

Dec 2nd, 2018
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  1. 2018秋の秋刀魚祭りまとめ
  2. 2018 Saury Festival Summary
  3. ・完全予約制のコース(各コースでもらえるものが変わる(缶バッチなどの絵柄はランダムなのでコンプ困難))
  4. Complete course for reservation holders (each course is different and badges were chosen randomly, so it was hard to catch ‘em all).
  5. ・予約順で物販開始だが・・・?
  6. Sales seemed to have been done in reservation order.
  7. ・まず最初に法被を買うか買わないかを選択
  8. First item you could try to get was a happi coat.
  9. ・法被を買うにはサイコロの1か6の目を出さなければならない
  10. To buy a happi you had to roll 1 or 6 on a dice.
  11. ・他の物についてもサイコロで決まる(Tシャツは1と3と5で買える)
  12. Different things had different rules, for example T-shirts required you to roll 1, 3 or 5.
  13. ・飛龍フィギュアについては条件なしで買える
  14. There were no rules regarding Hiryuu figures.
  15. ・コラボ期間中に新アイテム追加があるらしい
  16. It seems new items were added to the pool during the collaboration (Lawson?)
  17. ・料理が全て出てこないまま終了
  18. It was over before all the dishes came out?
  19. ・サイコロの後に購入希望者同士でジャンケン 買った人だけがTシャツをゲットできた
  20. After the dice rolls, you could still buy T-shirts if you won at rock-scissors-paper.
  21. ・0時を回ってもまだ入店できない
  22. The store was still packed even after midnight
  23. ・早朝まだ並んでる報告
  24. There were reports of people waiting in line until morning
  25. ・終電がなくなったらタクシー代1万もらえる
  26. Even if the last train has already departed
  27. ・飲み食いしてお小遣いまで貰える神イベ
  28. A great event where I could spend money eating and drinking
  29. ・名古屋は店が民家の間にあるため近隣住民から苦情が入る
  30. There were noise complaints from people living next to Nagoya store’s.
  31. ・出てくる料理の質に差がありすぎ 残飯みたいな見た目のものを出されて怒りの写真をあげる人も
  32. The differences of food quality were too often and too big. There were people angrily posting photos of dishes looking like garbage.
  33. ・一部店舗は最初サイコロでなかったが、初日途中からサイコロ強制になる
  34. Some stores didn’t have dices at first, but they were quickly made obligatory and the situation was back under control.
  35. ・明け方5時まで働かされた女性店員が昼シフト連戦
  36. There was a female clerk who after having to work until 05:00, fought yet another battle during the following afternoon shift.
  37. ・3日前通知という無茶ぶり?
  38. 3 days of heads up is unreasonable?
  39. ・初日夜に既に店員が逃げ出したがる
  40. Clerks already wanted to run away on the first night.
  41. ・入荷した魚の箱が店内に入らず炎天下に山積み
  42. Freshly arrived boxes of fish weren’t moved inside and were left piling up under the scorching sun.
  43. ・2日目にしてグッズ全滅、店に入荷されていない
  44. On the second day, all the merchandise was already sold out of stock.
  45. ・サイコロで6出しても法被が品切れのため後日通販と言われる
  46. Reportedly, even if you rolled 6 for happi, you still might have not received it immediately do to shortage of stocks. These would be mailed at later date.
  47. ・保健所とのコラボ
  48. Collaboration with health care centre. (???)
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