (you) open
  3316. capítulo chapter, episode, area
  3317. leer read, (to) read, reading
  3318. producto product, result
  3319. ellos se
  3320. cuerpo body
  3321. leía (she) was reading, (I) used to read, (she) read
  3322. chaquetas jackets
  3323. segundo second, 2
  3324. bailas (you) dance
  3325. jardín garden, yard
  3326. presentar present, introduce, (to) present
  3327. comer una
  3328. descargar download, (to) download, downloaded
  3329. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  3330. reloj clock, watch
  3331. carácter character, characteristic, nature
  3332. imprimir (to) print
  3333. estudiamos (we) study, (we) studied
  3334. cerveza beer
  3335. lista list, ready, smart
  3336. importante important
  3337. camarera waitress
  3338. capitán captain, flight lieutenant, master
  3339. rápida fast, quick
  3340. presentar present, introduce, (to) present
  3341. feria fair, (he/she/it) sells, (you-formal) sell
  3342. quise (I) wanted, (I) loved, I tried
  3343. almorzar lunch, (to) have lunch, (to) eat lunch
  3344. me acuesto (I) go to bed
  3345. mal bad, wrong, badly
  3346. puente bridge
  3347. fruta fruit
  3348. agradezco (I) thank, thank
  3349. camisa shirt
  3350. alrededor around, about, round
  3351. vas (you) are going, (you) go, (?) are you going
  3352. latina Latin
  3353. segundo second, 2
  3354. policía police, police officer, policeman
  3355. divertidísimas really fun
  3356. encuentra (he) finds
  3357. me ama (she) loves me
  3358. veíais watched, (you) used to watch, (?) did you use to see
  3359. viendo watching, seeing, looking
  3360. pintados painted
  3361. ruido noise, noisy
  3362. preocuparnos (to) worry, worry
  3363. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  3364. para ella
  3365. mostrar (to) show, show
  3366. banco bank, banks
  3367. ciento a hundred, one hundred, percent
  3368. salimos (we) went out, (we) go out, (we) are leaving
  3369. terreno terrain, land, plot of land
  3370. cosa thing
  3371. acabar (to) finish, finish
  3372. sombrero hat
  3373. comíamos (we) used to eat, eating, (we) were eating
  3374. sorprendidas surprised
  3375. mesita little table
  3376. sangre blood
  3377. torre tower, tower block, (I/he/she/it/you) roast
  3378. lámpara lamp
  3379. rosado pink
  3380. cocinaste (you) cooked, (?) did you cook
  3381. otoños autumns, falls
  3382. muy very, too, really
  3383. salgan leave
  3384. pagas pay, (you) pay, (you) pay for
  3385. sufrir (to) suffer, (to) undergo, (to) bear
  3386. entráis start, (you) go into, (you) start
  3387. les gusta (?) do they like, (they) like
  3388. hablan (?) do they speak, (they) are speaking, (they) are talking
  3389. abro (?) should I open, (I) open, I'm opening
  3390. pies feet
  3391. asumir (to) assume, (to) adopt, take
  3392. mirar look, (to) look, (to) watch
  3393. encontraron (?) did you find, (they) found, find
  3394. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  3395. vivo (I) live, bright
  3396. postal postcard
  3397. presentar present, introduce, (to) present
  3398. a lo largo del along, throughout the, along the
  3399. firmar sign, signed
  3400. bosque forest, woods, wood
  3401. portátil laptop
  3402. cómodo comfortable, comfy, convenient
  3403. pudieron (they) could, (they) were able to
  3404. pequeños small, little, young
  3405. beba (you) drink
  3406. prepare (you) prepare
  3407. comieron (?) did you eat, (they) ate
  3408. establecer (to) establish, (to) lay down, get
  3409. entender (to) understand, made, understand
  3410. mezquita mosque
  3411. ciencia science
  3412. subir up, (to) get on, (to) get in
  3413. gordo fat
  3414. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  3415. aquel that
  3416. que viene next
  3417. pintar painting, (to) paint
  3418. cárcel prison, jail, can
  3419. espero (I) hope, (I) am waiting for, (I) wait
  3420. eran (it) was, (they) were
  3421. mal bad, wrong, badly
  3422. castillo castle
  3423. eras (you) were, (you) were being, (you) used to be
  3424. mantener (to) keep, (to) support, (to) keep up
  3425. correr run, (to) run, running
  3426. vieron (they) saw, (they) watched
  3427. química chemistry, chemical
  3428. tostada toast
  3429. café coffee, coffee shop, brown
  3430. nerviosos nervous
  3431. papá dad, father
  3432. ahora now
  3433. olvido (I) forget, forget
  3434. todo everything, all, whole
  3435. desierto desert, deserted
  3436. hermanos brothers, siblings
  3437. collar necklace, collar
  3438. chaqueta jacket
  3439. sólo only, just, alone
  3440. exactamente exactly
  3441. tomaron (?) did you drink, (they) had, (they) took
  3442. preferimos (we) preferred, (we) prefer
  3443. comprender (to) understand, understand
  3444. pavo turkey
  3445. original original, different
  3446. aburridos boring, bored
  3447. blanco white
  3448. desayunó breakfast, (he) ate breakfast
  3449. limpió clean, (she) cleaned
  3450. usaste (you) wore, use, (you) used
  3451. cantar singing, (to) sing, sing
  3452. cuchillo knife
  3453. usted hace
  3454. preferir (to) prefer, prefer, preferred
  3455. eligen (?) do they choose, (they) choose
  3456. raíz root, to take root, take hold
  3457. decidir (to) decide, decide
  3458. aprender (to) learn, learning, learn
  3459. cuántas how many
  3460. nos lavamos
  3461. culpar
  3462. danza dance, dancing
  3463. viajaron (?) did you travel, (they) traveled, travel
  3464. comen (?) are you eating, (?) do you eat, (they) are eating
  3465. mi my
  3466. menos mal luckily
  3467. están listos
  3468. levántate (you) get up
  3469. mis my
  3470. tendrás (you) will have, (you) will be, you'll be
  3471. acto act
  3472. abran open!, open (up)!, open out!
  3473. presentar present, introduce, (to) present
  3474. triste sad
  3475. tampoco neither, either, (I) don't
  3476. fábrica factory
  3477. dólar dollar
  3478. me quedo (I) stay, I'm staying
  3479. comenzamos (we) started, (?) do we start, (we) begin
  3480. ejercicio exercise
  3481. comprendieron (?) did you understand, understand, (you) understood
  3482. piensa (he) thinks, (you) think, think
  3483. meses months, month
  3484. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  3485. viste (you) saw, (?) did you see, (?) did you watch
  3486. había una vez once upon a time
  3487. perfecto perfect
  3488. fiesta party, parties
  3489. recuperar (to) recover, (to) recover from something, (to) undelete
  3490. diente tooth
  3491. ambos both
  3492. estudian (?) do they study, (?) do you study, (they) are studying
  3493. setecientos seven hundred, 700
  3494. marrón brown
  3495. miro (I) look at, (I) am watching, (I) watch
  3496. feo ugly, bad
  3497. constitución constitution, makeup, setting-up
  3498. qué what, how, so
  3499. gato cat
  3500. das (you) give
  3501. las comen (they) eat them
  3502. reservar (to) reserve
  3503. cambiando getting changed, swapping, changing gear
  3504. así so, like that, like this
  3505. recordar remember, (to) remember, remembering
  3506. cama bed
  3507. tarde late, afternoon, evening
  3508. corrieron (they) went running, (?) did you go running, run
  3509. pregunto (I) ask, (I) wonder
  3510. matar kill, (to) kill, (to) kill oneself
  3511. alquiler rent
  3512. trasero back, can
  3513. calor hot, heat
  3514. influencia influence!, (you-formal) influence, (he/she/it) influences
  3515. visita visit, (he) is visiting, (he) visits
  3516. edad age
  3517. inusual unusual
  3518. morir (to) die
  3519. santo saint, holy, St
  3520. fruta fruit
  3521. vestido dress, dressed
  3522. genial cool, great
  3523. eres (you) are, (?) are you, you're
  3524. derecha right, straight
  3525. pierna leg
  3526. noche night, evening
  3527. sofá sofa, couch
  3528. octubre October
  3529. compartir (to) share, share, sharing
  3530. pidió (he/she/it/you) asked for, (he/she/it/you) asked, (he/she/it/you) begged
  3531. camareras waitresses
  3532. hablé (I) spoke, (I) talked, talk
  3533. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  3534. enfermedad illness, disease
  3535. llamas (you) call, (?) are you calling, (?) do you call
  3536. oigo (I) hear, (I) listen
  3537. fumar smoking, (to) smoke
  3538. flauta flute, flute player, French stick
  3539. puse (I) put, (?) did I put
  3540. dormimos (we) sleep, (we) slept
  3541. construimos (we) build, (we) construct, (we) constructed
  3542. nos we, us, each other
  3543. me puedo probar (?) can I try on
  3544. turismo tourism
  3545. cama bed
  3546. conocer meet, (to) meet, (to) get to know
  3547. clave key
  3548. usted you
  3549. perdido lost, missing
  3550. comprar buy, (to) buy, (to) get
  3551. soledad loneliness, solitude
  3552. dan give, (they) are giving, (they) give
  3553. lejos far, far away
  3554. artes arts, art
  3555. trabajador worker
  3556. propiedad property, estate
  3557. dulce sweet, candy
  3558. pagaste pay, (?) did you pay for, (you) paid for
  3559. perdone excuse me, pardon me
  3560. salimos (we) went out, (we) go out, (we) are leaving
  3561. pescar fishing, (to) catch, (to) fish
  3562. me veré
  3563. primos cousins
  3564. bibliotecas libraries
  3565. cabeza head
  3566. explicar (to) explain, explain, explaining
  3567. dolores pains, hurts, pain
  3568. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  3569. especial special
  3570. bolsa bag
  3571. de todas formas in any case, anyway, time
  3572. caminabais (you) used to walk, (you) walked, (?) did you use to walk
  3573. equipo team
  3574. oye hey, (you) hear
  3575. suponer assume, (to) mean, (to) suppose
  3576. atleta athlete
  3577. cita appointment, date
  3578. ellas se
  3579. asar (to) roast
  3580. cadáver corpse, (dead) body, carcass
  3581. América America
  3582. facultad faculty, authority, college
  3583. gira (it) turns, (you) turn
  3584. pato duck
  3585. señorita miss, Ms., lady
  3586. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  3587. preparar (to) prepare, (to) make, (to) coach
  3588. pluma pen, feather
  3589. completar (to) complete, (to) finish, finish
  3590. orden order, command
  3591. ocupado busy
  3592. enfrente in front, opposite, across
  3593. eliges (?) can you choose, (you) choose
  3594. va a
  3595. última last, latest, final
  3596. recibís (you) receive, receive, (?) do you receive
  3597. compañero de clase classmate
  3598. supermercados supermarkets
  3599. norteamericano American, North American
  3600. bailaron (they) danced
  3601. caminamos (we) walk, (we) walked, (we) are walking
  3602. compren buy
  3603. maneja (he) is driving, (she) drives
  3604. recuerdo (I) remember, memory
  3605. menús
  3606. números numbers, acts, constables
  3607. lavaron wash, (they) washed
  3608. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  3609. arena sand, arena, ring
  3610. internets
  3611. pedido asked, asked for, ordered
  3612. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  3613. promedio average
  3614. pasada last
  3615. comías (you) were eating, (you) used to eat, (?) did you use to eat
  3616. no do not, does not, no
  3617. tú se
  3618. de of, from, 's
  3619. hacíais (you) were doing, do, (?) did you do
  3620. cogieron (they) took
  3621. superficie surface, area
  3622. margen margin, (road) side
  3623. examen test, exam, examination
  3624. campo field, country, countryside
  3625. lancé (I) threw, throw
  3626. salir (to) go out, (to) leave, going out
  3627. enseñaste (you) taught, (?) did you teach
  3628. estanterías bookcases
  3629. amigo friend
  3630. mundos worlds
  3631. escribimos (we) write, (we) wrote
  3632. de niña
  3633. ibas (you) were going to, (?) did you use to go
  3634. cercana close, near, nearby
  3635. cómo se dice (?) how do you say
  3636. jefa boss
  3637. raqueta racket, rake, snowshoe
  3638. medias stockings, socks, tights
  3639. sus her, his, its
  3640. esquiar to ski, skiing
  3641. soñamos (we) dream, (we) dreamed/dreamt
  3642. elevado elevated, large, high
  3643. francés French
  3644. acordarse remembering, (to) remember (oneself), (to) agree (oneself)
  3645. tazón bowl, mug
  3646. sándwiches sandwiches
  3647. buscar (to) look for, (to) search, (to) seek
  3648. suéter sweater
  3649. me siento
  3650. miraron (they) looked, (they) watched, (?) did they watch
  3651. intención intention, purpose
  3652. toma (?) does it take, (he) drinks, (he) takes
  3653. actualmente currently
  3654. igualdad equality, equation
  3655. dólares dollars
  3656. estudio study, (I) study, (I) am studying
  3657. beber+prpers
  3658. doler (to) hurt, hurts, hurt
  3659. enfermero nurse
  3660. té tea
  3661. cortina curtain
  3662. copiar copy, copying
  3663. correcto right, correct, polite
  3664. hace calor
  3665. novela novel, write a novel about!, (you-formal) write a novel about
  3666. entiende (?) do you understand, (he) understands, understand
  3667. largo long
  3668. dormir (to) sleep, sleeping
  3669. están listas
  3670. muebles furniture
  3671. usar (to) use, wear, (to) wear
  3672. suyo yours, his, theirs
  3673. turismos
  3674. escribí (I) wrote, write
  3675. divertidas fun, funny
  3676. último last, latest, final
  3677. obra play, performance
  3678. tanto so, so much, as much as
  3679. dificultad difficulty, make … difficult!
  3680. colocar place, (to) place, (to) put
  3681. camisa shirt
  3682. menor younger, little, youngest
  3683. matrimonio marriage, wedding, (I) get married
  3684. dónde where
  3685. uso (I) use, (I) wear, (I) am wearing
  3686. limpias clean, (you) clean, (?) can you clean
  3687. según according to, it depends, as
  3688. ocupar hold, filled, deal
  3689. ácido sour, acid
  3690. halar pull
  3691. conocieron (?) did you meet, (they) met, meet
  3692. costa coast, bank, costs
  3693. bomba bomb, big news, gas station
  3694. conversar (to) talk, (to) chat, talk
  3695. vegetal vegetable, plant
  3696. dentista dentist
  3697. dólar dollar
  3698. salir (to) go out, (to) leave, going out
  3699. salsa sauce, salsa
  3700. conseguir (to) get, (to) find, find
  3701. me fui
  3702. marrones brown
  3703. pasado last, past, given
  3704. naturaleza nature
  3705. del of the, from the, about the
  3706. nos cepillamos (we) are brushing, (we) brush
  3707. opción option, choice
  3708. comienzo start, beginning, (I) begin
  3709. frijol food, bean
  3710. cierto true, (?) shouldn't they, (?) shouldn't we
  3711. díselo tell
  3712. vivían (?) did they use to live, (?) did they live, (?) did you use to live
  3713. rico rich, delicious, tasty
  3714. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  3715. hijo son, child
  3716. llenar (to) fill, (to) fill out, fill
  3717. ajo garlic
  3718. venir come, (to) come, coming
  3719. difícil difficult, hard
  3720. instituto institute, college, high school
  3721. citar (to) cite, (to) quote, (to) incite
  3722. adultos adults, adult
  3723. vacas cows
  3724. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  3725. coge takes, (he) takes, catch
  3726. limpios clean
  3727. mantener (to) keep, (to) support, (to) keep up
  3728. tormenta storm
  3729. descansar resting, (to) rest
  3730. tú vas
  3731. adelante forward, bring forward!, move forward!
  3732. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  3733. propio own, messenger
  3734. estudiado studied
  3735. encender (to) turn on
  3736. aquí here, this way
  3737. aún still, yet, even
  3738. golf golf
  3739. dos two, 2, both
  3740. establecer (to) establish, (to) lay down, get
  3741. duro hard
  3742. pedimos (we) ordered, (we) asked, (we) ask
  3743. llevas (?) can you carry, (?) do you carry, (you) are carrying
  3744. me cae mal I don't like him
  3745. oportunidad opportunity, chance, broken
  3746. campana bell, hood
  3747. arte art
  3748. ellos leen
  3749. montaste (?) did you ride, start, ride
  3750. disfrutar enjoy, (to) enjoy
  3751. debes
  3752. debes
  3753. debes
  3754. debe
  3755. debe
  3756. debe
  3757. debía
  3758. debía
  3759. debía
  3760. debió
  3761. debió
  3762. debió
  3763. debería
  3764. debería
  3765. deberá
  3766. deberá
  3767. deberá
  3768. deberá
  3769. deberá
  3770. deberá
  3771. debería
  3772. debería
  3773. debería
  3774. debería
  3775. debería
  3776. deberías
  3777. deberías
  3778. deberías
  3779. deberías
  3780. deberías
  3781. deber
  3782. deber
  3783. deber
  3784. deber
  3785. deber
  3786. deber
  3787. deber
  3788. deber
  3789. deber
  3790. deber
  3791. deber
  3792. deber
  3793. deber
  3794. deber
  3795. deber
  3796. deber
  3797. deber
  3798. deber
  3799. deber
  3800. deber
  3801. deber
  3802. deber
  3803. deber
  3804. deber
  3805. deber
  3806. deber duty, assignment, (to) owe
  3807. bonito beautiful, pretty, nice
  3808. estante shelf, bookshelf
  3809. guante glove
  3810. parte part, some
  3811. bar bar
  3812. usaron (they) used, (they) wore
  3813. quedan (they/you-plural) are left, (they) get together, (they/you-plural) stay
  3814. posible possible
  3815. tipo type, guy, kind
  3816. empecé (I) started, (I) began
  3817. nos caemos
  3818. dormitorios bedrooms
  3819. pensé (I) thought
  3820. descargué download, (I) downloaded
  3821. hora time, hour
  3822. producción production, output
  3823. jabón soap
  3824. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  3825. aplicación app
  3826. desayunan (?) do you eat breakfast
  3827. herir injured, (to) hurt o.s., (to) wound
  3828. encontré (I) found, find
  3829. creíais (you) believed, (you) used to believe, believe
  3830. diez ten, 10, tenth
  3831. le hago I'm asking her, I'm asking him, (I) ask her
  3832. nos acordamos (we) remembered, remember, (we) remember
  3833. lavas wash, (?) are you washing, (?) do you wash
  3834. disculpa excuse me
  3835. auxilio (I) help, (I) attend, help
  3836. adiós goodbye, bye
  3837. enseñaron (they) taught, taught
  3838. hobby hobby
  3839. antes before, previously, by
  3840. hermano brother
  3841. tarde late, afternoon, evening
  3842. eso it, that
  3843. enfadado angry, mad
  3844. dibujo animado cartoon
  3845. primo cousin
  3846. cuestan (?) do they cost, (they) cost, are
  3847. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  3848. chico boy, guy, kid
  3849. cogí got, get, made
  3850. señal sign
  3851. prueba test, quiz, (?) are you trying on
  3852. fuimos (we) went, (we) were, go
  3853. me acuerdo
  3854. jugador player
  3855. trabajado worked
  3856. seis 6, six, sixth
  3857. tiene have, (?) are you, (?) do you have
  3858. pusimos put, (we) put, (we) put on
  3859. canción song
  3860. superior superior, top, upper
  3861. donde where, when, because
  3862. abre (?) are you open, (?) does it open, (?) is it open
  3863. celulares cell phones, cellphones
  3864. los perros
  3865. se cepillan (they) brush, (you) brush
  3866. contactar (to) contact, contact
  3867. formulario form
  3868. situación situation, location, position
  3869. agricultura agriculture
  3870. cómo puedo ir
  3871. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  3872. siguiente next, following
  3873. identidad identity
  3874. deuda debt
  3875. presupuesto budget, (I) budget for, (I) plan
  3876. reciente recent, hottest
  3877. viaje trip, journey
  3878. me pongo (I) put on, (I) am putting on, I'm putting on
  3879. liso straight
  3880. amplio wide, spacious, big
  3881. julio July, Julio
  3882. cancelación cancellation
  3883. gustar like, (to) like
  3884. practicaron (they) played, played
  3885. conoce (?) are you familiar with, (?) do you know, (?) does she know
  3886. aprendo (I) learn, (I) am learning
  3887. vuelve (?) are you coming back, (?) are you returning, (?) do you return
  3888. reservación reservation
  3889. partir leave, (to) leave, leaving
  3890. volver (to) return, (to) come back, (to) go back
  3891. dedicar give, gave
  3892. salvar pull, (to) pass, (to) cover
  3893. mandamos (we) send, (we) sent
  3894. próxima next
  3895. pudimos (we) could, (we) were able
  3896. mercado market, markets
  3897. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  3898. ella come
  3899. cruzar (to) cross, cross, crossing
  3900. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  3901. tratabais (you) were trying, (you) tried, tried
  3902. cenar dinner, (to) eat dinner, (to) have dinner
  3903. formar (to) form, (to) develop, (to) make
  3904. habló (he) spoke, (he) talked, speak
  3905. refrigeradores refrigerators
  3906. individuo individual, character
  3907. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  3908. miércoles Wednesday, Wednesdays
  3909. mismo same
  3910. césped lawn, grass
  3911. tratar (to) try, (to) treat, try
  3912. nos abrazamos
  3913. manzana apple
  3914. la quiero (I) want it
  3915. presencia presence, (he/she/it) is present at, (he/she/it) attends
  3916. kilogramo kilogram
  3917. rápidos quick, fast
  3918. chileno Chilean
  3919. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  3920. limpio clean, (I) clean, (I) wash
  3921. fui (I) went, (I) was, (I) left
  3922. lámpara lamp
  3923. estadounidense American, US
  3924. relación relationship, account, association
  3925. es divertido
  3926. te duchas (you) shower, (?) are you showering, (?) do you shower
  3927. disfruta (he) enjoys, (he) is enjoying, (you) enjoy
  3928. andar going, (to) walk, ride
  3929. esto this
  3930. tus your
  3931. hambre hungry, hunger
  3932. es grande
  3933. color color, colors
  3934. resolver (to) resolve, solving, (to) solve
  3935. avión plane, airplane
  3936. miró (he) looked, (he) looked at, (he) watched
  3937. se lavan (you) wash, (they) wash themselves
  3938. viajé (I) traveled, travel
  3939. campesino farmer, country, peasant
  3940. arquitectura architecture
  3941. me siento
  3942. aceite oil
  3943. encontrar (to) find
  3944. decís (you) are telling, (you) tell, (you) say
  3945. acostarse (to) go to bed, (to) lie down
  3946. morir (to) die
  3947. empezar (to) start, (to) begin, start
  3948. conocimiento knowledge, consciousness
  3949. bol bowl
  3950. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  3951. costumbre habit, custom, practice
  3952. presentar present, introduce, (to) present
  3953. lavamanos sink
  3954. sobre about, on, on top of
  3955. fuerza force!, (you-formal) force, strength
  3956. picar (to) bite, snack, (to) snack
  3957. caminas (you) walk, walk
  3958. cepillo brush, hair
  3959. cerrado closed
  3960. juego de mesa board game
  3961. fuego fire
  3962. básquetbol basketball
  3963. importante important
  3964. barcos boats, ships, shallow ravine
  3965. construir (to) build
  3966. tú haces
  3967. caballero gentleman, knight
  3968. reyes kings
  3969. volver+se
  3970. chilenos Chilean
  3971. declaración statement, declaration, call
  3972. tratar (to) try, (to) treat, try
  3973. cuarto room, bedroom, quarter
  3974. notas grades
  3975. corrimos run, (we) went running, (we) ran
  3976. bailan (they) dance, (they) are dancing
  3977. empuje go, push, drove
  3978. a usted
  3979. al llegar
  3980. ochocientos eight hundred, 800
  3981. nevando snowing
  3982. gatito little cat, kitten
  3983. abrir+prpers
  3984. pierden (they) are losing, (they) lose
  3985. silla chair
  3986. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  3987. cenan (you) eat dinner
  3988. temperatura temperature, a temperature
  3989. academia academy, school
  3990. e and
  3991. problema problem, matter, problems
  3992. próximo next, nearest
  3993. es tan
  3994. necesitar need, (to) need, needed
  3995. demasiado too, too much, a bit too
  3996. lavó wash, (he) washed
  3997. hoja leaf, sheet, blade
  3998. bebemos (we) drink
  3999. llaman (they) call
  4000. boleto ticket
  4001. palacio palace
  4002. cambiar change, (to) change, (to) exchange
  4003. oír (to) hear, (to) listen, hear
  4004. pintor painter, artist
  4005. oscuro dark
  4006. quiénes who, who all, whom
  4007. cafetera coffee maker
  4008. abierto open, made, opened
  4009. ratón mouse
  4010. yo I, me
  4011. empezaron (?) did you start, (they) started, start
  4012. haciendo doing, making, asking
  4013. española Spanish
  4014. vestirse dressed, dress, to get dressed
  4015. hermano brother
  4016. salgo (I) leave
  4017. acompañar (to) go with
  4018. fuerte strong, bad, hard
  4019. lleva (it) takes, (she) carries, (she) is carrying
  4020. alquilar (to) rent, lets, renting
  4021. dice (he) says, (she) is saying
  4022. romper (to) break
  4023. te pones (you) put on, (?) are you putting on
  4024. felices happy
  4025. que leer
  4026. leer (to) read, reading
  4027. regalo gift, present
  4028. leyendo reading
  4029. viajaste (?) did you travel, travel, (you) traveled
  4030. sueño dream, sleepy, tired
  4031. puesto put, (I) have on, (she) has on
  4032. me quedo con
  4033. boca mouth
  4034. empezamos a
  4035. ellas they, them
  4036. enterar
  4037. jugar (to) play, playing, play
  4038. comprendiste (?) did you understand, understand, (you) understood
  4039. corbata tie
  4040. claro light, clear, sure
  4041. hacienda ranch, estate, (he/she/it) grants … land(s)
  4042. rico rich, delicious, tasty
  4043. creo que deberías
  4044. chica girl
  4045. ti you
  4046. nuestro our, ours
  4047. aburridísimos really boring
  4048. falda skirt
  4049. te you, yourself
  4050. mayor older, old, oldest
  4051. tercer third
  4052. repitiendo repeating
  4053. girar turn, turned, (to) turn
  4054. volcán volcano
  4055. foto photo, picture, photos
  4056. ojo eye
  4057. perro dog
  4058. dieciséis sixteen, 16, 16th
  4059. traje suit, (I) brought
  4060. blanca white, Blanca
  4061. esta this
  4062. pizarras blackboards, boards, chalkboards
  4063. uno one, 1, first
  4064. especie kind, sort, species
  4065. ser be, (to) be, being
  4066. conciencia conscience, awareness, consciousness
  4067. sabes (you) know, (?) do you know, (?) do you know how to
  4068. tener have, (to) have, get
  4069. reunión meeting
  4070. rápidas quick, fast
  4071. vaya (I) go, (he) is going, (you) go
  4072. uno one, 1, first
  4073. impermeable raincoat, raincoats
  4074. ópera opera, opera house
  4075. invitar (to) invite, (to) ask, invite
  4076. letra lyrics, handwriting, arts
  4077. sillón armchair
  4078. nadabas (?) were you swimming, (?) did you use to swim, (you) were swimming
  4079. piloto pilot
  4080. tonelada
  4081. doscientos two hundred, 200
  4082. litro liter, liters
  4083. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  4084. juguete toy
  4085. has (you) have, you've
  4086. estantería bookcase, bookshelf, shelf
  4087. varios many, various, assorted
  4088. proyecto project
  4089. oposición opposition, (public) competitive examination
  4090. trabajar (to) work, (?) does she work, working
  4091. amor love, darling, dear
  4092. que to, that, than
  4093. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  4094. hablas con
  4095. dejando leaving, letting, abandoning
  4096. tradición tradition
  4097. caro expensive
  4098. extranjero foreign
  4099. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  4100. felicidades congratulations
  4101. sin without, with no
  4102. compran (?) do you buy, (they) are buying, (they) buy
  4103. hicimos made, (we) made, (?) did we do
  4104. vivía (I) used to live, (he) used to live, (she) lived
  4105. cogió (he) took
  4106. caminaste (?) did you walk, (you) walked, walk
  4107. peores worse
  4108. perfume perfume!, (I/he/she/it/you) perfume, put perfume / scent on!
  4109. consciente conscious, aware
  4110. queso cheese
  4111. alma soul, souls, core
  4112. alcanzar catch, (to) catch, (to) catch up with
  4113. morenas brunettes
  4114. paisaje landscape, scenery
  4115. payaso clown, comedian, joker
  4116. cuna crib, cradle
  4117. a veces sometimes
  4118. caminar (to) walk, walking, (to) go for a walk
  4119. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  4120. taxi taxi
  4121. contento happy, glad
  4122. asiento seat
  4123. lograr (to) achieve, (to) be able to, (to) attain
  4124. parar (to) stop
  4125. excelente excellent, fine, great
  4126. ciudad city, town
  4127. andar going, (to) walk, ride
  4128. calle street, road
  4129. quiere aprender
  4130. pregunta question, (she) asks, questions
  4131. inflación inflation
  4132. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  4133. número number
  4134. negros black
  4135. vaya (I) go, (he) is going, (you) go
  4136. cien hundred, 100, one hundred
  4137. necesitar need, (to) need, needed
  4138. poder power, can, (to) be able to
  4139. duermes sleep, (you) sleep, (?) do you sleep
  4140. a qué hora (?) what time, when
  4141. me compra (he) buys me, (he) is buying me, (she) buys me
  4142. beban drink, drink!, (you-plural) drink (command)
  4143. semestre semester, term
  4144. zapato shoe
  4145. salida exit
  4146. estudiando studying
  4147. grito scream, (I) shout, call
  4148. planta plant, plants
  4149. venta sale, hostelry, inn
  4150. economía economy, economics, finances
  4151. viento wind, windy
  4152. se duchan shower, (they) shower, (?) are they showering
  4153. sorprendido surprised
  4154. iglesia church
  4155. nos vamos
  4156. venir come, (to) come, coming
  4157. pensando thinking
  4158. gustaron (I) like, (I) liked, (they) like
  4159. comía (?) did she use to eat, (I) ate, (I) used to eat
  4160. béisbol baseball
  4161. fumar smoking, (to) smoke
  4162. clásico classic, classical, standard
  4163. hora time, hour
  4164. reservar (to) reserve
  4165. llover (to) rain, raining
  4166. cambiar change, (to) change, (to) exchange
  4167. vivido lived
  4168. demasiado too, too much, a bit too
  4169. jugaba (he) used to play, (I) played, (I) used to play
  4170. le das (you) give (him/her/it), (you) administer (him/her/it), (you) deal (him/her/it)
  4171. los necesita (she) needs them, (he) needs them
  4172. disfrutas (?) are you enjoying, (?) do you enjoy
  4173. autopista highway, freeway
  4174. en línea online
  4175. colección collection
  4176. satisfecho satisfied, pleased
  4177. montas start, (you) ride, (?) do you ride
  4178. tomar el
  4179. saludable healthy
  4180. esperar (to) wait, (to) hope, wait
  4181. anduvo walked, walk
  4182. manejo (I) drive
  4183. te levantaste
  4184. principalmente mainly, chiefly, principally
  4185. me ducho (I) shower
  4186. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  4187. supieron know, (they/you-plural) knew, (they/you-plural) tasted
  4188. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  4189. se ríe
  4190. el the, her, his
  4191. sufrir (to) suffer, (to) undergo, (to) bear
  4192. señoras ladies, Mrs.
  4193. interesa jugar
  4194. cocinaron cook, (you) cooked, (they) cooked
  4195. tienda store, shop, stores
  4196. problema problem, matter, problems
  4197. piscinas pools
  4198. ninguna any, no, neither
  4199. esperar (to) wait, (to) hope, wait
  4200. televisión television, TV
  4201. guía guidebook, guide, guide book
  4202. nevar (to) snow, snowing, snow
  4203. recientemente recently
  4204. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  4205. siéntate (you) sit, (you) sit down
  4206. dolor pain, hurt
  4207. mundial World, World Championship(s), Global
  4208. montamos (we) ride, (we) rode, start
  4209. toco (I) touch, (I) play, (I) feel
  4210. barato cheap
  4211. habitación room, bedroom
  4212. se sientan (they/you-plural) feel, (they/you-plural) suit, (they/you-plural) sit
  4213. mismas same
  4214. todo everything, all, whole
  4215. comprendo understand
  4216. participar (to) participate, (to) announce, (to) provide
  4217. estudia (?) do you study, (?) does he study, (he) studies
  4218. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  4219. molestar bother, put
  4220. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  4221. todos all, all of, every
  4222. alto tall, high, loud
  4223. volver (to) return, (to) come back, (to) go back
  4224. invitó (you) invited, (she) invited, invite
  4225. esquiar to ski, skiing
  4226. intentar (to) try, try
  4227. te ríes
  4228. estupenda marvelous, fantastic, wonderful
  4229. cortáis cut, (you) cut
  4230. pensó (he) thought, (she) thought
  4231. correo electrónico email, email address
  4232. tomo (I) take, (I) am taking
  4233. estación station, stations
  4234. arte art
  4235. sería una buena idea
  4236. contestar answer, got, getting
  4237. almorzamos (we) have lunch, (we) are having lunch, (we) eat lunch
  4238. ve (he) watches, (she) sees, (you) go
  4239. escriben (?) do you write, (they) are writing, (they) write
  4240. aldea village, town
  4241. soleado sunny
  4242. cuadro painting, picture
  4243. sala living room, lounge
  4244. nos compra (she) buys us, (he) buys us
  4245. estudiar study, (to) study, studying
  4246. gorra cap, hat
  4247. barco boat, ship
  4248. graciosa funny
  4249. limpio clean, (I) clean, (I) wash
  4250. desear wants, desire, want
  4251. alguna any, one, some
  4252. quisiste (you) wanted, want
  4253. cuentos stories, tales
  4254. aburrido boring, bored
  4255. se apura (she) hurries
  4256. comenzaron (they) started
  4257. hijo son, child
  4258. estudioso studious
  4259. lograr (to) achieve, (to) be able to, (to) attain
  4260. pisos floors
  4261. salvaje wild, animal, brutal
  4262. que escribir
  4263. brazos arms
  4264. básico basic, simple
  4265. pausa pause, rest
  4266. tocar (to) play, playing, (to) touch
  4267. informaciones information, news item, directory enquiries
  4268. conoces (you) know, (?) are you familiar with, (?) do you know
  4269. ropa clothes, clothing
  4270. aprendemos (we) learn, (we) are learning, learn
  4271. propósito purpose, aim
  4272. pones (you) put, (?) do you put, start
  4273. pasillo hall, hallway, aisle
  4274. ajedrez chess
  4275. coleccionar collecting, collect, (to) collect
  4276. compartir (to) share, share, sharing
  4277. seguramente surely, certainly, probably
  4278. jugabas (you) used to play, (you) played, played
  4279. cocinan (they) cook
  4280. pusiste (?) did you put, (you) put
  4281. bolígrafo pen
  4282. cinco five, 5, 5th
  4283. dormir sleep, (to) sleep, sleeping
  4284. nuestro our, ours
  4285. pijama pajamas
  4286. quisiera (I) would like
  4287. codo elbow, elbow;, tightfisted
  4288. cansado tired
  4289. veía (I) saw, (I) used to see, (he) used to see
  4290. patinar skating, skate, to skate
  4291. se queda remains, (he/she/it) is, (he/she/it) stays
  4292. quería decir
  4293. patineta skateboard
  4294. planear (to) plan, designed
  4295. cliente customer, client
  4296. faldas skirts
  4297. corrupción corruption, decay
  4298. pensamiento thought, pansy, thinking
  4299. doblar turned, turn, goes
  4300. pantalla screen
  4301. bocas
  4302. paquetes packages
  4303. conocemos (we) know, (we) have known, we're familiar with
  4304. demostrar show, (to) show, (to) demonstrate
  4305. morado purple
  4306. compañera de cuarto roommate
  4307. disfrutar enjoy, (to) enjoy
  4308. canto (I) sing, singing
  4309. flor flower
  4310. caro expensive
  4311. corren (they) run
  4312. construir (to) build
  4313. estudiosas studious
  4314. oír (to) hear, (to) listen, hear
  4315. de of, from, 's
  4316. paquete package
  4317. es seguro
  4318. alemán German
  4319. oyendo hearing, getting, listening
  4320. corto short
  4321. reconocer (to) recognize, (to) examine, (to) admit
  4322. montaña mountain
  4323. pobre poor
  4324. tristes sad
  4325. suerte luck, lucky
  4326. me desperté (I) waked/woke (up), (I) aroused, (I) whetted/whet
  4327. pescado fish
  4328. actitud attitude, posture
  4329. banana banana
  4330. instrucción instruction
  4331. soñar (to) dream, dream, dreaming
  4332. hola hello, hi
  4333. el inglés
  4334. escuelas schools
  4335. cafetería cafeteria, cafe, café
  4336. juguetes toys, toy
  4337. pantalones pants, pairs of pants
  4338. siete 7, seven, seventh
  4339. unión union, association, join
  4340. te quedaste con
  4341. montaba (he) would ride, (I) used to ride, (he) was riding
  4342. francés French
  4343. ideal ideal, dream, ideals
  4344. bailar dancing, (to) dance, dance
  4345. apurarse hurry, (to) hurry
  4346. cantante singer
  4347. se cree it is believed
  4348. vivías (?) did you use to live, (you) used to live
  4349. chocolate chocolate
  4350. sacar (to) take out, (to) get, get
  4351. calurosos hot, warm
  4352. despertarme (to) wake up
  4353. ayudan (they) help
  4354. negocio business
  4355. arete
  4356. pertenezco belong
  4357. ríos rivers
  4358. oficial official, officer, police officer
  4359. dormir sleep, (to) sleep, sleeping
  4360. aprendiendo a
  4361. ahí there, then
  4362. fotografía photography, photograph
  4363. permiso permission, permit, leave
  4364. pantalón pants, trousers
  4365. grupo group, band
  4366. estufa stove
  4367. radio radio
  4368. hecho made, done, fact
  4369. aburrido boring, bored
  4370. panes bread
  4371. ponen (they) are putting, start
  4372. sufrir (to) suffer, (to) undergo, (to) bear
  4373. fantástico fantastic, great
  4374. tarea homework, task
  4375. de moda vogue, in style, in fashion
  4376. acerca about
  4377. muerto died, dead, finished
  4378. soñáis (you) dream
  4379. escándalo scandal
  4380. me veo (I) imagine, (I) see, (I) watch
  4381. llave key
  4382. pintada painted
  4383. muchas many, a lot of
  4384. excelente excellent, fine, great
  4385. pregunta question, (she) asks, questions
  4386. champiñón mushroom
  4387. vestíbulo foyer, halle, vestibule
  4388. continuar (to) continue, going, continue
  4389. museo museum
  4390. nos conocen (they) know us
  4391. leer este
  4392. español Spanish
  4393. hablar talk, (to) talk, (to) speak
  4394. cansados tired
  4395. hijos children, sons, kids
  4396. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  4397. surfear surfing, (to) surf
  4398. sabe usted (?) do you know
  4399. visitamos (we) visit, (we) visited
  4400. propina tip
  4401. minutos minutes
  4402. favorito favorite
  4403. me lavé
  4404. esos those
  4405. ayudamos (we) help, (we) helped
  4406. nuevos new
  4407. encima on, above, on top of
  4408. está (?) are you, (he) is, (it) is
  4409. trabajar (to) work, (?) does she work, working
  4410. treinta 30, thirty
  4411. ojo eye
  4412. camina (she) walks, (you) walk
  4413. posibilidad possibility, chance, means
  4414. periódico newspaper, daily newspaper
  4415. querría (I) would like
  4416. te you, yourself
  4417. jamón ham
  4418. vuelven (?) are you going back, (they) are going back, (they) come back
  4419. tan so, as, that
  4420. te caes
  4421. vidas lives
  4422. oyen (they) hear
  4423. llevar take, (to) take, (to) bring
  4424. tan bonito
  4425. amar love, (to) love
  4426. disfrutaste (?) did you enjoy
  4427. champú shampoo
  4428. ver (to) see, (to) look, (to) watch
  4429. definitivamente definitely, for good, once and for all
  4430. hablar talk, (to) talk, (to) speak
  4431. sesión session
  4432. dar give, (to) give, (to) have
  4433. llevan (they) are carrying, (they) wear
  4434. tratáis (you) try, (?) do you try
  4435. millón million
  4436. centavo cent
  4437. veinticuatro 24, twenty-four, twenty-fourth
  4438. cojo (I) take, I'm taking, get
  4439. producir (to) produce, (to) give rise to, (to) yield
  4440. hoja leaf, sheet, blade
  4441. medicina medicine
  4442. diecisiete seventeen, 17, 17th
  4443. debes
  4444. debes
  4445. debes
  4446. debe
  4447. debe
  4448. debe
  4449. debía
  4450. debía
  4451. debía
  4452. debió
  4453. debió
  4454. debió
  4455. debería
  4456. debería
  4457. deberá
  4458. deberá
  4459. deberá
  4460. debería
  4461. debería
  4462. debería
  4463. debería
  4464. debería
  4465. deberías
  4466. deberías
  4467. deberías
  4468. deberías
  4469. deberías
  4470. deber
  4471. deber
  4472. deber
  4473. deber
  4474. deber
  4475. deber
  4476. deber
  4477. deber
  4478. deber
  4479. deber
  4480. deber
  4481. deber
  4482. deber
  4483. deber
  4484. deber
  4485. deber
  4486. deber
  4487. deber
  4488. deber
  4489. deber
  4490. deber
  4491. deber
  4492. deber
  4493. deber
  4494. deber
  4495. deberías (you) should
  4496. respondió answer, (he) answered, (she) answered
  4497. donde where, when, because
  4498. usáis (?) do you use, use
  4499. temor fear
  4500. volumen volume
  4501. obtener (to) get, (to) win, (to) achieve
  4502. inteligentes intelligent, smart
  4503. dame (you) give me
  4504. justo fair, right, just
  4505. tallas sizes
  4506. cierto true, (?) shouldn't they, (?) shouldn't we
  4507. comí (I) ate, eat, (I) had
  4508. trajo (?) did you bring, (he) brought, (she) brought
  4509. seguro sure, safe
  4510. abrir open, (to) open, opened
  4511. cuenta check, bill, account
  4512. hice (I) did, (I) made, (I) asked
  4513. preferir (to) prefer, prefer, preferring
  4514. crear (to) create, create, thoughts
  4515. juego game, (I) play, games
  4516. libre free, off
  4517. compramos (we) buy, (we) bought, (?) are we buying
  4518. regular regular, adjust, average
  4519. correr run, (to) run, running
  4520. señoritas young ladies, ladies, girls
  4521. corriendo running
  4522. toca (?) does he play, (he) plays, (it) is playing
  4523. pájaro bird
  4524. está rico
  4525. techo ceiling, roof
  4526. a mí me gusta
  4527. café coffee, coffee shop, brown
  4528. para for, to, (he) stops
  4529. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  4530. lávate wash, (you) wash, (you) wash up
  4531. correo email, mail
  4532. vida life, lives
  4533. pusieron (?) did they put, (?) did you put, (they) put
  4534. mojado wet
  4535. conmigo with me, at me, me
  4536. conducir (to) drive, (to) ride, driving
  4537. suficiente enough
  4538. hacia to, towards, a
  4539. venga come, come!, (I/he/she/it/you) come
  4540. se siente (?) does he feel, (you) feel, (he) feels
  4541. medicina medicine
  4542. sombrero hat
  4543. cerebro brain, brains
  4544. nos ayudas (?) can you help us
  4545. cuadrado square
  4546. pasamos spend, (we) spent, (we) are spending
  4547. frutas fruit, fruits
  4548. nochebuena Christmas Eve
  4549. tren train
  4550. león lion
  4551. vender sell, (to) sell, selling
  4552. he (I) have, I've
  4553. empaqué (I) packed
  4554. girar turn, turned, (to) turn
  4555. tomate tomato
  4556. considerar consider, (to) consider, (to) consider oneself
  4557. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  4558. diseñar plan, design, designed
  4559. modernas modern
  4560. encantó (?) did you love, (I) loved
  4561. encendido turned on, on, open
  4562. gustan (?) do they like, (I) like, (we) like
  4563. quedo (I) get together
  4564. mismo same
  4565. comprobar (to) check, (to) confirm, (to) prove
  4566. cantidad amount, quantity, length
  4567. los the, them, her
  4568. bici bike
  4569. líder leader
  4570. escuchamos (we) listened to, (?) did we listen to, (we) are are listening to
  4571. entrada entrance, ticket, gate
  4572. sucio dirty
  4573. lavadora washing machine
  4574. la más the most
  4575. búsqueda search
  4576. preferir (to) prefer, prefer, preferred
  4577. familia family
  4578. veranos summers, summer
  4579. van (?) are you going, (?) are you leaving, (?) do you go
  4580. leyó (they) read, (he) read, (?) did you read
  4581. obra de teatro play
  4582. acceso access, accession, attack
  4583. encantan (I) love, (we) love
  4584. martes Tuesday, Tuesdays
  4585. amarillo yellow
  4586. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  4587. comprar+prpers
  4588. gas gas, flatulence
  4589. aspecto aspect, appearance, look
  4590. creer believe, (to) believe, (to) think
  4591. empezaste (you) started, (?) did you start
  4592. negativo negative
  4593. existir (to) exist, (to) live
  4594. ayudaste (you) helped
  4595. fila line
  4596. olor smell, odor
  4597. línea line
  4598. rubio blond
  4599. sueños dreams, sleeps
  4600. respondimos (we) answered
  4601. almohada pillow
  4602. sentimiento feeling, feelings
  4603. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  4604. sorprendido surprised
  4605. encantaron (?) did you love
  4606. cuchillos knives
  4607. apagar (to) turn off, turn
  4608. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  4609. mal tiempo
  4610. los médicos
  4611. continuación continuation
  4612. observar (to) observe, (to) remark, (to) abide by
  4613. mínimo minimum, floor, little
  4614. preocupados worried
  4615. no do not, does not, no
  4616. cometa kite
  4617. buenísimas really nice, really good
  4618. cancelar pull, pays, stop
  4619. visitante visitor, visit, visiting
  4620. responsabilidad responsibility, liability
  4621. estudio study, (I) study, (I) am studying
  4622. juegos de mesa board games
  4623. experiencia experience, experiment
  4624. inglesa English
  4625. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  4626. me I, me, myself
  4627. semanas weeks, week
  4628. baratos cheap
  4629. económico cheaper, economic, inexpensive
  4630. terrible terrible, horrible
  4631. mi nuevo
  4632. jóvenes young, young people, young women
  4633. nevar snowing, (to) snow, snow
  4634. verdades
  4635. hablar talk, (to) talk, (to) speak
  4636. cola tail
  4637. enojados angry, mad
  4638. tarea homework, task
  4639. interés interest, interests
  4640. ven (they) are seeing, (they) see, (they) watch
  4641. bellísima very lovely, really lovely
  4642. responsable responsible
  4643. poquito little, shot
  4644. baño bathroom, restroom, toilet
  4645. devolver returning, (to) give back, (to) return
  4646. marido husband
  4647. rojo red
  4648. importantes important
  4649. parar+se
  4650. estábamos (we) were
  4651. robar (to) steal
  4652. puertas doors
  4653. tráficos
  4654. reserváis book, (?) can you book, (you) book
  4655. especialista specialist, expert, stuntman
  4656. un a, an, one
  4657. entregar give, get, getting
  4658. limonada lemonade
  4659. cuchillo knife
  4660. sentir feel, (to) feel, (to) hear
  4661. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  4662. vengo (I) come, I'm coming
  4663. considerar consider, (to) consider, (to) consider oneself
  4664. paredes walls
  4665. mantengo (I) keep up, run, (I) support
  4666. trabajan (?) do they work, (they) are working, (they) work
  4667. pensaron (they) thought
  4668. los the, them, her
  4669. ese that, the
  4670. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  4671. preparar (to) prepare, (to) make, (to) coach
  4672. bailé (I) danced
  4673. de todas maneras in any case, anyway
  4674. jugadores players
  4675. vayan (they/you-plural) go, (they/you-plural) go out, (they/you-plural) escape
  4676. aburrido boring, bored
  4677. pertenecer (to) belong, belong, belonging
  4678. nacional national, domestic, home
  4679. hockey hockey
  4680. veías (you) used to see, (?) did you use to see
  4681. comencé (I) started, (I) began
  4682. viejo old, old man, oldest
  4683. compañero classmate, coworker
  4684. americano American
  4685. personas people
  4686. abren (they) are opening, (they) open, (you) open
  4687. pagamos (we) pay, (we) are paying for, (we) paid
  4688. probable likely, probable, provable
  4689. frita fried
  4690. mexicana mexican
  4691. madre mother, mom
  4692. supermercado supermarket, grocery store, supermarkets
  4693. se acuerdan
  4694. pesca fishing
  4695. sentirte feel, (to) feel
  4696. joven young, young woman
  4697. para for, to, (he) stops
  4698. dibujando drawing
  4699. me probé
  4700. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  4701. qué le gustaría para empezar
  4702. se lava (he) washes, (she) washes
  4703. abrió (?) did she open, (it) opened, (she) opened
  4704. delicioso delicious
  4705. búhos owls
  4706. estar be, (to) be, (to) stay
  4707. tocas play, touch, (you) play
  4708. oye hey, (you) hear
  4709. industrial industrial, industrialist
  4710. tocan touch, (?) do they play, (they) are playing
  4711. libertad freedom, set … free!, liberate!
  4712. se levantan (?) do you get up, (they) get up
  4713. idioma language
  4714. delgada thin
  4715. niños children, boys, kids
  4716. conocido met, well-known, acquaintance
  4717. me despierto I wake up
  4718. baja low, short, (she) gets off
  4719. queremos (we) want
  4720. entrar (to) enter, (to) come in, (to) go into
  4721. devolvemos We return, return
  4722. te compra (she) buys you, (he) buys you
  4723. oficinas offices
  4724. paz peace
  4725. granja farm
  4726. soltero single
  4727. hizo (?) did he do, (he) asked, (he) made
  4728. a ella le
  4729. tasa tax, assess the value of!, (he/she/it) assesses the value of
  4730. vinimos (we) came, (we) arrived, come
  4731. hoteles hotels
  4732. se va is leaving
  4733. bienestar well-being, welfare, wellness
  4734. poner put, (to) put, (to) set
  4735. comió eat, (?) did she eat, (?) did you eat
  4736. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  4737. lavadora washing machine
  4738. coronel colonel
  4739. posiblemente possibly
  4740. qué te traigo
  4741. responden (they) answer
  4742. recuerdo (I) remember, memory
  4743. contra against
  4744. venimos (we) come, (we) arrive, (we) are coming
  4745. quieren (?) do you want, (they) want, (you) want
  4746. diferente different
  4747. encontrar (to) find
  4748. capital capital, capital city
  4749. chorizos chorizo, chorizos
  4750. todo everything, all, whole
  4751. unas a, some
  4752. comenzar start, starting, (to) begin
  4753. portón gate, front door, large door
  4754. lloviendo raining
  4755. adónde where
  4756. difíciles difficult, hard
  4757. demasiado too, too much, a bit too
  4758. simpático nice
  4759. está (?) are you, (he) is, (it) is
  4760. bolígrafo pen
  4761. curso course, class, grade
  4762. oestes
  4763. nuevo new
  4764. abrimos open, (we) open, (we) opened
  4765. me encanta
  4766. escribiste (you) wrote, (?) did you write, write
  4767. estado been, state
  4768. perfil profile, cross section, footprint
  4769. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  4770. recto straight
  4771. es muy simpático
  4772. encender (to) turn on
  4773. conclusión conclusion, completion, summing-up
  4774. cocina kitchen, (he) is cooking, (she) cooks
  4775. abres la
  4776. vegetariana vegetarian
  4777. quiero (I) want, (I) love, I'll have
  4778. plan plan, designed, planned
  4779. castaño brown
  4780. dosis dose, doses, dosage
  4781. cucharas spoons
  4782. nuestros our, ours
  4783. me cepillé
  4784. nos llamas (you) call us
  4785. guitarra guitar
  4786. invitaciones invitations
  4787. montabas (?) did you use to ride, (you) used to ride
  4788. peligroso dangerous
  4789. tú bebes
  4790. encontrarnos (to) meet up
  4791. capaz capable, able, able to
  4792. bellísimos really lovely
  4793. graciosas funny
  4794. intentar (to) try, try
  4795. euro euro
  4796. camiseta T-shirts, t-shirt
  4797. efecto effect, bill of exchange, contents
  4798. completamente completely
  4799. playas beaches
  4800. navegar surf, sail, sailing
  4801. repare repair
  4802. ser be, (to) be, being
  4803. dictadura dictatorship
  4804. el azul the blue one
  4805. a menudo frequently, often
  4806. dentro in, within, inside
  4807. muñeca doll, wrist
  4808. mejor better, best, instead
  4809. algunas any, a few, some
  4810. sal salt
  4811. ciudadano citizen, character, sir
  4812. elegantes elegant
  4813. natural natural, easier, easy
  4814. nos ayudamos
  4815. jugaba (he) used to play, (I) played, (I) used to play
  4816. intentar (to) try, try
  4817. te conozco (I) know you
  4818. material material, actual, feed
  4819. cerramos (we) closed, (we) lock, (we) are closing
  4820. vaca cow
  4821. cabello hair
  4822. amigos friends
  4823. agente agent
  4824. queremos abrir
  4825. sábado Saturday
  4826. tenías (you) had, (you) were having, had
  4827. dorado golden, gold
  4828. venir come, (to) come, coming
  4829. oyes (you) hear, (?) do you hear
  4830. razón reason
  4831. ocasión occasion
  4832. jabón soap
  4833. viajas (?) are you traveling, (you) travel
  4834. a ti te gustan
  4835. compraron (?) did you buy, (they) got, (?) did they buy
  4836. cámara camera
  4837. arresto arrest, (I) arrest, detention
  4838. escribe (?) are you writing, (?) do you write, (?) does she write
  4839. familiar familiar, family, colloquial
  4840. se levanta (he) gets up, (?) are you getting up, (?) does he get up
  4841. esperar (to) wait, (to) hope, wait
  4842. responsable responsible
  4843. cerdo pork, pig
  4844. limpiar clean, (to) clean, cleaned
  4845. mantener (to) keep, (to) support, (to) keep up
  4846. montar ride, (to) ride, riding
  4847. parque park, parks
  4848. al lado next to, next
  4849. buscan (they) are looking for
  4850. recibir (to) receive, (to) get, take
  4851. comprenden (they) understand
  4852. gire (you) turn
  4853. caros expensive
  4854. impresora printer
  4855. compañeros de clase classmates
  4856. olvidar (to) forget, forget, forgot
  4857. olvidar+se
  4858. trabajan (?) do they work, (they) are working, (they) work
  4859. películas movies, films, pictures
  4860. rugby rugby
  4861. calendario calendar
  4862. bilingüe bilingual
  4863. libre free, off
  4864. jugo juice
  4865. miembro member, limb
  4866. se llevaron bien
  4867. costar cost, lost, (to) take
  4868. siquiera at least, even
  4869. concejo municipal city council
  4870. vinieron (?) did you come, (they) came, come
  4871. álbum album
  4872. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  4873. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  4874. atmósfera atmosphere
  4875. papeles papers
  4876. las the, his, my
  4877. paciente patient, passive
  4878. romper (to) break
  4879. suceder (to) happen, (to) follow, (to) succeed
  4880. dibujó (she) drew, (he) drew
  4881. zapato shoe
  4882. luces lights
  4883. código code
  4884. andén platform
  4885. galleta mess, biscuit, cracker
  4886. juegan (?) do they play, (they) are playing, (they) play
  4887. vendedor salesperson, salesman, vendor
  4888. quiero beber
  4889. a él le
  4890. dejar let, (to) leave, (to) allow
  4891. demostrar show, (to) show, (to) demonstrate
  4892. inviernos winter, winters
  4893. llamamos (we) called, (we) call
  4894. caminó (she) walked, (he) walked, (?) did you walk
  4895. igual is, anyway, as
  4896. pedir+prpers
  4897. seguro sure, safe
  4898. hoy today
  4899. cambiaron (they) changed
  4900. silvestre
  4901. plátano banana
  4902. selección selection, choice
  4903. creación creation
  4904. viajó (?) did you travel, (she) traveled, travel
  4905. agregué add, (I) added
  4906. obra de teatro play
  4907. religioso religious, religious person, member of a religious order
  4908. aprendiste (you) learned, (?) did you learn, learn
  4909. estás (you) are, (?) are you, (?) do you
  4910. tu your
  4911. definir (to) define, (to) make … sharp
  4912. dieciocho eighteen, 18, 18th
  4913. usual normal, usual
  4914. quitar+prpers
  4915. conversación conversation
  4916. quieren beber
  4917. asumir (to) assume, (to) adopt, take
  4918. traigo (?) should I bring, get, bringing
  4919. golpear hitting, (to) hit
  4920. europeo European
  4921. nos sentimos
  4922. nublado cloudy
  4923. de verdad real, for real, really
  4924. calle street, road
  4925. apagado off
  4926. desafortunadamente unfortunately
  4927. excursión hike, hiking
  4928. medianoche midnight
  4929. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  4930. calcetín sock
  4931. probar (to) try, touch, try
  4932. término term, conclusion, end
  4933. usted bebe
  4934. llevo (I) wear, (I) take, (I) am carrying
  4935. actividad activity
  4936. mañana tomorrow, morning
  4937. abrigo coat
  4938. loco crazy
  4939. dijimos (we) told, tell, (we) said
  4940. ayudar help, (to) help
  4941. ustedes you, you all, you guys
  4942. gracias thanks, thank you
  4943. veintidós 22, twenty-second, twenty-two
  4944. espejo mirror
  4945. grandísimas really big
  4946. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  4947. se sienten (?) do you feel, (they) feel
  4948. figura figure, (he/she/it) is prominent, (he/she/it) appears
  4949. evolución evolution, circle, development
  4950. nadar swim, (to) swim, swimming
  4951. te quedas (?) are you staying, (you) stay
  4952. curiosidad curiosity, neatness
  4953. personaje important figure, character, personage
  4954. popular popular
  4955. estudiar study, (to) study, studying
  4956. montan start, (they) ride
  4957. ese that, the
  4958. acampar camping, camp
  4959. billetera wallet
  4960. país country
  4961. fuente fountain, source, spring
  4962. quinientos 500, five hundred
  4963. semana week
  4964. escuchar (to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear
  4965. equilibrio balance, equilibrium
  4966. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  4967. trajiste (you) brought, (?) did you bring, get
  4968. necesitan (?) do they need, (?) do you need, (they) need
  4969. poseer takes, take
  4970. magia magic
  4971. primeras first (plural), first gear (plural), first class (plural)
  4972. planta plant, plants
  4973. sabes (you) know, (?) do you know, (?) do you know how to
  4974. color color, colors
  4975. curso course, class, grade
  4976. sur south
  4977. preparar (to) prepare, (to) make, (to) coach
  4978. espere (you) wait
  4979. naranja orange
  4980. ventana window
  4981. casa house, home
  4982. pizza pizza
  4983. boca mouth
  4984. cerráis (you) close
  4985. cuánto how much, what
  4986. catedral cathedral
  4987. morada purple
  4988. buscamos (we) are looking for, search
  4989. conferencia conference, lecture, (he/she/it) holds talks
  4990. universal universal
  4991. sales (you) leave, (?) do you leave, (?) are you leaving
  4992. energía energy, firmness
  4993. hablar de
  4994. perdón sorry, excuse me, pardon
  4995. estudio study, (I) study, (I) am studying
  4996. utilizando using
  4997. argumento argument, (I) argue, plot
  4998. compre buy
  4999. trozo slice, piece
  5000. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  5001. divertido fun, funny
  5002. España Spain
  5003. corrí (I) ran
  5004. igualmente equally, likewise
  5005. precio price
  5006. pájaros birds
  5007. me siento
  5008. moreno brunette, dark-haired
  5009. elegir (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  5010. independiente independent
  5011. lugares places
  5012. ver (to) see, (to) look, (to) watch
  5013. gimnasio gym
  5014. plástico plastic
  5015. ver (to) see, (to) look, (to) watch
  5016. cerrar close, (to) close, (to) shut
  5017. gato cat
  5018. tío uncle
  5019. rojos red
  5020. tienes (you) have, (?) are you, (?) do you have
  5021. llama (he) calls, (you) call
  5022. distinto different, distinct, several
  5023. tren train
  5024. reconocer (to) recognize, (to) examine, (to) admit
  5025. sabes nadar (you) know how to swim
  5026. parlante
  5027. acompaño see, (I) go with you, walk
  5028. pagando paying, paying for, paying off
  5029. guardar (to) keep, (to) save, bored
  5030. llego (?) do I get, (I) arrive
  5031. que to, that, than
  5032. ese that, the
  5033. sabemos know, (we) know, (we) know how to
  5034. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  5035. rey king
  5036. esposo husband
  5037. abierto open, made, opened
  5038. minuto minute
  5039. aquellos those
  5040. viajar (to) travel, travel, traveling
  5041. te acuerdas
  5042. tengo (I) have, (?) do I, (I) am
  5043. contar tell, (to) count, (to) tell
  5044. médicas doctors
  5045. taza cup, mug, bowl
  5046. dos two, 2, both
  5047. vestir (to) wear, wears, (to) decorate
  5048. análisis analysis, analyses, calculi
  5049. clínica clinic, private hospital / clinic, clinical
  5050. hijo son, child
  5051. más more, most, above
  5052. levántese (you) get up
  5053. tele television, tv
  5054. casar (to) get married
  5055. rebanada slice
  5056. últimos last, final
  5057. nos we, us, each other
  5058. pop pop
  5059. nación nation, country, land
  5060. seguro sure, safe
  5061. origen origin, country of origin, point of origin
  5062. me puedes decir
  5063. italiano Italian
  5064. al cruzar
  5065. metro subway, meter, meters
  5066. diferente different
  5067. argentino Argentinian, argentine, clear
  5068. inversión investment, inversion, reversal
  5069. tuviste (you) had, (?) did you have
  5070. a través del
  5071. comiste eat, (you) ate, (?) did you eat
  5072. cocinas (you) cook, kitchens
  5073. desde from, since, as
  5074. sol sun, sunny
  5075. estudia (?) do you study, (?) does he study, (he) studies
  5076. ganar win, (to) win, (to) earn
  5077. mucho a lot, a lot of, much
  5078. inteligencia intelligence, intelligentsia, understanding
  5079. baila (he) dances, (you) dance
  5080. ayuda help, (he) helps, (he) is helping
  5081. durmió (he) slept, sleep, (?) did she sleep
  5082. se levantó (?) did he get up, (she) got up
  5083. establecer (to) establish, (to) lay down, get
  5084. mediodía noon
  5085. vista sight, view
  5086. disfruté (I) enjoyed
  5087. mantener (to) keep, (to) support, (to) keep up
  5088. saltar (to) jump, (to) jump over, (to) circumvent
  5089. sabes quién (?) do you know who
  5090. alejado far away
  5091. visitan (they) visit, (?) do they visit, (they) are visiting
  5092. médico doctor, doctors
  5093. preferida favorite
  5094. mucho gusto so nice to meet you, nice to meet you
  5095. cansada tired
  5096. montar ride, (to) ride, riding
  5097. dio (he) gave, (she) gave, give
  5098. dibujas (you) draw
  5099. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  5100. los gatos
  5101. mismos same
  5102. divertidísima a lot of fun, really fun, very fun
  5103. buen tiempo
  5104. cualquiera any, anyone, just anyone
  5105. sección section, department
  5106. universidad university, college
  5107. malos bad
  5108. pasaporte passport
  5109. festival festival
  5110. rezar (to) pray
  5111. rezar (to) pray
  5112. al entrar
  5113. mandó (he) sent, (she) sent, (you) sent
  5114. hotel hotel, hotels
  5115. decirnos (to) think (us), (to) say (us), (to) say to each other (us)
  5116. profundo deep
  5117. empezar (to) start, (to) begin, start
  5118. trabaja (?) do you work, (?) does he work, (?) does she work
  5119. demasiadas too, too much, too many
  5120. comprar buy, (to) buy, (to) get
  5121. estrella star
  5122. favorita favorite
  5123. cantan (you) sing
  5124. tiempos times, to play for time, movements
  5125. queso cheese
  5126. vasos glasses
  5127. ducha shower
  5128. imagen image, picture
  5129. anduviste walked, walk
  5130. tío uncle
  5131. adolescente teenager, adolescent, teen
  5132. sala living room, lounge
  5133. para él
  5134. tener have, (to) have, get
  5135. tratamiento treatment
  5136. federal federal
  5137. reparar (to) repair, repaired
  5138. conductor driver
  5139. fútbol soccer, football
  5140. te amo (I) love you
  5141. nacer born, (to) be born, (to) hatch
  5142. vivíamos (we) used to be alive, (we) lived, stayed
  5143. me preocupo I'm worried, (I) worry
  5144. por cierto by the way
  5145. grabar recording, (to) record
  5146. clima weather
  5147. rasuradoras razors
  5148. hotel hotel, hotels
  5149. disfrutando enjoying
  5150. disfrutaron (?) did you enjoy, (you) enjoyed, enjoy
  5151. perrito little dog
  5152. condición condition, class, conditions
  5153. bandera flag, colors, flagship
  5154. cuando when, whenever, as
  5155. viernes Friday, Fridays
  5156. camisa shirt
  5157. nos levantamos (we) got up, (?) are we getting up, (we) get up
  5158. carta letter
  5159. investigación investigation, research
  5160. cero zero, 0
  5161. me cepillo (I) brush
  5162. adulto adult
  5163. baratas cheap
  5164. día de acción de gracias
  5165. pinto (I) paint, (I) am painting
  5166. caminar (to) walk, walking, (to) go for a walk
  5167. nos we, us, each other
  5168. aprenden (they) are learning, (?) are you learning, (they) learn
  5169. botas boots
  5170. rápido fast, quickly, quick
  5171. sociedad society, high society, company
  5172. regla ruler, rule, period
  5173. desayunamos (we) have breakfast, (we) eat breakfast
  5174. once 11, eleven, eleventh
  5175. funcionar (to) work, go, going
  5176. pagar pay, (to) pay, (to) pay for
  5177. llega (?) does it arrive, (he) arrives, (it) arrives
  5178. limpias clean, (you) clean, (?) can you clean
  5179. hermoso beautiful, beautifully, lovely
  5180. venir come, (to) come, coming
  5181. malo bad, wrong
  5182. pequeño small, little, younger
  5183. ponerse put, (to) put on
  5184. elegimos (we) chose, (we) are choosing, (we) choose
  5185. mando (I) send
  5186. mejor better, best, instead
  5187. moderna modern
  5188. fuera out, were, (she) go
  5189. a él le gustan
  5190. resultado result, worked
  5191. me encuentro (I) meet up
  5192. puerto port, harbor, gate
  5193. oscuro dark
  5194. hable (you) speak
  5195. ser be, (to) be, being
  5196. decidan decide
  5197. poesía poetry
  5198. ocurrir (to) happen, (to) occur, come
  5199. sabes cuándo (?) do you know when
  5200. llave key
  5201. gustarían liked, would like, like
  5202. programa program, show, software
  5203. circulación circulation, movement, traffic
  5204. partir leave, (to) leave, leaving
  5205. destruir (to) destroy
  5206. comprender (to) understand, understand
  5207. nos duchamos we shower, (we) are showering
  5208. ganador winner
  5209. paso step, (I) spend, (I) am spending
  5210. llegado arrived, come, gotten
  5211. controlar (to) control, (to) control oneself, (to) check
  5212. gris gray, grey
  5213. temporada season, run, running
  5214. giráis (you) turn, turn
  5215. lluvias rains, hails, showers
  5216. tercer third
  5217. juegos games, game
  5218. español Spanish
  5219. filosofía philosophy
  5220. escribo (I) write, (I) am writing
  5221. aplicar apply, (to) apply, (to) apply oneself
  5222. te gusta (you) like, (?) do you like
  5223. postre dessert
  5224. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  5225. enseñar teaching, (to) teach, taught
  5226. practicar (to) play, (to) practice, play
  5227. entrada entrance, ticket, gate
  5228. importancia importance, import
  5229. bailo (I) dance
  5230. allá there, over there, past
  5231. entienden (?) do you understand, (they) understand
  5232. veintiocho 28, twenty-eight
  5233. digo say, (I) say, tell
  5234. simplemente simply, just
  5235. blancas white
  5236. voy (I) am going, (I) go, I'm going
  5237. perder (to) lose, (to) miss, failed
  5238. contacto contact, contacts
  5239. por for, in, by
  5240. beben (?) are they drinking, (?) do you drink, (they) drink
  5241. acompañas (you) go with us
  5242. limón lemon
  5243. me despierto I wake up
  5244. mira looks, (he) looks at, (she) watches
  5245. amar love, (to) love
  5246. reflexión reflection, thought
  5247. pescar fishing, (to) catch, (to) fish
  5248. se quitan (they) take off
  5249. bellísimas really lovely
  5250. humo smoke, fumes
  5251. tecnología technology, tech
  5252. se ofrecen are offered
  5253. grandísima really big, very big
  5254. enterarse (to) find out
  5255. pensar (to) think, think
  5256. ayudar help, (to) help
  5257. nos encanta we love
  5258. naranja orange
  5259. disfrutan (they) enjoy, (they) are enjoying
  5260. protección protection
  5261. apagar (to) turn off, turn
  5262. bebés babies
  5263. temprano early
  5264. bailar dancing, (to) dance, dance
  5265. intelectual intellectual
  5266. miedos
  5267. común common, average, mutual
  5268. juego de mesa board game
  5269. limpiar clean, (to) clean, cleaned
  5270. mal bad, wrong, badly
  5271. futuro future
  5272. listo ready, smart
  5273. dibujo drawing, (I) draw, designed
  5274. nadas (you) swim
  5275. caber go, going
  5276. obtener (to) get, (to) win, (to) achieve
  5277. misión mission, run, running
  5278. teléfonos phones, telephones
  5279. almorcé (I) ate lunch, eat lunch, (I) had lunch
  5280. lenguas languages
  5281. parte part, some
  5282. obligación obligation, duty, responsibility
  5283. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  5284. lávese wash, (you) wash
  5285. caer fall, (to) fall down
  5286. invitar (to) invite, (to) ask, invite
  5287. se cepilla (she) brushes, (she) is brushing
  5288. candidato candidate
  5289. órgano organ, member
  5290. pescado fish
  5291. pizarra board, blackboard, chalkboard
  5292. siguiendo following
  5293. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  5294. fortuna fortune
  5295. elegir (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  5296. obligar commit
  5297. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  5298. expresar show, couch
  5299. pueden (they) can, (you) can, (you) could
  5300. zapatos deportivos sneakers
  5301. vives (you) live, (?) do you live
  5302. parece looks, (?) what about, (it) seems
  5303. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  5304. príncipe prince
  5305. analizar (to) analyze, (to) examine, go
  5306. compañeras de clase classmates
  5307. escritorio desk
  5308. pruebo touch, (I) try
  5309. la the, her, his
  5310. enseñando teaching
  5311. ponga (you) put
  5312. muchacho boy, guy, kid
  5313. cuadrado square
  5314. sabor flavor, taste
  5315. repetimos repeat
  5316. seguros safe, self-confident, self-assured
  5317. aprendí (I) learned
  5318. cuesta (?) does it cost, (it) costs, (it) is
  5319. despertarse (to) wake up
  5320. profesional professional
  5321. brazo arm
  5322. blanco white
  5323. cielo sky, heaven
  5324. fresa strawberry
  5325. lágrima
  5326. hablas (you) speak, (?) do you speak, (you) are speaking
  5327. abrigo coat
  5328. quiso want
  5329. asar (to) roast
  5330. pierdes (you) lose
  5331. delgados thin
  5332. finalmente finally, in the end, At last
  5333. tercero third
  5334. corremos (we) run, (we) go running
  5335. lengua language
  5336. excepción exception, objection, special
  5337. trece 13, thirteen
  5338. esas those
  5339. mujer woman, wife, women
  5340. estacionar (to) park, park, parking
  5341. aquí here, this way
  5342. estaréis
  5343. trabajo (I) work, job, jobs
  5344. escribió write, (?) did you write, (he) wrote
  5345. veo (I) see, (I) watch
  5346. lana wool, cash, dough
  5347. interesado interested
  5348. hermana sister
  5349. comenzó (?) did it begin, (he) started, (it) started
  5350. crecer (to) grow, (to) rise, (to) spread
  5351. decirles (to) tell them, tell
  5352. pintadas painted
  5353. empezó (?) did it start, (he) began, (he) started
  5354. qué hacemos
  5355. di (I) gave
  5356. rubio blond
  5357. abuela grandmother, grandma
  5358. escritorio desk
  5359. qué interesante
  5360. este this, east
  5361. te necesito (I) need you
  5362. formar (to) form, (to) develop, (to) make
  5363. olvidar (to) forget, forget, forgot
  5364. descenso descent, decline, decrease
  5365. considerar consider, (to) consider, (to) consider oneself
  5366. comer eat, (to) eat, eating
  5367. salir a
  5368. desarrollar (to) develop, (to) expound, (to) explain
  5369. imagen image, picture
  5370. pintar painting, (to) paint
  5371. nadie nobody, no one, anybody
  5372. cuartos rooms, bedrooms
  5373. emoción emotion, excitement
  5374. toda all, whole, all of
  5375. él se
  5376. satisfacción satisfaction, fulfillment, payment
  5377. supe knew, (I) tasted, know
  5378. insistir
  5379. zapatos shoes, shoe
  5380. discurso speech, (I) deliver / give / make a speech, (I) give a talk
  5381. flor flower
  5382. clic click
  5383. permitir allow, (to) allow, (to) permit
  5384. cogemos we're taking, (we) take, (?) are we taking
  5385. derechas straight, honest, right hand
  5386. árbol tree
  5387. come (she) eats, (he) eats, (?) do you eat
  5388. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  5389. alrededor del
  5390. escuchar (to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear
  5391. visión vision, sight, view
  5392. cerrar close, (to) close, (to) shut
  5393. soul soul
  5394. chileno Chilean
  5395. viento wind, windy
  5396. saltar (to) jump, (to) jump over, (to) circumvent
  5397. después after, later, next
  5398. parte de atrás
  5399. queso cheese
  5400. cervezas beers
  5401. escalera ladder, stepladder, run
  5402. realizar (to) carry out, (to) be realized, (to) realize
  5403. portugués Portuguese
  5404. me levanté
  5405. traer (to) bring, (?) could you bring, (to) fetch
  5406. acá here
  5407. les interesa (they) are interested in, (?) are you interested in
  5408. excursiones hikes
  5409. concurso Contest, (I) compete, (I) take part
  5410. envíe (you) send
  5411. colegio school
  5412. veintinueve 29, twenty-nine
  5413. pizzas pizzas
  5414. defensa defense, barrier, bumper
  5415. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  5416. invierno winter
  5417. ambos both
  5418. despertarnos (to) wake up, waking up, waking
  5419. partir leave, (to) leave, leaving
  5420. simple simple, simple-minded, simpleton
  5421. suyas hers, theirs, his
  5422. mostrar (to) show, show
  5423. dijo (?) did he say, (?) did she say, (he) said
  5424. haber (to) have, (to) be, be
  5425. veintiuno twenty first, twenty-one, 21
  5426. celular cellphone, cell phone, cell
  5427. máquina machine
  5428. elegir (to) choose, (to) pick, choose
  5429. vivir live, (to) live, living
  5430. gritar shout, (to) shout, cry
  5431. nosotras vivimos
  5432. nuestro our, ours
  5433. debes
  5434. debes
  5435. debes
  5436. debes
  5437. debe
  5438. debe
  5439. debe
  5440. debía
  5441. debía
  5442. debía
  5443. debió
  5444. debió
  5445. debió
  5446. debió
  5447. debió
  5448. debió
  5449. debería
  5450. debería
  5451. deberá
  5452. deberá
  5453. deberá
  5454. debería
  5455. debería
  5456. debería
  5457. debería
  5458. debería
  5459. deberías
  5460. deberías
  5461. deberías
  5462. deberías
  5463. deberías
  5464. deber
  5465. deber
  5466. deber
  5467. deber
  5468. deber
  5469. deber
  5470. deber
  5471. deber
  5472. deber
  5473. deber
  5474. deber
  5475. deber
  5476. deber
  5477. deber
  5478. deber
  5479. deber
  5480. deber
  5481. deber
  5482. deber
  5483. deber
  5484. deber
  5485. deber
  5486. deber
  5487. deber
  5488. deber
  5489. deber duty, assignment, (to) owe
  5490. dáselo (you) give it to him
  5491. comenzar start, starting, (to) begin
  5492. primavera spring
  5493. dámela give it to me
  5494. ganáis win, earn, (?) do you earn
  5495. bello beautiful, pretty
  5496. positivo positive, optimistic
  5497. redes lets, networks
  5498. caer fall, (to) fall down
  5499. limpio clean, (I) clean, (I) wash
  5500. debajo under
  5501. trabajen (they/you-plural) act, perform!, work on!
  5502. abandonar (to) abandon, (to) withdraw, (to) retire
  5503. niño boy, child
  5504. gramo gram
  5505. al escuchar
  5506. se dice It is said, say
  5507. computadoras computers, computer
  5508. gobernador governor
  5509. snowboarding snowboarding
  5510. bellísimo really lovely
  5511. mandas (?) are you sending
  5512. llamar call, (to) call, calling
  5513. negras black
  5514. escuchar (to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear
  5515. abuelitos grandparents
  5516. maestro teacher
  5517. techo ceiling, roof
  5518. poner put, (to) put, (to) set
  5519. reserva reservation, (she) is reserving
  5520. dices (you) say, (?) can you tell, (?)do you say
  5521. al conducir
  5522. ceremonia ceremony, exercise, exercises
  5523. ven (they) are seeing, (they) see, (they) watch
  5524. secadora dryer
  5525. abriste start, bored, open
  5526. usted escribe
  5527. japonés Japanese
  5528. vida life, lives
  5529. rap rap
  5530. alcanzar catch, (to) catch, (to) catch up with
  5531. ancho wide, proud, broad
  5532. bolsas bags
  5533. gafas de sol sunglasses
  5534. alegría joy, happiness, cheers
  5535. viví (I) lived
  5536. anillo ring
  5537. nombres names, first names
  5538. animal animal
  5539. hago (I) make, (I) do, (I) am making
  5540. compañeros de cuarto roommates
  5541. requerir need, call
  5542. recordamos (we) remember, (we) remembered
  5543. piscina pool
  5544. europeos European
  5545. supermercado supermarket, grocery store, supermarkets
  5546. asada grilled, roasted
  5547. erais (you) were, were
  5548. nevera fridge, refrigerator
  5549. consecuencia consequence, accordingly, result
  5550. a él
  5551. vaqueros jeans
  5552. visito (I) visit
  5553. odiar (to) hate, (to) pester, (to) hassle
  5554. tuvimos (we) had, have
  5555. amarillo yellow
  5556. llegó (he) arrived, (he) was, (she) came
  5557. dormir sleep, (to) sleep, sleeping
  5558. trajeron bring, (they) brought, (?) did you bring
  5559. tazas cups, mugs, bowls
  5560. abrieron open, (they) opened, (?) did they open
  5561. tenido had, gotten
  5562. diario newspaper, daily, diary
  5563. pizarra board, blackboard, chalkboard
  5564. sino but, but rather, if not
  5565. organicé (I) organized
  5566. nuevo new
  5567. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  5568. juego game, (I) play, games
  5569. me reuní
  5570. descansar resting, (to) rest
  5571. atrás back, ago, at the back
  5572. aplicar apply, (to) apply, (to) apply oneself
  5573. más more, most, above
  5574. haz (you) do, (you) make
  5575. llegaste arrive, (you) arrived, (?) did you get
  5576. prueba test, quiz, (?) are you trying on
  5577. beber drink, (to) drink, drinking
  5578. ni nor, neither, not
  5579. ponéis (?) do you put, (you) put
  5580. pimienta pepper
  5581. ingleses English
  5582. ciudades cities
  5583. saber know, (to) know, hear
  5584. porque because, for
  5585. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  5586. alcohol alcohol
  5587. tan bonita
  5588. beben (?) are they drinking, (?) do you drink, (they) drink
  5589. hueso bone, bones, cushy job
  5590. próximo next, nearest
  5591. señores gentlemen, sirs, Mr.
  5592. déselo give it to them
  5593. barato cheap
  5594. dedo finger
  5595. búho owl
  5596. afectar touch, (to) encumber, (to) affect
  5597. plan plan, planned
  5598. enseña a
  5599. puedo (I) can, (?) can I, (?) may I
  5600. acordarme remember
  5601. niñas girls, children
  5602. significar (to) make clear, (to) draw attention to oneself, (to) signify
  5603. Alemania Germany
  5604. ventana window
  5605. vas a
  5606. perro dog
  5607. lavar (to) wash
  5608. carpintero carpenter, joiner
  5609. nunca never, ever
  5610. minuto minute
  5611. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  5612. tampoco neither, either, (I) don't
  5613. frente front, brow, facade
  5614. compartir (to) share, share, sharing
  5615. escribir (to) write, writing
  5616. este this, east
  5617. pescar fishing, (to) catch, (to) fish
  5618. quesos cheeses
  5619. escojo (I) choose
  5620. recordar remember, (to) remember, remembering
  5621. almuerzas lunch, (?) are you having lunch, (?) do you have lunch
  5622. mes month
  5623. junta meeting, board, committee
  5624. agua water
  5625. oscuridad dark, darkness, obscureness
  5626. defender (to) defend, (to) defend oneself, (to) uphold
  5627. grupo group, band
  5628. ah ah, oh
  5629. terminar (to) finish, (to) end, finish
  5630. libros de ejercicios workbooks
  5631. la parte de abajo
  5632. crear (to) create, create, thoughts
  5633. seguir (to) follow, (to) continue, (to) go on
  5634. vestir+prpers
  5635. cerca near, close, nearby
  5636. final final, end
  5637. pasar (to) pass, (to) spend, happen
  5638. probadores fitting rooms, testers
  5639. recién just, recently, only just
  5640. la tuya
  5641. dónde where
  5642. eliges (?) can you choose, (you) choose
  5643. tomar take, (to) take, (to) drink
  5644. compañero de cuarto roommate
  5645. hospital hospital, hospitals
  5646. portátiles laptops
  5647. competencia competition
  5648. mesera waitress
  5649. diferentes different
  5650. mandaste (?) did you send, (you) sent
  5651. suponer assume, (to) mean, (to) suppose
  5652. lengua language
  5653. únicamente only, solely
  5654. pila battery, basin, bowl
  5655. ten (you) be
  5656. descansar resting, (to) rest
  5657. conseguir (to) get, (to) find, find
  5658. llenar (to) fill, (to) fill out, fill
  5659. mesero waiter
  5660. unos some, a few
  5661. elegante elegant
  5662. teatros theaters, movie theater, cinemas
  5663. ejército army, military
  5664. arriba upstairs, up
  5665. fácil easy
  5666. emocionada excited
  5667. comprendió (she) understood
  5668. cocinar cook, (to) cook, cooking
  5669. compañero de cuarto roommate
  5670. batería battery, drums, drum kit
  5671. solo only, alone, just
  5672. dieron (they/you-plural) gave, (they/you-plural) gave on to, (they/you-plural) administered
  5673. me pierdo
  5674. cómo le va
  5675. tercero third
  5676. banco bank, banks
  5677. vientos winds, guy rope, guys
  5678. estudiosa studious
  5679. ejemplo example
  5680. bádminton badminton
  5681. tratar (to) try, (to) treat, try
  5682. limpia clean, (he) washes, (she) cleans
  5683. instrumento instrument, musical instrument, (I) implement
  5684. auto car, auto, automobile
  5685. romper (to) break
  5686. lección lesson
  5687. conversar (to) talk, (to) chat, talk
  5688. cada each, every
  5689. formal formal, dependable, firm
  5690. y and, past
  5691. estáis (?) are you, (you) are
  5692. somos (we) are, (?) are we, we're
  5693. hongo mushroom
  5694. disfrutó (he) enjoyed, (it) enjoyed, (she) enjoyed
  5695. petición petition, request
  5696. momentos moments
  5697. enviar (to) send, getting, send
  5698. signo (I) sign, (I) cross oneself, (I) mark
  5699. leí read, (I) read
  5700. persona person
  5701. decidir (to) decide, decide
  5702. demasiados too, too much, too many
  5703. cocinas (you) cook, kitchens
  5704. escuchar (to) listen, (to) listen to, (to) hear
  5705. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  5706. ir (to) go, (to) go out, going
  5707. recordar remember, (to) remember, remembering
  5708. hay que one must
  5709. me acostaré (I) will go to bed
  5710. mantequilla butter
  5711. primas cousins
  5712. utilizar (to) use, (to) utilize, borrow
  5713. panorama view, outlook, panorama
  5714. poca little, a few
  5715. rosas rose, pink, roses
  5716. escritorios desks
  5717. río river
  5718. cubrir (to) cover, (to) take cover, (to) cover oneself
  5719. clase class, classroom, classes
  5720. carretera road, highway
  5721. jugador player
  5722. escuela school, schools
  5723. se llaman (they) are called, their names are, (?) are the names of
  5724. conservación preservation, conservation, preserving
  5725. quedarse stay, (to) stay, staying
  5726. nervioso nervous
  5727. útil useful
  5728. oigan hear, hey
  5729. por favor please
  5730. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  5731. carne meat
  5732. dientes teeth
  5733. ferrocarril train, railroad
  5734. lenguaje language
  5735. empresario businessman
  5736. bistec steak
  5737. enfermo sick, ill
  5738. lo quiero (I) want it
  5739. placer pleasure, it's, kick
  5740. copiar copy, copying
  5741. sentar sit down, (to) sit, (to) seat
  5742. esperamos (we) hope, (we) are waiting, (we) waited
  5743. me gusta (I) like
  5744. presidencia presidency, armchair, chair
  5745. oveja sheep
  5746. juegas (you) play, (?) do you play
  5747. electricidad electricity, electric
  5748. supo know, (she) knew
  5749. con nadie
  5750. insecto insect
  5751. llover (to) rain, raining
  5752. proporción proportion, proportions
  5753. el fútbol
  5754. tensión tension, blood pressure, strain
  5755. ayudar help, (to) help
  5756. dieta diet, allowance, assembly
  5757. decisión decision, call, decisiveness
  5758. pingüino penguin
  5759. incluso even, including
  5760. honor honor, honors, virtue
  5761. asignatura subject
  5762. verdes green, unripe
  5763. mesa table
  5764. novecientos nine hundred, 900
  5765. cansadísimo really tired
  5766. pedir ask, (to) ask for, (to) make
  5767. coger take, (to) take, catch
  5768. ocupado busy
  5769. especialidad specialty, medicine, singularity
  5770. probarse (to) try on
  5771. levantarme (to) get up, getting up
  5772. campamentos camps, camping
  5773. calores
  5774. necesitamos abrir
  5775. crecimiento growth
  5776. cabezas heads, bunches, hairs
  5777. madre mother, mom
  5778. postres desserts
  5779. mucho a lot, a lot of, much
  5780. se cae (he/she/it) lets drop / fall, (he/she/it) hangs, (he/she/it) falls
  5781. visitar visit, (to) visit, visiting
  5782. cierran (they) close, (you) are closing
  5783. resto rest, return of service / serve, (I) remain
  5784. abrí (I) opened, bored, get
  5785. tales such
  5786. acompañar (to) go with
  5787. sitio site, place, stand
  5788. preocupado worried
  5789. moreno brunette, dark-haired
  5790. cena dinner, supper
  5791. cercano close, closed, nearby
  5792. arma weapon, gun
  5793. fotógrafo photographer
  5794. banco bank, banks
  5795. un plato
  5796. abres (?) can you open, (you) open, (you) are opening
  5797. diciembre December
  5798. pidieron (they/you-plural) had dibs on, (they/you-plural) needed, (they/you-plural) bags (past)
  5799. jardines gardens
  5800. función show, performance, function
  5801. limpiaron (they) cleaned, (?) did they clean, clean
  5802. deporte sport, sports
  5803. buñuelos fritters, fritter
  5804. preguntar ask, (to) ask, (to) wonder
  5805. caminaron (?) did you walk, (they) walked, walk
  5806. actriz actress
  5807. no lo sé I don't know, I do not know
  5808. costos hashes, costs
  5809. me acostaba
  5810. fresco fresh
  5811. norte north
  5812. contrato (I) contract, (I) enter into a contract, (I) put … out to contract
  5813. pruebas (you) taste, tests, (?) are you trying
  5814. te acordaste (you) remembered, (?) did you remember
  5815. punto point, dot, period
  5816. a ti te
  5817. pena shame
  5818. hacer do, (to) do, (to) make
  5819. divertidísimos a lot of fun, really funny
  5820. único only, only one, unique
  5821. llorar (to) cry, crying
  5822. caminar (to) walk, walking, (to) go for a walk
  5823. cierro la
  5824. se acordó (?) did you remember
  5825. chaqueta jacket
  5826. leen (?) do you read, (they) read, (you) are reading
  5827. conversar (to) talk, (to) chat, talk
  5828. dibujar (to) draw, drawing, draw
  5829. abrigos coats
  5830. vestidos dresses, dressed
  5831. adecuado right, appropriate, adequate
  5832. eficaz effective, efficacious
  5833. póster poster
  5834. también also, too, as well
  5835. café coffee, coffee shop, brown
  5836. descubrir (to) discover, (to) find, (to) uncover
  5837. bailes dances, dancing
  5838. quedar (to) stay, (to) get together, keep
  5839. mesa table
  5840. moderno modern, fashionable
  5841. cubrir (to) cover, (to) take cover, (to) cover oneself
  5842. dibujan (they) draw, drawing, (they) are drawing
  5843. lee (he) reads, (she) is reading, (she) reads
  5844. mirando looking at, watching
  5845. cerca near, close, nearby
  5846. cómo se escribe (?) how do you write
  5847. nos despertamos (?) are we waking up, (we) wake up
  5848. rechazar (to) reflect, (to) repel, sitting
  5849. europeas European
  5850. secar dry, (to) dry, drying
  5851. nosotras we, us
  5852. querer (to) want, love, (to) love
  5853. murió (he) died, (she) died, die
  5854. año year, year ago
  5855. nota note, grade
  5856. crédito credit
  5857. religión religion
  5858. diferente different
  5859. cerdo pork, pig
  5860. ciclismo cycling
  5861. maquillaje makeup
  5862. celular cellphone, cell phone, cell
  5863. me dice (he/she/it) says (me), tells me, (he/she/it) thinks (me)
  5864. usted trabaja
  5865. soldado soldier, knitted, knitted together
  5866. conseguir (to) get, (to) find, find
  5867. me levanté
  5868. venir come, (to) come, coming
  5869. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  5870. te you, yourself
  5871. vimos (we) saw, (we) watched
  5872. estudias en
  5873. internet Internet
  5874. emocionante exciting, moving
  5875. despertarme (to) wake up
  5876. darme (to) give me
  5877. licencia license
  5878. mexicano Mexican
  5879. febrero February
  5880. enfermo sick, ill
  5881. loco crazy
  5882. poco little, some, little bit
  5883. termináis (you) finish, (?) do you finish, finish
  5884. frontera border, frontier
  5885. cosas things
  5886. área area, square dekameter
  5887. bueno good, well, nice
  5888. ser be, (to) be, being
  5889. preocupado worried
  5890. estrategia strategy
  5891. decir (to) say, (to) talk, (to) tell
  5892. luna moon
  5893. estudiaba (I) studied, (she) would study, use to study
  5894. respondes (you) answer
  5895. pintado painted
  5896. fin de semana weekend
  5897. todavía still, yet, even
  5898. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  5899. abre (?) are you open, (?) does it open, (?) is it open
  5900. distribución distribution, arrangement, layout
  5901. se ríen (they/you-plural) laugh
  5902. maestro teacher
  5903. negro black
  5904. edades ages
  5905. perezosos lazy
  5906. papá dad, father
  5907. enseñar teaching, (to) teach, taught
  5908. seiscientos 600, six hundred
  5909. escribir write, (to) write, writing
  5910. variedad variety
  5911. mezclar mixing, mix, (to) mix
  5912. plátanos bananas
  5913. son are, (?) are they, (they) are
  5914. uva grape
  5915. encontrar (to) find
  5916. nos visita (she) is visiting us, (he) visits us, (he) is visiting us
  5917. lograr (to) achieve, (to) be able to, (to) attain
  5918. necesito (I) need, (?) do I need
  5919. se despiertan (they/you-plural) wake (up), (they/you-plural) whet, (they/you-plural) arouse
  5920. le interesa (he) is interested in, (she) is interested in
  5921. tesis thesis, theory, theses (pl.)
  5922. aprobar (to) pass, get, pass
  5923. te dicen
  5924. emergencia emergency
  5925. propuesta proposal, design, nominated
  5926. fútbol americano football
  5927. deseo wish, (I) wish, (I) want
  5928. pobres poor
  5929. abren (they) are opening, (they) open, (you) open
  5930. tipo type, guy, kind
  5931. prestar borrow, (to) borrow, (to) lend
  5932. con with, to, about
  5933. parques parks
  5934. universo universe
  5935. descanso break, rest
  5936. museo museum
  5937. señora lady, Mrs., ma'am
  5938. realmente really, actually
  5939. alto tall, high, loud
  5940. no do not, does not, no
  5941. preparar+prpers
  5942. justicia justice, law
  5943. región region, area, district
  5944. maleta suitcase, bag, bags
  5945. llegar (to) arrive, (to) be, (to) get
  5946. casas houses, homes
  5947. me interesa I am interested in, (it) interests me, I'm interested in
  5948. preocupar+prpers
  5949. huevo egg, eggs, ball
  5950. grises gray, grey
  5951. multitud crowd
  5952. pago (I) pay, (I) pay for, (I) am paying for
  5953. pecho chest, (I) shove, (I) jostle
  5954. probaron (?) did you try
  5955. moderno modern, fashionable
  5956. mexicanas Mexican
  5957. manejan sail, (they) drive
  5958. millones million, millions
  5959. compañeras de cuarto roommates
  5960. los deportes
  5961. profesión profession, calling, career
  5962. coges you're taking, (you) take, (?) can you take
  5963. local local, business, home
  5964. cómo está (?) how are you doing
  5965. pequeñas little, small
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