
Im going to pretend I dont care

Jan 15th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Tae was in the kitchen working on boiling some water, making some pasta, there was a jar of sauce sititng on the counter .
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Noah was on his way into the house, his hands filled with grocery bags and an ear piece in his ear as he listened to his brother ramble on about school stuff. "Would you hang on a minute, I want to put my shit down so I can get my jacket off." He said in a struggled voice, pulling his fingers out of the bags so he could toss his jacket over the bannister. Picking them back up, he started in for the kitchen, dropping them on the counter and giving Tae a faint and distant nod as he continued his conversation and unloading his purchases. "I know, but it's still kind of a big deal. And I had a friend take a look at it too so I'm working on getting it nice."-
  3. Covet: Tae tilted her head to the side, kind of listening in on his conversation, turning around to look at the bags he'd brought in with him. She was being nosey. Putting the pasta into the water as it started boiling she picked up her spoon and gave the water a stir, watching the spaghetti noodles slide into the water.
  4. Alexithymiaa: "Would you shut up? It's not a pile of shit." He shot back angrily, turning to the fridge to stick his carton of milk on the shelf before returning to the bags. He pulled out the box of butter and carton of eggs, turning to put them in the fridge as well. "Is there going to be a point in this conversation where you're not shitting on my entire life?"-
  5. Covet: Tae set a timer on her phone and turned around watching him unload his groceries, impressed with his selection, though she figured it was for cupcake making. She was still listening, picking up that whoever was on the other end of the line was giving him crap about his vehicle.
  6. Alexithymiaa: (It is lmfao)
  7. Alexithymiaa: "It is." He retorted, pulling a bag of chips and a box of Cheese-Its from the bag and tossing them into the pantry with his other junk food. "I'm done playing 20 questions with you. And tell Sadie to get her ass out of my room. I'll talk to you tomorrow." He pushed the button on his ear piece and crumpled his plastic bags into little balls, stuffing them under the sink with their collection because everyone has a collection of plastic bags. "Sorry if I'm in your way."-
  8. Covet: "No you're fine." Tae said to him. "Do you want some Spaghetti?" She asked him. "I'll have more than enough." Tae offered to him. "How's the family doing?"
  9. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not hungry." He said to her softly, turning away so he could pull the ear piece out and toss it onto the counter. "They're fine."-
  10. Covet: "Right... Okay then." Tae said with a frown, turning back to the stove to stir the pasta. She bit the inside of her cheek, and went back to minding her own, while he put his stuff away. "I'll be out of your way soon."
  11. Alexithymiaa: "I'm not baking until tomorrow." He said without inflection, walking over to the dishwasher to open it just a bit to check to see if what was inside was clean or dirty, searching for a cup.-
  12. Covet: "Oh okay." She told him, giving a nod of her head, stirring the pasta about as she checked the timer to see how much longer there was.
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Grabbing a clean cup, he poured himself a glass of water and walked off out of the kitchen, dropping down onto the couch in the living room and flipping the tv on, trying to go about his normal business despite feeling awful about Tae.-
  14. Covet: Once the pasta was done she dumped it out in the collander in the sink and put the pot back on the stove to get the sauce heated up. When it was ready she added the pasta to the pot of sauce and stirred it all up, before dishing herself up a bowl of it.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -Kicking his feet up onto the coffee table, he settled more comfortably into the cushions of the couch. He was desperately trying to feel casual and normal despite the fact that he felt like he was dying.-
  16. Covet: Tae made her way into the dining room and sat down at the table, with a glass of wine and some spaghetti for herself. She looked over at Noah on the couch and just kind of gave a sigh as she slowly started eating the pasta.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -He heard the faint sound of her sigh from behind him, twisting on the couch to look in her direction. "What?"-
  18. Covet: "Nothing." She said looking over at him. " Don't worry about it." Giving him a forced smile she went about eating her food.
  19. Alexithymiaa: "Worry about what?" He asked, missing her point of trying to dismiss him.-
  20. Covet: "NOTHING." She said with more intent. Stabbing her fork into her bowl.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Jeez... you don't need to yell about it..." He said as he turned back around to face the tv, frowning at it.-
  22. Covet: "Well then listen to me the first time." She said to him softly, going back to her food.
  23. Alexithymiaa: "I am." He shot back with a clear attitude, shifting his arms to cross over his chest.-
  24. Covet: She rolled her eyes and picked up her bowl putting it on the counter before making her way through the house towards her own room, closing the door hard behind her.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "Good..." He grumbled, staying on the couch in his place with a pouty expression.-
  26. Covet: She sniffled a bit as she curled up on her bed and grabbed her phone off it's charger and looked up Colin's number, sending him a text, "Hey, it's Tae, what are you up to this week?"
  27. Alexithymiaa: (Dead)
  28. Alexithymiaa: -Text- "Nothing really. Just hanging out and getting ready to go back to class next week. Wbu? -Colin
  29. Covet: -txt-
  30. Covet: [dammit]
  31. Covet: -txt- Oh nice, sounds fun. Taking any fun classes? -Tae
  32. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Some. I've got a pretty cool bio chem class I've been looking forward to. What are you taking? -Colin
  33. Covet: -txt-
  34. Covet: [really. -.-]
  35. Covet: -txt- That sounds interesting. I'm taking a dance class that I'm looking forward to. But everything else is just Gen Ed stuff.-Tae
  36. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Dance is cool. Just filling your gym credits or are you a dancer? -Colin
  37. Covet: -txt- I'm a dancer, just not the kind of dancer you might think. I'm hoping to build on some things for work.- Tae
  38. Alexithymiaa: -Text- What kind of dancer do I think? -Colin
  39. Covet: -txt- I don't know... What kind of dancer would you guess that I am? -Tae
  40. Alexithymiaa: -Text-
  41. Alexithymiaa: (DAMMIT)
  42. Alexithymiaa: -Text- You look like a hip hop dancer. -Colin
  43. Covet: -txt- You're sweet, but nope not quite, though I will be learning some of that.- Tae.
  44. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Well then you'll have to show me what kind of dancing you do then. -Colin
  45. Covet: -txt- You could come watch me sometime if you want...-Tae
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Where? -Colin
  47. Covet: -txt- The Dollhouse -Tae
  48. Alexithymiaa: -Text- The gentleman's club? -Colin
  49. Covet: -txt- Yeah, the one and only. -Tae
  50. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Ive been there before. It's a nice place. Ill have to stop by soon. -Colin
  51. Covet: -txt- Definitely. I'm surprised I haven't seen you there before. -Tae.
  52. Alexithymiaa: -Text- I dont frequent. Although now Im thinking I should. -Colin
  53. Covet: -txt- Your business would be greatly appreciated. I should catch some sleep. But I'll message you tomorrow.- Tae
  54. Alexithymiaa: -Text- Yeah me too. Have a good one. -Colin
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