
A Class Act (Rough Draft)

Nov 9th, 2016
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  1. A “Class-Act”
  3. Miriam lewdly grinned while walking through the throngs of people at her school. None noticed, since she was one girl in a sea of literal thousands. The din of moving and chatting college students hid the crinkle coming from underneath her pants—pants which had an unusual bulge in the behind. Miriam, being a somewhat short 19-year-old girl, was not particularly callipygian. No, her pants bulged ever so slightly because she was wearing a thick adult diaper, and not one of the cheap store-brands. This was a bona-fide ABDL diaper that slightly bowed her legs and gave her rather shapely buttocks. She made an effort to not appear too conspicuous, but could not help but grin and lick her lips.
  5. Her short pale pastel blue hair shone as she opened the door to her next and final class for the day. It was relatively small, with a large blackboard at the front for the teacher and rows of large wooden tables—there were no separate desks, so students could choose how far they wanted to sit from their classmates. The whole room was made of a series of steps, with each step holding a desk. Miriam made a bee-line for the last and highest table. The only other person there was the teacher, a moderately old blond woman who smiled and waved at her.
  7. “Hello, Miriam. You’re always so early!”
  9. “Hah, well, you know how much I love Geology, Professor Beyer!” Miriam smiled and waved back as she set her backpack down on the smooth fake-wood surface of the table.
  11. “Only one to get over a 90 on the recent know, you probably don’t even need to be here today.” Beyer mused while sorting through papers. “It’s just review today.”
  13. “Even I could use review!” Miriam laughed innocently. Then she hid behind her backpack and grinned. She was here today precisely because she didn’t have to pay attention in class. A familiar sensation hit her in her lower bowels. She had to go, and very, very bad. “All of that pizza the night before, oof...” She whispered to herself with a grin. Her heart was racing in her chest. She twitched a little, nervously playing with the zippers of her backpack. She could still make up an excuse and leave. She shook her head and steeled herself, however. She was going to do it. She was going to completely mess herself in class and love every second of it.
  15. She surveyed the area around her with an eagle’s eye. Only two more students were in the room and both of them were at the front. In fact, almost no one ever sat at the back. She slowly pulled open the zippers of her backpack and peered inside. Staring back at her were not only a large textbook and a thick three-subject notebook, but also all the things she needed for a fresh change—another thick diaper, some baby powder and baby oil, and a full box of baby wipes. She smiled lewdly again, closing the zippers. It was to be the perfect crime.
  17. More people filtered in, chatting to themselves and taking their seats. Miriam became distinctly aware that her diaper was crinkling rather loudly. However, no one sat even in the row in front of her—the nearest were in row ahead of that one, and not many people showed up in the first place. She guessed that half the class didn’t even show up. She giggled softly in approval. Her bowels were starting to ache more, but she held her sphincter closed and squirmed a little in her seat, delighting in the soft cottony feeling under her butt and the crinkles.
  19. There was one minute left. One minute for her to reconsider this crazy and perverse plan. She took a deep breath, her chest puffing out, and exhaled deeply to calm her spirits. This was wrong, she knew. It was extremely perverse and relied on no-one coming to the back of the room. Her desires couldn’t lie to her though. Her diaper was already becoming slick with slippery juice from her crotch. Her cheeks were the faintest tinge of red.
  21. The clock passed 1:00, and the professor began to teach.
  23. ///////////
  25. While the professor set up her things and greeted the class, Miriam began to enact her plan. Her hands were shaking like a withdrawn addict. First, she slid off her sandals and rested her bare feet on the carpeting, delighting in the fuzzy feeling between her toes and the tickles of the carpeting. Then the main removal began. She gripped her pants, undid her belt, unbuttoned, and slid them off. It took a little force to get them off of her diaper, but she managed to do all of this without anyone noticed. All the other eyes were on the teacher, and as Miriam was already doing so well, the professor didn’t pay any attention to her. The tables had overhangs which blocked the view of the legs, so even someone looking directly back at her would not tell anything. The only way she could be caught would be if someone walked all the way to the back, and there was no reason to go there. Soon, her pants were completely off. Her shapely bare legs and feet were completely exposed—as was, most critically, her diaper. Her own shirt didn’t even come down to the waistband—it left a thin strip of navel exposed.
  27. She was twitching with an intoxicating menagerie of emotions—fear, nervousness, terror, yet also arousal, excitement, and mischeviousness. Still shocked at what she had done, she slowly rocked her hips back and forth, just to confirm it was real. The crinkling was much louder now: so loud she got second thoughts—could her classmates hear her? Her face turned deep red; a cold sweat ran down her forehead--
  29. And then the lights went off and a loud theme song began to pour from the speakers in the front. Miriam nearly jumped so high she inadvertently exposed her diaper. Then she slapped herself in the head. The pro professor was playing a segment from a video they had watched earlier in class. Now that the blaring crashes and rumbles of earthquake footage were blasting through the speakers, her diaper’s crinkle was impossible to hear even for her. She smiled, taking the time to rub and squish her diaper even more. The front was starting to get drenched with juice, and her bowels were starting to painfully call for release. She gripped her stomach and made a low groan of pain. Her insides were completely packed with mess, and she didn’t think she had much longer to go on.
  31. The teacher stopped the clip and began to talk about how it related to the upcoming exam. This was the perfect change. Miriam took a deep breath, moved her backpack to hide herself, and raised her padded butt off her seat slightly. With another deep breath, she began to push. It didn’t take any time at all to come—in fact, as soon as she pushed she felt the familiar sensation of her poop stretching her asshole and spewing out into her diaper. It pressed against the seat of the garment, stretching it out and piling up in the bottom of her diaper. The best part to her was always how she felt the mass loading down the diaper more and more heavily, piling into the bottom like a mass of smelly brown sludge. It felt like sludge too—it was soft and mushy, just the way she liked it. While she had farted surprisingly little, she and only she could hear the delightful sound of it oozing out of her butt like a
  33. She lost control of herself in her horniness and lewdly grinned behind the backpack, leaning further in and scrunching her face up in delight like an overgrown toddler. “Hnnnnnnggghh~” She grunted, her crotch growing wetter and wetter as she pushed all of the huge load out of her diaper. When she was finally finished, she looked around nervously, having come down from her lustful high and no aware that she was in public. Not a single classmate or the teacher was looking at her—they were all focused on the board and writing down notes.
  35. Miriam smiled. Her legs were shaking madly. She could barely believe what she had just done—completely evacuate her bowels in her diaper in public. She felt so disgusting, so vile, so...naughty. She was acting like a child—no, she was acting like an unpotty-trained toddler, simply going in her diaper without the slightest care for where she was. Biting her lip in suspense, she slowly lowered her butt down onto the chair. The huge load in her diaper pressed deeply into her skin, making her flush red with desire. The slimy gunk stuck to her butt and crotch like mud. Indeed the experience was much like sitting down in a large pile of mud—as she sat more firmly down into her seat, the mess was compressed so much it began to slide towards the front and up the rear of her diaper, and nearly blew out the sides—luckily, the side guards held fast and kept it all in, but not without some battle scars. She looked down at her poopy diaper and raised her leg—the telltale sign of a completely loaded diaper greeted her: stretched leg guards that were near-black with poop.
  37. She giggled and kicked her bare feet from behind her desk. That was when the smell hit her. It was incredibly overpowering, forcing its way into her nostrils. There was no doubt about it: she stunk. The nauseating miasma which surrounded her knocked her back to her senses. Sweat ran down her forehead as she came to realize that her classmates might actually smell her. She twisted around and inspected the damage for herself. Her diaper was indeed loaded—stained deeply in the back and quite high up as well. Nervously returning her view to the blackboard, she pulled out her notebook and faked taking notes.
  39. After a few minutes, it seemed that no one had smelled her—or, if they had, they didn’t mention it. Her heart rate began to drop down to normal. She sighed in relief, and started to lustfully and childishly mush her mess around in her chair, kicking her bare legs like an over sized infant. She adored the squishy, muddy feeling of the mess pressing deep into her skin and coating it. This would come back to bite her later, she knew, from making wiping down even harder, but she gave into her lust and ignored it. The sound of the diaper’s crinkles were much different now. They still had the sharp crinkles of plastic, but now they were mixed in with wet, mushy squelches. “Tee-hee, my diapee’s all stinky and mushy~” She said to herself with a babyish affect. “Stinky, stinky Miwiam~” With a deep sniff of the stench surrounding her, she giggled and squirmed. This was absolutely perfect. Not a single classmate expected a thing, and even if they did catch a whiff, they would have never assumed that A-Grade Miriam Madeline would be the culprit. The thought that a fellow classmate would have taken a massive dump in her underwear in class would never cross their mind!
  41. Then her gut felt like she had to mess again. She gripped it in surprise and took another nervous look at her diaper. She knew its limits, and it certainly was not going to take another mess of that size. She silently cursed eating an entire large pizza the previous day and downing a large hamburger for lunch. Worryingly biting her lip, she stopped mushing up the mess in her diaper and returned to taking fake notes. This was going perfectly, she just had to keep it held in--
  43. “Miriam, the class is a little stuck, so can you please tell us the difference between S-waves and P-waves?” The professor innocently spoke.
  45. Miriam’s shot wide-open and her heart-rate skyrocketed so high she could feel it pounding against her ribcage. “W-w-what!? Me?!” She blurted out in shock. All eyes in the class were on her. They could see nothing, but their innocent stares were perhaps worse. The already-bad pain in her stomach got ten times worse. Her entire insides were in nauseous knots.
  47. “Yes...Miriam?” The professor replied, confused. “You know the most out of anyone here.”
  49. “I..I...yes, I’ll answer!” Miriam wanted to die on the spot there. She was shaking and trembling all over as if she were naked in a blizzard. The shameful feeling of her messy diaper got twice as bad. To make matters worse, she was also getting legitimately horny as well.
  51. Another girl tilted her head in confusion and asked “You okay, Miriam?”
  53. “I-I’m not feeling well!” Miriam blurted out an excuse and took a deep breath. “But I’ll answer.” The pain in her gut was getting even worse. She was very very close to having another messy accident. She stood up, angling her backpack to shield any views of her body, and blew through her notes till she found the right ones. “Y-yes, well, a P-wave is…” Her voice trailed off as another pain hit her, this time in her bowels accompanied with a low growl in her gut. “A P-wave is a pressure wave which is longitudinal and is the first kind of seismic wave to be picked up by seismographs--” Her face dropped as she started to uncontrollably mess herself again. Now that all eyes were on her, however, she forced herself with all of her willpower to ignore it and keep reading. “And...a-an S-wave is...a s-s-s-urface wave...” She was stuttering nearly single word. In her diaper, her butt was pushing another decently large wave of mess into the already-packed garment. First it compressed and mixed with the first mess, but when that wasn’t possible anymore it oozed into every single tiny crack it could find. Miriam’s blood turned to ice as she felt the second mess ooze up her butt and nearly out of her diaper while also loading down the bottom seat and completely covering her front. There was no way she could clean this in a school bathroom—she’d have to use every single wipe she had and then some, and the smell would be so disgusting. “t-that causes the most destruction and...” She blew through the rest of the definition and put her notebook down, breathing raggedly and looking down so as to not see her fellow classmate’s eyes. She heard them turn in her seats while the professor, somewhat disappointed, remarked that Miriam hadn’t really given a good definition.
  55. She nearly began to cry, her eyes welling up with tears. Her diaper was completely loaded to the bursting point. It must have had two pounds worth of mess in it from her guess. The tapes were straining to hold at this point, and when she moved her hips to test, the diaper was so laden it swung more like a pendulum than follow her body. If she sat down, the mess would no doubt blowout the sides and back. That would be an unmitigated disaster she would have no escape from. “Fuck...fuck...” She weakly croaked. Her legs were wobbling like jelly.
  57. And the smell. The smell. Even she, who mildly enjoyed the smell of messy diapers, was nauseated. This was the kind of smell that would get stuck in the walls and linger for weeks. It would only take about ten more minutes of being in the room before it would get everywhere. Kneeling down to appear like she was sitting, Miriam sobbed into her arms. She at least made it look like she was sleeping. The only solace was that the professor wouldn’t care that she was dozing off in class.
  59. “...alright, that wraps our stuff. You can leave early today.” The professor said while erasing the blackboard. Miriam’s eyes shot wide-open again. She might actually have a chance!
  61. ...then she remembered the other problems she had. She had been a complete idiot. She had to get her pants on, and with this overloaded diaper some mess would inevitably ooze out and ruin her jeans. She would have to walk out of the college while stinking to high heaven, because she couldn’t change in the bathrooms. The only silver lining was that this was the next few classes were all canceled, meaning that she could stay behind until everyone left (and nobody was walking the hallways anymore) to gather her things.
  63. ...or she could have if she had only messed once. With two messes, the smell would get in the walls fast enough that she couldn’t wait for anything more than about ten minutes. People would still be walking around to their next class by then.
  65. This was a completely unmitigated disaster from which there was truly no way out. She cried again while all of the other students left. The professor made her way out, but stopped to ask a question. “Miriam, Alex, what are you two doing?”
  67. Miriam looked up, surprised, and saw that a male classmate, Alex Marcer, had not left with her. He was a decently attractive guy, and his grades usually matched hers closely. Still, he had no reason to stay behind. She ignored it and answered her professor. “Um, I’m making sure to look over all my notes! No one else is using this classroom after this anyway, right?” She forced an awkward smile and blushed.
  69. “Hm, well, lock the door when you leave, and don’t stay in here too long.” The professor exited, leaving just the two of them.
  71. Miriam wondered why the hell Alex was here. He was another unexpected snag in her plans. She had depended on being entirely alone. What now could she do? It was worse that it was Alex. She did not pay much attention to the social media gossip of her school, but she did know that Alex was a moderately popular guy and that he had just broken up with his long-time girlfriend for seemingly no reason. That case was the one thing that could turn the supposed college-girls of her school into gossiping high-schoolers. If he blabbed out her diapers on wherever the hell college kids gossiped these days the whole school would know about it. God dammit. She had expected college to be free of this high-school bullshit.
  73. Neither said anything. Only a long and painful silence—in actuality less than half a minute, but Miriam wasn’t in the best state of mind to judge time. Her legs were starting to ache from being bent over.
  75. Then, Alex got up. Miriam sighed a breath of relief.
  77. He turned around, facing her. Her spirits dropped faster than falling meteor. Then he grabbed his backpack and started walking towards her. Miriam’s entire emotional state cratered like the meteor that killed the dinosaurs. She could not believe what was happening. Alex was walking towards her. In less than ten seconds, he would see and probably smell her. She was wearing literally nothing but a t-shirt and an extremely messy diaper. This was it. All of her decisions flashed in her mind in a blur. Her own dumb ass had caused this. As he walked ever closer, she fell into an ever spiraling sense of despair, hopelessness, and all-consuming regret. This wasn’t a cold sweat—it was a cold hurricane drowning her in indescribable terror and anguish.
  79. She broke.
  81. As Alex walked to her step and peered over the table, now fully able to see her, she collapsed into wailing sobs “WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH--”
  83. She stopped suddenly when she felt a warm hand pat her on the head.
  85. “Aw, come on, don’t cry. You sure do stink though.”
  87. Alex was looking down on her not with confusion or disgust. Indeed, he was smiling, like he pitied her.
  89. Miriam was still sobbing, tears crawling down her cheeks. “Please don’t tell anyone...” She could barely speak through the lump in her throat and her tears, and sniffled loudly. She had to force the words out. “Oh god please...”
  91. Alex reached down and wiped her tears away with an unusually loving gesture. “Look, I said don’t cry.” He reached into his backpack and pulled out...a pair of plastic pants? “Here, put this on. That diaper is too messy to risk putting your pants on.”
  93. Miriam blankly stared at the plastic pants like an infant confronted with a new toy.
  95. “Come on, I said put it on before you stink up the room.”
  97. “Why do you...have plastic pants?”
  99. “I’m into this stuff too.” Alex admitted with a shrug. Lost my girlfriend over it when she found out. I’m glad she didn’t tell anyone else though. Come on, get up.” He knelt down and reached behind her back with his arm, hoisting her up and wiping her tears away again. His touch was so calming and paternal, like he was helping his own daughter. Miriam still didn’t know what to do. She was starting to regress into littlespace, both from her bafflement and his father-like touch. She looked at him with vacant eyes.
  101. “Miriam, listen to me.” Alex knelt down and opened up the plastic pants with a loud crinkle. “Get your left foot in the left hole.” Miriam said nothing but silently followed his orders. “And the other one...there”. He then pulled the plastic pants up and over Miriam’s loaded diaper. The diaper squished loudly and squeezed out a little excess mess, but it was less disgusting than either of them expected. With a quick tightening, Miriam’s diaper was now pressed deeply into her crotch and butt. The mess was now compressed tightly against her skin, and the sensation made her smile and blush. Alex then checked the back of the plastic pants. He made her feel very young. “That should prevent any accidents. You should get your pants on now.”
  103. “Why...are you doing this?”
  105. “I could tell that you were wearing a diaper when you were walking to this class, there was no way you had a fat ass like that naturally. The crinkles were also pretty loud. Your glad most people wouldn’t have realized they were coming from a diaper.”
  107. “But why do you have...plastic pants in your backpack?”
  109. “Stuffed ‘em in there when my girlfriend flipped her shit. Had to leave with only my backpack until I got the cops to kick her out of my house. Must’ve forgotten about them. By the way, next time, don’t eat the day before and the day you want to mess, since it gets pretty...intense, as you can see here.” He swatted her diaper with a loud crinkle.
  111. “ wont tell anyone will you?”
  113. “Nah. We can just act like this never happened by tomorrow.”
  115. “...promise?” Miriam covered her cheeks with her hands and peered at him with adorably huge and quivering eyes.
  117. “I promise.”
  119. “...” Miriam eyes continue to tremble and water.
  121. “Oh, you big baby. Come on, get...well, I don’t think your pants will fit around that stinky diaper and it’d make your ass massive anyway. Take this,” he reached into his backpack again and pulled out a large coat—since it was one size too big for her, it would cover her crotch. “Try to get your pants on and we’ll use this to cover the bugle.”
  123. Miriam slowly nodded and mechanically knelt down, still in disbelief, and managed to get her pants on with some difficulty—namely fitting them around her loaded diaper. In the end, the pants compacted the poop even more tightly against her skin, making her even more horny. She forgot that Alex was there and cracked a salacious grin, until he swatted her on the butt again. “HEY!”
  125. “You’re pretty horny ‘cause of all that mess in your diaper huh? Don’t worry, I like that.” He ruffled her hair and patted her butt again. She blushed, but also smiled, and put on the coat. It did manage to cover the huge bulge her diaper created.
  127. Alex wrapped his arm around hers and smiled back. “Come on, I’ll walk you to my car, you little stinker. Wanna come to my house?”
  129. “S-sure...” Miriam blushed at the childish nickname and leaned in close to him as they walked out the door into the hallways. Not very many people were prowling them now. Her diaper meant that she had to adapt a sort of waddle to not fall over. It made her feel very childish, so perhaps the nickname was fitting. “I never expected you to be into this...”
  131. “I could say the same thing about you, Miriam Madeline. Say, you mind letting my copy those notes of yours for the upcoming exam?”
  133. Miriam smiled deviously. “Oh, I don’t think you’d want the notes from a baby like me. They stink as much as my butt does.” She whispered so no one else heard.
  135. “Very funny, Miriam.”
  137. Miriam giggled and placed her arm around his back in return. All in all...this was a pretty good day.
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