Guest User


a guest
May 8th, 2023
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text 22.67 KB | None | 0 0
  1. 0 - AddPremium
  2. 1 - BackTeam
  3. 2 - Result.create
  4. 3 -
  5. 4 - Result.getDataInt
  6. 5 - Result.getDataLong
  7. 6 - Result.getDataStream
  8. 7 - Result.getDataString
  9. 8 - Result.getID
  10. 9 - Result.getParent
  11. 10 - Result.getQuery
  12. 11 - Result.getRows
  13. 12 - Result.getSelf
  14. 13 - Result.isa
  15. 14 -
  16. 15 -
  17. 16 - Result.numRows
  18. 17 - Result.setAttributes
  19. 18 - Result.setID
  20. 19 - Result.setQuery
  21. 20 - addDamageCondition
  22. 21 - addEvent
  23. 22 - addItemInFreeBag
  24. 23 - addOutfitCondition
  25. 24 - addPlayerToAgressiveList
  26. 25 - addPokeToPlayer
  27. 26 - adjustStatus
  28. 27 - adjustWildPoke
  29. 28 - arrayHasContent
  30. 29 - assert
  31. 30 - ballcooldown.check
  32. 31 - ballcooldown.clean
  33. 32 - ballcooldown.get
  34. 33 - ballcooldown.numberget
  35. 34 - ballcooldown.set
  36. 35 - beDrunk
  37. 36 - beginDuel
  38. 37 -
  39. 38 - bit.bnot
  40. 39 - bit.bor
  41. 40 - bit.bxor
  42. 41 - bit.lshift
  43. 42 - bit.rshift
  44. 43 - bit.uband
  45. 44 - bit.ubnot
  46. 45 - bit.ubor
  47. 46 - bit.ubxor
  48. 47 - bit.ulshift
  49. 48 - bit.urshift
  50. 49 - broadcastMessage
  51. 50 - canAttackOther
  52. 51 - canDoMiss
  53. 52 - canPlayerWearOutfit
  54. 53 - canPlayerWearOutfitId
  55. 54 - canWalkOnPos
  56. 55 - canWalkOnPos2
  57. 56 - checkAreaUid
  58. 57 - checkChannelsList
  59. 58 - checkDuel
  60. 59 - checkForAgressivePlayers
  61. 60 - checkItensForTask
  62. 61 - checkPokemonForTask
  63. 62 - choose
  64. 63 - cleanBuffs2
  65. 64 - cleanCMcds
  66. 65 - cleanHouse
  67. 66 - cleanMap
  68. 67 - collectgarbage
  69. 68 - convertIPToInt
  70. 69 - convertIntToIP
  71. 70 - coroutine.create
  72. 71 - coroutine.resume
  73. 72 - coroutine.running
  74. 73 - coroutine.status
  75. 74 - coroutine.wrap
  76. 75 - coroutine.yield
  77. 76 - createClass
  78. 77 - createCombatArea
  79. 78 - createCombatObject
  80. 79 - createConditionObject
  81. 80 - createThread
  82. 81 - creatureGetPosition
  83. 82 - creaturesInGolden
  84. 83 - db.escapeBlob
  85. 84 - db.escapeString
  86. 85 - db.executeQuery
  87. 86 - db.getResult
  88. 87 - db.lastInsertId
  89. 88 - db.storeQuery
  90. 89 - db.stringComparison
  91. 90 - db.stringComparisonOperator
  92. 91 - db.updateLimiter
  93. 92 - db.updateQueryLimitOperator
  94. 93 - deTransform
  95. 94 - debug.debug
  96. 95 - debug.getfenv
  97. 96 - debug.gethook
  98. 97 - debug.getinfo
  99. 98 - debug.getlocal
  100. 99 - debug.getmetatable
  101. 100 - debug.getregistry
  102. 101 - debug.getupvalue
  103. 102 - debug.setfenv
  104. 103 - debug.sethook
  105. 104 - debug.setlocal
  106. 105 - debug.setmetatable
  107. 106 - debug.setupvalue
  108. 107 - debug.traceback
  109. 108 - destroyItem
  110. 109 - doAddAccountBanishment
  111. 110 - doAddCondition
  112. 111 - doAddContainerItem
  113. 112 - doAddContainerItemEx
  114. 113 - doAddIpBanishment
  115. 114 - doAddMapMark
  116. 115 - doAddNotation
  117. 116 - doAddPlayerBanishment
  118. 117 - doAddPokemonInCatchList
  119. 118 - doAddPokemonInDexList
  120. 119 - doAddPokemonInOwnList
  121. 120 - doAddStatement
  122. 121 - doAdjustWithDelay
  123. 122 - doAppear
  124. 123 - doAreaCombatCondition
  125. 124 - doAreaCombatDispel
  126. 125 - doAreaCombatHealth
  127. 126 - doAreaCombatMana
  128. 127 - doBodyPush
  129. 128 - doBroadcastMessage
  130. 129 - doBrokesCount
  131. 130 - doCapturePokemon
  132. 131 - doChallengeCreature
  133. 132 - doChangeBalls
  134. 133 - doChangeSpeed
  135. 134 - doChangeTypeItem
  136. 135 - doCleanHouse
  137. 136 - doCleanMap
  138. 137 - doCleanTile
  139. 138 - doCloneOut
  140. 139 - doCombat
  141. 140 - doCombatAreaCondition
  142. 141 - doCombatAreaDispel
  143. 142 - doCombatAreaHealth
  144. 143 - doCombatAreaMana
  145. 144 - doComparePosition
  146. 145 - doComparePositions
  147. 146 - doCondition2
  148. 147 - doConvertIntegerToIp
  149. 148 - doConvertIpToInteger
  150. 149 - doConvertStoneIdToString
  151. 150 - doConvertTypeToStone
  152. 151 - doConvinceCreature
  153. 152 - doCopyItem
  154. 153 - doCorrectPokemonName
  155. 154 - doCorrectString
  156. 155 - doCreateItem
  157. 156 - doCreateItemEx
  158. 157 - doCreateMonster
  159. 158 - doCreateNpc
  160. 159 - doCreateQuizSummon
  161. 160 - doCreateTeleport
  162. 161 - doCreateTile
  163. 162 - doCreatureAddCondition
  164. 163 - doCreatureAddHealth
  165. 164 - doCreatureAddMana
  166. 165 - doCreatureChangeOutfit
  167. 166 - doCreatureEraseStorage
  168. 167 - doCreatureExecuteTalkAction
  169. 168 - doCreatureRemoveCondition
  170. 169 - doCreatureSay
  171. 170 - doCreatureSetDropLoot
  172. 171 - doCreatureSetHideHealth
  173. 172 - doCreatureSetLookDir
  174. 173 - doCreatureSetLookDirection
  175. 174 - doCreatureSetNick
  176. 175 - doCreatureSetNoMove
  177. 176 - doCreatureSetOutfit
  178. 177 - doCreatureSetSkullType
  179. 178 - doCreatureSetSpeakType
  180. 179 - doCreatureSetStorage
  181. 180 - doCreatureStartAutoWalk
  182. 181 - doCreatureUpdate
  183. 182 - doCureBallStatus
  184. 183 - doCureStatus
  185. 184 - doDanoInTarget
  186. 185 - doDanoInTargetWithDelay
  187. 186 - doDanoWithProtect
  188. 187 - doDanoWithProtectWithDelay
  189. 188 - doDecayItem
  190. 189 - doDisapear
  191. 190 - doDoubleHit
  192. 191 - doEndDuel
  193. 192 - doEvolutionOutfit
  194. 193 - doEvolvePokemon
  195. 194 - doExecuteRaid
  196. 195 - doFaceCreature
  197. 196 - doFaceOpposite
  198. 197 - doFaceRandom
  199. 198 - doGoPokemon
  200. 199 - doHealOverTime
  201. 200 - doIncreaseStatistics
  202. 201 - doItemEraseAttribute
  203. 202 - doItemRaidUnref
  204. 203 - doItemSetAttribute
  205. 204 - doMagicalFlower
  206. 205 - doMakeQuestion
  207. 206 - doMathDecimal
  208. 207 - doMonsterChangeTarget
  209. 208 - doMonsterSetTarget
  210. 209 - doMoveCreature
  211. 210 - doMoveDano2
  212. 211 - doMoveInArea2
  213. 212 - doMoveInAreaMulti
  214. 213 - doMutePlayer
  215. 214 - doNotCapturePokemon
  216. 215 - doPlayerAddAddons
  217. 216 - doPlayerAddBlessing
  218. 217 - doPlayerAddExp
  219. 218 - doPlayerAddExperience
  220. 219 - doPlayerAddItem
  221. 220 - doPlayerAddItemEx
  222. 221 - doPlayerAddItemStacking
  223. 222 - doPlayerAddLevel
  224. 223 - doPlayerAddMagLevel
  225. 224 - doPlayerAddMana
  226. 225 - doPlayerAddMapMark
  227. 226 - doPlayerAddMoney
  228. 227 - doPlayerAddOutfit
  229. 228 - doPlayerAddOutfitId
  230. 229 - doPlayerAddPremiumDays
  231. 230 - doPlayerAddSkill
  232. 231 - doPlayerAddSkillTry
  233. 232 - doPlayerAddSoul
  234. 233 - doPlayerAddSpentMana
  235. 234 - doPlayerAddStamina
  236. 235 - doPlayerBroadcastMessage
  237. 236 - doPlayerBuyItem
  238. 237 - doPlayerBuyItemContainer
  239. 238 - doPlayerCreatePrivateChannel
  240. 239 - doPlayerDepositAllMoney
  241. 240 - doPlayerDepositMoney
  242. 241 - doPlayerFeed
  243. 242 - doPlayerGiveItem
  244. 243 - doPlayerGiveItemContainer
  245. 244 - doPlayerJoinParty
  246. 245 - doPlayerLearnInstantSpell
  247. 246 - doPlayerLock
  248. 247 - doPlayerOpenContainer
  249. 248 - doPlayerPopupFYI
  250. 249 - doPlayerRemOutfit
  251. 250 - doPlayerRemoveItem
  252. 251 - doPlayerRemoveMoney
  253. 252 - doPlayerRemoveOutfit
  254. 253 - doPlayerRemoveOutfitId
  255. 254 - doPlayerRemovePremiumDays
  256. 255 - doPlayerResetIdleTime
  257. 256 - doPlayerSave
  258. 257 - doPlayerSay
  259. 258 - doPlayerSellItem
  260. 259 - doPlayerSendCancel
  261. 260 - doPlayerSendChannel
  262. 261 - doPlayerSendChannelMessage
  263. 262 - doPlayerSendDefaultCancel
  264. 263 - doPlayerSendMailByName
  265. 264 - doPlayerSendOutfitWindow
  266. 265 - doPlayerSendTextMessage
  267. 266 - doPlayerSendTextWindow
  268. 267 - doPlayerSendToChannel
  269. 268 - doPlayerSendTutorial
  270. 269 - doPlayerSetBalance
  271. 270 - doPlayerSetExperienceRate
  272. 271 - doPlayerSetGroupId
  273. 272 - doPlayerSetGuildId
  274. 273 - doPlayerSetGuildLevel
  275. 274 - doPlayerSetGuildNick
  276. 275 - doPlayerSetIdleTime
  277. 276 - doPlayerSetLossPercent
  278. 277 - doPlayerSetLossSkill
  279. 278 - doPlayerSetMagicRate
  280. 279 - doPlayerSetMaxCapacity
  281. 280 - doPlayerSetNameDescription
  282. 281 - doPlayerSetNoMove
  283. 282 - doPlayerSetPartner
  284. 283 - doPlayerSetPromotionLevel
  285. 284 - doPlayerSetPzLocked
  286. 285 - doPlayerSetRate
  287. 286 - doPlayerSetSex
  288. 287 - doPlayerSetSkillRate
  289. 288 - doPlayerSetSkullEnd
  290. 289 - doPlayerSetSpecialDescription
  291. 290 - doPlayerSetStamina
  292. 291 - doPlayerSetStorageValue
  293. 292 - doPlayerSetTown
  294. 293 - doPlayerSetVocation
  295. 294 - doPlayerStopWatching
  296. 295 - doPlayerSwitchSaving
  297. 296 - doPlayerTakeItem
  298. 297 - doPlayerTransferAllMoneyTo
  299. 298 - doPlayerTransferMoneyTo
  300. 299 - doPlayerUnlearnInstantSpell
  301. 300 - doPlayerUnlock
  302. 301 - doPlayerWatchOther
  303. 302 - doPlayerWithdrawAllMoney
  304. 303 - doPlayerWithdrawMoney
  305. 304 - doPushCreature
  306. 305 - doPushCreatureTo
  307. 306 - doQuizClearField
  308. 307 - doQuizmasterSay
  309. 308 - doQuizmasterShowTutorial
  310. 309 - doRaiseStatus
  311. 310 - doReduceStatus
  312. 311 - doRefreshMap
  313. 312 - doRegainSpeed
  314. 313 - doReloadHighscores
  315. 314 - doReloadInfo
  316. 315 - doRelocate
  317. 316 - doRemoveAccountBanishment
  318. 317 - doRemoveCondition
  319. 318 - doRemoveConditions
  320. 319 - doRemoveCreature
  321. 320 - doRemoveElementFromTable
  322. 321 - doRemoveIpBanishment
  323. 322 - doRemoveItem
  324. 323 - doRemoveItemFromPos
  325. 324 - doRemoveNotations
  326. 325 - doRemovePlayerBanishment
  327. 326 - doRemoveQuizSummon
  328. 327 - doRemoveStatements
  329. 328 - doRemoveThing
  330. 329 - doRemoveTile
  331. 330 - doRestoreBoostMachine
  332. 331 - doReturnPokemon
  333. 332 - doRevertIp
  334. 333 - doSaveServer
  335. 334 - doSendAnimatedText
  336. 335 - doSendDistanceShoot
  337. 336 - doSendEvolutionEffect
  338. 337 - doSendFlareEffect
  339. 338 - doSendMagicEffect
  340. 339 - doSendMoveEffect
  341. 340 - doSendPokeBall
  342. 341 - doSendSleepEffect
  343. 342 - doSendTutorial
  344. 343 - doSetCreatureDropLoot
  345. 344 - doSetCreatureLight
  346. 345 - doSetCreatureOutfit
  347. 346 - doSetGameState
  348. 347 - doSetItemActionId
  349. 348 - doSetItemAttribute
  350. 349 - doSetItemOutfit
  351. 350 - doSetItemText
  352. 351 - doSetMonsterGym
  353. 352 - doSetMonsterOutfit
  354. 353 - doSetMonsterPassive
  355. 354 - doSetStorage
  356. 355 - doShowPokedexRegistration
  357. 356 - doShowPokemonStatistics
  358. 357 - doShowTextDialog
  359. 358 - doShutdown
  360. 359 - doSummonCreature
  361. 360 - doSummonMonster
  362. 361 - doTargetCombatCondition
  363. 362 - doTargetCombatDispel
  364. 363 - doTargetCombatHealth
  365. 364 - doTargetCombatMana
  366. 365 - doTeleportThing
  367. 366 - doTileAddItemEx
  368. 367 - doTileQueryAdd
  369. 368 - doTransformItem
  370. 369 - doUpdateCooldowns
  371. 370 - doUpdateGeneralStatistics
  372. 371 - doUpdateHouseAuctions
  373. 372 - doUpdateMoves
  374. 373 - doUpdatePokemonsBar
  375. 374 - doWave
  376. 375 - doWaypointAddTemporial
  377. 376 - doWildAttackPlayer
  378. 377 - doWriteLogFile
  379. 378 - docastspell
  380. 379 - dodirectory
  381. 380 - dofile
  382. 381 - domodlib
  383. 382 - ehMonstro
  384. 383 - ehNPC
  385. 384 - endGoldenArena
  386. 385 - error
  387. 386 - executeRaid
  388. 387 - exhaustion.check
  389. 388 - exhaustion.get
  390. 389 - exhaustion.make
  391. 390 - exhaustion.set
  392. 391 - fall
  393. 392 - gcinfo
  394. 393 - getAccountByAccountId
  395. 394 - getAccountByName
  396. 395 - getAccountIdByAccount
  397. 396 - getAccountIdByName
  398. 397 - getAccountNumberByName
  399. 398 - getAccountNumberByPlayerName
  400. 399 - getArea
  401. 400 - getArrayFromStorage
  402. 401 - getArticle
  403. 402 - getBallsAttributes
  404. 403 - getBanAction
  405. 404 - getBanData
  406. 405 - getBanList
  407. 406 - getBanReason
  408. 407 - getBooleanFromString
  409. 408 - getCD
  410. 409 - getCatchList
  411. 410 - getChannelOwner
  412. 411 - getChannelUsers
  413. 412 - getClanPorcent
  414. 413 - getClockString
  415. 414 - getClosestFreeTile
  416. 415 - getConfigFile
  417. 416 - getConfigInfo
  418. 417 - getConfigValue
  419. 418 - getContainerCap
  420. 419 - getContainerCapById
  421. 420 - getContainerItem
  422. 421 - getContainerSize
  423. 422 - getCreatureBaseSpeed
  424. 423 - getCreatureByName
  425. 424 - getCreatureCondition
  426. 425 - getCreatureDirectionToTarget
  427. 426 - getCreatureHealth
  428. 427 - getCreatureHideHealth
  429. 428 - getCreatureInRange
  430. 429 - getCreatureLP
  431. 430 - getCreatureLastPosition
  432. 431 - getCreatureLookDir
  433. 432 - getCreatureLookDirection
  434. 433 - getCreatureLookPosition
  435. 434 - getCreatureMana
  436. 435 - getCreatureMaster
  437. 436 - getCreatureMaxHealth
  438. 437 - getCreatureMaxMana
  439. 438 - getCreatureName
  440. 439 - getCreatureNoMove
  441. 440 - getCreatureOutfit
  442. 441 - getCreaturePos
  443. 442 - getCreaturePosition
  444. 443 - getCreatureSetNick
  445. 444 - getCreatureSkull
  446. 445 - getCreatureSkullType
  447. 446 - getCreatureSpeakType
  448. 447 - getCreatureSpeed
  449. 448 - getCreatureStorage
  450. 449 - getCreatureSummons
  451. 450 - getCreatureTarget
  452. 451 - getDamageMapPercent
  453. 452 - getDataDir
  454. 453 - getDefense
  455. 454 - getDepotId
  456. 455 - getDirectionTo
  457. 456 - getDirectionToWalk
  458. 457 - getDistanceBetween
  459. 458 - getExperienceForLevel
  460. 459 - getExperienceStage
  461. 460 - getExperienceStageList
  462. 461 - getFaceOpposite
  463. 462 - getFluidSourceType
  464. 463 - getFlyingMarkedPos
  465. 464 - getFreeTaskStorage
  466. 465 - getFreeTile
  467. 466 - getGameState
  468. 467 - getGeneralStatistics
  469. 468 - getGlobalStorageValue
  470. 469 - getGroupInfo
  471. 470 - getGuildId
  472. 471 - getGuildMembers
  473. 472 - getGuildMembersOnline
  474. 473 - getGuildMotd
  475. 474 - getHappiness
  476. 475 - getHappinessRate
  477. 476 - getHighscoreString
  478. 477 - getHouseAccessList
  479. 478 - getHouseByPlayerGUID
  480. 479 - getHouseEntry
  481. 480 - getHouseFromPos
  482. 481 - getHouseInfo
  483. 482 - getHouseName
  484. 483 - getHouseOwner
  485. 484 - getHousePrice
  486. 485 - getHouseRent
  487. 486 - getHouseTilesCount
  488. 487 - getHouseTown
  489. 488 - getIPByName
  490. 489 - getIPByPlayerName
  491. 490 - getInstantSpellInfo
  492. 491 - getIpByName
  493. 492 - getItemArmor
  494. 493 - getItemArticle
  495. 494 - getItemArticleById
  496. 495 - getItemAttack
  497. 496 - getItemAttribute
  498. 497 - getItemDate
  499. 498 - getItemDefense
  500. 499 - getItemDescriptions
  501. 500 - getItemDescriptionsById
  502. 501 - getItemExtraAttack
  503. 502 - getItemExtraDefense
  504. 503 - getItemIdByName
  505. 504 - getItemInfo
  506. 505 - getItemLevelDoor
  507. 506 - getItemName
  508. 507 - getItemNameById
  509. 508 - getItemPluralName
  510. 509 - getItemPluralNameById
  511. 510 - getItemRWInfo
  512. 511 - getItemSpecialDescription
  513. 512 - getItemText
  514. 513 - getItemWeaponType
  515. 514 - getItemWeight
  516. 515 - getItemWeightById
  517. 516 - getItemWriter
  518. 517 - getItemsInContainerById
  519. 518 - getItensUniquesInContainer
  520. 519 - getJackpotEffect
  521. 520 - getLivePokeballs
  522. 521 - getLogsDir
  523. 522 - getLuaFunctions
  524. 523 - getMarkedPos
  525. 524 - getMarkedPosEff
  526. 525 - getMasterLevel
  527. 526 - getMasterTarget
  528. 527 - getModList
  529. 528 - getMonsterAttackSpells
  530. 529 - getMonsterFriendList
  531. 530 - getMonsterHealingSpells
  532. 531 - getMonsterInfo
  533. 532 - getMonsterLootList
  534. 533 - getMonsterSummonList
  535. 534 - getMonsterTargetList
  536. 535 - getMonthDayEnding
  537. 536 - getMonthString
  538. 537 - getMyTaskSto
  539. 538 - getNewMoveTable
  540. 539 - getNextStepDelay
  541. 540 - getNotationsCount
  542. 541 - getOffense
  543. 542 - getOnlinePlayers
  544. 543 - getOwnerPos
  545. 544 - getPartyLeader
  546. 545 - getPartyMembers
  547. 546 - getPlayerAccess
  548. 547 - getPlayerAccount
  549. 548 - getPlayerAccountId
  550. 549 - getPlayerAccountManager
  551. 550 - getPlayerBalance
  552. 551 - getPlayerBlessing
  553. 552 - getPlayerByGUID
  554. 553 - getPlayerByName
  555. 554 - getPlayerByNameWildcard
  556. 555 - getPlayerChannelId
  557. 556 - getPlayerClanName
  558. 557 - getPlayerClanNum
  559. 558 - getPlayerClanRank
  560. 559 - getPlayerCustomFlagValue
  561. 560 - getPlayerDepotItems
  562. 561 - getPlayerDesc
  563. 562 - getPlayerExperience
  564. 563 - getPlayerFlagValue
  565. 564 - getPlayerFood
  566. 565 - getPlayerFreeCap
  567. 566 - getPlayerGUID
  568. 567 - getPlayerGUIDByName
  569. 568 - getPlayerGhostAccess
  570. 569 - getPlayerGroupId
  571. 570 - getPlayerGroupName
  572. 571 - getPlayerGuildId
  573. 572 - getPlayerGuildLevel
  574. 573 - getPlayerGuildName
  575. 574 - getPlayerGuildNick
  576. 575 - getPlayerGuildRank
  577. 576 - getPlayerGuildRankId
  578. 577 - getPlayerIdleTime
  579. 578 - getPlayerInfoAboutPokemon
  580. 579 - getPlayerInstantSpellCount
  581. 580 - getPlayerInstantSpellInfo
  582. 581 - getPlayerIp
  583. 582 - getPlayerItemById
  584. 583 - getPlayerItemCount
  585. 584 - getPlayerLastLoad
  586. 585 - getPlayerLastLogin
  587. 586 - getPlayerLastLoginSaved
  588. 587 - getPlayerLearnedInstantSpell
  589. 588 - getPlayerLevel
  590. 589 - getPlayerLight
  591. 590 - getPlayerLookDir
  592. 591 - getPlayerLookDirection
  593. 592 - getPlayerLookPos
  594. 593 - getPlayerLossPercent
  595. 594 - getPlayerLossSkill
  596. 595 - getPlayerMagLevel
  597. 596 - getPlayerMana
  598. 597 - getPlayerMasterPos
  599. 598 - getPlayerMaxMana
  600. 599 - getPlayerMoney
  601. 600 - getPlayerName
  602. 601 - getPlayerNameByGUID
  603. 602 - getPlayerNameDescription
  604. 603 - getPlayerNoMove
  605. 604 - getPlayerPartner
  606. 605 - getPlayerParty
  607. 606 - getPlayerPokeballs
  608. 607 - getPlayerPosition
  609. 608 - getPlayerPremiumDays
  610. 609 - getPlayerPromotionLevel
  611. 610 - getPlayerRates
  612. 611 - getPlayerRecordWaves
  613. 612 - getPlayerRequiredMana
  614. 613 - getPlayerRequiredSkillTries
  615. 614 - getPlayerSex
  616. 615 - getPlayerSkill
  617. 616 - getPlayerSkillLevel
  618. 617 - getPlayerSkillTries
  619. 618 - getPlayerSkullEnd
  620. 619 - getPlayerSkullType
  621. 620 - getPlayerSlotItem
  622. 621 - getPlayerSoul
  623. 622 - getPlayerSpecialDescription
  624. 623 - getPlayerSpentMana
  625. 624 - getPlayerStamina
  626. 625 - getPlayerStorageValue
  627. 626 - getPlayerTown
  628. 627 - getPlayerVocation
  629. 628 - getPlayerVocationName
  630. 629 - getPlayerWeapon
  631. 630 - getPlayersByAccountId
  632. 631 - getPlayersByAccountNumber
  633. 632 - getPlayersByIP
  634. 633 - getPlayersByIPNumber
  635. 634 - getPlayersByIp
  636. 635 - getPlayersOnline
  637. 636 - getPokeName
  638. 637 - getPokeballBoost
  639. 638 - getPokeballName
  640. 639 - getPokeballType
  641. 640 - getPokeballsInContainer
  642. 641 - getPokemonBoost
  643. 642 - getPokemonEvolutionDescription
  644. 643 - getPokemonExperienceTable
  645. 644 - getPokemonGender
  646. 645 - getPokemonHappinessDescription
  647. 646 - getPokemonLevel
  648. 647 - getPokemonLevelByName
  649. 648 - getPokemonName
  650. 649 - getPokemonXMLOutfit
  651. 650 - getPosByDir
  652. 651 - getPosDirs
  653. 652 - getPosfromArea
  654. 653 - getPositionByDirection
  655. 654 - getPromotedVocation
  656. 655 - getRandomGenderByName
  657. 656 - getRandomWalkDelay
  658. 657 - getRankGolden
  659. 658 - getRecorderCreature
  660. 659 - getRecorderPlayer
  661. 660 - getResistance
  662. 661 - getSearchString
  663. 662 - getSomeoneDescription
  664. 663 - getSpecialAttack
  665. 664 - getSpecialDefense
  666. 665 - getSpectators
  667. 666 - getSpeed
  668. 667 - getStatementsCount
  669. 668 - getStatistics
  670. 669 - getStingOfTask
  671. 670 - getStorage
  672. 671 - getStringmytempo
  673. 672 - getTableMove
  674. 673 - getTalkActionList
  675. 674 - getThing
  676. 675 - getThingFromPos
  677. 676 - getThingFromPosWithProtect
  678. 677 - getThingPos
  679. 678 - getThingPosWithDebug
  680. 679 - getThingPosition
  681. 680 - getThingfromPos
  682. 681 - getTibiaTime
  683. 682 - getTileHouseInfo
  684. 683 - getTileInfo
  685. 684 - getTileItemById
  686. 685 - getTileItemByType
  687. 686 - getTilePzInfo
  688. 687 - getTileThingByPos
  689. 688 - getTileThingWithProtect
  690. 689 - getTileZoneInfo
  691. 690 - getTimeDiff
  692. 691 - getTimeDiff2
  693. 692 - getTopCorpse
  694. 693 - getTopCreature
  695. 694 - getTownHouses
  696. 695 - getTownId
  697. 696 - getTownName
  698. 697 - getTownTemplePosition
  699. 698 - getVitality
  700. 699 - getVocationInfo
  701. 700 - getWatchingPlayersFromPos
  702. 701 - getWaypointList
  703. 702 - getWaypointPosition
  704. 703 - getWaypointsList
  705. 704 - getWildPokemonExp
  706. 705 - getWorldCreatures
  707. 706 - getWorldLight
  708. 707 - getWorldTime
  709. 708 - getWorldType
  710. 709 - getWorldUpTime
  711. 710 - getfenv
  712. 711 - getmetatable
  713. 712 - getmytempo
  714. 713 - goThere
  715. 714 - hasClient
  716. 715 - hasCondition
  717. 716 - hasItemProperty
  718. 717 - hasPlayerClient
  719. 718 - hasPokemon
  720. 719 - hasProperty
  721. 720 - hasSpaceInContainer
  722. 721 - hasSqm
  723. 722 - hasTile
  724. 723 - installRankGolden
  725. 724 - io.close
  726. 725 - io.flush
  727. 726 - io.input
  728. 727 - io.lines
  729. 728 -
  730. 729 - io.output
  731. 730 - io.popen
  732. 731 -
  733. 732 - io.tmpfile
  734. 733 - io.type
  735. 734 - io.write
  736. 735 - ipairs
  737. 736 - isAccountBanished
  738. 737 - isArmor
  739. 738 - isBeingUsed
  740. 739 - isBr
  741. 740 - isBurning
  742. 741 - isChannelTv
  743. 742 - isContainer
  744. 743 - isCorpse
  745. 744 - isCorrect
  746. 745 - isCreature
  747. 746 - isDay
  748. 747 - isDruid
  749. 748 - isDuelingAgainst
  750. 749 - isGhostPokemon
  751. 750 - isInArea
  752. 751 - isInArray
  753. 752 - isInParty
  754. 753 - isInRange
  755. 754 - isIpBanished
  756. 755 - isItemContainer
  757. 756 - isItemDoor
  758. 757 - isItemFluidContainer
  759. 758 - isItemMovable
  760. 759 - isItemMoveable
  761. 760 - isItemPokeball
  762. 761 - isItemRune
  763. 762 - isItemStackable
  764. 763 - isKnight
  765. 764 - isMonster
  766. 765 - isMovable
  767. 766 - isMoveable
  768. 767 - isMyTaskComplete
  769. 768 - isNpc
  770. 769 - isNpcSummon
  771. 770 - isNumber
  772. 771 - isOfficer
  773. 772 - isPaladin
  774. 773 - isParalyze
  775. 774 - isPassive
  776. 775 - isPlayer
  777. 776 - isPlayerBanished
  778. 777 - isPlayerGhost
  779. 778 - isPlayerInAgressiveList
  780. 779 - isPlayerPzLocked
  781. 780 - isPlayerSaving
  782. 781 - isPlayerSummon
  783. 782 - isPoisoned
  784. 783 - isPokeball
  785. 784 - isPokemonInOwnList
  786. 785 - isPosEqual
  787. 786 - isPosEqualPos
  788. 787 - isPosInArray
  789. 788 - isPremium
  790. 789 - isPrivateChannel
  791. 790 - isRocket
  792. 791 - isRookie
  793. 792 - isRunning
  794. 793 - isShield
  795. 794 - isShiny
  796. 795 - isShinyName
  797. 796 - isSightClear
  798. 797 - isSilence
  799. 798 - isSleeping
  800. 799 - isSorcerer
  801. 800 - isStone
  802. 801 - isSummon
  803. 802 - isTransformed
  804. 803 - isWalkable
  805. 804 - isWater
  806. 805 - isWeapon
  807. 806 - isWithCondition
  808. 807 - isWithFear
  809. 808 - load
  810. 809 - loadfile
  811. 810 - loadmodlib
  812. 811 - loadstring
  813. 812 - makeQuizSummonWalk
  814. 813 - markFlyingPos
  815. 814 - markLP
  816. 815 - markOwnerPos
  817. 816 - markPos
  818. 817 - markPosEff
  819. 818 - math.abs
  820. 819 - math.acos
  821. 820 - math.asin
  822. 821 - math.atan
  823. 822 - math.atan2
  824. 823 - math.ceil
  825. 824 - math.cos
  826. 825 - math.cosh
  827. 826 - math.deg
  828. 827 - math.exp
  829. 828 - math.floor
  830. 829 - math.fmod
  831. 830 - math.frexp
  832. 831 - math.ldexp
  833. 832 - math.log
  834. 833 - math.log10
  835. 834 - math.max
  836. 835 - math.min
  837. 836 - math.mod
  838. 837 - math.modf
  839. 838 - math.pow
  840. 839 - math.rad
  841. 840 - math.random
  842. 841 - math.randomseed
  843. 842 - math.sin
  844. 843 - math.sinh
  845. 844 - math.sqrt
  846. 845 - math.tan
  847. 846 - math.tanh
  848. 847 - mayNotMove
  849. 848 - module
  850. 849 - moveTravel
  851. 850 - newproxy
  852. 851 - next
  853. 852 - nextHorario
  854. 853 - noTargets
  855. 854 - numberToVariant
  856. 855 - openChannelDialog
  857. 856 - os.clock
  858. 857 -
  859. 858 - os.difftime
  860. 859 - os.execute
  861. 860 - os.exit
  862. 861 - os.getenv
  863. 862 - os.remove
  864. 863 - os.rename
  865. 864 - os.setlocale
  866. 865 - os.time
  867. 866 - os.tmpname
  868. 867 - pairs
  869. 868 - pay
  870. 869 - pcall
  871. 870 - playerExists
  872. 871 - playerLearnInstantSpell
  873. 872 - pokeHaveReflect
  874. 873 - positionToVariant
  875. 874 - print
  876. 875 - puxaParticipantes
  877. 876 - queryTileAddThing
  878. 877 - quizLose
  879. 878 - quizTutorial
  880. 879 - quizWin
  881. 880 - randOutfit
  882. 881 - randWalk
  883. 882 - rawequal
  884. 883 - rawget
  885. 884 - rawset
  886. 885 - recheck
  887. 886 - registerCreatureEvent
  888. 887 - removeFromTableDuel
  889. 888 - removePlayerClan
  890. 889 - require
  891. 890 - resetAgressiveList
  892. 891 -
  893. 892 - result.getDataInt
  894. 893 - result.getDataLong
  895. 894 - result.getDataStream
  896. 895 - result.getDataString
  897. 896 -
  898. 897 - runThread
  899. 898 - saveServer
  900. 899 - select
  901. 900 - sendAuraEffect
  902. 901 - sendBrokesMsg
  903. 902 - sendDistanceShootWithProtect
  904. 903 - sendEffWithProtect
  905. 904 - sendFinishEvolutionEffect
  906. 905 - sendJackpotEffect
  907. 906 - sendMoveBack
  908. 907 - sendMoveEffect
  909. 908 - sendMovementEffect
  910. 909 - sendMsgToPlayer
  911. 910 - sendSSJEffect
  912. 911 - setAgressive
  913. 912 - setAttackFormula
  914. 913 - setCD
  915. 914 - setCombatArea
  916. 915 - setCombatCallback
  917. 916 - setCombatCondition
  918. 917 - setCombatFormula
  919. 918 - setCombatParam
  920. 919 - setConditionFormula
  921. 920 - setConditionParam
  922. 921 - setCreatureMaxHealth
  923. 922 - setCreatureMaxMana
  924. 923 - setCreatureName
  925. 924 - setGlobalStorageValue
  926. 925 - setHealingFormula
  927. 926 - setHouseAccessList
  928. 927 - setHouseOwner
  929. 928 - setItemArmor
  930. 929 - setItemAttack
  931. 930 - setItemDefense
  932. 931 - setItemExtraAttack
  933. 932 - setItemExtraDefense
  934. 933 - setMastercraftToBrun123
  935. 934 - setPassive
  936. 935 - setPlayerBalance
  937. 936 - setPlayerClan
  938. 937 - setPlayerClanRank
  939. 938 - setPlayerGroupId
  940. 939 - setPlayerPartner
  941. 940 - setPlayerPromotionLevel
  942. 941 - setPlayerRecordWaves
  943. 942 - setPlayerStamina
  944. 943 - setPlayerStorageValue
  945. 944 - setPokemonGender
  946. 945 - setRandomWalkDelay
  947. 946 - setStorageArray
  948. 947 - setWorldType
  949. 948 - setfenv
  950. 949 - setmetatable
  951. 950 - showTimeDiff
  952. 951 - shutdown
  953. 952 - startQuizTimer
  954. 953 - startRandomWalk
  955. 954 - std.cerr
  956. 955 - std.clog
  957. 956 - std.cout
  958. 957 - std.md5
  959. 958 - std.sha1
  960. 959 - stopEvent
  961. 960 - stopNow
  962. 961 - string.byte
  963. 962 - string.char
  964. 963 - string.dump
  965. 964 - string.expand
  966. 965 - string.explode
  967. 966 - string.find
  968. 967 - string.format
  969. 968 - string.gfind
  970. 969 - string.gmatch
  971. 970 - string.gsub
  972. 971 - string.len
  973. 972 - string.lower
  974. 973 - string.match
  975. 974 - string.rep
  976. 975 - string.reverse
  977. 976 - string.split
  978. 977 - string.sub
  979. 978 - string.timediff
  980. 979 - string.trim
  981. 980 - string.upper
  982. 981 - stringToVariant
  983. 982 - table.concat
  984. 983 - table.contains
  985. 984 - table.count
  986. 985 - table.countElements
  987. 986 - table.find
  988. 987 - table.foreach
  989. 988 - table.foreachi
  990. 989 - table.getCombinations
  991. 990 - table.getPos
  992. 991 - table.getn
  993. 992 - table.insert
  994. 993 - table.isStrIn
  995. 994 - table.maxn
  996. 995 - table.remove
  997. 996 - table.setn
  998. 997 - table.sort
  999. 998 - targetPositionToVariant
  1000. 999 - threeNumbers
  1001. 1000 - tonumber
  1002. 1001 - tostring
  1003. 1002 - type
  1004. 1003 - unLock
  1005. 1004 - unpack
  1006. 1005 - upEffect
  1007. 1006 - updateGhostWalk
  1008. 1007 - variantToNumber
  1009. 1008 - variantToPosition
  1010. 1009 - variantToString
  1011. 1010 - wait
  1012. 1011 - walkTo
  1013. 1012 - xpcall
  1014. 1013 - doSetAttackGym
  1015. 1014 - doSetGym
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