
Day Party time in Equestria.

Aug 25th, 2013
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  1. >Day Party time in Equestria.
  2. >You are the playfully perplexing pink party pony Pinkie Pie.
  3. >Today is Anon's and Fluttershy's birthdays!
  4. >Everything must be just right for their party.
  5. “All their favorite foods and drinks. Check! Tons and tons of decorations. Check! Biggest most bestest birthday cake ever! CHECK! All that's left is to add the secret ingredient!”
  6. >You know Fluttershy and Anon like each other, Fluttershy try's her best to get his attention, but Anon is too shy to show his feelings and pretends to be afraid of her.
  7. >Who wouldn't want Fluttershy to be their marefriend? Anon is such a weirdy.”
  8. >As you add the secret ingredient to the cakes frosting, you become giddy at the thought of what's to come.
  9. “This should make them loosen up around each other, Right Gummy?”
  10. >He blinks twice, that's Gummy for yes.
  11. >You had to pull some strings to get your hooves on this pony aphrodisiac.
  12. >Tonight is sure to be a fun
  14. >You are now anon.
  15. You get out of bed and check the calender.
  16. >Today is your birthday.
  17. “Fuck.”
  18. >This day has been forever cursed ever since you have came to Equestria.
  19. >All because of two particular ponies.
  20. >Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie always made this day something to worry about.
  21. >You get up, go to the bathroom and hop into the shower, letting your mind wander while you do so.
  22. >Pinkie pie is convinced that you like Fluttershy and every year she try's some big stunt in order to hook you up with her.
  23. >When will she learn that you're not into Fluttershy?
  24. >You continue to wash yourself when suddenly the shower curtain is flung open.
  25. >There lies Pinkie pie in your bathroom acting like nothing is wrong.
  26. >”Here's your invitation anon! I've worked SUPER hard this year to make sure you and Fluttershy have a fun time!”
  27. >She hands you the invitation and walks out before you can respond.
  28. >She even laminated the invitation so that it wouldn't be completely destroyed by the water.
  29. >What a strange mare.
  30. >Once finished with all your morning preparations, you can finally get your day started.
  31. >So basically you fuck around all day, eating, sleeping shitting, and whatever it is human that have been transported to a world full of technicolor ponies do.
  32. >It's just about time till you'll be forced into some awkward situation with Fluttershy.
  33. >You head out the door and head to Sugarcube Corner.
  34. >A bunch of ponies are walking in.
  35. >Half of Ponyville must be attending.
  36. >This must be one of Pinkie's biggest parties you've attended.
  37. >Maybe a party of this magnitude will stop pinkies matchmaking shenanigans.
  38. >You won't be holding your breath on it of course.
  39. >”Umm Hello Anon.”
  40. >Only one mare you know has a voice that quiet.
  41. >You turn to see Fluttershy standing right next to you.
  43. >And this is where it begins.
  44. >Once you and Fluttershy meet the pinkie meddling never ends.
  45. >Pinkie Pie pops up out of the nearby bush.
  46. “Right on cue Pinkie Pie.”
  47. >”What do you mean Anon? And what are you to doing out here! The party's inside! I even prepared a special entrance for you two!”
  48. >Pinkie drags the both of you into Sugarcube Corner where you are greeted by all your friends and then some.
  49. >Fluttershy has gotten dragged away by the rest of her friends.
  50. >Probably to help her find away into your pants.
  51. >”Now how about I get you some cake! Everyone has been enjoying some and I wouldn't want you to miss out.”
  52. >She moves out of your view and you feel a tap on your shoulder.
  53. >”Here ya go!”
  54. >Not even going to try to explain how she did that, but on the plus side of things that cake looks delicious.
  55. >She must of put a lot of effort into making it.
  56. >You take a look around and realize Pinkie must of put a lot of work into the whole party.
  57. >Makes you feel like a jackass for doubting her intentions.
  58. “Thanks Pinkie. You know, thanks for setting this up for us. I can tell you put in a lot of extra effort for this party.”
  59. >You take the cake and fork from her hooves.
  60. >”No problem Nonny! Anything for my friends.”
  61. >You take a bite of the delicious looking cake and just as you expected it to, it tasted amazing.
  62. >At that moment however, you notice something strange going on with the party.
  63. >All the stallions have unsheathed their dicks and the mares are grinding on them like there's no tomorrow.
  64. >Some of them are just fucking out in the open.
  65. >Even some of the stallions start hitting on the other stallions.
  66. >Namely Big Mac and caramel; who are outright having some fun on top of a table.
  67. >You take your camera and snap a few quick pictures.
  68. >May be useful for some blackmail later.
  69. >After your done with that you turn to see a slightly panic filled Pinkie Pie.
  70. “What the hell is going on Pinkie!?”
  71. >”I may have put a bit too much aphrodisiac in the cake. The guy did say that it was strong.” she says with an awkward chuckle.
  72. “WHAT!?”
  73. >You ate the cake too.
  75. >Soon you'll be walking mindless sex machine.
  76. >At least you get some sex out of it. As long as its not with Fluttershy.
  77. >After a minute or two, you realize you still have your sanity.
  78. >Aphrodisiac must not work on humans.
  79. “Why the hell would you drug the cake!?”
  80. >”Well I thought you and Fluttershy might have a bit of fun together later. I wouldn't have to if you would stop denying your feelings!
  81. >And it all comes together.
  82. >Not even gonna try to explain that you don't like her.
  83. >She never gets it.
  84. “You could of only drugged OUR pieces.”
  85. >Before you can scold pinkie more a frightening realization hits you.
  86. >Did Fluttershy have any of that cake?
  87. >And right on cue you see Fluttershy running full force in your direction, pushing everyp0ny out of her way.
  89. >OH FUCK!
  90. >You bolt in the other direction and end up going upstairs.
  91. >Stupidest plan ever. Because now you're trapped in pinkie's room with a overly aggressive and horny Yellow pony.
  92. >”You're mine Anon, all mine.”
  93. >She inches closer and closer with every single second.
  94. >You look around and weigh your options.
  95. >There's a window right next to you, but at this height you'll probably die or be severely injured .
  96. >That pretty much it.
  97. >Death or fuck Fluttershy.
  98. “Fuck that.”
  99. >You dive out the window, close your eyes and prepare to meet your maker.
  100. >But for some reason you never hit the ground.
  101. >You must have the ability to fly!
  102. >Opening your eyes, you see the ground below moving quickly.
  103. >Equestria must have given you the power of flight!
  104. >And you were walking like some sort of pleb.
  105. >”I told you that you were mine.”
  106. >And that's when you notice the yellow rape machine carrying you.
  107. >How could you forget she was a pegasus.
  108. >”We're going to have tons of fun back at my place Anon, We'll get to play with all my extra large dildos and strap-ons.”
  109. >Well it looks like tonight is going to be spent
  110. >fucking Fluttershy.
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