
Insomnia 16

Jul 4th, 2017
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  1. app based summary(google tl). not very accurate cause app tl and stuff.
  4. Ch starts with MC asking his 'unni' if she's okay. She tells him that yeah she is and thanks to him she didn't get hurt. He asks who was that bastard and if she knows him. She goes to say smth that implies he was her bf or smth 'he is .. he used to be ..'(not sure) but then reverts and goes how he's smbdy she doesn't know anymore. She tells MC she feels tired and will go in first and he goes okay. MC goes 'unni' and offers her to drinks with him and she goes 'dink?'(alcohol).
  6. FMC wonder's what's up with this sudden invite to drink cause he normally isn't friendly with her. She thinks he's not joking around. tells herself not to worry and wonders if he doesn't have smbdy to drink with. She then goes 'okay, good. let's drink together'.
  8. Some apologies for the uncleanliness for the apartment from FMC and he goes how that's okay cause her house isn't that clean either. She tells him to come in. He gets surprised by the nice smell and how clean her room is. She puts him down for doing a perverted face and tells him to sit on the couch while she changes her clothes.
  10. She changes with MC in the room and then asks him why did he get so embarrassed for and asks him if it's the first time seeing smbdy changing his/her clothes(i assume it's about her/girl) and he denies that. She tells him to stop talking about it and start drinking and he goes 'i know'.
  12. They drink and MC asks about the guy from before, and if she really doesn't know him at all and she keeps with how that's true, she doesn't know him. She then asks MC what's up with him/what is he doing, why did he want to drink with her. He sighs, takes a sip and tells her how he broke up with his gf. She asks why cause to her they looked good, and he tells her that he goes 'I got caught watching a movie with you unni'. She goes 'ah..' and he tells her that it's okay, not her fault there. He goes how it got boring since they've been dating for so long(or how he feels the relationship got stale. not sure). He goes how it's been 1000 days..1000 days and how he feels tired.
  14. Texts messages here from Sehyun Lee(gf - white box) and she asks where he's at. Yellow box goes how class ended earlier so he met a friend for a second. She asks 'what friend? is it a woman?'. Yellow box goes how 'no, it's Seojun, my other friend'(not sure). Then how there was doubts every time with who he met and where so he had to send a pic with it everyday. Text message resumes and MC goes how gf should see, how it's true and he's in the PC room with Seojun Lee. Then gf goes how 'is that true, u sure you're not hiding it??'(not sure). MC goes how no, that's not it and he will send her a pic each time he goes there and for her not to worry(not sure). Gf again asks him if he's not lying and he's with a guy.
  16. Then MC goes how all of that led to the break up/to stop/ how it's really over/we break up/us..let's break up(here is gf and her faces/instances where she told him 'let's break up' i think. not sure). And MC thinks that if he got the chance to break up he'd go for it. That it got too hard, stressful and tiresome. Tbc..
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