
To much effort, man!

Sep 21st, 2016
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  1. Description (Daelan)
  2. Monk's Outfit (5 gp)
  4. This simple outfit includes sandals, loose breeches, and a loose shirt, and is bound together with sashes. The outfit is designed to give you maximum mobility, and it's made of high-quality fabric. You can conceal small weapons in pockets hidden in the folds, and the sashes are strong enough to serve as short ropes.
  5. Daelan's monk outfit:
  6. Reinforced, comfortable silk breeches and loose shirt held usefully tight with tough sashes. Shirt and breeches are predominantly black with fiery orange trim and insignia. Sashes are the same shade of orange.
  7. Also wears sarashi, the bandage-like wrappings of our world's samurai, as well as wrappings around bone and muscle groups to soften minor impacts when he's fighting or performing. These started as plain white wrappings, but have become a dingy gray as use and repeated washing have stained them. Some yellow and brown spots, from their placement most likely old blood stains. A great deal of bleach might wash these undergarments back to white, but they probably need replaced. They certainly make him look tough, but do not make him attractive.
  8. His face has been the scene of some minor disaster, judging from his slightly irregular cheekbones and large, broken but also naturally hooked nose. He keeps his black hair very short, but it's very probable he cuts it himself and considers the chore a nuisance, much like other rituals of self-care. His skin is scarred only by ritual scarification, such as the 'flanges' on his hands, and by the pockmarks and ravages of adolescence many years ago. Where not hidden by his monastic garb or wrappings, his body is covered in tattoos nearly from head to toe. They don't quite flatter him. Those familiar with monks of the Die might reasonably guess the tattoos are a few sizes too small, as they look better on a dwarven figure.
  9. The jewelry, a fine torque and two rings, looks out of place but never leaves his person. As a whole it is a sufficiently nice set of accessories for a formal outfit when worshipping or seeking a lord's audience, but they serve on Daelan only to give his tall, ugly, wispy, unkempt figure an imperious and imposing gaudiness. Between the bright trim and jewelry, towering and muscular Daelan always looks unjustly proud.
  10. His voice is an ill fit. Rather than the deep voice one expects, thunderous and authoritative, his is a slightly hoarse baritone, uncertain and occasionally wavering.
  12. Entertainer's Outfit (3 gp)
  13. This set of flashy—perhaps even gaudy—clothes is for entertaining. While the outfit looks whimsical, its practical design lets you tumble, dance, walk a tightrope, or just run (if the audience turns ugly).
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